Kinera Celest PhoenixCall Multi-Driver Tribrid IEMs

thought of Coffee

New Head-Fier
Beauty and the boasts Celest PhoenixCall
Pros: ● Great sound

● Marvelous design

● Amazing fit and comfort

● Good unboxing expirence

● musical presentation

● Good value for money option

● Almost fits every genre

● Quite holographic soundstage

● Precised imaging

● Excellent support for gaming
Cons: ● Missing a bit airyness in treble

● Wanted a bit kick in mid bass

● Midrange could be bit better




I bought this product with my own money and interest. Kinera did not provide me with money or any necessities to review this product.

This is my honest and unbiased opinion on Kinera Celest Phoenixcall. My likes and dislikes on this iem would be based on my own personal experience.

If you're planning to purchase it in Bangladesh is the way to go.But you're an international buyer and interested in purchasing it than check out

Unboxing Expirence:​

They worked very good about attention to details . Starting from unwrapping the box looks too good that will bring smile in your face easily also they provide very beautiful carrying case at a time eye catchy cable specialy the colorful once .


Box contant:​

● IEMs
● Few generic eartips
● Cable either 3.5/4.4mm
● Carrying case
● An ornament type of thing from Celest

Testing Eartips :​

I tested some different ear tips for getting the best output .

● Spinfit W1

● Tanngzu tan sancai balance

● Moondrop spring

● BGVP A07

● Standard stock tips

Testing Sources:​

DAP :​

Plenue R2 , Hiby R3 M2

Dac Dongle :​

Ddhifi tc44c , Moondrop dawn pro , EPZ tp30

Desktop Dac/Amp :​

Hipdac 2

Note : my favorite setup was Plenue R2 with Tanngzu tan sancai tips and they doesn't require cable roll of stock cable provides best output​



Overall Sound :​

Imagine a painter with a palette full of colors – that's the Phoenixcall. Cause they offer rich, detailed, and has a bit of everything to keep the music tasty from start to finish . At a time they vibrant and lively, making your music feel energetic.

Overall Bass:​

The bass is like the heartbeat of the music. It's strong and present, giving you that punchy feel, especially in songs where the beat is everything.


Sub-bass is the favorite part for me this IEM . They are deep and Rumbly . If kick drum and bass guitar playing in the music they know there business . They offer fuller Sub-bass on top of that they have good slam to . They are gonna satisfy most of people.

Mid-bass :​

Maybe they aren't star of the show in my perspective but they have good note weight . I expected bit thump cause on bass heavy track a bit thump can change your listening experience .

In simple terms, the Celest PhoenixCall’s bass is like a supportive friend—it’s there when you need it, adding warmth and depth to your music without stealing the spotlight. It’s great for those who appreciate a balanced sound that doesn’t overwhelm the senses.​


Overall Mid-range:​

It's like the colors in a painting – vibrant and full of life, making sure every instrument and voice finds its place in the mix. And unfortunately they perfrom hit or miss . Sometimes vocals fell a bit let back or in other words backword for me that doesn't mean it happans everytime .

Male Vocals:​

This thing treats male vocals with respect. They're clear and present, like having a conversation with someone right in front of you . They sounds meaty and heavy . My tracks was AC-DC 'Back in Black ' Brian Johnson's voice delivered perfectly ' rich and crisp ' I also tested some tracks from Queen , Bobby Caldwell , Jim Coroce they all sounds unless you use some poor mastering tracks

Female Vocals:​

Female vocals soar high and clear, like a bird in the sky. There's brightness here that makes the vocals stand out . When they added extra sparkle female vocals become crisp and lively . Though I don't have too much female tracks I got some for testing Laura Branigan 'Power of Love' , Alice Merton ' No roots ' , Yeal Naim ' Daddy' , Miki Mastubara ' Stay With Me ' the sparkle and air was enough for me to enjoy them .

In simple terms, the Celest PhoenixCall's mid-range is like a cozy blanket for your ears. It wraps around the vocals nicely, giving them a comforting and substantial feel, though it might not be as crisp or as bright as some might prefer. It's great for those who love a more vintage or soulful sound.​



Overall Treble:​

Overall, the treble of the Celest PhoenixCall is said to capture details well, allowing listeners to hear the subtle nuances in instruments like cymbals, hi-hats, and guitars. The treble avoids sibilance, which is the hissing sound that can sometimes occur with ‘s’ and ‘ss' sounds, making for a more pleasant listening experience. Though they could be a bit airy .

Lower Treble:​

The lower treble of the Celest PhoenixCall is described as smooth and non-fatiguing . It’s well-tuned to avoid any harshness, ensuring a comfortable listening experience even during extended sessions.

Upper Treble:​

Moving to the upper treble, it provides an good extension. This means you’ll get a sense of openness and space in the music, which is great for genres that rely on high-frequency details like classical or acoustic.

In summary, the Celest PhoenixCall seems to offer a treble response that is detailed and airy without being fatiguing or harsh, making it suitable for a wide range of music genres and listening preferences. It’s designed to provide a high-resolution listening experience while maintaining a comfortable and enjoyable sound signature.​


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Soundstage and Imaging:​


Imagine you’re at a live concert. The soundstage is how wide and deep the stage feels to your ears. The Celest PhoenixCall offers a soundstage that’s like sitting in the front row of a small, intimate venue. It’s not as expansive as a large auditorium, but it’s enough to give you a sense of space and separation between instruments. They also fell a bit holographic.


Imaging is about where you hear the sound coming from. With the Celest PhoenixCall, it’s like knowing exactly where each band member is standing on that stage. The vocals and instruments have their own spot, so you can close your eyes and point to where the guitar .

Fit and Comfort :​


The fit of the Celest PhoenixCall is like wearing a favorite cap. It's designed to sit snugly on your head without being too tight. The headphones have adjustable parts, so you can tweak them to fit just right, kind of like adjusting a baseball cap for the perfect grip. For fit and comfort my once was 'Tanngzu tan sancai balance edition '.


As for comfort, think of it like a pair of comfy sneakers. If you are able to select right eartips they will just make them comfortable to wear for hours, just like how you feel in your go-to shoes after a long day. They're made with materials that feel good against your skin and don't get too hot, so you can enjoy your music marathon without any discomfort.

In easy words, the Celest PhoenixCall headphones are like that cozy spot on your couch that feels just right. They're made to fit well and stay comfortable, so you can lose yourself in your favorite tunes without any nagging pressure or heat.​

Mobile gaming Performance:​

In this days mobile gaming becomes casual casual thing also competitive gaming market is growing day by day . For having good soundstage , Imaging and fit this thing can be your next partner . Bass don't bleed that's why you can hear precise enemy foot-stape and gunshot .

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Final Verdict :​

Is this IEM worth after almost a year ? Are they competes with peerz ? Well if you need a bit u shaped fun sounding IEM you can go for them . This IEM offers many things to satisfy you . You can consider it in your choicelist .

That’s my review of Celest PhoenixCall. Let me know your thought about this IEM .

Enjoy the music listening journey...

RK Turan

New Head-Fier
Kinera Celest Phoenixcall Review
Pros: • Unboxing experience

• Build Quality and accessories

• Design

• Versatility

• Good Treble

• V shape yet forward vocals

• Amazing technicalities

• Price to performance ratio
Cons: • Midrange

• Lacks air in treble

• Drum slams

• Female Vocal

• Not for Bassheads

I bought this product with my own money and interest. Kinera did not provide me with money or any necessities to review this product.

This is my honest and unbiased opinion on Kinera Celest Phoenixcall. My likes and dislikes on this iem would be based on my own personal experience.

If you're planning to purchase it in Bangladesh GEEK Mart is the way to go.But you're an international buyer and interested in purchasing it than check out HiFiGo.

Design and Build Quality:
As expected from Kinera, the Phoenixcall stands out from the crowd. The drivers are identical in design, differing only in color. The left driver boasts a captivating cobalt blue hue, while the right one flashes a rich boysenberry purple. These contrasting colors add a touch of elegance to the IEMs.


The faceplates contribute the most to Phoenixcall’s design. The right faceplate features an azure blue shade with subtle hints of purple, creating a dynamic color shift depending on the angle of light. On the left, the faceplate is ocean blue tones, both are glittery and shines in the presence of light. It’s a visual treat that complements the whole experience.


The drivers show a resin-like solidity, leaving no doubt about their durability.

The IEM shells are transparent. Upon closer look, you’ll notice that there are two tubes for the micro planners, each leading to separate ends of the nozzle. Two balanced armature (BA) drivers are connected by a tube, effectively functioning as one. Lastly, there’s another tube for the dynamic driver, which also terminates separately from the rest.



The 8-braided SPC cable deserves praise—it’s memory-free and has a robust splitter. Kinera attempted to match the cable color with the IEMs, although personally, I cannot see myself liking the color choice of this cable at all. Separating both blue and purple colors on both sides could potentially lead to a better result. Surprisingly, my younger sister liked it.


Kinera Celest Phoenixcall comes with six pairs of eartips (three of each type). The standard ones are decent and usable, but the other one isn't worth your attention.

If I'm not mistaken, the carrying pouch appears to be made from leather, combining sturdiness with practicality. Upon a closer look, I noticed it could even protect the IEMs from rain. However, the zipper feels tighter than it needs to be.


All in all, the packaging is truly remarkable and stands unrivaled, especially within the u
nder-$200 price range.


The inner side of the shells is made on a practical stand.

They fit securely in my ears. Even during extensive movement, there are no signs of them slipping out. If you have smaller ears, the fit of this IEM could potentially be problematic. People with average-sized ears will have zero problems regarding the fit.

However, I’ve noticed that ear ventilation can be an issue. In high-temperature and humid conditions like mine, you might need to give your ears a break in an hour or two.

On the bright side, as the cable is memory-free, it plays a major role in overall comfort.

-Acoustic Drivers: 1DD+2BA+2 Micro Planar Drivers

-Interface: 0.78 2pin

-Sensitivity: 103db

-Frequency Response Range: 20Hz-40kHz

-Impedance: 32Ω

-Weight (earbuds + cable): 9.8g + 30g (±± 0.2g)

-Plug: 3.5mm (my unit) or 4.4mm

-Cable length: 1.2m

Sources used for this test:

Questyle M15

Cayin Ru7

Moondrop Dawn Pro

Hiby R3 MK2

Sound Quality :
Kinera Celest Phoenixcall's tuning is mild V-shaped to my ears. Can even be called U-shaped based on definition. As the bass is elevated along with the upper mids and lower treble section. The graph shown by Bellew is owned by Audio Reviews News.

These tests were conducted using six different ear tips on this IEM.

1.Spinfit W1

2. Final E (black)

3.Spinfit CP100+

4.Spinfit CP145

5.BGVP A07

6. Standard stock tips



Starting with the subbass section, it's definitely a bassy iem, but it cannot be called bass heavy. The subbass rumbles enough to my liking. The separation between subbass and midbass is definitely noticeable. It doesn’t hit very deep. However, with the CP100+ ear tips, the bass tightens up a bit.


The sub-bass is often overshadowed by the midbass, but it delivers impactful slams. When using the final E-black eartips, the bass can become overwhelming. However, with the SpinFit W1 tips, I find it to my liking! Bass details are impressive.Lacks a little bit of texture. It doesn't bleed with the midsection much. Bass attacks are quite fast.

Overall, the bass section is designed for a mainstream audience while maintaining audiophile-grade sound output.


Lower mids:

Thanks to the bass not bleeding into the mids, the instruments can be heard properly. This is crucial. Instruments in this region sound rich and lively. But it's recessed compared to other frequencies.

Upper Mids:

This is the most important part for me. Many instruments and vocals are presented on this spectrum. Phoenixcall tens to boost the upper mids compared to the lower mids.Both the upper and lower mids sound a tad different in liveliness and resolution. Maybe because of the different driver configuration!

Male vocals lack sweetness. But delivers a textured and dynamic vocal.In most cases, the vocals don't sound either thick or thin; they're in between. But on certain tracks, the vocals can come across as a bit thin. Female vocals shine really well as it is boosed in this region, and sometimes they can be shouty along with some instruments. But regardless, it covers most genres as it is supposed to. Spinfit 100+ doesn't provide the best vocal output from this.

Despite being a mild V-shaped IEM, it handles the mid section better than I expected.


This is the region that Phoenixcall completely takes over. The treble section is quite sparkly and extended to the point that it doesn't come as "sibilants." A string instrument pops up from the right of the instruments. The separation between instruments is outstanding, especially the drums. Hit-between-drums slams are often unnoticeable. They're often overshadowed on metals. The attacks are fast. The details on this are impressive. The planners did their job well.

While I can sense some airiness, it ultimately lacks the full extent of airiness. The instrument's sound here is smoothed a bit to prevent sibilance in the upper region of the treble.

Crisp and clean. As I did enjoy the treble without any fatigue, it can be called the star of the show.


The bass and treble attacks are fast.The detail retrieval is impressive for its price. I lost count on how many times I've mentioned it, but this is the last one. The separation and layering are pretty good on this. Timbers are natural except in the upper region. Resolution shines, especially in the triple section.

The imaging is precise. Anyone can accurately locate all the instruments with focused listening. It particularly excels in battle royale games. The soundstage is better than average, leaning more toward height than width based on my listening experience.

All in all, it's a really technical IEM for both game and music lovers out there.

It was really interesting experiencing this IEM. Now it comes down to whether you should buy Phoenixcall or not. If you're using a V-shaped (which is both elevated on the bass upper mids and treble sections), you'll not regret buying it. It'll even be a really good option for most PC or mobile gamers.

However, if you're a critical listener who loves mids, vocals, or you're a bass head or treble head, my suggestion would be to look elsewhere.

As I don't have any other reviews in Head-Fi to begin with, comparing them would be pointless. Although if you want to know any comparison between this and any other IEM, you can ask me in the comments, and I'll leave a short summary for you if I've experienced it in the

Thank you for reading all the way. Let me know your thoughts on this IEM.

Keep on listening!!


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Nice review of a very enjoyable IEM.
well done :)
MD Rohit
MD Rohit
Good writing


New Head-Fier
Beauty Requires Investment
Pros: + Very satisfying unboxing experience
+ Beautiful IEM and cable
+ Suitable for Old-School songs, Blues, etc.
+ Vocals segmented for low mid frequency lovers
+ Long sub-bass rumble
+ Punchy bass
+ Wide and grand soundstage
+ With the right cable, this IEM can have one of the best vocal sounds in its price range
Cons: - Micro details are not the strong point of this IEM
- Metallic upper treble
- Separation is not the best in the upper mid to treble range
- Needs a cable change to unlock its true vocal potential
- Sub-bass feels unclear in some songs

Beauty Requires Investment​

At first, I was reluctant to review it since it hasn’t gained much traction in Indonesia. But after seeing the IEM, it looked stunning, and the driver configuration intrigued me with the inclusion of a micro planar driver. Does that mean it's a smaller planar driver? I’m not sure of the difference.
Let's dive in… Celest Phoenixcall.



All my impressions and reviews are subjective, adhering to the belief, "only my savings can be lied to, but reviews must be honest." Agree? Fine. Disagree? Fine. I review because I want to and enjoy it, not because I need to.
  • But you might say I’m biased because I’m using it? Absolutely not. I’m a true audiophile hobbyist who will always be honest without bias. Don’t believe me? Read till the end, we’ll explore the pros and cons.
  • You might think this is just the honeymoon phase? In this hobby, which is truly "dark and full of poison," it will remain so until the end of the world. Human desire never ends.
  • But should you listen to me? Absolutely.
Important! I recommend auditioning it yourself; maybe it’s my ears that need an ENT doctor, or perhaps yours do.


  • What's my recommended IEM around $160?
  • Which IEM has unique and pleasant vocals?
  • Which IEM has good bass?
  • Just want to read the review


  • Symphonium Crimson
  • Kinera Verdandi
  • Sennheiser IE900
  • Kontinum Soara
  • Fiio Q15
  • HibyDigital M300


  • · YouTube Music
  • · Tidal
  • · Hiby M300
  • · Fiio Q15
  • · Celest Phoenixcall
  • · Sena Acoustic Rinjani


Honestly, I was very surprised during the unboxing. Besides the cool box with its asymmetric lid, you are immediately greeted with information about the origin of the name Phoenixcall, and you can see the IEMs with their stunning faceplates. The unboxing experience is very satisfying. Included are:
  • The IEMs
  • 8 braided cable with 3.5mm jack
  • 2 types of Celest eartips with 3 sizes each (the standard Celest eartips are quite usable and decent in quality)
  • Carrying case with a sticky zipper
  • Phoenix keychain
  • Manual


These IEMs are very beautiful!! With transparent resin shells, you can see the driver configuration inside. The shiny, star-studded faceplate adds to the beauty, paired with the white cable. With a fairly large body and long nozzle, these IEMs might be tricky to fit in some ears, especially needing the right eartips. But in my large ear canals, they fit perfectly fine.

This IEM has punchy bass from the single DD that’s quite deep but with fast speed. What I love is the punchy bass that feels like it hits the back of my head and is great for headbanging. The kick drum feels more impactful.
For sub-bass, Phoenixcall has a long rumble that adds a sense of width, dynamics, and grandeur to the music. Unfortunately, in some songs, I find the sub-bass sound a bit unclear and slightly distracting.

This is where the IEM becomes somewhat segmented for certain people. The vocals feel heavier, meaning male vocals sound good, but female high notes seem a bit restrained, though they add soul to certain songs like old-school or slow acoustic tracks.
The timbre of the mid-range lacks crispness, and the snare drum sounds a bit shy, making it feel like listening to a grown-up Justin Bieber who hasn't yet hit puberty.

The treble is tuned tame with just enough power. The limited capacity sometimes feels unadventurous. Moreover, the upper treble sounds metallic and unnatural, which can be quite bothersome in songs requiring intense sparkling and crispness. Additionally, the upper treble feels cut off during sparkling segments.

The metallic upper treble is unpleasant. The micro details are not well rendered and feel shy.

This is one of the plus points for this IEM. It's spacious and wide, with the added sub-bass rumble enhancing the grandeur.

The punchy bass overshadows the treble position, resulting in less than optimal separation. In some songs, the instruments in the upper mid to treble frequency range feel a bit clustered, with the BA and planar driver configuration lacking cohesion, resulting in subpar imaging.



I was advised to try changing the cable to one with a balanced port. I happened to have a Sena Rinjani cable with a 4.4mm jack and rhodium pins, tested with a Fiio Q15 DAC/AMP. This cable made a noticeable difference, so here we go:
Note: for those in the "cable changes don't matter" sect, that’s fine, I’m just sharing my experience.
With engaging power remaining, the depth of the bass is reduced compared to the stock cable, but it feels more textured. The unclear sub-bass remains unchanged.
This is the best part after changing the cable. The sound feels very natural, effortless, and sweet. Not overly wet or thick, but one of the best vocal IEMs I’ve heard. The only downside is its central presentation might feel lacking for vocal enthusiasts.
More pronounced power, no longer shy. Still with a tame tone but slightly more sparkling, though the extended treble remains cut off. Unfortunately, the metallic upper treble is still present in some songs.
Clarity, Soundstage, Imaging:
The same as before changing the cable.



  • One of the IEMs with the best unboxing experience and looks I’ve ever tried.
  • Bass and sub-bass are the main aspects of this IEM, combined with a grand soundstage. Unfortunately, the mid-range is quite segmented for some ears, and the treble is less engaging, making the timbre feel less natural, which can be a consideration before purchasing this IEM.
  • Changing to a balanced cable can be a solution I’ve proven to enhance the mid and treble aspects of this IEM.
  • Celest's unique tuning might either be perfect or unsuitable for some ears.
That’s all.
Trust your own ears.


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500+ Head-Fier
Pretty shells & a pretty good sound? Pretty, preeetty, ... pretty good!
Pros: Nicely presented package
Decent stock cable
Offered in two colour schemes – fully transparent and a blue&pink combination
Transparent shells are always a plus – here especially since you can see the well thought out arrangement of all elements
Medium sized shell
A well-judged overall balance
Treble is tastefully done
Special tribrid driver configuration
Cons: Not the be all end all of technical prowess
Somewhat long and thick nozzle can be an issue for some
Bass lacks the satisfying low rumble
Midrange tuning can be a bit temperamental as in where it works and where it falls short
Only two variants of poorer quality silicone eartips

Having had the possibility to try so many different sets in a relatively short time I felt obliged to go ahead and express my gratitude by trying to help some lost souls out there, just as I was when I first stumbled upon this weird hobby about wired earphones – so yesteryear! … I thought. Possibilities are seemingly endless and only by getting to meet the right people did I manage to jump onboard the train heading the 'right' direction without getting off-track thousands of times along the way. Make sure to understand the helping person's preferences and you too can find your footing and hit the ground running in no time.

A Quick Intermezzo About Me

I won't bore you for too long with personal trivia, however my quick & short background resume goes as follows. Currently I am 27 years old and more in awe of sheer power of music by the day. I have always been moved by music just that slight bit more than average, I'd say. My spending started with a roughly 200€ Bose bluetooth speaker back in my first grade of highschool. What an extraterrestrial thing that was in early 2010s. And it keeps on playing to this day – a true testament of quality. Also sounded fantastic back then, nowadays … yeah, not so much. Lots of BT speakers, TWS, car audio speakers, IEMs, etc., later bring me to this day when I truly consider myself an audiophile. What brings me the most joy beside listening to music is singing, so I am currently participating in a choir and challenging myself with solo vocal covers (check the links in my signature to hear my projects). Unsure where all this leads, but the journey itself is marvelous and life is nothing but a journey.

How The Review is Structured
I will start off by mentioning the packaging and accessories, then place the showcased IEM in my special trademarked graph accompanied with other similarly priced IEMs I own and know well. Then I continue by giving it a score on certain qualities to help reach the final star score. Those that are seriously considering a beautiful looking and driver-packed set, please read the song examples below too to get as much of a feel on what one could expect. I really try my best to cover a wide variety to paint the sonic picture of the set for as many of you as possible. For this one, I will go ahead and take the liberty of comparing it directly to two other slightly lower-priced but well received single-dynamic-driver sets, so to get an idea of what this multitude of drivers of varied technologies does differently.


I will mention some songs of varied genres and try to convey what one can expect from the Kinera Celest Phoenixcall. As sources I have been using my FiiO BTR7 on high gain and Venture Electronics RA2B-FE + Prime DAC. Certainly no lack of power and quite a different taste on both. Listening was done at a volume ranging between 80-90dB. I am using the stock cable to keep it original in that regard and Divinus Velvet small-sized eartips (had to size down due to a lengthier and thicker nozzle than usual. I always review with fresh ears – no other IEM gets any ear-time while I am desperately collecting my thoughts regarding the reviewed item.


Disclaimer: I have received this unit free of charge via Kinera in exchange for a review. I am in no way incentivized to speak highly of this set. Should this review tip you over the edge and you decide on this IEM as your next purchase, I welcome you to check it out here: AliExpress Kinera official site product link

Packaging & Accessories





With stock cable and Divinus Velvet Small eartips:

Unboxing experience is pretty nice, however it is ultimately let down by rather poor eartips which means looking for an aftermarket replacement is almost a must. The stock 4.4mm cable feels good and does the job well enough. I experienced no discomfort fit-wise, but these do have a rather long and stubby nozzle, so buyer beware.


Let's Get Going!

Graph & Scores

This trademarked graph I came up with does not come with a thick user manual. All you need to know is that sets further left are warmer than sets further right, and sets higher up are better technically than sets lower down. Those little yellow lines on both axis represent where sets with average technicalities and neutral overall balance lay. I have also added two other single DD representatives to better place the perceived tuning balance of the Phoenixcall – the Simgot EA500 LM and Kiwi Ears Singolo.

Here are my scores on the Phoenixcall in individual categories. All three subcategories of each of the frequency spectrums can be rated 1-5. Keep in mind that I am scoring regardless of the price, so cheaper sets getting a 3 in any given subcategory is already good going. I had to approach this in a simplistic manner so to keep it easy to understand and compare sets. Since this is my first more complex driver setup IEM and I had nothing to really directly compare it to this was not an easy task.


3 Song Examples With Comparisons to Two Single DDs

Instead of flowing through the songs and putting down my thoughts like I did in my reviews up until now, I will try to spice it up by offering a view of how the Phoenixcall compares against three very different single DDs. This helps those of you that might own or have at least heard any of the other sets to get a better idea of the Phoenixcall. Since this is a direct A/B comparison, expect some differences to be expressed in an overemphasized fashion just to clearly depict which is better – TO MY EARS AND MY LIKING.

Song #1:
First minute of this song offers a quick sample to test piano, bass, trombone, and sax timbre as well as female vocals and the perception of stage.


Creep by Scott Bradlee's Postmodern Jukebox feat. Haley Reinhart

Just the beginning of this song shows so many differences among these three sets already that this will be an interesting challenge to attempt. I am not here to moan, though, so let's go!

This song allows me to understand lots of things about sets. First moments allow me to get to grips with set's bass balance, piano&vocal timbre, vocal placement, sibilance, spaciousness, 3D-ness, … So if I try to put some of these into context, it would read something like this. Bass on the Phoenixcall is not of basshead quantities. It prioritizes midbass over subbass and it paints a decently clean overall sonic picture. No issues of bass overflowing into low mids and messing with the piano in this instance. Bass stays in this smaller bubble which is either a good or a bad thing, depending on application. Here I am not bothered by that, since it allows for the rest of performers to take charge. Piano lacks that delicious note weight I myself am very sensitive to, but remains a piano throughout, so to say timbre is not an issue. Haley sounds very convincing and wonderful as she should, I would like to see her sonic image just a tad bit taller and further forward. Sibilance is handled very aptly and there is just the right amount of bite to instrumentation and vocals that float in that risky frequency range. Always a serious challenge not to overdampen the 6-8kHz range and end up with a thick sounding vocal and various strings. All performers have sufficient space between them to really be able to focus on either one should you wish to do so – then there is the everlasting debate about what do we listen to, a single performer or the song as a whole and in my mind a good set should be able to do both. Keep the cohesiveness and flow of the song untouched while really delivering the absolute detail of whichever single part of the arrangement. Here I feel the Phoenixcall does very well actually, but do not come in expecting endgame detail retrieval nor resolution. And about 3D-ness, I would prefer a bit more depth capabilities to really round of the images since they do sit a bit flat in a 2D scene. Talking about the whole package I would happily judge this performance as an 8/10.

In a quick A/B comparison the Singolo feels a lot more bassy which in turn means the perceived mids and highs are much calmer vs Phoenixcall. It also feels much more rounded around its edges, which manifests in lesser detail retrieval and technical prowess throughout. I do not really feel it has any serious advantage in regards to cohesiveness either, despite being a single DD. Treble is worse in just about every metric, but it luckily does not come off as sibilant either. There is still no 3D-ness so it remains a flat sounding stage. Piano has a bit better note weight, so it is a bit more pleasing to my ears on the Singolo. Stage is wider on the Singolo.

And as for the EA500 LM, the first thing I notice is the vocal placement being more to my taste in a taller and more forward manner. Piano sounds clearer and just a bit more convincing here overall. The forwardness of vocals is slightly ruined by the fact the sibilance region is not as well executed as on the Phoenixcall which means every now and then the sibilant sounds come out a bit too prominently, at least for my younger ears. I would have to say it sounds a bit better connected or flowing overall too as the Phoenixcall which might be down to the reduced mids on Phoenixcall just before the pinna gain. Treble is good on both, but I'd give it to the Phoenixcall by a hair.

Song #2:
Progressive rock in all its glory. A very good indication of detail retrieval, male vocal, guitars, drums.


Depth of Self-Delusion by Riverside

What first comes to my attention is the good placement of these little sound ornaments at the start. I do get a sense of lighter note weight immediately too, and when drums join I am lacking their elasticity and heft. Hihats though, are delicately done and very pleasing. His vocal is slightly too lightly coloured overall which is down to the midrange tuning which is bound to work with some vocals while not so much with others. Guitars are done tastefully and free of veil. This tune sounds just a bit rough around the edges on the Phoenixcall with certain qualities done tremendously well while other aspects do not work well here. It becomes a bit of a messy listen and therefore a 5/10.

Singolo immediately thereafter is an interesting change of pace. Overall balance sounds much more appropriate for this sort of genre. It adds additional warmth while carefully dealing with potentially problematic areas. It is definitely not as revealing a listen as the Phoenixcall, however. His vocal is much more singular unlike on the Phoenixcall where it feels torn to different particles. I would have to give the advantage for this sort of genre to the Singolo.

EA500 LM is the most revealing of the three which is quite a feat considering it is a single driver. Tonality-wise it is a welcome awakening of the Singolo while not being as bright as the Phoenixcall which is solely down to how well the low bass balances the otherwise very prominent treble of the LM which is not the case on the Phoenixcall. Phoenixcall does a better job of calming down the risky areas than the LM, which is a messy listen when drums and guitars get going. Not as smooth as the Singolo, so for such genres it would be quite tiring to listen to the whole album.

Song #3:
Oh, welcome crazy bass lines, please make yourselves comfortable along with tasteful drops and story-telling male vocals about an ill-intentioned lady.


Love is a Bitch by Two Feet

This song has a tendency to make the listener turn up the volume to feel those low notes. Since the subbass is greatly reduced on the Phoenixcall this will be a tough task to accomplish. Nonetheless, I am listening to the other aspects as well and lack of subbass is not necessarily the final nail in the coffin. Right from the beginning the low notes are well handled and there is no sense of distortion. They feel athletic and readily available. His voice is not too bothered by the unorthodox midrange tuning and compliments the low end very wonderfully with ample naturalness to the sound and an overall enjoyable manner. The beginning rainstorm floats around the head freely while acompanied with a sweet guitar. The circumference of the raining sounds is very healthily above average and decently detailed. With other elements joining the mix the low bass becomes insufficient to really power this song home. Still, it is a very well executed and joyous listen which earns it a score of 7/10.

Soon after switching to Singolo, I can sense the rainstorm circling in a completely different elyptical shape with ample width but less forwards and backwards sense of separation. Guitar is also not as delicate and soothing on the Singolo. Oh, but then the low rumble comes and the tube of the Singolo and its large DD are in another league in that regard. His vocals are better placed here, but a bit more dim or smoky. The hihats are just a bit too pronounced here and due to the fact I feel the Singolo's worst part is the treble they become very annoying in that main part. Bass is a totally different beast, but overall I prefer how the Phoenixcall renders this tune.

EA500 LM's rain sounds the most true to life. Guitar is very detailed too, but just a bit more digitalised than on the Phoenixcall. LM is not shy in low bass, but it does not stand out as much because of the treble being even more prominent and aggressive. I would have to EQ certain areas of the LM for this song to really gel with my ears. It comes off just a bit too sharp. Perfect combination for this tune would be the LM's bass with Singolo's vocal placement and Phoenixcall's treble.

To keep it a bit more brief and readable, this concludes my song examples and hopefully you found some information that proves useful to your decision-making in the everlasting dilemma of To Buy or Not To Buy. Should you be interested in any other songs in particular, please do not hesitate to ask!

To Sum Up The Kinera Celest Phoenixcall

Phoenixcall is a gorgeous set that packs various driver technologies in an attractive shell. It boasts a nicely balanced frequency range where in particular I would say the treble is nicely done, while mids and bass are an acquired taste and need some more understanding of your own preferences before committing to purchasing. In regards to bass, one needs to prefer a lean towards midbass over subbass while the mids are a special sort and do better with certain vocals. Do keep in mind this set fits rather deep too.

Thanks for reading and stay wonderful.


New Head-Fier
Pros: -Good bass texture for price
-Good bass amount
-Airy treble
-Good treble amount
-Really good detail production for the price
-Good resolution
Cons: -Awful, thin sounding midrange
-Bad note weight
-Really bad lower mids

I bought this iem with my own money. This review is completely subjective.



Phoenixcall comes with carrying case, eartips, cable and iem itself. Pretty standard box content.



Phoenixcall fully made out of average quality plastic. Cable quality is decent.


Sound-Tonality and Technicalities

Phoenixcall is a very thin sounding iem. Midrange sounds awful, instrument separation is really bad and note weight is non-existent but, I have some good news too (if you care :D) This is iem have a really good detail production for 130 dollars. Treble range feels airy and understated. And bass range have good depth with enough mid-bass, sub-bass amount.



If you don’t care about midrange, phoenixcall is a pretty good sounding pair of iem’s But subjectively i hate phoenixcall and i don’t want to suggest anyone to buy this IEM.
I own the Pheonixcall as well and bought it with my hard earned cash. When I first listened to it, the bass and Highs sounded great. The highs are very airy, sparking and detailed, the bass tight, but the mids? Too recessed for my liking, and a tad thin. Still a good buy for those who aren’t into vocals, my son, loves the highs and claims the best he has ever heard. But he doesn’t like the rest.

Nice review, enjoying you reviews, not every IEM earns a 4 to 5 star review, exactly like it should be. Keep your honestly going in them.
Thank you for support!

mars chan

New Head-Fier
Kinera Celest PhoenixCall, sound analysis and comparison.
Pros: + very clear, clean and natural-sounding
+ very good treble air
+ above average imaging, layering and separation
+ above average soundstage size
+ beautiful design
+ excellent stock cable
+ zero fitting issues
+ Very nice packaging
+ excellent power handling and dynamics capability
+ very non fatiguing yet clear sounding
+ very well tuned V-shaped sound signature with clear vocals
+ good instrument and vocal note weight
+ No inter-driver coherency issues
Cons: - not suitable for bass heads
- could sound a little bright to some people
- needs careful pairing with ear tips, luckily it sounds excellent with the stock black tips
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First of all, I'd like to thank Kinera for sending me this beautiful IEM earphone, in exchange for my honest thoughts and review, with the emphasis that everything I say here should be of my own volition, and to take my time in reviewing this.
My perception of Kinera as an audio company is; that they belong in the mid-range to high-end class company based in China, their products always have artful and beautiful designs with lore behind them, Celest is a daughter brand of Kinera.

The Celest PhoenixCall cost 129.99 dollars but can be bought with discounts at my local shops in Lazada and Shopee, The packaging quality of the PhoenixCall is excellent, and the included cable is very good, and better than the included cables from my Moodrop Blessing 3 which cost 320 dollars and the Hidizs MP145 which cost around 150 dollars. The included ear tips are good too and doesn't feel cheap like the included tips from the Blessing 3. The build quality of the IEM itself looks and feels the same as the Blessing 3, which is very good as they both have 3d printed resin as shells, ensuring better production accuracy and consistency.

The PhoenixCall is a tribrid IEM, meaning it uses three types of drivers, a 7mm dynamic driver, a pair of micro planar drivers, and a pair of balanced armature drivers. it uses sound tubes to direct the sound to the ear canal.
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The pre-installed white ear tips are good sounding, but I like the stock black ear tips much better, I love the sound of the PhoenixCall with it, It has better bass texture and note weight, better soundstage and even more natural overall sound, the PhoenixCall seems to be tuned with those tips in mind, but even so, I still tried the other tips in my collection and found the KZ Starline tips and the Moondrop Spring tips tend to make the bass sound thicker and the high frequency reduced, the Acoustune and Kbear 07 tips tend to increase the mid-range and upper mid-range, I also like the TRN T-tips and the Acoustune AET08. I highly recommend experimenting with other tips to get the best out of it, and again, I love the sound with the stock black tips.
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I mostly used the Topping G5, Moondrop Moonriver 2 and the Fiio KA11 for this review, while the PhoenixCall can be driven easily with small and less powerful dongles, it needs your best quality dac/amps for the best result, as it can easily reveal the deficiency of lesser quality dac/amps. No equalization or any sound processing was used.
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The sound:

Tonality and sound signature;

This is undeniably V-shape sounding to me, But some call it W-shape, because the mid-range and vocals may sound a little recessed, but they also sound very clear. The overall sound is very natural, clear and nonfatiguing, the sound presentation is like the sound of a high-end speaker system.


Simply above average, it has clear and defined images, that are presented in 3d, layered and separated manner in a big soundstage.


There is a little warmth in the bass, but the overall presentation is natural. The bass sounds fast, fairly detailed and never lean sounding, the dynamics are also very good and sound energetic. The sub-bass is rolled off but not devoid of it, I can still hear some sub-bass.


A little recessed but with very good clarity, this is not like most V-shaped IEMs where the mids are recessed and muddy, this is very clear and natural, I've listened to this for many hours and went through my music library to find faults, I haven't found any, There is no honkiness, shoutiness, glare and other coloration, all I hear is natural sound.


Detailed, airy, clean, clear, noncongested and elevated, yet still sounds natural. I find no fatiguing sharpness, unnatural sibilance and muddy distortion.

Sensitivity, Power handling and Dynamics;

Now, this is the bonus part about the PhonixCall, I never expected this and only became aware as I listened more intently, the sensitivity is just average and it is easy to drive, but the power handing is excellent, it can take more power and go louder than the Blessing 3 and MP145, without distortion, mechanical noises and obvious dynamic compression. I have only tested this for a short time though, otherwise, my hearing would have been damaged by now.
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vs the Hidizs MP145 (150usd)
The MP145 sounds warmer and darker on some songs, the bass on the MP145 sounds bigger and the vocals are more forward and fuller. The PhoenixCall on the other hand has more apparent details, treble air and overall clarity, both are very musical, natural and engaging sounding they sound different enough that I cannot recommend one or the other, I recommend them both.

vs Moondrop Blessing 3 (320usd)
The technicalities of the Blessing 3 are simply a class or two above PhoenixCall's, It is more holographic in image presentation, has more separation, layering and resolution, and has a bigger soundstage, but the downside is its lean-sounding note weight, on some songs it is okay, but on some, it sounds a little cold and clinical. On the other hand, the PhoenixCall sounds warmer, more engaging, more forgiving and more pleasant to listen to, on a long listening session. In terms of technicalities, the Blessing 3 wins, But in terms of listenability, the PhonixCall wins easily. Again, I can't recommend one over the other because they sound different enough to be used on different occasions and moods.

vs Simgot EA500 (80usd)
If you like the EA500 with the black nozzle, You'll gonna love the PhoenixCall, I consider the PhoenixCall a legit upgrade to the EA500, It has similar tonality but the PhoenixCall is warmer, less shouty, smoother, has more resolution, airier, clearer and so on, there is nothing in the EA500 I could find to be better than the PhoenixCall, I highly recommend the PhonixCall as an upgrade to the EA500, or at least, that's what I feel about it.

vs Mondrop Starfield 2 (110usd)
The Moondrop Starfield 2 is within the price range of the PhoenixCall, If you are asking which one to buy, Just buy the PhoenixCall, It simply has better overall sound, The Starfield 2 sounds fatiguing at times and not as airy in the highs.

vs CCA Rhapsody (40usd)
The Rhapsody is very good for the price, but cannot compete with the PhoenixCall in every way except the price. If you are looking for an upgrade to the Rhapsody, I highly recommend the PhoenixCall.

vs Moondrop May (60usd)
The sound signature of the May sits between the MP145 and the Rhapsody, and I find it to sound a little better than the Rhapsody overall, The May sounds warm and a little dark at times, I can't say the PhoenixCall is an upgrade to the May, The MP145 is the more likely candidate for that. But in terms of overall sound quality, the PhoenixCall is simply better and more natural.

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No IEM is perfect, and that includes the PhoenixCall, I spent many hours finding faults with it, I only wish it had just a little more sub-bass and this is a nitpick, I really love the sound of this IEM with the stock black tips, but in any case, the PhoenixCall sounds so good that it made me curious about other Kinera IEMs in the higher price range, including those from the sister brand of Celest, QOA, or Queen of Audio, I'm seriously thinking of getting.

Thank you for reading and Happy Chinese New Year to all. Cheers!

Nice review mate 🥰
mars chan
mars chan
Thank you :slight_smile:
Listening to it now, it finally arrived. Great tight, non boomy bass, warm mids and detailed highs that sparkle. A great all round IEM, and as you said, an upgrade to the Ea500


New Head-Fier
Kinera Celeste Phoenixcall - Rising from the Ashes but Still Burning
Pros: Clean open sound
Good detail retrieval
Bass quality
Beautiful design
Above board retail presentation
Cons: Upper mids and lower treble can overpower bass at times
May be too forward and bright for some
Can get congested on busy tracks with lots of upper midrange energy


Celeste is yet another sub-brand of Kinera. I have had experience with a number of the Celeste offerings including the Gumiho and Pandamon, both of which were quite good. Still, I try not to let my past experiences influence my present iem reality.

I can’t say that there is discernible house sound that defines or separates Kinera from it’s sub-brands Celeste & QoA. I do know that there have been more than a few great iems released regardless of the branding.

The Phoenixcall is a very distinctive looking iem with a sound that features a v-shaped tuning with added emphasis to the upper-midrange and lower treble. Driver compliment includes a single dynamic driver in concert with two balanced armatures and two FPD (microplanar drivers). That’s a lot of tech beautifully displayed through the semi-translucent shells. Sound tubes are used in great measure here as well. It is obvious that much attention to development was spent with respect to the Phoenixcall.

The Phoenixcall is moderately difficult to drive. Your typical cellphone I don’t believe will provide the optimal experience. In fact, I can say that this iem does like power. Good clean power is a must here but nothing over the top, just more than usual for an iem. The Phoenixcall also synergized best with a warmer source given its upper range energy.

Tip selection also is important here and was heard to perceptibly change the sound. The Phoenixcall also sounded best with a deep and secure ear insertion.

Read on to find out more.


Acoustic Drivers:1DD+2BA+2 Micro Planar drivers(FPD)
Interface: 0.78 2pin
Sensitivity: 103db
Wearing Type: In-Ear
Frequency Response Range: 20Hz-40kHz
Impedance: 32Ω
Weight (earbuds+cable): 9.8g+30g ( ± 0.2g )
Plug: 3.5mm / 4.4mm
Cable length: 1.2m


The Celeste Phoenixcall has looks that will be polarizing. I personally found them to be stunning. The two earpieces, left if blue/purple and right is red, are each made of a beautifully finished semi-translucent resin through which much of the inner workings can be admired. Each shell has an imbedded graphic that I also find very attractive. For better or worse, this iem is a conversation piece, at least with respect to looks.

The nozzles are formed as an extension to the shell as opposed to an addon part. They protrude enough that getting a good insertion was easy to achieve with the proper tip selection.

Retail presentation is also above board, typical of Kinera and its sub-brands. The unboxing experience is well thought out and interesting. Whoever is in charge of retail packaging at Kinera needs to be recognized for their great work.

The included accessories are all of great quality with the look and haptics of the stock cable being a standout. This cable is one most would gladly purchase third party and the fact that is comes in the box is a nice plus.

The Phoenixcall is on the large side of medium in size but its shape afforded a very comfortable fit without any fatigue, even on long listening sessions. Very nicely done.






The Celeste Phoenixcall has a bass that goes deep with mid-bass more emphasized than sub-bass. Bass is punchy with good control and speed. It is a very agile low end that just misses slightly when it comes to the metric of detail. Mid-bass does not stray into the lower midrange adding only a small lift of warmth.

“Angel” by Massive Attack has a driving bassline anchoring the track. The power and drive were all there, missing was some of the finer details. Likewise in the standout track “No Worries” by the Robert Glasper Trio. The double bass was right there in the mix as distinct as ever but missing some finer detailing.

On bass heavy tracks the sub-bass prowess of the Phoenixcall did shine with great control and adequate power. At times though I felt that the upper midrange and lower treble emphasis did overstep the bass. This was heard clearly on busier tracks with lots of upper midrange energy. The bass here then took a backseat losing even more detail as the more prominent upper frequencies stood out front and center.

Still the bass is commendable when it is allowed to shine.


The midrange of the Celeste Phoenixcall has good resolution with macro over micro details present. The lower mids are more recessed than the upper-mids which are more forward as the Phoenixcall has a substantial pinna gain that extends into the lower treble. Even with this raise in the upper midrange, I did not find the Phoenixcall shouty. In fact, it is not harsh nor grainy. The Phoenixcall has good detail retrieval but I wouldn’t call it an overly technical set. I would put forward that the Phoenixcall is more fun then technical.

Female vocals were emphasized and more forward than male, consequent to that upper midrange rise where the lower mids were more recessed than that of the upper. Clarity and detail were all on point here with all the vocal attributes easily heard.

Surprisingly, male vocals still fared well. Listening to “Tenderhearted Lover” by John Stoddart revealed a full sounding and articulate playback that was pleasing and did relay to a great extent the emotional delivery of his vocals.

Layering and separation while good, were not class leading. Still the Celeste Phoenixcall does not sound closed in at all, on the contrary it sounds reasonably open. On the track “In Passing” by the Robert Glasper Trio, all the instruments could be clearly discerned, yet not with the with that level of air around each that for example the Hisenior T4 excels at reproducing. Still the track did sound good.

Timbre was ok but sometimes did sound somewhat off. This could be due to how the upper portion of the frequency band is tuned. Dynamics were handled very well, just remember to drive it with ample power. Transients were managed well, if for a little extra lingering energy up top.

The Celeste Phoenixcall has a midrange that excels in clarity. It’s energy at times did overshadow the bass. While it was not always my cup of tea, I prefer a more balanced approach to midrange sonics, I see how may will like this vibrant and energetic approach to tuning.


The treble of the Celeste Phoenixcall is fairly well extended with lots of sparkle but to a lesser degree air. It is well detailed with good clarity.

The treble here compliments the midrange though the upper-treble does fall off. Treble is actually well done without harshness.



The Celeste Phoenixcall throws up a moderate sized soundstage. Instrument placement is solid with it not feeling congested. This can suffer on busy tracks with lots of upper midrange energy where some finer details of air and space can get lost. That being said, this is infrequent and happens only at higher volume levels.

Width is well portrayed with height and depth relayed to a lesser degree.


-Hisenior T4-

The T4 is a 4x BA per side iem with no dynamic driver in sight.

Bass power and slam are more prominent with the Phoenixcall, T4 in balanced mode, but comparative with the T4 in “Bass+” mode. The T4 is better at conveying bass details and textures.

In the midrange the T4 takes a decidedly balanced approach while the Phoenixcall offers a more energetic upper midrange. With respect to technicalities the T4 also gets the nod here as well as offering superior micro detail retrieval and timbral accuracy. Note wight is a touch better on the Phoenixcall but just.

Treble is more of the same where the T4 is more balanced with arguably better detail retrieval and air.

Overall, the Hisenior T4 is just a more musical and organic set. The Phoenixcall fails to dethrone it here.

-Hisenior T2-

Almost verbatim with respect to the T4 vs Phoenixcall. The T2 is even more relaxed in tuning vs the T4. Bass does not go a low as with the Celeste offering. Midrange is balanced on the T2 vs energetic on the Phoenixcall. Technicalities are slightly better on the T2. Treble rolls off slightly earlier on the T2 and are again more balanced.

These two do NOT sound alike at all and the decision will really be up to the buyer and their personal preferences. Forward and energetic vs balanced and controlled.




With the Phoenixcall, Celeste have given us a beautifully built and energetic sounding iem that many will like. It is a mid forward tuning that excels in sounding detailed yet without undue harshness.

I will admit that I did not warm up to its tuning but I am just an individual with my own preferences and can see how many will like its sonics. Still at its asking price of $130usd it is definitely worthy of consideration if this type of robust and forward tuning is your preference. Hats off as well the Celeste for providing a fantastic retail package as well and quality accessories.


New Head-Fier
Kinera Celest Phoenixcall IEM Review
Pros: Beautiful packaging
Gorgeous faceplate
Well-built thick cables
Well done tuning
Controlled treble
Cons: For its price and what it offers, I’d say none
Technical capability could be better though

This Kinera Celest PhoenixCall IEM was originally written and posted on my website.​

About the Kinera Celest PhoenixCall​

Company Overview​

Kinera is a Chinese brand based in Dongguan that has been around since 2016 when they released their first IEM, the BD005. They are one of the older brands in this space. Over the years they have released a handful of IEMs, but I never got the chance to try out their offerings, even though I have always admired their IEM designs.


  • Acoustic Drivers: 1DD+2BA+2 Micro Planar drivers(FPD)
  • Interface: 0.78 2pin
  • Sensitivity: 103db
  • Wearing Type: In-Ear
  • Frequency Response Range: 20Hz-40kHz
  • Impedance: 32Ω
  • Weight (earbuds+cable): 9.8g+30g ( ± 0.2g )
  • Plug: 3.5mm / 4.4mm
  • Cable length: 1.2m

What’s Inside the Box​

Kinera Celest PhoenixCall IEM Review - AV Exploration (5)

  • Celest PhoenixCall IEMs
  • Celest 221 Vocal Eartips S/M/L
  • Celest C-07 Eartips S/M/L
  • 3.5mm 5N Copper Silver Plated Cable
  • Storage Box
  • Metal Bookmark
  • User Manual


I have always admired the design of Kinera’s in-ear monitors including their sister brand Queen of Audio (QoA). This IEM comes in 2 color variants – transparent, which is what I have, and a two tone purple-blue.

Kinera Celest PhoenixCall IEM Review - AV Exploration (3)

In this review, I used my Cayin N6ii and Venture Electronics Abigail Pro amplifier with Spotify and Tidal as music sources.

Frequency Graph​


Frequency response of Celest Phoenixcall courtesy of Practiphile.


For its looks, this is probably the most beautiful IEM I have had the pleasure of trying. From its box to its cable and IEM faceplate, it’s perfect and well-designed without being over the top, though this is what Kinera is known for – their faceplate designs are works of art.

Kinera Celest PhoenixCall IEM Review - AV Exploration (6)

The form factor makes the fit immaculate, and the included tips are the cherry on top. I can wear them all day working with no complaints – it’s almost like wearing custom IEMs. Comfort depends on your ear shape as the shells are on the chunky side.

One thing I want to point out is it’s pretty sensitive to improperly grounded electric circuits. You will hear buzzing or humming unless you put your feet on non-conductive materials like rubber.


After listening to the Celest PhoenixCall, I do not have many complaints. I may even consider it a budget Dunu Falcon Ultra due to its similar tuning. However, it lacks the technical capabilities of the Falcon Ultra. It somehow lacks control of the frequencies, especially on busy tracks and in chaotic games, which I will tackle more shortly.

It also lacks the 3D effect in tracks – it sounds like plain old stereo, just left and right. The PhoenixCall also lacks micro detail, which might be due to its well-controlled treble that lacks the sparkly frequencies to make micro details shine.

Kinera Celest PhoenixCall IEM Review - AV Exploration (7)

Enough of that comparison, let’s dive into how this IEM sounds. The Celest PhoenixCall doesn’t have any quirks or unevenness in its frequency range, at least based on my experience with headphones and IEMs.

Kinera Celest PhoenixCall IEM Review - AV Exploration (4)

The sub-bass and mid-bass quality is very good – full and impactful without bleeding into the mids/vocal region. This makes listening to rock or pop music make you want to tap your feet. Vocals, especially female voices, sound organic and are well-placed – not too forward but not behind the mix either. The treble is well-controlled, without piercing highs or sounding rolled off. It won’t sound lacking unless you love that sparkly Beyerdynamic-style treble.

Overall, I don’t have complaints about its tuning. It fits my preference well, which is why I loved the Falcon Ultra. It’s very versatile for any music genre, maybe a bit less on Classical which has strings.


When it comes to gaming, this is an area where the Celest Phoenixcall falls a bit short, at least on games with a lot going on like Overwatch. It sounded full but the imaging is below average. You would have a slightly hard time pinpointing the direction of enemies due to the frequencies being somewhat cramped – you will be overwhelmed by everything sounding all at once. However, I must say it performed exceptionally on less chaotic games like Counter Strike 2 or Valorant. You can hear footsteps very well and the directional sound is accurate and extends far.


In conclusion, if you’re looking for an under $150 all-rounder IEM, I’d recommend the PhoenixCall, weighing its technical capabilities, especially for gaming use. For $129.99, it’s a great package considering the build quality, appearance, and sound.

Kinera Celest PhoenixCall IEM Review - AV Exploration (2)


New Head-Fier
At last a proper V-Shape Tuning! The Celest Phoenixcall
Pros: 1. A proper V-Shape tuning
2. Detailed and energetic treble
3. Captivating mid range
4. Boomy and thumping bass
5. Good technicalities
Cons: 1. Recessed lower mid range
2. unnatural bass notes
3. Vocals can be piercing at sometimes

Review Of The Celest Phoenixcall



The infamous Kinera brand, which is known for its releases like Skuld, Baldr, Nanna, etc., has a sister company called Celest that specializes in making electroacoustic products like IEMs and cables. The Celest also manufactures IEMs that lean more toward the low-cost audiophile market. I have only seen the Celest use flat panel planar drivers out of all the Kinera subbrands. The gumiho and pandamon, their first IEM, were reviewed by me as well. But before I review the Phoenix Call, their recently released flagship IEM, I'd like to clear up a few misunderstandings.



*Since this unit tour was organised by the beautiful people at HiFiGo, I am grateful to them. And as I've said in all of my evaluations, the same is true for this one: all of the concepts I've expressed below are entirely my own, original ideas that haven't been influenced by anyone else. If interested, go to this link.
*I am not associated with the connection, and I receive no financial assistance from anyone.
*For the remainder of the review, I will refer to these IEMs as "Call."
*I am using different Ear-tips for convenience and better versatility.
*Finally, I will only evaluate the Call based on their performance, even though I will explain how it feels and seems physically and aesthetically.



Five drivers total—one dynamic, two balanced armature, and two flat micro planar—are housed in the tribid setup of the Call. The 7mm dynamic driver handles low frequencies, the 10012 and 10021 balanced armature drivers handle mid-high frequencies, and the 6mm micro planar drivers handle ultra-high frequencies. All of its drivers are made in-house. The resin-made shells have a stunning appearance and fit my ears perfectly. The faceplate has a lovely sparkly background with silver bold bird patterns, and the left shell is blue in color while the right tone is pinkish-red. And after prolonged use, I didn't feel tired or exhausted. It comes with a 5N 8 core silver-plated copper cable that feels lightweight and matches the color of the IEMs. A straight 3.5mm termination plug completes the 2 pin 0.78mm cable. The IEMs also come with two types of eartips in three different sizes, a carrying case, and a gorgeous metal bookmark, among other extras. In terms of technical details, the sensitivity is 103dB and the impedance is 32 OHms. 20Hz to 40kHz is the range of the frequency response.


After carefully inspecting the IEM, I discovered that one of the drivers is exposed on the right side (Red) of the IEMs but encased on the left (Blue). Despite this, there were no audible changes between the two when I tested them using mono output. I'm not sure if those drivers are even operational or not; an exposed metal component from the driver could possibly be its cap. But because the sound is consistent and the presentation sounds as intended, I wouldn't care.


A pure V-shaped sound is produced by the Call, forcing the upper frequencies and the bass region to emerge in the mix where the sparkly and clear response is evoked with strong bass impacts in them. I haven't heard this style of tuning in a while. IEMs in this price range typically have a neutral or more equilibrated sound signature.The Call, however, sounds the best in this price range when it comes to V-shape tuning. There are nuances, of course, that I do not particularly enjoy, but the tuning is so fascinating and captivating that I find it impossible to look away. The bass slams and punches hard, and the sound adds sharp, clear notes with a lean quality to them. Let's get more specific.



Starting with the treble, it appears to be nicely extended and adds good details and clarity to the mix. However, the tuning feels more energizing and in your face, making it difficult to achieve spacious and expansive with smooth response. The notes that stretch far without becoming distorted or disintegrated in the upper treble are detailed and clear, allowing the vocals and instruments to express themselves fully. The entire response will be affected by the vocals' flashy appearance. Both the vocals and the instruments have a lean quality to them. For example, cymbal crashes may sound sparkly and crisp, but they also have a tendency to go too far and introduce offensive sounds that may be sibilant or peaky. The sound is produced with the same details and clarity, but the lower treble feels more energizing and vivid. The vocals create more room around them; for instance, the female vocals sound distinct, blissful, and approachable with air. This makes it possible for the instruments to sound distinct and separate. Overall, the treble region is presented in a clear, detailed, and fuller manner.

Mid Range

I feel conflicted about the mid range because it feels surprisingly beautiful and has subtleties that draw attention to every detail, but I also think they lack the warmth and organic response that comes from the notes, whether they are from instruments or vocals. Listening to vocals, especially female vocals, that shine bright and elevated that brings out every detail and doesn't let the drivers stop at producing clearer response out of them makes me feel at peace because the upper mid range sounds so full, airy, and open. The drivers used, I must say, are of very high caliber. In most cases, I find that higher octave vocal notes merge into a single note, but with the Call, the presentation is captivating. Additionally, the instruments support the vocals by holding their exposure with as much detail as is possible. The notes can occasionally sound a little piercing when it comes to bright sounding tracks, but that doesn't take away from my overall impression. The lower mid range gives off an impression that makes me question my love for these; however, with this range, a different narrative emerges. I felt the need to look at the FR graph because the lower mid range feels almost nonexistent in the mix; the warmth or dense notes aren't audible. I discovered that the lower mid range are subdued. The vocals and other instruments are almost audible, but they sound hazy and lose their focus, particularly the bass guitar. The bass notes seem too clean and artificial sounding when listened to while listening to rock and classical tracks. As a result, the mid range's overall response is engrossing, detailed, and yet artificial sounding.


Oh yes, the bass hits you hard and with a good amount, which I find to be very impressive—not because the quantity makes me jump for joy, but rather because the boom is well-controlled. The bass performs all actions with force, slamming, punching, thumps, and rumbling. The sub bass seems to have more bass emphasis than the mid bass, but since the entire bass range is fully elevated, it doesn't really matter. The big drums kick sounds deep and lows punches hard but when it comes to resonating slams from the bass guitar or double bass the sound is more alive though I do find the response to be too clean. The sub bass extends deep which allows the subtle rumble sensation to flow into the ear canals. When it comes to impacts of punches they are nicely controlled and retract quickly where the slams feels more loose which is how it should be. The bass sounds more embracing and clear as the response is increased and the notes have more presence in the mix. However, when it comes to mid-bass thick notes, I think they are lean and far too clean rather than thick. I would have liked to hear more boom. The texture and details of the bass are also good. As a result, the bass region's overall presentation is powerful, slamming, but too clean.

Technical Performance

The Call's technical performance is actually quite good due to the wide stage, good separation, and sharp imaging, which allows for an exciting response. The ability to retrieve details is superior to that of the majority of IEMs, and notes are resolvable and fast. The Call produces more sharper imaging and better clarity but at the expense of tonality. Most IEMs in this price range improve soundstage and separation with resolution.


Soundstage, Sound Imaging & Separation

The listener can localize the source of the sound because the soundstage is large enough to sound expansive and the note separations are distinct and far apart. The imaging is sharp and clear, possibly the best you can find for the money.

Speed & Resolution

The resolution overall is good but not the best available, and both the micro and macro details produced are very expressive. Additionally, the notes' attack and decay have a rapid pace.

Sound Impressions


Tempotec V6 - The treble appeared more share- and lean-like while the midrange felt a little more relaxed and composed, but the lower notes still sounded lacking when listening with the V6. The bass appeared more controlled and precise. There were no discernible differences in the technical response. I consider this pairing to be passable but unappealing in this case.


iFi Hipdac -The treble felt more rounded and relaxed while listening on the Hipdac, but the details mostly felt retained. Lower notes were audible, and the mid range appeared more vibrant and forward. Additionally, the bass sounded more organic thanks to thicker notes. I didn't notice any other technical changes, despite the fact that the imaging felt a little flat and the stage was smaller. I'll be honest and say that I like and accept the pairing with the Hipdac.



Luna Haruna - Glory days
Luna Haruna - Overfly
Rokudenashi - The Flame of Love
LMYK - 0 (zero)
Marina Horiuchi - Mizukagami no Sekai
Indila - Love Story
Indila - Tourner dans le vide
Earth, Wind & Fire - September
Tom Petty - Free Fallin'
Fleetwood Mac - Everywhere
Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit
Blue Oyester Cult - (Don't Fear) The Reaper
Guns 'N' Roses - Sweet Child O' Mine
The Police - Every Breath You Take
Gojira - Amazonia
TV on the radio - Wolf Like Me
Bring Me To The Horizon - Can You Feel My Heart
Bring Me To The Horizon - sTraNgeRs
Avril Lavigne - Dare To Love Me
Travis - Love Will Come Through
Gotye - Somebody That I Used To Know
DJ Shadows - Six Days (Remix) [feat. Mos Def]
Lady Gaga - Just Dance
Lil Wayne - Lollipop
Flo Rida - Low
Sebastian Lopez & Flug - Electronic Measures
Federico Mecozzi - Blue (Da Ba Dee)
Wayve - Not Enough
Kai Wachi & TeZATalks - Ghost
NGHTMRE, Zeds Dead & Tori Levett - Shady Intentions
Zeds Dead, DNMO & GG Magree - Save My Grave
Skrillex,Noisia, josh pan & Dylan Brady - Supersonic
Skrillex & Nai Barghouti - Xena
Skrillex, Missy Elliott & Mr. Oizo - RATATA
Kaifi Khalil, Eva B & Wahab Bugti - Kana Yaari
A.R. Rahman, Javed Ali & Mohit Chauhan - Kun Faya Kun


To sum up this review, I'd like to say that I wholeheartedly recommend this IEM to anyone who enjoys a thrilling and captivating response and who prefers fun sound with a kink for female vocals. A person like me who prefers a more neutral sound also fell in love with these, especially for their looks, though I would still advise giving this a listen.

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What eartips are those on he last pic?


100+ Head-Fier
Pros: • Very engaging listen
• Authoritative Bass
• Good stage and decent resolution
• Unique tuning
• Unique Tribrid Driver Config
• Smooth treble response
Cons: • Might be a little too intense
• Not the most technical IEM
• A tad shouty
• Not an all-rounder

Kinera Celest is a brand that has been around for quite a while and their IEMs have have always maintained an aura of intrigue. And despite the brand not being as widely known as other brands like Moondrop, fans of their Kinera and Kinera Celest IEMs have seemed to like them quite a bit. The Phoenixcall is the first of their IEMs that I have been able to listen to and going into this, I had very little to go off of as far as what to expect other than pictures and description of the driver config which had me interested.

Disclaimer: Thanks go out to Hifigo for arranging this sample for me to review! These thoughts are my own and I was not incentivized for a positive/negative review.

Build and Accessories:
The Phoenixcall comes in a nice, solid box that includes the following:
• Gold colored metal bookmark - I surprisingly do like how this looks and wouldn't mind using it
• A very nice and well behaved cable with no microphonics
• A small leather, puck-shaped carrying case,
• An assortment of eartips
• The IEMs themselves
It's clear that a lot of thought was put into the packaging and the overall unboxing experience was surprisingly nice.

The IEMs themselves are smaller in size and made of what seems to be high quality resin. Depending on the color you choose the wiring and drivers will be on full display, which is a nice touch, given the unique driver configuration. Build quality is as solid as any nicer resin IEM I've handled and due to the smaller size, I don't think many people will have issues with fit.

The overall sound signature is quite lush and engaging. It's not a very clinical sounding IEM and would be well suited for anyone who thinks the flavor-of-the-month, Harman-inspired, or neutral with bass-boost IEMs are boring and thin sounding. It's a very unique sound that surprisingly works a lot better than expected. The tuning, as far as I know, is unique, and would be a great addition to a growing collection of IEMs.

Bass: Bass is full and well-extended with a lot of physicality and oomph. The Phoenix dishes up a very healthy dose of midbass compared to most if not all of the popular IEMs today and does so in a very refreshing way. I think a lot of manufacturers are afraid of tuning midbass into their IEMs in fear of causing bloat or mud. For this reason, I actually find a lot of popular IEMs to be thin sounding and too clinical. This is not so with the Phoenixcall - bass is authoritative and physical here. But somehow, this doesn't have as huge an effect on mids and clarity as I would have expected from looking at the frequency response.

Mids: Mids aren't necessarily the highlight here but they're not as recessed sounding as one would expect. There is a valley in the frequency response but from what I could tell, most instruments and voices aren't affected by it too much. Both male and female vocals sound fairly natural and full bodied to me, both forward in the mix. And yes, I did mention above that the bass tuning doesn't have as huge an effect on mids and clarity as expected, but there is still a bit of that - but not offensively so.

Upper Mids and Lower Treble: This is where things can get a bit dicey and part of the reason this is a more intense IEM - there is quite a bit of elevation in the upper mids and lower treble and this makes it slightly shouty. Those sensitive to this region may wish to look elsewhere. Another IEM I love, the Elysian x Effect Gaea does something similar here and as much as I love that IEM, I will admit, it's definitely a polarizing tuning. As with the Gaea, I am fine with this tuning but it's not one I can listen to for very long periods of time.

Treble: Treble is decently smooth and tapers off after about 10k. This makes prevents the Phoenixcall from ever being sibilant or sharp. It's definitely on the slightly darker side of things, and this is especially noticeable in contrast to the "upper mid lower treble shelf."

Technicalities: Stage is above average. Imaging is okay. Details and resolution are pretty good for the price. Timbre is surprisingly okay - nothing too wonky to my ears.

This new addition to the pantheon of $100-$200 IEMs is well worth a look - it eschews all notions of what is correct (cough* Harman) and does its own thing. Usually when people stray too far off the beaten path, it's in for a rough time - not this time. No, this is not a market defining or breaking IEM. And no it's not going to replace all the Wan'er/Hola/Hexa/Aria/Kato/you name it IEMs many of you already own. But it's not trying to do that. The Phoenixcall set out to do something different and to provide a different flavor to complement tuning/driver configs that have all but flooded the market. While I can't recommend this IEM as a one and only IEM or for someone's first IEM, the Phoenixcall still gets a solid recommendation from me, especially as an addition to a collection to provide either a different tuning or driver configuration.
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Headphoneus Supremus
Celest PhoenixCall: Technical Master At Budget Price!!
Pros: Outstanding Looks.
Well-Done V-Shaped Profile.
Crisp, Fast Bass Performance.
Clear & Detailed Midrange.
Well-Tuned Treble Response, Crispy, Detailed, A little bright but nothing offensive.
Fantastic Technical Performance.
Absolute Beast When it comes to detail retrieval.
Scales well with power.
Price to performance ratio is excellent.
Cons: Timbre is a little dry for vocals.
Bass could use more slam and punch.
Celest as we all know is a sub-brand of Kinera. Kinera introduced Celest last year as a subsidiary focusing primarily on the budget segment of in-ear monitors. From the very first day, Celest made a mark as their debutant product(Gumiho) featured a new kind of planar driver(SPD). Which was later upgraded in the second release itself as well(Pandamon). Fast forward to today in 2023, Celest is all-ready with their new release the Phoenixcall. Different from the previous two launches, the new Phoenixcall is an IEM that breaks the 100$ price barrier for Celest with an official retail price of 129.99$. Another thing that’s different with the Phoenixcall is the multi-driver hybrid setup. It is a beast in terms of driver configuration featuring 1DD+2BA+2FPD(Flat Planar Driver) on each side. According to the brand-provided information, this FPD is also called the micro flat planar driver. Enough with the technical jargon, I have the pair for about a week courtesy of a review tour here in India organised by HiFiGo. Let’s dive deep into my impressions of the same.

A Short Disclaimer Before I Begin:-

As mentioned above, I received the Phoenixcall as a part of a review tour in India, I will be forwarding the unit ahead after my review is done. Would like to thank HiFIGo for this review tour here. The impressions, liking or disliking in this review might be biased based on my personal taste in music listening(which is a balanced, U-shaped profile). You can purchase the product from HiFiGo from the links below(non-affiliated links).

Kinera Celest 1DD+2BA+2 Micro Planar Drivers IEMs — HiFiGo

Unboxing, Package, Contents, & More:-

Kinera & its sub-brands know how to make an impact with the packaging itself. YOu get a fairly exquisite package with the Phoenixcall. It’s a purple-coloured package with a faceplate-like bird design on the front along with the name. Inside we have the story of Phoenixcall along with a metallic showpiece kinda thing on the left side. On the right, we have the user guide, the pair itself with the cable. There are a total of 6 pairs of eartips included in the package, three white silicone and three grey silicone with a wide bore. We also have a small round zipper case with the pack. Overall, a really beautiful and eye-catchy packaging, just like the pair itself which I will try to describe in the next section.

Design, Build Quality, Fit, & Isolation:-

I love talking about the design for Kinera and its sub-brand IEMs. Celest Phoenixcall is a beautiful, very beautiful pair with an eye-catching designer hand-painted face cover and an overall compact footprint. The face covers depict the legendary tale of Phoenixcall with an image of birds flying over a glittery sky. The one that I have is a Pink and Blue colour variant, and it looks absolutely beautiful. Its compact footprint makes it easier to wear and provides a comfortable fit. Celest has made a transparent inner cavity design, showcasing the neat driver arrangement underneath the beautiful shells. We can see different acoustic tubes going from the drivers to the nozzle mouth. Each and every single driver is clearly visible through the cavity. Overall, The design of the pair is so very unique and beautiful. My Wife is already eyeing the set for herself, little does she know that this is going on to the review tour ahead. Might have to buy her a pair lol.

The pair has 2-pin 0.78mm connectors placed on the top. Celest bundles the pair with a colourful cable, maybe because my unit is also coloured, basically the cable matches the pink-blue theme with the same coloured outer sleeve. It’s a 3.5mm cable that I got, but it got launched today and now I see it is also available with a 4.4mm variant as well. Cable is soft, and colourful, nothing else fancy about it to mention. Other accessories such as the ear tips are also of decent quality, I personally use the pair with Azla Sednaearfit Light as they fit me better.

Talking about the fit, like I said the pair has a compact footprint. It has an oval-shaped cavity design, that sits comfortably into my ears and provides me with a good level of comfort and isolation. no complaints at all.

Driving the Phoenixcall:-

Phoenixcall can be used easily off any given source, but it loves extra power thrown her way. It works well off my Sony WM1A(with the standard 3.5mm cable) but I need to push the volume to as high as 70/120 on high-gain mode. Using a balanced cable is suggested from my side as I tried one KBEAR cable that I had. The pair runs well off a balanced output, it sounds more open and more dynamic. I noticed similar changes with 3.5mm output as well when I plugged it into my PA10 class A amplifier. To keep things short, you will be able to enjoy the Phoenixcall through a standard USB DAC/AMP(UA3 in my case) or a decent-level music player(WM1A/WM1A MK2 in my case), but to unlock full potential i suggest using the pair with your most powerful source and with a balanced cable.

Sound Quality:-

I have had the pleasure to audition the Celest Gumiho as well as Celest Pandamon in the past. But they both were kind of budget offerings at like a 50$ price point. With the Phoenixcall I have higher expectations because of two main reasons, this is the first time Celest has made something over 100$, and secondly, the highly-equipped driver setup gives me some good vibes. Having loved the Gumiho and Pandamon both, I was kinda excited for the Phoenixcall. And the pair doesn’t disappoint at all. It has a neutral to slightly bright sound signature. The best part is that the Pair produces even the minutest details with utmost ease. It doesn’t feel like struggling or anything, rather we have a set that sounds highly resolving, has a quick, snappy bass response, and a crystal clear midrange. Imaging and instrument positioning is simply lovely. I was testing some rock music last night and the way Phoenixcall retrieved every minute detail, I was simply stumped. The pair actually caught me off-guard with its technical prowess. It’s a technical beast, with excellent, superb, outstanding imaging capabilities for the price point.


Celest has tuned the Phoenixcall with a neutral and smooth lower-end response. It is dynamic and very refined as well. But I can’t call it punchy or slamming, the sub-bass has good rumble, and actually adds a layer of refinement to the lower end. Mid-bass is more on the neutral side with a fast and precise presentation, it hits whenever called upon but doesn’t present a thumping or slamming response all the time. The bass on the Phoenixcall is more about accuracy, refinement, and quickness. Bass notes are rounded and clear.

Midrange/Vocals, Instruments, & More:-

Midrange on the Phoenixcall is slightly recessed especially in the lower mids. Upper mids especially vocals are brought forward in a smooth manner. We have crystal clear, crisp clarity. in the midrange. Vocals and instruments feel detailed and crispy. Tonally, I would say that the pair has a slightly cold/dry tone to the vocals. But they definitely show amazing clarity and resolution. Both male and female vocals have good weight and texture. Instruments are slightly closer to each other, but they don’t feel congested or lack any separation. In fact, instrument separation and crisp definition for different instruments is going to be a huge pro from my side for the Phoenixcall.

Treble/High-Frequencies, Instruments, & More:-

Treble is a strong point on the Phoenixcall. The pair sounds absolutely lovely with a crispy treble definition. Instruments in the high-frequency region are very, very well-defined and showcase great clarity and resolution. Treble is well done, it doesn’t sound sharp or fatiguing, yet it retrieves details nicely. There is no harshness or sibilance present, the pair maintains the true form of the recording. It doesn’t smoothen the edgy notes and presents them in a straight-up raw manner. The airiness in the treble region gets more open with more power, that’s why I love listening to the pair with PA10 in the chain.


Celest Phoenixcall is an ultimate technical performer. It has outstanding imaging and layering capabilities. Every instrument is crisp and nicely detailed, and its position can be easily determined on the stage with simple eyes closed. Soundstage is quite big with a good 3D feel to it, hits the perfect balance with appropriate width and depth.

Some Quick Comparison:-

There are not a lot of tribrids that I have recently auditioned around the price of Phoenixcall. But I am also listening to another hybrid IEM set, the CVJ Freedom. Freedom houses a 1DD+4BA driver configuration and has 2 tuning switches as well. Freedom is slightly more attractive in pricing priced at 79.99$ which is apparently quite low in pricing. But since using both of these together, will share a short comparison between these.

>Freedom’s bass is more punchy and dynamic yet lacks the refinement and clarity of Phoenixcall.

>Tonally the midrange on the Phoenixcall has better body and weight, Freedom is a little thinner in comparison.

>Treble and detail level of both pairs is exceptional for their respective price points.

>Freedom’s treble is brighter in comparison.

>Soundstage-wise, Phoenixcall creates more immersion and a more 3D feel.

Final Words:-

100$ to 200$ is a very competitive price bracket, there are many new releases happening in this price bracket, but after spending a great week with the set, I can say that Phoenixcall has its own place and charm in this competitive market. The level of detail, and the level of resolution that the Celest Phoenixcall has is simply outstanding. I have mentioned this thing many times in this review and I won’t shy away from saying this again, the Celest Phoenixcall is a technical monster, delivering the minutest of the details with simple ease. Last but not least, yes the pair has a few things where it can be improved like some added punch and slam to the lower end, and adjusting the tone to be a bit more natural and organic, but apart from that, it’s super hard to find even nitpicks with the sound of the Phoenixcall. Well, that’s all about my review for the Celest Phoenixcall. Now it’s time to tear down the pair and see what’s inside this beautiful set.

Teardown Time:-

I was so excited with the look of the pair being transparent. I could see all the drivers inside. This kinda made me more excited and I contacted my friend to help me open up the pair. P.S. My friend is a professional, he repairs stuff as well, I took his help in unlocking the shells, removing the drivers, and having a good look at them before asking him to pack the set again. First of all, here are a few images of the inner cavity and drivers.







As you can see, there are multiple drivers placed inside. We have a 3D-printed internal structure with a tube going from each driver to the earphone nozzle. The Dual BA drivers are placed closest to the nozzle, then we have two round-shaped FPD Flat Planar Drivers, and then at the farthest corner, we have the DD unit. There’s another venting acoustic tube that is connected to the tube from the dynamic driver. Overall a very neat arrangement is done inside a compact cavity. Celest has done a great job in packing these 5 drivers using their skilful 3D acoustic tube cavity structure. I have tried my best to display different drivers in this teardown separately, but due to our limited expertise in this matter, we did not unlock every single driver to showcase the complete internals.

Hope you guys enjoyed reading this review blog of mine and also this teardown. The pair is packed again and is working fine, it is all ready to go ahead to the next reviewer now which I will ship shortly!! For any further questions related to the Celest Phoenixcall, you can ask me in the comments section below.
@o0genesis0o Thanks bro!! An update here, HiFiGo agreed to send me another sample so that the tour can continue. I mean the current unit was also working fine but they preferred sending another one for the tour ahead.
Very comprehensive and coherent review. The tear down is extremely valuable. Well done.
Sajid Amit
Sajid Amit
Amazing review