Recent content by biggulp
  1. biggulp

    Unique Melody Remold Impressions Thread

    Quote: Originally Posted by JiPod Thanks for your feedback. Actually, the 2 SE530s will come back equipped w/ 6-drivers each. I'm simply hoping that the UM modifications will retain the original SE530 mids, add some crisp highs, solid lows, and a shot of nitrous. I'm looking...
  2. biggulp

    Ipod's are a terrible source.

    which generation ipod touch is the thread starter complaining about?
  3. biggulp

    I have my hands ON the Sony X1000 Walkman - Impressions / Discussions

    how does the sandisk clip+ sq compare with the x1000?
  4. biggulp

    Sony output enough to drive IEMs?

    of course it will. IEMs generally have low impedance and high sensitivity. if they can't be driven well by this player almost any other headphone/earphone won't.
  5. biggulp

    looking for flash player with really good SQ

    Add the new iaudio 7 to the list.
  6. biggulp

    Step up from HA-FX33's (Marshmallows)?

    how about mylar x3s?
  7. biggulp

    B&O dap announced

    B&O is just like a high class bose these days, focusing on form over substance.
  8. biggulp

    is cowon's SQ bad?

    Seems like cowon players are highly regarded for sq. Out of their product range, does the x5 offer the best sound?
  9. biggulp

    iAudio 7

    Not a fan of the control scheme, which is borrowed from the iaudio5. player also seems particularly thick and chunky for a device released these days.
  10. biggulp

    X50V as source?

    Make sure you get x50mix. Makes everything sound a lot better.
  11. biggulp

    Anyone UNmp3Gain Their Files?

    mp3gain also keeps your files sound level so you don't have to constantly change the volume.
  12. biggulp

    Creative ZVM.. ApeV2 tags or ID3V2?

    Only ID3 as far as I know.
  13. biggulp

    iAudio || Creative || Apple ? - No Amp.

    Quote: Originally Posted by ]|[ GorE Crossfeed + EQ + High Bitrate Mp3's = SKIPPING on the Rockbox according to the user on the rockbox forums. And the Zen Micro has only 7 mW output. What is considered high bitrate?
  14. biggulp

    If you wanted a 120 GB iPod

    This is a silly thread. Obviously people would want the storage in one device so they can enjoy their collection in one piece. What would you do if you wanted a 10 liter car? Put 2 five liters together?
  15. biggulp

    What canalphones to get for boomy bass?

    Somehow boomy bass seems to strike off as poor quality, excessive and muddy bass. For that reason you can try the Sony EX-71s I think you'd prefer bass of large quantity while still maintaining decent quality in the mids and highs, and the 5eb seem to suit your purpose.