Kinera Imperial Loki

General Information


Loki is a Norse God of Fire, He is also a God of trickery, deceit and malevolence.

Like its namesake, Kinera Imperial Loki overall aesthetics were all connected with him like the blue colour represents the world while magma red signifies the fury of volcanic eruption as he engaging some plots and schemes for his liking.


A flagship hybrid driver IEM with an array of four types of driver configuration that are implemented inside:

◆ Single 6mm liquid silicone Dynamic Driver for bass frequency.

◆ Six (6) Knowles Balanced Armature drivers, 4 BAs for midrange and 2 BAs for treble frequency.

◆ Four (4) Sonion Electrostatic Drivers for ultra-high frequency and additional air.

◆ 1 Kinera custom-build contact type bone conduction driver for deeper pitch on ultra-low frequency.



Exquisite Premium Quality Cable

Kinera Imperial Loki included a 4-core, UP-OCC High Purity Copper Cable custom-build by a well-renowed premium cable maker, Effect Audio. And this cable will ensure to deliver a seamless signal output to have a rich tonality without any distortion and the overall structural intergrity of its build quality that Effect Audio cables are known for.



High Quality Accessories

Kinera products are known to have the best possible high quality accesories included. And their flagship will not fail your expection on premium TOTL-flagship IEM.

■ 1 pair of Kinera Imperial Loki IEM
■ 5 sets of Final Type E tips (XS,S,M,L,XL)
■ 3 sets of AZLA Seda Ear tips Crystal (S,M,L)
■ 3 sets of Spinfit CP145 Ear tips (S,M,L)
■ 2 sets of Symbio F Foam Ear tips (S,M)
■ Stock cable made by Effect Audio in 4.4mm balanced termination.
■ Authentic Leather IEM carrying case.
■ Cleaning Brush.
■ User Manual.
■ Thank You Card.
■ Product Catalogue Card.




Latest reviews


New Head-Fier
Kinera Imperial Loki - The Final Boss' Quest Reward
Pros: Insane Technicalities: Detail Retrieval and Layering
Dynamically Intense W Shape Sound Signature
Texture Extravaganza
Holographic Experience
Stunning Aesthetics
Top Tier Cable and Accessories
Cons: Slightly Dipped Lower Mids
Cosier Soundstage (not really a Con)
Price ? - I have no comparison in this price bracket
I'm getting it immediately out of my chest - what an enlightening experience, I'm both overwhelmed as well as amazingly surprised by this set.

I must thank Kinera and Akros for the trust of including me on this unit's World Tour at the last minute, I feel honored. I must say I had approximately 1 week to test them, and I did try my best to amount to some considerable hours of use within the time frame I had.

So far I have been focusing on sub 200$ IEMs, and on this tier I often observe that each set better matches a selection of music genres, mirroring the IEM's perks and downsides. As such, they either are designed towards the balanced approach, becoming more versatile but never excelling in anything in particular, or instead are tailored for a specific use, privileging specific genres, reproducing them at higher standards when compared to other genres where it doesn't perform well. Having never tried anything above the 300$ mark I didn't know what to expect to experience with the Loki, and I even anticipated some of those "diminishing returns" high-end audio people refer to. Little did I know what I was in for, and I later laughed at my own prejudice.

The first clue came in when, during the first hours on the first day, no matter what genre I threw at it, the Loki would not squint. It is versatile, behaving above expectations across all genres I have ventured (Jazz, IDM, Techno, Classical, Hip-Hop, Metal), which immediately stood as a perfect match for me. Not only that, it is fun sounding, describing a W-shape sound signature that supports intense dynamics, with concomitant extreme detail retrieval and layering capabilities. I think it matches my taste because I tend to pay more attention to the band and sound design, less on lead vocalists or other main protagonists. It is a head revolving experience that feels premium "from head to toe".

Onward to more minucius impressions.

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Sub Bass

Just perfect, I can't nitpick anything.
Not ultra extended, just incredibly agile and texturized. It dropped my jaw to the floor.

Synthesizers go soul deep, behaving viscerally, on its own auditory plane, not overcoming the midbass, nor stealing the whole show. Sub swells can be felt from very afar, rumbling with detail even at very low volumes.
Techno beats that are accompanied by deep and slow decaying basslines are rendered very analogue in flavor, vividly and slurness free. Here you can clearly feel how tidy and responsive this small DD is.

I must state that here it was the first time I was able to experience different flavors of sub rumble coming at me, depending on how the music producer band-pass filtered. Up until now every sub rumble felt similar but here on the Loki I can sense different resulting textures of rumble.

Double-basses depth and reverberance are rich and feel natural. Strings strokes are very evident and other live recordings' ear candy get way more perceivable for them.

This sub always adds a layer of immersion, one I can surely get used to listening to everyday, but for purists or flatheads this is too much sub.


Hefty punch, recovering super fast, tactile, very immersive. Not basshead material and I'm happy with its intensity. No midbass tucking! I can clearly distinguish between different kick drum timbres and nothing feels overly emphasized.
It is still a Colored bass, feels analogue and tight on faster tracks, whilst recovering as it should on muddier kick drums.
I really enjoy the sub to midbass ratio here, and I would describe it as a 60/40 respectively. This means there is some extra "oomph" that adds joy to upbeat music, but doesn't overly color music that isn't supposed to have it (e.g. Classical Music).

However when double basses are vigorously stroked, the attacks could use a bit more punch to match the sub bass depth.

Lower Mids

Nitpick alert, it has a very slight dip, as every IEM does, but it is never distracting as no instrument feels awkwardly distant or leaner in weight.

Pianos' have their own room and are not boosted, they are not lean but feel like so when compared to neighboring frequencies. On piano centered music, pianos are played just as they should, with fulfilling dynamics, but on bigger bands where the piano is not a trump, it can feel leaner or more distant.

Acoustic guitars are a joy and are clearly perceived even within very instrument rich recordings. Pluckings are a special treat here so if you are a virtuoso guitar player enjoyer this set will please you.
More to say about other types of guitar over the Upper Mids section.

Harp pluckings are velvety, you can easily focus on dynamics and finger technique.

Lower register brass instruments are lightly veiled in comparison. Saxes and trombones on busier tracks have texture but on ensembles they sit further away on the soundstage's depth.

Lower pitch snares are snappy but are not boosted and can very rarely get thrown more into the back of the mix.
Male voices are airy, well textured, they swell and revolve around your head. Whispering and ASMR-like sounds are shockingly real-like that they provoke chills on my neck, on the sides. However they are not forward in presentation unless it was produced like so.

Overall, the lower mids have great resolution, just like all the other frequency ranges, plus one can tell there was great care tuning towards balance, resulting in tightly glued sound signature that doesn't benefit any frequency instead of another.

Upper Mids

I'm mesmerized how the Loki can behave both technical and musically energetic at the same time...

Strings are vibrant and crunchy, beautifully rendering hand strokes and string impact noise. Same goes when they are plucked, texture is out of this world. If you are an acoustic guitar enjoyer you will love how a steel stringed guitar is ultra informative, and how you can easily notice the difference in the string attack when the player is using a pick, nails or the finger itself. Electric guitars are also a delight, the effect pedals modulations are ultra evident, up to a level I have never known existed outside the studio. Definitely immersive stuff.

Synth leads are lush but not too forwarded. They still feel quite roomy, spreading well across the soundstage's width and never piercing, even on the most intense leads.

Snares behave naturally, non offensively, and feel very bouncy. Most snare timbres are correct and I can even recognise remo snares with their bottom wires mod on, without needing much focus. Higher pitched snares like the ones we often have in R&B and Hip-Hop don't distort, and even the most aggressive ones feel softer and more tamed than I had anticipated. I might say there is some upper mids care with the pinna gain, of which I really cherish given my personal taste.

Claps on electronic music were a surprise for me. On my "budget IEMs" (up to 250 eur) they distort, also due to how bad some of the used samples are, which then are heavily transformed and processed... but not here! - god damn slaps, they feel as if they are hitting right in the middle of my eyes! Another new one for me.
Maracas feel sandy as they never have before. For me it felt as if they have been brought from the shadows (my previous budget experience) into something I can't live without now. I'm right there at the beach...

Slightly nasally vocals. I don't believe this set benefits vocals in any specific way, which to me is a perfect aspect. Mind me, I'm not a vocal enthusiast, ever since I was a kid I always paid more attention to what "the band was doing". Being so, vocals live within their own space and never crawl outside of that zone. They don't get thrown in your face over other instruments but you can still focus very well on them. If you do, you'll find them as velvety as you could ask for.

Cymbals are so impressively well rendered that you can feel them as if you were right in front of it. Ultra crisp attacks that then extend naturally over time never losing its texture along the way. Oh and the crash hat... oh it is visceral and tingles softly, definitely a new "feeling for me".

Saxes (Coltrane's Tenor, for instance) are from another galaxy, they just cut through and blast in your face with crystal clear information, as if it was being played aimed at your forehead. Texture, texture, texture, how many more times will I repeat myself in awe?



It is indeed pushed/boosted, but not to cater any specific genre so it feels airy, bright and when instruments demand, the Loki executes it all effortlessly with great extension.

Hi-hats are sparkly, never offensive and the utmost freakingly texturized in the best way possible. No matter how fast they are struck they never mush into noise, remaining as informative as the previous stroke. The driver's agility is again to be praised here, not even sacrificing any detail retrieval in order to accomplish this quickness.

Violins are fully rendered, managing to be audible at very low volumes, also when sharing the stage with many other instruments. This is great on Classical Music and I even found out some violin swells started sooner than I had anticipated (they were always there of course, I just wasn't able to hear them up until now).

Trumpets, Soprano and Alto Saxes live closeby to their lower register cousins (tenor, baritone) which goes by saying they are cosmic. Although they do not appear as forward, Miles' trumpet is still soul touching - its peaks still pierce your head however they don't cause discomfort as I'm used to, this is compared to the best of the budget IEM sets (EA500, Mp145, etc).


Always correct and coherent between drivers. Given the hefty number of drivers it is a considerable achievement and a sign of tuning expertise.

This goes hand to hand with the texture and detail retrieval, as I have not found any distractingly or wrongly reproduced ones in any tune.


On the cosier side, still wider than taller.

It has a sense of being up close with a revolving sound, behaving holographically within it. In analogy, it is as if you were very well positioned in the middle of a music hall that is not very roomy in itself, without anyone or anything standing between you and the instruments and walls. A private concert just for yourself.

This cosier aspect doesn't come as a weakness, as every instrument or vocals are well represented on their own space, not overstepping themselves.


Details for days, without sacrificing musicality. At first I got overwhelmed by all the information I was getting, as if I had dived into a revolving auditory medium, like "audio water".

Instruments are soo well positioned that you can accurately pinpoint where they are coming from (stereo field) and isolate them from all the others. In a song you subconsciously memorize an instrument's details position, move on to a different instrument's detail, and when coming back to the first one you find yourself innately "reaching" for it, as if you remembered exactly where you left it off.

Fit and Comfort

Bulky shell with comfortable fitting that promotes the seal. It didn't cause any discomfort in my ear but I could definitely feel its weight.
I must say I didn't test it outside or during exercise, I mostly just laid in bed or sitting at the window, contemplating the Imperial Loki.


Cable and Accessories

I usually don't review cables as it can be a very sensitive topic for some people, and the sonic differences between different materials are sub perceptible for most people. Talking about its aesthetics, it is beautiful looking, filled with details and robust looking. There clearly is handwork done with higher quality materials and it shows in sturdiness and most probably durability.

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Azla and Spinfits are included to best match your sonic and comfort preferences, which adds to the value. These are great quality pairing choices that I am already familiar with.

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Design and Aesthetics

Once again a story telling item, this one properly feeling like a TOTL, even more than that, the Imperial Loki is Kinera's prodigy child, feeling ultimately polished, as if someone had a particular dream that was due to become reality.
The unboxing feels premium, as it should.

Final Words

Sadly I can't compare the Kinera Imperial Loki to any other IEM as I have never dwelled into this price bracket before. Coming from my own reality of budget IEMs, I can safely say there is something luxurious and unique to be experienced here, as I have discovered new details, new feelings and resulting emotions I hadn't thought possible before, listening to the same tunes I am very familiar with for many years. I found myself countless times trying to come up with new vocabulary to describe these new sonic experiences, and that is a very revealing experience, totally worth the cost if I were to buy.

I have been wanting to acquire new sound references so my future comparisons can be richer and closer to an universal reality, and the Imperial Loki just handed it over to me on a silver platter. The bar has consequently been raised quite high, and I just hope not to have spoiled myself too badly.

Congratulations to Kinera once again, this is a very polished gem I'm sure you are proud of.

Thank you for the opportunity and experience,
Miguel Esteves



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Thank you for giving us the opportunity to be a part of your audio adventure. We’re honored that the Imperial Loki has set a new benchmark for you, and we deeply appreciate your kind words. We’ll continue to work hard to bring more polished gems to the table.


New Head-Fier
Kinera Loki Review – Deceptive Bass
Pros: - Massive box with tons of third-party accessories!
- Hand painted masterpiece. An audible art.
- Distinctive vocals. Very natural with a bit of warmth.
- Thick and rumbly bass.
- Controlled but sparkly treble
- Decent separation with accurate imaging.
Cons: - Big nozzle. Tip rolling is needed.
- People with small ears will find it harder to fit.
- Need amplification to sound the best.
- Soundstage does not feel spacious.
Overall rating: 4.5/5

Build Quality: 4.5/5
Design: 4.5/5
Accessories: 5/5

Sound Rating:
Timbre: 5/5
Bass: 4.5/5
Midrange: 4/5
Treble: 4/5
Technicalities: 4.5/5


- This is a loan unit sent by Kinera Official from China, in exchange for an honest in-depth review. Regardless, all opinions remain original ideas, thus there is zero influence from any 3rd party or external opinions.
- No EQ or filter presets were used during the entire review period.
- Sound evaluations are kept neutral and does not include 3rd party accessories (ie; eartips, cable, reversible mods).
- Burn-in was done for 120 hours prior to review.


Loki, the trickster god, known for being chaotic in the Norse mythology, has descend to the audiophile world. It happened when Kinera named their latest flagship, a multi-drivers IEM “Loki” to accentuate their mythical series. I am very lucky to review the Kinera Loki, and I am very glad that I have been given a chance. This may be someone’s endgame, including me. I do find difficult to listen my personal audio gears again.


If you happened to purchase the Kinera Loki, you deserved a flagship tier unboxing experience. Everything packed in the box is top notch, and it is like nothing else I have unboxed before. The Loki has a hexagonal box with a printed picture of lava flowing down. Inside the box you can find a brochure showing Kinera Loki graph in hexagonal cut-out. Underneath it hides the magnificent looking Loki, with the included 4-wire Effect Audio UP-OCC Copper cable in 4.4mm termination. The overall unveiling presentation is unmatched, which reminds me of opening a one-of-a-kind jewelry box.

Do you think it stops here? No. There is more below it! Remove the top part, you can see the massive bunch of third-party accessories including:
- 5 pairs of Final E Eartips
- 3 pairs of AZLA SednaEarfit Crystal Eartips
- 3 pairs of Spinfit CP145 Eartips
- 2 pairs of Symbio F Foam Tips

These are the ear tips that Kinera thinks it synergies well with the Loki. One can try to do some tip-rolling to get the best seal and use case. Other than the massive tons of tips, you will get a Kinera customized jet black with gold accent cable in 4.4 termination, a few paper works, a cleaning brush and an opaque paper as separator.

Build Quality & Design:

The Kinera Loki I got here is international version, and it is purely hand-painted in Emerald colorway with the mixture of glittery teal, royal blue, and violet blue. It feels nice to hold on hand, as it celebrates the top tier build quality and design approach, which is a priority to set foot on the high-end audio gears ground. My eyes are obsessed to look at it every day.

The IEM shell is made up of resin, which is lightweight to hold and wear for long period. The fit is okay with my small ears, except the nozzle is a bit wide, and it bothers my ears. The Loki has a proprietary bone-conductor module built in, so it is crucial to get the IEM in contact with your concha, and feel the vibration. Bigger nozzles also limit the selections of ear tips.

The cable that I have used is the Kinera’s customized 4.4mm termination cable, which has a fabric like sheathing. The reason I will use this as my reference equipment is that this cable provides audibly better soundstage and micro dynamics than the preinstalled Effect Audio cable, which has a rather intimate staging and a bit bass boosted to my ears. I will also choose the Azla SednaEarfit Crystal as reference ear tips too.

- 1x 6mm liquid silicone Dynamic Driver for bass frequency.
- 6x Knowles Balanced Armature drivers, 4 BAs for midrange and 2 BAs for treble frequency.
- 4x Sonion Electrostatic Drivers for ultra-high frequency and additional air.
- 1x Kinera custom-build contact type bone conduction driver for deeper pitch on ultra-low frequency.


Loki is much needed to be amplified. It is understandable as this little beast has 12 drivers inside its shell. Therefore, the extra power is needed for it to sound correct. In case you are using a DAP, I do recommend clean and resolving sources to truly embraces its ability to make the extraordinary bass and vocals shine.

My music (don’t judge me xD) :
- Yoasobi - idol (24bit/96khz)
- Joji Nectar Album (24bit/96 kHz)
- Kamado Tanjiro no Uta (16bit/44.1 kHz)
- ReoNa - Human, Alive, Seimeisen, till the end (24/96 khz)
- Taylor Swift - We are never ever getting back together (DSD 5644kbps/ 2.8MHz)
- Radwimps - Suzume (24bit/96 kHz)
- And whole album of Kessoku Band
- G.E.M – GLORIA (24bit/96 kHz)
- Martin Garrix – In the Name of Love (24bit/44.1kHz)
- Jacky Cheung – Kiss goodbye (24bit/96kHz)
- Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra - "Kimetsu no Yaiba" Orchestra concert -Kimetsu no Kanade- (24bit/96 kHz)
- Taylor Swift “1989” album (24bit/48 kHZ)

Source used:
- Fiio K11 plugged into PC
- Aune Yuki plugged into iPad Air
- Aune S9C Pro plugged into PC
- Fiio KA13 (D.mode) plugged into PC
- Fiio KB3 plugged into PC
- Astell & Kern SR25 Dap

Sonic Impression:

Kinera Loki makes me fall in love instantly with the bass and the forward midrange presentation, with the addition of exceptional dynamics and resolution. Everything sounds engaging and natural, while keeping the sound spectrum in control without overwhelming in my ears.

The bass quantity is not overdone but made to the level that does not sound lean. The sub-bass is more prominent here and the lower end extension is deep, making it to sound rumbly. The bass kick is detailed, and it sounded immersive even in fast tracks, despite it has a bit of bass bleed into the mids.

The Bone-Conductor module is doing its job flawlessly by giving the bass some extra textures and reverbs, which enhance the overall listening experience. Bass head may not be satisfied, but most will be happy with the quality of the rumbly sub-bass it offered.

The mids are enhanced by its bass presence, which lifted the midrange presentation. The vocals especially, has body and excellent tonality. The warm and lush midrange enhanced the lower mids so male vocals can sound more transparent and natural. None of the metallic or weird timbre can be heard, let alone the tendency of being sibilant. With the Effect Audio cable, the vocals will be elevated more thus less warm.

Female vocals sound as natural and transparent as the male counterpart, and to my ears there is no sibilant can be heard. Transients are in optimum range to gives more weight. Kinera has done an amazing job in their quality control, starting from the selections of batches of BA, to the final modification to make all the BA sound coherent.

The treble is smooth and velvety. It does not sound too sparkly, but it has adequate upper extension to make the cymbals sound shimmering. Overall, can be referred as mature, as it existed when the tracks come calling. High hats sounded natural, and the extra airiness able to make female vocals sounded more open.

Soundstage & technicalities:
The soundstage of Kinera Loki is a bit short on the width but excels in the height and depth range. Kinera Loki does not lack in the technical department either, boasting with the holographic staging and well executed macro-dynamic.

The detail retrieval is commendable as it can capture most nuances, even some other surprising little notes that I did not realize in my test tracks. Layering is no doubt above average due to the large sense of depth.


Kinera Loki (China Exclusive Edition)
Surprise, surprise. I have the Chinese release edition just right for this comparison. How is the Kinera Loki compared to its Chinese doppelganger? The China exclusive edition featured all the same offerings as the international version, but the faceplate will be different.

The China version I got here is uniquely different, with a very intricate style of hand painted pattern. The overall pattern looks like a hot lava flowing down the rocks, with the rocks in imperial blue colour and the lava being bright red. The pattern underneath the resin coating looks like its floating on top of the faceplate.

Sound comparison:
Sound wise, this is an interesting take. The China Version has more prominent midrange than the bass and treble, allowing the vocals to stand out more. With the aid of 4.4mm Kinera customized cable, sub-bass is slightly lifted up to enhance the liveliness of the tracks.

The bass region is lean towards sub-bass, but the quantity is slightly lesser than the international version. This is because to allow the bass to sound refined and impactful. The Bone conductor as well, making its way to render sub-bass texture and weight. The mid-bass take a toll to sound dark and relaxed, making the overall bass sounds less engaging than the International Version.

The midrange is something worth to compare to. The upper midrange on the Loki China version is much more forward than the Loki international due to the slight recessed mid-bass. The lower mids on the other hand, are similar on both sides. Male vocals are so nice to hear as the tonality are flawless, especially with acoustic tracks and male vocal focused tracks. Instruments has very good note weight on both sides.

Very safe treble in fact, and it does not have much airiness. The international version is slightly bright in the upper treble, so it is not for the treble sensitive audiophile. This may be the deciding factor if I am the customer.

Soundstage and technicalities:
Both have the same soundstage and technicalities. This is where you can find both Lokis are similar.


Kinera Loki, a very interesting bassy set with tons of details. There is always new discovery on my test tracks whenever I listened to it. Honestly, this is not my first TOTL experience, but this will be my first highly rated TOTL IEM in my audio journey. If you have the big money to spend, this is it chief. Kinera Loki deserved the praise, and its price destined how it should sound.


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Reactions: DaveStarWalker
Excuse my question......between the 2 versions (international and Chinese) which one has the drier and much more controlled low range ?
Hi Fabio, the Chinese version will have a much controlled low range and very prominent midrange to elevate the vocals.
Thank you


100+ Head-Fier
Kinera Loki vs. Annihilator 23 and Fei Wan
Pros: Excellent treble
Powerful bass
Terrific technicals
Great with energetic, fast, loud, and/or dramatic music
Compares well with Annihilator 23 and Fei Wan
Cons: A specialist, if that is a con
Fit is not perfect for all ear anatomies
Energetic upper mids, at times too much
BCS too strong at many points, overshadowing mids
This review - really a set of impressions and comparisons - is cross-posted from The Watercooler.


Thanks to a lucky opportunity, at the end of last week I obtained another TOTL-vicinity IEM with a profile very close to Annihilator 23 and Fei Wan: Kinera Loki. These three IEMs could really all be siblings from the same family of top-down focus with fantastic high end, strong bass, and superb technicals. Since I have already been in the comparison mindset with Anni and FW (see impressions I shared on those review threads and on the Watercooler), I decided to add Loki to make it an A/B/C of sorts. I spent the last two days doing that.

For starters, I tried four cables I have on hand with Loki. First Times Shielding brought too much upper mids energy. Cleo II Octa brought mids forward a bit but muted the bass. Loki's stock EA Ares S cable was a better match but its mids were slightly recessed, relative to Marco’s Custom silver copper hybrid cable, which struck the right balance across the FR. As a bonus, it looks unique with Loki’s color palette. I just watched the Barbie movie and Loki with this pink cable would have fit right in! (And, props to @Sajid Amit for the tip on Marco’s cables. I order two customs from Marco and have been very pleased with them, punching above their weight, comparable to more expensive brand names.)


During this three-way comparison, my source with Loki was N30LE/Hyper off, Classic Tube, P power mode, Class AB amp.

Loki is much easier to drive than Anni, close to FW though it needs a bit more juice.

Loki has a fairly premium build. With its long-ish nozzle, and not too large body, I found Loki to be medium comfortable, better than Anni though not as comfy as Fei Wan. I found Moondrop Spring Tips to provide the right combination of seal and comfort, and with it Loki sounded as balanced as with other tips I rolled. I used Loki for four hours and never needed to tear it from my ears, which can't be said for many other IEMs I have moved on from.

Loki Impressions and Comparisons:
Loki is a very enjoyable IEM in many ways, superior to many I have owned, well suited to a good portion of my library, and the faults that I find are not deal breakers.

What strikes me immediately on listening is speed and energy: Loki is very fast, as much so as Anni and Fei Wan if not more.
Loki’s energy often feels like a horse ready to burst out of the gate, similar to Fei Wan, though not quite as intense.
Loki is better with more energetic, faster, dynamic songs. It is generally not a relaxing listen, and it doesn’t scale as well as Anni.

Loki’s sound profile to me is V shaped, which is tempered by its BCS.
Not as balanced as FW or Anni.
Warmer than Anni and closer to FW.

Loki's bass is not as precise as FW's, more similar to Anni, though its sub bass precision is obscured somewhat by its BCS.
Bass has rumble but not thwack, so more mid bass than sub bass prominence.
Not as much bass decay as FW, though on par with Anni. More diffuse thunderous bass than the other two thanks to BCS I am guessing.
Mid bass overpowers mids more than a few times.
BCS warms up lower mids but I'm not crazy about the BCS pillow effect, particularly being a bit too much for slower music.
I'm realizing I don’t like bone conductors. There is just too much undefined warm fuzz, and mids detail gets lost. I found this to be the case with two other BCS sets I have owned, EVO and Mentor (which didn't lose much mids detail but had too much warm fuzz sound generally).
Anni and FW do not have BCS and I like their mid bass and lower mids much better.

Loki's upper mids energy could get fatiguing, though not as much as with FW. Female vocals a bit shouty at times, moreso than FW.
Vocals: Female vocalists like Ella Fitzgerald and Sarah Jarosz sound very articulated but not very emotive, also not relaxed. Male vocals recede a bit. Humble Pie’s Greg Ridley on “Smoking the Sweet Vine”, sounds smooth though not quite as emotive as on Anni and FW. Jose James “Just The Way You Are” and Gregory Porter “Liquid Spirit” sound very good on Loki, very precise verbalizations, though they lose a bit of the thickness to their baritone, lose a touch of their romance.
Acoustic instruments sound mostly excellent, with very good transients. Piano sounds very precise and real, such as on Porter’s “Liquid Spirit”. Though even more so on Anni. Acoustic instruments have better timbre on FW, and also on Anni. Acoustic guitar on Neil Young “Heart of Gold” on Anni sounds incredibly realistic. Slightly more metallic and recessed on Loki, drowned out a bit by other instruments.
Slightly metallic timbre compared to FW in particular.

Treble is Loki's strongest feature. Superb. Only slightly behind Anni for my personal enjoyment. Crisp, tactile, with bite. Treble not as colored as with Anni or FW.
Very detailed, similar to Anni. Though FW on some songs has more detail, such as on Neil Young “Heart of Gold”, much more delineation of each instrument, with clear timbre on each.
Loki has zero sibilance. Common to all three of these IEMs.
Lots of treble extension, more than bass extension.

Loki sounds reasonably coherent, nothing feels off except for the BCS at times.
Excellent technicals.
Medium stage width, shallower depth. More headroom. Decent holography. BCS makes me feel a bit like I have pillows on either side of my head, narrowing the stage. FW stage much larger, holography more obvious.
Excellent transients, especially acoustic guitar and acoustic bass plucks
Excellent speed. Very good dynamics.
Not as good at lower volume as Anni, and similar to FW.

Which genres are best played on Loki? With heavier rock songs like Heart “Barracuda”, Van Halen “You Really Got Me”, Rival Sons “Back In The Woods”, Loki really comes into its own. As it does with fast pulsing dance pop like Katy B “Turn The Music Louder”. It would probably be great with metal (which I don’t listen to) faster electronic. Not sure about classical since I don’t listen to that genre often. Maybe more orchestral and complex compositions would work. Loki is good but not great with instrumental jazz, unless it is faster paced. On a song like Bill Evans’ “Let’s Go Back To The Waltz”, the U shape and latent verve doesn’t help the song at all until the pace picks up midway, and suddenly Loki sounds much more suited to jazz. Cuban Jazz like Buena Vista Social Club sounds better on Loki than John Coltrane for example, thanks to its songs that are filled with more drama and energy.

Loki is not as emotionally engaging as Anni or Fei Wan. I find Loki to be more matter of fact. Not as visceral as FW, but moreso than Anni, perhaps thanks to stronger bass and more energetic upper mids.

Bottom Line:
All of the distinctions I have called out are often splitting hairs. Loki is excellent in many ways. When I settle in to listening just to Loki for several hours, it is terrific with much of my library, and I feel I would be very happy to have it on my team. It is when I start A/B/Cing with it that I start to nit pick.

Overall Loki’s sound profile is somewhere between Anni and FW (which is not a super wide gap), with Loki slightly behind those for my enjoyment, but not far.

Ultimately, I find Loki to be a specialist, often at its best with harder, louder, more dramatic, and faster music. And it may be too similar to Anni and FW to merit having all three in the same roster.

With all this said, as it turns out I have a fourth IEM on the roster that is also more of a top-down focus with excellent bass: the NGAudio Erebus. I am now underway with an A/B/C/D of this cohort and will share impressions soon. Spoiler alert: Erebus is also at the summit, if not at the peak!




100+ Head-Fier
What is the best cable for Kinera Emerald Loki? There is an opportunity to get better value in sound than using Kinera Orlog 8 core version, maybe some cheaper and way better synergy? Thank you looking forward for Your answer :wink:


Headphoneus Supremus
What is the best cable for Kinera Emerald Loki? There is an opportunity to get better value in sound than using Kinera Orlog 8 core version, maybe some cheaper and way better synergy? Thank you looking forward for Your answer :wink:
That is a great question. I would ask @Royal Navy ans @Delitia as they both own it and love it and I know Delitia is loving his Magnus 8 wire cable on his…

Royal Navy

100+ Head-Fier
What is the best cable for Kinera Emerald Loki? There is an opportunity to get better value in sound than using Kinera Orlog 8 core version, maybe some cheaper and way better synergy? Thank you looking forward for Your answer :wink:
That is a great question. I would ask @Royal Navy ans @Delitia as they both own it and love it and I know Delitia is loving his Magnus 8 wire cable on his…
Sorry, I don't think I can be much help with this. My experience with cables is quite limited. I'm using the Rosenkranz HP-Genuine/Acc, a Japanese cable. It's a great cable but not exactly a budget-friendly option :sweat:


100+ Head-Fier
What is the best cable for Kinera Emerald Loki? There is an opportunity to get better value in sound than using Kinera Orlog 8 core version, maybe some cheaper and way better synergy? Thank you looking forward for Your answer :wink:

That is a great question. I would ask @Royal Navy ans @Delitia as they both own it and love it and I know Delitia is loving his Magnus 8 wire cable on his…
I plan to roll the Loki a bit more in coming days as the sonnet of adam and shirogane come to me for demos but I really have enjoyed the Magnus 8 pairing with it. Granted none of these are very budget friendly, ode to laura was also a nice combo but it does change the overall signature presentation a bit, taking sub bass up a notch, treble extension is terrific and a little added quantity in the region but it does slightly pull the upper mids back, creating more of a V from the lokis standard W.