Closed: Massdrop Plus, MEE audio Planamic, and MEE audio Pinnacle PX Combo Meal Deal FREE SHIPPING
Listing ID: 46961 Views: 256
120.00 USD
Ships to
  1. North America
For $120 USD, you can have a Massdrop Plus, Massdrop x MEE Planamic, and a Massdrop x MEE Pinnacle PX delivered straight to your door anywhere in continental North America.

All IEMs are boxed and come with most of if not all accessories. The Plus comes with an extra 2.5mm balanced cable.

All IEMs are in great condition except for the PX, which has a lot of paint scratching off the housing but not impacting the structure.

Pics incoming but I'm not lying I swear, check my feedback.
Listed by: thefitz (73)
Listed: 2023-05-02
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