Schiit Yggdrasil Impressions thread
May 13, 2015 at 2:00 PM Post #16 of 12,406
  Glad you're enjoying your new baby !!
To clarify… are you saying you're not running music through Yggy 24/7 for break-in ?  That's what it sounds like… if so.. try it… hence the "not that much improvement" on "days 5 and 6"
Interestingly, my buddy reminded me his Bifrost took 400 hrs to break in… w/ a 24/7 load of course...
If his experience is replicated on Yggy… she may in fact reach the MSB Analog quality… so far, it has not..  High hopes as usual !

I listened last night as I was nearing the magic 165 hrs and thought that the sound really had not improved much since day 4 - subjective of course.  So I ran music overnight and when I got up thought it sounded crisper and more liquid.  So I continue to run music while I'm at work today and going forward as well. 
My Yggy is still settling in.  You may be right as real pay dirt may really be further out in time.   165 hrs may be required just to get it to sound decent.   400 hrs on the Bifrost doesn't surprise me.  I have vacuum tube that take several hundred hours to fully bloom.  The Master 7 took months to fully voice out.   So who knows...  we are the Yggy pioneers!   
How long did it take your Yggy to recover from being unplugged for a while?   
May 13, 2015 at 2:27 PM Post #17 of 12,406
  If his experience is replicated on Yggy… she may in fact reach the MSB Analog quality… so far, it has not..  High hopes as usual !

I missed the last line.   Does the MSB Analog sound great out of the box?   And how old is the one you auditioned?   Just wondering...  Still think it is remarkable that the Yggy can complete in the stratosphere audio world. 
Oops!  This is supposed to be a new thread about Yggy impressions.   I guess comparisons are OK especially at this early stage of production. 
May 13, 2015 at 2:31 PM Post #18 of 12,406
I notice it nice and warm when it is fed input all time.
My room temp is 84° farenheit anyways.

Checked on it quickly before leaving for work this morning and what stood out at 84hr mark is an absolutely clear top end.

That is an interesting observation as I thought my Yggy felt warmer to the touch this morning after running audio all night.  You may be onto something about warmup/ operational temps Maxx.
May 13, 2015 at 4:20 PM Post #20 of 12,406
  Had to move my Yggy into my audio rack today.  It had been sitting on top of my cd player.  I was dreading cutting it off but I got the move done with the DAC only being powered down for a total of 30 seconds.  Felt like I was working in a Nascar pit crew lol.

GG. if only you were 5 seconds faster :'(
May 13, 2015 at 6:25 PM Post #21 of 12,406
  I listened last night as I was nearing the magic 165 hrs and thought that the sound really had not improved much since day 4 - subjective of course.  So I ran music overnight and when I got up thought it sounded crisper and more liquid.  So I continue to run music while I'm at work today and going forward as well. 
My Yggy is still settling in.  You may be right as real pay dirt may really be further out in time.   165 hrs may be required just to get it to sound decent.   400 hrs on the Bifrost doesn't surprise me.  I have vacuum tube that take several hundred hours to fully bloom.  The Master 7 took months to fully voice out.   So who knows...  we are the Yggy pioneers!   
How long did it take your Yggy to recover from being unplugged for a while?   

Hey Scott-
I'd say it took 36-48 hrs to recover, being unpowered for 45-60 min..
May 13, 2015 at 6:29 PM Post #22 of 12,406
  I missed the last line.   Does the MSB Analog sound great out of the box?   And how old is the one you auditioned?   Just wondering...  Still think it is remarkable that the Yggy can complete in the stratosphere audio world. 
Oops!  This is supposed to be a new thread about Yggy impressions.   I guess comparisons are OK especially at this early stage of production. 

Every DAC takes time to break in imo, & most components too…  The Analog i borrowed Sat afternoon, until tomorrow morning is almost 2 yrs old… so fully broken in, however not sure if the new Quad Rate USB module needs much break in… it probably has 50-150+ hrs actual play time..
May 13, 2015 at 6:31 PM Post #23 of 12,406
That is an interesting observation as I thought my Yggy felt warmer to the touch this morning after running audio all night.  You may be onto something about warmup/ operational temps Maxx.

Mine never gets anything warmer than barely… it mostly feels like nothing..
May 13, 2015 at 6:32 PM Post #24 of 12,406
This makes sense as Yggy is said to disappear after 1 week :p

Mine never gets anything warmer than barely… it mostly feels like nothing..
May 13, 2015 at 7:17 PM Post #25 of 12,406
Reached 172 hours yesterday, most of that time I have had music playing continuously or running a break in disc.
Color me very very impressed.
I thought the Yggy was sounding good, and it was.
But once that seventh day was transformed.
Last night Jackson Browne was in my living room. So was Rickie Lee Jones, Keith Jarrett, Melody Gardot, Jeff Buckley.....
I can now hear every sound, no matter how small.
I love listening to Melody Gardot, but heard for the first time the disappointing compression used in the mastering of her album My One and Only Thrill.
I think if headphones were my only option if I would not be as impressed by sense is that until you hear what it can do on good speakers you are missing out on some magic......
The Yggy alone has made the most significant improvement to my system since I bought my first pair of Snell Type E speakers in 1989.
Kudos to Mike, Jason, and the entire team at Schitt!
May 13, 2015 at 8:02 PM Post #26 of 12,406
Happy to see that we have a real yggy impressions thread now!  As an initial matter, so that they are not forever lost in the overwhelming noise and chaos of the general rag/yggy thread, I thought I would transplant my initial impression below and then follow them up with an update having had my yggy for ~2 weeks now.  
Initial Impressions (April 30, 2015)
I worked from home yesterday to be sure I wouldn't miss the FedEx guy and then spent the next 5 or so hours listening to my yggy.  Straight out of the box, yggy is a clear level above all my other sources.  What I am talking about here are not huge sonic changes that slap you in the face, like some dramatic shift in EQ.  That would suggest that something was dramatically wrong with one source or the other, and that isn't the case.  Rather, the beauty of the yggy and the immediate perceptible differences, for me, are in the natural timbre, resolution, finesse and overall clarity of the playback of acoustic instruments and voices in good quality recordings with which I am familiar.  Modern music sounds great.  Don't get me wrong.  But for those who are having trouble hearing the differences between good mid or entry level dacs and their new yggy's, I would suggest A'B'ing with some classical, bluegrass or jazz.  A couple of examples and comments:
-I have always thought my Keces dac did pretty well with stringed instruments, compared to many alternatives, generally avoiding what I hear in some other sources as obvious digital playback of strings.  By this, I mean that a lot of the texture and nuance of each note are missing, particularly apparent in sustained notes, and what you end up hearing is like a computer's flattened approximation of what a violin might sound like - nothing at all like listening to a violin player in a room with good acoustics. Firing up Arthur Grumiaux's recording of Bach's Violin Sonotas and Partidas on the yggy yesterday illustrated a fine and beautiful layer of detail on this recording that I had never heard before.  By contrast, I would almost say that my Keces, Arcam, Marantz, Pico, Odac etc. ever so slightly smear the timbre of the violin.  Maybe this is what Purrin and others mean when they refer to the outstanding resolution of this and the earlier Theta dacs?  
-I really like melodic upbeat bluegrass, and the Alison Krauss and Gillian Welch duet "I'll fly away" on the O Brother soundtrack is a favorite that seems to test the capabilities of dacs and amps I've tried over the years.  ( )  It is fast paced, with complex mandolin and guitar lines underscoring Welch's lead and Krauss' harmony.  The yggy embarrassed my other sources in its seemingly effortless clarity and separation of these various voices, instruments and the percussive strumming and picking, which have always sounded just slightly muddled to me in the past, despite how much I enjoy the song.  Timbre is also outstanding across the board.
-Ella and Louis MFSL and Billie Holiday's Songs for Distingue Lovers (two LFF recommendations in the 50's jazz thread) were also seemingly better than I had ever heard them.  Yggy's presentation has such finesse and clarity, my other sources sound a little heavy-handed by comparison.  For whatever reason, I would also say that yggy seemed to mitigate against extreme left right separation in certain jazz recordings which I sometimes find distracting for this reason.  Need to listen more on this.   
-Yggy certainly does not make badly recorded music into something transcendent, although it may improve on some of it.  The strokes and killers, for example, still sound like the strokes and killers, and the double bass in "We get requests" (even the k2hd version) still sometimes sounds a bit "farty" on certain tracks.  If 7 days of warm up fixes this sort of thing, I will be pleasantly astounded.
My preliminary verdict is that Yggy is a mighty fine piece of gear, provided you already have top shelf headphones and an amp that will allow these sorts of subtleties to come through.  I think many of my observations above would have potentially passed me by if I had been listening on alpha dogs, hd650's or even hd800's, if they were driven by my hotrodded bottlehead crack instead of my mainline.  I'll have to test this theory with my other equipment as time allows, but my current recommendation would be for listeners to tick those boxes first, so that they can really hear what a dac like this has to offer.  In any event, looking forward to more listening tonight!
would copy 
- 2 week update/thoughts (May 13, 2015) -
-Yggy really does seem to mature and improve with time.  I do not know whether this is the result of the oscillators and dac chips reaching thermal equilibrium, caps in the psu and analog side breaking in, some combination of these facts and other phenomena I do not understand, or totally unrelated to any of them.  Audio memory is admittedly short, and I am indeed skeptical about many things in life, but I believe the reported changes are for real in this regard.  My best attempt to describe the differences would be to say that the sound is equally resolved and detailed but somehow simultaneously smoother, fuller and even clearer than when it came out of the box.  
-Although this may not be quite so foreign to those of you who have owned other premium dacs, it is the surprising combination of these qualities, and the ultra natural timbre, that makes Yggy sound so good, as I hear it.  By way of comparison, I have always perceived certain sabre dacs, including the odac (to provide a well known example)  - as accentuating certain sorts of treble and percussive details in a manner that can certainly be captivating, but upon scrutiny, is not highly resolved or entirely natural sounding (sort of reminding me of the ER-6i's presentation of details if you are familiar with those iem's).  Further, the timbre and decay tends to sound a little less realistic than I what I have come to expect from mid and high-end wolfson and burr browns dacs, particularly in the highs and lows.  I usually prefer the latter for this reason - i.e. if given the choice between accentuated detail or violins and trumpets that sound to me just a little bit more like violins and trumpets, the latter is my priority. (Disclaimer: I have not heard the Vega or other sabre dacs of that caliber, so please do not assume these comparative statements apply to them.)  With the Yggy, I do not feel like there are any such tradeoffs.  The detail and resolution are there in spades but presented in such an effortless/seamless manner that I am not hearing any details that sound falsely accentuated.  In other words, I am enjoying the incredible detail while remaining immersed in the music rather than finding myself distracted by it.  All the while, timbre is outstanding and resolved across the frequency range, and fast passages involving lots of voices and instruments remain exceptionally clean and clear. 
-Excellent recordings are highly enjoyable on any competent dac and sublime on the Yggy.  I just obtained and listened to the MFSL gold disk of Muddy Waters - Folk Singer last night, which I understand is one of a small number of MFSL recordings produced using a multibit ADC that MM designed for mobile fidelity during its heyday.  If you already have or ever decide to source a copy of this, prepare to close your eyes and drop your jaw. 
-Inverting the polarity on certain tracks makes subtle but clearly audible differences in, among other things, the perceived width and placement of voices and instruments.  In other tracks, this effect is minimal. As indicated in the other thread, I struggled to hear this during the first several days I owned the dac.  Either it has become easier to hear as the unit has come up to temperature/broken in, or I have gotten better at listening for it.  Fun to play with at this point but non-essential.
-I think my Keces 131, paired with the Blue Circle USB to spdif, actually has slightly more deep bass quantity than Yggy, but Yggy's bass quality is phenomenal.  Listening to well recorded bass lines is a new experience with this dac.  To be clear, no one would ever call Yggy bass-shy.  It is on the same order as my wolfson sources in bass quantity, and definitely has more deep bass than an odac, but I think comments about thunderous Moffat bass may be read the wrong way.  
-Finally, as alluded to above, Yggy makes for wonderfully immersive listening.  So much so, that unlike much of my other gear, I have found it difficult to try and sit down and write about this dac while listening to it.  I suspect others may be having the same issue, which is frankly a wonderful problem to have!
May 13, 2015 at 8:26 PM Post #27 of 12,406
  Reached 172 hours yesterday, most of that time I have had music playing continuously or running a break in disc.
Color me very very impressed.
I thought the Yggy was sounding good, and it was.
But once that seventh day was transformed.
Last night Jackson Browne was in my living room. So was Rickie Lee Jones, Keith Jarrett, Melody Gardot, Jeff Buckley.....
I can now hear every sound, no matter how small.
I love listening to Melody Gardot, but heard for the first time the disappointing compression used in the mastering of her album My One and Only Thrill.
I think if headphones were my only option if I would not be as impressed by sense is that until you hear what it can do on good speakers you are missing out on some magic......
The Yggy alone has made the most significant improvement to my system since I bought my first pair of Snell Type E speakers in 1989.
Kudos to Mike, Jason, and the entire team at Schitt!

Great observations-  Great music choices !  Nice system… I have had a few pieces of CJ gear including the Premier 350...
May 14, 2015 at 10:12 AM Post #28 of 12,406
Any Yggy owners using USB converters in lieu of straight into USB? Have you tested with and without? If USB input of Yggy is good enough, thinking of ditching my Audiophilleo when I finally get the Yggy.
May 14, 2015 at 10:21 AM Post #29 of 12,406
I'm at day 7.5 and I'm starting to relax since hitting the 165 hr milestone.  That first week is a roller coaster ride not knowing what to expect.  But I think there might be more improvement or maturity to be had with the Yggy.  My Yg is not finished voicing out especially since running music 24/7 lately.  Seems to be smoothing out, getting a touch more bass, and less hyper focused in the upper mids and trebles.  So I am probably past warm up and could be in the middle of a break in phase.  
Also venturing outside the sand box and trying other inputs besides USB like S/PDIF coax and AES/EBU with the Off Ramp 5.  They all sound very much alike at first blush and will spend more time evaluating.  It is not night and day differences like with the Master 7.
May 14, 2015 at 10:22 AM Post #30 of 12,406
Any Yggy owners using USB converters in lieu of straight into USB? Have you tested with and without? If USB input of Yggy is good enough, thinking of ditching my Audiophilleo when I finally get the Yggy.

We must be on the same wavelength this morning.  See my earlier post with the Off Ramp 5.  I also have an AP1 and will bring it out of mothballs at some point.

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