Recent content by bgravato
  1. bgravato

    Radiopaq Jazz Review

      I've been using mine for quite a few years and they still work fine, but they have been my only IEM's ever so I have nothing to compare them to... sorry can't help more than that :)
  2. bgravato

    New Dragonfly Black and Red Discussion

      Not yet and I haven't had the time to research more... It will depend on availability and price for each meanwhile... Hopefully more reviews will come out soon!
  3. bgravato

    New Dragonfly Black and Red Discussion

      I tried to browse through all the thread but with so many posts is not easy... I was searching mostly for comparisons between the DF Black and 1.2, so I probably overlooked/skipped the Red vs 1.2 comments.   Theoretically the Red should be better than the Black, so if 1.2 is better than...
  4. bgravato

    New Dragonfly Black and Red Discussion

    Thanks GerMan, that's what I was looking for... someone who had tried both 1.2 and Black on PC/laptop. Why didn't you say so in the first place? I posted my previous comment before reading yours... Regarding the output volume, is the Black "louder" than the 1.2? What noticeable differences did...
  5. bgravato

    New Dragonfly Black and Red Discussion

      Thanks for the reply.   I have no intentions of using it with a mobile. Do you have any idea how "hot" the Black is on a PC? It's running on lower voltage than the older DF - 1.2V vs 1.8V (and a lot less than the Red at 2.1V) - so one could expect the Black would be "less hot" than the...
  6. bgravato

    New Dragonfly Black and Red Discussion

    I lot can be said about reviews reliability...   Anyway, I browsed comments and I actually found only one comment explicitly saying the DF 1.2 was better than the DF Black. On the opposite spectrum there's this review (which is featured on AQ website) saying the Black is better...
  7. bgravato

    New Dragonfly Black and Red Discussion

      JYang have you come to any conclusion?   I'm looking for a small usb dac to use with a Gigabyte Brix mini-pc (running Linux). I have no real interest in using it with any smartphone or the like. I haven't found yet any clear comparison between the DragonFly 1.2 and Black.   I'll probably...
  8. bgravato

    Radiopaq Jazz Review

    I got a pair of Radiopaq Jazz for myself a few weeks ago for around £40. It's my first IEM so can't really compare them to other models. I haven't been using them much yet and still getting used to the feel of having something inside my ears, so that's probably why I don't feel very comfortable...
  9. bgravato

    Radiopaq Jazz Review

    Thanks. I got myself convinced to go for the Jazz... I was going to place the order and... "out of stock, please choose another item" That sends me back to the PL-50...
  10. bgravato

    Radiopaq Jazz Review

    Thank you for the reply Mark. In terms of noise isolation how does the Jazz and the PL-50 compare? And do you think it would greatly improve from changing the tips to comply's?
  11. bgravato

    Ne-8 or PL50

    I hadn't heard of the Jazz before joker mentioned it, so after my previous post I digged a bit about it and I got quite interested on them, specially after reading mark's review and checking the price at hifi headphones: £29.95... almost half the price of the PL-50. Sounds like a very good deal.
  12. bgravato

    Radiopaq Jazz Review

    I found it at the appealing price of £29.95 at hifi headphones... I was leaning toward the SoundMAGIC PL-50 but after reading this review and for almost half the price of the PL-50 I'm now giving a good thought at this... mark (or anyone else) have you had the chance of comparing the Jazz to...
  13. bgravato

    Ne-8 or PL50

    Thanks joker for the quick reply. My favourite genre is jazz, but I listen to a lot of different genres (classical, electronica, world music, etc) and lately I've been listening a lot more to downtempo electronica and folktronica. In jazz, double bass is one of my favourite instruments and I...
  14. bgravato

    Which Senn CX model for a Sansa Clip+

    After a lot of searching and a lot of reading, mostly on this forum, I decided to order just the Clip+ for now and think about the new IEMs later. I wrongly assumed that being happy with other sennheiser models (PX100 and HD595) I could expect a similar sound signature from a Senn's IEM. From...
  15. bgravato

    Ne-8 or PL50

    Quote: Originally Posted by ljokerl The NE-8 has neither of those things. Other $60+ IEMs that I've tried blow it away. I assume this thread refers to NuForce NE-8 and SoundMagic PL-50. I've been searching the forums for reviews on these two IEMs and the comments on this thread...