Recent content by Arkaium
  1. Arkaium

    DX260 Digital Audio Player, a New avenue to your music. Preorders have started. Easily replaceable battery. NEW Firmware Update! 2.02

    Hi Paul, Is there a tempered glass screen protector you're aware of that fits the DX260 perfectly? Or are there other recent iBasso models that might have tempered glass protectors on the market where the screen is the exact same size? I had to toss the first screen protector (of the generous...
  2. Arkaium


    I love these things so much. It's been a few weeks with them paired with a DX260 and they're so miraculously good in my ears. I find that they don't stay put at the deepest possible insertion I can get, but the shift out to be caught by the edges of my ear doesn't seem to affect the seal at all...
  3. Arkaium

    DX260 Digital Audio Player, a New avenue to your music. Preorders have started. Easily replaceable battery. NEW Firmware Update! 2.02

    I bought a case from Valentin on Etsy based on another example seen here. It’s ****ing stellar, I’m blown away. I’ve bought shittier cases from global mega brands.
  4. Arkaium


    These things are ****ing amazing. I tried going back to my IE600 last night and they felt so darn thin compared to the bass memory foam these things feel like they stuff my ears with. I’m so so so happy I rolled the dice on these despite the fit concerns, they are perfectly fine in my ears.
  5. Arkaium

    DX260 Digital Audio Player, a New avenue to your music. Preorders have started. Easily replaceable battery. NEW Firmware Update! 2.02

    I love that and will check them out. I pooh poohed someone’s suggestion of a tempered glass protector because it comes with one (four actually) but they’re just plastic and now, after having slid the thing in the green leather case and watched the corner of the protector repeatedly lift up, I’m...
  6. Arkaium


    I’m in Japan for work and stopped by Yodobashi Akiba (it’s so damn awesome you can try almost anything there) and while I wasn’t sure if full insertion was comfortable for me I found they fit well enough and weren’t loose at all, so I pulled the trigger, especially since the conversion rate is...
  7. Arkaium

    Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread

    Nevermind, I just tried again and it does appear to be the version. I'll definitely do this because I know I'll spend another 100 dollars with them (on hi res blurays and SACDs probably!). Are there any HD650 owners who've also tried the MDR-Z7s. I know they're different beasts but...
  8. Arkaium

    Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread

    I have 100% confidence it's in amazing shape given the quality of this community, but given this is the first mid/high-end pair of HPs I want to buy for myself, I do really want them to be new :-\ Sorry man! Thank you for offering.
  9. Arkaium

    Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread

    I noticed that too although I couldn't seem to get the "sold by Amazon" one in my cart with that deal.   Helps to be able to get the real deal for ~400-ish though. I've been torn between these headphones and MDR-Z7s (which I can get new for ~400 too). Was getting hard to stomach paying more...
  10. Arkaium

    Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread

    Really want to buy a pair of HD650s but don't want to end up with a fake or second-hand can.   Has anyone ordered from the third party vendors on Amazon who are fulfilled by Amazon?   Are they all legit vendors or are some fake?   I'd pull the trigger at $400 or $420, but I'm suspicious...
  11. Arkaium

    Grado's Overseas

    You know, I keep hearing people praise the Alessandro, and by all accounts it seems to be between the SR80 and SR125, but what happens when you need to enact your warranty?  Do you sent to Grado?  Or Alessandro?  I'm quite happy with my Grado's (I wanted to have an actual Grado) and I know I can...
  12. Arkaium

    After years of faithful service, my AD700 has (died?). repair? replace? upgrade?

    I'm no expert, but I've read in multiple places on these forums that the ad700 is relatively easy to drive and delivers satisfactory sound even from an unamped source, while the AKG k700 headphones are VERY hard to drive and sound very weak and thin without proper amping.  Did the OP mention...
  13. Arkaium

    Burning in my SR80is... what exactly can I expect will change?

    Folks,   I've left my SR80i's, coming straight out of my PC with my large library of Apple Lossless songs, running at a volume that is just higher than would be comfortable were the cans on my actual ears for about 18 straight hours now.  I hope to keep things going a few more days straight...