Recent content by Apthenes
  1. Apthenes

    Koss Portapro Thread

    Thanks for the answer, good to know. I believe the source is extremely important too. I heard iphones don't benefit much from amplification. But with a 4g iPod+LOD (my configuration), might be different ;-)
  2. Apthenes

    Koss Portapro Thread

    Hey comfy ! I see you paired the portapro with the Mini3. Can you tell us about your impressions, sq wise ?
  3. Apthenes

    Synergy between Portable Amps and IEMs - 9 IEM compared with 9 portable amps = 81 chances to mess up!

    Nothing about the Mini3 ? :-( Very good job anyway... Thank you so much...!
  4. Apthenes

    The worlds most extreme ER4-P

    Hi all ! May be a bit off topic but can't help to ask you Ety's lovers : how different do YOU think the ER6i is compared to the ER4's ? These are twice more expensive. I'm asking cause I'm planning to buy either ones, to go with my 4Gen iPod + Mini^3. Please help
  5. Apthenes

    New Millett Hybrid MiniMAX (what happened to this thread?)

    Quote: Originally Posted by FallenAngel Yay, it's making music! I didn't say "done" because I need to add the Wima PSU bypass caps but it runs fine without them and sounds pretty darn good. Can't wait for the case. Impressive ! How big is it going to be once cased ? Any idea ?
  6. Apthenes

    Help with Mini^3 capacitors polarity

    What is the purpose of using tantalum caps instead of the ceramic ones ?
  7. Apthenes

    Three-way Review: HeadAmp AE-2 vs RSA Hornet M vs Rockhopper Mini³

    itsborken > Thanks for your answer... It's good to know, especially considering your taste in music as I share the same
  8. Apthenes

    Three-way Review: HeadAmp AE-2 vs RSA Hornet M vs Rockhopper Mini³

    Really interesting review ! Thank you. I wonder which one between the Mini3 and the Hornet would be a better "all arounder" though... (sorry for the junior headfier question but I am actually going to purchase one of them for sure... ;-) )
  9. Apthenes

    Three-Part Review: HeadAmp Pico & RSA Predator

    Quote: Originally Posted by vorlon1 The discussion of the amps is coming soon. Here are some photos comparing the Predator and the Pico to other amps. From left to right: Xin SuperMini IV, Predator, Pico, SR-71, Mini-Box E, Xin SuperMicro IV, and the stack is self-explanatory...
  10. Apthenes

    Help me choose between RS1 and GS1000

    So, how is it ?