Recent content by bionicman
  1. bionicman

    Periodic Audio IEMs Mg, Ti, Be, C

    I've said it once and I'll say it again, the JDS Labs O2 amp and DAC pair beautifully with the BE's. You won't find a better desktop pairing for the BE's at this price.
  2. bionicman

    Periodic Audio IEMs Mg, Ti, Be, C

    I've gone through a number of desktop amps over the years, and I've found that the JDS Labs O2 amp and DAC pair beautifully with the BE's. I run USB out of my computer into the DAC, RCA stereo cables from the DAC to the amp, and then plug the BE's right into the amp...
  3. bionicman

    Periodic Audio IEMs Mg, Ti, Be, C

    I recently bought a pair of the BE's and went for the "blemished" at only $199 since the new ones were out of stock . . . what good fortune that was. I went over the pair that I received with a fine tooth comb repeatedly and found nothing blemished, they're perfect. 33% off FTW! Sonically, the...
  4. bionicman

    Desktop Amp for IEM's

    Just wanted to bump this necro thread because I finally found the perfect solution and it sounds surprisingly good.   Pandora One via USB < Schiit Modi < custom O2 amp < Klipsch X11 I'm using the JDS Labs Objective 2 with the following options:  - no batteries, AC power only  - 2.5 & 6.5...
  5. bionicman

    Desktop Amp for IEM's

    I read issues regarding the original Magni and floor noise when used with IEM's. With the new model equipped with 2 gain options, perhaps that's no longer an issue . . .
  6. bionicman

    Desktop Amp for IEM's

      I was seriously considering combining the O2 amp with my Schiit Modi until I realized that it was battery powered. I'm not sure what the long term reliability would be like with the batteries in a state of constant charging. Any thoughts?
  7. bionicman

    Desktop Amp for IEM's

    Hmm, no suggestions, huh?
  8. bionicman

    Desktop Amp for IEM's

    I figured out the software issue holding the Fiio E10K back in volume, but it still sounds pretty poor. The mids are muddled and the soundstage is terribly narrow. Frankly, I can't imagine why anyone would recommend this unit. (and I LOVE my Fiio X5, so I'm no Fiio hater) Any suggestions for a...
  9. bionicman

    Desktop Amp for IEM's

    After spending countless hours researching and a failed experiment with the Fiio E10K, I need some help . . . I'm looking for a desktop amp (or Amp/DAC) that can specifically handle IEM's, in particular the Klipsch S4 and Sony MDR-7550. I tried the Fiio E10K and it sounded muddy and didn't...
  10. bionicman

    OPPO PM-1 / PM-2 Loaner Program

    I was fortunate enough to audition the PM-2 over Christmas, which meant I also got feedback from my little brother who's graduating in music performance this spring, as well as my father who's a steadfast audiophile. (Legacy Audio Focus SE and Stax SR007 in his collection) We all listened to the...
  11. bionicman

    OPPO PM-1 / PM-2 Loaner Program

    PM-2 Unit #1 shipped out to the next person last Friday.
  12. bionicman

    OPPO PM-1 / PM-2 Loaner Program

    PM-2 Unit #1 is due to land at my house today.
  13. bionicman

    OPPO PM-1 / PM-2 Loaner Program

      Nope, you signed up right after me. See thread post #67 and #68.
  14. bionicman

    OPPO PM-1 / PM-2 Loaner Program

      Sounds great, let me know if you need my address.  
  15. bionicman

    Quick Impression: Sony MDR-7550

    IGNORE THE ABOVE POST!  Although you can fit the S4 tips on the 7550's, I strongly recommend against trying. The tips are a bit too narrow and have to stretch over the nozzle, which decreases both soundstage width and lower frequencies a few db's, and more importantly can become a health hazard...