KZ ZS10 Pro 2


Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: Amazingly clear and top-end loaded tone for KZ
A fast airy and open basic audiophile sound all day long, if you can take it
Bright in a good way
Fairly clean sub-bass missing a little mid-bass/lower midrange
Dual 31736 Balanced Armature Drivers (x2)
10mm Internal Magnetic Dynamic Driver
Vented to the max
Well constructed and clear treble itemizations
Only 6 grams each, on the smaller side of medium
Probably the most IEM you can get for under $55?
Cons: At times bright in a bad way having you match the PRO 2 with warmer sources or cables
The KZ ZS10 PRO X still the safe purchase for many
Not the thickest male vocals on the block
This particular IEM can ask you to lower your volume at times, due to midrange and treble intensity
Not the most note weight
A tad of off-timbre
In October of 2022 I introduced the KZ ZS10 Pro X to the Head-Fi world. Since then the review has garnered just under 38,000 views. :)

We now have a Pro 2 model……….time to get excited!




^^^^^KZ ZS10 PRO X above^^^^^

Look here they still sell the $39.00 Pro X



  • 10mm Dynamic Driver+4 Custom Balanced Armatures
  • Classic Alloy Faceplate+Resin Shell
  • Enhanced Detachable 0.75mm 2Pin Connector
  • Ergonomic Shape, Wide Compatibility
$39.00 USD

To compare the KZ ZS10 PRO X and this new KZ ZS10 PRO 2. They are just two very different IEMs, and the PRO 2 goes and adds a boatload of DIP-Switches and stock has way more itemization into the treble. Really this is going to be an incredible review. Sure it has a little BA timbre, but the bass is so exciting and the way high up small treble details make the PRO 2 a whole different beast. Man-o-man am I excited. This IEM needs justice served. I mean really for the price most folks should have it in their collection. I don’t care what KZ history is, they have bribed me with this new sound quality!

$54.99 without mic, $55.99 with microphone.

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So let’s start out by simply telling a tale of first impressions and a few weeks of usage. Number one, yes these seemed to smooth out with a few days of burn-in. So even if you believe in burn-in or not, there is nothing wrong with giving the PRO 2 a few days of run-in. What burn-in did was add a more overall cohesive sound, smooth-out the highs a little and add bass smoothness. I went through a stage where I questioned KZ’s ideas as to tuning as a departure from the immensely impressive (and popular) KZ ZS10 PRO X. They (the KZ company) simply added clarity in the form of driver tuning offering a set-back lower midrange and a push in both vocals and treble itemization. The resulting actions are an IEM which demands slightly less volume of comfortable listening, to where the KZ ZS10 PRO X allowed for a few clicks more volume. Sure there is a tad off timbre due to BA drivers, which the old KZ ZS10 PRO X went and subdued due to tuning. But it is safe to say KZ went for it this time, offering a tune very different from the place the KZ ZS10 PRO X went to, a brighter and even more detailed place.

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Here it is a little different that my first ideas were to simply compare the KZ ZS10 PRO X to the KZ ZS10 PRO 2. Yet I was able to do that (earlier) with a few sentences instead. Really that would be almost boring and getting a few different price-points involved, and a few new signatures involved would give more (excitement) to write about!

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Left to right:
Left to right:
Top row: INTUAURA Splendor Il, KZ ZS 10 PRO 2

Bottom row: ZiiGaat x Fresh Reviews Arete, TWISTURA-D-Major


Testing methods:

To simplify things I’m using the WM1A with the same long wide-bore silicone ear-tips. The cable will be the 4.4mm SIMGOT AUDIO LC7 Modular Cable System. Both the USB TypeC extra DSP providers, one in 4.4mm for the INTUAURA Splendor Il, and the smaller 3.5mm DSP for the TWISTURA-D-Major will not be used. As sure in some ways they both activate a special personality for both IEMs, yet people also prefer the IEMs amped in other ways. Funny too, as far as DSP response they do opposite duties………as the TWISTURA-D-Major does a brighter stage expansion, and the INTUAURA Splendor Il actually decreases stage and adds bass definition.

1) INTUAURA Splendor II $259.00 - Single Full-range DD IEM
2) KZ ZS 10 PRO 2 $54.99 - 1DD x 4BA IEM
3) ZiiGaat x Fresh Reviews Arete $249.00 - 1DD x 4BA IEM

4) TWISTURA-D-Major $49.00 - Single Full-range DD IEM

So it may be confusing due to various price-points being used? Yet if you look closely two are Hybrids of each representing different prices, the ZiiGaat with the name brand Knowles BAs. And two are DD in which one is $210 more money. So not only do I need to review each product here, I need to go over the good points and bad points, and describe each individual demeanors accordingly. As it just so happens the usefulness of these 4 comparisons allows for (somewhat of) a copy and paste across each of their respective reviews. And sure each came at the same time, but just their existence confirms and delineates each of their strengths and weaknesses. As we all know money is not always the determination of sound quality. In fact up to this point I have spent three weeks getting to know each one and have my own opinions about them.

The INTUAURA Splendor II $259.00 - Single Full-range DD IEM:
In relation to the KZ ZS 10 PRO 2 really much of this tuning is very close to the same, using memory only. Yet upon closer side-by-side inspection we find the Splendor II to offer a smoother vocal response than the KZ. It is that forwardness that is new for the KZ manufacturer. Yet here and with this song with this cable and with this DAP I’m not hearing any off KZ timbre in the vocals, only bright, yet a smooth style of success. Sure the KZ ZS10 PRO 2 has a recessive lower midrange compared to the Splendor II, which seems to add to this KZ vocal luster? Of course here we are seeing the classic comparison from Hybrid v Single Full-range. And yes, the Splendor II has a larger stage, and the lower midrange and bass help emphasize that soundstage stage going on. Where the KZ is running with a typical wide-midrange stage showing the width holding slightly thinner density and weight. Yet there are differences, it is the challenge of the Splendor II diminishing returns for the money here. And what is crazy is the Splendor II has that added DSP, yet even with-out it we are ahead of what the KZ is trying to do bass wise. It is just part of this whole KZ tune, that the bass is there and nice, but part of why the KZ sounds so detailed is due to the hold-back of lower frequencies. That even with songs like below, which showcase both low end and vocals, we are witnessing the lows take a backseat to these profound vocal activities.

Timestamps refer to original song, not the Youtube video.

Dead Can Dance
All In Good Time
44.1kHz - 24 bit


Before I go any further, I just wanted to point out that truly the KZ ZS10 PRO 2 is fairly balanced and filled in as far as frequency goes. That during comparisons it is often the case where you forget you are reading about the small differences between the two IEMs, and so there can be perceived this right or wrong, but it really is not so extreme, just differences in correctness only to a point.

The ZiiGaat x Fresh Reviews Arete $249.00 1DD x 4BA IEM:
Here the very first thing you notice is the Arete has more bass. And the intriguing thing is the Arete is going about with a smoother vocal detail spread out (a little more) but able to gain this vocal illumination just from Arete stage size. So imagine the KZ as a little more reserved in stage size, and due to that size holding a slightly brighter vocal out front, where a smoother broader Arete has those vocals coming from a larger image size inside the stage and that size allows for clearer examination.

Switching to guitar instrumentals, I thought the Knowles Arete BAs would jump way, way ahead of our less expensive KZ, yet the only thing was missing was the Arete was more large in stature of stage drama, where maybe there was a little off timbre with the KZ, but due to being of thinner consequence, the guitar was still drawn out into contrasts in the stage, just not as big or involving. All and all the KZ has its place, as it is not the giant killer as maybe first impressions lead a person to believe, yet at the same time, there is a lot of IEM here in the under $55.00 realm.

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TWISTURA D-Major $49.00 - Single Full-range DD IEM:
Finally we come to the D-Major IEM. Where really the D-Major is the single IEM that tune can in many ways be comparable to the brightness of the KZ ZS 10 PRO 2. But due to a single full-range build this brightness comes across holding slightly less metallic tone. Where both the TWISTURA D-Major and KZ ZS 10 PRO 2 are on the thinner side of male vocals, female vocals are emphasized. And between the two the D-Major has even thinner male vocals and less low end. And while I’m still exploring the D-Major, that high pinna gain does give the female vocal ability a stand-out drama in playback, so far it seems the DSP add-on goes one step further to even accentuate those vocals one step more? While at times the D-Major can offer an off timbre in this vocal section, even coming off as forced, it really depended on the sources I used. And amazingly compared to the TWISTURA D-Major, the PRO 2 held even slightly more reliability to source, while still changing its stance, never quite going to the place found with the D-Major.

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The included cable was OK, but due to wanting to try 4.4mm cables I used another brand's GD849. Meaning one or two less notches are not needed to be utilized for enjoyable sound. And while the GD849 does not cure the thinness issues, it makes them 80% more in the perfect direction here. Just how instruments emerge into the stage, holding better separation and even reverberations!

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The GD849 Cable:
The G in this cable description is representative of Gold. The substance that adds weight, note weight in playback. As such we are now basking in a thicker realm of playback, that while you can still hear the basic demeanor of the PRO 2, we are gifted with an extenuation of weight and clarity……to which finding the results the very best yet.

A set of nice foams in included!




Weighting in at just 6 grams each the KZ ZS 10 PRO 2 finds itself remarkably comfortable.The form is truly on the smaller side of medium. Can you say vented! Yes the most apparent thing is the use of large vents which are in strict contrast to the original KZ ZS 10 PRO X design. Such an idea is to generate air space and reduce bass vibrations maybe? The nozzles are just ever so slightly short, though I have a choice in ear-tips and are not forced to use longer tips. In addition there is one rear vent on the back.

Old PRO X model:



Look, the KZ ZS 10 PRO 2 at $54.99 is a large amount of sonic fun for the money. Sure you may have to drop your listening volume by a notch or two or three to deal with the slight brightness. Yet at the same time we are here for that exact brightness…….in that it used to be what (details) were left out of the under $100 IEM crowd. Heck the KZ ZS 10 PRO 2 has upper echelon details normally not seen even under $300.00. That is the very reason why they are the talk of the town at this very moment on Head-Fi. That KZ has used their buying power and tuning skills to make a unique and fun IEM, way different from anything I ever heard from Knowledge Zenith. The PRO 2 is far from perfect, but the fun happens once you realize that this is $54.99 trying to be a TOTL Flagship product. The truth is the timbre is not at all that bad, not as bad as you think, and actually fairly spot-on in my book, and that is the crazy part. In the weeks I had the KZ ZS 10 PRO 2 I have had conflicting options. Where at first I was amazed at just KZ’s technicalities put into this model, as it was the very first I have heard of KZ going into the high trebles and sculpturing details for all to hear. I actually thought they had really done it………..

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Later I came down to Earth and maybe still thought the KZ ZS10 PRO X was still the safe purchase and this PRO 2 more experimental? Yet then I tried new cables after burn-in and with much of my music I was OK, actually better than OK, I was styling with a sound basically unheard of for this level of money. And to conclude this review, I still feel that way, yet once in a while I need to lower the volume just because the total brightness is often still there and noticeable. But I can still see the masses buying this and learning the ropes that will hoist you up……up to that level of amazement, especially with the treble details, that and really how the whole signature is done. That yes, it is slightly less bass intense than many, but that sub-bass is still gloriously there and unstoppable. With this subtle V enhanced, midrange energy and treble energy resulting in those 2 features taking noticeability.

$54.99 without microphone, $55.99 with microphone

I would like to thank Kareena from Linsoul for the love and the KZ ZS 10 PRO 2 review sample.

These are one person's ideas and concepts, your results may vary.

DIP-Switches set at 123 on and #4 off.

Linsoul website:
Linsoul Aliexpress Store:
Linsoul USA Amazon Store link:

Equipment Used:
Sony WM1A Walkman DAP MrWalkman Firmware 4.4mm balanced and 3.5mm
Samsung Phone 3.5mm
HiBy R3 II DAP 4.4mm balanced
ifi hip dac DAC/Amplifier 4.4mm balanced

KZ ZS10 Pro 2
Crafted for Seasoned Audiophiles
The Second-Generation 10-Driver Professional DD & BA Hybrid IEM
  • 10mm Internal Magnetic Dynamic Driver
  • Dual 31736 Balanced Armature Drivers (x2)
  • Precise 3-Way Crossover Technology
  • 4-Level Custom Tuning Switch
  • Exceptional Acoustic FR Curve
  • Classic Design Aesthetics
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100+ Head-Fier
Another Legendary KZ Refresh
Pros: +Technicalities
Cons: -Build Quality
KZ ZS10 Pro 2
1DD + 4BA
$55-56 USD

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Before I start this review let me thank Linsoul for sending the ZS10 Pro 2 in for review.
Rest assured, my review is 100% my own personal opinion.

Just in case you’re interested on getting this IEM, you can check from link below :

Build Quality
The ZS10 Pro 2 face plate is made from shiny metal that is so easy to scratch.
Mine came out of the box with scratches already.

While the main body shell is made from plastic.
It’s not the best built IEM ever but it works.
As for the cable, it's just meh as always, the KZ “Bihun” cable. The ear hooks are stiff and somewhat uncomfortable but again, it works.


Despites the uncomfortable ear hooks, the wearing experience itself is decent, no hot spots on my ears and I can get a proper seal with the largest eartips.


Tested using FIIO BTR15, Stock Cable, Stock Silicone Eartips
Music is mostly from Apple Music and Spotify (J-POP, J-Rock, EDM, Anisong, Jazz, Metal, Rap)

Tonality in General : Neutral - Mild V-Shape (depending on the switches)

My favorite configuration is all UP (1111)

It becomes a Mild V-Shape tuning or you could say it's like harman target with extra bass and extra treble

While I won’t explain all configuration, you can also get a somewhat neutral tuning with all switches down or lets say, you can adjust the bass to your liking.

I will explain this review using the all UP configuration (1111).

Bass : The bass quantity is slightly above harman target tuning, it has noticeable mid bass boost compared to true harman and more sub-bass rumble.
The bass quality is very good for the price, it has speedy and tight bass, never bleeds to the midrange.

One thing I would like to nitpick, the impact is not as hard as I like to hear, it sounds bouncy rather than pure brute force impactful bass.

Midrange : On the 1111 configuration, the midrange positioned slightly behind the bass and treble.
It has an upper midrange boost so it sounds slightly forward and the female vocal has more clarity than normal.
Vocal itself is free from sibilance.

While the male vocal is not thin, it somewhat lacks a bit of body to it, probably due to its balanced armature used on the midrange and the effect of the upper midrange boost that I mentioned earlier.
As for instruments, it is also presented in the same manner just like its vocal.
It has a very good clarity to it with a somewhat lean presentation.

I also guessed that the midrange is handled by the balanced armature since I can notice the balanced armature timbre on its sound.

Treble : Despite the boost and the graph that we can see on the internet, the treble is actually not that harsh to the ears.

It has an airy presentation with good extension and fast decay.

The treble presentation itself is not that metallic like many reviewers mentioned, I’m sure I’ve heard worse treble presentations even from more expensive IEM.

Also not only that, the treble itself is much more improved compared to the ZS10 Pro OG, ZS10 Pro X and ZSX.
The ZS10 Pro 2 sounds much more natural compared to all models I mentioned above.

Good for around $50USD

Stage : Medium Sized (Good)
The stage is not huge and not claustrophobic, it's just decent.
As for stage layering, it's very good, probably thanks to its driver count.

Imaging : 2.5D sounding (Good)
Definitely not holographic but it's not bad either, I always like to describe this kind of imaging as 2.5D sounding, since it has object layer information but it lacks certain something that makes it sound holographic.

Separation and Positioning : Very Good
Thanks to it’s driver count, the ZS10 Pro 2 has a very good sound separation, I have no issues separating and looking for sounds and object position (tested on Valorant and music)

Detail Retrieval : Good
It has good detail retrieval on all of its frequencies. Sure it’s not the most detailed IEM out there, but again, thanks to its driver count, the ZS10 Pro 2 has above average or even good detail retrieval and resolving capability without sounding harsh and pushing its presentation too forward or intense.


ZSN Pro 2
1DD + 1BA
$19 - $20 USD

The little brother of ZS10 Pro 2.
It sounds much more bright and treble heavy compared to the ZS10 Pro 2.
Sure it is cheaper, but in my own opinion, If you can save some lunch money, just get the ZS10 Pro 2 instead.
It is much better than the ZSN Pro 2 in every aspect, unless you’re a treble head, then yeah sure go with ZSN Pro 2.

QKZ x HBB Hades
$50 USD

Almost similar price, completely different tuning, the Hades has a bass head tuning, while the ZS10 Pro 2 has more of a mild V-Shaped tuning with all the switches on.
Build wise I give an edge to the ZS10 Pro 2. It feels more premium out of the two.
As for technicalities, ZS10 Pro 2 is simply better on all aspects compared to the Hades.


Is the ZS10 Pro 2 recommended?

It depends.
Do you like Mild V-Shaped Signature? Do you like the previous ZS10 Pro series ?
Do you plan to use the IEM for both light mixing and music enjoyment?

If yes then sure go get the ZS10 Pro 2.
The only complaint / nitpick I have with the ZS10 Pro 2 is that the build quality including the faceplate, main shell, and cable felt a bit cheap for its price.

Sound wise, the ZS10 Pro 2 is quite decent actually for $50USD-ish.
It offers dip switches with configurable bass quantities that can get you a Neutral - Mild V-Shaped tonality and good technicalities for the price

Thanks for reaching this far.

Just in case you're Indonesian or understand Bahasa Indonesia, you can watch the review of ZS10 Pro 2 here :

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New Head-Fier
KZ ZS10 PRO 2 review of hyibrd iem by ICYGENIUS 🎧
Pros: Massive punchy bass
Transparent texture and good audibility of saturation of bass notes
Drum transients are very emphasized
High frequencies are very airy, transparent and sparkling
Optimal sound stage with normal depth
Cons: The upper mids are very energetic for me, I would like to get a warmer and more neutral tone here
High frequencies are bright and have an armature timbre
Hello friends!
Today in our review we will look at hybrid headphones from the KZ company in collaboration with the Linsoul store and their cost is $55.
They come in a very small box with an image of the headphones themselves on the front part and the name of this model ZS10 PRO 2, and the sound here is responsible for one dynamic driver with a diameter of 10 mm, and 4 armature drivers, and the sensitivity is 108dB and they received an impedance from 25 to 28 ohms.


Let's take a look at what's included!
- Instructions with explanations for setting the switches and the ejector itself for this
- Set of silicone ear tips
- Simple cable with 2 pin qdc connectors and a 3.5 jack plug

Well, this is what the headphones themselves look like, which in my opinion got a rather nice appearance due to this metal insert, they received a 2-pin connector and next to it there is a block with switches.

And I’ll say right away, I tested the headphones like this, they come out of the box, position I didn’t change the switches while listening, and as you’ve probably already noticed, the inside of the case is completely transparent, due to which we see the same dynamic driver and there is also a hole for compensation, as well as two blocks with armature drivers,and the sound guide here is quite normal, it is not short, so choosing ear tips is not a problem here, and there are no problems at all with the fit, as well as with sound insulation.

(Tuning and Conception)
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And now, friends, we have come to the most important part of the review, namely the analysis of the sound of the KZ ZS10 PRo 2 hybrid headphones and we will begin, as usual, with an analysis of their tuning, which is presented here in the person of Harman and the first thing that catches your eye is a very good bass boost of 11 dB , which is actually quite good,and allows the bass to break through as strongly as possible in many compositions and it is immediately felt that yes, these are ears with a more solid and accentuated bass, but still sometimes the upper middle area begins to pull the blanket a little over itself since, after all, the headphones are narrower in tone go a little in the lighter and more energetic direction, but I wouldn’t say that it’s downright irritatingly light, but in some tracks the high frequencies are overdoing it in places for me precisely because of the greater gain at the edge of the range and it’s really audible and from here there are many nuances or problems of mixing in various compositions, that is, I would not listen to conditionally bad recordings on them, but if everything is in order with the mixing and mastering, then we already have an interesting and driving presentation, yes headphones this time are certainly not about neutrality, but nevertheless, to dilute the content, I think why not discuss them.
(Low Frequencies)
The low frequencies here are really presented very cheerfully, with good pressure on the sub-bass and a clearly highlighted complementary punch on the mid-bass, with a fairly fast impulse, so the bass here is not at all blurred by the impact, but on the contrary, clearly clearly defined and its image is perceived quite widely in space yes and the rendering of texture and audibility of saturation is at a very good level in terms of transparency, which is even surprising.
(Mid Frequencies)
But the mid frequencies here have a noticeable cool tone and are therefore presented completely without any smoothness or warmth, but they have quite good resolution and reliability of timbres in this price category, and the overall presentation here has already turned out to be for lovers of more energetic and super driving settings with a clear highlighting the vocal part and the percussion part forward in the perception and positioning of the image, but this is already perceived very familiar to me and this is not the first time I have encountered such a presentation, and it’s just right for those who really care about the feeling of the presence of the vocalist and instruments around you due to the greater amplification of the upper mids, I personally would still like to get a more neutral and warmer tone of presentation, fortunately you can put a filter here and it It will do its job very well, well, for those guys who absolutely do not use an equalizer.
(High Frequencies)
And the high frequencies here are presented as super airy, extremely long-lasting with very excellent transparency, lightness and sparkle in this area, with a clear emphasis on all the crash cymbals and percussion of various micro and macro nuances, that is, the headphones do not at all hide or hide from you all the different sounds that can only be found in compositions, so yes, they are perfect for those who like to analyze and disassemble music literally into separate parts and layers, there is no constriction or blurring of images and attacks in this range, but for myself I would still like to get less gain, since because of this, a small armature timbre is sometimes visible and emphasized here, and I would, to my taste, take this model to neutrality and in greater warmth and it would be generally excellent, but on the other hand, I understand that there are also fans of such a presentation, and I’m just sharing my opinion on this matter, but frequent viewers probably already know my preferences in tuning headphones.
My conclusion on this headphones!

Kz ZS10 Pro 2 have recently turned out to be extremely tonally light but at the same time very technical hybrid headphones with confident, high-quality bass reproduction, and a more perky and energetic presentation of mid and high frequencies.

Aliexpress DD-Audio Store:

I will be glad if you subscribe to my YouTube channel and watch this full review on KZ ZS10 PRO 2.


New Head-Fier
KZ ZS10 Pro 2: Seen One, Seen 'Em All (Almost)?
Pros: • Excellent Sound Quality (for the price): The ZS10 Pro 2 offers a dynamic sound with detailed highs, clear mids, and a solid bass foundation.
The 4-level tuning switch.

• Spacious Soundstage: The soundstage is wider than average for this price range, creating a good sense of space for the music.

• Good Imaging: Instruments are well separated, making it easy to distinguish individual sounds in a mix.

• Solid Build Quality: The use of decent materials ensures a sturdy and well-made product.

• Comfortable Fit: The common-sized nozzles should fit most ears comfortably.

• Affordable: The ZS10 Pro 2 offers a lot of features and performance for a budget-friendly pri
Cons: • Unoriginal Design: The design lacks originality and follows the mold of many other KZ IEMs.

• Treble Can Be Fatiguing: The bright treble detail can be harsh on some recordings and might be fatiguing for listeners sensitive to bright

• Mids Lack Warmth: The mids, while clear, can lack some richness and fullness, especially at lower volumes.

• Bass Lacks Punch: The bass is controlled and doesn't overpower other frequencies, but it might not be enough for those who prefer a
super boomy bass experience.

• Impractical Tuning Switches: While a cool feature, I believe you'll likely settle on a preferred setting and rarely use the switches
again. i have never been a fan of switches.

• 10mm Internal Magnetic Dynamic Driver

• Dual 31736 Balanced Armature Drivers (x2)

• Precise 3-Way Crossover Technology

• 4-Level Custom Tuning Switch



• Well this is KZ so if you have one of their iems its pretty much the same unboxing experience.

Build and Design:

The KZ ZS10 Pro 2's design won't win any awards for originality. KZ relies on a tried-and-true mold for their budget IEMs, and the ZS10 Pro 2 follows suit. If you've owned any KZ or similar budget brand earphones in recent years, this shape will be familiar territory.

Familiar Materials, Solid Construction:

The build utilizes a plastic shell casing paired with an alloy faceplate. While plastic might sound cheap, KZ uses a decent quality material that feels sturdy and well-made. The "diamond-plated" aesthetic on the faceplate continues the KZ house style, and three Allen-key screws hold everything together securely.

Open to Interpretation: Vents or Aesthetics?

One interesting detail is the presence of slots on the shells with a metal mesh underneath. KZ's marketing materials suggest these might be vents, making the ZS10 Pro 2 "semi-open." However, some reviewers believe they're purely decorative. Without a definitive answer, the "semi-open" claim remains a bit of a mystery.

Tuning on the Go:

The backside of the IEMs houses the four tuning switches, a feature which i find very impractical since you probably you will only use it once or twice when you found settings you prefer chances are you will not fiddle with anymore.

Comfort Considerations:

The nozzles, measuring around 6mm in width and medium length, are a common size and should fit most ears comfortably.

Overall Impression:

While the design lacks novelty, the KZ ZS10 Pro 2 prioritizes sound, functionality and affordability. The use of decent materials ensures a solid build, and the familiar form factor should provide a comfortable fit for many users. The curious case of the potential vents adds a touch of intrigue, but the core functionality remains focused on delivering good sound at a budget-friendly price.



Sound Signature:

• Volume Dependence: The V-shape is a defining characteristic of all ZS10 and ZS10 Pro 2 is no exception. At lower volumes, the midrange takes a backseat to the prominently boosted bass and treble. This can make the sound feel a bit unbalanced and lacking in body.

• Dynamic Response: As you crank up the volume, the V-shape becomes more moderate. The midrange asserts itself, achieving a better balance between all frequencies. This results in a more cohesive and engaging overall sound, with better dynamics.

Soundstage and Imaging:

• Spacious Presentation:
The soundstage offered by the ZS10 Pro 2 is above average for its price point. It creates a broader soundscape than it is deep, with a decent sense of height. This provides a sense of space for the music to breathe.

• Imaging Fidelity: Imaging is good with excellent Instrument separation but the recreation of a precise sonic image isn't its strongest suit, but compared to the previous ZS10 models this one is excells in technicalities and in almost all aspect in sound.





Treble: Sparkly and Detailed, But Can Be a Double-Edged Sword

The treble on these KZ ZS10 Pro 2s is like a roller coaster ride. It's super detailed and lets you hear every tiny cymbal crash and high note, which is awesome for catching all the intricate details in your music. But sometimes, especially on those super bright recordings, it gets a little too intense and can sound a bit sibilant, almost like there's a layer of static on the high notes.

• Top End: This is where the treble gets crazy clear. It adds a nice airy feel to vocals and instruments, making everything sound open and spacious. You won't miss a single detail up there.

• Lower Treble: This part is where things can get a bit harsh. It's still sharp and lets you hear all the notes, but that extra emphasis can sometimes make the sound feel a little thin and bright.

Overall, the treble is definitely lively and clear, but keep in mind those who are sensitive to bright sounds might find it a bit fatiguing. If you love hearing every little detail in your music, though, this won't be a problem.

Mid-Range: Energetic But Not Quite There

The mids on these KZ ZS10 Pro 2s try to keep up with the energy of the treble, but they don't quite hit the mark. Instruments and vocals sound clear and separated, but they can lack a bit of that richness and fullness, lack dynamics at lower volumes.

• Upper Mids: These mids are nice and forward, pushing vocals and instruments to the forefront of the mix. The detail is good here, but some instruments might get a slightly metallic tinge.

• Lower Mids: This area feels a little held back compared to the rest. Vocals and instruments can sound a bit thin sometimes, especially female vocals which might get a little harsh on high notes. Male vocals sound pretty natural, though.

Overall, the mids are clean and detailed, but they lack some warmth and depth. This might not be a dealbreaker, but it's something to consider.

Bass: Solid Foundation, But Not Super Punchy

The bass on the KZ ZS10 Pro 2s is tight and controlled, giving your music a nice solid foundation without drowning out the other frequencies. It's not going to blow your head off with deep bass, but it's definitely there and adds some rumble to bass drops.

• Sub-Bass: This is where the bass gets its power, reaching down low enough to give you that satisfying rumble but still in a controlled manner and It keeps the sound feeling spacious and clear.

• Mid-Bass: Here's where the bass could use a little more oomph. The notes are clean and fast, but they can sound a little thin and lack the warmth you might be looking for. Kick drums have enough punch, but bass guitars might feel a little lifeless.

Overall, the bass is clean and well-controlled. It keeps the music balanced and doesn't overpower the other frequencies. If you prefer a super boomy bass experience, these might not be your best bet, but for those who like a tighter, more controlled bass these will do the trick.

The Verdict: A Budget Blast (With Caveats)

The KZ ZS10 Pro 2 packs a lot of features into a budget-friendly package. The multi-driver setup delivers a dynamic sound with plenty of detail, and the tuning switches offer a level of customization. The build quality is Excellent, the familiar design might lack originality for some but the important thing is that the KZ ZS10 PRO 2 delivers in sound performace, technicalities, solid built at a budget price.

A big thanks to Linsoul for sending over the KZ ZS10 Pro 2 for review!

This review would not have been possible without their generosity. I appreciate the opportunity to test out this exciting new IEM and share my thoughts with you.
A perfect interpretation of how the Pro 2 is. I could not have said it better.
Thank you! 🤟


500+ Head-Fier
KZ ZS10 Pro 2 Review
Pros: -Design (yes, I know we’ve seen this before, still a cool design)

-Tuning Switches that work

-Boisterous and energetic macro-dynamics

-Bass ranges very far with switches

-Snappy, punchy or even heavy and robust low-end depending on switches

-Airy midrange, detailed, very resolute for the price

-Transients are tight throughout the midrange

-Lively treble region with good extension

-Very open sounding treble region as well

-A nicely detailed playback

Cons: -Same old design

-Those that hate switches

-Thinner note weight

-May come across fatiguing for some

-Some BA timbre shows up from time to time

-Warm/dark lovers will want to keep looking

-Slight sibilance in some settings

KZ ZS10 Pro 2 Review

ZS10P2 Featured image


KZ ZS10 Pro 2

Hello everyone, today I am featuring (from my point of view) one of KZ Audio‘s latest iems, the KZ ZS10 Pro 2. The ZS10 Pro 2 is part of one of the greatest budget legacy series of iems that this hobby has ever seen. No matter how you feel about them, the ZS10 series is unquestionably a super success in the world of audio. This is undeniable. The original KZ ZS10 was one of the first times that a budget set would come with five drivers housed within one shell and sold for under $100. Far below $100 actually. Not only was it five drivers, but it was also a hybrid iem. These were all hurdles to overcome in those days and at those prices, and KZ did it. Over and over and over again. In fact, they created so many hybrid iems over the years that I have a hard time even remembering the names. KZ would ultimately go on to basically show the rest of the audio world a blueprint for successful budget hybrids. It was KZ folks, like it or not. It was KZ which crafted one of, if not thee, most successful hybrid iem series in all of audio in the KZ ZS10 series.

Very well known

The ZS10 was actually one of the first KZ iems that I ever purchased. Followed by so many that naming them would get a bit boring. CCA (KZ sister brand) then came out with the ZS10’s alter ego in the CCA C10 and C10 plus and thus would form the foundation of how KZ & CCA would market their iems moving forward. KZ, then CCA, KZ then CCA and this has gone on ever since in many ways. Truly a groundbreaking series. Whether you liked them or not, the ZS10 is one of the most well-known iems on the planet. Fast forward many years later and there’s still a buzz around each new iteration within this series. Each variation gets slightly upgraded from the last. It’s a solid method and one which keeps them on their game.

Some history with this brand

I’ve actually reviewed a number of KZ iems and in each KZ/CCA review, I usually list them. I don’t know why I do this, maybe you are curious and would like to check out my thoughts. However, I feel the real reason is to show you all just how proficient this company/brand has been. I’ve given a couple of not-so-great reviews, and I am always as honest as I can be. Yet I’ve given many more very positive reviews to this brand’s creations. As I look back, depending on what was out on the market, each KZ/CCA set would usually be “at” or “near” the top in each respective iems price bracket. Obviously, the audio game keeps moving and never stops and those sets got usurped by better sets. We all know the history. But it’s a testament really. It’s a testament to KZ/CCA’s constant drive to produce better for less. Price to performance. Whether you like it or not. Whether you agree with those words or not. The market dictates who are in the lead folks, and KZ is constantly at the top of the list. Here are some of those reviews over the course of the last couple years:


AS16 Pro
PR1 Hifi
ZSN Pro 2

Tough price point…

I don’t expect you to go through each review and I’m sure you have a good idea about the progressions of KZ’s iem growth. The point is that the ZS10 Pro 2 comes from this long string of sometimes “incremental” or even “grand” improvements. It’s also true that they’ve had some setbacks as well. Even setbacks make you better. I just reviewed the CCA Hydro (Hydro Review) and to be 100% honest, I do believe that a great number of hobbyists are going to look at that set like it’s one of the better hybrid iems that you can purchase under $200. I say that without batting an eye. So, does the magic that happened with the Hydro, the Trio, the Rhapsody and the AS24 trickle down to the ZS10 Pro 2? This is something that I am eager to find out. I want to know if the ZS10 Pro 2 is going to be a set that carries that same lineage as the previous ZS10 series of iems or does KZ switch it up with this set? Is the ZS10 Pro 2 even a good deal against the current crop of under $50 iems? It’s a tough, tough, price point to play in. So, without further ado, the KZ ZS10 Pro 2…

Non-Affiliated Purchasing Link’s:
Concept cart


I received the KZ ZS10 Pro 2 from KZ as a review sample and in exchange I will conduct a full review and feature at I have not received any payment or any other form of compensation for this review. This set is a review sample iem. KZ has not requested to pre-read any review and doesn’t have any control over “what” or “when” anything gets published to All thoughts within this review are my own, though please take note that I will always have my own biases. This is impossible to get around. I try to be as objective as my subjective self can be, but this is an opinion piece folks. Thank you to KZ, and thanks for reading.

ZS10 Pro 2
The ZS10 Pro 2 attached to the iBasso DX240 with a Faaeal balanced SPC cable

Gear used for testing
Hidizs S8 Pro / Simgot Dew4x / Shanling M6 Ultra / Fiio Q15 / iBasso DX240 / KZ AZ20 / Ifi Go Blu

Gear used for testing


Ifi Go Blu

Hidizs S8 Pro Robin

Simgot Dew4x

Fiio Q15

iBasso DX240 with Amp8 MK2

Shanling M6 Ultra


Packaging / Accessories


Nothing new to explain here. We all know what we are going to get with a budget KZ product. This is a bare bones, utilitarian, and pretty naked set of accessories for the price. However, I don’t think anyone is necessarily expecting a whole lot more either. We are used to the KZ/CCA packaging and speaking for myself… I’m okay with it. You get a small white box with a picture of the ZS10 Pro 2 on the front and some specs on the back. Open it up and you’ll see the ZS10 Pro 2 chilling in cardboard cut-outs. Under the earphones is the cable, the tips, and a dip-switch tool. That’s about it folks.

KZZS10P2 Packaging
KZZS10P2 Packaging
KZZS10P2 Packaging


KZZS10P2 Eartips

Just like all previous KZ sets, you’ll receive three pairs (S, M, L) of the white KZ Starline eartips. For whatever reason within the packaging that KZ sent me only had two pairs of Starlines, which is okay. It happens. I actually use Starline tips from time to time and so I welcome getting more Starline tips. KZ Starlines is actually much better than some of the tips you’ll get from other brands near this price point. KZ also added in a pair of black slow rise foam tips. I honestly don’t have a whole lot to say about this that I haven’t already said in quite a few reviews now. Also, I should note that I didn’t use the Starlines with the ZS10 Pro 2. I instead gave that job to the KBear 07 tips. No eartips fit me quite like the 07 tips as they seal perfectly in every instance. I could also understand why some folks would at least try foam tips with this set too. The ZS10 Pro 2 can get a bit fatiguing up top and near the upper midrange and so the foamies do help to smooth those peakier areas down a bit. I would use them, but I generally can’t stand foam tips.


KZZS10P2 Cable

The cable provided is the same cable that KZ has been using for years now. It’s the same opaque/white, QDC style 2-pin SPC (silver-plated copper) cable with a right angle 3.5 single ended jack. The included cable isn’t a horrible cable at all and will work just as intended. I must have about 30 of these cables sitting around however as I always swap them out for something balanced for my balanced sources. Having said that, for any 3.5 single ended use I do use the included cable and it works like a charm. No it isn’t the most gorgeous cable on planet earth, but it does the job and that’s the least we can ask for. I actually went with a white Faaeal 8-Core SPC balanced cable which obviously helps in my ambition to listen mostly on balanced sources.

The KZ ZS10 Pro 2 and the Fiio Q15

Build / Design / Internals / Fit

Build Quality

Have you seen any KZ set over the last six or seven years? If you have, then you probably know the shell mold that was used to craft the ZS10 Pro 2. It’s the exact shape and size as any of the ZSN series, ZS10 series and about 20 other series from KZ/CCA to KBear and about five other budget minded audio brands. This is the regular ole’ iem shape that we’ve grown accustomed to. You have a plastic shell casing with an alloy faceplate. The plastic isn’t some cheap and chinsy feeling plastic as the build quality is still pretty good, as always. The faceplates have the same “diamond-plated” appearance as always. You’ll also notice this set has the usual three allen-key screws holding the faceplates on. One curious thing is that the ZS10 Pro 2 actually has slots open to the shell with a metal mesh underneath. Now, I don’t know if these “slots” are actual vents making the ZS10 Pro 2 “semi-open” or not. My guess is that these are strictly ornamental, but I could definitely be wrong about that. The blown-up image that KZ provides in their promotional material would indicate that this set does have a semi-open build, but I’m not sure. On the backside of this set you’ll find the four tuning switches as well. The nozzles are right around 6mm in width (very common size) and about medium length which will fit most any ears.

ZS10 Build
ZS10 Build
ZS10 Build
ZS10 Build
ZS10 Build
ZS10 Build
ZS10 Build


The design hasn’t changed much over the years. Like I said, it’s the same diamond plate metal look on the faceplates. Again, we have the three allen-key tiny screws which adds a tough industrial type of appearance. It’s a nice-looking set. But also, this series has always been nice looking. I do enjoy the transparent shell which enables me to look inside at the inner workings of the ZS10 Pro 2. It’s a traditionally shaped iem which has the standard universal body style, but KZ has a neat way of crafting iems which have a certain appeal to them. They are very good at this. I’d actually say that KZ specializes in design. They can take a body style that we’ve seen hundreds of times in the past and style it in such a way that feels fresh and relatively new. On top of that, there’s also a definite nostalgic feeling which harkens back to the KZ sets from back in the day. However, we are in the present and the ZS10 Pro 2 certainly has its own design appeal. One thing I really like is the metal mesh resting under the holes on the diamond plate faceplates. Again, I have no idea (need to take em’ apart) if these are semi-open (probably not) but it sure looks like it. The design is great and I’m glad KZ hasn’t changed a thing. Stick to your guns KZ! Stay with what made you what you are. You can always design other sets which take on a new and crazy design language.


Once again KZ went with the obvious driver count. Being that the name is the ZS…”10” Pro 2, it is to be implied that we have five drivers per side. We’ve always quipped that maybe KZ and other Chi-fi brands should probably refer to its “five” drivers per side when it names its set like… ZS5 Pro 2 instead of ZS10 Pro 2…but that’s just semantics, unimportant, and also… I don’t care so… moving on. So, KZ went with five drivers per side going with a 10mm dynamic driver of unknown material. They also went with their now tried-and-true dual 31736 Balanced Armature arrays. Meaning two sets of two using the 31736 Balanced Armatures. They’re actually the back-to-back arrays BA’s. The DD handles the lows to the mids while one set of two BA’s handles the highs, and the next set handles the high highs. KZ also added in a three-way electronic crossover circuit which evenly doles out each frequency band (lows, mids, highs) with good separation and distinction. These crossovers are really doing some great work anymore as the sound comes through much cleaner and better delineated between each 3rd of the mix. On top of that, KZ did add in four tuning switches which doesn’t seem like it’s an “internal” per se, but the magic happens internally. At any rate, you have to give KZ a pat on the back as they really are crafting some nice drivers and audio tech. They make their own folks, and this shouldn’t go unnoticed as it’s pretty impressive.

Tuning switches


People have a hard time liking these tuning switches. I suppose at the surface I understand. However, how much better is it to be able to switch up the sound to your liking? So, you have to get the little switch tool and push a switch…So difficult! Obviously, I’m joking at the expense of folks who complain about dipswitches. I’m only playing folks. Okay, so the switches on the KZ ZS10 Pro 2 are actually very easy to explain as KZ/CCA has really dialed in these bad boys. Perhaps better than almost all switch implementations within the Audioverse. Seriously, every other iem by KZ has switches now, they should be good at it by now.

What do they do?

The explanation of how the switches work has been made very easy. But first I’ll explain for review purposes that “on” is “1” and “off” is “0”. So, all switches on will look like “1111”. Easy enough. The first three switches each bring up the low-end by 1 level and each “level” equates to 1-2 decibels. From what I understand anyways. Now, turning on the fourth switch actually reduces the highs by 1 level, or a few db’s. I really like that KZ added in a “lowering” of the highs rather than an increase. Especially for a set like the ZS10 Pro 2. Traditionally this series has been rather bright in the treble department and so being able to decrease the treble sensitivity is valuable to many hobbyists. Also, the switches do make pretty dramatic swings in the overall tonal character of the sound which hits your ears. Personally, I went with the “1110” configuration. Definitely I like the three-level bump up in the bass and the slight lowering of the highs. I don’t mind “1111” or “1100” either but primarily for critical listening I went with the first three up and the last down. I hope that all makes enough sense to you but please comment if you need more of an explanation.

Fit / Isolation

The fit for the ZS10 Pro 2 is identical to most any KZ set from this ZS10 series, or the ZSN series. Identical. Same housing shape, nozzle length (I think), and same size. The fit is good folks. There’s a reason that this body style has worked for so long and why it has always been so popular. For me I have to make sure that I get tips which fit me well enough. Like I mentioned earlier, I went with my favorite KBear 07 large sized tips and honestly didn’t give any other tips much of a try. The 07’s worked so well and so why play around. Now, the Starlines do work just fine but I like the presentation so much more with the 07’s on this set. The bass gets this hard punch to it, more rigid sounding whereas the Starlines increase the low-end a titch more, but also, they soften the impact for whatever reason. Anyways, the fit is great with either and I suspect that most folks won’t have an issue either. Isolation is about average. These aren’t meant purposefully for stage use (though many do use KZ earphones for that purpose) and are only about average in passive noise isolation.



The KZ ZS10 Pro 2 is rated with an impedance of 25 to 28 ohms depending on your switch orientation as well as a sensitivity of 108dbs. This translates into a very sensitive earphone. Really, you shouldn’t have an issue driving this set from even a simple smartphone. I used the ZS10 Pro 2 a lot with the KZ AZ20 Bluetooth adapters which are not the most powerful Earhooks and the ZS10 Pro 2 had plenty of headroom. Using my iPad was also a breeze when connecting straight to its 3.5 single ended port. Again, plenty of headroom.

Mobile Listening


Using my more mobile listening devices was a breeze and I found that the ZS10 Pro 2 paired a bit better with warmer sources. I especially liked the Simgot Dew4x, Ifi Go Blu, EPZ TP20 Pro, and the Hidizs S8 Pro. Each of them has a slightly warmer hue to the sound which really does synergize for me. Of course, you may feel drastically different and enjoy a cooler and brighter approach.

More juice

Using my iBasso DX240, Fiio Q15 and Shanling M6 Ultra showed me that the ZS10 Pro 2 does marginally scale to more output power. You’ll find the usual scaling of dynamics, extension and overall tightness of the delivery. I should also note that these devices are also quite a bit more talented than my dongle dacs. So, whether the scaling is occurring from more output or because I’m simply using better devices is questionable. Perhaps it’s a little of both. There is a significant enough difference between 3.5 se and 4.4 balanced and so maybe there is some scaling with more juice. I felt the Shanling M6 Ultra was a perfect match for the ZS10 Pro 2 with its velvet sound & completely resolving nature. Note weight got a nice boost and macro-dynamics got some boost in presence.

What do you need?

All you actually need is a 3.5 single ended port on… Anything. A smartphone should be fine. I would at least recommend a decent Dongle Dac with pretty good output power, but we all have different financial situations. Anyways, the ZS10 Pro 2 doesn’t need a lot. Plug her in and have fun.


Sound Impressions

Listening to the KZ ZS10 Pro 2 I feel we have a totally new and refined tuning to an otherwise legendary series of iems. Gone are the extra tinny & shrill highs and gone is the muddier and more obtrusive bass, the far back mids too. This is a much better version of the old ZS10 Pro and a better version of the ZS10 Pro-X (which I don’t have on hand to compare, sorry). Tonally I do feel that you are still getting a bright/neutral, V-shaped sound with a less fatiguing nature to it. Now, this brighter sound can also be tamed quite a bit with use of the dipswitches. Like I said earlier, I enjoy the “1110” configuration which pushes the bass up three levels as well as drops the highs down a few db’s. This does add a decent dynamic balance of the spectrum in my opinion. Anyways, overall, the ZS10 Pro 2 has a crisper delivery with a very nice technical foundation. I find the sound is nicely contoured, a dash of fun away from being analytical. Transients are relatively fast and tight with a clean delivery. Separation is very nice between elements within the stage. I’m telling you people, this is a very good sounding earphone if you enjoy that bright, neutralish, clean attack, and hard-edged delivery. It isn’t a soft or smooth sounding set, in general. Obviously, different tracks can make that last statement a liar out of me but again, in general this is a crisp and swift sound that’s leaner than it is lush.

Condensed Sound Between the 20’s

The low-end is punchy but moderate. It’s tightly wound but never beefy. This is a departure to some extent from previous versions. Upping the bass through the switches beefs it up a bit and does make the bass hit a bit harder but for the most part the bass is just north of neutral with a defined attack and peppy decay. Sub-bass is pretty deep with good extension. However, that extension is not heavy or overbearing at all. The midrange is slightly recessed, a hair thin in body but also well resolved. It has that clean and lean type sound which will likely appeal to people who enjoy good note definition. The upper-mids come through with good shimmer and levity. I’d say the midrange has some very good instrument distinction aided by nice separation and better imaging than many iems within the price point. The treble is bright, with note hugging texture, though the brilliance may be a bit much for some. Of course you can switch up the dipswitches, but warm/dark lovers will want to keep looking. Detail retrieval is better than it should be, and the treble is also pretty snappy too. Technically the ZS10 Pro 2 does stand out pretty well which is pretty impressive considering that KZ made sure to add in a spike of fun to the sound too. This isn’t some analytical, anemic, or bone-dry sound. In the same breath the ZS10 Pro 2 also isn’t rich, milky and emotional sounding. However, it is the best ZS10 series iem to date and that is without question.

ZS10P2 Graph
“0000” Graph courtesy of Paul Wasabii, Thanks!

Bass Region

The low end is like I said earlier; impactful, punchy, moderately emphasized and never muddy. This is a clean bass region that doesn’t seek to stuff up the frequency with unwanted veil or masking. The ZS10 Pro 2’s low-end has some oomph yet in a slightly leaner profile which can take on faster passages of music relatively easy. This is most certainly NOT a basshead iem. In fact, it isn’t even a moderate basshead set. To an extent it’s somewhat of a departure from those older ZS10 series iems. The bass doesn’t really balance the mix dynamically unless you use the “1110” settings. This is where you bring up the low-end and drop the highs a bit. Personally, it’s my favorite and I do feel that the bass has enough rumble and boom to take on most genres without coming across too bulbous or too mucked-up in bass resonance. The bass is generally tight, quick to react, and it can be pretty fun too.


I won’t spend too long in these sections as the ZS10 Pro 2 is pretty cut n’ dry. The sub-bass is certainly there, it gets pretty deep with some good haptic reverb and physicality. However, it’s a short-lived decay. This is not an atmospheric sounding bass per se. Of course, there are tracks which are recorded as such and so the ZS10 Pro 2 will reciprocate. I find the sub-bass to have good extension into the lowest of lows and hit some pretty deep notes nicely. Having said that, don’t expect the sub-bass to plump up any other areas of the mix or overcrowd the mid-bass. It won’t do that. Listening to “Paradigm” by The Head and The Heart” it is obvious that the ZS10 Pro 2 is not weak in this area. Clearly it can rise to the occasion and really grumble with some decent density. On the flip side, bassheads will likely want more out of the sub-bass. Again, this is a quicker, lean-muscle mass, quick to react bass which is great in a more technical setting. Good for slightly faster or more complicated bass tracks. Transients move along with some swiftness and depending on what you are into sounds nice.


The mid-bass is slightly less emphasized compared to the sub-bass region. They are fairly close though. The quantity seems closer to equal, though the mid-bass does take an earlier descent into the midrange, though it flattens out around 300hz, which is nice. The mid-bass does give the slightest bit of warmth to the lower-mids but it doesn’t have that pregnant hump that’s going to give you the boom and slam that so many desire. I feel that bass guitars could use a hint more fullness, but it isn’t deficient either. Just enough gritty plumpness to carry the song “Groove” by Ray Wylie Hubbard. The beautiful thing is that the bass does nothing to mask over any vocals or any other instruments. This is a very clean, defined, and crisp mid-bass that is far from overwhelming. Kick-drums feel a hair held back as well but I’ll repeat what I said about bass guitars, not exactly deficient either as it’s still adequate. In the track “Billie Jean” by Weezer (Michael Jackson cover) I hear tight, marginally deep kick-drums followed by a snappy and hard pang from the snare drum. The texture is there for this track as the kick-drums have that tacky style of attack with a quick hollow boom following. It isn’t as resonant and round as some sets, but also, the definition is very good for a DD. So, there’s some give and take with this set. Not even close to one-noted and on the faster side of the aisle. Couple that with the fact that the mid-bass still has enough in the tank to surprise me with some fairly heavy bass drops making the bass pretty darn nice for what it is. Certainly, this is quality over quantity.

Downsides to the Bass Region

The first obvious downside is the fact that bassheads or even slight Bass-bois will want more amplitude in this region. So many of my friends yearn for that slow decay and heavy bass response full of vibratory resonance. So those folks will likely not be impressed. This is a low-end for people who really desire a snappy and punchy low-end with good snap at attack. That crisp and pointed attack that feels hard edged at the crest of a note. The only other thing which may turn some folks off is those who really want that full and groaning bass guitar. Not that the ZS10 Pro 2 cannot be that, it just that it isn’t that all the time and definitely there are sets which can give that fullness.



The mids are simply clean folks. They aren’t hampered by the bass, and they aren’t wilting in dryness either. They are a happy median where transient attack through release is perceived to be zippy, or fast. The midrange has great separation of instruments and voices and does so with better imaging than many sets. But also, the sound is a bit thinner in actual note body and less robust than some sets tuned with a more invasive bass region. Granted, I wouldn’t call the midrange outright “thin” either. So again, a give and take. The positive thing about this region is that the sound has good presence against the rest of the mix. Some would call the midrange recessed, but I wouldn’t exactly say that. No, they aren’t in your face and ultra forward, but their cleanliness and pinpoint accuracy provides a very well contoured sound. The low-mids sound a hair pushed back but slightly warmer, while the upper-mids come across vibrant, shimmery and forward. Details stick out very well in this region and I don’t hear any annoying sibilance which might derail a listening session. That all said, I don’t feel that the timbre is as organic as some recent KZ / CCA sets. You have this heightened delivery which will skew the sound to the brighter side of the spectrum, no matter your switch settings. So, the tonality and timbre will not come across all too natural. However, who says “natural” is the best way to hear music? In the same breath, the sound isn’t all wonky, grainy, tizzy or odd in its reproduction of my music either. Just a hint brighter, very fleet-footed, snappy and nicely textured.


The lower midrange takes a hint of bass region warmth and uses it as much as it can. Only the slightest bit of weight and body are flooded down to the low-mids. I’d say that the lower-mids are probably the weak point of the tuning in my opinion. This doesn’t make them bad though. Male vocals aren’t the picture of authenticity, but they are very nicely resolved and a hair more energetic sounding than most sets. Voices like Chris Stapleton in “Higher” is one which moves up and down the midrange hitting different octaves but mostly chills near the low-mids. The ZS10 Pro 2 does a nice job of not adding more sizzle and grain to his already gravely southern voice. His voice is pronounced enough to not sound undertone or pushed too far into the background. Now, I only hear moderate warmth and fullness to his voice. His voice really does need that body to hear him and all the little intonations and melodic modulations that his legendary voice deserves. Again, not bad at all, it’s just a preference thing here. However, listening to Noah Kahan in the track “Stick Season” tells a different story as his vocals shine on the ZS10 Pro 2. His voice is already thin and wiry. Again, the ZS10 Pro 2 doesn’t exaggerate these qualities but instead puts them on a pedestal. Instrumentation in this region follows suit. Probably could use some more body, but at the same time they all come across very clean and the ZS10 Pro 2 early has better resolution than many sets in the price point.


The upper-mids on the other hand have a lot of energy. They have that profuse vibrance and detail-oriented sound that illuminates every last subtlety within my music. Again, this is an area that will have to align with people’s preferences. To the person who desires less energy and a slightly less vivacious sound they’d probably not be thrilled with the upper-mids on the ZS10 Pro 2. However, to the person who loves that dynamic, enthusiastic and sparkly upper midrange with plenty of shimmer for female voices, those people will find this set very appealing. Coincidentally that is what I’m trying to help you all with. The ZS10 Pro 2 is not a bad set by any stretch of the imagination. It’s just tuned a certain way which aligns with a certain type of listener. That’s it.

Upper-mids cont…

Anywyas, the upper mids have a fast and textured attack which decays rapidly. There’s a crispness that prevails throughout the whole of the midrange but crescendos at the upper-mids and comes across almost sprightly and with plenty of luminance. The beauty of this region is that the ZS10 Pro 2 doesn’t sound ultra sharp or glaring either. KZ tuned this set to do that vubrant/piercing dance and they did it pretty well. Without question the switches can help you teeter one way or the other. I prefer the “1110” which pulls those upper-mids down a tad and props up the bass for a more dynamically balanced sound. Still, listening to Olivia Rodrigo in the track “Drivers License” I cannot help but adore the way the ZS10 Pro 2 handles her higher register head voice as well as her longingly solemn chest voice. There’s so much sad teenage angst wrapped up in this emotionally charged sound and the ZS10 Pro 2 does justice to her voice. I wouldn’t call the ZS10 Pro 2 a traditionally vocal leaning iem though. Many sets are tailored for this region. The nice thing about the ZS10 Pro 2 is the fact that it doubles as a good female vocal set as well as a very technically savvy set. That dance I was talking about.


Instruments fall in line with all that I’ve tried to convey. I’m not going to go into each Instrument and how it sounds. I have done that in the past and other reviewers do that too but it kind of makes zero sense. Each track and each recording may skew the sound one way or the other. All I can really do is tell you all that the sound of each instrument will come across a bit more elated and subtly brighter than perfectly natural. You won’t have those drawn-out harmonics of something like a piano key being thunderously punched down on. The decay is a BA decay which cuts off some of those harmonics. However, the harmonics you do hear are very crisp, clean and very well detailed. Strings will all carry a certain bite to them. You’ll hear all the finger scrapes and slides. Percussion will also usually have that pointed snap to them. Cymbals will have more of a ringing and clanging with a more tinselly sound. Woodwind instruments sound fine, for the most part. In fact, all instruments sound fine. We’ve heard these types of tunings in the past and while the ZS10 Pro 2 isn’t the picture of analog and organic, it does have some very rewarding qualities that many folks will find awesome, and some won’t. That’s the nature of the hobby folks. It also happens to be the beauty of the hobby too.

Downsides to the Midrange

The biggest drawback of the midrange is the timbre, in my opinion anyways. Like I’ve stated, the ZS10 Pro 2 doesn’t have the most earthy and natural sound. You don’t have that bodied warmth and atmospheric decay that leads to a more emotionally musical sound. Think fast, lean, tight, vibrant and precise. Those are the descriptors which best describe the midrange in my mind. Not everyone wants those descriptions replaying their music. That’s a downside. Also, the upper-mids do get a bit too peaky, especially on some switch settings which bolster that region. Something I didn’t cover all too well in the “Upper-Midrange” section of this review (probably should have). Yes, the ZS10 Pro 2 can get a tad too shouty on the right track and yes, the switches can dial that back, tip changes help too. Still, overall, the sound has that brightness to it and that never really goes away. That all said, KZ did a great job of crafting and tuning a good V-shaped iem that is dynamically emphatic but also very well controlled. It’s the control that separates this set from previous iterations. The background is clean too which really does help to provide an unsullied listening experience.


Treble Region

The treble has plenty of foreground brightness with a luster that sort of commands the attention of the listener. Without question the treble seems to be the focal point of the ZS10 Pro 2 and the most prominent frequency range. Right from the lower treble on-out we have a highly energetic treble that carries a very crisp and thin sounding disposition. The highs on this set can be brought down to earth a little bit by propping up the low-end and dropping the treble back a few db’s with the switches. This does help to a degree. I hear a very tidy treble region with very good clarity featuring some subtle treble bite and very good extension into the upper treble. The treble can be very tinselly and even slightly metallic in the right tracks. Certainly, there is a little bit of BA timbre. However, don’t let those words dismay you if you are one who enjoys a more vibrant and vivacious treble display because the treble is actually quite good for the price and for the tuning. This treble has a very unclouded, translucent and lucid type of clarity with good density in for how lean each note is. There’s an actual edge to each note, some bite, and the decay is fast which comes across as solidity. If that makes any sense to you. Just think about it.

Levity to the mix

One thing I do enjoy about the treble is how it impacts the overall sound. I do hear an airy presentation up top with a very open feeling to what I hear. Even with the switches in position to dial them (treble) back. It’s just… always open sounding. There is more than enough room for instruments to exist with space between and clarity is such that I hear well-defined outlines of the notes. Of course, on brighter tracks the sound does veer off and get a bit tizzy and even gains some slight sibilance at times. That all said, I feel that budget treble heads will thoroughly enjoy the ZS10 Pro 2. Seriously, stop looking around at other budget-oriented sets treble-bois, I think I found your diamond in the rough. The KZ ZS10 Pro 2 has a very rambunctious lower treble clear through to the air region, past 10k. What this does to the overall sound is bring levity to every area of the mix as well as bring a certain level of air to the sound, as I said at the beginning of this paragraph.

A step up!

Technically the treble really does invoke good detail retrieval, yet somehow, I don’t feel this is a case of forced resolution. Please trust me that I’d usually call it that. Not on this set. This treble feels purposeful and almost tailored this way. It’s the treble that brings on this openness across the mix which also happens to provide a very crystalline midrange too. What this does is add very micro-details and even good micro-dynamics. I don’t feel the treble cancels anything out or masks the rest of the spectrum either. Unless of course the track you’re listening to has a very heavy-handed treble showing. I suppose because the treble is leaner in note profile and airy enough that you don’t sense the congestion as much. At any rate, for a treble heavy and bright sound I do feel that KZ did a nice job here. Certainly, a huge step up from the equally bright KZ PR3 or the KZ ZSN Pro 2. Huge step up!

Downsides to the Treble Region

Now, I say all these nice words, but those words will only impact a portion of the community in a pleasurable way. Of course, this set is going to be too bright for a group of people. That’s just the truth. I’m an anomaly because I truly can find enjoyment in almost any sound signature which does help an awful lot for reviews. However, I know many folks who don’t share my enthusiasm. The treble is also pretty sibilant at times which can be a nagging problem for some folks. Like I said you can combat this sibilance with some different tips and with the switches. I will also say that the treble can get ever-so-slightly splashy on very energetic tracks past 8k. It’s rare but it’s there. You will hear some cymbals sounding more like a splash than a crash. Beyond those issues, I honestly don’t see anything else that’s very wrong about this set. I mean, some people might have issue with the fact that this is a leaner sounding treble but… really? Listen folks, this is tuned for a particular style of listening. I realize that not everyone likes that style. Despite that fact, everything isn’t created just for you or me. Some things are actually quite good… even if you don’t agree. KZ tuned the ZS10 Pro 2 to be highly energetic and ferociously dynamic with fun in mind and to be highly capable technically. I’d say they nailed it.




The soundstage is probably just above average in width and the ZS10 Pro 2 has good height too. Now, depth isn’t as deep as I’d like, below average I’d say. There’s some depth on the right tracks but for the most part this is a flat plane type of display. Does this make it bad? Absolutely not. You don’t need amazing depth for decent sound. The sound field is still nicely wide and tall with a good sense of positioning. Folks this is a budget set and it’s very nice in the area of soundstage for what it is. Also, different tracks will present different psycho-acoustic perceptions of the sound field. Without question there are tracks which do sound well layered and deep. Tracks like “Hook” by Blues Travelers for instance. That track sounds as though front to back has distance between the foreground and the background. I just feel that generally the sound isn’t as deep as other sets in this regard. Overall, not bad at all.

Separation / Imaging

This is one area that the ZS10 Pro 2 truly shines as separation of elements within an imaginary stage sound very well partitioned off from each other. I hear very well separated and delineated instruments and vocals with crisp edges and well-defined notes. Imaging follows suit as well. There are some layering issues but for the most part imaging is very nice. Perhaps there’s some blending on treble heavy tracks or bass dominant tracks but for the most part these are two areas that excel.

Detail Retrieval

Another area that the KZ ZS10 Pro 2 truly excels at. Details are very perceptible and easy to distinguish. You have an airy and open sound, fantastic clarity, resolution, with well-defined notes and great separation. Take all of these attributes and add them up. What you get is good detail retrieval. I think all you detail hounds will enjoy what you hear with this set.


Is it worth the asking price?

This is a polarizing set. It just is. When you have any iem that sits heavy to one side of the spectrum then it will be polarizing. Not everyone is going to be a fan. Whether it’s a warm/dark set or a bright/neutral iem like the KZ ZS10 Pro 2. So, how does one answer this question? Well, that’s easy, you answer this question for the people it’s tuned for. I don’t expect a warm loving basshead to enjoy the ZS10 Pro 2. That would be ridiculous. On the flip side, I do believe that budget-oriented hobbyists who love and adore a bright presentation that still has some good punch and kick down low to really enjoy the ZS10 Pro 2.

The Why?

Because the build is nostalgic and actually quite good for the price. This is not a very inexpensive set for a five-driver hybrid iem at $40. The looks are pretty cool too. Yes, we’ve seen this look to an extent in the past, but the design is still a good one. However, as always, the sound carries the answers to the question “Is it worth the asking price”. Again, I have to answer this for those who love a dynamically revealing iem that leans slightly to the right (bright) but also who love a good and punchy well defined and clean bass region. Despite people’s misgivings about the tuning, the KZ ZS10 Pro 2 has a good handle of the spectrum with good control and a very nice technical ability. Details are great, its spacious and open sounding, the sound has a lively energy and those who enjoy a brighter treble will probably like this set. Now, personally I would pick up a few iems before this set but that simply because it isn’t my preferred signature. So maybe for me it isn’t up to some other sets. Kinda like the CCA Trio which is from the same company and around the same price. Still, for those who dig this type of sound…without question the ZS10 Pro 2 should be worth the $40 that KZ is asking.


Ratings (0-10)

Note: all ratings are based upon my subjective judgment. These ratings are garnered against either similarly priced sets or with similar driver implementations or styles with the unique parameters of my choosing. In the case of the KZ ZS10 Pro 2 ratings below, that would be $25 to $55 hybrid driver earphones. Please remember that “ratings” don’t tell the whole story. This leaves out nuance and a number of other qualities which make an iem what it is. A “5-6” is roughly average and please take into consideration the “lot” of iems these ratings are gathered against. $25 to $55 is a large sized scope of iems and it is very competitive. It’s a large enough pool of iems that seeing a “9.0” for example, should mean something. My ratings are never the same and each set of ratings tells a different story. Each time you read one of my ratings will be unique to that review. Basically, I create a Rating that makes sense to me.


Build Quality: 8.5 Built well, HeyGears build.

Look: 8.5 Tops in class.

Fit/Comfort: 9.2 Fit and comfort is great for me.

Accessories: 5.5 Accessories are not KZ’s fortay.

Overall: 7.9🔥🔥

Sound Rating

Timbre: 8.1 Decent timbre for a hybrid.

Bass: 8.8 Impactful, tight, well-defined.

Midrange: 8.3 Resolving, detailed, dynamic.

Treble: 9.6 Extended, detailed, precise, bright.

Technicalities: 9.7 All technicalities are great.

Musicality: 7.2 Technical over musical.

Overall: 8.6🔥

Ratings Summary:

I feel like there isn’t much to explain here. The ZS10 Pro 2 has a very particular tuning and one that I feel most of us can agree on. However, if there was anything to explain myself over as far as the ratings goes then it would have to be the treble. Listen, people who don’t dig this much treble emphasis are flat out not going to enjoy the treble as much as others. Plain and simple. Certainly, they wouldn’t give the treble a “9.6” in the midst of a crowded field of iems. I get it too. That’s a super high score. So high that there are very few iems in the price point that can even compete. Every other rating I feel is pretty much justified in my eyes. I took these ratings against a slew of iems between $25 and $55 dollars and the ZS10 Pro 2 did very well in some areas and not as good in others. That’s what you get with a very well done, but also polarizing tuning. It’s a nice set, just not for everyone.



To conclude my full written review of the KZ ZS10 Pro 2 I have to thank the people of KZ for sending this review unit to my door in exchange for a feature at the website etc. Thank you very much. Ya know, I actually had a good time reviewing this iem. Well, I have a good time reviewing every iem. Still, this one was fun for me to try to explain how I see it and where I think it fits within the Audioverse. No, it isn’t a raving review, and no I didn’t give it high marks across the board either. It’s a very good set and a definite upgrade from previous versions of the ZS10 series. Without question. Also, thank you to everyone who chose to click the link and read this review. I cannot thank you enough. Every click is big for our website and every click is important, so thanks.

Different perspectives

Please check out other reviews of the KZ ZS10 Pro 2. We are all vastly different and we all don’t see this hobby in the same light. To one the ZS10 Pro 2 will be a fantastic iem while the next guy may think it’s one of the worst. That’s life and that is humanity. So read, watch, or listen to other thoughts and hopefully you’ll be able to make a good and educated decision. That’s it folks! Please take good care, stay as safe as possible and always…God Bless!



New Head-Fier
Pure Kz Formula but Better I think? The KZ ZS10 Pro 2
Pros: 1. Bright v-shape sound
2. Tunable bass response
3. Can be tuned, specifically towards a neutral sound
4. Good forward and energetic-sounding vocals
Cons: 1. Metallic timbre with peaky and shouty mids
2. Sibilance is often introduced in the mix
3. Lacks note-weight and desinty

Review Of The KZ ZS10 PRO II



It's been a long since I've tried a KZ IEM; if I recall well, it was their latest rendition of the full-range planar IEM, the KZ PR3, which I really liked. When it comes to KZ, it has a particular place in my heart because their IEMs were the first ones I explored and stepped on in the audiophile world; I had no idea at the time that sound could be this fantastic, and I desired to have the best sounding IEM. Now that I know there is nothing like that, it is too late for me, but for most people, including myself, Kz serves as a bridge between the average consumers and audiophiles. Not that I say they're the best, but they did their job as a specialised electro-acoustics manufacturer and one of the oldest, offering their products at a price that anyone can enjoy excellent sound. I believe KZ deserves some space and love regardless of what they've done in the past, though I do wish they would stop claiming things that give an ignorant vibe. Returning to their offerings, one of their most popular IEMs, hailed by many when it was first introduced, was the ZS10 Pro, which I also possessed for a full two years until they died. They just introduced a new version, the ZS10 PRO 2, after the ZS10 PRO X. Fortunately, I was able to obtain a pair of ZS10 PRO 2 for review, but before we go any further, I'd like to clarify a few things.



*Since this unit tour was organised by the kindly people at Linsoul, I am grateful to them. As I've said in all of my evaluations, the same is true for this one: all of the concepts I've expressed below are entirely my own, original ideas that haven't been influenced by anyone else. If interested, go to this link.
*I am not associated with the connection, and I receive no financial assistance from anyone.
*For the remainder of the review, I will refer to these IEMs as “ZS10 Pro II.”
*I am using different Ear-tips for convenience and better versatility.
*Finally, I will only evaluate the ZS10 Pro II based on its performance, even though I will explain how it feels and seems physically and aesthetically.
*For source I relied on the Sony WM1A and Apple Dongle for my review.


The ZS10 PRO II features a multi-hybrid driver configuration made up of two dual 31736 balanced armatures and a single dynamic driver. All of their five drivers are custom-made by KZ and are coupled via a 4-switch tuning board, allowing for four alternative tuning options. The shells are constructed of high-grade plastic, which KZ currently uses for all of its IEMs, and the faceplate is metal with an open-back design. To be honest, the IEM looks cooler than its predecessors, albeit the addition of tuning switches makes me a bit concerned about the design. The comfort is excellent since the IEM adheres to their classic yet extremely ergonomic design, and neither the fit nor the comfort of any Eartips I tried were compromised. The cable included with the IEM is the standard two-wire silver cord that KZ provides with their more priced IEMs. The cable features QDC connections on one end and an L-shaped 3.5mm termination plug on the other. Aside from the wire, the accessories include three pairs of eartips in varying sizes, a pair of foam tips and a tuning pin. According to the technical parameters, the impedance ranges from 25 to 28 Ohms, and the sensitivity is 108 dB. The frequency response ranges from 20Hz to 40kHz.



While reviewing the ZS10 Pro II, I noticed that the factory set tuning, with all switches, toggled upwards, made it sound more like a bright V-shape tuning with a highly focused upper mid-range and entire treble and equally emphasised bass, but when it comes to the mid-region, this time around they brought a more energetic response in the upper mid-range to not drown the vocals. When it comes to competing with its rivals like Forteza, Sonus, Jojo, etc, I believe it is well-positioned to appeal to consumers who want the typical KZ sound but with an upgraded and cleaner sound, which is far too clean in my opinion. Let's go further into the sound to learn more about it.



In terms of sound, the treble is the most exciting part of the mix. The response has multiple peaks, resulting in a highly upfront and sharp sound that appears detailed and clear while simultaneously adding sibilance and tinniness to the mix. The upper treble offers excellent extension and air, with vocals and instruments sounding front and lean yet with a clear response. The lower treble has a vibrant response, but with peaks at 5k and 11k, the response becomes much leaner, disclosing the notes, but the sibilance makes them seem incomplete. Tracks like Kent Ito's My Factor sound thrilling and lively, with a strong hold on his voice, but when the busy segment appears during the chorus, the reaction becomes sibilant, which is understandable given the track's lively and sparkling sound. Tracks like Kokoronashi by Majiko sound delightfully revealing, especially the vocals; because the notes in the track have a deep response, listening through the ZS10 Pro II balances the sound. As a result, the overall presentation of the treble region is vibrant, lean, and revealing, despite the frequent introduction of sibilance.

Mid Range

The mid-range response sounds as vibrant as the treble, but with greater note weight, allowing for a more bodied response. The upper midrange resonates with the same energy as the lower treble but with a softer presentation and less lean notes. The voices and instruments sound forward and clear, with an excellent understanding of note presentation, such as details and timbre, albeit metallic timbre appears frequently. The lower mid-range produces a subdued response, making the notes of the vocals and instruments seem imprecise but clean, but I want the sounds to sound richer and full. The note weight and density are quite low. Tracks like Gotye's Somebody That I Used To Know demonstrate this extremely well; the male vocals maintain a natural sounding response while the instrumentation does not allow for a lean response, but the female vocals become light and a bit hot in terms of high notes. Tracks like Elton John's I'm Still Standing have a highly energetic and lively response; because to the forward upper mid-range, the response provides a very crisp and resolved sound with improved note location without sounding lean or harsh. As a result, the overall presentation of the midrange is energetic, upfront, and clean sounding, despite the fact that high notes might become a touch hot at times.


The bass response has a strong presence, but the noticeable intensity of the higher frequencies keeps it in check and under control. The bass has a presentation that changes with the tuning alterations, but more on this later. The bass response is well-controlled, so the bass notes sound clear and detailed, with enough bottom presence. The focus is on the sub-bass, which reaches deep enough to provide a slight rumbling impression; on the other hand, punches hit forcefully and resolve swiftly, resulting in a clear-sounding response. The mid-bass has a solid presence as well, but the heaviness and weight are lacking since the slams and thumps sound far too clean and rapid, particularly the bass guitar notes, which sound lifeless, but the kick drums have adequate content. Tracks like Kaori Maeda's Unconventional Humans sound incredibly clean, especially when the bass guitar strikes; the notes seem as if they are produced by a synth, but the kick drums have a significant heaviness that is well accommodated and does not produce a lifeless sound. Tracks like Hello by RXPHY feature massive bass drops that the ZS10 Pro II produces sufficiently, particularly the sub-bass notes after the bass drops, which sound incredibly articulated and clear, giving the response a spacious and clean sound. Overall, the bass response is well-controlled, powerful, and clean-sounding.

Technical Performance

In terms of technical performance, the ZS10 Pro II compares favourably to competitors such as the 7Hz Sonus, Kiwi Ears Forteza, and Blon X Z reviews JoJo. Although I prefer the staging and details on this pair, the other aspects result in an underperforming response. Let's be more specific.


Soundstage, Sound Imaging & Separation

The soundstage is more stereo-positioned since the response sounds more effectively in the left and right directions than in the front or rear. The stage's width and depth are sufficient to produce a vast sound. The imaging is clean, although it could have been crisper and clearer. The separation also lacks distinction between the notes, making it difficult to determine which direction the sound is coming from.

Speed & Resolution

Regarding resolution, the representation is enough for the macro details that the ZS10 Pro II provides, however, I do notice that the micro details suffer a bit in surfacing in the mix. The assault and decay of the notes are swift, which is remarkable for a KZ IEM that is not planar, therefore it does not introduce imperfections into the mix.

Tuning Switches

There are four tuning switches that vary the tune differently each time it is toggled or played with; nevertheless, in my view, it functions more like a bass level switch, as the more switches you toggle upwards, the more bass appears in the mix. During my tests, I discovered that the more I switched down, the more the higher frequencies stood out in the mix. In terms of personal taste or preferences, I prefer a neutral with a sub-bass boost, which I was able to achieve with a combination of UUDD and UDDD. Still, surprisingly, I preferred the UUUU combination because it made it sound more tonally pleasing rather than lean or shouty in my opinion. As a result, tuning switches are completely pointless to me unless I want a dark-sounding track to sound clear and revealing.



Millet - Anytime Anywhere
Anri - I can’t stop the loneliness
Kohana Lam - A Few Sentimental
Kohana Lam - Loving Me, Loving You
Uru - Kimino Shiawasewo
Uru - Kamihitoe
Kujira Yumemi - Kenka
Majiko - Kokoronashi
Anly - Sukinishinayo
Kohama Lam - A Few Sentimental
Kohana Lam - Loving Me, Loving You
Miliyah - Kono Yumega Samerumade
Rokudenashi - The Flame Of Love
Yu-Peng Chen - A New Day with Hope
Yu-Peng Chen - Another Hopeful Tomorrow
Yu-Peng Chen - For Riddles, for Wonders
Valentino Khan - Satellite
Kai Wachi - Happier By Now
Jawns - Erotica
ISOxo - how2fly
Kai Wachi - Happier By Now
Weeknd - Popular
YUNGBLUD - When We Die(Can We Still Get High)
Bring to Horizon - Kool-Aid
Middle Kids - Bend
FLETCHER - Leads Me On
Loathe - Aggressive Evolution
The Weeknd - Save Your Tears
Sigrid - Burning Bridges
AURORA - Black Water Lilies
AURORA - Runaway
X Ambassadors - Renegades
Lupe Fiasco - Words I Never Said
Macklemore & Ryan Lewis - Can’t Hold Us
Gotye - Somebody That I Used To Know
Jay-Z - Run This Town
Lady Gaga - Poker Face
Lady Gaga - Just Dance
Ladytron - Ghost
Travis - Love Will Come Through
LINKIN PARK - Somewhere I Belong
DJ Shadow - Six Days (Remix)
Hoobastank - The Reason
Ricky Martin - I Don’t Care
Tool - 7empest
Tool - Vicarious
A Flock Of Seagulls - Space Age Love Song
Zack Hemsey - Vengeance
Elton John - I’m Still Standing
The Moody Blues - Nights In White Satin
Micheal Sembello - Maniac
Guns N’ Roses - Sweet Child O’ Mine
A.R. Rahman - Kun Faya Kun


To summarize this review, I believe Kz continues to serve as a bridge for consumers and novice audiophiles to learn more about their tastes and what they enjoy. ZS10 Pro II is an appealing product for a newcomer looking for a conventional bassy sound with great-sounding details at a reasonable price. The ZS10 series has been and will continue to be a fun and engaging IEM, with each new release enhancing details, clarity, and tonal presentation. So I suggest this IEM for individuals looking to dig deeper into the audiophile realm or for an IEM that sounds engaging, vibrant, and exciting.

Last edited:

mars chan

New Head-Fier
KZ ZS10 Pro 2 review and comparisons.
Pros: .
+ Excellent Value for money.
+ The Fun Factor is through the roof.
+ low distortion.
+ Sensitive and easy to drive.
+ excellent dynamics
+ clear, open and airy treble.
+ a very nicely tuned V-shaped sound.
Cons: .
- could cause fatigue in long listensing sessions for some listeners.
- could sound raw and unpolished on rare occasions.
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KZ ZS10 Pro 2 review and comparisons.

I'd like to thank Linsoul Audio for providing me this to review. Linsoul Audio never told me what I could and couldn't say, so you can be assured that this review is all my own.

KZ Audio is one of the oldest earphone brands still in business today. They produce a lot of different earphone models in quite short intervals; sometimes, they release great-sounding earphones, and I'm happy to say that the 55-dollar KZ ZS10 Pro 2 is one of them.

There are various audio camps, one of which focuses on accuracy and the other on fun. The KZ ZS10 Pro 2 falls into the latter category; it trades accuracy for a fun sound; it was never intended for critical listening, in my opinion, but because of its distinct V-shaped tuning, it sounds more like a live musical performance than many of my other accurate-sounding sets.

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Packaging, eartips, and cable:

It's mundane, just the usual KZ budget packaging that doesn't waste a lot of material, and I like it for that. It includes three pairs of eartps, one of which is a foam tip, and the other two are the famous KZ Starline silicon tips.

I tried various manufacturers' tips and discovered that the ones supplied are most suited to the ZS10 Pro 2. The foam tip produces a smoother sound, but it reduces bass impact. I dislike using foam tips, therefore for this review, I only utilized Starline Tips, which sound more powerful and bassy.

The provided cable is only usable if you don't have any other cables, but it's preferable to replace it with a thicker third-party cable that doesn't tangle easily, because the ZS10 Pro 2 deserves a better cable, in my view.

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The graph:

I am pleased to report that I have an amazing copy of the KZ ZS10 Pro 2. The channel matching (please see photo) is outstanding; I wasn't expecting that, but I am pleased with the measurement result. The peak at 8 kHz is a measuring artifact. I utilized silicon TRN T-tips as my normal measurement tips. I tried foam tips, and the peak was much lowered. However, I can still audibly detect a boost in response at 8 KHz, which adds bite and texture to the treble.

Switch settings:

I use only the default on,on,on,on setting as I didn't like the other settings.

Sensitivity, drivability, power handling, and distortion:

I'm also pleased to report that the ZS10 Pro 2 meets all of the criteria in this sector, since it is both sensitive and easy to drive. It is easily driven by any device having a phone output. It can handle high power and be very loud without sounding distorted; this is fantastic.

Synergy and dynamics:

The KZ ZS10 Pro 2 is not very picky about the sound of the sources it pairs with, but it dislikes sources that are very analytical and bright, such as my Fiio M15s. It sounds fantastic on my other, lower-resolution sources, like the Hidizs S9 Pro Plus Martha, Moondrop Moonriver 2, and Dawn Pro. For this review, I used the Hidizs S9 Pro Plus Martha, which I find to have a good balance of sounding analytical and musical, but regardless of the Dac/amps I use, the ZS10 Pro 2 sounds above average in dynamics and enthusiasm.

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Sound signature:

It sounds very V-shaped at low volume levels where the midrange is recessed compared to the elevated bass and treble, but it becomes only moderately V-shaped at medium and high volumes. It sounds energetic and never boring to listen to.

Sound stage and imaging:

The sound stage size is above average, and the form is broader than it is deep, with a respectable height. The imaging is acceptable but not outstanding; it lacks the accuracy of the finest I've heard in this regard, and as a result, the holography isn't as good, as is the instrument separation. However, they are to be expected at this price point. If you want an IEM that shines in this area, you'll have to look at IEMs that cost more than $200.


It has a strong sub-bass presence that provides perceivable excitement and tension to some music tracks, and it is also present to some degree in the majority of songs. The bass is boosted with considerable fullness and enthusiasm, but at the expense of precision, tightness, clarity, and resolution—indicating a low-cost driver. The good news is that it doesn't merge into the midrange and doesn't dominate the overall sound.


It is clearly recessed at low level, but it balances out with the bass and treble at mid to high volume. It provides a natural and clear sound with excellent vocal presentation, although there is a modest elevation in the upper midrange, which can sound overly enthusiastic at times. Some individuals are really sensitive to this, so be aware. On a positive note, the ZS10 Pro 2 has remarkably little distortion, and the upper midrange elevation is carefully tuned so it simply adds vitality, forwardness, details, and realism to the entire sound.


It sounds brightly lit, open, airy, and evocative, as clear as noon on a sunny day. However, I occasionally detect too much enthusiasm in the hi-hat hits, and the details are pushed too far forward at times, but because of the low distortion, it doesn't sound awful and is quite pleasing for me, and I believe this is the price you pay for—listening to a fun-sounding set—an acceptable compromise in my opinion. Treble-sensitive people, take note.

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Compared to CCA Rhapsody (50 USD):

The Rhapsody is an older cousin of the ZS10 Pro 2, and it is tuned to be near-neutral.

Bass: The rhapsody has dry-sounding bass with less sub-bass extension, while the ZS10 Pro 2 has full bodied and fun sounding bass that bubbles with energy.

Midrange: The Rhapsody has more forward sounding midrange but the ZS10 Pro 2 has a more forward sounding upper midrange, they are both fine sounding for me, but the problem with the Rhapsody is the distortion in the upper midrange, when you turn up the volume it becomes shouty, while the ZS10 Pro 2 has more linear dynamic response in this region.

Treble: The Rhapsody is somewhat congested and dynamically challenged in this region, especially when compared to the energetic ZS10 Pro 2. It also lacks micro details and upper treble extension and ultimately sounds boring in comparison.

If I had to choose between the two, without a doubt, I'd choose the ZS10 Pro 2.

Compared to the TangZu x HBB Xuan NV (79 USD):

The TangZu x HBB Xuan NV is tuned to be near neutral in the midrange and treble, but the bass is very tastefully elevated. I prefer the bass on the Xuan NV.

In the midrange and treble, they are both good-sounding but not comparable; the ZS10 Pro 2 is obviously V-Shaped in comparison.

In terms of sheer fun factor, the KZ ZS10 Pro 2 wins hands down; however, the Xuan NV sounds refined but also fun to a lesser extent, so deciding between the two is difficult for me because I can listen to the Xuan NV for many hours, whereas the ZS10 Pro 2 may cause fatigue during extended listening sessions, but it is so much fun during relatively short listening sessions. So, If I had to do it over, I'd select both since they complement each other.

Compared to CCA CRA (10 USD):

The popular CCA CRA is an old cousin of the KZ ZS10 Pro 2; they both have the KZ V-shaped house sound tuning.

This is an unfair comparison, but I included it to point out that the KZ ZS10 Pro 2 is superior to the CRA in every aspect of sound quality. It really is, so I believe the KZ ZS10 Pro 2 to be an excellent upgrade to the old CCA CRA.

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+ Excellent Value for money.
+ The Fun Factor is through the roof.
+ low distortion.
+ Sensitive and easy to drive.
+ excellent dynamics
+ clear, open and airy treble.
+ a very nicely tuned V-shaped sound.


- could cause fatigue in long listening sessions for some listeners.
- could sound raw and unpolished on rare occasions.

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Minor complaints:

On a rare occasions, I believe the KZ ZS10 Pro 2 sounds a touch raw or unpolished, but this is a minor quibble given the set's low price and other excellent attributes.

Final thoughts:

I had low expectations, but man, I was blown away on the first listen. I instantly noticed the open sounding treble that was balanced by the very extended bass, which, together with the energetic sound, made the ZS10 Pro 2 seem more like a live musical performance than my other in-ear monitor (IEM) earphones.

Let me remind you that this is a V-shaped sound signature, so if you are looking for accuracy, this is clearly not for you. However, if you are looking for a fun sounding set to complement your serious sounding earphones, or if you are a beginner looking for a better sounding V-shaped IEM than those offered at lower price points, I highly recommend the KZ ZS10 Pro 2.

Happy Listening!


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New Head-Fier
KZ ZS10 Pro 2 : Clean and Well refined
Pros: +Improvement on KZ house sound
+Neutral bright tuning
+Clean bass response
+Open and smooth midrange
+Airy and extended highs
+Impressive technicalities
+Ergonomics and fit
+Great quality build
Cons: -Thin note weight
-Uppermid peaks (lowering the volume to control peaks)
-Sibilance in some tracks
-A carrying pouch can be a treat


We see here how KZ improves their tuning with there new innovative KZ ZS10 Pro 2. I want to share my stories when I start my journey in audiophile world. KZ ZSN Pro X was my first IEM this gives me chills because of great clarity and separation of instruments. But I experienced frequent peaks and sibilance. And this is my 2nd IEM from KZ and I'm impressed how it tuned so well than previous products.


I would like to thank Linsoul Audio for arranging a unit for me. My opinions are unbiased, and I haven't been influenced or instructed to praise these IEMs. Every detail in this review is actual experience made by listening for hours everyday.



  • 10mm Internal Magnetic Dynamic Driver
  • Dual 31736 Balanced Armature Drivers (x2)
  • Precise 3-Way Crossover Technology
  • 4-Level Custom Tuning Switch
  • Exceptional Acoustic FR Curve
  • Classic Design Aesthetics


Build and Comfort

The build quality is quite sturdy imo made of skin-resin cavity. The IEM are lightweight, making them comfortable for extended use. It is stayed comfortably in place, making them suitable for daily use.


Sound Aspects

Source used :

Realme 9 Pro

KiwiEars Allegro

Ibasso DC04 pro

This iems spend 30 hours of burn in before taking details of this review

Important notes :

The standard tuning is UUUU switch. I found my sweet spot with UUDD switch. It's gives enough rumbles in the subbass and greatly increases mids capabilities.

It is also easy to drive. Plug and go with your smartphones.


Bass is clean and well placed in the mix where midbass is more prominent than subbass. I'm impressed there is no midbass bleed here it also helps maintaining a clear quality from the mid bass all the way to lower mids thus not overlapping each other.


The mids is open and airy. It gives space to vocals to pinpoint in the mix. The lower mids have thin texture presentation. The upper mids where the female vocals can be more energetic causes shoutiness can be fatiguing sometimes. Lower down the volume to control the peaks.


This is where well refined what I mean is. Treble is well tuned this time making less to no peaks (safe volume) you can still experience this in some tracks so be careful to turning up the volume. It is have enough sparkle and resolving capabilities to keep the enjoyment on pace. For being bright tuning expect metallic timbre on this but it is smooth trust me and trust your ears.


I'm also impressed with its technicalities. It is technically competent this time in its price bracket. Having wide soundstage and resolution on this is superb.
Imaging and separation pretty well implemented you can easily pinpoint instruments in the mix.



The KZ ZS10 Pro 2 is really something, we can say worth considering this time. It's a huge jump in performance in ZS series. It is commendable option in budget bracket. From clean bass response, open and airy mids, less peaky uppermids and good technicalities it is improved a lot from the previous ZS series.

Order here using the non -affiliated links below :


100+ Head-Fier
KZ ZS10 Pro 2 Review: Old KZ, New Sound!
Pros: Faithful improvement of the KZ House sound
Versatile tuning (from bright u-shaped to neutral bright)
Very clean bass presentation
Open and airy sounding vocals
Sparkly, detailed treble
Good technicalities for the price
Comfortable fitting
Cons: Can sound quite hot
Lean, dry sounding vocals
Distinctly metallic timbre
Poor accessories

KZ ZS10 Pro 2 Review: Old KZ, New Sound!​

PRICE: $45​


  • Faithful improvement of the KZ House sound
  • Versatile tuning (from bright u-shaped to neutral bright)
  • Very clean bass presentation
  • Open and airy sounding vocals
  • Sparkly, detailed treble
  • Good technicalities for the price
  • Comfortable fitting


  • Can sound quite hot
  • Lean, dry sounding vocals
  • Distinctly metallic timbre
  • Poor accessories


  • People who like the old KZ sound
  • Trebleheads
  • People who want versatile tuning
  • People who like clean, open and snappy sounding vocals


  • Treble sensitive people
  • Bassheads
  • People who want a natural sounding timbre
  • People who want bodied vocals


  • Classical
  • Vocal Pop
  • Instrumentals


Just like the ZSN Pro 2 released a few months ago, the ZS10 Pro 2 is a faithful improvement to the legacy of the old ZS10 series cemented in Chi-Fi by keeping fun and bright sound while sounding considerably more refined than the previous sets. It’s not an everyone-everywhere set as these cater to those who love the old KZ sound, but it’s very good at reviving an old series with a new and improved sound! RECOMMENDED WITH CAVEATS!


Many talk about the house sound of a brand defining who their IEMs are for. Some brands stick to this mentality much more than others, while others choose to completely deviate from this mindset. But when you’ve released so many IEMs over the years that you’ve developed different house sounds, how do you choose to revive your older sets to fit modern sound standards?


The ZS10 Pro 2 was sent over by KZ in exchange for my honest thought. I am eternally grateful for the opportunity. I was not paid. Rest assured, my thoughts and opinions on this product will be of my own honest opinions and will not be affected by the facts beforehand.

Audio is a very subjective hobby and as much as I try to objectively explain my thoughts and opinions, your mileage will vary. My preferences will also affect how I perceive the gear that I review. Sources and other accessories will also modify your experience. Lastly, my reviews should always be used only as a guide and not as the definitive bible. Trust your ears to know what’s good.


If you started your audio journey in in-ears, you’re most likely well aware of who KZ is and familiar with their IEMs, particularly the ZS series of IEMs. Praises were sung with the release of the ZS10 series for providing a multi-BA hybrid IEM for cheap back in the day. So when KZ announced the updates to their IEMs with the ZS10 Pro 2 being one of them, many were quite excited to see what they’ve done to improve the tried and tested formula. So strap in and let’s talk about it starting with the unboxing experience!



The unboxing experience of the ZS10 Pro 2 is basically like every other KZ IEM with the IEM illustration up front and a straight-forward layout.

Here is the full list of accessories:
  • KZ ZS10 Pro 2 IEMs
  • QDC 3.5mm Cable
  • 3 Pairs of eartips (1 pair of foam eartips, 2 pairs of silicone tips)
  • Tuning fork
  • Paperwork


One of the weirdest changes they made to the ZS10 Pro 2 is the drivers. The ZS10 name came from the fact that there were a total of 10 drivers with the package. 1 Dynamic Driver and 4 balanced armature drivers. But the ZS10 Pro 2 cuts off 2 balanced armatures and has now become a 1DD + 2BA hybrid.


This is for the better, however, as the balanced armatures that they used are the same ones that are featured on their recent hit, the CCA Rhapsody. This new 31736 is admittedly a MASSIVE improvement compared to the aging and arguably screechy 30095 and 50060. We’ll talk more about the sound later, but the use of the 31736 is an audible improvement from the older ZS10 IEMs, despite featuring fewer drivers. Maybe KZ has finally realized that more drivers doesn’t mean better sound.


What they kept consistent is the aesthetics. The ZS10 has kept the metal faceplate with a zig-zag lightning pattern since the first ZS10 Pro. Unlike the old ZS10 Pros, the Pro 2’s grills have grills that make the ZS10 Pro 2 semi-open back. Whether you think that open backs matter or not, it’s a cool aesthetic piece that makes the ZS10 Pro 2 closer to the very first ZS10 where you can somewhat see the internals from the faceplate.

Fit-wise, it’s your usual KZ shape which is either very comfortable or slightly comfortable. I’ve never really given KZ the praise for the comfort in their IEMs, but they deserve it on many of their “normal” IEMs (looking at you, Rhapsody, and Hydro). Build quality is also your usual KZ build which means, just like the fit, is perfectly fine overall.


NOTE: As the ZS10 Pro 2 has 5 official sound signatures, I’ll be talking about the default (UUUU) configuration and comparing it to the other tuning modes in their respective section.

Sound Signature:​


The ZS10 Pro 2 keeps the fundamental DNA of the ZS10 Pro with a bright v-shaped sound signature but cleans it up to modern tuning standards. This means a cleaner, tighter, and faster bass, cleaner and leaner mids, and a sparkly, bright but smoother treble. This genuinely sounds like a modern revival of their old KZ sound and I am all for it! However, they also retained the rather metallic sounding treble that was also present in the older ZS10 Pros, but you could say that’s a part of the listening experience with this series.


The ZS10 Pro 2 has an impedance of 25-28 ohms and a sensitivity of 108dB, which means this thing is VERY easy to drive. Using your smartphone will be more than enough in terms of volume and enjoyment, but using a better source improves the transient smoothness and giving better technical detailing to the sound. Recent KZ IEMs have been quite the scaler, and I’d like to attribute it to the 31736 BAs, but that would be speculating.


The bass of the ZS10 Pro 2 is lean, clean and surprisingly tight for a series that was known for being a little bloated in the midbass. The ZS10 Pro 2 completely shifts the bass to basically be a very clean yet deep and engaging bass. It goes surprisingly deep too as the overall presentation leans to subbass over midbass, which means rumble is king! This also means that the midbass is a little thin and lacks punch and texture which I found quite disappointing, but understandable considering the tuning philosophy they’ve wanted for the ZS10 Pro 2. This is definitely not for bass heads, but has more than enough low-end energy to be present when it calls for it.

Listening to Liz by Remi Wolf presented the bass in a rather clean, deep and well-defined way but lacks the midbass texture that I usually look for in this track. However, the deeper rumble in the bass feels quite satisfyingly clean to listen to as it kept the midrange uncolored from any warmth or bleed from the bass. This ensured that the instruments in the lower mids still sounded quite clean despite the boosted subbass.


The mids of the ZS10 Pro 2 is alright. Nothing fantastic but nothing terrible as well. The lower mids are a little lean and thin due to the emphasis in the upper mids which makes the male vocals and lower octave instruments sound a little stale. It doesn’t sound pulled back or distant but it lacks nuance and note weight on most tracks that I throw it at. The upper mids are forward and very clean sounding. The forwardness doesn’t sound honky or unnatural, but it does have a brighter and metallic tinge to it that makes the vocal sound extra airy and bright compared to the rest of the mix. It might come across a little shouty for some people who are sensitive to a little bit of shout, but it’s not overly forward and peaks a little later to make it sound more balanced overall.

This is present on upper vocal focused genres like vocal pop and could be a little problematic if you like listening to tracks that are a little shouty in the mix like Adele’s tracks.


The hallmark of the ZS series is the bright, snappy and sharp treble that brings out high-frequency nuance at the cost of timbre. The said is true even for the ZS10 Pro 2 which leads me to believe that this really just is the ZS zing. The overall presentation is quite bright and hot, but I never found that it sounded peaky or grainy. It genuinely surprised me how smooth it sounded for how ridiculously bright and metallic sounding the treble was. Obviously, treble sensitives beware as these are quite hot and can get quite fatiguing over long listening periods. It is quite airy and resolving which is always a nice thing to hear as a trelehead.

Listening to Samara Joy’s Linger Awhile is wonderful on these as the combination of the somewhat smoother treble mixing and Samara’s darker, warmer tone fits perfectly with the ZS10 Pro 2’s leaner and more analytical sound.


The name of the game for the ZS10 Pro 2 is detail and resolution. While the previous set just threw a lot of treble at you and hoped for the best, the ZS10 Pro 2 throws a lot of treble at you but sounds quite resolving. Separation and layering are pretty decent, but not fantastic for the price. The same goes for the imaging and the stage isn’t very expansive and the instruments are more 2 dimensional.


Casual Use:​

I’ll be real, I really didn’t like the ZS10 Pro 2 for casual use. While it does fit comfortably, the sound signature isn’t really something I’d want to listen to for long listening sessions like working or binge-watching shows. I have to tick the volume more than I usually like to get a comfortable long listening session which is not enjoyable, especially in films.

Gaming Use:​

The same goes for gaming as there’s not enough low-end to be able to make games sound fun and engaging. While the separation might be great, the treble energy is way too much for most games that I’ve played which sucked because the treble was almost just perfect for competitive games like Valorant, only ruined by the lack of low-end to compliment.



DDDD (0000) - This is the brightest and most bass shy tuning mode and is almost akin to Etymotics without the midbass to balance out the vocal forwardness and a significant treble boost. This is perfect for trebleheads and vocal heads and nobody else as it emphasizes the brightness and sharpness quite significantly from the all up tuning, but surprisingly still has a full-sounding midrange which I did not expect coming from a set like this.


UDDD (1000) - A slight boost in the subbass which makes the overall sound a little fuller, but not enough to properly contrast from the all down setting


UUDD (1100) - A very clean boost to the sub-bass that adds a considerable amount of depth to the overall sound while still keeping the lean and analytical sound of the all-down setting. Probably my favorite setting as it kicks the bass up enough to not make it sound booming and giving the lower midrange the MUCH needed note weight.


UUUD (1110) - Basically all up, see review above


DDDU (0001) - Basically DDDD


vs ND Nice​


The ND Nice is basically what the old ZS10 Pro sounded like, which simply means the ZS10 Pro 2 is just better in every single way. From bass dynamics to treble smoothness, the ZS10 Pro 2 is just better. The bass of the Nice is thicker and balances the brightness better, but is much slower and sloppier sounding

vs KZ ZSN Pro 2​


The ZS10 Pro 2 is basically the more technical and more refined sounding ZSN Pro since the start. Better drivers and better tuning overall makes the ZS10 Pro 2 the worth while upgrade if you’re coming from the ZSN Pro 2 or just the ZSN Pro

vs CCA Rhapsody​


These two sets achieve completely different things while keeping the KZ house sound. The ZS10 Pro 2 harks back to the old KZ sound but is improved while the Rhapsody is modern KZ/CCA. The Rhapsody sounds more fun, musical and engaging but less technical and clean than the ZS10 Pro 2.

vs CCA Pianist​


Just like the ZS10 Pro 2, the Pianist has a 1DD + 2BA configuration and is tuned to be bright neutral. The main difference is that the Pianist sounds considerably rougher, sharper, and more sibilant compared to the ZS10 Pro 2 which sounds more refined. The ZS10 Pro 2 also has a better midrange presentation overall due to the scoop being less deep compared to the Pianist.

vs Zhulinniao Qingluan Z4​


Another bright neutral set at the $40 range, the Z4 has a more natural sounding timbre with better dynamics and vocal tone compared to the ZS10 Pro 2, but the ZS10 Pro 2 sounds more technical, resolving, detailed and cleaner overall.

vs Simgot EW200​


Compared to the legendary Simgot EW200, the EW200 still has a more dynamic, more engaging and more dynamic listening experience. Oddly, the treble of the ZS10 Pro 2 sounds more refined with a smoother but still bright and hot treble presentation. Technicalities is still better on the EW200 overall, particularly dynamics and stage.


There are 2 sides to how you may view the ZS10 Pro 2. On one end, you might think this is an outdated set from the moment it was released. Lean, bass-shy paired with a thin and dry midrange with a very bright and forward treble are things that people might criticize it for.

But after having talked to many people about their preferences and the stuff that they liked, it would be foolish for me to say that the ZS10 Pro 2 is outright bad. This is a bright neutral IEM with a LOT of treble and upper vocal energy with enough bass to compliment without being intrusive. And in a way, it’s the perfect sequel to the ZS10 Pro series of IEMs. Gone are the bloated and muddy bass with a shrill and edgy treble, the ZS10 Pro 2 cleans everything up and sounds like the modern rendition of the ZS10 series. This goes to show that KZ, as much as they release, are actually improving and innovating their sets to modern standards while keeping the fundamental DNA intact.

Thank you for reading my review on the KZ ZS10 Pro 2! If you would like to order one, consider using the non-affiliated link below:
Warm regards. I don't want to be a sage, but the number of 5 drivers per shell fits in my opinion also in the case of PRO 2. Those BA drivers are of dual design (apparently 2 combined in one body), so there are really up to 4 in each shell. So the name ZS 10 will stand for this version as well. Thanks for the review. 🖖


New Head-Fier
KZ ZS10 Pro 2 Review!
Pros: A refined, cleaner-sounding KZ Classic!

All rounder, mild V-shaped sound signature (subjective)

Clean, non-lacking, mildly elevated lows.

Clean, open mids.

Extended, airy treble.

Above-average technical performance under 40 USD!

Versatile tuning switches!

Very good build quality.

Very good fit, comfort, and isolation.

Easy to drive.
Cons: BA timbre is apparent in most tracks in my library.

Instances of peaks and mild sibilance are present in certain tracks.

IEM can be bulky for smaller ears.

Barebone accessories, they even forgot to put a medium sized silicone eartips in my unit (could be an isolated case, but a good heads up)

While a very good improvement over the ZS10 Pro X, ZS10 Pro, and the original ZS10, this IEM does not sound dramatically different when compared to other KZs that have recently existed.
Zs10 Pro 2-1.jpg

KZ ZS10 Pro 2 Review!
Good day! After 5 days of casual and critical listening, here’s my written review for the KZ ZS10 Pro 2. A classic refresh!

  • I don’t read FR graphs. I only use my ears, as how earphones should be used.
  • KZ has sent this unit to me in an exchange for an honest, unbiased, independent review. Rest assured that this review will do its best to devoid from any bias/es as much as possible.
  • The following remarks and observations shall be made and owned only by me.
  • No monetary compensation is/was involved before, during, and after the period of creation of this review.
  • Your mileage may (and always, will) vary.

Burn-in time: 4-8 hours per day, 5 days.

Source/s used:
  • - Non-HiFi smartphone (Infinix Note 12 G96), PC.
  • - Tanchjim Space DAC
  • - Kiwi Ears Allegro DAC
  • - Hidizs S9 Pro DAC
  • - Simgot DEW4X DAC
  • - Aiwa XP-V710C CD Player (12 sec. EASS)
  • - Sony Xperia X Compact
  • - Local Files via Foobar, YouTube Music, Deezer, and Qobuz with UAPP.
IEM/Earbud/Setup configuration: Stock large silicone eartips,, any form of EQ or MSEB off, 40-60% volume.

(Additional note here: I’ll evaluate the ZS10 Pro 2 first in its stock configuration where the switches are all switched on (UUUU). I’ll explain and compare it to other IEMs right after.)

Sound signature:
  • Just like its previous ZS10 siblings, the ZS10 Pro 2 kept its faith to their usual mild-v sound signature, which leans to the brighter sound signature. What makes this different from its siblings is the absence of bloat from their previous variations, making the overall sound more mature and nearly clinical. This also affected the technical performance in a very positive way.
  • The lows are mildly elevated , but lack the bloat that are found in the previous ZS10 generations, in general. It is still midbass dominant and leans to the faster side of the spectrum in terms of attack and decay. Subbass is still present, does its job, shows where and when it is needed, but never becomes too “ear-shaking” or overly chunky, which may dissatisfy bassheads. However, the bass on this set will be more than enough for most people and their playlist in terms of quality and quantity for its respective retail price.
  • The mids are still mildly recessed, but are much more cleaner and vivid when compared to the ZS10 Pro. Midbass bleed or bloat is nowhere to be heard in this set, or non-perceivable to my ears, at least. This also means that the lower mids trimmed a bit of weight and depth. Upper mids are still elevated, clear, and have a decent amount of air. As for the mild peaks and harshness, it is still apparent in this region, which made me not recommend this IEM for those people who are very sensitive to bright upper frequencies.
  • As for the highs, it is definitely bright and elevated on this set. The ZS10 Pro 2 avoided unusual sibilance and harshness in this region, But I will still not recommend this IEM for those people who are very sensitive to upper frequencies and BA timbre. The treble extension is decent and airy. Detail retrieval is average at best.
Soundstage, Imaging, and separation:
  • This region is the most noticeable improvement that the KZ ZS10 Pro 2 has. It is more technically capable when compared to its previous siblings. The soundstage is wide with a good amount of depth and height. Separation and layering are above average for its price and handles very busy tracks. Imaging is accurate and renders vocal and instrument positions quite well.
Other Switch Configurations!

DDDD config

  • This configuration is also mild-v in terms of sound signature, both ends of the spectrum are less elevated compared to the UUUU config. Technicalities also took a hit on this configuration and sound more “flat” to my liking, particularly on the soundstage.
UUDD config
  • This configuration elevates the lows and tones down the upper frequencies, making things sound more thick and warm. This however hits the soundstage as well, in terms of width and height.
DDUU config
  • This configuration elevates the upper frequencies, giving its sounds a sense of air and very good resolution. Technical performance is also affected positively in this configuration, at the expense of more frequent peaks and mild sibilance.
Other IEM Comparisons!

VS 7Hz Salnotes Zero 2

  • The Zero 2 is a warmer, more balanced sounding set. Mids are near neutral on the Zero 2. Its treble however lacks extension and air to my ears. Technical performance is better on the ZS10 Pro 2, particularly in its separation and layering.
VS Simgot EW200
  • The Simgot EW200 is a more neutral sounding set compared to the ZS10 Pro 2. Bass is near neutral on the EW200. Mids are also more open on the EW200, and both sets exhibit unperceivable bloat nor bleed. Treble is more airy and extended on the EW200. Technical performance is better on the EW200, but not by much when compared.
VS Etymotic ER3SE
  • Both exhibit some BA timbre, but the ER3SE has less of that when compared. The ER3SE is also dead flat to my ears and does its best to render the actual sound of the track and source paired with it.

  • A refined, cleaner-sounding KZ Classic!
  • All rounder, mild V-shaped sound signature (subjective)
  • Clean, non-lacking, mildly elevated lows.
  • Clean, open mids.
  • Extended, airy treble.
  • Above-average technical performance under 40 USD!
  • Versatile tuning switches!
  • Very good build quality.
  • Very good fit, comfort, and isolation.
  • Easy to drive.
  • BA timbre is apparent in most tracks in my library.
  • Instances of peaks and mild sibilance are present in certain tracks.
  • IEM can be bulky for smaller ears.
  • Barebone accessories, they even forgot to put a medium sized silicone eartips in my unit (could be an isolated case, but a good heads up)
  • While a very good improvement over the ZS10 Pro X, ZS10 Pro, and the original ZS10, this IEM does not sound dramatically different when compared to other KZs that have recently existed.


KZ is on a roll on “refreshing” their popular sets that have existed before, to keep up to the Chi-Fi’s saturated market and balls-to-the-wall standards. The ZS10 Pro 2 exhibited those standards well for its asking price, in terms of overall technical performance. Looking at a bigger picture however, it struggles to stand out among its competitors for its asking price. Don’t get me wrong, the ZS10 Pro 2 never sounded bad to my standards and preferences, but this won’t definitely be the first IEM that I will recommend for its asking price, due to the fact that its own sibling from the same company, the CCA Trio, is better for less money.

Pairing recommendation/s:

  • Source: This works well with neutral sources you pair it with, but this will suit better with warm sounding dongles, such as the Simgot DEW4X as an example.
  • Eartips: The included eartips hinder the sound of this IEM, so I suggest using a better eartips such as KBEAR 07s, Tri Clarions, Final Es, or Tangzu Tang Sancais.
  • Cable: The cable also hinders the fit a bit to my ears due to its preformed earhooks. NiceHCK cables work well with this set in terms of comfort.
Thank you for reading!

Non-affiliated link here!:

Additional Photos Here:
Zs10 Pro 2-2.jpg
Zs10 Pro 2-6.jpg
Zs10 Pro 2-3.jpg
Zs10 Pro 2-5.jpg
Zs10 Pro 2-4.jpg
Zs10 Pro 2-7.jpg

Zs10 Pro 2-8.jpg

Headphones and Coffee

Previously known as Wretched Stare
A good direction for a legend
Pros: Lightweight build, nice balanced signature with quality Bass.
Cons: Fans may or may not like the departure from the Vshape that the OG had. Mids are slightly recessed.


Impedance: 25-28 Ω
Sensitivity: 108±3dB
Frequency: 20-40000Hz

In the Box
ZS10 Pro 2 IEM
Silver-plated copper cable
Metal witch tool.
1* pair of foam eartips
38 pairs of silicone eartips

The KZ ZS10 Pro 2 is the fourth-generation variant of the long-running ZS10 series. It features a 1DD+4BA hybrid driver configuration and comes with four tuning switches. Here are some key points from various reviews:

The shell design of the ZS10 Pro 2 is similar to its predecessor, the OG ZS10 Pro. It retains the aluminum faceplates with crisscross slits and a see-through resin housing, the four tuning switches on each earpiece allows for customization with a minor increase and decrease in Bass. Inside the small box is very simple accessories and the typical KZ cable and tips.

Sound impressions:
The new ZS10 is different from previous models that leaned toward a traditional V-shaped sound signature, the ZS10 Pro 2 is a more balanced and mature tuning.

Bass: Bass is well controlled and deep without stepping on the other frequencies, there is no bloat.
Mids: The midrange presents forward but not in your face vocals with good focus. Both Male and Female are well defined but, on some recordings, there is a little recession in the midrange in general.
Treble: The Highs are decently detailed with good air and without harshness or sibilance at normal volumes.
Overall, it provides an engaging sound across genres from EDM to jazz1.

The KZ ZS10 Pro 2 delivers energetic, engaging sound with very good technical performance for the cost.
It features impactful bass, energetic treble, wide staging, and above average detail separation for a budget hybrid In Ear.
In summary, the KZ ZS10 Pro 2 offers excellent value for its price, its a good choice for a fun and engaging IEM that is not too expensive or harsh.

Thanks for the review, my son and I were discussing this IEM yesterday, was going to wait for sales. I have the Pro X is the sound much different if you have heard both?
Headphones and Coffee
Headphones and Coffee
Yes it is much different. The X was more of an improved Vshape of the OG. this one is more of a wider V with better control on both ends (Bass and Treble).