Luxury & Precision E7: Impressions and Discussions
May 15, 2024 at 6:14 AM Post #91 of 223
C'est à la maison :IMG_1025.jpeg
a magnificent start
Congrats! Finally, the wait bears fruit! :) Look forward to your impressions in due course.
May 15, 2024 at 12:55 PM Post #92 of 223
Oh boy, look what just arrived 🥰🤤 The new Luxury & Precision E7!

TKP - NJ SS Review - 3.jpg

After more than a year of waiting it's finally here, and let me tell you it was worth the wait. I have a full review coming but I wanted to share some impressions right away since I know many are quite interested. Just to be clear my unit is brand new, I've been listening constantly since it arrived, but that's only about 20 hrs, and I can hear it opening up a lot. After 100Hrs + it will for sure be different.

Right off the bat I can say this is the most analog Delta Sigma DAP I've ever heard, really. It's so natural and clear with plenty of the L&P magic in there. No digital glare whatsoever, wow. How they managed this sound in such a tiny box is beyond me, and to make it sound so organic and analog, it's nuts. Very detailed, open and airy, super transparent too. More on the neutral side, not overly thick, not bright or thin at all either. Other companies should take note of this, this is a masterclass in transparent tuning, graceful and refined, without being boring or flat. I hear amazing levels of micro details in the mids, very detailed and open treble, and deep punchy bass that is nicely textured. It's giving me major DMP vibes, that kind of grand stage with great details and a lot of air, technical but very analog - the DMP is a tad warmer and maybe thicker, but the technical side is similar.

While it is not R2R, they used the special 4497 AKM chips, like the DMP, and it is just fantastic. The new OS and UI is a huge step forward, we now have gapless, a search function that works very well, useable metadata browsing, lossless EQ, and adjustable op amp voltage. You can name your playlists too, it's all much more seamless and functional. The exclusive version has three separate tuning options, and while I largely prefer the HD, the other two are super cool as well. There is some hardware upgrades too, so anyone thinking about buying the E7 should really consider the Exclusive if it's available.

E7 Combined Web.jpg






I know that for some people the lack of streaming, or the closed UI is not for them. I'll say this now, if you NEED streaming, Android or Roon support, Wi-Fi, BT out, or even good battery life just don't bother with the E7. This DAP is music only, it was designed this way, and L&P isn't going to change this anytime soon, probably ever. This is a purist DAP, like their others, and the SQ speaks for itself. The new UI is leagues ahead of previous models, but don't expect it to perform like your phone, or the TOTL Android DAP either. It's basic, but basic done right. L&P chooses SQ over all else, tuning the FPGA for maximum tone, at the expense of battery life. So while the battery life isn't great compared to most DAPs, it's much better than AE, charges faster too, and more than worth the compromise for me. Rant over - but please please, if you need those options, or don't like a closed system, just let it be. There are so many choices out there, we're spoiled with options, so choose what you like best, for the use cases you need. :)

I love how fast you're in your music - just a quick button press, a few seconds of waiting and play. And how small at light it is, like the P6 Pro. The volume knob is very smooth with the right amount of resistance. Both 4.4 and 3.5 can be used PO or LO, you can choose this in the drop-down menu that also houses the usual stuff. I find it charges noticeably faster then my AE, but there is no QC or PD support, you need to use an old school USBC - USBA cable. The screen is much larger than before, lots of real estate for album art and controls. Side buttons have a nice click to them, very secure.

Compared to the AE - well they are very different. The AE is more dense, more impactful and punchy. I hear the E7 sounding a bit more detailed up top, also more sparkle and shine there, while the AE is more analog up top, and focuses more on texture and body. AE stage is bigger, it's more grand and massive sounding, the E7 is more clean and transparent, without the mid-bass bump or super mid forward tuning the AE has. AE stage is center focused with huge space all out ot the sides, the E7 stage is more spread to begin with. They are both very technical, but both are very analog sounding too. So far I may prefer the AE still, but as the E7 opens up I like it more and more - my Sony WM1ZM2 is already sold as its place in my collection has now been filled by the E7.

I think, for some people, maybe even most, the E7 will be an easier choice. Not only because it's cheaper, but because it's more neutral, more modern sounding, far more useable, and probably better for modern music, as the AE can be overly mid focused sometimes. The UI and general experience is no contest, the E7 is far superior here no surprise. I know a few who prefer the E7 already, especially for Electronic - I'm very curious for myself how I feel after a few weeks when it's fully opened up. I find the AE makes me feel things in my chest more, the thump of the drums and overall physical presentation. The E7 makes me focus on the details more, perhaps because the top end sounds more open and detailed. While it is impactful, it's more graceful, and less punchy.






So, that's it for now. My full review will come in some weeks, once I've had a chance to really get used to it, but suffice to say, it is fantastic! I'm really blown away by what L&P has done here - color me very very impressed. Paired with the Traillii and SS cable this is a treat of natural and neutral excellence, with tons of space and air, along with a massive stage. Pitch black background, oodles of details, especially in the mids. Yummy. If anyone is on the fence about getting one, let me give you a gentle nudge in the E7's direction. Absolutely highest recommendation - just know what it is, and what it's not, before buying. I think Musicteck has one or two left :)

Have a great day everyone!
It is always a pleasure to read your impressions / reviews. TOP
May 15, 2024 at 9:53 PM Post #93 of 223

I recently purchased a Luxury & Precision E7 which arrived yesterday. I've been a very happy P6 Pro owner for awhile now.

It's still burning in, but what I'm hearing so far is sublime. Not as analogue as the P6 Pro and notes aren't quite as rounded or full, but very close for a delta sigma player. Technical performance is higher without a doubt, the P6 Pro can sound vague by comparison. The E7 is incredibly resolving with superb background blackness.

Physically the difference in size & weight is minimal too - the E7 is vastly smaller & more pleasant to handle than many of the Android bricks out there.

I've very impressed thus far, but have compiled a small wishlist of potential improvements. L&P have demonstrated their commitment to improving their players through firmware so perhaps there's a chance they might take a look at some of these areas in future updates.

E7 Improvement Wishlist

- Reduce lag / delay in USB Music mode while watching videos, ideally down to P6 Pro levels
- Improved interface scrolling speed / responsiveness
- Back arrow icon disappears periodically, need to click Search icon to return it
- Double Tap to Wake enabled
- Ability to create playlists with English names (currently defaults to Asian characters)
- Ability to sort music by Genre
- Option to sort tracks based on filename (currently defaults to alphabetical order of Track Name metadata, ignores Track Number)
- Option to allow playback to keep playing when IEM is unplugged (very convenient for A/B testing)
May 15, 2024 at 10:38 PM Post #94 of 223

I recently purchased a Luxury & Precision E7 which arrived yesterday. I've been a very happy P6 Pro owner for awhile now.

It's still burning in, but what I'm hearing so far is sublime. Not as analogue as the P6 Pro and notes aren't quite as rounded or full, but very close for a delta sigma player. Technical performance is higher without a doubt, the P6 Pro can sound vague by comparison. The E7 is incredibly resolving with superb background blackness.

Physically the difference in size & weight is minimal too - the E7 is vastly smaller & more pleasant to handle than many of the Android bricks out there.

I've very impressed thus far, but have compiled a small wishlist of potential improvements. L&P have demonstrated their commitment to improving their players through firmware so perhaps there's a chance they might take a look at some of these areas in future updates.

E7 Improvement Wishlist

- Reduce lag / delay in USB Music mode while watching videos, ideally down to P6 Pro levels
- Improved interface scrolling speed / responsiveness
- Back arrow icon disappears periodically, need to click Search icon to return it
- Double Tap to Wake enabled
- Ability to create playlists with English names (currently defaults to Asian characters)
- Ability to sort music by Genre
- Option to sort tracks based on filename (currently defaults to alphabetical order of Track Name metadata, ignores Track Number)
- Option to allow playback to keep playing when IEM is unplugged (very convenient for A/B testing)
Thanks for your initial impressions @Bosk. And taking the time to share the possible ways to make the E7 an even better DAP! :)
May 16, 2024 at 12:30 AM Post #95 of 223
Well just ordered the Exclusive edition from Musictek. First flagship dap. Look forward to receiving it and having the first listen!
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May 16, 2024 at 1:01 PM Post #96 of 223
- Back arrow icon disappears periodically, need to click Search icon to return it

This happened to me quite a bit and I have been able to reproduce this with one workflow so far.

Pull down for quick menu, goto settings, back arrow to get out of settings while browsing artist/directory/album. The workaround is to click the search to get the back arrow to come back.
May 16, 2024 at 4:25 PM Post #98 of 223
Oh boy, look what just arrived 🥰🤤 The new Luxury & Precision E7!

TKP - NJ SS Review - 3.jpg

After more than a year of waiting it's finally here, and let me tell you it was worth the wait. I have a full review coming but I wanted to share some impressions right away since I know many are quite interested. Just to be clear my unit is brand new, I've been listening constantly since it arrived, but that's only about 20 hrs, and I can hear it opening up a lot. After 100Hrs + it will for sure be different.

Right off the bat I can say this is the most analog Delta Sigma DAP I've ever heard, really. It's so natural and clear with plenty of the L&P magic in there. No digital glare whatsoever, wow. How they managed this sound in such a tiny box is beyond me, and to make it sound so organic and analog, it's nuts. Very detailed, open and airy, super transparent too. More on the neutral side, not overly thick, not bright or thin at all either. Other companies should take note of this, this is a masterclass in transparent tuning, graceful and refined, without being boring or flat. I hear amazing levels of micro details in the mids, very detailed and open treble, and deep punchy bass that is nicely textured. It's giving me major DMP vibes, that kind of grand stage with great details and a lot of air, technical but very analog - the DMP is a tad warmer and maybe thicker, but the technical side is similar.

While it is not R2R, they used the special 4497 AKM chips, like the DMP, and it is just fantastic. The new OS and UI is a huge step forward, we now have gapless, a search function that works very well, useable metadata browsing, lossless EQ, and adjustable op amp voltage. You can name your playlists too, it's all much more seamless and functional. The exclusive version has three separate tuning options, and while I largely prefer the HD, the other two are super cool as well. There is some hardware upgrades too, so anyone thinking about buying the E7 should really consider the Exclusive if it's available.

E7 Combined Web.jpg






I know that for some people the lack of streaming, or the closed UI is not for them. I'll say this now, if you NEED streaming, Android or Roon support, Wi-Fi, BT out, or even good battery life just don't bother with the E7. This DAP is music only, it was designed this way, and L&P isn't going to change this anytime soon, probably ever. This is a purist DAP, like their others, and the SQ speaks for itself. The new UI is leagues ahead of previous models, but don't expect it to perform like your phone, or the TOTL Android DAP either. It's basic, but basic done right. L&P chooses SQ over all else, tuning the FPGA for maximum tone, at the expense of battery life. So while the battery life isn't great compared to most DAPs, it's much better than AE, charges faster too, and more than worth the compromise for me. Rant over - but please please, if you need those options, or don't like a closed system, just let it be. There are so many choices out there, we're spoiled with options, so choose what you like best, for the use cases you need. :)

EDIT: I totally forgot to mention that the E7 does indeed do BT wireless streaming from another device. That means you can stream from your phone or laptop, controlling the music from that device. E7 supports up to LDAC and the SQ is rather amazingly good. I really enjoyed winter walks with my P6 Pro; IEMs in and DAP in my jacket pocket, streaming from my phone as I discovered new music and curated playlists. It’s a very cool feature, allowing you to extend the E7s abilities for a more modern world. You can also use USB in, which I use with my AE streaming from my laptop. END EDIT

I love how fast you're in your music - just a quick button press, a few seconds of waiting and play. And how small at light it is, like the P6 Pro. The volume knob is very smooth with the right amount of resistance. Both 4.4 and 3.5 can be used PO or LO, you can choose this in the drop-down menu that also houses the usual stuff. I find it charges noticeably faster then my AE, but there is no QC or PD support, you need to use an old school USBC - USBA cable. The screen is much larger than before, lots of real estate for album art and controls. Side buttons have a nice click to them, very secure.

Compared to the AE - well they are very different. The AE is more dense, more impactful and punchy. I hear the E7 sounding a bit more detailed up top, also more sparkle and shine there, while the AE is more analog up top, and focuses more on texture and body. AE stage is bigger, it's more grand and massive sounding, the E7 is more clean and transparent, without the mid-bass bump or super mid forward tuning the AE has. AE stage is center focused with huge space all out ot the sides, the E7 stage is more spread to begin with. They are both very technical, but both are very analog sounding too. So far I may prefer the AE still, but as the E7 opens up I like it more and more - my Sony WM1ZM2 is already sold as its place in my collection has now been filled by the E7.

I think, for some people, maybe even most, the E7 will be an easier choice. Not only because it's cheaper, but because it's more neutral, more modern sounding, far more useable, and probably better for modern music, as the AE can be overly mid focused sometimes. The UI and general experience is no contest, the E7 is far superior here no surprise. I know a few who prefer the E7 already, especially for Electronic - I'm very curious for myself how I feel after a few weeks when it's fully opened up. I find the AE makes me feel things in my chest more, the thump of the drums and overall physical presentation. The E7 makes me focus on the details more, perhaps because the top end sounds more open and detailed. While it is impactful, it's more graceful, and less punchy.






So, that's it for now. My full review will come in some weeks, once I've had a chance to really get used to it, but suffice to say, it is fantastic! I'm really blown away by what L&P has done here - color me very very impressed. Paired with the Traillii and SS cable this is a treat of natural and neutral excellence, with tons of space and air, along with a massive stage. Pitch black background, oodles of details, especially in the mids. Yummy. If anyone is on the fence about getting one, let me give you a gentle nudge in the E7's direction. Absolutely highest recommendation - just know what it is, and what it's not, before buying. I think Musicteck has one or two left :)

Have a great day everyone!
Great and fair review, I only heard it once and not enough time to test it fully. First impressions is it is very small and portable and packs a punch for such a small unit. I already have the TI99 which is hard for me to buy another wonderful DAP. It’s is thinner than the TI99 as well. LP really addressed all the features I wanted in a DAP. The interface is fast and few clicks to play. I will have another round of auditioning on this 🥳👍
May 16, 2024 at 5:34 PM Post #99 of 223
May 16, 2024 at 6:03 PM Post #100 of 223
Great and fair review, I only heard it once and not enough time to test it fully. First impressions is it is very small and portable and packs a punch for such a small unit. I already have the TI99 which is hard for me to buy another wonderful DAP. It’s is thinner than the TI99 as well. LP really addressed all the features I wanted in a DAP. The interface is fast and few clicks to play. I will have another round of auditioning on this 🥳👍
Thanks for sharing the initial impressions. Look forward to more when you find time for another audition. :)
May 16, 2024 at 6:38 PM Post #101 of 223
Thanks for sharing the initial impressions. Look forward to more when you find time for another audition. :)
The thing I missed was testing my own songs on it. I had bought my SD card but couldn’t get it to work on it. So next time I will bring a few different formatted SD cards to make sure. Also bring a different set of IEMs. 👍. Saying this the LP6 range just has this fuller sound which I still love and just unique. Whether it’s the power, tuning or the 4 chip setup which gives it that texture in the sound, I don’t know but just addictive.
May 16, 2024 at 7:25 PM Post #102 of 223
The thing I missed was testing my own songs on it. I had bought my SD card but couldn’t get it to work on it. So next time I will bring a few different formatted SD cards to make sure. Also bring a different set of IEMs. 👍. Saying this the LP6 range just has this fuller sound which I still love and just unique. Whether it’s the power, tuning or the 4 chip setup which gives it that texture in the sound, I don’t know but just addictive.
Pity about that. But agree that the various ranges of the LP DAPs each have their own unique charm. :)
May 17, 2024 at 8:30 AM Post #103 of 223
Thanks for your initial impressions @Bosk. And taking the time to share the possible ways to make the E7 an even better DAP! :)

Thank you for everyone's initial impressions. That is a gorgeous DAP and leather case. And portable. Keen to hear future impressions and how the DAP/amp/IEM synergy is like. On my "to try" list. Only thing holding me back is the lack of streaming, although if I can connect via USB from MacBook / ROON I may let that go.
May 17, 2024 at 9:47 AM Post #105 of 223

Thank you for everyone's initial impressions. That is a gorgeous DAP and leather case. And portable. Keen to hear future impressions and how the DAP/amp/IEM synergy is like. On my "to try" list. Only thing holding me back is the lack of streaming, although if I can connect via USB from MacBook / ROON I may let that go.

Of course you can! As @slumberman pointed out. You may also stream via BT. I know some folks are pretty snobbish about BT streaming, but have a listen without prejudice or preconceptions and see what you think. You can even stream via USB from an android device or iphone.

@Uncle Wilson at Jaben Singapore still has the E7 demo unit from the time of CJ SG. And I understand new stocks are on the way. :)

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