Recent content by churro
  1. C

    [Solved] Want to Control Speakers/Sub and Headphones Through Separate Volume Control, Not Windows - Looking for DAC/Headphone Amp/Preamp Combo

    I stopped reading after pages 1 and 2, but surprised a mouse/keyboard or usb controller with knob(s) of some sorts to manage Windows' volume was not mentioned?   Such as my Razer Synapse stuff which can bind OS volume controls to the scroll wheel as an example.   Ended up here after deciding...
  2. C

    I ordered the HE-400i

      Yes, you are correct. Thank you for the info!   And sorry for the confusion, I was inferring the source as the mobile issue in my case and that the OP should be dandy. I've removed that part as I suppose it doesn't add. Just finally excited to get a new pair :3
  3. C

    I ordered the HE-400i

      I've had the opportunity at a CanJam to test out both the HE-400i and Philips X2, and due to my more warmer tastes I was sold on getting the 400i.   The X2 felt more neutral as others would point out. But the breaking point was that my small head didn't sit well with the X2 lol. The head...
  4. C

    CanJam SoCal 2015, March 28-29, 2015

    First time attendee and looking forward to the event.    Will be bringing a Mophie as my phone is my only mobile source. lol   I'm local to the area, so if anyone is looking for anything in particular, hollar.
  5. C

    Schiit Ragnarok Amplifier

    Broke... and on fire.  ♨༼ つ◕_◕༽つ♨   But generally how long does something like these try-outs last? Dido for Yggdrasil release?   I saw the original (est.) release date post for Late 2013 on Rag. Hopefully it's not another year. But if it is, kudos to Jason and the team for the effort to...
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    Schiit Ragnarok Amplifier

      This is why I cannot hope to be selected for the beta program. My setup is too weak to be taken seriously... gawd $%#&.
  7. C

    Schiit Ragnarok Amplifier

    +1 ^...   I desperately need an upgrade from my little E12.