Lavricables REFERENCE Silver USB-C cable

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Latest reviews


Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: + exceptional sound
+ impeccable build quality
+ great looks (red!)
+ pliable
Cons: - works only in one direction (not a big problem after all)
- price
This is my review of the Lavricables REFERENCE SILVER USB-C OTG INTERCONNECT CABLE that Lavricables sent me in exchange for my honest opinion.

For starters: I always heard differences between digital cables. I know, this is a much-debated subject. Some of you guys don´t think an audible difference would be possible. But I heard them and always stated that in my cable reviews (WireWorld Starlight 8, Audioquest Carbon – back then in combination with my Focal Bathys).

When I tested the Questyle CMA18P recently (in combination with my highly resolving Austrian Audio “The Composer” headphones), I thought it would be a good idea to also test some digital wires going from my sources (MacBook Pro, iPhone15) to the DAC/amp.

I will post my comparisons between some upgrade cables further down below, but firstly, let´s talk about the Reference Silver USB cable from Lavricables produced in Latvia:

For starters: This cable looks absolutely amazing. It is beautifully made. And I love the red color (though you could also order it in black if you prefer a more low profile look). The silk sleeving is impeccable crafted. The cable is pliable. The USB-C plugs fit firmly as they should. You can choose a 5cm or a 10cm long cable (mine is 15cm and so I guess it is from an older batch). As I see on their website: is also the possibility to choose between an AWG26 (the one I have) or a thicker AWG23 cable. Also, as it seems, the 5cm and 10cm versions cost the same, which is nice to see! Both power and data run in the same braided cable. Anyways, this handmade cable is made from 4 cores of solid 5N silver, it has a woven Teflon Litz construction and is soldered with Mundorf 4% fine silver audio solder.

Before we get to the sound description, here are two things I discovered:
  • When connecting to my deactivated DAC (Questyle CMA18P), my iPhone tells me that my DAC can´t be used as it drains too much power. As soon as I turn on my DAC this message disappears. That didn´t happen with other USB-C cables I used.
  • Strangely the Reference Lavricables only works in one direction. Maybe that´s why the red cable is labeled at one end? (which looks rather nice btw) :wink: I didn´t know that, so sometimes after receiving the cable I thought it was broken, but as soon as I figured out that the cable`s labeled USB-C end always has to go into the source, I never ever had a connection problem again. A small notice from Lavricables would have been nice so that this little problem is taken care of right from the beginning. BECAUSE, as soon as you plug in that baby and listen to the music, everything else is forgotten!

Which brings me to the description of its sound:

As stated above, some guys might find it difficult (or even an insult) to talk about the “sound” of a digital cable. As I hear a noticeable difference between all my digital cables, I feel confident to tell you that this short interconnect cable is the best one I have ever heard.

What I immediately heard after plugging it in was a bigger soundstage, particularly the width did expand by quite a margin (compared to the stock Questyle USB-C cable that is great to begin with). In addition the sound was a whole lot clearer, like a veil was lifted. Yeah, yeah, I know: audiophile platitudes, haha. But it is as it is. Mind me, I did hear (in the past) cables where the “veil was lifted” but at the same time the bass was gone or the highs were too shrill. Not so here:

The bass gets stronger as well as clearer in its definition. I also hear more subbass extension. What I also like: The mid-bass is not elevated, so no covered lower mids!

The mids – well, I could also say: the voices – get the center stage. This doesn´t alter the stage in any negative way. I heard (also analogue) cables where the voices did get rather near to the listener but the stage got smaller too. Here everything falls into its right place. You can hear every little nuance of the singer but also the vocals that come from the chest are naturally portrayed. In fact everything feels a bit more free to flow as the instruments do get more space. (And guitars – no matter if analogue or electric guitars – sound wonderful!)

Which brings me to the highs: Percussions are super precise, which helps the imaging. Never heard the left right panning as intense before (with electronical music and synth sweeps this is an absolute highlight). Extension up above is endless. This is such a nice combo with my Austrian Audio Composer headphone that filters out every little drop of music that is on the recording. No harsh sounds to be heard (not even with the slightly north of neutral tuned Composer). Just pure extension. In other words: The added air helps to build a vast stage.

But what about the other USB-C cables in my collection?

Well, there is the ultra premium pricey Luxury & Precision WP2 cable. Which looks and feels nice. But. And this is a big BUT: It sounds crap! Yeah. I can say that with confidence. It costs over 200 Euros but I wouldn´t even prefer it over the Questyle stock USB-C cable. It just makes everything sound congested and lifeless. And I will send it back of course. This is a no go for that price. So the Reference Lavricables USB-C cable swallows the L&P WP2 for breakfast!

The ddHifi TC09S on the other hand is a very good cable. It doesn´t look as good as the Reference, at least in my view, and costs less … but though good sounding and easily better sounding than the Questyle stock cable, it doesn´t sound as good as the Lavricables Reference (although it has a separated cable for data and power). For example, if I look at the bass: The TC09S does push the bass in comparison to the stock cable, but the Reference is more refined, where it doesn´t push the bass blindly, but in addition it managed to just elevate the subbass so the midbass stays clean and wouldn´t bump, which is uncomfortable after a few minutes of (loud) listening sessions. Also the mids of the Reference are cleaner, as they won´t get covered by the bass that intrudes into the lower mids like it is with the TC09S. Guitars sound more powerful and mighty with the Reference. And also the highs of the Reference have a better extension which results in a more open, airy and lifelike portrayal.

These are small, but audible differences that my audio chain reveals. If you want the best of the best and you have the funds, if you ask me, go straight for the Lavricables Reference USB cable!

And here some eye candy:

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