Recent content by 03029174
  1. 03029174


    Was just making a point this company cut support for a new product after 1yr 3months. The iPhone argument doesn’t make sense and you probably know that deep down, but yes, I’d be pissed if my iPhone stopped working with a new OS after 1yr 3 months. maybe Chord have been awesome since then, I...
  2. 03029174


    Says it all bud
  3. 03029174


    I hate Chord! they very kindly stopped developing Mac drivers for the Qute EX (Qute EX released Jul 14, OSX Capitan released Sept 2015). How they can charge so much and be willing to shaft customers like that means i'll never buy a Chord product again.
  4. 03029174

    SPL Phonitor X / Phonitor E impressions and Discussion thread

    I haven’t tried but don’t think they will sound different, just need to decide what connectivity options you want.
  5. 03029174

    SPL Phonitor X / Phonitor E impressions and Discussion thread

    looks good Chesty, here’s mine. No more upgrades, I’m perfectly happy and listening without the matrix on feels wrong to me
  6. 03029174

    SPL Phonitor X / Phonitor E impressions and Discussion thread

    Got the CH800S cable today and i've just had a great evening listening to my rig. Its very hard to try and compare the standard jack with the balanced cable because the time taken to swap the cable but it does feel slightly punchier but then that could be that i was listening to laid back...
  7. 03029174

    SPL Phonitor X / Phonitor E impressions and Discussion thread

    Hi Found an interesting review this morning In the conclusion the author states ... "It is, however, in balanced mode, that the Phonitor truly awakens. It sounds powerful and dynamic, clear and transparent – in a very natural and organic...
  8. 03029174

    SPL Phonitor X / Phonitor E impressions and Discussion thread

    Very nice, have fun with the Matrix, here's mine (ignore the horrific wallpaper, still haven't decorated this room since we moved in) I found turning off the matrix can be fun sometimes if there's a lot going on in the music (lots of instruments/way its been produced) but the Matrix really...
  9. 03029174

    SPL Phonitor X / Phonitor E impressions and Discussion thread

    I use the standard connector on the back and can hear a difference using my HD800s and SPL XE when I turn the matrix on. Both dip switches are set to off (default) I had a quick look at the manual and can’t see anything about the rear headphone outs being different to the front?
  10. 03029174

    SPL Phonitor X / Phonitor E impressions and Discussion thread

    In 2011 I had a pair of HD800’s and a Phonitor amp which I sold when I had a chance to move into speakers. Not used headphones since. Last week I picked up a late serial HD800 and last night scored an open box Phonitor XE which should arrive tomorrow. Really missed my Headfi hobby but it feels...
  11. 03029174

    Post a picture of your Headphone Rig.

    Here's mine   Sounds great!  
  12. 03029174

    How do you deal with record hiss/noise

    Thats great advice, thanks jp11801
  13. 03029174

    How do you deal with record hiss/noise

    Thnks for the input guys, I think you re right Loevhagen, I hvnt manged to find a plugin per say but I have kept a close eye on the "How to equalise your headphone" thread and have noticed that I could eliminate the hiss by substantially rolling off the highs. So I started fine tuning and found...
  14. 03029174

    UK National Meet 2011 Impressions (02/04/11)

    Sorry i missed the meet guys, i had an exam the day before and had to send back some cables for repair so decided to give it a miss. This is kinda off subject because i wasnt there but did anyone catch the serial number of the HD800s which sounded so bad? I know the early serial numbers had a...