Recent content by 2pacalypse33
  1. 2pacalypse33

    V-MODA M-100 & VTF-100 Appreciation Thread: Images, Impressions, Reviews.

    Are there any owners of the signature pro or the ATH ES10 who have heard the M100? Just wondering how they measure up. I know the prices are very different but just wondering if you can get that type of quality for much less money. Thanks!
  2. 2pacalypse33

    HE-500 Amp/Dac Combo?

    Hey guys,   Is there an amp/dac integrated combination you would recommend for the HE-500? Does anyone have any experience with these headphones and the O2+ODAC combo? Any recommendations are appreciated. Price range is around $400 but I can be flexible if it is worth it. I would prefer a 2...
  3. 2pacalypse33

    Ultrasone Signature DJ

    I was all set on buying the signature pros haha but I guess I can wait a bit to hear the review on these....they do look pretty interesting
  4. 2pacalypse33

    Ultrasone Signature DJ

    Is there a chance these are better than the sig pros? Do you guys think it is worth waiting to hear these before buying the sig pros. I know price isn't always indicative of quality but these are priced lower so does that mean they are meant to be a slightly lower class headphone?
  5. 2pacalypse33

    ES10 Updgrade to T5p, T70p, Signature pro, ED8??

    hey guys didn't want to start a new thread,   I am pretty close to buying the signature pros. I was just wondering if anyone has heard the pros as well as the paradox from lff. If you have any comparisons that would be great. I realize this situation is probably rare but I thought it was...
  6. 2pacalypse33

    ES10 Updgrade to T5p, T70p, Signature pro, ED8??

    heyyyyyy guys anyone else have an opinion?
  7. 2pacalypse33

    ES10 Updgrade to T5p, T70p, Signature pro, ED8??

    Thanks MalVeuX. Have you heard the signature pro recently? If so, do you mind describing your thoughts on the sound quality, comfort, and isolation? Would you recommend it over the t5p or edition 8?   Thanks!
  8. 2pacalypse33

    ES10 Updgrade to T5p, T70p, Signature pro, ED8??

    Hey everyone,   I’ve owned the ATH ES10 for about a year now and have really enjoyed them. My curiosity has been peaked by some of the higher end “portables”. Do you guys have any recommendations on preference between the headphones I listed in the thread title or do you recommend any other...
  9. 2pacalypse33

    dt1350 vs. m80

    Hey guys,   Has anyone compared the v-moda m80 to the dt1350. I am looking for another headphone in this range. I recently tried the ath-m50 but came away relatively unimpressed. I am used to the ath es10 so that may have been a big step down. I am looking for something a little smaller that...
  10. 2pacalypse33

    Samsung galaxy S2 vs IPhone 4

    does the galaxy s2 play flac on the stock player?
  11. 2pacalypse33

    Ibasso T3/D vs. D-Zero

    I think Ill just get the D4 its probably worth the extra money. I don't think I'll carry an amp around as often as I think I will. Anyone thanks for everyones help. Any idea how I figure out how good the headphone out is? Is it just by listening to sound quality or is there something more...
  12. 2pacalypse33

    Ibasso T3/D vs. D-Zero

    Hey ClieOS do you think the sound of the t3d used as an amp out of the computer is worse than the d-zero used as a dac/amp out of the computer? Or is this too dependent on the computer? I am using a macbook pro if that helps. I think time will be split evenly between computer and dap.
  13. 2pacalypse33

    Ibasso T3/D vs. D-Zero

    Can the DAC be used out of an ipod as well?
  14. 2pacalypse33

    Ibasso T3/D vs. D-Zero

    Quote: Hey have you posted the comparison?