Recent content by andrew jc
  1. andrew jc

    ++ FULL-SIZE HEADPHONE RECOMMENDATIONS THREAD++ CLOSED: Please post a thread in the Introductions, Help and Advice forum

    I’m looking for a knock around set of headphones. I’m travelling and I am not going to take my home rig on the road.  My budget is around $50, I want some isolation but not total isolation, I listen to mostly to rock, acoustic, classical, and will watch movies as well. As for a source I’ll be...
  2. andrew jc

    Boston meet 5-28-11

    I just wanted to thank Emooze for taking the time to put the meet together. There was plenty of quality gear to listen too. The food and drink was excellent as well. All that and I think it was Skullguise who dropped a Geto Boys reference! What’s not to like?  Also I’m glad that someone was kind...
  3. andrew jc

    Boston area headfiers?

    I missed the one last year,  I was about 6K miles away! I went  to the one a few years before that in Marlboro and had I great time. I at least have some decent gear to bring this time around.
  4. andrew jc

    Help a noob go shopping in Akihabara

    Tomo, Thanks for your effort in putting together this guide. I just wish I had it when I was there in APR! I found plenty of electronics stores but little DIY stuff.
  5. andrew jc

    Beck - Sea Change MFSL

    Quote: Originally Posted by jeffreyj900 I did as well... Was back ordered forever. I just got it from music direct. Sounds really good. Never heard the original though. Did you ever hear the SACD version?
  6. andrew jc

    Beck - Sea Change MFSL

  7. andrew jc

    Beck - Sea Change MFSL

    Did anyone pick this up? If so how does it stand up to the original release?
  8. andrew jc

    Going to Japan - What should I buy?

    I was planning on getting a netbook but I'll wait until I get back. I know for certain I'll get a better price in the states. I did see many well known brands of audio equipment but finding a bargin will be difficult.
  9. andrew jc

    Going to Japan - What should I buy?

    I'm in Japan right now! I have been to Yokohama and found a 7 floor electronics store the selection is amazing but the prices seem better here in the US. I plan to go to Akihabara this Saturday and spend the day there. Not sure if I'll pick up anything.
  10. andrew jc

    Boston 2009 City Meet? Interest Check Ahoy

    Thanks for putting the meet together to bad I'm in Japan and can't make it. Someone please take some pictures and have fun guys!
  11. andrew jc

    Boston 2009 City Meet? Interest Check Ahoy

    I would love to go to a meet. However, I do concur with what others have said about the city being a PITA getting in and out of.
  12. andrew jc

    So I got a Clip today...

    I went in for one. I paid around $60 for my 2GB, so I'll give the old one to a friend.
  13. andrew jc

    So I got a Clip today...

    Silver 4GB Refurb under $28, hot or not? Sansa Clip 4GB MP3 Player (Refurbished) from
  14. andrew jc

    Considering my budget and equipment, <$150 DAC or LOD-to-RCA?

    What about something small like the Alien Dac? You could build it or have some else build one for short change. I have one and I like it, but then again I have nothing to compare it to. There is always the used market