Closed: 64 Audio Tia Trio's for IEM's
Listing ID: 63082 Views: 909
0.00 USD
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  1. United States of America
Reddit Post - 51 Confirmed Transactions

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I'm new here but active on Reddit where I have 51 confirmed transactions on r/avexchange. Please check the link to my post there.

I'm looking to part ways with a pair of 64 Audio Tia Trio's. I received these in a trade last year and had them serviced by 64 Audio in June, they replaced the 2 pin connectors, gave them a deep clean, and verified that they were working properly. I've used these intermittently alongside other gear at my desk. They work great and I enjoy them but I'm looking to change things up since I've owned them for a year or so. They came to me with some dings on the faceplate, not uncommon with these and the U12t's, and no case. I'm including the stock cable from a Dunu SA6, 2.5mm and 4.4mm connectors are included but not pictured.

I'm looking to trade for a single pair of IEM's +/- cash where necessary. Some models I'm interested in include the U6t, Monarch MK III, Hype 4, Hype 10, Supernova, Twilight, Xenns Top, IE900, Singularity, others.
Listed by: HeadWombat (0)
Listed: 2024-02-22
Last edited: 2024-02-22
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