ZMF Caldera - New Planar Magnetic from ZMF!
Apr 26, 2024 at 11:24 AM Post #7,066 of 8,103
Anyone have ideas of the best way to manage the weight when weight sensitive? Got lucky to buy one of the stabilized resin calderas which is going to probably be heavier. I have ZMF atrium opens now at about 550g and I know they also give me this issue. I have a smaller head so I am wearing the headphones at the smallest they can go. Seem to be okay around the 450g headphones to wear all day.

The problem for weight for me is in the lower neck area, no hot spots on top of the head. I am typically wearing whatever headphones for 8+ hours a day without any neck support on the chair itself.

My ideas are getting a magnesium chassis if needed, maybe adding a copilot or pilot pad if that would help, and obviously working on the neck muscles themselves.
I will sound like a broken record, but the BBB strap.

Great weight distribution.
Apr 26, 2024 at 11:52 AM Post #7,067 of 8,103
I will sound like a broken record, but the BBB strap.

Great weight distribution.
My own Caldera open has the BBB strap, but the demo Caldera closed I have came with the basic headband without the strap. I haven't realised until now, what level of comfort the strap gives. It is not that the basic headband is uncomfortable, but after 30-50 minutes I start to feel it on my head more, plus the clamping force is stronger too (I am sure that is somewhat adjustable with a little stretching). Putting my BBB-strapped Caldera open back on feels like a jump in comfort level. A much 'lighter' feeling due to the better weight distribution, plus lesser clamping force. If you take into account that my ebony Caldera open is 50g heavier than the Ash Caldera closed, this is even more impressive. I think, anyone who decides to buy a Caldera, should add the BBB strap. It is a must! :)
Apr 26, 2024 at 11:52 AM Post #7,068 of 8,103
I will sound like a broken record, but the BBB strap.

Great weight distribution.
For some reason I thought the atriums came with the BBB strap but after looking at them it doesn't, luckily in all my infinite wisdom I bought one thinking it would be good to have one as a spare. I have just swapped it in and will see if a few hours how I feel.

I know the caldera I am getting comes with the BBB strap so I am safe there.
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Apr 26, 2024 at 7:57 PM Post #7,069 of 8,103
I know I am not telling anyone anything new here, but this headphone is special. It sounds as good, and perhaps even better on my MMojo 2 than MDave. It is such a stable consistent headphone in sound signature despite what drives it. Looking forward to hear it with tubes.
Apr 28, 2024 at 10:20 PM Post #7,070 of 8,103
I could never compare my own work to another manufacturers! But I will say that I absolutely unabashedly love the Meze Elites. Our designs both from the driver the build are very different, I'm very glad I have one - of each!
Man this is pure class! This right here would make me buy a ZMF product alone. period. That Zach has such demeanor and class is just mind blowing to me. I am sitting here listening to Reinhardt Buhr on my Elites and so wishing I had the Caldera and Atrium to listen to. Someday I will. So seriously impressed with Zach and ZMF as a company and their products.
Apr 29, 2024 at 12:36 AM Post #7,071 of 8,103
Man this is pure class! This right here would make me buy a ZMF product alone. period. That Zach has such demeanor and class is just mind blowing to me. I am sitting here listening to Reinhardt Buhr on my Elites and so wishing I had the Caldera and Atrium to listen to. Someday I will. So seriously impressed with Zach and ZMF as a company and their products.
I have quite a few ZMF products, and I can say their support and respect for audio is first class. He is a fan of audio and it shows. It's so refreshing to see someone so in tune with making gear. Add to that their headphones are works of art.

And in my personal opinion, I prefer my Atrium Closed 10 to 2 to the Elite. Meze make a great headphone but the Atrium are pure magic.
Apr 29, 2024 at 9:36 AM Post #7,073 of 8,103
When doing research on the Caldera, I kept hearing that its a headphone that does not "wow" you at first but over time you really come to appreciate and constantly reach for it.
That moment for me was yesterday. I've had my Caldera for about 5 months now and yesterday I had my "wow" moment. I was burning in some NOS tubes (RCA 6550s) on my DIY Aegis. Realised that its been awhile since I've heard Dave Matthews Band so I listened to their first album. Then the second. Then the third. Just wow.
What really hit me was instrument timbre. Guitar plucks, drum snares, drum hits, the brass section. The soundstage is so clear as well. You can really hear each instrument in its own space. Got lost in the music and it sounded like I was in the music studio hearing every detail of the music.
I don't doubt that in part the Aegis amp helped. There really is magic in the Caldera + Aegis combo. Can't wait for the Aegis to get into more hands and hear the results.
Apr 29, 2024 at 11:40 AM Post #7,074 of 8,103
Anyone have ideas of the best way to manage the weight when weight sensitive? Got lucky to buy one of the stabilized resin calderas which is going to probably be heavier. I have ZMF atrium opens now at about 550g and I know they also give me this issue. I have a smaller head so I am wearing the headphones at the smallest they can go. Seem to be okay around the 450g headphones to wear all day.

The problem for weight for me is in the lower neck area, no hot spots on top of the head. I am typically wearing whatever headphones for 8+ hours a day without any neck support on the chair itself.

My ideas are getting a magnesium chassis if needed, maybe adding a copilot or pilot pad if that would help, and obviously working on the neck muscles themselves.
Really recommend the magnesium chassis, I’m debating asking them for my stock atrium for similar reasons.
Apr 29, 2024 at 1:02 PM Post #7,075 of 8,103
Recently picked up the Caldera on eBay and paired them with the Icon Audio HP205D amp with a Ferrum Erco as the source ... Such power, poise and dynamics far exceeding anything I have owned or heard before. End game for sure!

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Apr 29, 2024 at 6:28 PM Post #7,077 of 8,103
Recently picked up the Caldera on eBay and paired them with the Icon Audio HP205D amp with a Ferrum Erco as the source ... Such power, poise and dynamics far exceeding anything I have owned or heard before. End game for sure!

interesting! there's a 205D thread with only one user... what tubes are you using? Psvane 205Ds but the others? you may want to reply here:
Impressions on D8kp LE over there and someone was wondering about the combo you showed!
Some mentioned Final and Caldera compliment each other very well...
Apr 29, 2024 at 7:24 PM Post #7,078 of 8,103
There sure is!

There is also magic with pretty much any headphone and the Aegis.
I’ve been itching to order an Aegis to pair with my stable of ZMFs ever since I demoed it at NYC CanJam. I can’t really swing two tube amps, though, so I’m trying to decide if the synergy between my Caldera and Utopia would be better on average with the Aegis than my Woo WA5 LE. Anyone hear the Caldera on both of those amps and have a preference? (Bonus points if anyone has heard the Utopia on Aegis as well, but this, out of respect to ZMF, is really a question for a separate thread!)

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