Recent content by cadillake
  1. cadillake

    iPod 3G Compact Flash Mod

    To passe the corrupt part just connect on disk mode and is all ok
  2. cadillake

    iPod 3G Compact Flash Mod

    Or maybe trie put in disk mod
  3. cadillake

    iPod 3G Compact Flash Mod

    ok read this and see if it helps,   guive  a shot ;)
  4. cadillake

    iPod 3G Compact Flash Mod

    You have to do it with usb, i had the same probleme withe the ipod 3g but with usb is ok, FW never worked for me, and i dont care about speed, just all music being in the ipod XD
  5. cadillake

    iPod 3G Compact Flash Mod

    i am glad to tell you all that i did it, i put me iPod 3G with 64GB, i am doing a documento to give you all, for know i tell you!!!   parts used   1- tools to open the ipod; ebay 2- IDE to CF converter; ebay 3-CF to SD card converter; bought in this link very quick and good quality 4-Dock...
  6. cadillake

    iPod 3G Compact Flash Mod

    i want a tutorial for da card mod!! :D PLZ?
  7. cadillake

    iPod 3G Compact Flash Mod

    hum, try clean itunes, like install itunes from start ;) (clean instal of itunes)
  8. cadillake

    iPod 3G Compact Flash Mod

    wont show ipod to restore on itunes?  
  9. cadillake

    iPod 3G Compact Flash Mod

    what CF did you use?
  10. cadillake

    iPod 3G Compact Flash Mod

    inside of the ipod 3g ofcourse
  11. cadillake

    iPod 3G Compact Flash Mod

    Try to format the ssd on win, it may work ;)
  12. cadillake

    iPod 3G Compact Flash Mod

    unfortunately the best option is Hard Drives, CF is just for mini´s, this is me opinion of me frustration on put it to work, is constant crashing with 32gb cf
  13. cadillake

    iPod 3G Compact Flash Mod

    yes you can do that terminal line, but i got erros on being use, but, dont spend money on this, me 3g only works wen restarted -- i used kingsotn CF 266, i rely dont encorage this mod, if you want do it with  a mini, i did and worked like 80% ok ;)
  14. cadillake

    iPod 3G Compact Flash Mod

    trie carbon copy cloner and clone the old hd to the new ssd
  15. cadillake

    iPod 3G Compact Flash Mod

    ok, so i got this to work on ipod 3g only with win 7, i only need to restore and done, but now i cant use firewire, and on ipod first gen i cant put it to work, does anyone know what to edit on hex to ipod 1 work? sorry the bad english