Recent content by Cha Cha Cha
  1. Cha Cha Cha

    Ultimate Ears UE PRO 18+ Discussions and Impressions

    Thank you, will contact them ASAP. Got them in November, i believe they are still in warranty.
  2. Cha Cha Cha

    Grado Recommendations!

    Gotcha. Good point. I'm with you about the Grados in general by the way. Having also some higher end Focals and Audezes, Grados just does it for me with Pearl Jam, Dylan, Tool. There is nothing quite like it. And Shane D is right, pretty much any Grado is easy to drive; and a DAP has a good...
  3. Cha Cha Cha

    Grado Recommendations!

    If you like the Grado sound then i would go for the RS1e, they are IMO THE GRADO. If you listen to rock n roll like me, then these deserve a serious audition. Comfort-wise my big head doesn't like Grado L pads very much, but go to Beautiful Audio from New Zealand and he or she will hook you up...
  4. Cha Cha Cha

    Ultimate Ears UE PRO 18+ Discussions and Impressions

    Hi guys first post on this threat. I searched and searched about a particular annoyance I'm having and this is the closest I've gotten someone writing about IPX cables. So question: Is is my unit defective or are IPX connectors prone to detach easily from the IEMs? I bought the UERRs some...
  5. Cha Cha Cha

    Grado Fan Club!

    Thanks guys, I'll take this info to a local shop in San Diego (Blackbird Audio) that deals with Cardas cables and plugs. I'm sure they'll have no problem figuring this stuff out.
  6. Cha Cha Cha

    Grado Fan Club!

  7. Cha Cha Cha

    Grado Fan Club!

          Hey guys, I like the Grado cables actually.   But going balanced in a few months and I wonder if the cables can just be re-terminated to a 4 pin XLR intead of buying and re-soldering with a cable that can almost cost as much as my RS1's. Can this be done?
  8. Cha Cha Cha

    Grado Fan Club!

    I know some brands send the cables to Grado at Brooklyn so they assemble the headphones with the upgraded cable without having to re-solder anything. I think Stefan Audio cables does this, but again, the cable costs $500+...   Can original cables just be re-terminated for balanced operation?
  9. Cha Cha Cha

    Grado Fan Club!

    Hi all, about Grado re-cabling   Shopping for a balanced amp, so where to next? I've seen lots of cable brands and they're EXPENSIVE. Can Grados just be re-terminated? Don't really know how these things work.   Sorry this is more of a cable question, but at the Grado forum I'm sure somebody...
  10. Cha Cha Cha

    WOO-HOOOO... WA7 "fireflies"!!!

    Do you guys think we might get a amp-only WA7 someday?   Have 2 RCA inputs instead!
  11. Cha Cha Cha

    Headphones for classical music

    depends if you are willing to have open headphones or not, 'cause what you seem to be looking for might be something like the HIFIMAN HE400S, a planar phone that is easy to drive and far more affordable (about $300) than other similar headphones.
  12. Cha Cha Cha

    Schiit Gungnir DAC

    So I guess the Gungnir/Mjolnir stack is not a real fully balanced setup... shame shame, I know your name
  13. Cha Cha Cha

    Schiit Gungnir DAC

    Uhhhh, OK. A bit odd, don't you think?
  14. Cha Cha Cha

    Schiit Gungnir DAC

    WOW great! Thank you