Recent content by carlo
  1. carlo

    help! melos owners-amp breakage

    blubliss, Thanks for giving me this link. Sorry it took me so long to read it. Quote: I believe those two metal capacitors only function in the linestage. Quote: If nothings shorted and it looks like this is the pre-amp output removing it should be no different than...
  2. carlo

    So-Cal Meet Thread

    I've agreed to attend a wedding on the 19th, and cannot attend. Next time.
  3. carlo

    Recommend me some rock

    I second furious and others on: Modest Mouse (though I think you should jump to Good News for People who Love Bad News, because it is un-Modest Mouse-like, yet Modest Mouse-ishly weird... and awesome) Pink Floyd - Meddle, Saucerful of Secrets King Crimson (I don't like King Crimson, but...
  4. carlo

    capacitor quality vs capacity

    Ian, Better to measure voltage since the manufacturer may have used a larger rated cap (example: Melos is 120v in high voltage supply but uses 200 & 220v caps), in hopes you can expand your search. Paralleling many good caps of relatively low capacitance for high total capacitance has always...
  5. carlo

    Initial impressions: Stax Omega II/SRM-717

    JMT, Thanks for the great post. Has the Meridian been a significant upgrade? What do you think of the Sony when it feeds the Omega? Our impressions of Omega II/717 are similar. When I first listened to it, I found myself rethinking many of my component choices. It became clear I...
  6. carlo

    happy birthday grinch

    haps, mofo.
  7. carlo

    "I feel like crap" playlist

    1. The Rolling Stones - Aftermath (US) - Paint It Black 2. The Kinks - The Kinks - Revenge 3. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Let Love In - Red Right Hand 4. Aphex Twin - Come To Daddy - Flim or an interesting album that takes me someplace else. Tom Waits' Alice or Blood Money, for example.
  8. carlo

    Happy Birthday, stuartr!

    Happy Birthday!
  9. carlo

    Time to kill CI and/or TIO?

    There has been no discussion among mods about removing the members lounge. Stop b*tching.
  10. carlo

    Speakers that sound like Joe Grados?

    Zanth, In terms of balance across the spectrum and attack balanced with decay, I think the Audeince Series are close to Papa Grado's sound. Detail resolution isn't what I'm thinking of here. I agree with Gopher that Dynaudio's house sound is dry, but what I think of the Audience 72 is...
  11. carlo

    So-Cal Meet Thread

    In. I'll bring good toys if I can. I'll know what later.
  12. carlo

    Question from one Stax owner to other Stax owners...

    Snake, Your stand looks great. Doug, It's okay, man. I miss your baby.
  13. carlo

    Question from one Stax owner to other Stax owners...

    Just adding a correction. I believe the 717 has a recessed midbass compared to Doug's zzz-built KGSS. KGSS has a black background, and 717 offers a more speaker-like stage. I easily prefer either amp to AC1's Stax amp (313? I forget.) with Omega II. I have not heard a 007t.