Recent content by AndyKatz
  1. AndyKatz

    iMac Won't Communicate with DP X1A

    Greetings, I decided to plunge back into the world of portable fi with first the Cowon Plenue P1 & then the Onkyo XP1A. Not having done my homework completely, I bought the Cowon not realizing it lacked a line-out &/or unbalanced line. Also found I greatly preferred a dial volume control. Hence...
  2. AndyKatz

    Macs won't recognize Cowon Plenue P1

    Greetings everyone, I've searched the older threads & tried several suggestions, but I can't get my iMac, Macbook Pro or wife's Macbook Air to recognize the player for transferring files. Thus far I'm quite happy with the unit playing music solely on the micro-card, but of course I'd like to use...
  3. AndyKatz

    New Member Introductions thread

    Greetings to all. I'm actually a returnee, having spent a great deal of pleasant time here a decade or so past (or even longer still:). As my interests changed, I moved away from headfi, putting my resources into macro-stereo. Then, after buying our first condo, our layout wasn't...
  4. AndyKatz

    Return Policy with Shure

    Hi, I've had several experiences with the Shure E500 and now SE530. Went like this: my wife managed to buy a pair for my birthday just a week or so after they first came out. I really liked them, but as other readers point out, the cable tends to give way. So it was for me. After about one...
  5. AndyKatz

    Supermacro iv short circuit issue?

    Hi Mike, If memory serves, the amp came with a variable charger set on 12v. The one I replaced it with was also 12v. Then, when the battery problem started I thought I might have overdone the voltage, so I bought a 9v model (I had a brain-fade and decided that the amp had six batteries rather...
  6. AndyKatz

    Supermacro iv short circuit issue?

    Hello everyone, I'd been going along fine with my used sm iv until the cord on the supplied charger frayed and it no longer worked. I bought a substitute 12v at Radio Shack. It seemed fine, but suddenly the sm wouldn't hold a charge for more than a few minutes, even after a whole day of...
  7. AndyKatz

    Grado SR225 IEM replacement?

    Hi BBYO, I rely on a pair of modded 225s & e500 for portable use. Right now my Shures have developed a crack in the hardwire, so they're back to Shure for repair-replacement. Meanwhile it's the 225s exclusively, and they really remind me of my ER4s's with their detail and fine high-range...
  8. AndyKatz

    How to bulid a perfect portable system with $1000

    Shure e500 $399 (TTVJ;-) Supermacro IV $300 (used) Zune 30 $179.00 Andy
  9. AndyKatz

    MOST ACCURATE non-custom IEM?

    I also have both the e4s & e500. I find the former sound extremely precise, but shrill after using the e500 for an extended period. There's no need of adjustment going the other way--from 4s to 500--however. They are both exceptional iems, but I think the e500 combines precision with fullness of...
  10. AndyKatz

    e500's: broken nozzle :(

    Very, very sorry to learn about the broken nozzle (is that the term for it? ) But like the others say, Shure's CS and warranty support is superb. The Kevlar frayed on mine last month. I checked their web page. It said to send just the IEM back, not the accessories, *save for the e500* They...
  11. AndyKatz

    Grew Up With & Hate Vinyl Why Don't You!

    Don't forget that our vinyl was ubiquitous. The quality varied, but most of it wasn't that great: tonearms that didn't track and weighed more than a VCR, needles instead of cartridges, single-unit players, monaural speakers, etc... While today's vinyl is a specialty, audiophile niche. Even if...
  12. AndyKatz

    Hornet + cans combo survey

    With my e500 at Shure for repair, I was taking my 225s out. Fantastic sound. Now the e500s are back ... and I'm in heaven: h120/Rockbox playing FLACs/OGGs via M-Hornet to e500. What could be better? Andy
  13. AndyKatz

    Better to have multiple "good" pairs, or one killer pair? POLL!

    Interesting question. I'd go for the multis. Because headphones are like speakers, they have tremendous impact on the final sound, and switching headphones periodically is like doubling or trebling your music library. DIfferent headphones, and especially different styles of phones, reveal...
  14. AndyKatz

    "Interview the person below you"

    Quote: Originally Posted by jbusuego I have both. Red or Blue Blue ... obviously;-) Hilary or Obama? Andy
  15. AndyKatz

    M Hornet Heating up on recharge

    Hi Ray, Trose ... thanks for the comments. I'll try the batts you recommend. Incidentally, I didn't mean to imply I got the *battery* from the buyer, but rather the charger (it's plugged in and would take me the better part of half-an-hour to dig through my electronic forest to read the...