
New Head-Fier
Pros: • Quality bass
• Rich & detailed mids
• Enjoyable & extended treble
• Excellent soundstage
• Impressive instrument separation
• Warm & engaging signature
• Very well built
Cons: • Fit can be tricky for some users
• Requires a good source to unlock its full potential
• Very simple cable
• Cheap quality pouch & basic ear tips for the price


Attention audiophiles and aspiring planar enthusiasts! The Hidizs MP145 has arrived, shaking things up in the IEM world. Packing a massive 14.5mm planar magnetic driver – a technology typically found in high-end headphones – the MP145 promises a taste of high-fidelity audio at a surprisingly affordable price. But is it all hype, or does it truly deliver the clarity, detail, and immersive soundstage that planar drivers are known for? Buckle up, as we delve into the sonic depths of the Hidizs MP145, exploring its strengths, weaknesses, and whether it deserves a place in your ears (and wallet).


It’s been a while with MP145 and it had a long burn in period as I used it as one of my daily driver for most of the time along with other favorites. To me this is an enjoyable warm neutral tuning set with boosted bass. The most enjoyable thing in this IEM is it’s 3D holographic sound stage. It will make you feel that the sounds are coming from the space around you.

The supplied cable is ‘OK’ and sounds good, just good. But with a copper cable it shines too much. Bass opens up a bit with texture and fuller in nature, which is my personal preference. I tried a lot of tips with it to find the perfect pair. Keep in mind that, without proper tip, it won't give you proper comfort & fit as it is a bit bulky & heavy IEM.

I will explain more on cable & tips later in this review.



‘Hidizs’ send me this IEM for review purpose. And there is no guidance by the respective company about what to write and what not. The whole review is my unbiased experience and honest opinion with the sound I listened to.

One thing more. The review is based on my personal experience and what I hear using different IEMs. Your experience may very due to personal preference and physical difference like the shape & depth of ear cannel.

[Grab you copy from Geek Mart if you are in Bangladesh
for international buying, you can grab it from Hidizs]


• Cowon Planue R2
• Hiby R3
• ifi Hip DAC 2
• Moondrop Dawn Pro

TECHNICAL DETAILS (as per Hidizs official site):

• 14.5mm Ultra-large Planar Magnetic Driver
• Whale Tail & Rorqual Pleats Design Inspiration
• Hidizs Pneumatic Sound Tuning Filter
• Target H-2019 Curve & Hidizs Style Professional Tuning
• Fully Symmetrical Magnetic Circuit
• Hidden Bionic Breathing Holes
• 6N Silver-Plated Single-Crystal Copper Wire
• Ergonomics Design with Comfortable Extended Wear
• 20Hz to 40kHz frequency response
• 30Ω Impedance
• 104dB Sensitivity
• 3.5mm or 4.4mm cable optional
• 0.78mm 2-Pin Cable
• Hi-Res Certification



• Hidizs MP145 IEM
• Silver plated copper cable
• Three types of tuning nozzle (two in a tiny box & one in the IEM)
• A synthetic leather made carrying pouch
• Nine pairs of ear tips (three types, three sizes)
• Some official papers





This kind of straight forward and nothing fancy at all. It comes with a secured & hard plastic case covered by cardboard wrap. The IEMs are placed securely in place. Inside a hard paper box you will find the pouch with the cable and a tiny box with tuning nozzles. First of all, it’s a ‘how to open it’ type of box that contains tuning nozzles and when you find the technique, you will see it’s easy. And beneath everything you will find nice pairs of ear tips organized in a foam sheet. They are categorized with “Vocal ear tips”, “Balanced ear tips” and “Bass ear tips”. And I don’t know what to do with them, as they feel very basic to me.

In a nutshell, the packaging is good but the contains, other that the IEMs, are not fancy rather very basic in this price point.


The attention to detail in the MP145's design is impressive. The design draws inspiration from the majestic marine creature Whale. The whale fin motif on the backplate is visually striking, capturing the essence of oceanic grace. Instead of sleek, low-profile housings, the MP145 boasts chunky, metallic shells that draw inspiration from the intricate design of a whale's flipper. These "gill-like" vents aren't just for aesthetics; they also help with pressure relief and prevent unwanted resonances within the IEMs. This unique design choice might not be for everyone, but it certainly makes a bold statement and sparks conversation. The CNC machining and precision in aviation-grade aluminum alloy result in one of the best shells ever seen in an IEM. It’s not just about aesthetics—the whale-inspired design also reflects the brand’s commitment to creating distinctive and memorable audio gear.

The Hidizs MP145 is a striking piece of audio equipment that stands out due to its robust and artistic build quality. When it comes to durability, it seems built to last. The metal shells feel solid and can likely shrug off the bumps and knocks of daily use. The combination of high-quality materials and precise engineering gives the MP145 exceptional durability, making them a long-lasting investment for any audiophile



These are not justified at all. The cable is good but not worthy for this IEM, it deserves something that have a premium look & feel more premium.

Tips supplied with is totally basic. You will find total nine pairs of tips in three different labels (mentioned earlier) with three different sizes (S, M & L). Thay will give you a ‘OK’ type of fit which is not good enough and they are not comfortable for long listening. I had an uncomfortable pain in my ear while using them just for 4-5 songs!

If you have different cables & tips in your collection, don’t forget to explore them. Cable swapping and tip rolling is very important here as they will give you a good fit, comfort and perfect sonic experience. More on this later.



It’s a huge IEM, seriously! Despite its large size, the Hidizs MP145 offers a surprisingly comfortable fit. The ergonomic design features smooth contours that mold against the ear, providing a secure and comfortable fit even during extended listening sessions. Perfect choice of ear tips will help to achieve the best fit and noise isolation, ensuring they sit well in the ear without causing discomfort. Additionally, the inner part of the earphones follows the natural shape of the ear, which helps distribute the weight evenly and reduces any pressure points, making them suitable for long-term use. And when you will use a well-built cable with a sturdy ear hook, you will feel literally zero weight in your ear.



The overall sound impression of the Hidizs MP145 is quite impressive, delivering a lively and immersive listening experience with a neutral to slightly warm tone. The sound profile is generally balanced, with a solid bass response that is both tight and precise, ensuring no bleed into other frequencies. The mids are clear and natural, while the treble is detailed without being overly bright or harsh. This makes the MP145 suitable for a variety of music genres, offering good resolution and clarity across the frequency spectrum.

Before any breakdown of sound, let me mention that, the tuning nozzles supplied with it plays a very vital role in sound signature. Here's how the three included tuning nozzles influence the overall sound:

  • Balanced (Rose Gold): This is the default option, offering a neutral and well-rounded sound with clear mids and a controlled low-end. It's a great starting point for those who prefer a balanced and accurate presentation.

  • Bass Boost (Red): As the name suggests, this nozzle dials up the bass response. Bass lovers will revel in the deep, punchy lows, perfect for genres like hip-hop and electronic music. However, this emphasis might come at the expense of some detail in the higher frequencies for listeners who prefer a more balanced sound.

  • Treble Boost (Silver): This nozzle brightens the overall sound signature, emphasizing the cymbals, high hats, and other treble details. This can be ideal for listeners who enjoy a crisp and energetic sound, especially for genres like classical or acoustic music. However, for those who are sensitive to treble or find some recordings harsh, this nozzle might be a bit too bright.



By including these three tuning options, Hidizs empowers you to customize the sound of the MP145 to your personal preferences. Whether you crave deep bass, a balanced presentation, or a brighter soundscape, there's a nozzle to suit your listening style. I personally love the sound from the RED nozzle. But while using my beloved ifi Hip Dac 2, I find that the Rose Gold nozzle plays a very good role. And if you are a treble sensitive guy like me, then you should avoid the Silver nozzle. But for treble lovers, it’s a gem to keep.

In my listening sessions, I mostly use Red & Rose gold nozzles simultaneously. And the chapters next are mostly based on these two, in a very rare occasion I used the Silver nozzle.. As I’m a treble sensitive guy, it’s not possible for to enjoy anything that increase the treble higher!

So, let’s dive deep. Shall we?


The sub-bass performance of the Hidizs MP145 is one of its defining characteristics. These planar drivers pack a serious punch, delivering deep, impactful lows that will have bass lovers grinning from ear to ear. There's a satisfying fullness and presence to the low end, but it avoids becoming boomy or overwhelming. The bass remains controlled and articulate, allowing you to appreciate the texture and detail within the low frequencies. However, it's important to note that the included tuning nozzles can influence the sub-bass experience. The default rose gold nozzles offer a balanced presentation, while the red bass boost nozzles dial up the sub-bass even further.

Throwing on George Michael's "A Different Corner" with the Hidizs MP145 is a revelation for the sub-bass. The iconic opening bassline doesn't just play, it pulsates. The sub-bass in this track is subtle yet impactful, providing a deep, resonant foundation that supports Michael's soulful vocals and the gentle instrumental arrangement. The Hidizs MP145 captures this with remarkable clarity and precision, ensuring that the sub-bass is felt rather than overwhelming the mix. Each note has a satisfying weight and rumble that you can practically feel in your chest.

The song “Every Breath You Take” by The Police is a classic that has been covered and analyzed by many bass enthusiasts. The iconic bassline throughout the song isn't about booming depth, but rather a defined presence that underpins the melancholic melody. The acoustic double bass in the song is vibrantly represented, allowing you to feel its resonance clearly.

In conclusion, the Hidizs MP145 provides a well-controlled bass that doesn’t bleed or overshadow other frequencies. It’s a bit above average in quantity, offering a dense, rumbly bass without sounding too slow or blunted. However, the sub-bass could use a bit more rumble for a more immersive experience. It's clear that Hidizs prioritized a bass-forward sound with the MP145, and for those who crave a truly immersive listening experience in the low-end, this IEM definitely delivers. Overall, this IEM offers a unique and enjoyable sub-bass experience.


The Hidizs MP145, with its ultra-large 14.5mm planar magnetic driver, delivers a mid-bass that is both dense and punchy. The mid-bass has a strong presence, providing a full-bodied sound that enhances the overall listening experience. The mid-bass of this IEM is characterized by its speed and punchiness.

It also offers tuning flexibility with its included filters. The “treble” filter, for instance, provides faster bass, but at the expense of some slam and body. On the other hand, the balanced filter offers a dense, rumbly bass without sounding too slow or blunted. This makes the mid-bass response versatile, catering to different listening preferences.

Def Leppard’s “Pour Some Sugar on Me” is a rock anthem that is known for its catchy rhythm and powerful bass line123. When played on the Hidizs MP145, the mid-bass of this song takes on a whole new dimension. The iconic opening riff explodes with a satisfying growl, each note tight and impactful without bleeding into the mids. The kick drum hits like a heartbeat, driving the infectious rhythm section and making you want to air guitar along. The MP145's mid-bass avoids the muddiness that can plague some IEMs, ensuring the bass remains precise and controlled. This allows the other instruments to shine – Rick Allen's signature snare cuts through with a sharp crack, and Phil Collen's guitar riffs retain their bite.

“Take On Me” by A-ha is a synth-pop classic that is known for its catchy melody and iconic music video1. When played on the Hidizs MP145, the mid-bass of this song is brought to life in a unique way. The opening synth line of this song is a true test of an IEM's mid-bass capabilities. The MP145 steps up to the challenge, delivering a tight and defined performance that perfectly captures the energy and character of this synth-driven classic. The pulsating bassline isn't about earth-shattering depth, but rather a well-controlled presence that underpins the melody without overwhelming the mix. Each note has a satisfying weight and attack, propelling the song forward with a subtle yet infectious groove.

The Hidizs MP145 offers a thick and full mid-bass experience. The punchiness in the mid-bass region is fast and strong, which is particularly noticeable when listening to tracks with heavy & complex bass. The thump & slam is very enjoyable and has good control, there is no bleeding or overshadowing into other frequencies.




The Hidizs MP145's handling of male vocals is a bit of a double-edged sword. On one hand, the clarity and detail in the mids is commendable. Male vocals are generally presented with a crisp and defined edge, allowing you to hear the nuances and emotion in a singer's voice. This shines through in tracks where the vocals take center stage, like acoustic singer-songwriter performances.

However, some users report a slight thinness or lack of body in the male vocals, particularly when compared to female vocals. This can be especially noticeable in genres like rock or blues, where a richer and fuller midrange presentation might be more desirable. The included tuning nozzles offer some level of customization – the default rose gold nozzles provide a balanced presentation, Red nozzle make it thick & meaty, while the silver nozzles might add a touch of brightness to the vocals.

Listening to George Jones’ iconic track “He Stopped Loving Her Today” on the Hidizs MP145 is an immersive experience. Jones’ vocals are rendered with a sense of authenticity and emotional depth that is truly captivating. His voice resonates with a warm, rich timbre that is beautifully complemented by the MP145’s sound signature. The clarity of the mids is undeniable. Every crack and tremor in Jones' voice, imbued with the emotional weight of the lyrics, is delivered with clear detail. You can hear the raw pain and heartbreak in his performance, making the emotional impact of the song all the more powerful.

Mark Knopfler's signature vocals take center stage in "Darling Pretty," and the Hidizs MP145 delivers a performance that prioritizes clarity and detail. Knopfler's smooth baritone is presented with a crisp and defined edge, allowing you to hear every inflection and nuance in his delivery. This is a treat for fans who appreciate the subtle storytelling woven into his vocals. The MP145 faithfully reproduces the emotional weight and subtle rasp in his voice, perfectly complementing the laid-back groove of the song.

Overall, the Hidizs MP145's handling of male vocals is a matter of personal preference. If you prioritize clarity and detail, you might appreciate the crisp presentation using Silver & Rose Gold nozzles. However, people like me, who prefer a warmer and fuller sound for male vocals might find salvation using the Red nozzle. Experimenting with the included nozzles and comparing them to your own listening preferences is key to finding the sweet spot for male vocals with the MP145.


The Hidizs MP145 shines when it comes to female vocals. The slightly brighter lean of the sound signature pairs beautifully with the higher frequencies, making female voices sound clear, airy, and oftentimes captivating. Tracks with strong female leads come alive on the MP145, with vocals delivered with a crisp and detailed edge that allows every nuance and inflection to be heard. This is a treat for listeners who appreciate the subtle details and emotional delivery in a singer's voice.

Alanis Morissette's powerful vocals in "Thank U" are a perfect test of the Hidizs MP145's handling of female vocals. The clarity and detail are undeniable. Every nuance and inflection in Morissette's voice, from the whispered verses to the soaring choruses, is delivered with precision. This allows you to appreciate the raw emotion and storytelling ability in her performance. However, the brightness can also be a bit fatiguing for extended listening sessions. Some users might find the edge in Morissette's higher register a touch harsh, especially compared to a warmer presentation that might smooth out the intensity. The good news is that the included tuning nozzles offer some customization.

Madonna's vocals in "La Isla Bonita" take flight on the Hidizs MP145. The IEM's slightly brighter mids beautifully complements her voice, making it sound clear, airy, and captivating. The overall presentation might be a touch bright for some listeners compared to a warmer sound signature. However, this brightness works well with the upbeat, Latin-inspired instrumentation of "La Isla Bonita," adding a touch of sparkle and energy to Madonna's voice. The result is a vibrant and engaging listening experience that perfectly captures the spirit of the song.

Overall, the Hidizs MP145 is a great choice for listeners who prioritize clarity and detail in female vocals. However, those who prefer a warmer and richer presentation might find them a touch too bright. Thankfully, the option to experiment with the tuning nozzles allows you to tailor the experience to your own listening preferences.



The Hidizs MP145 excels at instrument separation, creating a clear and defined soundstage that allows each instrument to shine. Imagine a well-mixed orchestra, where every section – strings, brass, woodwinds – has its own distinct space without bleeding into each other. That's the kind of clarity the MP145 delivers. Electric guitar riffs retain their bite, acoustic details like fingerpicking come through with precision, and vocals are delivered with a crisp presence that sits front and center in the mix.

The Hidizs MP145 excels at portraying the intricacies of instruments in Jeff Beck's "Nadia." The guitars are particularly well-defined, with a clear distinction between the warm strumming of the rhythm section and the sharp bite of Beck's lead lines. Each note separation is crisp and clean, allowing you to follow the complex interplay between the instruments with ease. This clarity extends to other instruments as well. Bass lines are tight and articulate, adding a strong foundation to the music without bleeding into the mids. Even subtle details like shimmering cymbals and keyboard flourishes come through with impressive precision, creating a layered and immersive soundscape that perfectly captures the energy of Beck's legendary guitar work.

While listening to Kitaro's "Dance of Sarasvati", I feel that each instrument in the piece has its own distinct character. Flutes and strings are particularly clear and airy, with a gentle presence that floats effortlessly in the soundstage. The separation between instruments is excellent, allowing you to discern the individual melodies of the flutes without losing the lush tapestry of strings and subtle percussion underneath. Even the soft chimes and bells that weave throughout the track come through with impressive clarity, adding a touch of mystical shimmer to the overall soundscape. This precise separation ensures you won't miss any of the intricate details Kitaro layers into his music, letting you fully appreciate the meditative and calming atmosphere.



The Hidizs MP145's treble performance with rock and metal leans towards the detailed and energetic side. Cranking up Metallica's "Master of Puppets" reveals a crisp and well-extended treble. You'll get the full force of James Hetfield's aggressive scream and the sizzling bite of Kirk Hammett's leads. However, some audiophiles have noted that this emphasis can occasionally lead to a touch of harshness or sibilance, especially with cymbals on poorly mastered recordings. This can be particularly noticeable with the stock "Balanced" (Rose Gold) nozzles.

The included tuning nozzles offer some options for tailoring the treble response to your preference. The "Treble Boost" (Silver) nozzles, as the name suggests, push the treble further forward. This can be a good choice for those who enjoy a brighter sound and want even more detail and sparkle from their cymbals and lead guitar work. Iron Maiden's "Fear of the dark" benefits from this extra treble energy, with Steve Harris' galloping bass lines remaining clear and punchy while Bruce Dickinson's soaring vocals retain their piercing quality. However, for me, this emphasis becomes fatiguing on extended listening sessions.

For those who prefer a smoother or more relaxed treble presentation, like me, the "Bass Boost" (Red) nozzles might be the better option. These attenuate the upper treble slightly, taking the edge off any potential harshness. This can be a good choice for genres like classic rock. Say, Guns N' Roses' "Welcome to the Jungle", where Slash's solos are meant to be smooth and singing rather than piercing. It provides a smoother experience, slightly taming that treble edge and making Slash's solos sound a bit warmer and more fluid.

Ultimately, the MP145's treble presentation offers a good balance between detail and smoothness, with the tuning nozzles providing some flexibility to cater to individual preferences.



The Hidizs MP145 takes a unique approach to soundstage, opting for a "3D holographic" presentation that goes beyond traditional width and depth. This translates to a captivating and immersive experience across various genres. Take Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon" for example. The MP145's soundstage isn't just wide; it feels layered. The ticking clocks and synthesizers in the “Time” track are well-placed throughout the soundstage, creating a sense of immersion that pulls you into the music. Similarly, Led Zeppelin's "Immigrant Song" benefits from the it's separation prowess. Plant's vocals soar front and center, while Page's iconic guitar riff seems to emanate from just behind him, with Bonham's thunderous drums anchoring the back of the stage. This precise instrument placement is a hallmark of the MP145's holographic approach.

However, I found that there are some subtle variations in soundstage presentation depending on the chosen tuning nozzle. The included "Balanced" (Rose Gold) nozzles offer a neutral and well-rounded soundstage with a good sense of width and depth. This is ideal for appreciating the full scope of orchestral arrangements or complex rock compositions like Rush's "2112." Each instrument has its own distinct space, allowing you to follow the intricate interplay between Geddy Lee's bass lines, Alex Lifeson's guitars, and Neil Peart's drumming.

For those who crave a wider and airier presentation, the "Treble Boost" (Silver) nozzles might be a better choice. These slightly expand the soundstage, making it feel more open and spacious. This can be particularly enjoyable with genres like progressive rock or symphonic metal, where a grand presentation is desired. Imagine experiencing Rainbow's "Stargazer" with a wider canvas for Ritchie Blackmore's soaring guitar solos, while Blackmore himself seems positioned further back on the virtual stage.

Overall, the Hidizs MP145's "3D holographic" soundstage offers a unique and engaging perspective on your music. Whether you're a metalhead enjoying the power of Metallica or a classic rock aficionado appreciating the nuances of Guns N' Roses, the MP145 strives to recreate a lifelike musical space that puts you right in the center of the action.




The Hidizs MP145 throws its hat into the budget planar IEM ring, focusing heavily on technical performance.

Clarity and Precision: The MP145 shines in its ability to reveal intricate details often buried in the mix. This is a boon for genres that rely on nuanced instrumentation. Take Michael Jackson's "Billie Jean" for example. The MP145 faithfully reproduces the subtle textures and nuances within the iconic synth bass line, alongside the various percussion elements that often get lost with less resolving IEMs. This translates well to rock as well. In Europe's "The Final Countdown," you can hear the subtle keyboard work weaving through the powerful guitars and soaring vocals with impressive clarity.

Exceptional Detail Retrieval: The MP145 shines in its ability to reveal subtle details within recordings, making it a great choice for genres that rely on nuanced instrumentation. This precision is evident in White Snake's "Here I Go Again." The MP145 faithfully reproduces the interplay between the keyboards, guitars and the subtle textures in David Coverdale's vocals.




Planar magnetic drivers are known for their exquisite sound quality, but they come with a thirst for power. Typically, these drivers require a good amount of juice from your source device (DAC, AMP, DAP) to truly unleash their potential. The Hidizs MP145 isn’t any exception with its massive 14.5mm planar driver. And it's surprisingly efficient compared to some other planars but feeding it more power can truly unlock its full sonic potential.

Unlike some planars that sound good only with high-powered setups, the MP145 is still enjoyable with various sources. It delivers a detailed and engaging experience even when paired with portable DAC/AMPs. But providing more power from sources like high-output DAPs, DAC/AMPs or dedicated amplifiers can take the MP145 to another level. You might experience an extra layer of detail, improved dynamics, and a more controlled soundstage. This scalability allows the MP145 to cater to different preferences. You can enjoy great sound on the go with a portable source, while also having the option to truly unlock its potential with a more powerful setup at home.

So, while the MP145 is efficient for a planar, it does benefit from additional power. This flexibility makes it a great choice for those who want a high-fidelity IEM that can adapt to their listening environment and preferences.



I mentioned earlier about the supplied cable & tips, they are not sufficient enough to give this awesome IEM the true justice. The stock cable is well enough if you don’t wanna spend extra or if you are that kind os listener who loves to listen IEMs with their stock configuration. But if you are someone like me who always love to swap cables and have a lot of them in collection, hen you must experiment with some. To my journey with MP145, I found that copper cable makes the tune a bit thicker and tame the treble even with the Rose Gold nozzle. You may use a upgrade cable like MixPP from NiceHCK. It will bring out a bit more potential. I personally use NiceHCK’s MixPP (modified to interchangeable terminal), Starry Night (2.5mm variation) and a hand braided pure copper cable (4.4mm). They give me the result I want.

Talking about ear tips, I truly disappointed to see the delivered stock tips from Hidizs. Yes, they are plenty, but they are not with quality and feels very basic in this price point. I’m not spending USD 159 (current price while writing this review) for this kind of stock materials. I personally have a good number of ear tip collection and among those, I tested MP145 with Spinfit 100+, 145, W1, Omni, Divinus Velvet, Penon Liqueur (Orange & Black), Dunu S&S, Tangzu Tan Sanchi etc. I find the Spinfit W1, Omni, Divinus Velvet & Tangzu Tan Sanchi did a great job of delivering the perfect sound while Penon boosted the bass a bit. Now, come to the main point and that is – fit and comfort. As this IEM is very tricky when it comes to this. And after a lot of tips rolling my clear winners are Spinfit W1 & Omni (while using Red nozzle). Though Divinus Velvet gives a sweet sound but it’s not comfortable on a longer listening sessions for a marathoner like me. And I also listen with Penon tips if I use the Rose Gold nozzle, this combination also gives me good fit & comfort.




The Hidizs MP145 is a compelling option for a variety of listener profiles, but here are some who might find it particularly appealing:

Planar Enthusiasts on a Budget: The MP145 offers a taste of high-fidelity planar magnetic sound at a relatively affordable price point. If you've been curious about planars but hesitant due to cost, the MP145 is a great entry point.

Portable Audio Listeners: Despite its large driver, the MP145 is surprisingly easy to drive, making it a convenient choice for on-the-go listening. Pair it with your smartphone with a portable DAC/AMP and enjoy detailed sound without the need for a bulky amplifier.

Genre Agnostic Listeners: The MP145's overall sound signature leans slightly warm with good detail retrieval. This makes it versatile across various genres, from the intricacies of classical music to the power of rock and metal. The included tuning nozzles offer further customization to tailor the sound to your preference.

Those Who Appreciate a Spacious Soundstage: The MP145 boasts a unique "3D holographic" soundstage that goes beyond simple width and depth. This creates a more immersive listening experience, allowing you to pinpoint the location of instruments within the soundscape.

People Who Want Flexibility with Power: While the MP145 performs well with various sources, it also scales with additional power. You can enjoy good sound on the go with a portable source, while also having the option to truly unlock its potential with a high-output DAP or dedicated amplifier at home.

Those Who Enjoy Experimentation: The included tuning nozzles provide a way to subtly adjust the sound signature of the MP145. This allows you to find a tonal balance that best suits your personal preferences.


Here are some reasons why someone might look elsewhere when considering the Hidizs MP145:

Primarily Listen on Low-Power Sources: If you exclusively listen to music on low-powered devices like low-end smartphones or DACs, the MP145 might not reach its full potential. While it's efficient for a planar, some audiophiles might still find a dedicated amplifier unlocks an extra layer of detail and control.

Prioritize Secure, Compact Fit: The MP145's bulky design due to the large drivers might not be ideal for everyone. If you prioritize a secure and ultra-compact fit for active listening or small ears, there might be better options.

Dislike Warm Sound Signature: While versatile, the MP145 leans slightly warm. If you strictly prefer a bright and analytical sound signature that emphasizes treble details, there might be IEMs that cater more to that preference.

Tight Budget: While affordable for a planar, the MP145 might still be outside your budget. There are excellent dynamic driver IEMs available at lower price points that offer great sound quality.

Sensitive to Midrange Congestion: A small number of reviewers found the midrange to be slightly congested with the stock nozzles. If you're particularly sensitive to this, exploring other IEMs with a naturally clearer midrange or trying different ear tips with the MP145 might be necessary.




The Hidizs MP145 carves a unique niche in the IEM market. Its large planar driver delivers a captivating sound with excellent instrument separation and a spacious "3D holographic" soundstage. The surprising ease of drive makes it a flexible option for both portable and home listening, while the included tuning nozzles allow for some customization of the sound signature. However, the bulky design might not suit everyone, and a very small number of listeners found the midrange a touch congested with the stock nozzles. Ultimately, the MP145 is a compelling choice for budget-minded audiophiles seeking a taste of high-fidelity planar sound, as long as they're willing to experiment with ear tips or a more powerful source to unlock its full potential. For those who prioritize a secure, ultra-compact fit or a strictly bright sound signature, there might be better options. But if you're looking for a versatile and adaptable IEM that delivers a detailed and immersive listening experience, the MP145 is definitely worth an audition.

Thank you for your reading.


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Reactions: MD Rohit
MD Rohit
MD Rohit
Good job 👏 Better pictures than before and better writing than before 😁
best photos i have seen for an iem review.. sooo goood

Alba Project YT

New Head-Fier
Hidizs MP145 Review : "I Love This Blue Whale"
Pros: 1. Impressive Bass Response: Deep and impactful bass, especially with the bass nozzle.
2. Versatile Tuning Options: Comes with three interchangeable nozzles for balanced, vocal, and bass tuning.
3. High-Quality Build: Solid construction with Aviation Grade Aluminum Alloy.
4. Comfortable Fit: Ergonomic design ensures extended comfort despite the large size.
5. Technical Excellence: Excellent resolution, detail retrieval, and soundstage.
6. Good Cable Quality: Flexible and lightweight 6N Silver-Plated Single-Crystal Copper Wire.
Cons: 1. Bulky Size: The large housing might be uncomfortable for users with smaller ears.
2. Average Pouch Quality: The pouch included could be more premium, considering the price.
3. Slightly Recessed Male Vocals: Male vocals could use a bit more thickness and presence.

Hidizs MP145 Review :​

"I Love This Blue Whale"​

Hidizs MP145 Thumbnail copy 2.jpg


Hello everyone! Here, we're diving into another IEM from Hidizs. This is the third product from Hidizs that we're reviewing here.

Previously on my YouTube channel, Alba Project Review, we reviewed the Hidizs MS1 Galaxy, a budget-friendly IEM with a bass-heavy profile, albeit slightly overpriced in my opinion. Then we explored the Hidizs MS3, which impressed us with its tuning, technical capabilities, build quality, and packaging at a price range of around 1.6 to 1.8 million IDR.

Now, we're looking at something equally impressive. From packaging to build quality and technical performance, let's dive into my review of the Hidizs MP145, affectionately nicknamed the Blue Whale.


Firstly, I'd like to thank Hidizs for sending us this review sample. Hidizs has been a notable player in the portable audio scene, offering a range of products from DACs to DAPs and upgrade cables. I'm particularly intrigued by their Hidizs AP80 Pro X DAP. Hopefully, we can review that soon as well.


The Hidizs MP145 is priced at $159 USD, which translates to about 2.4 million IDR. This places it in a competitive range alongside models like the 7Hz Timeless and the Dunu Talos.


At first glance, the packaging seems standard, with a black cardboard box featuring the IEM's image and specifications. However, once you open the outer cover, you'll find a plastic or mica box inside, providing a unique touch compared to the typical paper or cardboard packaging of most IEMs.


Package Contents

The package includes:
1. The IEM unit (Blue Whale)
2. 2-Pin cable (I opted for the 4.4mm jack instead of the 3.5mm)
3. A pouch, similar to the one that comes with the Hidizs MS3
4. Nine pairs of eartips, divided into balanced, vocal, and bass tuning sets
5. Two additional nozzles: silver for vocal tuning and red for bass tuning, with the rose gold pre-installed for balanced tuning



- 14.5mm Ultra-large Planar Magnetic Driver
- Whale Tail & Rorqual Pleats Design Inspiration
- Hidizs Pneumatic Sound Tuning Filter
- Target H-2019 Curve & Hidizs Style Professional Tuning
- Fully Symmetrical Magnetic Circuit
- Hidden Bionic Breathing Holes
- 6N Silver-Plated Single-Crystal Copper Wire
- Ergonomics Design with Comfortable Extended Wear
- Ergonomics Liquid Silicone Ear Tips
- Customized Pouch for MP145
- 3.5mm or 4.4mm cable optional
- 0.78mm 2-Pin Cable
- Hi-Res Certification

Build Quality

** Eartips **​

The eartips are reminiscent of Acoustune AET07 in terms of material. They are well-made, and the inclusion of a holder ensures they don’t get misplaced. The set includes nine pairs, with three pairs each for balanced, vocal, and bass tuning.


** Cable **​

The cable feels better than the one included with the MS3. It’s more flexible, less prone to microphonics, and lighter. Made from 6N Silver Plated Crystal Copper, it has a straight, balanced, gold-plated 4.4mm jack, and the housing is made of solid metal.


** Pouch **​

The pouch is similar to the one provided with the MS3, though I’d prefer something a bit more premium at this price point, like a hard case.

** IEM Unit **​

The housing is made from Aviation Grade Aluminum Alloy, giving it a solid feel. The design inspiration comes from a whale’s tail, and while the size might be intimidating, the build quality is exceptional.




Fitting can be a challenge due to the size of the housing, but once properly adjusted, it’s quite comfortable. The large size does protrude slightly from the ears, but it doesn’t affect the comfort. The short, wide nozzle ensures a good seal without causing discomfort.

Sound Quality

** Drivability **​

The MP145 is relatively easy to drive. A volume setting of 75 was sufficient for me, compared to higher settings required by other planars like the KZ PR3.

In this review, I used the original cables and eartips that came with the Hidizs MP145. For the source, I used the F.Audio T3 DAP, the Fiio KA13 DAC, and the JCAlly JM6 Pro. Here, I did not turn on the high gain mode at all.

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** Low / Bass **​

The bass presentation is clean and fun. Even with the balanced nozzle, the bass is impactful and well-controlled, delivering a dynamic and weighty performance typical of planar drivers. The sub-bass is deep and impactful, almost reminiscent of dynamic drivers, which is rare for planar IEMs. Switching to the bass nozzle further enhances the bass response, making it richer and more prominent, ideal for bass-heavy genres like EDM and orchestral music.

** Mid and Vocals **​

The mids are clean, detailed, and carry a good weight. Male vocals could use a bit more thickness but remain acceptable. The vocal positioning is neither too forward nor recessed, offering a pleasant listening experience without any harshness or sibilance. The balanced nozzle provides a good balance, while the vocal nozzle pushes the mids slightly forward, adding more warmth and body to the vocals.

** High / Treble **​

The treble is bright and detailed without being piercing. The presentation is smooth with good extension, providing a sense of airiness and sparkle. The balanced nozzle gives a nice, balanced treble, while the treble nozzle accentuates the high frequencies, making it more suitable for treble enthusiasts who appreciate a brighter sound signature.

**Technical Performance**​

The MP145 excels in technical performance, with a natural timbre that sets it apart from other planar IEMs. The resolution and detail retrieval are top-notch, allowing every nuance in the music to be heard clearly. The soundstage is wide and spacious, providing a three-dimensional listening experience with excellent imaging and instrument separation.



At approximately 2.4 million IDR, the Hidizs MP145 is a strong contender in its price range. It offers impressive packaging, solid build quality, and exceptional sound performance. The ability to fine-tune the sound using different nozzles and eartips adds to its versatility, making it suitable for various music genres and personal preferences.

If you're interested in hearing more, I've also released a detailed video review on my YouTube channel, Alba Project Review. Check it out for a more in-depth analysis and sound demonstrations.
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MD Rohit

New Head-Fier
Hidizs MP145: The best Planar iem in budget ?
Pros: • Tuning Filter: The inclusion of a tuning filter allows for sound customization, giving you control over the audio profile to match your preferences.

• Vocal Performance: The MP145 excels in vocal clarity and presence, making it ideal for genres where vocals are a focal point.

• Build Quality: With a full metal body, the build quality is robust, ensuring that the earphones can withstand regular use.

• Detail Retrieval: It offers excellent detail retrieval, allowing you to appreciate the intricacies in your music.

• Treble Quality: The treble is well-tuned, avoiding issues like sibilance, which can often be a problem with other IEMs.

• Bass Performance: The bass is impactful and well-defined, providing a solid foundation without overpowering the mids and highs.

• Value for Money: Considering its features and performance, the MP145 is priced competitively, making it a great option for those looking for quality without a high cost.
Cons: • Shell Size: The larger shell size may not be comfortable for all users, especially those with smaller ears, potentially affecting the fit and isolation.

• Stock Tips and Pouch: The quality of the stock tips and the included pouch is not on par with the earphones themselves, which might necessitate additional purchases for optimal use.


A big shout-out to Hidizs for sending over the MP145 for me to review. I want to assure everyone that what I’m sharing is strictly my own viewpoint. Hidizs hasn’t paid me for this review, so rest assured, you’re getting the real deal from me – no sugarcoating, no bias.

For those interested in getting their hands on the MP145, you can head straight to Hidizs. They’ve got you covered.
Hidizs MP145 purchase link

And hey, if you’re in Bangladesh and looking for a hassle-free purchase, Geek mart is your go-to. They’ll sort you out with the MP145 without any fuss.

Inside the Box:
  • 1x 3.5 mm or 4.4mm Earphone Cable
  • 1 X MP145 IEMs X Storage Bag 9 Pairs Ear Tips
  • 1 User Manual X Warranty Card
  • 3X Hidizs Pneumatic Sound Tuning Filters
Technical Details
  • Driver: Hidizs 14.5mm Ultra-large Planar Magnetic Driver
  • 3 Hidizs Pneumatic Sound Tuning Filters: High Frequency, Balanced, Low Frequency
  • Frequency Response: 20Hz-40kHz
  • Sensitivity: 104dB
  • Impedance: 30Ω
  • Weight: Approx.19g (Excl.earphone cable)
  • Cable: High-purity silver plated single-crystal copper wiremixed with 4 strands, length 1.2m
  • Connector: Detachable Cable with 0.78mm 2 pin Gold-platedSocket and Pure Copper Plating Shell

Design and build quality
Design & Aesthetics: The MP145 sports a sleek, full metal body that initially gives off a vibe of heftiness, perhaps reminiscent of the weighty OH10s. However, once you get a hold of them, they’re surprisingly light. This design choice is a testament to Hidizs’ ability to balance durability with comfort. The professional look is further enhanced by the faceplate, which draws inspiration from the majestic whale tail, adding an element of grace to the overall aesthetic.

Build Quality: The construction of the MP145 is nothing short of solid. From the moment you pick them up, the quality is palpable. There’s a reassuring sturdiness to them that speaks volumes about their longevity. They feel like they can take a good deal of use, which is exactly what you want from a pair of premium IEMs.

Shell : Now, the shell size is something to consider. It’s quite large, which might not be ideal for everyone. But as someone with larger ears, I’ve found the fit to be just right. They sit comfortably without any sense of bulkiness, which is impressive given their size. It’s clear that Hidizs has designed these with a wide range of users in mind, though your mileage may vary if you have smaller ears.



Fit and comfort
Fit: The MP145 is designed with a slightly larger shell, which might seem daunting at first glance, especially for those with smaller ears. However, the ergonomic design ensures that they sit comfortably in most ears. I have larger ears, and I can wear these IEMs for 3-4 hours straight without any discomfort. There’s no pressure, no pain, and most importantly, no fatigue, which is often a deal-breaker with many earphones.

Weight: Yes, the MP145 is on the heavier side, which usually raises concerns about comfort. But in this case, the weight is distributed in such a way that it doesn’t pull down on your ears or cause strain. I didn’t experience any issues, but it’s something to be mindful of if you’re sensitive to weight in your earphones.

Comfort for Different Ear Sizes: For those with smaller ears, I would definitely recommend trying them out first if you have the option. Comfort is subjective, and what works for one might not work for another. Those with medium-sized ears should find the fit to be just right, as the design seems to cater well to a range of ear sizes.

In conclusion, the Hidizs MP145 strikes a fine balance between a secure fit and lasting comfort. It’s a rare find in the realm of IEMs, where extended wear can often lead to discomfort. Whether you’re an audiophile who listens for hours on end or someone who needs a reliable pair for daily commutes, the MP145 could be the comfortable companion you’re looking for. Just keep in mind to test them out if you can, especially if you have smaller ears, to ensure they’re the right fit for you.


The Cable
When it comes to the cable of the Hidizs MP145, it’s a mixed bag. The stock cable is decent – it’s neither exceptional nor disappointing. It’s a 4-core braided cable that connects via a 2-pin connector, which is pretty standard in the world of IEMs. The braiding is done well, providing a sense of durability and resistance to tangling, which is always a plus.

The sound quality doesn’t seem to suffer with this cable; it’s quite good, actually. You get a clean signal transmission, which means your music comes through without any noticeable interference or loss of detail. This is important because a bad cable can really ruin the experience of a good pair of IEMs.

Now, while the stock cable does the job, there’s room for improvement. For those who are serious about their audio, upgrading to a high-quality copper cable could potentially enhance the performance. Copper is known for its excellent conductivity and can bring out a richer, more nuanced sound.

The MP145 cable is available in two versions: 3.5mm and 4.4mm. The 3.5mm is the standard size that will fit most devices, while the 4.4mm is for balanced audio outputs, which can offer a cleaner, more detailed sound. There was a mix-up, and we ended up with the 3.5mm version, but it’s not a huge issue unless you specifically need the 4.4mm for your audio setup.

In summary, the cable of the Hidizs MP145 is solid and functional. It’s not the star of the show, but it doesn’t detract from the overall quality of the IEMs. If you’re not a cable connoisseur, you might be perfectly content with the stock option. However, if you’re looking to squeeze out every bit of performance from your IEMs, consider investing in a premium copper cable. Either way, the MP145 won’t let you down.


Hidizs MP145, there’s a significant aspect to consider for achieving the optimal audio experience. The MP145 comes with a variety of stock tips, which is a common practice among manufacturers to accommodate different ear sizes. However, as someone who is particularly sensitive to ear tips, I found that the included options fell short in terms of comfort and sound isolation.

Comfort and Fit: The stock tips might work for casual listeners, but for those who are discerning about their ear tips, like myself, they might not provide the snug fit necessary for the best sound isolation. This snug fit is crucial as it affects the overall sound quality, especially the bass and midrange.

Sound Quality: After experimenting with different tips, I discovered that the SpinFit Omni tips are a perfect match for the MP145. These tips significantly improved noise isolation, which is essential for an immersive listening experience. With better isolation, the midrange presentation became more vivid, and the bass response was enhanced, providing a fuller and richer sound.

Personalization: It’s important to note that ear tips can be a very personal choice. What works for one person might not work for another. Therefore, I would suggest that new users take the time to test various ear tips with the MP145. Finding the right pair that suits your ears can make a world of difference in sound quality and comfort.

•while the Hidizs MP145 is a commendable IEM in its own right, the stock ear tips may not meet the expectations of every audiophile. Investing time in finding the right ear tips, like the SpinFit Omni, can elevate the listening experience to new heights. It’s a small adjustment that can lead to a significant improvement in your enjoyment of music. So, don’t settle for the default; explore and find the tips that bring out the best in your MP145.


Tuning filters
The Hidizs MP145’s tuning filters are a standout feature, offering a level of customization that caters to a wide range of auditory preferences, making it an exceptionally versatile choice among planar magnetic earphones.
  • Red Filter: The red filter provides a warm presentation, enhancing the bass body and impact significantly. This results in a powerful, yet smooth bass experience. The treble is tamed to a smoother finish, which is ideal for those with sensitivity to higher frequencies. Male vocals benefit from this filter, gaining a fuller and heavier presence, while drums have a more pronounced and impactful thump. This filter is perfect for listeners who prefer a rich, warm sound without the sharpness of high treble.
  • Rose Gold Filter: With the rose gold filter, the sound strikes a more balanced approach. While the bass body is slightly reduced compared to the red filter, it compensates by adding a bit more sparkle and energy to the treble. This filter is well-suited for genres like rock and metal, where the interplay of bass impact and treble clarity is crucial. Female vocals shine with this filter, offering a clear and vibrant listening experience.
  • Silver Filter: The silver filter ramps up the treble energy significantly. For treble enthusiasts, this filter might be appealing as it brings out the brightness and detail in the music. However, it can be intense, and some may find it too sharp or piercing at times. The timbre with the silver filter is distinctive, offering a unique sound signature that some listeners may appreciate for its detail and airiness.
In summary, the tuning filters of the MP145 provide listeners with the ability to tailor their audio experience to their liking. Whether you prefer a warm and smooth sound, a balanced and energetic presentation, or a bright and detailed treble, the MP145’s filters accommodate a broad spectrum of preferences without compromising on the quality of sound.
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Source and Amplification

  • Cowon Plenue R2
  • Astell & kern sp1000m
  • Hiby R3 ii


  • Questyle M15
  • Cayin ru7
  • Ddhifi tc44c
  • Moondrop dawn pro
  • Epz tp30
  • IFI Go Blue
  • Fiio btr7
  • Shanling h5
  • IFI Zen dac V2
  • IFI Hip DAC V2
  • Xduoo xd05 basic
Mobile phone:
  • Lg v60
  • Asus zenfone 10

Source and Amplification: The Hidizs MP145 is a remarkable piece of audio equipment, but it’s essential to note that it requires robust amplification to truly shine. Throughout my extensive testing with various devices, it became apparent that not all sources are equipped to unlock its full potential.

The MP145 performs optimally with DACs that offer a warm, warm-neutral, neutral, or analog sound signature. These types of DACs enhance the earphones’ natural sound, providing a rich and immersive listening experience. On the other hand, DACs with a bright, digital, or analytical sound tend to overemphasize the treble, leading to a sharpness that can detract from the overall audio quality.

In my trials, I discovered that mobile phones, even those renowned for their audio capabilities, did not provide the necessary output to power the MP145 adequately. Conversely, devices with sufficient amplification capabilities handled the earphones effortlessly. It’s worth mentioning that with the MP145, I found myself adjusting the volume to about 50% on the same setup where I would typically only require 20%. This adjustment is a testament to the earphones’ need for a more potent source.

Final Thoughts: For those considering the Hidizs MP145, remember that the right amplification is not just a recommendation—it’s a requirement for experiencing the earphones as they were intended. When paired with a compatible DAC, the MP145 can deliver an exceptional audio journey, rich in detail and true to the artist’s vision. So, choose your source wisely, and prepare to be enveloped in a world of unparalleled sound.

The Sound performance
Bass: The Hidizs MP145 is a standout performer in the bass department. Its tuning is designed to deliver a musical and engaging experience. The bass has a good punch and rumble, providing a solid foundation for any track. It’s particularly impressive how the MP145 manages to deliver such rich bass details and quality while maintaining a clean sound profile.

Sub-bass: The sub-bass of the MP145 is remarkable for its great rumble and extension. It’s controlled, yet it has a great texture and body, thanks to the low-frequency boost. The sub-bass has a thick and heavy presentation, which is quite an achievement for a planar magnetic IEM, known for their speed and detail rather than sheer power.

Mid-bass: The mid-bass of the MP145 strikes a balance between warmth and precision. It’s punchy and present, allowing bass lines and kick drums to stand out with clarity. Kick drums and double pedal drum hits have a deep impact with a hard slam, providing a satisfying thump that complements the music. Despite not being as fast as some other planar magnetic drivers, the MP145 impresses with its quantity and quality of bass, which is a testament to its well-thought-out tuning.

Instrument Performance:
  • Drums: The drums through the MP145 are nothing short of spectacular. They possess a vivacity and impact that can only be described as concert-like. The kick and punch of each drumbeat are pronounced, delivering a deep and extended resonance that fills the soundscape. The planar magnetic driver’s ability to articulate the dynamics and energy of percussive instruments is evident, making for an immersive and toe-tapping experience.
  • Bass Guitar: When it comes to the bass guitar, the MP145 excels in bringing out the fullness and intricacy of each note. Every pluck and slide is rendered with such realism that it feels like the instrument is right there in the room with you. The detail is remarkable, allowing for an appreciation of the bass guitar’s role in the harmony and rhythm of the music.
Music Reference:
  • Rock: When it comes to the complex and layered soundscapes of progressive rock bands like Dream Theater, the MP145 excels in delivering a clear and cohesive audio experience. The intricate bass lines are rendered with precision, allowing the listener to follow the musical journey with ease. The drums, often a central element in rock, are thunderous and full-bodied, providing a solid backbone to the tracks without overshadowing the other instruments.
  • Metal: The raw energy and aggression of metal music, as epitomized by bands like Avenged Sevenfold, are captured brilliantly by the MP145. The IEMs handle the fast-paced riffs and the relentless assault of double bass pedals with remarkable precision. The impact is visceral, adding to the intensity of the music and allowing metalheads to feel every beat and shred as if they were in the front row of a live concert.
  • Hip-hop: For hip-hop aficionados, the MP145 brings the genre’s characteristic deep bass lines and beats to life. Artists like Kendrick Lamar and J. Cole rely on a solid bass foundation to punctuate their lyrical flow, and the MP145 delivers this with a groovy and robust bass that complements the vocals. It’s a sound that’s both immersive and rhythmic, inviting listeners to nod along with every beat.
  • Jazz: Jazz music’s soulful and intricate arrangements find a perfect match in the MP145. The upright bass and brushed drums are reproduced with a warmth and natural tone that’s essential for the genre. Instruments like the saxophone and piano are conveyed with a richness and intimacy that captures the essence of a live jazz performance. The MP145’s ability to handle the subtle dynamics and tonal nuances of jazz makes it an excellent choice for those who appreciate the genre’s complexity and emotion.
In conclusion, the Hidizs MP145 IEMs stand as a testament to superior audio craftsmanship. The bass response is not just heard; it’s felt, enveloping the listener in a tapestry of deep and intricate textures. The instrument performance is equally impressive, capturing the essence of each note with a precision that breathes life into every genre. From the complex layers of rock to the raw power of metal, the rhythmic pulse of hip-hop, and the subtle nuances of jazz, the MP145 showcases a versatility that is both rare and exhilarating. It’s this dynamic and detailed sound profile that elevates the MP145 from mere earphones to an essential piece of any audiophile’s collection, promising an immersive listening experience that is as rich as it is authentic. Whether you’re a seasoned audio veteran or a passionate music lover, the Hidizs MP145 is poised to redefine your auditory journey.

The Mid-Range
The Hidizs MP145’s mid-range is a true auditory delight, offering a natural presentation and good timbre realism that stands out in today’s market. The mid-range doesn’t induce fatigue, instead, it invites listeners to indulge in extended sessions of musical enjoyment. The slight bleed from the bass into the mid-range is subtle, adding a welcoming weight and body to the sound without overshadowing the mid-range’s inherent qualities.

Male Vocal: Male vocals are rendered with a commanding presence and warmth that’s captivating. When listening to artists like Michael Bublé or David Bowie, the MP145 captures the depth and nuances of their performances with an impressive realism. The warmth in Bublé’s voice and the distinctive character of Bowie’s vocals are both conveyed with a richness that brings their music to life.

Female Vocal: Female vocals through the MP145 soar with an ethereal quality, thanks to the IEM’s ability to render them with clarity and a touch of sparkle. Artists like Ariana Grande and Celine Dion benefit from this presentation, as their powerful and emotive vocals are delivered with an intimacy and expansiveness that’s truly immersive.

Instrument Performance: The MP145 excels in vocal and instrument separation, ensuring that each element in the mix can be heard distinctly. The guitar strings resonate with a clarity and definition that’s enchanting, while the piano keys have a lifelike resonance, each note distinct and full of character. Other instruments like violins sing with a sweet, lingering sustain, and the saxophone’s smooth, velvety tones are delivered with a richness that’s captivating.

Music Reference:
  • Rock: The MP145 treats rock enthusiasts to a pristine audio experience. The legendary guitar riffs of The Beatles are delivered with a crispness that captures the essence of classic rock, while the powerful vocals and complex compositions of Led Zeppelin are rendered with a clarity that transports listeners straight to the golden age of rock.
  • Metal: For metal fans, the MP145 is a conduit for the genre’s raw power. The thunderous drumming and aggressive guitar riffs of Iron Maiden resonate with a ferocity that’s palpable, and the high-voltage energy of AC/DC is conveyed with a precision that maintains the integrity of every note.
  • Classical: Classical music aficionados will find the MP145 adept at revealing the intricate layers and emotional depth of the genre. The subtle nuances of a Beethoven symphony or the delicate textures of a Mozart concerto are presented with a finesse that brings the compositions to life, allowing the listener to appreciate the genius of these timeless works.
  • Jazz: Jazz’s smooth and soulful essence is captured beautifully by the MP145. The warm tones of Bobby Caldwell are reproduced with a detail that honors the genre’s rich heritage, ensuring that every silky note and subtle variation is felt deeply.
  • Hip-hop and Pop: In the domains of hip-hop and pop, the MP145 delivers the rhythmic beats and catchy melodies with a vibrancy that truly makes the music pop. The bass-heavy tracks and lyrical prowess of modern hip-hop, along with the infectious hooks of pop anthems, are rendered with an energy that’s both refreshing and engaging.
Overall Mid-Range: In summing up the mid-range capabilities of the Hidizs MP145, it’s clear that these IEMs offer an auditory experience that is both rich and precise. The mid-range is the heart of the music, and the MP145 handles it with a masterful blend of clarity and natural tonality. This level of performance is typically reserved for higher-priced earphones, making the MP145 an extraordinary value. It’s a mid-range that doesn’t just satisfy—it delights, providing both the casual listener and the audiophile with a sound that’s engaging and true to the original recording. The MP145 stands out as an exceptional choice for anyone passionate about their music and in search of an audio experience that captures the essence of each note and lyric. Whether you’re exploring the subtle inflections of a solo vocalist or the complex harmonies of a full orchestra, the MP145 delivers a mid-ran
ge that is as authentic as it is enchanting.

The Hidizs MP145’s treble is a symphony of clarity and vivacity, offering an energetic yet non-fatiguing listening experience. The treble extends well, providing an airy quality that enhances the sense of space in the music. With the inclusion of three pneumatic sound tuning filters, listeners have the luxury of tailoring the treble to their personal preference1. While the silver filter may present a treble that is too pronounced for some, the other two filters offer a more balanced experience, with just the right amount of sparkle1.

Instrument Performance: In the realm of treble, the MP145 excels in bringing out the micro-details and nuances in music. String instruments such as the piano, acoustic guitar, violin, and ukulele are reproduced with a liveliness and detail that is both impressive and immersive. The MP145 provides an airy and lively presentation, allowing these instruments to breathe and resonate as if in a live setting.

Music Reference:
  • Rock: Bands like The Rolling Stones and Pink Floyd will shine with the MP145, as the intricate guitar solos and high-hats are delivered with crispness and energy.
  • Metal: The shredding guitars and soaring solos of groups like Judas Priest and Megadeth are rendered with the precision and bite that metal music demands.
  • Classical: The delicate plucking of strings and the soft caress of the bow on violins in pieces by Vivaldi or Bach are captured with a finesse that classical music lovers will appreciate.
  • Jazz: The subtle brushstrokes on cymbals and the intricate fingerwork on double bass in performances by Miles Davis or John Coltrane are presented with a clarity that enhances the jazz experience.

Overall treble: The treble performance of the Hidizs MP145 is a harmonious blend of precision and ease. It’s a treble that resonates with clarity and detail, satisfying even the most discerning audiophiles. Yet, it maintains a smoothness that makes long listening sessions a pleasure, free from fatigue. The MP145’s treble transcends mere listening; it’s an auditory experience that adds depth and dimension to your music, inviting you on a journey through the highs and lows of sound with each track. It’s this exceptional balance that makes the MP145’s treble not just a feature, but a defining characteristic of a truly high-fidelity audio experience

Technical performance
Sound stage and Imaging:
The Hidizs MP145’s soundstage is a feature that truly stands out, offering an expansive auditory landscape that can be a game-changer for any audiophile. The width of the soundstage is particularly noteworthy, creating an enveloping experience that makes you feel as if you’re in the middle of a live performance. This sense of space allows each instrument and vocal to be distinctly heard, avoiding any muddiness or overlap.

The depth and height of the soundstage contribute to the three-dimensional feel of the music. It’s not just left and right that are well-defined, but also front and back, as well as up and down. This layering gives life to recordings, providing a realistic portrayal of how sound moves and exists in a space.

Imaging is another aspect where the MP145 excels. The placement of sounds within this wide soundstage is precise, allowing listeners to easily identify the location of instruments and vocalists. This precision in imaging is crucial for an immersive listening experience, as it adds to the realism and enjoyment of the music.

In summary, the soundstage of the Hidizs MP145 is impressive, offering a wide, deep, and well-defined space for music to unfold. It’s this expansive soundstage that can make listening to the MP145 a truly captivating experience. Whether you’re a casual listener or a seasoned audiophile, the soundstage of the MP145 is sure to leave a lasting impression.

Detail on retrieval :
When I got my hands on the Hidizs MP145, I was curious about how well they would handle the finer details in music. After spending some quality time with them, I’m genuinely impressed with their detail retrieval capabilities. The MP145 has a knack for bringing out the subtleties in tracks that often go unnoticed.

The micro-details are where the MP145 really shines. It’s the little things, like the faint strumming of a guitar in the background or the soft sigh of a vocalist before they begin a verse, that the MP145 captures with clarity. This level of detail adds a layer of depth to the music that can be quite captivating.

What’s more, the MP145 doesn’t seem to compress the dynamics of the sound. This means that the quiet parts of a song are truly quiet, allowing the louder, more dynamic sections to stand out without overpowering the subtle details. It’s this dynamic range that helps in picking up on the nuances that make each piece of music unique.

In summary, the detail retrieval of the Hidizs MP145 is impressive. It’s an aspect that any audiophile would appreciate, especially if you’re the type who loves to dissect and savor every bit of your music. The MP145 makes it easy to get lost in the intricacies of your favorite songs, and that’s something truly special.

Note separation:
The Hidizs MP145’s note separation is a feature that truly shines, and it’s something I’ve come to appreciate during my time with these IEMs. The planar magnetic driver does an excellent job at delineating each musical element, allowing you to pick apart complex layers with ease. This is particularly noticeable in genres where there’s a lot going on, like orchestral pieces or busy electronic tracks.

What stands out is the way the MP145 handles busy passages. Even when multiple instruments are playing at once, each note is distinct and clear. There’s no muddiness or blending together of sounds, which is a testament to the quality of the planar magnetic technology used here.

The separation isn’t just horizontal across the soundstage but also vertical. You can sense the bass notes laying a foundation, while the mids and highs build upon it without stepping on each other’s toes. This separation adds to the overall listening experience, making it more enjoyable and less fatiguing over time.


Who Should Get the Hidizs MP145?
Audiophiles Seeking Natural Vocal Reproduction: If you’re someone who appreciates the subtle nuances of vocals and instruments, the MP145’s excellent midrange performance will likely appeal to you. The earphones deliver vocals with clarity and warmth, making them ideal for genres where vocals are the centerpiece.

Listeners Who Prefer Customizable Sound: The inclusion of tuning filters allows for a degree of customization not found in many IEMs. If you enjoy tailoring your listening experience to your mood or the genre of music, the MP145 provides that flexibility.

Durability and Build Enthusiasts: The robust full metal body of the MP145 ensures longevity and resilience. If you prioritize build quality and want a pair of earphones that can withstand the rigors of daily use, these are a solid investment.

Detail-Oriented Users: With its good detail retrieval, the MP145 is suitable for listeners who seek to capture all the intricacies in their music, from the faintest breaths of a vocalist to the subtle pluck of a guitar string.

Bass Lovers Who Value Balance: The MP145 offers a good bass performance that is impactful yet controlled, ensuring that the lower frequencies don’t overshadow the mids and highs. This makes it a great option for those who enjoy a solid bass foundation without it being overbearing.

Value-Conscious Consumers: Given its array of features and the quality of sound it delivers, the MP145 is considered great value for money. If you’re looking for high-quality audio without an exorbitant price tag, this could be the right choice for you.

Who Might Want to Consider Other Options:
  • Individuals with Smaller Ears: The larger shell size of the MP145 might not be comfortable for everyone. If you have smaller ears or prefer a more compact IEM, you might want to look for alternatives that offer a better fit.

  • Those Who Prefer Premium Accessories: While the earphones themselves are of high quality, the stock tips and pouch may not meet everyone’s standards. If you prefer premium accessories to match the quality of the earphones, you may need to consider additional purchases.
In conclusion, the Hidizs MP145 is well-suited for audiophiles who value sound customization, vocal clarity, and detailed audio reproduction, all wrapped up in a durable and well-built package. It’s an excellent choice for those who want to enjoy a high-fidelity audio experience without spending a fortune. However, it’s important to consider the physical fit and the quality of included accessories before making your purchase. Happy listening!
RK Turan
RK Turan
Nice shots and great writer-up man.
Very detailed and technical write up with eye catching photographs of a precious IEM. Great work, bro.


New Head-Fier
Hidizs MP145 : Well tuned planar IEM
Pros: Very well tuned
The mids are great and the vocals sound great
Details are very well executed
No planar sibilance or treble issues
Responds well to EQing
Well worth the price
Cons: Overall Size and Nozzle size might be large for some people
The provided pouch could be better
Minor scuffs have started appearing on the metal finish but does not affect sound quality or durability

This review outlines my experience with MP145 after using it for over two months, please note that I am not a professional reviewer so all views expressed are based on my preferred sound signature and hardware preferences. I bought this from Aliexpress when the price was USD 130/-.

Beauty Shots




Box and What's in the box

  1. Hidizs MP145
  2. 4.4mm Earphone Cable with 0.78mm pin also available with 3.5mm plug
  3. Storage Bag
  4. 9 Pairs Ear Tips
  5. User Manual (not IEM specific)
  6. Warranty Card (not filled nor stamped)
  7. Quality Check Card (Stamped)
  8. Hidizs Pneumatic Sound Tuning Filters 3 pairs
The thing to note is that the User Manual is not specific to this model nor is the warranty card filled with SN and Date.





Accessories Quality

Let's start with the first thing that you notice which is the rose gold nozzle tip, it's quite well made from metal and in the box, you will find two more pairs in silver and red. It's easy to remove and screw in, the silver is treble forward, the rose gold is balanced and the red is bass-focused more about sound impressions later in the review.

Now the ear tips, come with regular silicon tips but in ample quantity and sizes, three different types are provided namely “Vocal”, “Balanced”, and “Bass” respectively and there are three sizes for each i.e Small, Medium and Large. With this extensive type and size, most people will find one of them suiting to their needs. Note that these are basic tips nothing fancy nor foam type so for those who are very particular with their ear tips please look elsewhere.

I had opted for 4.4mm balanced cable, received the dark grey cable while some have received silver cable so not sure how this is sent so will vary with your purchase but I believe both are the same just the colour difference. Overall the cable is better than other stock cables with a metal splitter, metal jack and 0.78pins. The pins are marked in red and blue which is a must-have for me to identify left and right. I prefer to give red to the right and blue to the left. The cable is not fully tangle-free but not frustrating either. Agin for the price of good cable is provided but nothing to write home about. I have used the stock cable for my review with a listening time of over 100 hours and didn’t face any major issues with it. Very minor microphonics can be felt in some instances, otherwise, generally, there are no nuances from the cable.

A faux leather pouch is provided to carry the IEMs around, the IEM with the cables will easily fit in and the pouch is very soft to the touch. It has a press open closure mechanism which is a bit annoying and the overall quality of the pouch is not that great. It's not a protective pouch and not meant for rough use, so getting a good hard case pouch for your travel purposes is better. This pouch is good for home storage only.

IEM Built Quality

These are built like a tank, all metal construction and both sides are well jointed together. There are no complaints about built quality other than that due to the metal built, they are cold to the touch. The design is also unique with the whale fin-inspired outer shell design, with two vents. I have the titanium finish and in over two months of rigorous use, you can see in the photos minor scuffs on the sharp edges of the outer shell. I recently noticed that a couple of times the cable lightly came out from the IEM i.e not fully inserted when taken out of the pouch it may be due to the tight space in the pouch or the pins getting loose either way have not had it come off fully till now so believe it’s a non-issue.

Size and Fit

Overall, it's on the larger side, but my ears with medium silicon tips have had no issues with it for hours of listening. The nozzle is so big that the supplied silicon tips are very difficult to put on and remove. I believe if we regularly swap the nozzle/tip there are chances of damaging the silicon tips. I have not swapped much except to test various nozzles for a very short time so my silicon tips are still holding on. To get an idea about the size and to compare with your existing IEMs refer to the photos below:

(All measurements are in millimetres (mm))


Technical Specification
  • Driver Type: Planar Magnetic Driver
  • Driver: Hidizs 14.5mm Ultra-Large Planar Magnetic Driver
  • Frequency Response: 20Hz-40kHz
  • Sensitivity: 104dB
  • Impedance: 30 Ohms
  • Plug: 4.4mm Gold-Plated Pure Copper Plug
  • Connector: 0.78mm 2-Pin
  • Cable Length: 1.2m +/-0.2m
  • Weight: 21g (Both IEMs Excluding Cable)
Frequency Curve

The below frequency curves are measured with an IEC 60318-4 coupler connected to M1 MacBook Pro and IEM connected to the PC through iBasso DC04 Pro USB DAC. To understand how I finalized the way I measure my IEMs please refer to my article link below:


All three nozzles were measured with a balanced silicon medium tip, the Cyan graph shows the Harman 2019 IEM target curve.



The measurement showed very similar curves for all three nozzles up to 2kHz and after that, the silver on top, rose gold in between and Red at the bottom mostly through the rest of the frequency upto 20kHz. These graphs should not be compared with graphs by any other reviewer as they vary from setup to setup. This should be used to get a general idea about how the IEM behaves relative to the Harman Curve but this should be complemented by listening experience to understand how this translates to actual hearing experience.

Sound Impressions

I am not a professional reviewer or someone with extensive experience in listening to multiple IEMs. These are my observations based on what I like to hear and my preference towards a particular sound signature that I love. I have used this exclusively in conjunction with my USB DAC iBasso DC04 Pro connected to either my M1 MacBook Pro, iPhone 14 Pro or Oneplus 5T(converted to a dedicated music player).

In comparison to the Harman curve, my preference is a bit higher sub-bass and bass, lower mid and mid almost following the Harman curve, upper mid lower than Harman and a bit more sparkle in treble beyond 10kHz.

Now let's get into my thoughts about this IEM:

Punchy bass which is quite thick and full. It's well controlled with no boominess with no excess rumbling in the sub-bass. I can do with a bit more bass and sub-bass that’s my preference but most others will be very happy with its bass performance. Overall no complaints about bass performance, it's controlled, no bleeding into other frequencies.

Mids are where these shine for me, all vocals are clear but not overly forward. When hearing “When You Say Nothing at all” by Alison Krauss among all the IEMs I have (not many) it sounds best with MP145. Even male vocals sound great for a taste of it listen to “The Gambler” by Kenny Rogers you hear his voice in full body with instruments all around. Anyone who enjoys vocals will surely enjoy this IEM and for this price, I urge everyone to give it a try and it's guaranteed to impress.

Coming to treble all details are very well executed and well revealed, no one will complain about missing details. It does not come our shouty or with sibilence so people with issues with either can be rest assured. Cymbals get that sparkle and all higher octaves that I can hear are available with enough volume while not getting into bothersome range. Overall good but I prefer a little bit more of it may be due to my hearing loss :) in this range…

The soundstage for this IEM is also quite good, it is not as big as headphones but for an IEM the best I have heard. There is ample width and depth but nothing great to write home about. In the IEM realm, it can be considered good to very good category and that is an achievement for a single-driver IEM.

To get to my preference tried EQing them with eqMAC (highly recommended for all MAC music lovers) on my MAC. This set responds well to EQ and I could dial it down to my preferences very easily, taking the sound quality to the next level. I started enjoying music way more and didn’t mind listening to it for hours without any ear fatigue.

Please find below my EQ settings for the IEM and the EQed frequency response curve in comparison to the original:
  • Filter 1: ON PK Fc 32 Hz Gain 4.6 dB Q 1.41
  • Filter 2: ON PK Fc 64 Hz Gain 4.6 dB Q 1.41
  • Filter 3: ON PK Fc 125 Hz Gain 1.53 dB Q 1.41
  • Filter 4: ON PK Fc 250 Hz Gain 0.7 dB Q 1.41
  • Filter 5: ON PK Fc 500 Hz Gain 0.7 dB Q 1.41
  • Filter 6: ON PK Fc 1000 Hz Gain 0 dB Q 1.41
  • Filter 7: ON PK Fc 2000 Hz Gain 1 dB Q 1.41
  • Filter 8: ON PK Fc 4000 Hz Gain 2.19 dB Q 1.41
  • Filter 9: ON PK Fc 8000 Hz Gain 3.37 dB Q 1.41
  • Filter 10: ON PK Fc 16000 Hz Gain 4.3 dB Q 1.41

When Compared to...


This is the only planar in my collection and these are my initial thoughts as my full review of PR2 is still in the making. PR2 is only one-fifth the price of MP145 so not fair to compare but in terms of performance the difference is not one-fifth. The bass and sub-bass is more in PR2 but the quality is better on MP145 as PR2 gets muddy as volume increases. Mids are way better on MP145 while it's more recessed on PR2. Highs are where PR2 loses badly as it's way more shouty and sibilance leads to fatigue very soon. Overall MP145 is better but PR2 holds its own in its price range and also does well with EQing but cannot match the performance of MP145. More details in PR2 review...
I will be updating this section as and when I finish reviewing other IEMs that are in the same league in terms of sound quality, price or similar driver configuration.... Similarly, I am developing a scoring system for easy comparison so this too will be updated here once ready.

Final Thoughts

Owing to the above for me this IEM in the stock setting with a silver nozzle and medium-balanced silicon tips can be placed in a very good catergory with no major gripes. I consider this a recommended buy for anyone as no one will be disappointed with this IEM performance. If you are in for EQ then you can nail it down to your choice except if you are a heavy bass head. Still, even bass heads will enjoy the accurate bass and sub-bass it generates and in my opinion will not outright write off these IEMs.

It’s a recommended buy if you enjoy collecting good-sounding IEMs or are on the lookout for an endgame IEM below USD 200/- as it can't get any better in this price range.
Well done ! Also, nice pictures !
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The scoring system and graphs should be an objective way of leveling the playing field when you compare IEMs based on driver design, driver type, and other criteria (price range) that show an "apples-to-apples" comparison. Most of the reviews I've read so far have comparisons that barely make sense. Best of luck!
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@ybbobserrot That is a very valid point, I am new to IEMs and after reading about them bought 7 of them to get a feel of it and I was most impressed with MP145 which also happens to be the most expensive one. I will be publishing my review of KZ PR2 today. Again I am constrained to the IEMs I have at my disposal, it was an interesting journey finalizing how to measure the IEMs which I have written about on my Website (www.sibykoshy.com). Thank you for your feedback, I appreciate your taking the time to read my review.


Previously known as sakt1moko
no*SOUND presents... a HIDIZS MP145 review
Pros: .
✔️ Strong bass, good Sub-bass performance
✔️ Presentation and natural image
Cons: .
❌ Below price packaging. The cable mismatched the quality of the iem
❌ Huge capsule, horrendous fit



SETUP. 14.5mm Ultra-large Planar Magnetic Driver
SEN & IMP. 104dB/mW | 30Ω
PRICE. 150€ at hidizs.net


Go ahead, the final note it's because on that price competition that exists today in the planar market, and the tuning selected for the MP145 perhaps the biggest handicap of this headset. It had everything to succeed, a groundbreaking design, a driver that at times invades you and transmits sensations that are difficult to achieve in this price segment.

Although it's a headphone designed and thought for enjoyment, even for a lover of electronic music, they are a better choice than the LETSHOUER S12, which is saying something. Problem is that the relaxed character in the upper zone weighs too much on some recordings. Add to that a booming character in the lower zone, and you end up with all the technical-loving audiophiles off your list of potential buyers. The HIDIZS MS3 was a much more aggressive tuning in that aspect, with a more defined and shorter bass; Of course with much more load at high frequencies.

The more headphones I review, the more I realize the tonal preferences and how personal they are... this headphone reminds me a lot of the FiiO FH7S and the ARTII R1 and they are much closer to my preferences than more HARMANIZED headphones. On some tracks, because of the imaging on, I could even compare to the LETSHOUER 07jm, for its warmth presentation without being excessively intimate.

At the end this is about where to put your money, and sadly I can't recommend them. Apart from the sound reasons that can turn away all those who are not looking for warm tones, it has 2 other problems: The fit is horrendous, wide and short, almost impossible to stick it to the shell of the ear (which would probably would give even better performance) and it is exhausting to have it on for hours; And then comes the issue of packaging, for €150 this cable and the box do not seem to me to be up to par, I can think of several headphones that make better use of our money.


A shame, HIDIZS, really, you had an incredible driver here, perhaps the following review will be the definitive one. I loved the HIDIZS MS3, and this planar its on the right track, but both the extension of the bass and the adjustment of the headphone itself need to be improved.

Strong bass, good Sub-bass performance
Presentation and natural image

Excellent construction, fragile paint
Voices and instruments sink into the scene easily
Some resolution is missing

Below price packaging. The cable is 3.5 mm.
Huge capsule, horrendous fit




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Yeah, probably.

Anyways the quality of the cable dont match the quality of the iem.

I already swap the cable for a thicker one
How can "3.5mm" be a con when you can choose to pick the 4.4 balanced? Some reviewers nowadays just put a con there for the sake of it.
Does packaging really matter if people are just going to throw them away or keep them in a dusty drawer?


New Head-Fier
Best iem for metal and rock
Pros: - bass
- inoffensive treble
- rich sound
Cons: - not the best iem for recordings that are already rich in bass and poor in treble
An iem that works wonderfully with metal and rock, where those electric guitars can be a bit grating with bright iems. I had never enjoyed L.A. Woman by Doors or The Number of the Beast by Iron Maiden as much as I did with these.
That's it? Why is it good only for metal and rock and not for any other genre?


New Head-Fier
Hidizs MP145 - Quick Impressions
Pros: Harman Tuned
Works with most genre
All metal build
Cons: Fairly large nozzles
Large shells
Thanks to Hidizs and gadgetgod for the review tour of the MP145.I know this is quite late in coming, but here it is.
Link to the site here
WhatsApp Image 2024-04-12 at 20.11.50_f30f5d93.jpg

As always, the reviews are all mine, and am not compensated in any way by either cash or kind.

The MP145 is a special iem in that 1% of every MP145 order goes directly to supporting Whale and Dolphin Conservation (WDC).


The MP145 is a fairly large iem with a full metal body with an interesting faceplate. The plate's grooves represents a whale's tail, in effect representing the Whale and Dolphin Conservation effort.

The Tin P1, in the picture is dwarfed by the iems. The MP145, still weighs in as much as the Tin P1! The nozzles are fairly large and I was able to find a fit with the Penon Liquer tips.

I have small ear canals and dont prefer large nozzles due to comfort issues. However, with the Liquer tips, the iems sat comfortably in the ears.

The stock cable is a nice braided litz cable and sport a 14.5mm planar driver to do the sound duties. The iems also come with replaceable nozzle filters, which I did play with during the review.

Sound impressions

For the review I used a Lotoo Paw S1 in High gain mode and was able to drive the iems well at 50 volume.

The filters dont seem to change the sound by much, from my A/B ing, and will continue the rest of the review with the Gold filters, for the sake of convenience.


The MP145 is tuned against the Harman 2024 target and this shows very clearly, with a sort of pleasing V shaped signature with slightly boosted bass and treble.
The tuning is very reminiscent of the Tangzu Zetian Wu in terms of tonality and resolution.

Imaging is excellent with fast decays and excellent instrument placement. There is some mid thickness that borders on fuzziness in the vocals. Could be the tips or source, I am not sure.
There is a very little bit of treble sizzle on high hats that works for a lot of tracks, but could get fatiguing on poor recordings and bright tracks.

Bass is quick and thick, but not the same quality as a DD, but again not as short a decay with other planar iems. There is a little more sustain, adding to weight of percussion tracks.
The sustain almost has a little bit of influence on the lower mids, lending a little bit of weight to the mids.

Mids are quite decently done, but a tad bit recessed, especially male vocals. Female vocals benefit a bit more than the male vocals. A lot of the nuances are translated especially with female vocals.

Stage is wide, but quite 2D.

I did briefly watch the Joker: Folie à Deux trailer with the iems, and boy they sound good. Looks like a special usecase in addition to music with the iems.


While the review is fairly short, this summarizes the MP145 in a very crowded mid-budget market of excellent iems. The MP145 does hold out on its own and is a choice that could outlive other planars in its price range, eg, Tangzu Zetian Wu and the Hook X.

This is post the kickstarter and marketing controversies, therefore with an undiluted view of the iem with its competition


New Head-Fier
Hidizs MP145: Is This One of the Best Planar IEMs under $200 ... ?
Pros: Excellent build quality
Tuning nozzles for fine tuning
Decent bass performance for a planar
Warm, lush lower midrange
Forward yet smooth upper midrange
Decent treble sparkle and smoothness
Excellent treble extension
Cons: Big, heavy shells with uncomfortably large nozzles
Uncomfortable ear hooks design on stock cable
A little hard to drive
Bass can get a bit boomy
Mild sibilance
  • Huge thanks to Hidizs for providing the opportunity for me to review the MP145 through a tour However, all thoughts and opinions are my own, and are not influenced in any way.
  • Please take this review with only a grain of salt, as everyone's hearing, fit, and gears may differ, so our experience may be different.


  • $169


  • These are a little harder to drive than most IEMs I have tried since they are planar, but as long as you have a decent dongle DAC/Amp it should be fine.
    • Topping DX1
    • Truthear Shio

Ear tips
  • Acoustune AET07

Unboxing and Quick Summary

  • Hidizs MP145 with rose gold nozzle attached to it
  • Soft carrying pouch
  • Wide selection of ear tips.
    • 3 pairs of balanced, generic silicone ear tips (S, M, L)
    • 3 pairs of bass, generic silicone ear tips (S, M, L)
    • 3 pairs of vocal, generic silicone ear tips (S, M, L)
  • 6N Silver-Plated Single-Crystal Copper Wire
    • Build quality is ... fine. Not good but not bad, feels a bit on the cheaper side
    • Ear hook's shape are really weird for my ears, so they do strain and make my ears a little pain after longer listening sessions.
  • A small case containing nozzles
    • 1 pair of silver nozzle
    • 1 pair of red nozzle

Build Quality
  • Build quality is very good, shell is made entirely out of metal.
  • Very sturdy but is very heavy.

  • Nozzle is HUGE in terms of width, while being slightly longer than average.
  • Fits is excellent. Very lightweight and the shell is super comfortable.


  • Mild V-shaped

Tuning Nozzles

  • Rose Gold
    • Balanced mild V-shaped signature.
    • Most balanced out of the 3 nozzles to my ears, nice mix of clarity and warmth.
    • This will be my go to pick, and will be used throughout this review.
  • Silver
    • Bright tilted mild V-shaped signature.
    • Adds a little more sparkle and air, providing extra clarity and brightness, but also becomes a bit more metallic and thin at the same time.
  • Red
    • Warm tilted mild V-shaped signature.
    • Favors male vocals, but will mask some clarity especially for female vocals, and boominess will be even more apparent.

  • Bass is quite balanced between sub bass and mid bass, with a slight emphasis on the mid bass.
  • Rumble and slams well, with decent definition & texture and good speed & decay to it.
  • However, the bass lacks a bit of tightness, sounding a little boomy.
  • Overall, the bass performance is quite decent and satisfying for a planar, but the combination of boominess and quick decay of the bass makes it sounds a little weird.
  • Quantity is slightly on the bassy side, but not quite basshead level yet.

  • Low midrange comes with some warmth, giving male vocals and instruments a nice weight and body without being muddy or bloated.
  • Upper midrange is very smooth and has just enough energy for vocals to pop out from the mix without being shouty at all to my ears.
  • Note weight is on the slightly thinner side due to the elevated treble response.
  • Timbre is surprisingly natural for a planar IEM, which isn't as metallic as other planar IEMs such as the S12, but there is still a small hint of planar sheen.
  • Overall, the midrange is very well done in my opinion, especially for a planar IEM.

  • Treble has plenty of sparkle and airy, yet it remains quite smooth.
  • Treble extension is very good, giving a great sense of air to it.
  • However, there is a audible peak at the mid to high treble region, which does adds some harshness and sibilance to vocals.
  • Details in the treble can be perceived easily due to how sparkly, smooth and extended the treble is.



  • Resolution and detail retrieval is great, on par with other planar IEMs that I have tried.

  • Soundstage is on the wider side and is quite spacious, with a decent depth to it.

  • Imaging is quite accurate, as I am able to pick up direction of sounds with good accuracy.
  • Separation and layering is good, no issues with congestion on busy tracks other than the bass and midrange transition.

Hidizs MP145 vs TANGZU x HBB Wu Heyday Edition

  • Accessories:
    • I can't compare this element as I only borrowed the Heyday from one of my good friends.
  • Fit and Comfort:
    • Heyday is a lot more comfortable to my ears, as the MP145 is just too bulky and big.
  • Bass:
    • Heyday is significantly tighter with a bit more punch but less slam compared to MP145
  • Midrange:
    • Lower midrange on the Heyday is cleaner than the MP145, with a slightly more emphasis on the upper midrange.
      • Female vocals will be the star of the show on Heyday instead of male vocals, as they sound thinner and less natural.
      • However, while female vocals isn't as good on the MP145, it has a much more balanced midrange, where both vocals are pretty decent
  • Treble:
    • Different story from what the graph tells, the Heyday is actually a bit smoother to my ears, probably because of the better fit and deeper insertion, which I could not achieve with the MP145.
  • Technicalities:
    • Both have similar technicalities and they trade some blows but not by a large margin.
    • The MP145 has a slightly larger stage while the Heyday has a slightly cleaner separation.
  • Overall, I enjoy the Heyday a lot more due to fit and comfort, and the overall sonic performance fits a little bit better to my preference.

  • Overall, the MP145 is one of the better sounding planar IEMs that I have tried in the price, but I can also see that the fit and comfort of the MP145 can be a huge problem for many people, considering that I already have larger ears than most of my friends.
  • Is it going to dethrone the Heyday to be the king of planar IEMs under $200? I don't think so.
    • The Heyday pretty much still remains my favorite planar IEM for under $200
    • However, the MP145 can compete directly with the Heyday in terms of sound, with some trade offs such as comfort.

Thanks for reading!
great review :)
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New Head-Fier
Hidisz MP145: My New favorite
Pros: 1. Exceptional sound quality across the entire frequency spectrum.
2. Powerful and controlled bass response, providing a solid foundation for all genres.
3. Lush and natural midrange, with vocals and instruments presented with remarkable clarity.
4. Sparkling treble and smooth extension in the high frequencies, adding excitement to the listening experience.
5. Sleek and ergonomic design for comfortable wearing during extended listening sessions.
6. The wide Soundstage!
7. Included selection of filters to adapt to your preferences.
Cons: 1. May be considered pricey compared to some competitors in its class (looking at you KZ). For me that is not the case...
2. Some users may prefer a more pronounced bass response, depending on personal preferences.
3. The cable could be more resistant to tangling for added convenience during storage and use.
4. While comfortable, the fit may not be perfect for all ear shapes and sizes, leading to potential fit issues for some users.
Being in this hobby has been full of ups and downs. I have seen planars like oBravo Cupids which were highly divisive at the time at their launch and I still have them in my collection. Then came the classic TinHifi P1, something that people still look for in the Pre-Loved sections. I have been lucky enough to have used mostly all of the Planars that i could have managed to get my hands on . Off-late, the S12 has been my favorite. However MP145 is here to lay stake to the top tier Planars that i have used and that is what i am going to explain in this review.

Before we go any further, the MP145 has been forwarded to me by Hidizs as a part of the India tour. The thoughts, however, are my own and are not, by any chance, influenced.

Build Quality:
Constructed with premium materials, the MP145 exudes durability and reliability. Its robust build ensures longevity, making it a worthy investment for audiophiles seeking long-term satisfaction.


Thanks to its ergonomic design, the MP145 offers a comfortable fit for prolonged usage. The included selection of ear tips ensures a personalized fit for every listener, enhancing both comfort and sound isolation.

With its compact form factor and included carrying case, the MP145 is the perfect companion for music enthusiasts on the move. Whether commuting, traveling, or simply enjoying music on the go, this IEM delivers uncompromising performance wherever you are.

Source: FiiO M11S



Sound Signature
The MP145 boasts a balanced sound signature that caters to audiophiles seeking clarity, detail, and depth in their music. Let's delve into its performance across the highs, mids, and lows:

The high frequencies on the MP145 are nothing short of mesmerizing. With its extended treble response and exceptional clarity, every shimmering cymbal crash and delicate string pluck is rendered with precision and finesse. There's a sense of airiness and openness in the highs that adds a layer of excitement to any track without ever veering into harshness or sibilance. The White filter is the one if you are a treble-freak.

The midrange on the MP145 is where its true magic unfolds. Vocals are presented with a lifelike presence, conveying emotion and nuance with astonishing realism. Instruments come alive with clarity and texture, allowing listeners to discern every subtle detail in the music. Whether it's the warm timbre of a guitar or the rich resonance of a piano, the MP145 reproduces midrange frequencies with captivating authenticity. It also goes without saying that it hughe;y depends on the source as well. The rose gold filter is the way to go for Mids.

In the realm of bass, the MP145 strikes a perfect balance between impact and control. The lows are deep, powerful, and well-defined, providing a solid foundation for any genre of music. From the thumping kick drums of electronic dance tracks to the resonant basslines of jazz and hip-hop, the MP145 delivers bass with authority and precision, never overpowering or muddy. The red filter offers you more bass slams but then mids also gets recessed so if you love mids, go for the Rose Gold Filter.


Included Filters:
One of the standout features of the MP145 is its customizable sound tuning system, which includes three interchangeable filters: Bass Boost, Reference, and Treble Boost. Each filter offers a unique sonic profile, allowing users to tailor the sound signature to their preferences: My Favorite is the RoseGold(Balanced) Filter

Bass Boost(Red): This filter enhances the low frequencies, providing a more pronounced bass response for those who crave extra impact and warmth in their music.
Balanced(Rose Gold): The reference filter maintains a neutral, balanced sound signature, faithfully reproducing the artist's intended sound without any coloration or alteration.
Treble Boost(White): The treble boost filter accentuates the high frequencies, adding sparkle and brilliance to the sound while maintaining clarity and detail.

With these interchangeable filters, users can effortlessly customize their listening experience to suit different genres, moods, and preferences, making the MP145 a versatile companion for every musical journey.

In conclusion, the Hidizs MP145 IEM is a true masterpiece of audio engineering. With its balanced sound signature, customizable filters, and premium build quality, it sets a new standard for portable audio excellence. Whether you're a discerning audiophile or a casual music lover, the MP145 promises an immersive and captivating listening experience that will leave you spellbound.


Headphoneus Supremus
Hidizs MP145: Best Planar?
Pros: Massive Soundstage(Excellent width and depth)
Fast and responsive Bass
Clear and well-textured vocals
Smooth and inoffensive treble
Instrument separation and air on stage is fantastic
Excellent Build quality
Tuning nozzles to adjust the output to your liking
Cons: Shell size is as massive as the stage lol.
I personally would like slightly more mid-bass.
Planar IEMs have always attracted me with their speed and dynamics. Over the past few years, I have been following the rise and development of Planar driver-based IEMs. The journey for me started with the Tin HiFi P1 Plus, 7Hz Timeless, LETSHUOER S12, KZ PR2, etc. Earlier back in the day, Planar Magnetic Driver-based IEMs used to be quite power hungry like the Tin HiFi P1 and P2 IEMs were used to be tested on desktop amplifiers. And they had that amazing sense of scalability as well. But as time passed, the technology evolved and we got some new IEMs that don’t exactly require such absurd amounts of power. I am talking about the LETSHUOER S12, 7Hz Timeless AE, etc. This generation of Planar Magnetic Driver IEMs obviously benefits from good quality DAC/AMP or Dedicated DAP, but they never showed me such high requirements. Okay a lot of blabbering about the recent history and development of Planar Magnetic driver for IEMs in the recent times, now let’s get to talk about the product at hand today. Today I am going to share my review of this brand-new planar IEM, the Hidizs MP145. Hidizs MP145 packs a 14.5mm massive planar magnetic driver unit on each side with large-sized metallic shells. At the time of this write-up, the pair retails for about 150$ available across different retailers worldwide. I have spent a decent amount of time with the set(like 4-5 weeks now), with multiple sources and music genres, let’s start with the review today.

A Short Disclaimer:-

Hidizs MP145 was sent to me by Hidizs as a part of a review tour in India. Rest assured, all impressions here are my own based on my own experience with the pair for the past few weeks. It has been in my daily rotation for quite sometime now. My opinions might be biased based on my own personal preference for listening(which is mostly neutral with some sub-bass boost).

Design and Build Quality:-

The ear shells of MP145 are built like a tank. They are metallic shells with a mechanical cyberpunk style look with a large, and by large I mean really large. The shells are massive, to be honest, and at first, I was kind of sceptical about whether they would even fit me or not. Surprisingly, despite their massive size, they fit me perfectly. They sit a little on the outer side of my ears, but they sit comfortably and never fall off my ears. The shells have a rich, matte finish, they look and feel premium. Great job with the craftsmanship I would say. The one that I have has this gunmetal titanium colour, which looks minimalistic and with the matte finish has a charming appeal, atleast for me.

Hidizs MP145 has replaceable ear nozzles. There are three sets of nozzles with the MP145, Rose gold, Silver, and Red. Each set has a different nozzle filter density that brings noticeable changes into the output with the pair. Which I will discuss further after the sound quality part.

Fit & Isolation:-

As I mentioned above, the pair is a bit big in terms of size, but I have no issues at all with fit. The pair fits me like a charm(I have medium ears, and I usually don’t get any fit issues with the IEMs. I would say the big size of the shells might give fit issues to people with small ears. I have no issues in isolation, using Softears UltraClear eartips for myself and I have no issues.


For the past few weeks, I have been using the Hidizs MP145 as my driver. I am taking it to the gym, I am listening to it on my bed, and I am just using it on a regular basis. Yeah it has seen a few breaks every now and then, but then again it has found its place in my regular cycle. For my usage, I have used it with Questyle CMA18P and iBasso DX260 with a 4.4mm terminated cable. It has never shown me any issues in terms of driveability although I would say I had to increase the volume a bit extra as compared to other IEMs that I have(Softears Twilight/Thieaudio Hype10, etc.). I won’t call the Hidizs MP145 to be demanding or a power-hogging set, yet it benefits from better sources, so I suggest you guys give it the best you have and you will have a good time I assure you.

In simple words, Hidizs MP145 will sound good with your standard DAC/AMPs(tested with AFUL Snowynight/Hidizs S9 Pro Plus), It never lacked any performance for me, but when I paired it with CMA18P and DX260, the experience was on a different level. So, just treat the MP145 with your best, to experience the best sound.

Sound Impressions:-

Hidizs MP145 has a very lively and immersive sound presentation. The sound has a neutral to slightly warm tone, the instrument notes are well-defined and precise. There is no audible sibilance or harshness even on louder volume levels. I appreciate how controlled the MP145 resolution is. It is crisp, it is accurate and has amazing clarity. The pair maintains absolutely amazing clarity throughout the frequency band. Overall tuning profile is very balanced with no particular frequency being emphasised.

Lower-end packs some solid bass response. The sub-bass is rumbling and the mid-bass hits fast and quick. The lower-end region is tight and precise, there is no bleed into the other frequencies. Bass is fast, I would say it could use a bit more prominence in the mid-bass to add more slam and body but I think that might affect the speed and snappiness of the lower end. Midrange sounds clear with an absolutely lovely vocal presence. While writing this review I am listening to Nandini Srikar, an Indian artist who has such a beautiful vocal presentation in Bhare Naina track from Ra One, a Bollywood movie. The vocals are nicely textured and showcase delicate details quite beautifully on the MP145. Lower Mids feel slightly recessed to me, which gives a wide and open feel to the overall soundstage. The treble is crisp, detailed, and well-extended. It isn’t super detailed in treble, but smooth and well-rounded I would say. Another thing that I love about Hidizs MP145’s sound is its liveliness and energy in the treble. The pair showcases the perfect balance here, it never got overwhelming or tiring for me, I am simply delighted to have experienced such an amazing sound with the Hidizs MP145. This makes it one of my favourite IEMs in recent times.

Instrument notes are very well-defined and one can expect amazing layering and imaging capabilities with the Hidizs MP145. The pair showcases absolute excellence in those technical aspects. The soundstage is brilliant, just like the size of the ear shells, the soundstage presence of Hidizs MP145 is massive. It is deep, airy, and wide, giving a massive feeling whenever I listen to the set.

Now on to some cons for the Hidizs MP145. As I said earlier, I would have loved a bit more slam and body to the mid-bass on the Hidizs MP145. Secondly, the stage feels massive, width and depth are simply outstandingly big on the pair, but I personally feel like the height of the stage could be a bit better it forms a 3D immersive, and big soundstage, just a tad bit more height would have made it the perfect choice for me. Believe me, these two are very minor cons and you can also call them nitpicking haha, man every time I listen to the MP145 I wonder how can an IEM sound so massive and fast at the same time, well that’s the magic of Planar and Big shell I believe.

Next up, Hidizs MP145 comes with a bunch of nozzle filters, they are said to have tuning changes. The above impressions are with the Rose Gold color filter, but we also have Red and Silver filters. So let’s see what changes they have in terms of sound quality.

Red Filter:-

With the Red filter, the sound of the MP145 becomes a V-shape signature, the bass gets a bit more slam(the thing I had missing on the Rosegold filters). Although the output gets a little intimate compared to the Rosegold filters. Treble also gets a little leaner with the Red Filter. I would say details are also slightly better on the Rosegold filter. But the increase in bass presence makes the output a bit warmer feel.

Silver Filter:-

The silver filter is probably the treble-enhancing one, i feel the treble gets a bit forward, but a bit of leanness i could notice there. Bass is also feeling a bit lean in this filter or is this the result of using on Red filter for the past two hours lol. But yeah, my favourite filter with the MP145 is the Rosegold one as that offers the perfect balance for me.

Some Comparison Time:-

As of writing this review, I have experienced a bunch of Planar IEMs including the NiceHCK F1 Pro recently, So today’s comparison will be with the F1 Pro.
f1 pro.jpg

NiceHCK F1 Pro vs Hidizs MP145:-

>Fit wise the F1 Pro is very comfortable, MP145 has bigger shells.

>MP145 has a more detailed and more neutral sound presentation.

>F1 Pro has a warmer tone in comparison(although it is also fairly neutral).

>F1 Pro has one of the smoothest trebles in Planars I have experienced so far, MP145 has that smoothness but also has more energy and sounds more resolving as well.

>Stage of MP145 is massive, F1 Pro has a intimate presentation.

>MP145 Bass is snappier and has faster notes as well.

>MP145 has more resolution.

>Vocal texture MP145 is simply next level.

I love F1 Pro, it is the safest tuned Planar IEM imo, but MP145 takes things on next level. Be it the clarity, be it the overall presentation, MP145 is on the another level.

Final Words:-

I place Hidizs MP145 highly in my top planars. Over the years I have experienced a lot of different planars including the Tin HiFi P1 series, and P2 as well but I consider that as an HP as it takes desktop level amp lol, then the KZ PR series, The LETSHUOER S series, and believe me, the MP145 is among the top three from my side. The other two? Well, they are something special and I would mention them as well(LETSHUOER S15, and CFA SuperMoon), but both of them are way above in price league compared to the MP145. For me, Hidizs MP145 offers great value for money with excellent sonic performance, and a uniquely shaped massive-sized shells. Well, that’s about the Hidizs MP145 from my side, I hope you guys enjoyed reading this review of mine, I would like it if you guys could leave me a like here :) For any questions, you can ask me in the comments section below.
Well written !
Great review!!!


New Head-Fier
Planar suprise
Pros: Sound,quality,tuning filters,
Cons: slightly heavy.

Hiidizs MP145​


Hiidizs MP145:

The war of planar IEMs has brought us a heavy harvest of many very interesting in-ear headphones models. I remember when Tin hifi presented the P1 model and started a small revolution on the market. Although I liked the P1 very much, it still had a few limitations, one of which was the difficulty in driving and a really huge appetite for power. Then, many manufacturers entered the fray and also wanted to have their share in this market segment. So far, my planar IEM collection includes models such as: TIN P1, P1MAX, Letshuoer s12pro and s15. However, I have heard a lot about the unique project from the Hidizs brand. I am glad that I have the opportunity to supplement my collection with their innovative project, the MP145. You will find out what its innovation is later in my review. Let me just mention that the MP145 is a model based on a large 14.5mm planar transducer and was priced at USD 159. Of which 1% of this price goes to help save whales, which I personally think is a very good and noble initiative.

Unboxing and ergonomics:
Well hidizs has packaged the MP145 in a very thoughtful way. We have a paper box with product information and a good-quality hard box made of thick plastic. It can successfully serve as a larger organizer. Inside, apart from the headphones themselves, there are three sets of tips (vocal, balanced and bass) in sizes S, M and L and it must be admitted that they really influence the sound as described. Then we have three types of filters in the form of screw-on caps (treble, balanced, bass) and these filters also strongly influence what we hear. The set also includes a high-quality SPC cable in the 4.4 or 3.5 mm standard and an ecological leather bag for storing the headphones. As for the cable, it is of really good quality and sounds quite good. The tips are also of very good quality, so the set is complete and does not require replacement of accessories. Unfortunately, the headphones themselves are not the smallest and weigh quite a lot. Personally, it didn’t bother me, but people with small ears or sensitive to the weight of the headphones should take this into account. Behind the weight, however, there is a solid aluminum body that provides a truly armored casing.

A lot depends on the configuration we choose. Therefore, I will try to discuss several variants. For my tests I used earmen angel and fiio k11.

Bass: Low tuning depends on the selected tips and filters. On the factory balanced filter, when selecting balanced tips, the bass is embedded in the background. It is not overbearing and is more audible than tangible. However, we can quickly change it by selecting a red filter with bass tips, then the whole thing changes by 180 degrees. On red tips, the sound becomes less transparent, but we gain a solid and tangible bass foundation. Overall, thanks to the use of a planar transducer, the bass is fast and well-produced. Its quality is really great considering the price of the headphones.

Midrange: The midtones are generally slightly recessed because it is a harman tuning. However, the vocals are always clean and clear. We can get a U-shaped sound or bring voices closer to us using vocal tips. The amount of instruments and information is always large. The stage itself also impresses with very good depth, the width of the stage is slightly smaller, but we do not feel claustrophobic, because the instruments are very well distributed in space. The MP145 are not technically tuned, they are rather pleasant headphones for relaxing and quiet listening.

Treble: We can adjust the high tones to our needs. By choosing red filters, we will have more bass and midrange, and the treble will become calmer and less present. However, by choosing silver filters, we will get great extension of high tones and even more details and information. The technical layer will improve, without artificially raising the mountain or pushing it out excessively. You can hear the many benefits of the planar transducer here, at the same time, thanks to excellent tuning, hidizs cleverly got rid of the metallic and unnatural timbre, tuning the planar transducer to resemble the warmth of a dynamic transducer as much as possible.

Power appetite:
Hidizs MP145 are not particularly demanding in terms of current, but they gain a lot from a more powerful source and it is worth giving them more power.

Hiidizs MP145(159USD) VS TIN P1(169USD)

Tin P1 are already a few years old, but they still stand out on the IEM market. First of all, with a beautiful neutral sound. However, the MP145 are much more musical headphones, less linear, but also with more bass, which can often be missing in the p1. P1s are also much more difficult to control and therefore less mobile. The MP145s offer a larger stage, but the P1s have more treble. Generally speaking, the MP145 is full of great progress in planar IEM technology that has recently taken place.

Hiidizs MP145 (159USD) VS TIN P1 MAX (120USD)
Tin P1max is a new improved version of the p1 model and honestly I love this model because of its beautiful full sound. P1max are also tuned for entertainment and have a good amount of sub-bass. MP145, however, have a larger stage and more tuning possibilities. Overall, considering the number of possible configurations of the MP145, they are more versatile. P1max are still great little headphones, but the hidizs MP145 are a kind of development of their sound at an even higher level.

Hiidizs MP145 (159USD) VS Letshuoer s12pro (139USD)
S12Pro is a truly legendary model. In technical terms, s12pro focuses more on the technical layer and less on entertainment. Of course, the s12pro sound great, but the MP145 are more warm, they are tuned typically for entertainment, so we have more fun with them. However, s12pro may be better if we are looking for a very technical sound. Both pairs of headphones are great, but their tuning is completely different. Therefore, in this case, everything depends on our preferences and preferences.

Hiidizs MP145 (159USD) VS Letshuoer s15 (329USD)
Letshuoer s15 is the undisputed leader of planar headphones. This is also reflected in the relatively high price. In terms of sound, the S15 are smoother, slightly more resolving headphones with a higher technical layer. However, their price is also much higher than the price of MP145. The MP145s sound equally great, presenting a high level of sound and plenty of detail for their price.

The Hiidizs MP145 are excellent headphones and have been priced very well indeed. Importantly, we can change a lot in them and adapt them to our needs. The filter system and excellent tips allow you to have a lot of fun with the sound. The MP145 tuning itself is rather entertaining and focused on listening pleasure. However, the resolution and separation are very good. The quality of workmanship is exemplary. The only downside may be the large size and weight of the headphones. Overall, the MP145 are very good headphones offering excellent sound quality and a very high level, so they will definitely stay with me for a long time and have my full recommendation.


New Head-Fier
Hidizs Mp145 review of planar headphones by ICYGENIUS 🎧
Pros: Luxurious equipment and excellent manufacturing quality of the headphones.
Comfortable fit and ergonomics
There are 3 modes for adjusting the settings by changing the nozzle.
Super detailed and technical set literally own music
Very correct and competent tuning
The lows are super precise and lush, very transparent and rich in texture.
The mids are very clean and airy and have very correct timbres
High frequencies true analytics and unrivaled detail
The soundstage is insanely wide and has amazing depth just immerse yourself in this wonderful world of sounds
Cons: No, this a real planar leader at this price get ready to fly into space with this set!
Hello friends!
Today in our review we will look at a new planar product from Hidizs.
The headphones come in a fairly small box with a nice design and a picture of the headphones on the front, and there is also the Hidizs brand logo, the name of this model MP145 and the hi-res audio logo here in the corner.

Well, here, as always, the technical characteristics are indicated and a planar driver with a diameter of 14.5 mm is responsible for the sound, and the sensitivity is 104dB, and they received a 30ohm impedance, the headphones are not very hard for driving.


Let's take a look at what's included!

And first of all, we are greeted here by headphones made entirely of metal in a dark blue color in my case, and in my opinion they look quite unusual and good in their own way, the front panel here has a design that imitates the tail of a whale and there are two side holes for compensation.

And another one is located on the inside of the case where you can see the markings of the right and left channels and the inscription Hidizs mp145, and of course the connector here is standard, it’s 2pins and it goes exactly flush with the case, which is a plus for me!

But the nozzle here is quite wide and has the ability to install various filters from the kit; we will look at them a little later, but with the fit, everything is fine here, despite the considerable size of the headphones themselves, they sit in the ears very tightly and there are no problems with sound insulation.

In terms of accessories, in my opinion, everything is generally super, there is this black case made under leather, inside of which there is an excellent, lightweight, especially tangle-free cable with 2-pin connectors and a balanced 4.4-pin plug, as I chose when ordering!


And there is also this set of replaceable filters: silver for those who like a brighter setting, red for those who like a very neutral presentation of mid frequencies, and copper for those who like a more balanced sound, I used it when listening to headphones.

Well, that’s not all, friends, probably we should give special respect to such a good organizer with a bunch of ear pads for every taste and color.


How do these headphones sound?
Now let's talk about the sound and look at the graph of these headphones in comparison with the Letshuoer S15 and I will probably be the only one who compared them together, and in general their frequency response is very similar, that is, at low frequencies and at high frequencies, but in the upper middle The S15 will definitely be smaller, this can be heard by ear when comparing these headphones, but in any case, both models are very close to my target, which makes me happy.

Low Frequencies:
I’ll start, as always, with an analysis of low frequencies, and since this is a planar driver, the bass in these headphones slaps and hits just as it should, this is the most concentrated and accurate very textured blow with a soft smooth attenuation, and with transparency and texture reproduction, everything is generally excellent here!
Mid Frequencies:
But what also pleased me was how they did a very good job of revealing the middle d
range, the MP145 simply feels some kind of crazy airiness and transparency with an excellent and maximally developed legible space in which the instruments are not lost at all, and the analytics in this area surprise every time I listen and I can easily divide literally the entire composition into separate layers be it a heavy metal track or something lighter and calmer, such as some kind of ambient.

And the vocal part here has excellent weight and is very clearly brought forward along with the percussion drum part, and I think this voice production is already familiar to many and there will definitely be its connoisseurs, since the vocals here are revealed to be very well articulated and very emphasized in timbre, and the drums have the most accurate emphasized transients and leave behind very long trails of reverberation, in my opinion, the presentation of this area is excellently revealed precisely from the technical and at the same time very immersive pleasant musical side, although this area is presented a little more energetically and fervently than in s15.
High Frequencies:
The high frequencies are just a godsend, here you have an excellent long expansion, but already with slightly more extended and accented detail on the plates than in the S15, and tonally this area feels colder and I would even say monitor with very good percussion playback clarity, various clicks, calls and micro-details and the resolution in this range and the study of the plates themselves and their plumes is at a very high level,and the presentation itself may not be as neutral and warm as in s15, but for me it is still very pleasant, not tiring, and without any obvious hints of sibilance, planar rustling or pretentious fake resolution, that is, to summarize, everything here sounds very harmonious and at the same time, only positive emotions remain after especially long listening sessions.
Yes, and in terms of genres, as for me, there are no restrictions here, these are very technical and analytical headphones, so they are perfect for heavy, high-speed genres that require quick hitting, but something easier, of course, they reproduce without any problems at all, the only thing you should understand is that due to this, the headphones are quite demanding on the quality of recording material.

Stage and stereo panorama:
And of course, the sound stage is also in complete order here, and these headphones really reminded me of my open full-size headphones Zeus Elite, there is a very good well-developed width here, and the depth of immersion is at an excellent level, as is the drawing of individual plans and images.
My conclusion on this headphones:
Hidizs Mp145 turned out to be excellent planar headphones with a very technical and mature sound presentation and are ideal for all musical genres, as well as for everyone who often asks questions in the comments like which headphones to choose to get a noticeable increase in sound quality, I can definitely recommend.
These are planar headphones because in my opinion they play too well for this price and to then go a few notches higher you will have to pay two or even three times as much, so in this price range it will definitely be be a great choice.

Link where you can buy them!
Aliexpress: https://aliexpress.ru/item/1005006224121523.html
Hidizs Official Website: https://www.hidizs.net/products/hid...ear-monitors-for-audiophiles-and-music-lovers
I will be glad if you subscribe to my YouTube channel and watch this full review on Hidizs Mp145!
Last edited:
A very detailed review, thanks for the comparison with the S15!


New Head-Fier
Hidizs MP145 the unbeatable planar IEMs in its price point
Pros: - Impressive neutral sounding for a planar IEMs
- Retains vocal warmth while preserving naturalness
- Excellent stage and imaging
- Minimal planar sheen
- Outstanding macro and micro-detail retrieval
- Planar driver IEMs easy to drive
- Included cable perfectly complements earphone tonality
- Top-notch performance for the price range
Cons: - Included pouch provides minimal protection
- Edgy faceplate design prone to scratches
- Relatively large earphone shell may be uncomfortable for some
- Recabling could enhance overall technicality
- Requires tips rolling for the best fit
Hidizs has consistently delivered impressive sound in their DAP and DAC/AMP products (since the first AP60, my first entry DAP), but not every IEM from Hidizs that I impressed. Before trying the MP145, I've experienced Hidizs' MS1 Rainbows (loved), MS2 (decent), and MM2 (mediocre). The MP145 caught my eye, and thanks to an opportunity from Hidizs, I now have the chance to review it. As a first-time Head-fi reviewer, I'll do my best.

I am not a professional reviewer but a passionate audio gadget enthusiast. This Hidizs MP145 unit was provided by Hidizs for review, and I will offer an honest and sincere review based on my listening experience.


Let’s start from the technical specification of MP145 (I copied from Hidizs.net)

- 14.5mm Ultra-large Planar Magnetic Driver
- Whale Tail & Rorqual Pleats Design Inspiration
- Hidizs Pneumatic Sound Tuning Filter
- Target H-2019 Curve & Hidizs Style Professional Tuning
- Fully Symmetrical Magnetic Circuit
- Hidden Bionic Breathing Holes
- 6N Silver-Plated Single-Crystal Copper Wire
- Ergonomics Design with Comfortable Extended Wear
- Ergonomics Liquid Silicone Ear Tips
- Customized Pouch for MP145
- 3.5mm or 4.4mm cable optional
- 0.78mm 2-Pin Cable
- Hi-Res Certification

As “145” in their model name is from 14.5mm planar magnetic driver, which is typical size that you can find in many planar driver IEMs in the market. If I haven’t heard anything about the hype of this guy, I would just skip due to tiredness from planar war that happened recently. But now this unit is in my hand. So, let get started.

What’s in the box:
  • Hidizs MP145 IEMs main units
  • 6N SPC Cables (I choose for 4.4mm balanced cable)
  • 3 pairs of Vocal ear tips as S, M, L size
  • 3 pairs of Balanced ear tips as S, M, L size
  • 3 pairs of Bass ear tips as S, M, L size
  • Storage pouch
  • A box with 2 pairs of nozzles filter as Red for bass, Silver for treble, with pink attached with IEMs out of the box as balance filter.

Let’s talk about the accessory that MP145 comes with. I found that none of the provided ear tips can match my preference because the stem of provided ear tips are too short for me to match up with bulky size of housing unit. So I stick myself with Spinfit W1. The provided cable is quite nice looking, soft, with perfectly matched sound together with MP145 IEMs unit made them unnecessary to re-cable. The pouch looks quite nice but flimsy, very thin and not so spacious like it could not protect earphones from anything. I would prefer hard pouch like the one that came with Hidizs MM2 or a plasticky but sturdy like the one that came with Gizaudio Chopin also better for me than this one.



One of the main concerns for many people is the large shell of the main units. My ears are average size that can wear most of IEM available in the world (but a bit struggling on Monarch II). And I found myself that I can wear MP145 completely fine even with any stock eartips. Changing to Spinfit W1 just for better isolation and more secure due to deeper insertion and stickier surface. One thing to complain about is the edgy design that I really don’t like. It seems to be prone to scratch or color chipping around the edge in near future. The housing has good ventilation so I don’t feel any pressure buildup during long listening sessions.



For listening, I mainly use MP145 with pink filter and stock cable setup. Together with Hiby R3II dap, Fiio BTR15, Topping G5, and Fiio KA13

Low-end provides very good bass textures. Thick and full sub bass and mid bass. Punchiness is fast and strong in mid-bass region. But its slightly lack of rumbling in sub bass region. I can feel vibrancy from the acoustic double bass clearly. Bass got quite good control. There is no bleeding or overshadowing into other frequencies. Quantity is a bit above average. It is plenty for me, but cannot say it is much enough to call a bass head.

Mid frequency has a hint of warmth in both male and female vocal. The vocal is lush, smooth and forward. For some might worry about the mid dip which usually happened in many Planar-IEMS but it not for MP145. And yes it is not kind of the cleanest vocal. I prefer this organic sounding more than analytical clean and lean sounding. The instrumental sounding is quite defined yet smooth with good clarity. With the stock cable can feel that vocal is a bit overshadowing the instrument if you are that picky. (Solution = Re-cabling)

High-end provides crips, clean, airy, yet neutral treble with fairly good extension. I cannot notice any planar sheen for the MP145 which amazes me. Micro and Marco detail are presented quite well in this region without any piercing to made my ears fatigue in long listening sessions.

Stage and Imaging: I found MP145 provides relatively large soundstage in terms of width, depth and height. Also with its precise imaging. I cannot find anything to complain about on this topic.

Tuning nozzle filter:

Silver (treble): This is my favorite one. It’s boosted a little bit of treble but gives you much more openness in overall sounding. Some might find a very slightly hint of sibilant in female vocals with these silver nozzle. But for me it was totally fine.

Pink (balance) and Red (bass) nozzle: I found both of them sounds quite similar to each other. Pink nozzle will noticeably tame mid-high and treble to be less pronounced. Red nozzle will provide a bit more bass note weight but less airy compared to pink one.



I found the ease of drive for the MP145 is just average. Not too sensitive but not difficult to drive. I tried Apple Lightning to 3.5 dongle and it can sing perfectly at 60% volume.


Even stock cable is already doing fine. But I found its tuning is tend toward larger imaging of vocal. So it could overshadow some details of the instrument. Most of the cable I had tried made MP145’s vocal less forward, less warmth, and more neutral. I found it’s perfectly matched with NiceHCK Dual dragon. Which gives better resolution, better separation in width and depth while it does less vocal sacrificing than any other cable that I tried.



VS Letshuoer S12 pro.
- I used to own Letshuoer S12 and S12 pro once. I found MP145 tuning is tend to be similar to S12 pro with being more neutral, more meaty and lushness and being superior in overall stage and imaging. MP145 is much smoother with no piercing treble or planar sheen to be notice like S12 or S12 pro.

VS Binary x Gizaudio Chopin
- Chopin got more sub bass rumble and punchier bass with similar speed of bass decay. However, I found Chopin can do better in terms of bass definition. Mid is cleaner and leaner in Chopin while it’s thick, warm and lush in MP145. Chopin is more aggressive in mid-high region. Treble extension is better on MP145 while Chopin have more sharpness, more edgy in treble region. MP145 got an upper hand in stage width and height. But Chopin did better in the depth.

VS Sennheiser IE600
- I know it is unfair comparison due to the price difference. But since it is my benchmark IEMs so I decided to do.
IE600 has more precise imaging. Better in overall technicalities, better bass definition and resolution. Overall sounding of IE600 is prone to bright side. While MP145 is meatier, lush and warm with larger body of the vocal and instrument. Even MP145 sounds less neutral but It’s sound “fuller” and “more pleasing” to me while it has similar of stage width and depth to IE600.

Hidizs MP145 is a pair of Planar magnetic driver IEMs that easy to drive. Have lush and warm sounding with good amount of bass, nice treble extension, airiness, and details. Also with amazing size of stage and precise imaging that not easy to find in the IEMs in this price range. While it has to consider about the large size of housing shell that might not fit for someone who has smaller ears. Tips rolling is a must, while re-cabling is an optional.
It's a good review.

David Haworth

Previously known as J Weiner
Hidizs MP145 The planar to appeal to all.
Pros: Transparent and full range sound.
Excellent bass extending to sub bass.
Neutral but engaging vocal performance.
Excellent details and extension without fatigue.
Holographic soundstage extending beyond your ears.
Tuning nozzles to customize sound.
Cons: Large size might not work with all ears.
Fit is dependent on finding correct tips.
Cable is fine but ear hooks are too large.

This is my first review and also my first planar IEM which I purchased
on the Hidizs kickstarter promotion.

Hidizs supply the MP145 in a solid box with small, med and large tips

to cover bass, balanced and vocal sound profiles. The supplied cable is

high quality but I did find the ear hooks extended too high to anchor the IEM.

Switching to an alternate cable that wrapped closer to my ears made the IEM more stable.

The supplied tips work ok but the nozzle is large in size and I found using a softer tip

By TRN allowed a deeper and more secure fit. Once fitted the size of the MP145

Is not noticed and the metal alloy is fairly light.



The MP145 has a sensitivity of 104db and resistance of 30 Ohm which makes it easy to drive from most dongles. I use it with a Hiby R3 DAP on high gain and while its sounds fine on medium volumes its really comes into its own with application of more power. The sound seems to expand beyond the head, and it never gets harsh or sibilant.

Sound quality:

This IEM is superbly balanced from sub bass to detailed non-fatiguing highs. The mid-range is uncolored and natural sounding with vocals placed perfectly in the sound mix. Others have commented that its sound signature is more closely attuned to a dynamic driver sound. There is no planar timbre that I can detect. Music is presented as recorded. Poor recordings are obvious and very well recorded artists excel with this unit.


I like my bass. My favorite two IEMs are the 7Hz Legato and the classic V shaped Ikko OH10, both renowned for having deep impactful bass, so when I tell you the MP145 keeps me happy bass wise, believe it. Sub bass is well present, and bass heavy tracks are not lacking. Drums sound strong and natural, bass lines are full and none of this interferes with the rest of the sound spectrum.


Balanced, natural, airy, uncolored. Vocals are clear, present, well placed in the mix and tonally very enjoyable.


Detailed, extended, unfatiguing and everything I though a planar would provide. I am hearing details in tracks that went un-noticed with my other sets. A note on the tuning nozzles. I have settled on the balanced rose gold nozzle which suits me well. This combination with TRN T ear tips (which add vocal clarity and expand the soundstage) gives me the sound I am after. I tried the silver treble tips and the high frequencies are more pronounced while the bass is not affected. The bass nozzle did not add large volumes and seemed to throw the tonal balance off to my ears. The lower midrange frequencies destroyed the perfection I had been hearing.


Soundstage and imaging:

This is the first IEM I have experienced that extends beyond my headspace in the manner of a over ear open backed headphone. Layered tracks with backing vocals sound amazing with the Hidizs.


I’ve never owned a planar IEM before and I picked a great one to start with. Other reviewers have compared the MP145 more than favorably with existing planar units and I think you can’t go wrong with the Hidizs MP145
Last edited:
New to this site, and new to all of this. I had a hiby R3 pro that I dropped. I just purchased the Hiby R5 gen 2. I've never gotten really good headphones before. I plan to buy this hidizs ms145/s9pro bundle. Any advice?
David Haworth
If you have the R5 you don't really need the s9pro dac? But to get the same sound as the MP145 in an actual over the ear headphone you'd be looking at well over $600 . Thats why IEM are such fantastic value sound wise. You wil love the 145 sound.
Thanks David and Sherrylion


New Head-Fier
A New Standard Has Been Established! The Hidizs MP145
Pros: 1. Crystal clear and detailed response
2. Extensive and expressive treble
3. Vibrant and fuller mid range
4. Tight and punchy bass
5. Great technical prowess
Cons: 1. Wet response( well most of the Planars shows this trait)
2. Lacking a little warmth in lower notes.

Review Of The Hidizs MP145

Hidizs MP145 1.jpeg


In addition to making high-end digital audio players and dongle digital audio processors, Hidizs is also an IEM manufacturer. Despite the fact that I have never had the chance to test their stuff. They have a large fan base that praises their work and customer-facing approach, based on what I have heard and read. They recently dabbled with planar technology as well, producing the Hidizs MP145, the first planar IEM. I will be evaluating it today, but first I would want to address a few points.

Hidizs MP145 2.jpeg


*Since this unit tour was organised by the kindly people at Linsoul, I am grateful to them. And as I've said in all of my evaluations, the same is true for this one: all of the concepts I've expressed below are entirely my own, original ideas that haven't been influenced by anyone else. If interested, go to this link.
*I am not associated with the connection, and I receive no financial assistance from anyone.
*For the remainder of the review, I will refer to these IEMs as “MP145.”
*I am using different Ear-tips for convenience and better versatility.
*Finally, I will only evaluate the MP145 based on their performance, even though I will explain how it feels and seems physically and aesthetically.


A 14.5mm planar magnetic driver is incorporated in the MP145. The aluminum shells include a faceplate patterned after a whale's tail with Rorqual pleats. The fit and isolation of the shells themselves are excellent, but they are a bit tacky to keep in place. Longer usage periods throughout my tests were a bit difficult for me because I felt uneasy due to its heavy weight. The four-strand, high-purity, single-crystal OFC cable that comes with this IEM is 1.2 mm long, with a two-pin connection on one end, and terminates in a straight 3.5 mm plug. In addition, there are three high-pneumatic sound tuning filters, nine pairs of eartips, and a storage bag. Regarding the technical details, the sensitivity is 104dB and the impedance is 30 Ohms. The range of the frequency response is 20 Hz to 40 kHz.



The sound quality of a full range planar IEM was introduced by timeless which showed the capability of a driver which can also be tonally correct and which made it a stepping stone for other IEM manufacturers to follow on, but as soon as the other IEMs got involved various sound tuning were established, ultimately expanding the horizon of what a planar can do. The MP145 is a new timeless around this time which I find thoroughly improved not only in tonality but in technical performances as well. The MP145 clearly swoop the board and established a new benchmark, specifically for the IEMs around this price. Coming to the core of the MP145, The sound is very close to LETSHUOER S12 but with better control on the response in the upper mid range and lower treble producing a tamed yet with improved details in sound. Basically the whole hit frequency spectrum follows the S12 with a better contrast in sound and technical performance but I won’t say it is a S12 killer, the reason being that the bass has a unique role to play and that is the introduction of the tuning nozzles which I will discuss about later on. Let’s dive deep into the sound and talk in detail.



The better and crisp treble is what I heard out of the MP145, the treble region is detailed, clear and crisp without any sibilance or shouty response which the old generation wasn’t immune to, the treble has a better quality with a metallic timbre which subdues it’s wet response and keep the sharpness which might come as offensive at bay. The upper treble has a nice extension and the presence of air is fairly large which makes it sound a little better in spacious sound than the other planars like Talos, Timeless, P1 Max, etc. The vocals have a distinct quality and a proper clarity in the notes which makes it refine and moving to my ears. The instruments have a precise control on the notes presentation and allows a crisp response which comes across a little lean and sharp sounding while no irritating response is introduced. Even though a better grasp of energy and forwardness may be found I the S12 but the precision and control of the notes identity is promised with MP145. The lower treble same regime and allows the notes to produce in a more forward approach and tactically clear sounding, as the notes hits you and with the planar’s prowess resolves super quickly. The vocals comes across very clear and detailed as well as the instruments blends in without interfering with the vocal presentation as if it is complimenting them. The vibrant response and somewhat of an aggressive approach makes it sound energetic as well as captivating. So all in all the overall presentation of the treble region is crisp, detailed and mature sounding.

Mid Range

Although I am quite certain that it the best vocals have heard on a Planar, I can at least say that if the mid range lacks in, it would be the warmth and dense response. But for a person like me who prefers a neutral with sub bass boost is actually a compelling sound signature of the MP145. The mid range offers the same resolution of clarity and forward response yet I would’ve preferred more note weight and subtle quality of warmth, yet I still find the vocals to be very impressive due to it’s light but not lean quality. The upper mid range maintains the same energy because of the coherent flow of energy allowing for a linear response. The vocals and instruments have a frontal approach which allows the details and clarity to come across as well as the notes quality of being distinct very audible, the wet metallic timbre is at the lowest it seems which makes it a more correct response from my perspective. The lower mid range has a different story because even it is a improved planar driver the rounded and warm approach is difficult to pursue for it, because of such a presentation, the notes doesn’t feel vague or dense rather the details produced even in a tad subdued lower mid range is surprising for me, of course when it is being compared to old generation planers. Now knowing the vocals sounds clean and the instruments sound a bit dull yet fine, I still find the response immersive. Therefore the overall presentation of the mdi range region is forward, clear and immersive sounding.


When it comes to bass, the very defined presentation just puts all to shame but of course when I am talking about the texture and the details, but when it comes to whether it sounds organic, think or natural; I believe that the Kiwi Ears Melody would literally exhilarate the MP145. But that would an unfair comparison as the tuning is diifferent and the driver quality as well and also that I haven’t even talked about the tuning nozzles which helps enhancing the bass. So while keeping the standard tuning filter screwed on the nozzle, I find the bass to be precise and punchy rather than slamming or stimulating. The emphasis is on the sub bass and the extension goes deep which helps in producing subtle rumble with presice resonance in the ear canals which is satisfactory in its own way. The bass’’s physicality is not what I usually find enthralling but the quality of notes it produces shame other drivers as the control over the bass region whether it is the mid bass or sub bass, I find it quite captivating and thrilling to hear, to best explain it simply -- Different bass notes on different octaves and dynamics were easily recognised and felt which was an eye opener, but I would be exaggerating because at the cost at which the MP145 are offered is stunning, but of course it is a perception of what I believe in. Whether it is the punches or rumble or thumps or slams, the do not sound overpowering nor does they sound loose or exploiting. Hence the overall presentation of the bass region is detailed, controlled and precise.

Technical Performance

I don’t that there is any full range Planar IEM incapable of impeccable technical perfomacne, with that said I believe that the MP145 is technically very resolving. If it is the imaging or details or separation or speed, I think that the MP145 rules all the other Planar IEMS out there, of course I believe not that I am arguing. The quality of details and the way the notes presented has really improved from the previous generation of the planar IEMs. The transient and clear response make it a very technical IEM yet the wet response is a downer for me but can’t be helped though. Let’s discuss more in details.


Soundstage, Sound Imaging & Separation

The stage is averagely wide if compared to other full range planar IEMs and even the IEMs above the price bracket, the experience is impressive and the quality of the imaging is very sharp and clear which enthusiastically impacts me. Whether it is distinction in notes or the distant nature of theirs, it is very easy for me to pin point the source.

Speed & Resolution

The resolution is proper and precise which helps in expressing the details whether it is micro or macro fluidly and prominently. There is no doubt that I find Planars to be extremely fast resolving due to their attack and decay being super quick in action.

Sound Impressions

Tuning Filters

Rosegold/ Balanced/ Silver/ High Frequency - I’ll be honest come out straight, I audibly heard or feel no difference in the balanced or high frequency tuning filters, and that is when I did B2B comparison in between after giving each 10 mins of time. Trust me when I say that the sound that I discussed in details before is the same for either the rosegold or silver nozzle. Obviously it is an observation of an individuals and others may hear better. But it is what I actually found.


Red/ Low Frequency - Now the low frequency nozzle which is in red in colour actually makes sense, by which I mean an audible difference. The red nozzle helps in taming the aggressive and forward response of the upper mid range and brings out a balanced response rather than a somewhat of a V-shape sound. Due to the subdued response the bass enhances in the overall mix and produces more prominent bass presence. Although the details take quite a hit in producing the crisp notes, it basically reduced the effect of the wet quality and metallic timbre in the mix. And surprising feels warm in response. This kind of response feels coming from entirely another IEM which is smooth and balanced sounding. So I feel that there is definite potential in the tech and material used.



Sony WM1A - listening MP145 with the WM1A, the pairing with the standard tuning nozzles sounded vast and clear and more enhanced in dynamic response. While I found that MP145 with red nozzles weren’t a good pairing from my perspective as the sound subdued in terms of vocals and instruments sounding dull and lifeless. The clarity felt more intriguing as there was a sense of natural response but wasn’t coming out clearly though the sounding such made it sound really smooth and expressive which felt like the best pairing.


Tempotec V6 - while listening MP145 with the V6, the energy held within MP145 feels exploited and makes it sound more transparent in the response while not correcting or disrupting the response. Although the metallic timbre is audibly a nuance when hearing high energy complex tracks or bright tracks. Though the quality of notes is refined and basically correct in expressing clarity. The derived observation is after examining all the tuning nozzles, but I were to point out, the pairing MP145 with red nozzles screwed on pairs perfectly with the V6.



Luna Haruna - Glory days
Luna Haruna - Overfly
Rokudenashi - The Flame of Love
LMYK - 0 (zero)
Marina Horiuchi - Mizukagami no Sekai
Indila - Love Story
Indila - Tourner dans le vide
Earth, Wind & Fire - September
Tom Petty - Free Fallin'
Fleetwood Mac - Everywhere
Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit
Blue Oyester Cult - (Don't Fear) The Reaper
Guns 'N' Roses - Sweet Child O' Mine
The Police - Every Breath You Take
Gojira - Amazonia
TV on the radio - Wolf Like Me
Bring Me To The Horizon - Can You Feel My Heart
Bring Me To The Horizon - sTraNgeRs
Avril Lavigne - Dare To Love Me
Travis - Love Will Come Through
Gotye - Somebody That I Used To Know
DJ Shadows - Six Days (Remix) [feat. Mos Def]
Lady Gaga - Just Dance
Lil Wayne - Lollipop
Flo Rida - Low
Sebastian Lopez & Flug - Electronic Measures
Federico Mecozzi - Blue (Da Ba Dee)
Wayve - Not Enough
Kai Wachi & TeZATalks - Ghost
NGHTMRE, Zeds Dead & Tori Levett - Shady Intentions
Zeds Dead, DNMO & GG Magree - Save My Grave
Skrillex, Noisia, josh pan & Dylan Brady - Supersonic
Skrillex & Nai Barghouti - Xena
Skrillex, Missy Elliott & Mr. Oizo - RATATA
Kaifi Khalil, Eva B & Wahab Bugti - Kana Yaari
A.R. Rahman, Javed Ali & Mohit Chauhan - Kun Faya Kun


To end this review, as I mentioned that a new benchmark has been set with the introduction of MP145, I find it sound improved and challenging enough to bring other full range Planar IEMs around this price to their knees with such intricate details and level of clarity while maintaining the composure and integrity of the notes is blissfully interesting to listen to. The more I listen to it, the more I find it enthralling to listen to, hence I wholeheartedly recommend the MP145 to anyone who wants to upgrade from their older sets of Planers.

By "Wet response" I mean that the reverb in the sound left after the attack of the notes, even after performing fast yet leaving a dampening effect. I hope I was understandable.
I pulled the trigger and purchased them through linsoul on Amazon. Assuming it was just a glitch, but it doesn't say that it comes with the filters.
David Haworth
It will HedleyD


Headphoneus Supremus
High quality tuning filters meet high performing Planar
Pros: Details, Transparency, Clarity, Build quality, Tuning Filters
Cons: V shaped, can be sharp, heavy and big
There are a lot of brands I haven't worked with. In this booming world of audio products it's hard to keep track of brands. I know, I know Hidizs is not new but they haven't been able to capture the imagination of the market like other chi-fi brands. But it's seems like this is about to change. They used to have a good range of DAPs but it's limited to AP80 series now. What they have been improving with are their USB dongles and IEMs and their new planar based IEM, MP145 housing a 14.5mm planar driver has taken the industry by storm. Currently available on Kickstarter with various combo offers and early adaptors discount, it comes in 2 colors, currently available at $159 and goes up to $200. It goes head on against a lot of IEMs in this price and I will compare it with the Akoustyx S-6, DDHIFI Janus 3 and Tri i3 pro IEMs.

The best thing I can tell is, it's much better than the wooly, thick and blurry sounding 7hz Timeless and has much better control and composure than the Moondrop Kato. It has better definition and clarity than the Dunu Falcon Pro. It definitely looks like a superb IEM at this point of time. Let's find out about this IEM.

Get one from here:




This IEM has me baffled. I had never seen an IEM with hard case. This is the first and it's much easier to understand why no brand likes this ship their IEMs in hard packaging. They are easy to break and my unit too had chips coming out of it. They are nicks, nothing serious but it's not ideal.

Nevertheless, open the box and we get to see the IEMs upfront. We have the tuning filters and the cable placed inside a paper box under the IEM while the tips are stuffed inside a paper box at the bottom. We are getting a generous set of tips, 3 pair of vocal, 3 pair of bass and 3 pair of balanced tips in S/M/L sizes.



MP145 ships with a 4 core silver plated single crystal OFC cable and as available in both 3.5mm and 4.4mm versions. I have the 4.4mm version with me and I like this cable. Its light weight and the cable has little to no memory issues, isn't bouncy and one doesn't need to worry about microphonics either. The parts used are of decent quality too. The 4.4mm jack is a bit on the larger side but the Y splitter, cable slider and 2pin connectors are minimal in size. The cable guides are fairly relaxed and dont exert much pressure on the ear.



This IEM follows the build quality norms of both Hidizs and other competing IEMs in this price. Hidizs has made a lot of IEMs with metal shell and just like the Shuoer S12 pro, Tri i3 pro and 7hz Timeless we are getting an all metal build quality. Thanks to this one doesn't need to worry about durability, it will take good amount of rough handling without much issues. We are getting an interesting looking back plate while the nozzle has swappable filters to take care of the tuning flexibilities. One thing I would like to mention is the size, it's big, and will not fit those with small and shallow ears.

Ergonomics are decent too. There are no annoying edges to worry about. Thanks to the well managed weight and aptly deep nozzle, the ear pieces do not feel heavy.



We have a huge 14.5mm planar driver to power here but guess what, it's not super hard to drive. We have a respectable sensitivity of 104db and resistance of 30ohm which makes this a reasonably easier IEM to drive out of our mid range USB dongles and I am having a blast with them. I got the DH80s bundle and this pairing is very good. Yes, getting a more capable source will definitely bring improvements of it's own, even the more capable Beam 3 plus has better air between instruments and a bigger stage but the DH80s doesn't leave a lot to be desired. I am getting very good layering and separation with good amount of air between instruments. The stage isn't small or clumsy, imaging too is very good.

Is it wise to drive a planar driver IEM out of a mobile phone? No, definitely not. It's ignorance of the fact that planar drivers need power and even if this IEM doesn't need much power, it still is a planar and needs more power than usual IEMs.



I am not new to this type of IEMs. I have seen brands doing a lot if things with their planar based IEMs but I have to admit, after the Akoustyx S-6 the MP145 is the next Planar based that has impressed me the most. It's 14.5 mm drivers are tuned to deliver class leading SQ with a reasonably V shaped signature that doesn't feel aggressive or lean at any point. We do not get a dull region either and the best thing I noticed is it's softer edged presentation.

Tonality and timber are very similar to what we get with other Planar based IEMs. I am using vocal tips and DH80s and Shanling UA5 as source for this review.



MP145 has a typical planar tuning yet it is different. We get full bodied notes but true to planar IEMs these notes decay so fast that it doesn't move a lot of air, leaving a lot of air for the rest of the spectrum to breathe.

End to end extension is decent. Sub-bass is good and has decent rumble but isn't very deep. Mid bass is more prominent with a sizeable body. The area of impact is big but it isn't heavy or very punchy. Dynamics are decent, they do tend to end up in the mid bass region. I have heard better dynamics from similarly priced IEMs but MP145 makes up with it's control and discipline. We do get a below average layered hits, the notes do not have enough air and separation between them. It doesn't get tiring or boring but those looking for a heavy hitter will find this not heavy enough. Upper bass is nicely presented with decent clarity and details but I wish the mid bass was a bit less dominant.


Oh.. the clarity!! It puts a smile on my face. It delivers so much goodness that if we do not mind the limitations of the bass notes, this IEM can easily take on $250 IEMs without breaking a sweat.

Unlike most of the Planar based IEMs, MP145 doesn't have any obvious flaws. Yes, the V shaped signature has a bit of pop to the vocals but we are getting excellent clarity and details. The drop in energy is much less and doesn't sound sharp like the Shuoer S12/pro, while the clarity, layering and separation are similarly brilliant. We get reasonably accurate sounding vocals. It's faster decay does take away the extra bit of throatiness and grunt, making the timber and tonality a bit dry while enhancing the transparency. Even when timber and tonality are slightly on the less fuller side we still get beutiful texture with both male and female vocals, they are a bit subtle but if you are paying attention, it's highly enjoyable. Notes are sooooo beautifully presented that it's hard to complaint about minor niggles. Yes, this is not a very analogue sounding IEM but the contrast and layering are brilliant enough to stand out.

Instruments have very good clarity yet have no sharpness or aggression to worry about. In fact this presentation of instruments is more contrasty and cohesive than the DDhifi Janus 3. There is a bit more energy in the upper mids but has no sibilance or sharpness to write about. It's not dull or smooth. If you want silky smooth and relaxed mids, planar drivers are just not it.


What these planar drivers are capable of are some of the best treble response and MP145 is no exception. We get excellent transparency and superb control too. It has sparkly notes, impressive clarity, clear of any unwanted sharpness while being cohesive and engaging. Treble extension is superb too, yes it doesn't carry a lot of energy into the upper treble, especially to keep the harshness away but the lower and mid treble regions aren't rough or raw. They feel a lot more uniform and sorted than the competition. MP145 has superior control and is nowhere as sharp as the S12/pro and Talos in hybrid mode. It isn't as dull and lifeless as the SeekReal Dawn and Timeless either. Notes have very good finishing definition but aren't sharp or too energetic.

Layering and separation are superb with class leading amount of air between instruments.


This is a decent way to induce changes in frequency and I am liking it. It doesn't feel odd or off with any of the filters but it's not much different either.

RED FILTER (BASS): The red filter is supposed to be bassy but what we get is a bit more weight behind the lower end notes. The do not gain extension but have better texture and more layers making the whole experience more gripping while the mid range and vocals remains exactly same. We get a bit of changes with the treble though. The lower treble is nearly same but the mid and upper treble are a bit less energetic. The upper treble can feel a bit dark to some but It is plenty good. The do not have tall notes but do not compromise with the transparency or air either.

SILVER FILTER (HIGHS): Now this is the kind of treble presentation we get with the Shuoer S12/pro.

Oh man.. It's hard to tell the two IEMs apart except the bass. S12 pro is more bassy and more V shaped.

We get exactly same bass and mid range but the treble gains the extra sharpness and notes gain height. These notes are borderline tiring and can be uncomfortable for most of us.

I usually feel the stock filters to be the best but this time around I find the Bass filters to be the best suited for longer listening sessions. The Red filter is calm and relaxed, doesn't hound, delivers a more contrasty and sonically better experience.


Few years ago it was criminal to expect a well developed stage at this price but guess what, MP145 has one of the best stage expansion and imaging. Aided by one of the best layering, separation, control and precision, we are treated with one of the airiest presentation. It has well expanded 3D imaging with accurate cue placement. Yes, the notes in the mid range are a bit less tall while the bass and treble notes are taller. Most of the bass and vocals are placed inside the head while some of the mid range and treble notes are projected out of the head. Notes have a more complex presentation with presence both over the head and behind the neck. Instrumental distribution is not the most even but there isn't much to complaint about either.

In general this stage has superb height, very good width and class leading Z axis depth. Depth is much better than anything else in this price range.


I have tried a lot of planar based IEMs. I have reviewed a wide variety of these. Starting with the 7hz Timeless I have reviewed the S12/pro, Akoustyx S-6 planar only IEMs. I have reviewed a couple of Planar based hybrid IEMs too, Dunu Talos and SeekReal Dawn to name them. All these IEMs were either sharp and aggressive or dull and smooth. They weren't something one can label as "Good for all". It's the temperamental nature that most of the consumers were happy with, mostly because there wasn't a decently balanced option. S12/pro and Talos are V shaped with sharp highs and thin mid range notes while the Timeless and Dawn were unnaturally thick and smooth. Timeless is seriously veiled, the worst of the lot.

MP145 is in the V too. It has a bit of pop to the vocals too but guess what.. We are getting some of the best control and definition from a planar driver IEM. The highs aren't sharp and sibilant like S12/pro and Talos without compromising with extension or clarity. The only other planar IEM that matches up to the MP145 is the Akoustyx S-6. While the S-6 a bit more balanced with leveled mid range, MP145 has less tall mid range notes.

If I have to recommend two Planar based IEMs, they have to be MP145 and Akoustyx S-6. These two can be easily recommended to anyone and they won't feel like missing out or being hounded at.


What we usually want from an IEM? Good details, good clarity, engagement and it should not sound harsh or uncomfortable. MP145 has superb details, excellent clarity and much better control over sharpness than S12 pro and Talos.

I have no issues crowning it as the best planar based IEM under $150. It and the Akoustyx S-6 are the two best IEMs in this price.

If you enjoy a slightly aggressive presentation, MP145 is the best IEM to get.


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Hello, thank you for the review. You mentioned the Tri I3 Pro, how would you compare the soundstage and bass region between them? Thank you!


New Head-Fier
Pros: Excellent balanced sound
Tuning filters offers slight but noticeable changes to cater your preferences
Build quality is outstanding
Thick, commanding bass
Lush and euphonic mids
Inoffensive treble
Decent technicalities
For $199, these are okay
Cons: They are BIG
May have fitting issues for smaller ears
Eartips are very incompatible and can be an effort to remove
Earhooks are ANNOYING
Needs decent sources to perform effectively

We will be reviewing Hidizs's new planar in-ear monitors. Many have awaited Hidizs's planar earphones and led me to think, is it worth the hype it deserved? Let's find out!

I have my own share of experiences when it comes to planar in-ear monitors, I have tried the LETSHUOER S12 Pro, TANGZU Zetian Wu, MUSE Hi-Fi Power, and the KZ X HBB PR2.I am hoping that I could share my insights with Hidizs's new in-ear-monitor.


  • I have no affiliation with HIDIZS and have not received any monetary compensation during or after writing this review. This is a loan unit in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.
  • As a non-professional reviewer, I aim to use simple terms that can be understood by both beginners and experts in the hobby.
  • Please keep in mind that the opinions expressed in this review are subjective and based on my personal experience with the unit. I encourage you to try the product yourself to form your own opinion.


The packaging of the Hidizs MP145 has the typical Hidizs style, featuring the brand's logo and a preview image of the IEM on the sleeve. Notably, the box is crafted from plastic, which represents a different approach from their standard packaging materials. However, this choice raises concerns about the durability of the packaging during transit, as plastic tends to become brittle and may break if mishandled. Nonetheless, it has effectively safeguarded the item during shipping.

Upon opening the box, the contents appear to be neatly organized and straightforward. Here's what you'll find inside:
  • HIDIZS MP145 drivers
  • 3.5mm cables
  • 3 pairs of bass eartips
  • 3 pairs of vocal eartips
  • 3 pairs of balanced eartips
  • 3 pairs of tuning nozzles
  • Leather earphone pouch

It's worth mentioning that the included leather earphone pouch may not be personally useful for those who find the earphones rather bulky. The pouch may not provide as effective protection as a dedicated earphone case would for these particular earphones.


The MP145 Driver is built like a robust tank, boasting both bulkiness and sturdiness, which certainly catches the eye due to their bulky build. However, in my personal experience, I've found the fit of the MP145 to be uncomfortable, primarily because the included eartips don't align well with the MP145's nozzles.They fit excessively snug, requiring substantial effort for removal. Consequently, I opted for my TRI Clarion eartips, which feature larger bores and fit the MP145 perfectly, like a glove. It would have been beneficial if Hidizs had conducted some thorough testing to ensure a more comfortable fit with the provided eartips.The cables are okay, but these are not modular and only comes with the 3.5mm plug.


Courtesy to Audio Reviews News

The sound profile of the HIDIZS MP145 plays around the U-shaped sound-signature, and may still vary depending on the nozzle used. However, it's clear that the HIDIZS MP145 tends to lean towards a warmer sound signature while making an effort to maintain a sense of neutrality.

The bass delivers a commanding punch and subtle yet resonant rumbles while exhibiting excellent control and swift transient response. It maintains its distinct character without bleeding into the midrange, providing a sense of power and coherency. The primary emphasis here is on resolution, impactful punches, and swift attacks, rather than focusing on deep-reaching bass weight. As a result, it may not be the preferred choice for those passionate about deep bass.

The midrange exhibits a subtle recession, enriching male vocals with added depth, while female vocals adopt a more mature and euphonic timbre. Vocals maintain a pleasing and natural presence, avoiding an overly distant or hollow quality. Instruments receive some attention, preserving their natural and uncolored tones without excessive vividness. The upper-mids display a smooth, subtle gain with a non-fatiguing sound, making it especially favorable for individuals sensitive to harsh frequencies.

The treble performance falls somewhere between not being exceptional and not being subpar. It carries a remarkably inoffensive and smooth timbre. It's worth noting that some listeners might perceive the treble as lacking in energy and sparkle, which is entirely understandable. This characteristic is different from the typical planar earphones that often exhibit a distinct "planar" timbre, emphasizing the higher frequencies, but occasionally resulting in a shouty or shrill quality. Still, the treble is no slouch, it still has good precision and attention to details while subtracting the issues surrounding some "planar" earphones.

As far as technical aspects are concerned, this isn't somewhat groundbreaking but it is above average with decent soundstage with enough width, height, and depth that are spacious enough for my head room. It demonstrates a commendable separation and layering, allowing me to discern well-organized layers for each instrument. It adeptly handles complex tracks with ease, boasting excellent resolution and respectable detail retrieval.


DISCLAIMER: For my testing purposes, I don't use Spotify. I have high-resolution copies of my test tracks, maintaining a backup copy of these playlists on my Spotify account as a reference in case I lose my playlist.


  • Excellent balanced sound
  • Tuning filters offers slight but noticeable changes to cater your preferences
  • Build quality is outstanding
  • Thick, commanding bass
  • Lush and euphonic mids
  • Inoffensive treble
  • Decent technicalities
  • For $199, these are okay
  • They are BIG
  • May have fitting issues for smaller ears
  • Eartips are very incompatible and can be an effort to remove
  • Earhooks are ANNOYING
  • Needs decent sources to perform effectively

The oversized design may pose challenges for individuals with smaller ears, and the nozzles provide a secure grip with the eartips, making them somewhat challenging to remove, especially if you frequently have a rotation of eartips. If these aspects are not problematic for you, these IEMs are visually striking. Their balanced sound, with the option to make slight adjustments using the nozzles, positions them as a strong contender in the sub-$200 IEM category.
I got mine three days ago and spent like 2 hours listening to them in total so far.

They are heavy but at least for me I only noticed so when I held them in my hands. In the ears I didn't feel any discomfort because of the weight. But I was always surprised to see how big they are when seeing myself reflected in glass surfaces around the house. :wink:
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So far they were very enjoyable listening to my library, especially in conjunction with the bass ear tips. The rich character of the low end was pure bliss. :) So strong that I had the impression of almost feeling the base in my bones. Compared to other headphones I own this was a new experience for me. I probably will go back to the balanced tips though as it feels at times like almost a bit too much emphasis on punch.
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@amadeuspaulussen glad to hear you're enjoying your experience with the MP145. I agree with most of your points here.


New Head-Fier
Hidizs MP145 - Diving Deep into Planar Waters
Pros: Separation and Detail Retrieval
Sublime and Fresh Tuning - Smooth W Shape
Above Average Soundstage
Minimal Planar Timbre
Great Value/Performance Ratio
Building Quality
Design and Animal Cause
Cons: Shell Size and Weight
Midbass Intensity might not suit every listener
Today we will literally dive, ocean deep, into the new planar rendition from Hidizs, the MP145, awaited by many at their doorstep, which I'm sure will be well accepted by the kickstarter backers. This unit is part of a review tour promoted by Hidizs, of which I thank and honor the opportunity.

I'm coming from an inexperienced perspective when it comes to planar IEMs, having only tried the PR2 and SPD (square planar driver) designs. Consequently, this take of mine might be of help for people who are glooming over upgrading into the latest driver technology, specifically the ones wanting to take a step above in price range (100-150$ mark) and might be reluctant about the downsides of the anticipated "planar timbre", or fear of having a too bright set.
I shall break it to you first hand - it is a warm signature in nature, whilst retaining perks of a detailed, informative and softly boosted upper range. This might just be a safe choice for those who are afraid of planar drawbacks, like its timbre, as I have found the MP145 to be quite analogue in sound - it is as if Planar and DD had a baby! The signature is moderately energetic, feeling like a W shape, evenly benefiting the sub-bass, upper mids and treble regions. It is not overly colored, merely spicing up a balanced sound signature.

The set comes with 3 tuning nozzles, of which I have tested and stuck with the balanced ones (brass color), so all impressions will be coming from these. The differences are minimal, whereas the silver nozzle is supposed to emphasize the treble area, sacrificing some bass, which might be interesting on vocal music libraries; and the red nozzle is meant for a even warmer experience, which didn't seem necessary for me, as it didn't intensify the midbass as I'd like it to.


Onwards to more minucius impressions.


Just perfect in quantity for my particular taste given that I often dwell into IDM, Ambient and OSTs. The rumble is quite tactile, with a fast decay, behaving in a very informative way. It is not excessive in any way, as classical music still renders low-end instruments naturally and clearly.

Double-basses have the depth I have been dreaming to have on jazz recordings, which doesn't foreshadow other underlying comping instruments.

It is well extended, managing low-end reverberations that so far I had only listened to on over 200$ headphones or IEMs (keep in mind my audiophile collection is mostly budget, so I lack references over 300$).
Having such SubBass surely adds another layer of immersion and rounds off the overall signature, bringing a sense of analogue playback and counter balancing the planar timbre, which is already quite minimal on this set.


Smoother transients, not abundant in volume, which equates to moderate slam.
There is not enough punch to dislocate your brain, so bassheads beware.

It does convey agility in terms of its decay, having a quick recovery that leads to a clean bass experience. I'm glad there is no midbass tuck here as it already feels super tidy and non bleeding into the lower mids.

The SubBass to MidBass ratio is not ultra natural. You do get more SubBass than Midbass, which has different outcomes depending on the genre. In electronic genres you might miss some slam but the rumbling will be there. In orchestral, classical and jazz, most instruments are natural except bass instruments that get an extra dose of body and depth, and they don't interfere with other frequencies' or instruments' clarity. In Rock and Metal genres the kick drum is sometimes too lean in comparison to the bass's intensity and depth. In OST/Ambient music the extra dose of sub makes things very immersive and you don't lack the midbass.

Keep in mind it still is a warm set so the lower frequencies are a bit boosted, so if you are after a neutral bass, this is not the case.

Lower Mids

Not thin, it glues both frequency ends in a balanced way. There is some minimal lack of note weight around this area, as every single sound signature shape IEM I have tested has, but Hidizs has managed to pull it off quite nicely on the MP145, attenuating this common issue.

Let me explain:

I'm very picky in this lower mids region when playing and listening to pianos, where I can clearly feel when the note attacks sound leaner than they should. This tends to happen around the C3 piano region (middle C), resulting in more evident transients as notes go either lower or higher in pitch from this median region.

For instance, live recorded classical music, like Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto No.3 in D Minor. Op.30 - 2 (By Riccardo Chailly) the intense lower and upper register strings and brass often overshadow the median piano note attacks.
I believe lower mids will eventually need an engineering breakthrough to sound as natural as on headphones or loudspeakers, in my opinion.

Coming back to the IEM reality, the MP145 is one of those design prowesses that have taken this into account during development. I feel Hidizs has minimized the light note weight in this region by easing the midbass slope as well as not bringing the upper mids too upfront, so there aren't any hard contrasts happening in this gap, between the two frequency range halves.
I feel this eases the ride for multi-ranged instruments like the piano and guitars.

The MP145 is still not perfect in this regard for me, I can still feel some lightness, but it sure has brought me closer to that auditory goal.

In other news,

Male voices are well positioned, not extra velvety in texture, but when paired with intense basses they can feel pushed into the back of the mix.

Percussion feels balanced/even between different pitched toms. Congas also behave very naturally and vibrantly across various pitches.

Upper Mids

Smooth, no pinna/ear gain discomfort, less forward than the current trend so most instruments feel natural and not peaky. Therefore there is a better sense of balance between different instruments, coexisting in a well aligned and symmetric portrait.

Voices aren't privileged over other instruments, female's are well positioned, again not super brilliant nor mix cutting, which is part of the warmer signature philosophy.

Snares are never intrusive, even the R&B golden era ones (very transient rich).

Synths and guitars are lush without having to steal the whole show leaving room for other instruments to breathe. Plucked, clicky and other transient rich synthesizer elements are very texturized and vibrant, greatly embellishing and suiting for most electronic music sub-genres.

Violas and Violins have texture, aren't mix cutting and are of correct timbre.
On big bands or mixes with a bazillion tracks we don't feel any struggle over resolution or separation.
Congratulations Hidizs, I am very pleased by this midrange and I think this is a valid step forward.


I have no reference for planar timbre but I must confess I haven't noticed any unnatural ringing or overtones that I could qualify as offensive. It does have a different flavor but it is only noticeable on the first listening sessions as your ears adapt.

Super detailed, snappy, extended, I can't believe I am writing this out of a warm set.

There is moderate sparkle in the cymbals and hi-hats, just enough to bring them alive without ever sounding harsh or teeth-grinding.

It rarely behaves in a piercing way, and doesn't tend to emphasize bad recordings, but one can still feel such artifacts when they come by. High pitched trumpets and violins are fully rendered, but seem to be slightly filtered, just enough to not pierce, which I have really enjoyed. On some older jazz recordings you get the occasional trumpet blow that rings your ears into oblivion, and the MP145 managed to keep those under control for me.

I'm also here to remind you it is still considered a warm set, so if you are a bright-head buying planar and expecting it to be extra bright, in resemblance to most planar releases, the MP145 will surprise you. Same if you are expecting a very characteristic planar timbre experience, this set won't be very elucidative, in a good way.



The soundstage is proportional in width, height and depth. It does scale up with more powerful sources, specially in the height and sense of headroom. Overall they aren't out-of-this-world in these regards, striking me as in line with other close to 100$ sets. I wouldn't call it a full-on cosmic holographic experience, like over-ear headphones can behave, but within the realm of IEM's, they are indeed spacious and you get some sounds floating around your head.

The details are a different tale, impressing me so much, especially given the warmer signature. This combo of warmth and crisp details is something I have been craving for, as dynamics/transients are: rich and analogue sounding; and they won't mask any of the finer instrument details that keep on surprising you. These details are particularly evident in the upper mid and treble regions.

Separation is greater than most IEM's I have tried, and up to par with the few IEM's of around the 200$ mark I have listened to. Instruments have their own space and room to wander, ready to be easily picked up by your attention. Songs with good stereo field mixing can be enjoyed in its fullest with the MP145.

Now the combination of a warm signature, upper details and separation is something to be cherished here and it merges the immersive factor on the SubBass and bass regions, beautifully melded with the Mids and Treble information not being veiled or obscured. Everything detail-wise is noticeable and it is very pleasing to still be able to focus on these tinier nuances whilst still being revolved by a dynamic, fun and immersive sound experience.

Power Demands

Definitely a planar in terms of power requirements but not super demanding, as I have listened to them using Qudelix's 5K via the balanced port and on High Gain mode, sitting comfortably on 65-70% gain, without having noticed any sound signature flex. The impedance seems spot on for a modern listener even if on the go using dongles or portable Bluetooth units (although needs balanced port usage, that usually comes with more VMRS).
When connected to more powerful USB dongles, like the S9 Pro, via the balanced port, there are headroom gains that result in a feeling of a slightly bigger soundstage.

Fit and Comfort

Oversized, heavy, can be uncomfortable to wear. Please take this with a grain of salt as this is a necessary demise, given the 14.5 mm driver that lives inside.

The ear molding doesn't perfectly align with my concha, so it doesn't naturally secure itself, occasionally losing the seal and the IEM falling out of my ear. Your mileage may vary, and I have heard of people enjoying its fitting.
The bigger shell diameter infers in the cable's earhook comfort around and behind the ear.

I have tried multiple cables that I often use on any other IEMs, and none of them sit as they should when paired with the MP145. I've been trying to fiddle around and the best way I have achieved is not securing the cable in any part of my clothes, letting gravity take its course and pull down the cable so the earhook secures behind the ear as it should. If I clip the cable to a shirt, like I always do, to lift some weight out of the ear hooks, the ear hooks won't snug into place behind the ear, instead floating around the ear, ultimately leading to the loss of the tip seal and the IEM starting to fall from my ear (check photo below). It was a very uncomfortable experience for me up until I found the right matching cable.

Having slanted pin holes would have also helped a lot in preventing this from happening as intensifying the inwards curvature of ear hooks pushes the IEM into the ear, securing it in place.


Design and Aesthetics

Beautifully machined CNC shells, the grooves and design scream quality and seem quite resistant to scratching. Being on the plus size, they are quite flashy, but won't reflect much light as if they were glossy, as they are more towards the matte kind of paint.

The whale saving associated cause perfectly matches the IEM's design, resembling the animal's tail, so this time I must fully congratulate Hidizs for such noble cause, being a veterinarian myself, I will always support these causes, and I might just pull the trigger on this unit for both reasons: its undeniable quality and the contribution to this animal cause.


The included cable is sturdier than most I have been greeted with in the past, complementing the MP145 in a very stylish way. It isn't very heavy nor light, however the extra weight is welcomed as it helps the ear hooks falling behind your ears, thus counterbalancing the heavy IEM and securing it in place.

It comes with generous amounts of tips, of various widths and sonic uses (vocal focus; balanced; or bass focused). The balanced ones are similar to 07 tips that I have used in the past and are my standard reviewing tips.

Final Words

I have taken more time than anticipated trying out this planar unit, as I believed I needed a bigger sample of listened songs from different genres to conclude upon it. Planar technology still qualifies as newgrounds for me, and this peculiar tuning, over such new technology, striked me as a challenge to describe in comparison to the sets I have already tested in the past.

I believe this set is meant to disrupt current audio paradigms and become a breakthrough example of new engineering paths. The tuning is sublime, bringing a fresh and not copied sound signature, therefore taking this hefty planar driver into a tuning never done before, of which Hidizs is to be congratulated for.

I have grown to respect and appreciate companies that thrive to be different throughout endorsing new engineering and designing ideas, not bothered nor influenced by what the neighboring audio companies are attempting themselves.
I must once again thank Zoie Hello and Antonio Teixeira(Akros) for the joint support that has enabled me to grasp more about this current planar trend that I believe is here to stay, given the undoubtedly audio perks they bring out to the table.

The MP145's have been one of my favorite IEM experiences so far, and I'm sure they will withstand the test of time, and I would recommend them as your first planar IEM.

Glad to have you visiting this review of mine,

David Haworth
Double-basses have the depth I have been dreaming to have on jazz recordings... sounds great. I'll be trying this cable... might help you. NiceHCK PurpleSE
just came on over after Passion for Sound on YT reviewed these...hmmmm, may hafta get a pair


Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: -''WhaleGantic'' soundstage
-well balanced bassy U shape tonality
-good imaging
-open transparent mids
-great bass quality and quantity
-deep stable rumble and wide slam
-fast snappy crisp airy treble
-good micro details and resolution
-tuning nozzle that work and can go from warm to crisp
-impressive craftmanship and unique design
-good 4.4mm balanced cable
-good sound value
Cons: -not the most appealing vocal
-not the thickest mids
-not the ''hard punchiest'' well define mid bass for acoustic kick drum
-vivid treble snap might put percussions too fowards (especially with treble nozzle)
-gigantic housing size might be an issue for small ears

TONALITY: 8.5/10
TIMBRE: 8/10
IMAGING: 8.8/10


Hidizs has been around for a long time, at first they were specializing in digital audio player and portable DAC-AMP but then begin to make their hand son IEMs of all type from single DD to hybrid to multi BAs.
Their latest release, the MS3 hybrid IEM, earn quite good praise including by me for plain technical performance sound value.
But I always had an hard time to appreciate tonal balance of Hidizs IEMs I've tested.
Will this change with their newest release call MP145?
I do hope so!
With a MSRP of 199$ that go 110$ for early birds Kickstarters deal, the MP145 is a planar IEM using a large 14.5mm planar driver and having a special acoustic design, inspired by whale shape but taking advantage of it's size potential too, in term of acoustic chamber.

Last year was overwhelming with chifi planar IEMs release, while in 2023, the MP145 come as an exotic offering. Let see if this IEM is just a looker or can deliver a sound value and musicality that worth our hard earned money.




The MP145 design is loosely inspired by whale tails for the overall shape and texture lining and rorqual pleat for the 2 wide venting hole that act as semi-open back.

And they are ''whalegantissimo''! Very big and chunky housing, biggest one in term of planar, 7HZ Dioko being close second. Yet, they are lighter than those Dioko....and so so better sounding but thats for sound impressions part.

The design is very eye catchy, so you can't be an undercover agent walking on the street with those, it will attract some attention surely. To my eye, they are beautifull and teh cratmanship is very impressive, their no other IEM on this planat with similar design and it's a plus. If it wasn't for oversized size i would say they would look very elegant, but in the hands they do.



The built is 100% made of alluminium alloy that seem of very good quality and not easy to scratch too, which is a big plus (no scratch to be found after more than 1 month of intense abuse).
While the back has sharp edge that magnify precision of carved lining and shape, the front has an ergonomic organic shape that is smooth and quite comfortable even for long listening session.

But this is from somebody with big ears, so for very small ears I would be concern about size for a fit free of unwated ears pressure.

The nozzle is average long but quite big and thick too, another aspect that could be problematic, but this time for small ears canal. These aren't thinked for deep fit too.

The 2pin connector are thightly embeded in the housing, its not recessed and feel extremely sturdy, with fine cratmanship free of imperfection like loose space around connector.

Now when it come to the included cable, i was impress by the good quality of it as well as the choice for 4.4mm balanced plug. Its a 4 strand silver plated single crystal copper cable that doesn't add or stole anything to sound rendering, so it's all good.


When it come to packaging, it's minimal and elegant. We 9 pairs of 3 different silicone eartips models. We have 3 sound filters nozzle. And a carrying pouch. Sure a proper carrying case would have been nicer, but it's quite nit picking and will depend your personal need.



Since I wasn't biggest fan of all other IEMs from Hidizs, let say i was a bit worry to find the MP145 underwhelming, I mean, tuning planar isn't easiest thing and they were begining to earn experience with hybrid that permit the MS3 to achieve a more coherent balance....so why going planar?

I don't know, but let say the positive surprise of very first listen was near overwhelming and quite a big shock. Now I want Hidizs to just make planar IEMs!

Very first thing that wow the listener is the gigantic soundstage, which is clean, ultra open and holographic and notlacking in wideness, tallness and even depth. So it does confirm something i've conclude with my 10 years of more than 300 IEMs testing: housing size does matter when it come to spatiality. And since this housing is near as big as a whale, it deliver a ''whale-gantic'' soundstage.

Then, it's how deep the bass dig and rumble that hook me. Then how smooth yet clear and open are the mids. Then, how extended, snappy and sparkly is the treble, which is a big surprise since it's rare to have sparklewith Planar, 2 other example are Tinhifi P1plus and to a less extend, Tangzu Zetian Heyday.

So i'm happy to say it's not a pure harman tuning balance we have. It's not about bright shouty presence boost here, in fact, upper mids are smoothen.

But we have 3 tuning choice. Treble and balanced are near identical apart slightly less bass boom and hint cleaner sharper treble for Grey nozzle. The Bass (red) one is more consequent in change, its darker, warmer and hint bassier, bass is thicker and not as well separated, mids feel thicker in macro dynamic, less airy and more laid back.
For this review I will focus on Balanced Gold nozzle, which is the best sounding and more coherent tuning to my ears.
Overall balance of those 3 go from warm (red nozzle) to smooth (gold nozzle) and bright (silver nozzle) U shape.

What the MP145 don't deliver: hard mid bass punch with fowards kick presence, agressively bright mids, thick and dark mids (well ok Red nozzle deliver that), very dynamic mids, neutral tonality, treble head tonality (ok, treble nozzle isn't far from that), dark treble...

What it deliver: wide mellow slam, deep resonant rumble, enormous soundstage, transparent and smooth mids, versatile tonality, U shape balance, crisp snappy and fast treble, excellnt layering, lush vocals,

These aren't bass light IEM and deliver well felt slam that have dominant sub bass boost but don't sound thin nor dull boomy. For those use to U shape IEMs, they will find the MP145 to have enough mid bass punch, while those that are all about V shape basshead IEMs will find it lack a bit of it.
To me, it's evident the kick drum take second seat when bass line happen, but the layering is well done and transparent, just not hefty in multi dynamic so we have this wide speedy slam that open in space and stay in back of other instrument, thanks to fast transient attack of planar driver that act a bit like hybrid DD+BA here in term of extra layering capacity.
But this slam isn't thin boom as said, its not like those Moondrop with sudden boost that begin late in 200hz section, we have air density and rumble vibrancy, and the hit is well felt, more so than well define.
It's quality meet quantity here, and among best bass performance I have heard with a planar, among cleanest, most extended and less euphonic one too.
Fast slamwith plenty of headroom, subtle texture edge, that can go brightish to warmish tone depending of the source.
If your a rumble lover, your in for alot of pleasure due to long effortless sustain-release.
The transition into lower mid range is natural, without sudden scooping that can affect tonality fullness.
With the Red nozzle filter, the bass will go warmer and thicker and embrace lower mids in a darker, less define in separation way wich will make macro dynamic a hint more muddy.

The Mids are open, lush and clean. They are smooth enough, non shouty nor sibilant. The lower mids aren't extremely boosted nor lacking, so we have slight thicknest and warmth going on in timbre, adding a sens of breathyness to female vocal and fullness to male vocal.
This is very unique and versatile mid range, male vocal are fowards enough without being plain dominant in the mix, female vocal are slightly more fowards, but still smooth yet nothing sound dull here.
Piano note have impressive natural resonance within a clean soundscape, it's note attack is fast and well felt but not hard hitting or very edgy in definition.
Saxophone offer open presence dense with textured air, presentation is neutral we can say with good transparency to permit a vast amount of instrument layering and commandable imaging. With artist like Sons of Kemet, bassoon and sax offer impressively readable layering.
I wouldn't say the MP145 are mid centric at all, nor the most natural in term of timbre, but it's among the best for a planar.
Definition edge is slightly softed here, explaining this lushness that meet gentle brightness kind of timbre. We don't have noisy planar tone, nor ultra bright one. With MP145 your in middle of vast mid range and center stage, yet you don't get lost in a muddy or overly homogenous macro dynamic.

The treble is the star of the show with the sub bass and extend far above 10khz, we have proper sparkle, snap and air for a planar, it's not the sharpest cleanest brilliance but it's there way more than with multi BA or hybrid, similar to DD, not as sharp in sparkle and clean in release as EST.
It's really a mix of texture crunchyness and airy sparkle release, which do well for acoustic guitat because it sound both full and crisp.
Its one of this rare treble that do good for both electric and acoustic guitar, electric guitar is rich in natural fuzzyness, dense distortion texture and a offer a wide bodied presence without screamy or shouty dynamic. MP145 are near perfect for rock, metal and jazz, only if this kick drum was a bit more hard punchy, but it isn't and as we know supreme perfection don't exist even in 10 times pricer IEMs.
But this isn't all, the percussions are very fast and controlled in attack as well as fowards enough. It's super easy to follow them and their separation is excellent, their timbre is full and when they need the metallic rendering, they get it. The natural decay is well presented and realist, not scooped, linear in release.
So we have the abrasive bit and the sparkle, the crunchy snap and the air, what to ask more? Perhaps even sharper and cleaner extension like the Tinhifi P1plus?
And now for infamously hard to render instrument: the clavichord. Firstly, separation of low and higher note playing is very well done, but the frequencies range of this instrument is very peculiar and have harmonic that go up to 4.6Khz with its fundamental in 770hz, so like the piano, the presentation is a bit dry and lean but full sounding enough, yet, it sound a bit distant compared to other instruments.
Nonetheless, after Tinhifi P1plus, it's most sparkly, extended and airy treble I've heard from a planar and it's more snappy than Tangzu Zetian Wu.

The soundstage literallty drive me euphoric. Their no doubt it's biggest headroom I get from a planar IEM, it's huge in all direction, but wideness is very stretched and feel like it go 1 meter at each side of your head, then tallness is impressive but half as long, then deepness is half wideness lenght too, all this doesn't give a hall or tunnel like presentation where you'll find yourself far from instrument since they come to you and float in this soundscape with an holographic layering.

This layering is what make the imaging appealing and intricate too. Even with busy track, it will keep up in multi layered macro dynamic. Layering in Y axis is easier to read than sharpe separation in X axis for less loud or dynamic instrument. Percussions too will be easier to pin point with precision.


The MP145 do benefit from good amount of amping like all planar, but they aren't hardest one to drive. At 30ohm of impedance and 104db of sensitivity, ill suggest a minimum of 100mW, but for achieving best technical performance it would be 200mW@32ohm and up, cleaner it will be, better attack control and soundstage depth will be. When well amped, the soundstage open up even more but since its so huge, even the Audirect Atom 2 can drive them OK and will not make bass distort, but a phone will not be enough and this very pairing don't do justic to technical performance of MP145. For crisp ultra open musicality, Moondrop Dawn 4.4 is good, for warm and slightly more mid centric musicality, Penon Tail is good too. Even the iFi Go Pod drive them well at 120mW gain.

The included wide bore eartips are good choice yet if you wanna open up the sound even more, the short wide bore as well as Fan2 blue ear tips are great choice.

Cable doesn't inflict alot on dynamic or timbre of MP145 and the stock one is good enough, especially in 4.4mm balanced format.



VS DUNU TALOS (1Planar-2Bas-200$)

Simply put: the Talos are among worst planar have ever heard so it's no surprise it sound so bad compared to MP145, and that in pure planar mode, which is better than hybrid mode, which is just plain unlistenable shouty trebly fest.

So, tonality is more bright neutral and lean with all main focus in uppermids with the Talos, its notably more agressive in lower treble as well as more shouty and fatiguing at high volume than bassier more U shape tuned MP145.

The bass is lean, anemic and dynamic less with hint of mid bass punch neutral way, notably less deep than MP145 which seem a basshead IEM compared to Talos. Kick drum is drier and clearer with Talos but not as round and heavy in not weight, Sub bass is more scooped, bass line are harder to feel and hear. MP145 offer wider and bigger slam, with deeper more vibrant and realist rumble and overall more lively dynamic.

The mids are warmer and smoother with the MP145, we have more low mids too, so vocal are fuller bodied and lusher while Talos is all about upper mids, its thin and shouty, female vocal timbre is grainy and spiky and induce way more sibilance. Instrument presence is more centered and compressed, while wider and more holographic with MP145. While shoutier, the dynamic isn't very energic with Talos, we have lighter note weight but edgier definition, it's this edge loudness that jump at us so at they end treble eat the mids here way more than MP145.

Then the treble isn't as full sounding as MP145 and keep hidden some part of percussions in favor of other sharper more brilliant one, so Talos is more spiky and have extra fake air that make us perceive cleaner and simplify highs rendering. Highs are thinner, this include high pitch instrument like violin that sound metallic and thin, percussion dont open up in sustain-release, so some of them feel more snappy but in an artificial way, the MP145 treble dig more sound info, is more wide open and freely layered, less trebly and have more natural resonance.

Soundstage is intensely wider and taller and deeper, Talos is very compressed and centered and unidimentional in comparison.

Imaging is edgier and more monitor like with Talos, but not as open in sound layering so it's flat monitoring, due to less mids warmth, positioning is sharper in this area.

All in all, Talos sound plain wrong compared to lusher balance of MP145. Technicalities are a bit similar, but unlike MP145, the technical potential is kill due to bad tonal balance and acoustic implementation of planar driver which sound very compressed in spatiality, lean in dynamic and dull and cold and shouty in tonality with a bright planar timbre to add to this. Well, i can add that even if MP145 housing is 2 times bigger, its notably more comfy than Talos too.

VS LETSHUOER S12 (1x14.8mm planar-150$)

Ok, now thats a more serious fight. Soundstage isn't lacking like with Talos so its less disconcerting to compare those too.

But it's not very similar in tonality, the S12 offer a brighter V shape which is in fact a hint less bassy in term of wide slam, its less extended and boosted in sub bass the the rumble feel scooped but the midbass punch is rounder and more energic, as well as more textured in presence, it feel thighter and faster but not as transparent and well layered.

Mids are more upfront and bright, we have more upper mids bite and presence texture, less transparency and less wide in presencethan MP145, which have breathy lusher female vocal, less promptto sibilance or too loud gain. Mids are more wide open and hint leaner with MP145, layering is better and we have less macro euphony going on that affect busy trrack, which can go saturated a bit with S12. S12 definition has less soffted edge, violin has more bite for attack, piano note a sharply define but not as weight, we can say mids are more intimate and clear but more condensed in center too.

Treble don't extend as far with S12, it have more lower treble energy, grain, texture and bite, so electric guitar sound fuller and more upfront but percussion can get lost in the mix, treble isn't as snappy and way less sparkly, airy and open than crisper U shape balance of MP145. This time it's S12 that sound crunchier and thicker in term of treble, but this affect negatively high pitch instrument tone which is overly boosted in brightness and grain, less lush and smooth than MP145, its more fatiguing too.

Soundstage is notably wider, slightly taller and intensely deeper with MP145.

Imaging is cleaner and less compress in macro dynamic as well as more transparent and better layered with MP145.

All in all, I prefer MP145 lusher U shape balance as well as more natural and smooth timbre. Like with Talos, technical performance are similar but too compressed, and it underline the benefit of big housing as well as open back venting for planar driver to permit better macro dynamic rendering. This time, its S12 that is way more comfy, its smaller and as a perfect ergonomic shape, you don't look like a weirdo wearing those too.

VS RAPTGO HOOK X HBB (1planar+1piezo hybrid-260$)

Ok, I will not compare the MP145 to all planar I own, but feel the obligation to compare it to the very best one.
HBB feel slightly warmer and more W shape as well as even more holographic due to extra layering of upper treble from piezo.

The bass is thicker, more euphony and deliver heavier mid bass punch, the rumble sustain is shorter and less extended, bassline are more favorize with MP145 and bass is more transparent with less warmth bleed than HBB, is have wider resonance head room and more mellow mid bass punch. HBB bass is more tactile and round.

Mids are again thicker yet a hint more fowards in upper mids so female vocal are more upfront and bright. Male vocal are near identical, just a hint thinner and leaner with the MP145. Overall mids feel more open and airy with MP145, but leaner in center stage, its smoother, less prompt to pinna gain fatigue even if HBB isn't very intense in that regard. Mids are more transparent and cleaner and better layered with MP145, we have less bass bleed that darken definition crispness.

Treble is airier, sparklier and more delicate with the MP145. HBB have more crunchy attack, brighter tone, it's more abrasive in texture but i would not say it extract more micro details, the snappy attack is more dynamic and high pitch instrument or percussions more 3D, but more spiky too, i find highs more refined and balanced with the MP145 but not as catchy, again, the top is cleaner with MP145.

Soundstage is slightly taller with Hook X HBB but notably deeper and a hint wider with MP145, not night and day difference like with Talos and HBB have way bigger spatiality than S12.

Imaging is moe accurate with MP145, this is due to cleaner macro resolution and less euphonic mids, sound layering is superior in high frequency with HBB.

All in all, i would say technical performance of the Planar is superior with MP145, but mid treble is faster and snappier with HBB, tonality is more dynamic and punchy. I can't choose a clear winner here since I love both intensely.


Sometime, when you expect nothing, it's when you get everything.

This is what happen for me with MP145. I was very sceptikal about capacity of Hidizs to properly tune a bassy planar IEM as well as making it sound different enough of rest of planar offering that was flooding the market in 2022.

Since i own 10 other planar, i was worry it would be a sidegrade that will take dust and it's the opposite that happen, since those MP145 ''stole'' alot of listening time and is now one of my fav with Raptgo Hook X HBB, Tangzu Zetian Wu and Tinhifi P1plus.

It's really one of those IEM that nail both fun engaging dynamic musicality with impressive technicalities of well tuned planar.

And the standout being its over sized soundstage make it unique in planar realm since only other one with impressive soundstage is the 7HZ Dioko which is less well balanced, have inferior technicalities, thinner harsher timbre and wonky thin bass.

At early birds price, the Dioko was ultimate sound value bargain, but even at now 140$ price it's among the best money can get.

Very Highly Recommended!


PS: I want to thanks Hidizs for sending me this review sample. I want to thanks them for accepting my critical impressions that weren't always positive in the past. As always, those are my independant minded subjective audio impressions, free of $ making affiliation (i refuse affiliated program with all audio companies and dealers and this will never ever change)

You can order the Hidizs MP145 on kickstarter (their about 40 left for 140$) here:
@SlhDub yes...it take the price in account. Sound benefit we call it. I guess ill go back to old 'Absolute technicalities and Price value'' way for this section. It will help you to get it.
David Haworth
Excellent review. I won't hear those sparkly highs as my hearing tops out before there but looking forward to hearing the rest. Props for the excellent photography. That's the first time I have seen the two half put together to make the whale diving tail shape. Well done!
nice review that can be sumed up in 1 line by your first pros and your last cons :
"WhaleGantic'' soundstage but gigantic housing size might be an issue for small ears".

ps: on your prevoius to last sentence you wrote "At early birds price, the Dioko..." instead of "At early birds price, the mp145..."


New Head-Fier
Hidizs MP145 – The Warm and Bassy Planar
Pros: Legendary build quality
Good comfort and fit
Extraordinary isolation (in my case)
Nice packaging (I got a special edition)
High quality cable
Nice quality tips
Tuning Nozzles
Incredible Bass and Sub-bass
Macro & micro details
Wide Soundstage
Crazy low price
Cons: Chunky big boys (not a real problem for my ears)
Needs some power (needs at least a SE Dac)
A little bit of driver flex


MP145 on cactus

The Hidizs MP145 was sent to me as a review sample from Hidizs, for which I thank!

I’m also glad to announce that Hidizs and Whale and Dolphin Conservation (WDC) have teamed up to promote the cause of ocean and whale conservation.

Whale and Dolphin Conservation (WDC) is the leading global charity dedicated to the protection of whales, dolphins, and their ocean homes. As the design of the MP145 was inspired by whales, Hidizs is proudly supporting WDC’s Green Whale work and helping to raise awareness about the vital role whales play in the health of our oceans, and ultimately our planet. Learn more about these amazing animals here.
I’m so happy to have the opportunity to try the heir to the Hidizs MP145.
However, the review will still be 100% honest and in no way biased.
I’m not an audiophile; I’m just a guy that likes to test out different IEMs and DACs and spends a lot of time listening to music.
So I’m not going to use super technical words to review it, but I will do my best to describe it.

Tech Specs:​

  • 14.5mm Ultra-large Planar Magnetic Driver
  • Whale Tail & Rorqual Pleats Design Inspiration
  • Hidizs Pneumatic Sound Tuning Filter
  • Target H-2019 Curve & Hidizs Style Professional Tuning
  • Fully Symmetrical Magnetic Circuit
  • Hidden Bionic Breathing Holes
  • 6N Silver-Plated Single-Crystal Copper Wire
  • Ergonomics Design with Comfortable Extended Wear
  • Ergonomics Liquid Silicone Ear Tips
  • Customized Pouch for MP145
  • 3.5mm or 4.4mm cable optional
  • 0.78mm 2-Pin Cable
  • Hi-Res Certification
  • Super Early Bird Price: 109 USD (now 139 USD on pre-order)

Hidizs MP145 Packaging:​

Hidizs MP145 Front box
Back box
Unboxing Hidizs MP145
Hidizs MP145 in the box
Hidizs MP145 package

The Hidizs MP145 packaging is similar to all the Hidizs packaging, a high-quality box with all the accessories you need and a good quality cable included.

Inside, we find various accessories, such as:

Hidizs MP145 cable + nozzles + bag
Hidizs MP145 Cable 4.4
Hidizs MP145 pin connectors
cable details
More details
Tips shape and type
Tips bore

  • Storage bag
  • 4.4MM Cable (3.5MM Available )
  • 9 pairs of tips
  • 3 pairs of tuning nozzles
  • Manual and Warranty

Hidizs MP145 Design/Build quality:​

As you can imagine, the design of Hidizs MP145 is inspired by whales. It resembles both the tail fin and the texture of the whale’s skin. The shell has a truly absurd quality, in die-cast aluminum and some CNC machining, it is one of the best shells ever seen. It has several ventilation openings on the back, referred to as breathing holes, which act as a sort of bass reflex and pressure release.


I have to admit that it is not the lightest IEM, but fortunately, thanks to the shape of the shell and the cable hook, it efficiently discharges its weight uniformly on the ear without causing any discomfort.
The cable with high-purity single-crystal oxygen-free copper silver-plated wire, as always, appears to be of excellent quality and, fortunately, of the right thickness so as not to weigh too much.
As usual, my photos will best describe the overall quality of the product.

Hidizs MP145 Comfort/Fit:​

Fitting Right
Fitting left

At first glance, even the tonnage seems like a whale, but I can assure you that the shape of the shell allows for a perfect fit. Moreover, you have 3 different types of tips, so you will surely find the one that fits you the most. They are slightly heavier than average, but once worn, they have total comfort. The thing that amazed me was the practically total isolation from the outside. It’s like wearing two earplugs.

Hidizs MP145 Initial sound impression:​

Since I’ve only used the KZ PR2 and the HE400SE, I can’t claim to be an expert on planar IEMS, but the MP145 has a specially made “FAST” symmetrical big planar magnetic driver that has an unmistakably warm tone!

The fast and precise bass is undoubtedly surprisingly powerful (I almost mistake it for massive DD), but there is also the typical crazy planar detail and soundstage. Both the mids and highs are clear, exact, and without any weaknesses. Absolutely amazing!

I regret to inform you that the KZ PR2 V2 I have been listening to up until recently is ridiculous garbage in comparison.

Hidizs MP145 Final sound impression:​

Equipment used for testing above.


  • iMac
  • Redmi Note 7 Snapdragon


  • Foobar2000 24bit 192khz (iMac)
  • Amazon music UHD 24bit 96khz (Both)



I’m not listing the tracks because they’re too many, but the MP145 is suitable for everything! My impressions are given using just the original accessories.

They sounded good right out of the box, and after 100 hours, I confirmed all first impressions. The tuning is Harman 2019 and therefore V-shaped.

These planars have fast, robust, and deep bass. From what I knew, it was very difficult to achieve such results using a planar in a small shell. It doesn’t sound like you’re listening to small IEMs at all, more like full-size headphones. Having a particularly warm tone and a similar bass, I thought I was listening to a particularly large DD; however, its 14.5mm “FAST” planar driver is felt in all its grandeur.

As for the mids, they are slightly recessed but totally pleasant and present, while the highs are rich in detail and typical planar air. There’s an insane amount of macro and micro-detail that leaves you satisfied with every volume and track.


In the Hidizs MP145, you don’t need a high volume to hear the low frequencies. On my EPZ TP30, at the first volume level, you can hear everything perfectly. The bass hits hard right off the bat, all the way up to full volume, where you can directly feel the heaviness in your ear canal. A low frequency response that embarrasses many sets! In Billie Eilish’s tracks, the bass envelops you in 360 degrees.


The mids are obviously recessed, but not too much. Despite everything, the amount of detail is impressive, and the voices are natural and silky. Nothing is missing, and even the instruments play perfectly as they should.


The highs are full of macro and micro details, and there is a remarkable airiness. The extension is smooth and free from annoying peaks; even the most sensitive will be able to enjoy this set without problems.

Soundstage and Imaging:​

The soundstage is spatial! It is not exaggeratedly large as to be unnatural, but I would say it is the right size. The image is practically holographic; everything is properly separated, and songs that seemed flat before now also have depth and directionality from instruments and vocals. probably, in terms of Soundstage and image, the best set in my collection. Planar drivers in this field are hard to beat.

Tuning Nozzle:​


As in the latest Hidizs releases, we also find the tuning nozzles in these! Personally, I find it much more practical than tuning switches.

Honestly, the balanced one is fine for 99% of my cases.

The Silver one (treble) increases a little bit in the treble area, slightly reducing the bass. If you are looking for some detail and extra air, this nozzle is probably the most suitable. It also seems to gain something in terms of soundstage.

The Rose gold nozzle (balanced) is absolutely my favorite of all. First of all, you hear it as Hidizs conceived it. In my opinion, you have the best of all frequencies.

Red (bass) The red nozzle increases the perception of bass by reducing high frequencies. Honestly, the set already has a warm timbre, so I found it less interesting than the others. But if you are a basshead, you will appreciate it too.

Hidizs MP145 Comparison:​

Vs HE400SE (review incoming)


I’ve just received the Hifiman HE400SE, just in time to give a quick impression and comparison with the MP145.

First of all, the Hifimans are open-back, so external noises enter more easily. In terms of driveability, they are more difficult, and you will probably need to buy a balanced cable (which in the MP145 you can choose at the time of purchase). Having said that, the MP145 is even superior in terms of sound quality; it certainly has a warmer timbre and much more full-bodied bass, and in terms of details, I believe it offers something more than the HE400SE. Both are very good, but personally, I prefer the MP145. What’s more surprising is how Hidizs managed to get a sound comparable/superior to a full-size planar.

A first impression given using an SE cable without having carried out an adequate burn-in may not reflect the reality of the facts.

Vs MS5


I personally think they even outperform the MS5 at 360 degrees. It is hard to believe given the price of the MS5, which is excellent, but sometimes the sound could seem compressed or congested, which on the MP145 does not happen even on really complex tracks. The timbre of the MS5 is brighter but also more tiring after prolonged listening.

Vs MS3

Hidizs MS3

The MS3 is the one that comes closest to the MP145, but the planar wins hands down here too. The speed and accuracy of the planar found on the MP145 flawlessly reproduce every frequency. The basses are more full-bodied and thick, but the speed is always absurd. They are both excellent headphones, but if I had to choose, I would go with my eyes closed on the MP145.

Vs DZ4


Although I definitely liked the Letshuoer DZ4, I have to admit that they lost miserably against the MP145. It starts with the build quality and ends with the overall performance. With an inaccurate image and inferior soundstage, the basses are not even comparable, but above all, the quality of details is missing as soon as you wear them. It doesn’t make much sense to compare DDs with planars, but the price is very close.


Bass/pressure release vent

I miss the comparison with the Letshuoer S12 pro, of which I am waiting for delivery. I hope they arrive soon so I can add the comparison.

In my modest collection are currently the IEMs that have surprised me the most from every point of view. Let’s start with the build quality of the Hidizs, which, in my humble opinion, improves set after set. Here we have a totally aluminum shell with an almost perfect assembly. The sound is truly exceptional in my opinion. I’m not a planar expert, but comparing myself with experts, we had the same sensations. If I consider that the Super early bird price is only 109 USD (now 139 USD on Kickstarter), everything is even more fantastic!

More information and where to buy :
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David Haworth
Great review and the ear photo was inspired! Thanks
Thank you so much <3