Recent content by AudioSpiff
  1. AudioSpiff

    Cayin C9: Dual Nutube, Fully Balanced Class A/AB Portable HeadAmp

    This fixed my problem! Thank you so much. I plugged my Cayin C9 into a laptop USB port, which has never caused problems before, and it apparently entered protection mode. The power light would blink several times, and the battery-level indicator lights would light up, showing all four lit up...
  2. AudioSpiff

    Cayin N7: A Voyager of Unexplored Frontier

    I received my N7! I've been using it and enjoying it. I've posted a write-up on the reviews section, "The Cayin N7 Digital Audio Player A powerful, luscious sounding, solidly constructed and flexible DA."
  3. AudioSpiff

    Review by 'AudioSpiff' on item 'Cayin N7 1-bit DAP'

    I’ll be talking, mostly, about the new Cayin N7 DAP that I’ve been using heavily over the last week. It’s a hefty piece of electronics with great features, great sound, and great battery life. It can be used in a variety of ways because of the many output capabilities (and input capabilities)...