Recent content by BMT
  1. BMT

    Philips Fidelio X2?!

      OMG.  I thought I was going crazy!  I've had my X2s since Monday and within 20 or 30 minutes of wearing them, I can feel the muscles just in front of and slightly below my ears getting sore.  I was really wondering if I was imagining this so in some way, I'm relieved to hear that it's not...
  2. BMT

    Sony MDR-Z1000 discontinued / replaced?

    I thought so.  Not sure why they're being discontinued unless they were cutting into sales of the MDR-7520 maybe?
  3. BMT

    ++ FULL-SIZE HEADPHONE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD++ CLOSED: Please post a thread in the Introductions, Help and Advice forum

      Can anyone recommend some good phones that meet these requirements:   closed / decent amount of isolation (trying to reduce/block out typical office conversations; I don't like IEMs, though) comfortable enough to wear for long periods of the day ideally doesn't need an amp (my source...
  4. BMT

    Sony MDR-Z1000 discontinued / replaced?

    So apparently they *have* been discontinued.  I'm not sure when but I talked to two resellers who sold the last of their stock this week.
  5. BMT

    Sony MDR-Z1000 discontinued / replaced?

    Based on a couple of recommendations here, I was trying to decide between the MDR-Z1000 and the MDR-7520.  I was just at the Sony website for the Z1000 and it says "No Longer Available".  Did the Z1000 get replaced with something else?  And if so, is that something else comparable to the...
  6. BMT

    ++ FULL-SIZE HEADPHONE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD++ CLOSED: Please post a thread in the Introductions, Help and Advice forum

    I'm looking for:   closed headphones (no IEMs, they cause a mild sense of pressure in my head after a while) decent amount of isolation comfortable enough to wear for the entire work day (with a few breaks here and there) can be driven either without an amp or with an entry level amp...
  7. BMT

    Which sound card to buy for gaming/music?

    I'm in the process of building a new computer and I'm having some trouble deciding on the best sound card for my needs. I use my computer mostly for gaming, listening to music and surfing the web. Most of the time, I have to wear headphones and I primarily use the Sennheiser PC350 since it has a...
  8. BMT

    Portaphile V2 Owners Thread

    Caveat - I'm a headphone amp n00b so bear that in mind.... I just got my Portaphile V2 (from the second batch) in the mail today and all I can say is...WOW!!! Even if the sound doesn't get any better with burn in, I'd still feel like my $200 was well spent on this amp. I've been listening for...
  9. BMT

    Which amp < $200 for HD580/SR80?

    Thanks for the advice everybody! Oh, and Nate...thanks for ALL of your advice! I definitely appreciate it!!!
  10. BMT

    Which amp < $200 for HD580/SR80?

    Hi everybody. I'm looking for some advice regarding amps in the $200 (or under) range for use with Sennheiser HD580s and Grado SR80s. I mostly listen to jazz, classical, acoustic, pop/rock and, on rare occasion, even some 'new age'. The amp that I'm looking for would ideally offer an AC...
  11. BMT

    Be Aware of Shell Brook Lab

    Here's a question specifically addressed to everyone who placed an order with Shellbrook Audio Labs on or after January 14, 2005. On January 14, 2005, this letter appeared on the Shellbrook website. This statement, in particular, seemed to be a good indicator that Drew was commited to...
  12. BMT

    Be Aware of Shell Brook Lab

    I posted a fairly lengthy (detailed) account of my experience with Shellbrook Audio Labs/Drew Dunn here in the amplification forum back on February 5. The thread elicited several responses and eventually, a moderator locked it and moved it into the feedback forum. If you'd like to read the...
  13. BMT

    Got my SUper mini moy today, took some pic!

    Quote: Originally Posted by groovndc Hi, I ordered a Super Mini Moy from Drew back on the 15th or so. It said shipped on the 31st of Jan. I'm guessing it will either arrive today or Monday. I live in Washington, DC. The mail is slow here sometimes. So - how do you like it so...
  14. BMT

    Letter from Drew on Shellbrook Lab's website

    I apologize if this was already posted in another thread. I just ran across it and given some of the recent threads regarding Shellbrook Labs, I thought some people might be interested in reading it.