Recent content by Baserunner
  1. Baserunner

    Almi's Logitech Z-5500 Mod (High-End upgrade for the speaker system)

    Okay so I went out and bought myself an okay soldering kit, because I decided to go for it :) I soldered before, but not a lot so I need to watch some more youtube videos on that part I guess. If you guys have any video footage of the process, please share! I'll buy 12 OPA1612's, so if anything...
  2. Baserunner

    Almi's Logitech Z-5500 Mod (High-End upgrade for the speaker system)

    Hi,   With great interest I was reading this topic over and over again today. My problem: experience. I stuffed the sattelites with cotton wool and hear a slightly warmer sound, so that's good already :)   I would like to know what part of the modding is the easiest to do with the best...