Recent content by balvan
  1. balvan

    Kennerton ODIN, MAGISTER, VALI, Magni, Gjallarhorn, Rögnir, Thridi, Wodan, Thekk, and Thror Discussion.

    You can bend the headband inwards, talk to Kennerton directly for help. I never had any issues with Kennerton's headband.
  2. Anode Acoustics - Tube Headphones Amplifier #5 EL34\12AX7

    Anode Acoustics - Tube Headphones Amplifier #5 EL34\12AX7

    A powerful tube headphone amplifier capable of driving the most demanding headphones on the market. This OTC (Transformer coupled) amplifier was designs with power hungry Planars in mind and has output settings of 16, 32, 60 ,150 ohm which allows it to always deliver its full 6W power potential...
  3. balvan

    Kennerton ODIN, MAGISTER, VALI, Magni, Gjallarhorn, Rögnir, Thridi, Wodan, Thekk, and Thror Discussion.

    New 105mm Velor pads up on the Russian website: "Provide a very comfortable fit and excellent sealing. In general, the sound of headphones with these ear pads can be described as deeper and more fun, more focused on the lower frequency range with very...
  4. balvan

    Kennerton ODIN, MAGISTER, VALI, Magni, Gjallarhorn, Rögnir, Thridi, Wodan, Thekk, and Thror Discussion.

    Thekk are similar to Rognir, but not as good. I auditioned them at home and compared. I've never tried Thror.
  5. balvan

    Kennerton ODIN, MAGISTER, VALI, Magni, Gjallarhorn, Rögnir, Thridi, Wodan, Thekk, and Thror Discussion.

    You're asking me? I didn't try all of their lineup to give an opinion. I only tried Rognir, Heartland, Wodan and Thekk. My favorite is the Rognir, but that doesn't mean it's the best. Best for what? which music?
  6. balvan

    Kennerton ODIN, MAGISTER, VALI, Magni, Gjallarhorn, Rögnir, Thridi, Wodan, Thekk, and Thror Discussion.

    Are there HPs that can have both great sub-bass and awesome vocals like the stealth or HLP? that's the dream... All I could find are HPs that have amazing bass but lacking vocals or vise versa. I prefer the vocals on HLP over the Stealth, but both are great. If the Stealth had the bass of...
  7. balvan

    Kennerton ODIN, MAGISTER, VALI, Magni, Gjallarhorn, Rögnir, Thridi, Wodan, Thekk, and Thror Discussion.

    Maybe you got me with Audeze, but how about Meze EMPYREAN and Elite? What I'm saying that not ranking your offering be best\second\third can create more sales, just my theory. And I think everyone has a different taste, why decide what's best for them, each user can choose what he considers...
  8. balvan

    Kennerton ODIN, MAGISTER, VALI, Magni, Gjallarhorn, Rögnir, Thridi, Wodan, Thekk, and Thror Discussion.

    Stealth are great, tried them at home twice. But mild bass.
  9. balvan

    Kennerton ODIN, MAGISTER, VALI, Magni, Gjallarhorn, Rögnir, Thridi, Wodan, Thekk, and Thror Discussion.

    I don't think that they are arranging such a lineup at Kennerton. It's not like Meze Empyrean > Meze Elite or LCD-2 > LCD-3 > LCD-4 > LCD5. I think that they are releasing different models which offer a different experience without placing them as best and second best on so on. In the world of...
  10. balvan

    Kennerton ODIN, MAGISTER, VALI, Magni, Gjallarhorn, Rögnir, Thridi, Wodan, Thekk, and Thror Discussion.

    I think their pads might be inconsistent, so people might report different things from the same pads. The default pads of my Heartland produced so much mid-bass I had to replace them to another ECL-02mf to make them OK.
  11. balvan

    Kennerton ODIN, MAGISTER, VALI, Magni, Gjallarhorn, Rögnir, Thridi, Wodan, Thekk, and Thror Discussion.

    I'm glad to report I've found something that rivals the enjoyment of the Rognir and brings something new to the table - the Audeze LCD-24. Their sound signature is somewhat reminiscent of the Rognir, but with a focus on mid-bass and not sub-bass. They give an open air feeling, it's open on...
  12. balvan

    Kennerton ODIN, MAGISTER, VALI, Magni, Gjallarhorn, Rögnir, Thridi, Wodan, Thekk, and Thror Discussion.

    If I were to order anything from Kennerton right now I'll get ALL the pads they have, they are not very expensive relative to the price of the HPs, and shipping is expensive so I would like to have all the options as hand. For me the pads on the Heartland were too much (too much bass) and I was...
  13. balvan

    Review by 'balvan' on item 'Audeze LCD-24 Limited Edition'

    Introduction I got the LCD-24 by snatching it off eBay and I've been using it exclusively for about 3 weeks. I am not a professional reviewer so I'll try to keep things simple and short. Everything I write is subjective, I'm no more than an amateur. I only listened to the the LCD-24 with EQ, in...
  14. balvan

    Kennerton ODIN, MAGISTER, VALI, Magni, Gjallarhorn, Rögnir, Thridi, Wodan, Thekk, and Thror Discussion.

    I Googled and it seems these models are not a hoax, you can find references to them here...