Recent content by brokentofu
  1. brokentofu

    DIY tube amp for planar headphones

    I made a build album. It has 60+ pictures in it so I uploaded it to imgur. Build log
  2. brokentofu

    HE400 owner tired of fighting SMC connectors

    I apologize if I missed it, but I've searched off and on the past 2 days and I can't find what I'm looking for. I know it exists because I remember seeing it. I want to replace the SMC connectors with 2.5mm female jacks. Which ones should I use and how is the mod done? Is there a connector that...
  3. brokentofu

    CHIFI LOVE Thread-A never ending IEM-Heaphones-DAP-Dongles Sound Value Quest

    Can you compare them to any other IEMs that I might have? KZ-ATE, KZ-ZS1, W1 pro. How is the soundstage? Mids?
  4. brokentofu

    CHIFI LOVE Thread-A never ending IEM-Heaphones-DAP-Dongles Sound Value Quest

    Do you have any other IEMs to compare to? I have KZ-ATE, KZ-ZS1, and the W1 pro
  5. brokentofu

    CHIFI LOVE Thread-A never ending IEM-Heaphones-DAP-Dongles Sound Value Quest

    Bloated bass is a little distracting to me. I like present bass but well behaved and balanced. If I could get some IEMs that sound like my HE400 with the audeze vegan pads, that would be amazing.
  6. brokentofu

    CHIFI LOVE Thread-A never ending IEM-Heaphones-DAP-Dongles Sound Value Quest

        I don't necessarily want a bright pair of IEMs but I do like airyness and detail. Is the bass tighter on the zs3 or Tennmak? Is the highs more detailed on the zs3 or Tennmak? Anyone used the YHS 002? It's a 1DD+1BA
  7. brokentofu

    Chinese / Asian Brand IEM Info Thread

    Is there a spreadsheet that compares IEM with features, sound, price? There seems to be so many options in the <$50 range that it's making it hard to figure out what will fit my needs the best.
  8. brokentofu

    Chinese / Asian Brand IEM Info Thread

    I'm weird. I have a policy to never use EQ. If I don't like how something sounds, padroll/tip roll. If I still don't like it, then it's not for me.
  9. brokentofu

    Chinese / Asian Brand IEM Info Thread

    So for someone who is a big fan of large soundstage, authoritative but controlled bass/sub-bass, mids that grab your attention, and detailed but airy and non fatiguing high; what is there? It doesn't sound like the zs3 or the eg009 is right for me. It seems that IEMs that have the SQ I'm looking...
  10. brokentofu

    Chinese / Asian Brand IEM Info Thread

    How does the Seahf EG009 compare to the ZS3:in the soundstage, subbass, bass, mids, treble department?
  11. brokentofu

    Chinese / Asian Brand IEM Info Thread

    So you think the Zs3 uses a non standard connector? That blows. There are non memory wire replacements on AliExpress that claim to be for kz-zs3, I wonder if they are worth it. I'm just looking to step up from the ate and zs1
  12. brokentofu

    Chinese / Asian Brand IEM Info Thread

    Can anyone recommend a reputable seller on AliExpress for the KZ-ZS3? Also can I use standard 2pin cables with them? I know I'm going to fight that memory wire to get a comfortable fit.
  13. brokentofu

    Chinese / Asian Brand IEM Info Thread

    How does the ZST compare to the ZS3? My only other experience with IEMs is the ATE and ZS1.
  14. brokentofu

    CHIFI LOVE Thread-A never ending IEM-Heaphones-DAP-Dongles Sound Value Quest

    The **** 4in1 isn't the kind of wearing style I'm looking for. I've fought too often with the super stiff memory wire on my KZ-ZS1. How is the memory wire on the zs3? What kind of sound signature does it have?