Recent content by akhnaten
  1. akhnaten

    Headphone friendly iphone 5s case

    I need some recommendations for iPhone 5s cases that have a headphone jack hole large enough to allow the use of any full size headphones.
  2. akhnaten

    Schiit Lyr Shipping! Impressions?

    I got mine yesterday.  I have only listened to a few songs on it.  All were very demanding in the bass frequencies (i.e. electronic music in FLAC format: Orbital - Beelzebeat, etc.).  I am feeding it from an Asus Xonar Essence STX via the RCA outs.  My headphones are the Beyerdynamic DT-990...
  3. akhnaten

    Battle of the mid-pricers: AKG K 701 or Beyerdynamic premium dt990 (600 ohm)?

    I will never buy any AKG products again.  I have just replaced a pair of AKG 701s with a pair of DT 990 Premium 600s.  I had the 701s for just over two years and the driver in the right ear died.  I have never had a pair of headphones in any price range die this quickly.  A lot of the flimsy...
  4. akhnaten

    Review by 'akhnaten' on item 'AKG K701 Studio Headphones'

    I have had this set of cans around two years and it is already failing.  I delicately tried to take the unit apart to repair it (I am very handy with a soldering iron) and I failed to get the unit disassembled.  Fortunately for me, the act of trying to disassemble the unit fixed the problem...