Recent content by Charlie Sheen
  1. Charlie Sheen

    How to hook up FiiO E09K to ASUS Xonar Essence STX?

    Can you post a picture of this cable? Thanks
  2. Charlie Sheen

    How to hook up FiiO E09K to ASUS Xonar Essence STX?

    Hey guys. I just got a Beyerdynamic DT 990 Pro 250 Ohms + FiiO E09K. I already had a Xonar Essence STX, but i didn't l ike the amp very much. However, this soundcard has a pretty good DAC. Anyway, I just want to use the E09K as a Amp, and the STX as a DAC. Which connections I use, and what cable...
  3. Charlie Sheen

    Beyerdynamic T1 or Grado Rs1i for rock/metal?

    Yeah without a doubt.. With the STX the sound is too harsh and lacking bass and with my Iphone 3GS the sound is cleaner, not harsh and the bass is better.. lol   The PC 360 sounds 10 billion times better with my STX compared to my Iphone.. don't known why the Grado one doesn't
  4. Charlie Sheen

    Beyerdynamic T1 or Grado Rs1i for rock/metal?

    Update: I tried the SR80i with my Iphone 3GS and WOW, they sound wayyy better compared to the STX.. What
  5. Charlie Sheen

    Beyerdynamic T1 or Grado Rs1i for rock/metal?

    I just received my SR80i's.. ow, they suck compared to my Sennheiser PC 360.. everything sounds soo bright and without bass, the soundstage is too small.. Btw, i'm amping them with a Xonar Essence STX. may be i got a defective pair? Or i'm used to the Sennheiser sound?
  6. Charlie Sheen

    Beyerdynamic T1 or Grado Rs1i for rock/metal?

    I can pike a T90 for 650 dollars, compared to the 870 dollars RS1i. Maybe the T90 is a better choice since I also game for long periods of time, and due to the better soundstage, but I'm still impressed by the reviews saying the RS1i is the rock and roll headphone, which is what I listen the most. 
  7. Charlie Sheen

    Grado Bushmills X - Grado's first closed-back headphone?

    Thanks for the answers. Is the second batch already available on Turntable lab? They will ship these outside of USA right? Kinda lame Grado only ships inside USA..
  8. Charlie Sheen

    Grado Bushmills X - Grado's first closed-back headphone?

    How do these compare to the RS1i's? If the difference is not that much, i maybe get these instead, as they are half the price..
  9. Charlie Sheen

    Grado Bushmills X - Grado's first closed-back headphone?

      Thnks for the link. One other question, I was reading Internaltional FAQ and seems like they only ship Grado headphones inside USA. I was planning to get some RS1i's from a Amazon partner settled in Japan, but they are charging 870 dollars. Can I get them from
  10. Charlie Sheen

    Grado Bushmills X - Grado's first closed-back headphone?

    Do ships these Grado headphones outside USA? I live in Brazil
  11. Charlie Sheen

    Beyerdynamic T1 or Grado Rs1i for rock/metal?

    The problem is, the T1 is soo expensive. If I get the RS1i's later on, the T1's will be out of my price range. Maybe the DT 880 600 ohms will be enough? I was reading some reviews saying that they are very close to the T1's sound, but much less expensive!
  12. Charlie Sheen

    Beyerdynamic T1 or Grado Rs1i for rock/metal?

    Which headphone would be a nice balance between comfort, music (Rock/Metal/Acoustic) and gaming? I'm will be getting the high end Grado's if I like the SR80i, but for gaming, maybe they are not good enough for sound whoring..
  13. Charlie Sheen

    Beyerdynamic T1 or Grado Rs1i for rock/metal?

      How nice are the MS Pro's? I heard they are quite laid back compared to the RS1i's, and may not have the energy for rock music.   Next week I'll be getting some SR80i's to start off, I don't wanna rush out and get the very expensive RS1i (although I'm quite ansious to hear them). I wear...
  14. Charlie Sheen

    Beyerdynamic T1 or Grado Rs1i for rock/metal?

      Thanks for the explanation. So can you confirm the stock pads are comfortable? By the way, I use glasses, and i'm kind picky about the comfort of headphones. Looking at the photos, the RS1i do indeed look comfortable, i'm just afraid the stock pads may be a pain to wear for long periods of...
  15. Charlie Sheen

    Beyerdynamic T1 or Grado Rs1i for rock/metal?

    Are the SR80i pads more comfortable than the RS1i's? If so, how much will the sound be affected if I exchange the pads?