Recent content by Burtron5
  1. Burtron5

    Post Your Photography Here #2

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  2. Burtron5

    For those of us with multiple headphones, which ones are you listening with now?

    HE6's driven by the EF6. Still an amazing sound.
  3. Burtron5


    V, Still available? Any photos? How is the wear and tear factor? Scratches, dents, etc. Any loose wiring? Any intermittent drop outs due to older cable? Thanks.
  4. Burtron5

    It's got to stop!

    That is where the Trade Forums come in very handy. As I write this, I'm happily listening to my HE500's that never seem to disappoint. Traded a pair of Audeze SINEs that didn't agree w/ me. You can have your cake and eat it too if you're willing to wait a bit, trade a bit, listen a bit and hear...
  5. Burtron5

    What "steals" are out there on the used market? (discussion)

    When you are ready to upgrade, here are some mid-fi steals: HE500 can be had for $ 350. were $ 1000 TOTL cans when they first came out. Difficult to beat for that $. HE400i are only $ 200 used and are a wonderful detailed HP. Really liked the u-shaped Fidelio F2 Used for under $ 200. Rockin...
  6. Burtron5

    Lets talk Mid-fi closed cans 300-600usd.

    You can pick up a used HE500 for under $ 400, sometimes under $ 300. These were $ 1000 when they were first sold as the TOTL headphone. Very nice smooth mids, detailed treble w/ a nice weighty bass. Well worth the little money they are currently trading for. Drive easily.
  7. Burtron5

    Need some advice on HD600 vs ...

    Yes, audition the HE400S. Replace the stock velour pads for the Hybrid pads. Then A/B with the HD600s. You should hear a fuller, richer, deeper sound. Depends on the genres you prefer, but to my ears, the HiFiman does a better job. Definitely worth a listen before you purchase the HD600. Same...
  8. Burtron5

    HE-400i vs HE-500??

    I've owned the HE 400S, HE400i, HE500 and HE560. Some practical thoughts coming through the Mojo Audio DAC and Cavalli Liquid Carbon: 400S comes w/ the velour pads, which gave a slightly loose and less detailed sound sig. I replaced those w/ the Hybrid leather/velour ear pads and immediately...
  9. Burtron5

    Albuquerque, NM meet: April 29, 2017!

    Sounds like the Mr. Speakers Ethers and Aeons will be well represented thanks to Ben at Mojo Audio! Awesome, thanks Ben. I pre-ordered the Aeons and have read some great things. Can not wait to hear them already and the Utopia. See you there!
  10. Burtron5

    Why isn't the Focal Spirit Classic more popular!

    For me it was the clamping force. Loved the neutral sound, but had to take them off after one song. Otherwise they gave me a nasty headache. Too bad, cause They were a very nice sounding phone.
  11. Burtron5

    Albuquerque, NM meet: April 29, 2017!

    Allan,   Sure, my CAL is the original Plastic cup variety, but, I think you'll be impressed w/ the sound v. price. Nice Bass response, head banger.   B
  12. Burtron5

    Albuquerque, NM meet: April 29, 2017!

    Ok then, count those portables in!   I seem to do alot of listening outdoors here in NM. Happy to share my experiences w that.   B
  13. Burtron5

    Albuquerque, NM meet: April 29, 2017!

    Well then, I'm the guy arriving by pogostick!   I will bring my;   Mr Speakers Ether C Flow (upgraded) Cavalli Carbon amp Mojo Audio DAC   Is there any interest in Portable and "Low Fi" ?;   Headphones   Koss Porta Pros ? Creative Aurvana Live ? Noontec Zoro II ?   Portable...
  14. Burtron5

    Reply to review by 'burtron5' on item 'iBasso DX90 Portable Digital Audio Player'

    This player is a bit-perfect player. If you install HiRes/non-lossy files (AIFF, FLAC, ALAC, etc) you will hear amazing sound. I personally own the DX50 and through my Ether C Flows, the sound coming from HiRes files is really very impressive.   Perhaps his comments are a case of Mp3's...
  15. Burtron5

    Reply to review by 'burtron5' on item 'MrSpeakers Ether C Flow'

    Tyll, from the much respected Innerfidelity web-site has just placed them on his WOF. 12-16-16. Unfortunately, he does so with a qualifier that both confuses and upsets me a little, as I don't find it accurate to my listening experience at all.   He mentions a bothersome peak at 6k Hz, which I...