Recent content by acroyear
  1. acroyear

    Bowers & Wilkins PX7 noise-cancelling over ear headphones

    Which version do you have? The Carbons?
  2. acroyear

    Audio-Technica ATH-WP900

    No, I'm happy with the YAXI. Eventually I may ship them out to Vesper Audio and have sheepskin pads made in their likeness if they start flaking.
  3. acroyear

    Audio-Technica ATH-WP900

    Exciting to see someone making sheepskin pads that fit the Wp900, but those look way too thick and the inner dimensions look like they would feel more on-ear than circumaural. Hopefully I'm wrong
  4. acroyear

    Audio-Technica ATH-WP900

    I'm curious if your original pads were flaking or not? Or did you just want backup pads
  5. acroyear

    Audio-Technica ATH-WP900

    When you take them off your head you don't have to flip them over just lay them on your desk with the pads facing down, and the headband pointing towards you
  6. acroyear

    Audio-Technica ATH-WP900

    So that when you take them off and drape them around your neck the wooden cups face outward. I suppose they could have made the cups swivel both ways, but perhaps that would put unnecessary stress on the inner wiring.
  7. acroyear

    Audio-Technica ATH-WP900

    I made it out of a GoPro camera case. I used foam core sheets, an X-acto knife, and black bridal fabric to make the interior that holds the headphones. The exterior is the GoPro case shell.
  8. acroyear

    Audio-Technica ATH-WP900

    Count me amongst the people who think they're built really well. I think the fact that they're light weight makes some think they don't feel sturdy perhaps. The lightness of them and the perfect fit of the headband is something I would never want changed, because it makes them so comfortable and...
  9. acroyear

    Audio-Technica ATH-WP900

    While I haven't haven't experienced any problems, I'm not going to try and find out. I would imagine after plugging and unplugging them hundreds of times the connectors would get loose. Maybe not? I leave my headphone cables plugged in, unless I want to actually change them which of course I did...
  10. acroyear

    Audio-Technica ATH-WP900

    No it's really easy. I'm just a little bit crazy I guess. I just don't see the point in unplugging them if I don't have to. What's really worth noting is that they don't come with a hard case at all.
  11. acroyear

    Audio-Technica ATH-WP900

    I hated unplugging the cables just to put the headphones in their case, so I made a larger case to accommodate the jacks.
  12. acroyear

    Audio-Technica ATH-WP900

    They change the sound just a little. The main advantage is more space for your ear, better comfort. The soundstage is slightly wider and the mids are brought out a bit. Better bass as well. I bought them for better comfort
  13. acroyear

    Audio-Technica ATH-WP900

    I ordered mine from Amazon Japan and they arrived in 3 days via DHL to the United States
  14. acroyear

    Audio-Technica ATH-WP900

    There are no issues at all, but the pads are actually oval. Very close to round though. Once you put them on the wp900, they look round
  15. acroyear

    Audio-Technica ATH-WP900

    The difference is from the YAXI stpad2 earpads. Here's a link: