Recent content by ak40ozKevin
  1. ak40ozKevin

    Can you trust this er4p conversion cable?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Il Mostro Slightly off-topic, but any feedback on Awwan's ER4 cables? Looks like a decent build for the money, but how do they sound? TIA. I'm going to order one this weekend. My current cable is broken so I'm in need of a replacement. I'm going to try...
  2. ak40ozKevin

    Experiments with auto-EQ (Stax sr202)

    I definitely recommend EQing according to Piccolo's guide. I have the same set of headphones and found about 3 spikes that were pretty significant. After adjusting it makes the headphones a lot easier to listen to and you can hear more bass and mid-range and even turn the volume up higher than...
  3. ak40ozKevin

    The Stax SRM-001 mod thread

    So my SR-001 has the NJM opamps and is completely stock. Is there a fairly straightforward way to simply upgrade the opamps and leave everything else stock and still yield some kind of improvement? I don't really want to lose any battery life which is another thing keeping me from modding. Are...
  4. ak40ozKevin

    The Stax thread (New)

    This is coming out of nowhere but I've come to really only like the SR-001 in theory (portable STAX? ****in awesome!). After owning them for almost 2 years I simply can't recommend them for anything but home use and maybe to accompany a laptop setup. Which means people should go for the SR-003...
  5. ak40ozKevin

    etymotic questions

    Quote: Originally Posted by majicn8ball I was wondering about etymotice IEM's. Especially some of the differences between er6i and er4 s (or p i'm not really sure what the "s" or "p" means as well) The er6i is there lower end model. It's supposed to be pretty good but I haven't...
  6. ak40ozKevin

    Pick a can to use with Dolby Headphone unit for gaming and movies

    Quote: Originally Posted by ateupwithgolf The contenders are to be plugged into the Pioneer 800c DH base unit. 1. Denon ADH2000 2. AD700 3. AD900 4. Sony MDR F1 Don't consider cost differences, only sound quality, and comfort. I haven't tried any of those...
  7. ak40ozKevin

    Fastest Dynamic Drivers that can match Electrostatic Drivers?

    From a listening perspective I tend to notice the effects of speed when trying to focus on bass notes and their volume when they are alone or complemented by other instruments/noise. As an example with my ER-4p or HD25s if I listen to a jazz song with a bass solo or the bass plays by itself...
  8. ak40ozKevin

    What is the order of importance among a pair of headphones, an amplifier and a source in a playback system?

    I say the headphone is the most important because your pretty much bound down to the headphones sound signature and its ability to reproduce the recording. The amp can't detect a poor source or vice versa. We rely on the headphone to expose weaker components and the ability of the amp to drive...
  9. ak40ozKevin

    On why "old" ER-4 isn't updated...

    I use bass boost on my ety er4p. Depending on the genre I'll max it out and it never feels like it's too thin this way. I find the earphones retain their positive characteristics even when bass boost is used so I stick with them.
  10. ak40ozKevin

    1 IEM + 2 Open headphone + 1 Closed (OR) 1 Amazing headphone

    Buy a decent open can for about $200 for at home. Then with the leftover $60 get an affordable dynamic based IEM or canal phone like the Denon C700.
  11. ak40ozKevin

    Looking for a new player to complement ER4p/s

    Quote: Originally Posted by jonspanki I've been told that the Sony A729/829 have good synergy with the ER-4's, but I've not been able to hear them for myself yet. One of these days I ended up buying the A729 for $179 from a Fry's and I love it with the ER4p! It's definitely not...
  12. ak40ozKevin

    Listening to crap coded music, with Good headphones?!??!

    I agree with those that said it starts to get difficult to differentiate between 192 kB/s and above. Even some 128 kB/s encoded files sound fine and I can't tell the difference. However with a lot of songs I can definitely hear the compression. If you find yourself unable to hear compression...
  13. ak40ozKevin

    Kenwood HB30GB9 Lossless

    Quote: Originally Posted by _Oz_ I found a way of auto-tagging kls files, however bizzare it seems - works for me perfectly when transferring 10-15 albums at a time. There's an free app Mp3Tag (Mp3tag - the universal Tag Editor (ID3v1, ID3v2, APEv2)) which can autotag from filenames...
  14. ak40ozKevin

    Ways to improve Senn HD-25

    Quote: Originally Posted by arteom If you plan on using these as a portable you may want to skip on the amp, the bulk of it may not be worth the improvement in sound quality. But yeah, change the cable on it, at the time when I got a new cable for mine I called Sennheiser and asked for...
  15. ak40ozKevin

    Ways to improve Senn HD-25

    I think the cable upgrade is a good idea. One thing I've found that I think improves the sound is to add a little more impedance. I use a 75 ohm resistor that I bought off of eBay for my ER4p. It seems to make the mids a little less raspy or thin.