Head Gear Reviews by balvan
  1. Anode Acoustics - Tube Headphones Amplifier #5 EL34\12AX7

    5.00 star(s)
    Equipment used: Final Audio D8000 Pro, Audeze LCD-24, Kennerton Rognir, Kennerton Rognir, Burson conductor 3XP (as DAC), PC (as source). Music: Many genres of Metal, Electrocore, punk. Product's page: https://anodeacoustics.in/index.php/tube-headphone-amplifier-5/ Cost: 3000$ US Note: the device will be referred to as HPA#5 in the review. Introduction Anode Acoustics is an Indian company that makes amps for speakers and headphones, both SS and tube. Devices are made to order. Once you order an amp you will join the Anode Acoustics family and from...
  2. Audeze LCD-24 Limited Edition

    4.50 star(s)
    Introduction I got the LCD-24 by snatching it off eBay and I've been using it exclusively for about 3 weeks. I am not a professional reviewer so I'll try to keep things simple and short. Everything I write is subjective, I'm no more than an amateur. I only listened to the the LCD-24 with EQ, in default mode they have no treble whatsoever, it's just not there. Using the oratory profile is a must. I tried using them with my Anode Acoustics HPA#5 EL-34 amp, but these tubes are kind of warm\dark sounding, so that didn't work well. I then switched to my...
  3. Anode Acoustics PCL82 № 1 Tube Headphone Amplifier

    5.00 star(s)
    Equipment used: Final Audio D8000 Pro, Audeze LCD-X, Kennerton Rognir, Burson conductor 3XP (as DAC), PC (as source). Music: Many genres of Metal, Electrocore, punk. Product's page: http://anodeacoustics.in/index.php/headphone-amplifiers/http-anodeacoustics-in-index-php-tube-headphone-amplifier-ecl82-pcl82-hp-amp-1/ cost: 800$ US Introduction Anode Acoustics is an Indian company that makes amps for speakers and headphones, both SS and tube. Devices are made to order. Once you order an amp you will join the Anode Acoustics family and from that moment...