Recent content by cdrom
  1. cdrom

    The iBasso DX50 Thread - Latest firmware: 1.9.5 - June 30, 2016

    1.9.4 not my cup of tea , went back to 1.9.3
  2. cdrom

    The iBasso DX50 Thread - Latest firmware: 1.9.5 - June 30, 2016

    The Samsung battery does sound differently, a little more impact
  3. cdrom

    The iBasso DX50 Thread - Latest firmware: 1.9.5 - June 30, 2016

    Wow, the 1.6 is so well balanced!
  4. cdrom

    New Super.Fi 5 Pros... Burn In Required? Best Approach?

    Quote: Originally Posted by bfguilford Hi: I just got my new Super.Fi 5 Pros and I'm wondering what you think would be the best approach to burning them in (if they do need to be burned in). Thanks. Yes, definitely. It requires at least 100 hours before the opening up the...
  5. cdrom

    Please explain HP-1

    Excuse me. May I ask how does the standard or reference cable compare to the RS-1's? Thanks.
  6. cdrom

    Sennheiser HD25-SP, HD280 Pro, HD25-1

    I have the HD25-1 & also heard the HD280. Both require a LONG burn-in period to tame or cure the boomy bass. The HD280 has more details & better soundstage. But for portable closed full-sized phones, I think nothing beats the HD25-1 IMHO.
  7. cdrom

    just how many people realy like the hd-590's?

    An all-rounded performer. Comfy is second to none.
  8. cdrom

    Porta Corda Review

    Mine is still burning in. My impression is similar to yours. Even at this point, I'm confident to say it sounds better than a TA...
  9. cdrom

    RA-1 Hiss

    My RA-1 is also dead silent all the way up.
  10. cdrom

    smooth cables

    I had the same situation like yours. Try the Synergistic Research cables...they're my favourite.
  11. cdrom

    Anyone heard of zucables?

    My friend tried their power cable & eventually sold his Tara Labs (which costed a few times more). I think this means something.
  12. cdrom

    Need recommendation for a good optical cable.

    The VDH is the best (or one of the best) optical cable out there ($150). But pairing with the DS5100 using its wireless phone, it sounds bloomy & muddy (But this is not the case when using a plugged phone). I suggest the Oehlbach, costs less than $50 & IMHO it is a good match with the DS5100.