Who prefers O2 over HE90/HE60 or vice versa and why?
Aug 19, 2006 at 12:42 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 102


500+ Head-Fier
Jan 6, 2004
So who here prefers the omega2 over orpheus/baby orpheus or vice versa and which amps were you using? Explain why you prefer one over the other and what music you were listening to. Feel free to have separate preferences when including price/comfort/etc. if you wish. Debate away!
Aug 19, 2006 at 12:49 AM Post #2 of 102
Here is a review in the featured reviews section in case you havent read it.

If anyoen wants to lend me an HE60 or HE90 I'd be happy to draw up my own comparisons.
Aug 19, 2006 at 1:11 AM Post #3 of 102
that was a review i havent seen and very well written.
Aug 19, 2006 at 2:38 PM Post #4 of 102
For me, in my rig the He90 shares a second place with Stax SR-Sigma Pro. When you find the perfect fit and the right amp for the the SR-007 the He90 simply can't compete in dynamics, detail resolution and musicality. The He90 impresses at first with its amazing clarity but the SR-007 simply is better at every thing to my ears.
Aug 19, 2006 at 5:03 PM Post #5 of 102
I disagree respecfully. I dont know exactly how to explain it, but for me i feel like the omega's were slightly to thick in comparison to the he90 / hev90. The Omega II's have good wieght and impact in the music, but is not as transparent as the orpheus. The orpheus has the musical imagery, intensity and tibre that the omegas cant match and sounds just like the orignal- nothing is added, nothing is taken away. I belive the orpheus combination offers the ultimate in reference sound reproduction period.
Aug 19, 2006 at 6:09 PM Post #6 of 102
You've exactly nailed my initial reaction to the He90 when I got them. I thought they were much better then the flaws started to appear, voices are very diffused, the bass is pathetic compared to other stats, they have a slight midbass hump and the can be slightly rough in the upper midrange. The SR-007 can sound a bit "thick" but bending the arc clears most of it up.

The main problem with the He90 is that they gloss over to much detail to make the music seem to flow. This is the simple fact why I never use mine and they are just a very expensive wooden box on a shelf.
Aug 19, 2006 at 6:27 PM Post #7 of 102

Originally Posted by spritzer
This is the simple fact why I never use mine and they are just a very expensive wooden box on a shelf.

Hey, if you ever dont have room for them or want to get them off your hands, I'd be happy to take them for you, and since I'm such a nice guy, I'd even be willing to take them free of charge
Aug 19, 2006 at 7:58 PM Post #8 of 102
it is intriguing how people can have very different opinions and more importantly, preferences when it comes to audio
Aug 19, 2006 at 8:59 PM Post #10 of 102

Originally Posted by spritzer
You've exactly nailed my initial reaction to the He90 when I got them. I thought they were much better then the flaws started to appear, voices are very diffused, the bass is pathetic compared to other stats, they have a slight midbass hump and the can be slightly rough in the upper midrange. The SR-007 can sound a bit "thick" but bending the arc clears most of it up.

The main problem with the He90 is that they gloss over to much detail to make the music seem to flow. This is the simple fact why I never use mine and they are just a very expensive wooden box on a shelf.

Seriously, with so few HE90's out there, why not sell yours to someone who will actually make great use of them?
Aug 19, 2006 at 9:25 PM Post #11 of 102

Originally Posted by Jon L
Seriously, with so few HE90's out there, why not sell yours to someone who will actually make great use of them?

Because I never sell any of my gear unless to do a major upgrade and there isn't anything to upgrade to.

As per the original question the He90 is far from comfortable and the build quality is a joke. The drivers are great but the headband is a POS. Imho Sennheiser has never got how to make really comfortable headphones like other manufacturers have.
Aug 19, 2006 at 10:10 PM Post #12 of 102

Originally Posted by spritzer
As per the original question the He90 is far from comfortable and the build quality is a joke. The drivers are great but the headband is a POS. Imho Sennheiser has never got how to make really comfortable headphones like other manufacturers have.

Whoa now. I think my HD580 are FAR more comfortable than other headphones I've used. The closest one to it is the DT 831 and even that isnt near the comfort of the HD580.
Aug 19, 2006 at 10:54 PM Post #14 of 102

Originally Posted by Skrying
Whoa now. I think my HD580 are FAR more comfortable than other headphones I've used. The closest one to it is the DT 831 and even that isnt near the comfort of the HD580.

I'm with Spritzer on the comfort. Senn doesn't seem to put enough effort into designing a comfortable headband like AT, Sony, or AKG. All three of those put very little pressure on any one point on your head while staying tight and well-balanced on your head. Senn takes the brute force approach by squeezing your head tightly to get a good seal and remain on your head. I find Senns fairly comfortable, but far behind most other headphones in that class.

As for quality of sound, I am not quite ready to make up my mind between the HE60/90 and the OII. I need another month or two.
Aug 19, 2006 at 11:23 PM Post #15 of 102

Originally Posted by Carl
Everyone's hearing and tastes are different, and at this level it's more about personal taste than it is about "better" and "worse".


from my mildly brief listening to my omega2 & an he90 in a crowded room i am not at all unhappy with the o2's. the he90's are [retty sweet too.

i am unhappy with my amp, but i a/b'd the 2 headphones on the singlepower es1... yea, the es1 housed the srm-717.

if you cant get your paws on an he90, or your wallet isnt thick enough to hold them up
you arent bad off at all with an o2. in some ways better-a few people have commented that the he90's do some stuff better, but are harder to "live with" where the o2's are jsut so friendly and still pounce nearly anything else.

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