Recent content by avatarowoe
  1. avatarowoe

    AKG k271 recable

    The stock cable for my akg k271s finally stopped working on me and I was thinking that as long as I had to buy a new cable I should probably buy the best value I can get. The cables I am looking at are:   Ebay gold cable...
  2. avatarowoe

    Dead ATH-ESW9

    One of my friends owns a 9 month old pair of ATH-ESW9s and last night they suddenly stopped being able to play music. According to their report, they were in the middle of playing one song and chose another song to play and the headphones just stopped working. No static or anything, just a lack...
  3. avatarowoe

    Good Portable headphone on a ~$200 budget

    Thanks for the recommendation. Those sound really nice. Most of the reviews I've found say the bass is actually on the low side, but I found that the mini^3 really helped my k271s in that department so it shouldn't be an issue. How is the isolation?
  4. avatarowoe

    James444's IEM giveaway thread (competition has ended - see post #344 and #354 for winners!)

    IEMS are something that could be useful to me. Very awesome gesture by the way.
  5. avatarowoe

    Good Portable headphone on a ~$200 budget

    I have tired of walking around with a giant akg271 on my head all the time and figured it was time to actually get a pair of portable headphone. So far I'm leaning towards the HD25-1 II, with frontrunners ATH ES7 and akg k181dj. I'd be running them through my iPod - Whiplash Audio Elite SCSCag...
  6. avatarowoe

    iPod Touch Sound Quality is quite bad.

    I can't really notice that much of a difference between my 5.5g video and my 1g touch, though this may be because I've had to get it replaced so many times that I've gotten newer parts in the refurbished models.
  7. avatarowoe

    Need a pocket friendly lod and amp for a 3G touch

    Podcasts are usually around 32-64 kbps if they are just speech so there is really no need for an amp unless you are having volume problems in which case you could just get a FiiO e5 (which is very pocket friendly) or a cheap cmoy.
  8. avatarowoe

    AKGs and setup

    Would buying a quality amp now, like the X-Can V8, for my k271s be beneficial considering I don't have a quality DAC? If so, could you guys suggest something more in the 200-300 dollar price range? Same question goes for the cabling, though it's not as important. Also, my father uses an...
  9. avatarowoe

    AKGs and setup

    What I have now: AKG 271 MKIIs Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi DAC I want to upgrade to a pair of AKG k702 headphones but I don't think I can afford getting those and the amp that they would need right now. The cheapest amp I've seen is the Musical Fidelity V-CAN ($199) but even that would be...
  10. avatarowoe

    Best Around Ear Headphones for iPod

    I'm looking at 100 to 200 dollar price range. I want something that wont make me look too silly (A little sillyness is fine though) walking around, and won't bother people around me (so probably a closed headphone, right?). I was thinking about getting a FiiO for portable use as well. So far...