Reviews by Redcarmoose


Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: Amazingly clear and top-end loaded tone for KZ
A fast airy and open basic audiophile sound all day long, if you can take it
Bright in a good way
Fairly clean sub-bass missing a little mid-bass/lower midrange
Dual 31736 Balanced Armature Drivers (x2)
10mm Internal Magnetic Dynamic Driver
Vented to the max
Well constructed and clear treble itemizations
Only 6 grams each, on the smaller side of medium
Probably the most IEM you can get for under $55?
Cons: At times bright in a bad way having you match the PRO 2 with warmer sources or cables
The KZ ZS10 PRO X still the safe purchase for many
Not the thickest male vocals on the block
This particular IEM can ask you to lower your volume at times, due to midrange and treble intensity
Not the most note weight
A tad of off-timbre
In October of 2022 I introduced the KZ ZS10 Pro X to the Head-Fi world. Since then the review has garnered just under 38,000 views. :)

We now have a Pro 2 model……….time to get excited!




^^^^^KZ ZS10 PRO X above^^^^^

Look here they still sell the $39.00 Pro X



  • 10mm Dynamic Driver+4 Custom Balanced Armatures
  • Classic Alloy Faceplate+Resin Shell
  • Enhanced Detachable 0.75mm 2Pin Connector
  • Ergonomic Shape, Wide Compatibility
$39.00 USD

To compare the KZ ZS10 PRO X and this new KZ ZS10 PRO 2. They are just two very different IEMs, and the PRO 2 goes and adds a boatload of DIP-Switches and stock has way more itemization into the treble. Really this is going to be an incredible review. Sure it has a little BA timbre, but the bass is so exciting and the way high up small treble details make the PRO 2 a whole different beast. Man-o-man am I excited. This IEM needs justice served. I mean really for the price most folks should have it in their collection. I don’t care what KZ history is, they have bribed me with this new sound quality!

$54.99 without mic, $55.99 with microphone.

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So let’s start out by simply telling a tale of first impressions and a few weeks of usage. Number one, yes these seemed to smooth out with a few days of burn-in. So even if you believe in burn-in or not, there is nothing wrong with giving the PRO 2 a few days of run-in. What burn-in did was add a more overall cohesive sound, smooth-out the highs a little and add bass smoothness. I went through a stage where I questioned KZ’s ideas as to tuning as a departure from the immensely impressive (and popular) KZ ZS10 PRO X. They (the KZ company) simply added clarity in the form of driver tuning offering a set-back lower midrange and a push in both vocals and treble itemization. The resulting actions are an IEM which demands slightly less volume of comfortable listening, to where the KZ ZS10 PRO X allowed for a few clicks more volume. Sure there is a tad off timbre due to BA drivers, which the old KZ ZS10 PRO X went and subdued due to tuning. But it is safe to say KZ went for it this time, offering a tune very different from the place the KZ ZS10 PRO X went to, a brighter and even more detailed place.

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Here it is a little different that my first ideas were to simply compare the KZ ZS10 PRO X to the KZ ZS10 PRO 2. Yet I was able to do that (earlier) with a few sentences instead. Really that would be almost boring and getting a few different price-points involved, and a few new signatures involved would give more (excitement) to write about!

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Left to right:
Left to right:
Top row: INTUAURA Splendor Il, KZ ZS 10 PRO 2

Bottom row: ZiiGaat x Fresh Reviews Arete, TWISTURA-D-Major


Testing methods:

To simplify things I’m using the WM1A with the same long wide-bore silicone ear-tips. The cable will be the 4.4mm SIMGOT AUDIO LC7 Modular Cable System. Both the USB TypeC extra DSP providers, one in 4.4mm for the INTUAURA Splendor Il, and the smaller 3.5mm DSP for the TWISTURA-D-Major will not be used. As sure in some ways they both activate a special personality for both IEMs, yet people also prefer the IEMs amped in other ways. Funny too, as far as DSP response they do opposite duties………as the TWISTURA-D-Major does a brighter stage expansion, and the INTUAURA Splendor Il actually decreases stage and adds bass definition.

1) INTUAURA Splendor II $259.00 - Single Full-range DD IEM
2) KZ ZS 10 PRO 2 $54.99 - 1DD x 4BA IEM
3) ZiiGaat x Fresh Reviews Arete $249.00 - 1DD x 4BA IEM

4) TWISTURA-D-Major $49.00 - Single Full-range DD IEM

So it may be confusing due to various price-points being used? Yet if you look closely two are Hybrids of each representing different prices, the ZiiGaat with the name brand Knowles BAs. And two are DD in which one is $210 more money. So not only do I need to review each product here, I need to go over the good points and bad points, and describe each individual demeanors accordingly. As it just so happens the usefulness of these 4 comparisons allows for (somewhat of) a copy and paste across each of their respective reviews. And sure each came at the same time, but just their existence confirms and delineates each of their strengths and weaknesses. As we all know money is not always the determination of sound quality. In fact up to this point I have spent three weeks getting to know each one and have my own opinions about them.

The INTUAURA Splendor II $259.00 - Single Full-range DD IEM:
In relation to the KZ ZS 10 PRO 2 really much of this tuning is very close to the same, using memory only. Yet upon closer side-by-side inspection we find the Splendor II to offer a smoother vocal response than the KZ. It is that forwardness that is new for the KZ manufacturer. Yet here and with this song with this cable and with this DAP I’m not hearing any off KZ timbre in the vocals, only bright, yet a smooth style of success. Sure the KZ ZS10 PRO 2 has a recessive lower midrange compared to the Splendor II, which seems to add to this KZ vocal luster? Of course here we are seeing the classic comparison from Hybrid v Single Full-range. And yes, the Splendor II has a larger stage, and the lower midrange and bass help emphasize that soundstage stage going on. Where the KZ is running with a typical wide-midrange stage showing the width holding slightly thinner density and weight. Yet there are differences, it is the challenge of the Splendor II diminishing returns for the money here. And what is crazy is the Splendor II has that added DSP, yet even with-out it we are ahead of what the KZ is trying to do bass wise. It is just part of this whole KZ tune, that the bass is there and nice, but part of why the KZ sounds so detailed is due to the hold-back of lower frequencies. That even with songs like below, which showcase both low end and vocals, we are witnessing the lows take a backseat to these profound vocal activities.

Timestamps refer to original song, not the Youtube video.

Dead Can Dance
All In Good Time
44.1kHz - 24 bit


Before I go any further, I just wanted to point out that truly the KZ ZS10 PRO 2 is fairly balanced and filled in as far as frequency goes. That during comparisons it is often the case where you forget you are reading about the small differences between the two IEMs, and so there can be perceived this right or wrong, but it really is not so extreme, just differences in correctness only to a point.

The ZiiGaat x Fresh Reviews Arete $249.00 1DD x 4BA IEM:
Here the very first thing you notice is the Arete has more bass. And the intriguing thing is the Arete is going about with a smoother vocal detail spread out (a little more) but able to gain this vocal illumination just from Arete stage size. So imagine the KZ as a little more reserved in stage size, and due to that size holding a slightly brighter vocal out front, where a smoother broader Arete has those vocals coming from a larger image size inside the stage and that size allows for clearer examination.

Switching to guitar instrumentals, I thought the Knowles Arete BAs would jump way, way ahead of our less expensive KZ, yet the only thing was missing was the Arete was more large in stature of stage drama, where maybe there was a little off timbre with the KZ, but due to being of thinner consequence, the guitar was still drawn out into contrasts in the stage, just not as big or involving. All and all the KZ has its place, as it is not the giant killer as maybe first impressions lead a person to believe, yet at the same time, there is a lot of IEM here in the under $55.00 realm.

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TWISTURA D-Major $49.00 - Single Full-range DD IEM:
Finally we come to the D-Major IEM. Where really the D-Major is the single IEM that tune can in many ways be comparable to the brightness of the KZ ZS 10 PRO 2. But due to a single full-range build this brightness comes across holding slightly less metallic tone. Where both the TWISTURA D-Major and KZ ZS 10 PRO 2 are on the thinner side of male vocals, female vocals are emphasized. And between the two the D-Major has even thinner male vocals and less low end. And while I’m still exploring the D-Major, that high pinna gain does give the female vocal ability a stand-out drama in playback, so far it seems the DSP add-on goes one step further to even accentuate those vocals one step more? While at times the D-Major can offer an off timbre in this vocal section, even coming off as forced, it really depended on the sources I used. And amazingly compared to the TWISTURA D-Major, the PRO 2 held even slightly more reliability to source, while still changing its stance, never quite going to the place found with the D-Major.

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The included cable was OK, but due to wanting to try 4.4mm cables I used another brand's GD849. Meaning one or two less notches are not needed to be utilized for enjoyable sound. And while the GD849 does not cure the thinness issues, it makes them 80% more in the perfect direction here. Just how instruments emerge into the stage, holding better separation and even reverberations!

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The GD849 Cable:
The G in this cable description is representative of Gold. The substance that adds weight, note weight in playback. As such we are now basking in a thicker realm of playback, that while you can still hear the basic demeanor of the PRO 2, we are gifted with an extenuation of weight and clarity……to which finding the results the very best yet.

A set of nice foams in included!




Weighting in at just 6 grams each the KZ ZS 10 PRO 2 finds itself remarkably comfortable.The form is truly on the smaller side of medium. Can you say vented! Yes the most apparent thing is the use of large vents which are in strict contrast to the original KZ ZS 10 PRO X design. Such an idea is to generate air space and reduce bass vibrations maybe? The nozzles are just ever so slightly short, though I have a choice in ear-tips and are not forced to use longer tips. In addition there is one rear vent on the back.

Old PRO X model:



Look, the KZ ZS 10 PRO 2 at $54.99 is a large amount of sonic fun for the money. Sure you may have to drop your listening volume by a notch or two or three to deal with the slight brightness. Yet at the same time we are here for that exact brightness…….in that it used to be what (details) were left out of the under $100 IEM crowd. Heck the KZ ZS 10 PRO 2 has upper echelon details normally not seen even under $300.00. That is the very reason why they are the talk of the town at this very moment on Head-Fi. That KZ has used their buying power and tuning skills to make a unique and fun IEM, way different from anything I ever heard from Knowledge Zenith. The PRO 2 is far from perfect, but the fun happens once you realize that this is $54.99 trying to be a TOTL Flagship product. The truth is the timbre is not at all that bad, not as bad as you think, and actually fairly spot-on in my book, and that is the crazy part. In the weeks I had the KZ ZS 10 PRO 2 I have had conflicting options. Where at first I was amazed at just KZ’s technicalities put into this model, as it was the very first I have heard of KZ going into the high trebles and sculpturing details for all to hear. I actually thought they had really done it………..

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Later I came down to Earth and maybe still thought the KZ ZS10 PRO X was still the safe purchase and this PRO 2 more experimental? Yet then I tried new cables after burn-in and with much of my music I was OK, actually better than OK, I was styling with a sound basically unheard of for this level of money. And to conclude this review, I still feel that way, yet once in a while I need to lower the volume just because the total brightness is often still there and noticeable. But I can still see the masses buying this and learning the ropes that will hoist you up……up to that level of amazement, especially with the treble details, that and really how the whole signature is done. That yes, it is slightly less bass intense than many, but that sub-bass is still gloriously there and unstoppable. With this subtle V enhanced, midrange energy and treble energy resulting in those 2 features taking noticeability.

$54.99 without microphone, $55.99 with microphone

I would like to thank Kareena from Linsoul for the love and the KZ ZS 10 PRO 2 review sample.

These are one person's ideas and concepts, your results may vary.

DIP-Switches set at 123 on and #4 off.

Linsoul website:
Linsoul Aliexpress Store:
Linsoul USA Amazon Store link:

Equipment Used:
Sony WM1A Walkman DAP MrWalkman Firmware 4.4mm balanced and 3.5mm
Samsung Phone 3.5mm
HiBy R3 II DAP 4.4mm balanced
ifi hip dac DAC/Amplifier 4.4mm balanced

KZ ZS10 Pro 2
Crafted for Seasoned Audiophiles
The Second-Generation 10-Driver Professional DD & BA Hybrid IEM
  • 10mm Internal Magnetic Dynamic Driver
  • Dual 31736 Balanced Armature Drivers (x2)
  • Precise 3-Way Crossover Technology
  • 4-Level Custom Tuning Switch
  • Exceptional Acoustic FR Curve
  • Classic Design Aesthetics
Last edited:


Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: The single most exciting IEM to cross my desk this year.
Even, complete and competent
Fast, detailed, clean and vivid.......oh, and contrasty too!
6BAs in total with 2 ultra-treble BAs for those TOTL Flagship details
1 robust yet detailed and speedy DD for the bass kicks
Vocals found in the perfect place of not too forward or not too laid back
Nice full-stage made to seem even bigger by careful and realistic music itemizations
Somehow walking that fine-line of detailed, but not too bright or intense
Goes with most sources and cables
Finally TOTL details and resolution at a modest price point
Cons: They will sell-out quickly and become scarce
Slightly deep fitting, not not terrible, may have you step one size down in ear-tips
This review finds the description of the Paisudio IEM I have fallen in-love with. At the start (a week ago) I thought the PDM7 was great, but then the unthinkable happened. Yep, I found that the PDM7 held a tuning that seemed to relay most information, that the 6BAs had music life covered in total for me. :) That the stage was very competent, that the DD bass was both deep, fast and controlled, that fact and that there was an introduction of treble elements into the stage that offered details only before found at TOTL Flagship prices. That this one ear-phone was not only a standout due to value, it slowly became a most favorite ear-phone regardless of cost, ranking as one of the single best I have ever heard.

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Paiaudio PDM7 6BA + 1DD Hybrid 2Pin 0.78mm Audiophile Earphone In-Ear Monitor IEM


Brand: Paiaudio
Model: PDM7
Driver: 6 Balanced Armature+1 Dynamic Driver
Composite 4BA for mid frequency & Composite 2BA for high frequency
Customized 10mm CNT diaphragm for low frequency
Impedance: 32Ω±1%
Sensitivity: 125±1dB
Frequency range: 20-20000Hz
Connector: 2pin 0.78 mm
Plug: 3.5mm Line Type
Cable Length: 1.3m

If the PDM7 tone blends with you, you will be taken to that special place. That place in your music interpretation where things start to become a little more personable. A place where those songs you used to like 2nd best become new favorites. A situation where you wake in the middle of the night and become so curious as to music playback that you grab the PDM7 and your DAP and find yourself again at one with your music, your Wife sleeping next to you, unaware of the places you’re traveling in this late night sonic landscape.


This folks is the new reality we have today with sub $300 IEMs. A place to call home that is so digestible and so familiar, yet holding that small flair, I don’t know what it is, but I sure to notice if that flair is missing in an IEM. I mean sure I’m going to later get to maybe why these are so good, sure I have my ideas. Still nothing I write will ever come close to the PDM7 experience, the experience that becomes dear to your heart. You see plainly speaking the PSM7 is one of my single most favorite IEMs ever, it really is and it joins the Encore K-10, the IER-Z1R, the Penon Volt and the Penon 10th Anniversary as now there are four IEMs in my list of favorites.

Music, it is the vary reason you are reading at this moment in time!
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Timestamps refer to original song, not the Youtube video.

Daydream (Dense Remix)

44.1kHz - 24bit
Yes, some may say using fully electronic music is not Kosher, that we are bypassing rules or something. I think any music no matter how it is made qualifies for a song interpretation. At the start this bell-like extra attack sample has been used here. Meaning there is a combination of elements here which becomes satisfying due to both the intro being long winded, and you can hear the bass throbs at 01:26. That before the bass starts we are gifted with much of the same instruments like l what is possibly a string effected guitar or some kind of string instrument. Yet those sounds are fully echoing from side to side and of high toned when they go there. It’s just that we are not into the presence of this stage until finally we find ourselves in the middle of it all. Then the drums start at 02:08. But the bass before that takes place is one of amusement. Amusing in that it is truly friendly. What a stupid word to use to describe bass, but I’m going with it. Why is it friendly, the tone of the bass holds a round and fully detailed yet deep and satisfying demeanor. That it is floating here, that there becomes air-pressure underneath it, holding it up somehow? When the drums hit they too are positioned in such a smooth yet firm place, you just have to call them friendly too. Lol. I know? Friendly drums, and this song too, I must come-off as hippyish!

So we already know that the skill here is to keep adding on, to add-one more track, one by one.............You know first it was the sparkles. Oh, did I forget to talk about the sparkles, those are from the dedicated 2 tip-top treble BAs. Yep, the DPDM has 7 drivers, and while one is this DD, the other six are BAs. What this does is give you both focus into how the stage is presented and spacial clarity or origination. Yep, little tiny sparkly noises come from way-up there, and it turns out to be the highlight of our playback. Why? They are such well done little fairy bells, holding the vary magic we came for and what will become added to our memory when we leave this precious place.

The PDM7 has those details we used to have to pay top-dollar for.

At mid song I changed out the Penon OS849 cable and (then) rolled in the Penon ASOS+. The DAP is the Sony WM1Z and the ear-tips are the TANGZU X DIVINUS Velvet ear-tips. This will be my final set-up for the entire review, as it took me a few days of listening to get here.

Though I will be rolling (a few) cables in for new perspectives in PDM7 sound later in the review. So I spend a few days getting to know an IEM sound, then will once again roll cables to try and investigate further what tone possibilities are possible. As such I slowly did try a few cables to try and discover the hidden potentials inside the PDM7, using the Penon OS849, the included cable and a few others slowly learning about the effects of burn-in and dialing in closer to what my instinctual ideas for the PDM7.

One reason is the ASOS+ is just the cable for the PDM7, yes better than the included cable, yet the ASOS+ is $215.00.......and better than the Penon OS849, simply because the stage is bigger. Yet all is not perfect in paradise, as yes the ASOS+ is even better than the ASOS, yet playback holds a more smooth idea of the ultimate high treble here. Yep, this style of playback should reach ultimate transparency with the treble of the WM1Z, yet it is just ever so slightly both itemized and dramatically showing wonderful 11kHz items, yet there is a tad of smoothness there too, which kind a means we have the best of both worlds in that, yes there is all the higher-up treble details like a TOTL Flagship IEM, yet at the same time this tone affords us all day listening times. The Velvets were chosen as these nozzles are slightly longer than normal so a wide-bore that holds a slightly smaller size gets deeper fitment here.......and the final results are pretty close to perfect.

I also found this PDM7 combo with the ASOS+ also works totally well with the WM1A!

The ASOS+ seems to offer stage size and a slight added note weight that goes to further the extra image density found with the physical WM1Z as far as bass heaviness. Aso though the ASOS+ is running with the added permanent 4.4mm Purple Plug. Yep, this small extra add-on (different from the regular ASOS) goes to add warmth and image density.

SO really at this point we have it all, a super big yet smooth stage to find our imaginative wild flowers on our sonic walk through the forest of the mind.

Back to the song:
Right at around 02:50 there becomes the main difference between the PDM7 and most other IEMs in the PDM7 price point. This introduction of treble detail. A swoosh of air and the introduction of a rhythm high-up electronic drum machine pace provider is a new addition to our sonic landscape, new but pivotal to our experience.........and even though the song is 09:18 long, the musician waited all this time to introduce another virtual rhythm element.

Here we find it playful as such it travels slightly from the center to the right. Only with the PDM7 we are now witnessing this upper detail (pretty much) identical to a TOTL Flagship. Yep, those 2 ultra high treble BAs do their thing, fully separated by virtual air inside the top of the stage. It is these small details that hold us spellbound and transfixed.

Sure it is this Didgeridoo sound that would normally hold our focus of attention with lesser IEMs, as that is one of the larger sonic images, but the PDM7 is about balance and of a slight warmth that is forwarding each song element into what sounds like the perfect location, tone and volume level here. Each small tone is like the mechanism of a pocket watch, with all the workings seemingly moving in rhythmic unison.

At 04:16 the drums stop for a moment, the bass stops too! Come to think of it, our tip-top rhythm section has ceased also. At 06:26 we find that the little accent is reintroduced with a breath of air.......and the song is in full stride once more. At 07:50 we find another breakdown and maybe some artists would use this area of increased quietness to add a vocal snippet, but no E-Mantra is more about the instrumentation, only using it to express his message. Yet as soft as this song is even at 08:00 we realize now that the drums and bass additives are never coming back.............until the quiet end at 09:18.


Paiaudio PDM7 Guitars:
Look, I could have chosen 100s of songs to get my point across. Yet this song is both well recorded and has basically everything…….a way the guitars are in a perfect balance of instruments.

Timestamps refer to original song, not the Youtube video.

Roundabout (Single)

44.1kHz - 16bit
When I said this song contains guitars I really meant that along with electric guitars they have also showcased acoustic guitars in places. The most important aspect here, and I have gone over all my test tracks, to learn this timbre is pretty much really correct? When even attempting bright in-your-face attempts at guitar distortion..................we are most likely introduced with a close proximity to what the band and producers were thinking as far as guitar tone?

At 00:08 we get our first sample of guitar harmonics. As such this song has been endlessly covered and copied, as there was a time when every kid on the block played this intro himself. Placing the fingers as such.

And still to this day this song holds magic partially due to just how the guitar sounds here. The beautiful thing here is this intro has been recorded well and we find the guitar tone front and center, you really couldn't ask for a better placement into the stage. Though later we will learn this is not by chance, that there is also a balance of drums and vocals, bass and the works coming into play. As what we will find out is the Paiaudio PDM7 is all about both clarity and balance in the end. At 00:35 the bass and drums make their entrance, and you have to question, are they too intense, because they are clear as day?

You see ultimately that is what Hybrids are about. That there is a separation of song elements for more separated than single DDs. Yet there is something more here, the fact that somehow the BAs are also including chord reverberations, maybe more than normal. I say this as there is a guitar effect where at 00:31 there is this backwards rhythm support that has a stereo pan to the left and right with a deeper woody fall-off of a a single strum chord…….even at 00:15 you can hear the quietness of the fingers on the fret board…..ultimate detail here. At 00:44 we get the introduction in full force. The fact that you can hear bass, drums and a cymbal all at once (once again) shows separation and individualization at hand. At 00:51 the electrified guitar comes in clear as a bell. At 00:59 we hear the splash of cymbals creating an airy yet controlled effect into perfect positioning into the stage. This is right before the vocals which come in a half-second later.


On very first listen and on the WM1A and with the OS849 cable the vocals were a tad more forward, though being the WM1A is mid centric, here we are living in a more WM1Z V DAP response and combined with the ASOS+ the vocals sit a slight position back, yet they are placed really perfect for me. That’s the thing, these are not totally forward positioned vocal IEMs, no. They are at their core perfectly balanced examples of how to approach a tune. Where just like always we find the vocals interlocked and positioned both clear and correct, but not forward, or behind!

One of many great bass drops. Look I could talk about this song all day, the fact that the drums are so playful and showcasing the drummers ability to add accents……but this review isn’t about the musicianship here, it is about how the PDM7 relates that musicianship with the same emotion that was intended upon the song being played in the first place. Finding balance and evenness, that and complete and natural tone to come to terms with the song accomplishment.

At 03:41 we are witness to how many vocal tracks are used here. Meaning there are a lot of effects on the vocals, and we seem to hear the gambit of them? Like 4 vocals going on at once….especially at 03:46! At 04:41 comes the classic break that everyone remembers from the original.

The cyclical keys played traveling about the stage……….the songs signature guitar harmonics once more……At 05:07 there is a whisper, lol……..a whisper taking full advantage of the songs quietness at this point. I can’t quite make-out what he said……but maybe someone else knows?

At 05:22…….
In and around the lake

Mountains come out of the sky they stand there

Twenty four before my love and I ‘ll be there

I’m crying, as this is just so good. It is all that we signed-up for……….the very reason we are even doing this hobby. Glad no one is here to see this stupid fool.

Then the leads hit us! :santa:

The final Song:
See the thing is I could have used any song and found nirvana. Don’t believe me in how well rounded the Paiaudio PDM7 is, buy one and find out for yourself. Yep, I’m that confident about it! Ultimately it is always up to yourself to learn the character of an IEM, yet really I’m surprised just how well any chosen music goes. Also after a few days of testing this review wrote itself in order. Meaning I did some side-by-sides, and some cable rolls, enough to kind of learn which direction to take, and because music tests are getting to know an IEM, and the most fun, I put them at the start.

Timestamps refer to original song, not the Youtube video.


Hans Zimmer
The Dark Knight Rises OST
Mind If I Cut In?

192kHz - 24bit
Really this song title is what I envision for the Paiaudio PDM7 as it enters the IEM marketplace. Cutting in and stealing the hearts of IEM listeners everywhere. But back to music, this starts out with somber violins and they hold great timbre. There are two parallel tracks here. A metronome of piano/synth notes which are behind everything and show us the actual pace going on. On top of that there is this piano of the recurring theme music which has only a few notes. Yet these notes are both simple and guide us as we listen. The notes start at 00:41 accessing a known theme here, yet what makes the magic is the fact that these piano notes sound very very real, also they hold reverberations into the stage that seems longer than usual for BAs? The other thing is with these 6 BAs the musical information is not back-set, but wonderfully forward and in-your-face……….you can touch it almost. I mean that is the thing this piano is jumping around the stage all over the place and we can track it….at 00:55. Again the notes are clear as day and interplay with the background metronome notes. At 01:34 we realize that in fact subtly there are now a lot of features to this track. And due to the complexity we hear that background metronome gaining volume and the piano notes are also louder and spread out among the stage……building in intensity.

The drop.....
At 02:06 the drop occurs. This single bass note conveys the magic inside the track. And this is Hybrid IEMs doing their thing. Only one step better is that placement of the note here. The note here is on-going and seems to waver from stage side to stage side. At 02:47 the note is still progressing in volume and intensity. Finally at around 02:54 it lets up on us.

Music ending:
Sure it is the maker of the BAs that has a lot to do with how successful this works out, also the tune seems to be just right, for me anyways. As such the Paiaudio PDM7 is very very balanced and goes with a number of sources and cables. This I have found to be true with the best IEMs, that we are not needing a source as a tool to fix anything, that we also don’t need the music to be a tool to make an IEM correct, as the PDM7 is sitting around always correct simply waiting for the next file to come along. And for me I simply gave up, I gave up as I could keep finding music interesting and old albums holding a mental focus that simply allowed me to keep listening. It was truly the opposite of finding one or two songs that were thrilling, the PDM7 made whole albums fun, and the next in line fun too!

Cable rolls, from the top down.
Here I use a few cables to both learn what the PDM7 is about and to showcase attributes.


1) Penon ASOS+ in 4.4mm (permanent Purple Plug)
2) Penon OS849 in 4.4mm
3) Penon GS849 in 4.4mm
4) Penon Mix with 4.4mm modular plug (Only modular plug tested today)
5) Penon OSG in 4.4mm (permanent Rhodium Plug)

6) Included cable with permanent 4.4mm plug

Look I could spend all day describing these cable rolls, if you are interested in a particular cable, look it up and read the ingredients.

1) The ASOS+:
This ASOS+ is a favorite and adds two main traits here, the note weight and wide, tall and front to back stage. Part of this weight is from the Purple plug that has been added to the front. It simply goes to make the PDM7 sound both thick and large. It is my very favorite way to go and will be used long after this review is over. But a big part of the testing method is to draw out results, meaning I waited and learned to understand the included cable and Penon OS849 for a few days, then rotated in finally the ASOS+. What was truly fascinating was a found the ASOS+ to be smoother and of a bigger wider stage, where the OS849 was more upfront and filling out the middle, more in your face style of tune. That in no way is the ASOS+ sleepy or dull, that maybe due to the PDM7 character that it was the IEM itself which gave a more contrasty difference between the ASOS+ cable and Penon OS849 cable. Neither cable was colored, only revealing of character traits which could be appreciated as both unique in their own way.

Where sure the ASOS+ was more luxurious like a fluffy piece of furniture, where the OS849 was more strict and ridged like sitting at a desk offering both more forward vocals and a pushed mid place I simply didn't know the OS849 had it in it to proclaim?

2) Penon OS849:
This cable has a long history and was introduced by Penon back at the very end of 2017. It is one of the lower priced cables on test here today. Yet this was very revealing as to having next to the ASOS+! Where the OS849 puts the pants on the clarity, pushing what was on the outskirts of the stage (with the ASOS+) to be of a lesser stage but more forward and touchable.

Yes, more brittle than what the ASOS+ does on a regular basis, but this still works well…….where here we are witnessing all of those upper BAs in action. Really in some ways more clear than what the ASOS+ is doing, yet that ounce of smoothness from the ASOS+ has me going louder in replay and endless listening sessions!

Still if you want resolution or at least the feeling of up front resolution the Penon OS849 brings it 24/7. I have a disclosure to make! The OS849 was one of my single most used cables besides the included cable upon finding the PDM7 in the mail. As such with the OS849 being non-colored, I thought that it would be a good join to learn about the PDM7, when hindsight being 20/20...........the PDM7 was different than any IEM I have ever tested. Yep, the PDM7 has forward vocal and upper treble elements which the OS849 enhanced, to even a place that may be slightly too much for some? Maybe, maybe not........this detail is never harsh or strident, it is just there, and the stage is big, just not as flowing to the outskirts as the ASOS+. Yet I can't help but think these first few days of vocal character with the PDM7 were directly responsible from the OS849? The later moving to other cables adds after burn-in, I noticed a slightly more integral vocal positioning. So, my advice is live with your PDM7 for a week or two, and if you think you may be game for a more forward vocal display, get the OS849. What goes along for the ride with the enhanced vocals is bigger and unearthed treble details and pace compared to the great included cable.

3) Penon GS849:
Out of the 4 different models in the 849 series the GS849 was my favorite. Here it is doing its thing propelling a thicker more expanded midrange, with added density from the gold, but once again with all these BAs in action, the GS849 shows itself to be more forward and offering clarity which is even more enhanced with small cymbal items scattered out amongst the stage.

Really this is good, but I must have spent too many days with the it holds my interest and affection. Still if this is all you had...........a super-duper clear and in-your-face action, and at a nice pace too! All the pace! To where if the GS849 was the only other cable you owned the PDM7 would take advantage of the extra resolution and detail, and would work out on a daily basis.

4) Penon Mix:

This should be fun. As every cable up to this point I have tried before with the PDM7. But this one, well.............I have no idea. Though I do know from past experience this cable will bring the air to play!

Actually not as vivid as I was expecting..........there is a full-on density due to the pure copper strands and a wideness into the stage due to the pure silver. Again this is fine, there is a sound that we could totally get used to, as nothing is off or wrong, just another way to interpret PDM7 playback. Where here there is a nice extra shelf of high-up replay........allowing us to enjoy the details, all of them. Still nothing is too hot or forward, though I’m not listening for hours on end to this combo?

5) The Penon OSG:

There is a special place in my heart for the OSG. Even since I did the review on the OSG, it has found new uses and added additional what its possible potentials are. It may even win-out over the ASOS+ as I have-not even tried the OSG till now?

Both smoother than the 849 crowd. Maximum clarity found with even little tiny trinkets of items…..that, and the Graphene smoothness that adds both a style of warmth yet still expands the stage out.

Though here what is a blast is great items of separation into the stage. More clean than the ASOS+ but not quite the stage size, still there is no arguing that this is special and fun. Less intense than what the OS849 and GS849 did, and even a little more polished than the Mix.

I could totally get used to this style of replay, as it also goes to make the PDM7 have a slightly more trim bass and fun crunchy guitars. This also adds a slight reserve to the mix, making not only the bass set back, but the treble holding a smooth yet slightly warmer way high-up trebles in action. It is hard to describe, except this is a known character of the OSG, and once again the PDM7 is allowing for those upper details to be heard, but also to be noted for the specific OSG character they contain!

6) Finally the included cable:
Look, the last couple of days I have come to really respect this cable, not only is it 4.4mm, but totally ergonomic and soft. It probably gets you 90% of the PDM7 potential, yet to fully hear the PDM7 you need to roll cables, as the included cable is great, but they can’t include a $300.00 cable with an IEM of this price. The included cable is the same as the one I received with the last Pi 3.14 Audio PLIISEN727. To where at first listen I came to understand how the included cable brought about simple easy to use ergonomics being it was so soft and flexible.

Secondly in my very first days I started to learn how the Penon OS849 was an attempt at a more forward sound, added silver making vocals even more intense. As such after a day of the OS849 this particular IEM could be looked at as almost not needing what the OS849 does, though what came along with an increase in OS849 resolution not only was better vocal positioning, but more vibrant cymbal splashes and high-up rhythm accents. And none of this was really too intense or colored, just in higher contrast than what the included cable could do. This extra 10% was an extra level of clarity............though not mandatory to PDM7 enjoyment. Why? Because the PDM7 is already super clear in these areas and focussed just by how the PDM7 is naturally.

The PDM7 could never be looked at as sleepy or dull, and maybe to some the extra add-on of Penon OS849 demeanor could even be looked at as too much, while it did unleash never before heard details.




Left to right:
Left to right:
Top row: Penon 10th Anniversary and PDM7
Bottom row: Penon Volt, and PLIISEN727


Penon 10th Anniversary:
Listen, I have had the PDM7 in my ears almost continuously since they arrived. Going to the WM1Z and Penon ASOS+. The ASOS+ cable on the 10th is a treat. The 10th slightly warmer, holding the same great well roundedness but not as vibrant in the midrange, where really we are splitting hairs here, but the contrast and vibrance is a fact of life for the PDM7, holding a brighter and faster glow like a fire you have just fanned. Where there becomes a ever so slight laid-backness to the 10th, that and the bass is not as separated but becomes like an old friend, yet not as contrasty nor as sparkly.........or as intense, the 10th offering a subtle less fluorescent timbre.

The 10th has been my ongoing favorite Penon, and it still is, yet this PDM7 blast of fresh-air can’t be overlooked and way less money too!


The Penon Volt:
Also again not as PDM7 mid forward, nor as contrasty in demeanor. The Volt is known for its midrange, but somehow the PDM7 gives it a run for its money, almost making the bass seem less forward, the midrange less forward.........and only the old Volt treble additives coming off with added smoothness and detail……yet it was the supposed to be the mids that the Volt excelled at? More Volt full, yet that fullness is taking a step back all the while being maybe a little more complete, just maybe? I will admit it is hard to shift gears here, maybe if I was listening to the Volt all week I would offer a different perspective?

A wild bright shelf of energy. Though I can see how the two are distant cousins, one IEM from the country, the other...........sophisticated and city-wise! Better more real PDM7 bass, and better vocals with what the PDM7 is doing. Full-on density and note-weight added to what the PDM7 does 24/7. While sure this stage is not bad at all and the vivid (laughable) PLIISEN727 brightness is taking the goods and white washing the tune into a bleached-out idea of what is right. It all is anemic and thin, no matter how we try to slice it. Where is the note weight? Even electric guitars have a thin/bright tabletop-radio turned-up (to loud for comfort) style of tone.

While maybe Paiaudio got somehow schooled into taking the half-baked ideas from this past model and walking forward into success with what are now 100% different abilities?



About 1/4 bigger than the PDM7s little brother......the PLIISEN727, here we can see they had to make room and still have the come-out results relatively comfortable. Probably the Penon Fan 2 is the first IEM that comes to mind when trying to get fitment? Yet where the Fan 2 had metal nozzle ends, here we are also much shorter to basically find perfection in a deep fitting IEM design. (Still considered deep fitting though) I say all this but just so you know it is the deepest fitting of 3 other comparisons today. Where the prior PLIISEN727 had no lip to hold ear-tips on well, the PDM7 has a bevel yet the same exit nozzle holes. Also the side vent has been replaced with a silver vent off the back of the IEM. Weighing in at just 5 grams a piece, the PDM7 finds itself medium large in size, though the semi custom shape does wonders to make it seem even smaller while resting in your ear. All and all I have to reward it as one of the very best fitting IEMs, as the nozzle is long enough to require smaller ear-tips than I regularly use, still fit is great!


Response to source:
The more the PDM7 burned-in the most easy it was to join with any source. Meaning as the bass became more full it kind of evened-out playback from thinner sources, where often this will occur where the best IEMs find a home in many places. Cheers!


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More clear and more forward than most of my past favorites..........a more forward midrange than the Penon 10th, still that not saying much as the 10th is not always known for its mids. More vibrant and maybe just a tad less sophisticated than the Volt, but the price difference is crazy as the Penon Volt is $799.00 and the PDM7 is $269.00. Is it the most sound for $269.00 I have ever heard ever…….yes it is. I know this is hard to believe but the PDM7 is not missing anything. The only thing the PDM7 is missing is you. :)

The PDM7 is clean, fast and articulate. The 7 drivers are all doing something and covering the frequency spectrum. What the 2 tip-top BAs do will challenge you to ever want a EST driver set-up ever again. The PDM7 is the very essence of China made value, that sonic value at its finest. Over the last week I liked the PDM7 a lot, then I crossed over into loving it, regardless of price. I see it as offering a new value and becoming my favorite of the year regardless of price. What I’m trying to say is I’m not sure I can find any fault with what the PDM7 does. The PDM7 is built well, looks the part, comes with a great cable and most of all speaks my audio language. It is the very definition of crisp with-out the heat. No stridence or sibilance was experienced, even with the more forward 849 cables, or even the Penon Mix? And see that is how we test IEMs, trying them with cables we may not necessarily ever use, except trying them in action shows the extent of possibilities.

The possibilities here mean you can join the PDM7 to any source, or any cable I feel in my limited testing. The PDM7 also goes to make any music you throw at it become a thing of fascination and rewards. I did this review fast so that many more will learn of the news, the news is that Paiaudio knocked the ball straight out of the park with this one. Of course this is only the second Paiaudio I have heard, still if any other examples of their handiwork were this good already, I would know about it. When I found out about the PDM7 I did notice it was released as a Japan only IEM with a different cable and a different solid blond wood faceplate. Still even if it was a prior release in Japan, there are no graphs of it floating around. I just know in my heart that this is one special IEM, that it does everything correctly, ending with a complete and even sonic response. With the added benefit of incredible technicalities which moves the sound response even one step further into what sounds like a flagship to me? This takes place because the response is both big and separated, with amazing bass that holds pace and rhythm. I can promise you the PDM7 holds a special place in my heart that no other IEM has ever laid hands on, and for that I’m amazed and bewildered. I see it as one if not the very best IEM release this year.



I want to thank Penon Audio for the love and for the Paiaudio PDM7 review sample.

These are one person's ideas and concepts, your results may vary.

Equipment Used:
Sony WM1A Walkman DAP MrWalkman Firmware 4.4mm balanced
Sony WM1Z Walkman DAP MrWalkman Firmware 4.4mm balanced
Sony TA-ZH1ES DAC/AMP Firmware 1.03 4.4mm balanced
Electra Glide Audio Reference Glide-Reference Standard "Fatboy" Power Cord
Sony Walkman Cradle BCR-NWH10
AudioQuest Carbon USB
HiBy R3 II DAP 4.4mm balanced

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Do we know what type of BA drivers are in this?
Surely I would have disclosed that if I knew. Though they are some of the best off-brand examples, as now it seems they can go up against Sonion and Knowles for performance and integration?


Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: The most crazy bass out of 11 other TINs I have reviewed
Perfect fitment as 4 grams each in weight
Small fitting, at the very opening of ear canal
Comes in your choice of red, white or blue
Waterproof sports design to IPX5
2 modes either game-mode, music-mode or transparency-mode, noise-reduction mode
Super low latency game-mode
5 hours play time per charge and 30 hours with continual case charges
Bluetooth 5.3
New oval design nozzles and subsequent oval silicone ear-tip design in three sizes
Never moves out of ear during normal sports activity, at least in my gym workouts
Smart Hall System: Magnetically activated union with past device, and subsequent off when case closed
Great timbre and note-weight from a 13mm composite PU+PEEK single full-range Dynamic Driver
Big additional stage authority due to heavy sonic footprint
Gets louder than you will ever need or could reasonably stand
Unique stage size helps propel smooth treble elements into position
Cons: Holds so much middle bass emphasis and lower midrange that pace is smeared
Has a great level of sub-bass yet due to being covered (by middle bass) only comes out to fight its way through when prominent
Bass head levels of bass a new departure for TINHIFI
This is a review of the new TIN HIFI BUDS1
Redcarmoose Labs June 3rd, 2024

  • Continuous Music Playback
  • Advanced Noise Cancellation
  • HIFI Unit Enhancement
  • Sleek Design with Enhanced Sound
  • Crystal-Clear Calls
  • IPX5 Water Resistance
  • Seamless Connectivity
$29.99 USD

In May of 2021 I reviewed my first TINHIFI audio product. Since then I have reviewed an additional 10 more TINHIFI IEMs, not counting this one. And while the sound quality varied per model I did start to recognize a slowly emerging TINHIFI house sound. Like the $29.00 10mm DD C2 has the midrange of the newly released $129.99 T5S, only the T5S technicalities and bass quantity have been thrusted forward, really this T5S is my most favorite I have had the opportunity to hear. And what separates the T5S from its brothers is a thicker, richer sound. So even though much of the T5S midrange tone is shared with the C2, there has been a step into more realistic technicalities in that T5S midrange...........they even warmed up the lower section by adding (literally) a whole T5S bass dimension!


Why am I going into all this?
The new Buds1 low-end is also enhanced, so much so that the lows make my previous TWS TIN, the TINBUDS3 sound thin by comparison. Yep, they came out with a number 3 before a number 1. To consolidate this paragraph, the Buds1 has more bass than any TIN I have ever heard, bass head levels of low-end.

Yet, somehow you get used to it, though there isn't a lot of bass detail inside this wash. :)
Truly I don’t know how, but I have been using the Buds1 for almost a week, and they have grown on me. In fact yesterday I went to the gym with them (for the second time in a row) then strolled around about town. This endeavor took hours, then I checked the suggested play time on a single charge?


5 hours. LOL What 5 hours from a charge, and a total of 30 hours playtime recharging from the included case? No wonder they never ran out of juice, I could have stayed out an extra hour with music!

They are terrible on motorcycle rides, see that port on the outside? That grabs wind-noise and makes the music fully drowned-out. Though if you’re into that wind-sound, no one is stopping you!

Bluetooth 5.3:
The great part is instant connectivity to your phone or computer, I say this and you expect to read it, yet this is the very best stable connection, and ease of use scenario I have yet come across. Though they would cut out for a brief second when I was at home, around town walking there were the regular cut-outs every so often, this may be from other signal completion, who knows?

There is ANC:
That’s active noise cancellation, which wind overpowers of course.

Bass, midrange and treble:
A ridiculous 13mm driver made from a composite PU+PEEK into a single full-range Dynamic Driver Diaphragm system. Plus this smoothness worked its way………all the way into the midrange and treble, creating a well imaged, yet harmonically dense replay of cymbals and vocal replay. Imagine the best timbre yet coated in a super thick mid-bass and lower midrange. Sounding like a boost right at 6.5kHz which by itself releases imaging in the treble department to balance this hearty bass. What is left is a non fatiguing midrange which showcases a dense yet smooth and clear vocal display. Though while the vocals were perfectly heard despite the bass, it was the spacial clues of the treble...........realizing imaging in a distance formed outside the stage………this got me going. I mean look at the largest of the three vents, making the stage exceptional. In fact it is this stage that is my most favorite part, as it sure isn’t exactly the clear details. Lol

Clear detail?:
No real pace here, where the lows can blend together into a slush of deep-end distortion. I mean what pace is here is arrived at through mid-detail, and nice treble images, to where songs (after the breakdown) take on an added clarity for just a moment before the bass (re-kicks-in) to create that fog. To where there is sub-bass, yet it is again drowned-out by the mid-bass authority and lower midrange smearing life. This all sounds pretty bad, Ya? Well they become a guilty pleasure.

The difference that makes the TINHIFI BUDS1 a winner is volume levels!

Rose Technics Ceramics TWS:

You may think I’m going to rate the BUDS1 very badly due to the pace issue? When in fact the difference that makes the BUDS1 a winner is volume levels. Yep, where you don’t need to, but if you read the Rose Technics TWS review I give the Ceramics 3.5 stars, yet if you were to actually read the whole review you would see I was being nice with that score. Not only does the Ceramics have the same muddiness that we have with the BUDS1, the BUDS1 fixes this offering a bigger stage that allows us to see into this fog, then the volume levels the BUDS1 do, that you can’t even get close to maxing out. And yes, there is sub-bass to the BUDS1 which can surprisingly show-up unexpected and thrilling, to where the Ceramics has none of that on offer. And finally…….the form-factor of the BUDS1 clinches the deal, being the very most comfortable TWS I have ever felt in my ears.


Apple Air-pods 2nd generation:
Look, you do realize that all these (other) products are attempting to gain a section of Apple's success right? The IEM makers now are attempting to capitalize of Apples TWS success. The darn BUDS1’s case even has that chrome lip (that I accidentally forgot to remove the plastic protective film on for photos). Yep, and they are making the BUDS1 in blue, red and this white seen in the photographs. But I must say, white is hard to photograph at times, where really there is way less “off-white” to the BUDS1 than is shown in the photos. So really the color scheme is much closer to AirPods in real life, those the size is way bigger. Not only that, the bass is way bigger, the stage is way bigger, and they fit (to me) way better than the original Air-pods. Of course the BUDS1 are an IEM, compared to the hard tip-less surface of the original AirPod.

In truth I have a very difficult time not recommending the BUDS1. Why……well the fit for one. As such they are incredibly small. And most of the material is (fitting) inside of the ear, with just that outer bar to grab hold of. And while this oval tip may look different on first view, really the way the oval fits inside your ear is special, and I can see even high-end manufactures migrating over to this (tip) design possibly someday? But the other factor is value. While the price of $29.99 is not $19.99……it is also not (1st gen AirPod) of $159.00 (which was more in 2016 dollars)………..$206.00 to be exact.

Note the chrome strip on the front of the BUDS1, and on the back of the Apple AirPods 2Nd generation.






Included accessories: With a third set of oval eat-tips on the IEMs themselves
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Smart Hall:
As such the BUDS1 seamlessly joins with your source when the case is opened, magnetically activated by the motion of opening the case. Subsequently stopping replay when the case is closed.


Where the BUDS1 are not at the top of the IPX list, as there are found IPX7 IEMs. As such swimmers go for headsets with IPX7 or IPX8, which can be immersed in water. Where this is all an attempt to make clear the term waterproof, and the waterproof ability which varies from IEM to IEM.

IPX3 is most suited for workouts, and here we are wonderfully 2 steps even above that!

Water IPX Standards

1Dripping waterDripping water (vertically falling drops) shall have no harmful effect.Test duration: 10 minutes.
Water equivalent to 1mm rainfall per minute.
2Dripping water when tilted up to 15°Vertically dripping water shall have no harmful effect when the enclosure is tilted at an angle up to 15° from its normal position.Test duration: 10 minutes.
Water equivalent to 3mm rainfall per minute.
3Spraying waterWater falling as a spray at any angle up to 60° from the vertical shall have no harmful effect.Test duration: 5 minutes
Water volume: 0.7 litres per minute
Pressure: 50 - 150kPa
4Splashing of waterWater Splashing against the enclosure from any direction shall have no harmful effect.Test duration: 5 minutes.
Water volume: 10 litres per minute
Pressure: 50 - 150kPa
5Water jetsWater projected by a nozzle (6.3mm) against the enclosure from any direction shall have no harmful effect.Test duration: at least 3 minutes
Water volume: 12.5 litres per minute
Pressure: 30kPa at a distance of 3m.
6Powerful water jetsWater projected in powerful jets (12.5mm nozzle) against the enclosure from any direction shall have no harmful effect.Test duration: at least 3 minutes
Water volume: 100 litres per minute
Pressure: 100 kPa at a distance of 3m.
6KPowerful water jets with increased pressureWater projected in powerful jets (6.3mm nozzle) against the enclosure from any direction, under elevated pressure, shall have no harmful effects.Test duration: at least 3 minutes
Water volume: 75 litres per minute
Pressure: 1000kPa at a distance of 3m.
7Immersion, upto 1m depthIngress of water in harmful quantity shall not be possible when the enclosure is immersed in water under defined conditions of pressure and time. (up to 1m of submersion).Test duration: 30 minutes
Tested with the lowest point of the enclosure 1000 mm below the surface of water, or the highest point 150 mm below the surface, whichever is deeper.
8Immersion, 1m or more depthThe equipment is suitable for continuous immersion in water under conditions which shall be specified by the manufacturer. However, with certain types of equipment, it can mean that water can enter but only in such a manner that it produces no harmful effects. The test depth and/or duration is expected to be greater than the requirements for IPX7Test duration: continuous immersion in water
Depth specified by manufacturer, generally up to 3m.

Added features:
Plus: Dual microphones delivers great voice pick-up during calls.
Plus: Low latency means great gaming.


Honestly I really, really like the BUDS1! Mainly due to the fun sound. As such this bass heavy replay goes one step further to drown-out outside city traffic, or others talking. The great thing it does is add note weight and denser harmonics to the signal, that combined with the ample stage provides a party in your head. I mean these TWS IEMs have more bass than even most of my wired IEMs, and while smearing pace, it also smears definition of bass notes, creating a kind of fuzzy soup for such bass additives to swim in. Now normally (especially) with wired IEMs such a distortion of reality would be frowned on.

Not for everyone:
And sure there maybe a few members (who still) gravitate towards that sterile, cold and mid-forward life-less replay of Apple products? Yet they just don’t have the footprint size we are talking about here, and to me that footprint guarantees immersion. Simple as that. As this stage takes place, with the (low-end pushed out) into forward and back and side to side. The mostly slightly small but meaningful treble reaching up into the higher stratifications of stage, offering at times a thrill. All the while that buried sub takes hold when the file calls for it to exert prominence earth-quake like.

In the end this ends my least wireless signal cranky TWS, of course I’m no expert having a TWS history of only 5, yet it is easy to understand, as when you open the case as take the BUDS1 out a nice woman’s voice comes on right when BUDS1 enter your ear that simply says connected, and I like that. Or it says connected, transparency mode.

Fitment means they stay in-place. Right, these are sports IEM correct. Do you get my drift? They literally never move or need adjusting. I mean sure this is an individual ear-canal shape thing……..but so are all the other TWS I have, and none of them fit like this.

The feel is the fit and the fit the feel:
The fit creates the feel, yep…… they are one of the most comfortable sets at only 4 grams each on my kitchen scale. The case too, it is a kind of soft touch matte finish, way different from the cold hard expression of TWS (charge case) art Apple portrays.


The bottom line? TINHIFI have rethought the TWS earphone arriving at a simple value. I say it is a value because (if you gel with the tone) the value part easily surpasses the Tin Buds 3, the Apple AirPods and annihilates the Rose Technics Ceramic in sound quality, feature and ultimately volume levels/power output. We are seeing simply a bigger TINHIFI company with more Research and Development funding to come-up with a bonafide winner. Even surpassing their other TWS earphones in over all value. Creating a new tone in sound design with more bass than the Tin Buds 3, and better fitment. No the BUDS1 are nowhere near perfect and I’m sure you get that, only I never ever thought I would use them everyday, and look forward to using them as much as I do? Get yours today!


Left to right:
Apple AirPods (2nd generation) $129.00

Rose Technics Ceramics, A choice of 3 colors $39.99

TINHIFI Tin Buds 3 $89.52


Use Guide:
1) To Play/Pause, double touch either earphone.
2) 3 clicks to the left earpiece to hear the previous song.
3) Touch either earphone to answer and hang-up.
4) Touch long for 3 seconds when a call comes in.
5) To wake-up Siri, touch either earphone 3 times.
6) Press and hold the left earphone for 3 seconds to turn-on game mode, music mode. Press and hold the right earphone to turn-on transparency mode/noise reduction mode, or turn off noise reduction mode.

I would like to thank Kareena from Linsoul for the opportunity to review the TIN HIFI BUDS1 TWS IEM.

Linsoul website:
Linsoul Aliexpress Store:
Linsoul USA Amazon Store link:

$29.99 USD

Equipment Used:

Samsung Phone Bluetooth
Apple iPod Touch Bluetooth

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Reactions: Ichos and Colin5619


Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: Easy to use, plug and play music
Actually once set-up, it goes on digitally connected with your computer, once turned on
Enough power for pretty much any headphone
Enough dampening power to add image density and transients which affect image edge detail and stage
Enough dampening power to add bass texture and bass definition over many other Dongles
12 hour use per charge, yet two USB TypeC ports for simultaneous charge and music replay
Sexy (feeling) volume knob that doubles as an on-and-off switch
Typically I stayed at 1/4 volume, which meant the hip dac 3 barely moved above room temperature
XBASS to get you a polite yet potent bass boost
POWER MATCH means extra juice when you need it, useful at times with full-size headphones
While not equal to TOTL desktops with full-size headphones, the hip dac 3 performs about 85% as good, and such diffidences may be unnoticeable while on-the-move in busy locations
IEM resolution is far above average (especially for the $199.00 price) yet a blacker background and finer imaging placement will be found as you travel up the DAP ladder
Cons: None, probably the best product of its kind made today
ifi hip dac 3
Redcarmoose Labs May 28th, 2024


I have always seen ifi around, you know if you are browsing Head-Fi you really can’t miss them. Belonging to the group AMR (Abbingdon Music Research Group) one of the largest if not the largest audio manufacturer in the UK, ifi has made a notch here at Head-fi. Endlessly imaginative they have created one-of-a-kind products like the xDSD, the Nano iOne, the Nano iDSD Black Label, the ifi Blue and most recently the ifi iDSD Diablo II.

Equipment tests:
This is where I started writing this review, literally the first written words. Why? It’s the most fun of course, plus this is a set-up that owned synergy. I mean good sound……that’s what this whole review is about. Good sound at a good price. Also I’m kinda playing hooky here, from writing about all the button functions and details. And while those features are ultimately important, I don’t really like reading instructions, hence don’t favor writing about them. Yet they are a fact of life and need to covered at some point, it’s just this review is about obtaining fun……and that is what I’m going to drop a few words about.

The set-up:
Apple MacBook Air, ifi hip dac, Penon GD849 Cable and 7Hz Aurora IEM, with my regular donut wide-bore ear-tips.


The Music:

Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga OST
Junkie XL
You’re Scum

48kHz - 24bit

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This song holds so many clues as to replay. So much that after experiencing the hip dac 3 I went and grabbed my Sony WM1A. Now to be fair the exact same file is there, for comparison purposes. But I have to say the two buttons that were missing with the Sony WM1A DAP were both the Power Match and the XBass Switch. So even though my audiophile purist half wanted the signal to remain as clean as possible here, there was an extra chunk of drama that was added by turning on both switches. See with the Aurora there is this room for extra XBass, that and missing was any off timbre of brightness found. What we are left with is the throbs………bigger throbs……and I like that. Sure the Sony is my reference, yet here is a surprise, in that the bass was traveling far-out into the reaches of the stage……..we are in the middle (and I hate to say this) but replay was better than the Sony. Not quite as detailed, but more musical, and more fun. There are other times where the Sony excels, yet think of this as a home theater experience, as that is exactly what it is. So in this case those bass throbs are clean yet deep and holding authority…….so much authority my Wife is asking me a question…….and I’m ignoring her………for a moment.

Look, all we are looking for is involvement. A hand to guide-us in sound, to reach musical communication. This is my first Burr-Brown chipset, and it may sound just slightly different from the 3 other ifi products I have reviewed, yet still holding what I consider the ifi house sound. Yet this being my forth ifi product, it is has only more features than the GO link. Meaning the GO bar, and GO blue have more stuff they do, more filters and more complications. So to hold the ifi hip dac up……it sounds great, I’m guessing because ifi didn’t have to concentrate on miniaturization? The ifi hip dac 3 is the largest ifi product I have reviewed so far. ifi can let reviewers review any product they want. I never chose the hip dac until now because I thought it was too big. When it truth it is incredibly small. But more than that it has a few features which totally float-my-boat. Of course sound, but also it has two TypeC USB ports, one for charging and one for a digital signal. You can’t hurt the hip dac 3 if you plug the charger USB into the digital signal input, and vice versa.


Note lights will flash on and off if a digital source is disconnected, then return to consistent when a new source is switched over.

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So see that small silver button to the far left, that’s the Power Match feature, then you have the larger silver XBass boost switch. The center knob is many folks favorite feature here. Silky smooth with a consistent back pressure like turning a high-end stereo volume knob. As such wherever you place the volume it stays there resistant to movement, unless you really want it to move. I mean having the hip dac 3 around the house for a week started to make me realize the ifi corporation really put some time and effort into this little knob. Not only is it the on/off switch, it will find the exact volume your looking for with-out any of those annoying clicks.


The knob?
Nope, no clicks. Just smooth as butter. All three silver switches have a knurl surface, and I like that. As such the knurling adds to getting finger touch friction on the two buttons and even adds to the feeling when your finger makes contact with a portion of the volume knob to dial it. This feeling is slightly warmer than a regular metal surface. The other nice feeling you will have is when picking the hip dac up, at 136 grams it’s neither heavy or too light weight. As such the rounded aluminum edges create a feeling almost as sexy as the volume knob.

Volume knob:
See this volume knob keeps creeping back into the review. As there are lights conveniently located to each side of the volume knob (just in case your use scenario blocks visibility to one side). Engineered to be the exact thickness of the case, if you lay the hip dac 3 on a flat surface and shine a light onto the knob sideways, you will only see light coming through the two knob bevels and behind the knob itself. I have to commend ifi for this idea to make the knob exactly the size of the encasement, on both sides......flipped-up or down. As such there is never any extra strain when laying flat. And while they give you four small rubber feet to use, without the feet there is a slight sticking out of the iEMatch switch if placed with the ifi logo up.





Past ifi hip dacs:
I mean I never heard hip dac 1 or hip dac 2, yet this third version has the benefits of not using a (male) USB TypeA for digital input.


The Sony MDR-Z1R Full-size headphone:
Well one of my biggest surprise was just how loud and authoritative my full-size headphones became. Both the MDR-Z7 and MDR-Z1R shined. And when I say shined, this is in relation to three things.

1) Power resulting in loudness
2) Dampening power
3) tone (especially vocals)

The ultimate generalization in regards to dampening power:

“This concerns sound replay (bass) density and dampening power, which results in spacial imaging and transient attacks of upper frequencies. So density is found (especially with full-size) as a difference in regards to both the individual headphone characteristics and their power needs, thus performed many different ways in regards to amplifier choice.”

Dampening or Damping Factor:
You see, many amplifiers can make headphones loud. And Noobs think that if the results of an amplifier make a headphone loud enough, well that’s all you need. When in fact it is Dampening too. Dampening is a feature besides power to where the amplifier has better control over the actual diaphragm in use. Meaning transients are improved simply due to better start and stop reflexes of the headphone driver. This often adds a character to the bass, where if a bass is in better control, it comes off clearer. This can almost be perceived as an extra amount of stage surrounding the bass. As such this imaging then walks upwards into the mids creating better pace and better imaging into how the treble is formed into images.

While no headphone is perfect, we try to use amplifiers often which hold an intrinsic quality which will in the end balance a deficit or tonal drawback. In the case of both the Z7 and Z1R the mid-range vocal ability could be brought into question. Meaning at times amps and DACs will offer a midrange clarity or the opposite, a midrange sleepiness which will work against us.

So here in testing in many ways the hip dac 3 was even better than IEM playback just the way it had control over the full-size, but also that there was found extra clarity taking and making vocals come-into focus. On multiple occasions, and no matter what source or music I used, I smiled at these results. In fact I’m using the MDR-Z1R with the hip dac 3 as I write now. The MacBook Air remembered that the hip dac 3 was used last time and was already all set up, I like that. Here the XBass feature is not needed, but the Power Match goes to add dynamics. I have to laugh as yes, the MDR-Z1R is easy to drive, but staying at only 1/4 of volume borders on ridiculous. Also typically in my history if you are only using 1/4 of the power, often dampening goes along with that.


Sony TA-ZH1ES:
And…….if you’re wondering what the $2199.99 USD TA-ZH1ES gets you? Slightly more resolution, where there is better separation, clearer formations (that’s the DAC) and a thicker meatier (amplifier) replay.

Is this hip dac 3 really 11 times less entertaining, no I would say only 15% less.

I mean yes the hip dac 3 is not drawing-up as dense of images, but in no way would these ideas of hip dac 3 output be thought of as thin, or not carrying weight. It is this fast yet firm item weight found lurking deep into the outskirts of the stage that has me smitten with performance.

And the fact that the hip dac 3 can go anywhere my laptop or phone can go.

Still to be honest the MDR-Z1R needs to get credit here too, as the Z1R is very thick, a home theatre on wheels. But at the same time I’m pretty easy going as far as finding entertainment in full-size replay. Just get me the dampening and the stage and I am a quiet camper. I was going to find a couple examples of how the hip dac 3 and MRD-Z1R were able to let you become a female vocal judge of recording quality, but then I realized this review is already maybe too long, and going to get much longer before it’s over. But let me just say this. Finding new female vocals, and listening, then dropping back to old reference (female voice) recordings proved with-out a doubt that the hip dac 3 has the personality for the MDR-Z1R to do vocals. And not only do them, but do them in a critical way that would even allow you to judge them, as well recorded or not.

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Sony MDR-Z7:


Well I was trying to avoid it, but destiny intervened. First off, yes this is a vocal song. But straight off we note just how good the piano is. Density and harmonics, good decays. Singer Rose Betts vocals come in, and while not as forward as the Z1R, we are borderline fine, and when speaking Z7 that’s something to write down. Near the end, when more strings come in they are welcomed with beautiful tone and timbre. Where the Z7 may not be a lot of things, it does hold great timbre, that and staging, and of course bass, but we are not looking at that today? Or are we! Hehe.


Sam Paganini

44.1kHz - 16bit
ifi GO link and Sony Z7:

I mean I’m not totally into this music genre, yet I like this song, so maybe I’m in fact into it? Here once again we are using the authority of the Sony Z7 to drive the music beat home. The little GO link well, it needed to be maxed out, almost. I mean for the most part the GO link was fine, but really works way better with IEMs. In contrast finding the added authority and power that the hip dac 3 just naturally sports was different and beneficial. Where we find that 10% in extra hip dac 3 technicalities in how the stage falls (to be nicer) as well as the density of the bass…………especially in a track like this one!

So what we get out of these tests is (obviously) a hierarchy. Though it is obvious, let me explain how in simple English.

To where the GO link is to the ifi hip dac, as the hip dac is to the Sony TA-ZH1ES....with full-size headphones. This explains the relative image density and stage (between the three) also the imaging in separation and transient attacks in comparison.

So as a generalization here. The bass density which is enjoyed with the TA-ZH1ES is slightly compromised when a file is played on the ifi hip dac 3. And to the same amount trying to take full-size headphones over to the GO link. Yet the other drawback to the GO link is it only gets so loud, to where that (lesser) density dampening is still missing from the ifi hip dac 3, only it can get crazy loud. In reviewing various products, I’m attempting to simply go one step further than to just say the hip dac 3 sounds great. I mean any review writer can say that in a review. While yes, the MDR-Z7 is more power hungry than the MDR-Z1R, there is also more bass, a stupid amount of bass, yet with carefully chosen products that specific bass doesn’t have to be dumbed-down, but can open-up to reveal wonderful textures and extra clues as to the reality of what is there in the file........and that's what we get with the hip dac 3!

After a few Reddcarmoose reviews this hip dac 3 review finds itself at the end of the review cycle. Subsequently this review may end-up longer than the rest (as I have time) not concerned by dead-lines or other products getting in the way. If I could, I want to concentrate on the Z7 with EDM first. Here there is an added authority to the MDR-Z7 that adds to what the hip dac 3 brings to the table. While still not as dense as the TA-ZH1ES, really we are splitting hairs here. The full-on V shape of the Z7 signature moves forward to add a big stage for the midrange and treble imaging to live. And contrary to a few amps out there, there is an included smoothness that just makes this work-out. Working-out is called in the zone, and that’s where I am. Smooth, full-bodied and clear at only 1/4 volume with the Power Match feature in use.

The MDR-Z1R and MDR-Z7 with MUC-B20SB1 cable:

Here I’m breaking-out the MUC-B20SB1 “Kimber” a $170.00 aftermarket cable that adds a touch of smoothness to both the MDR-Z1R and MDR-Z7. And I have to say, the MUC-B20SB1 adds a slight noticeable improvement to the hip dac 3, to where if you were looking for the ultimate step in the right direction after a Sony Z7 or Z1R and hip dac 3 purchase, the MUC-B20SB1 is the quintessential update to the sound here. Where with the Z1R even more upgrades can be noticed. These up-climbs come as a form of separation and smoothness, both as a perceived spatial imaging, and added itemizations found freely existing into the stage.

Where at first (years ago) the MUC-B20SB1 was chosen to help with a brightness display into how the Z1R was powered by the TA-ZH1ES. Where now (maybe due to Burr-Brown) smoothness, no such form of correction is needed to start with?


Further comparisons to other ifi products and the competition:
Here the ifi hip dac 3 (under the HiBy R3 II) goes against the ifi GO blu, ifi GO bar....and the GO link, with the Shanling UA3 and Simgot Audio DEW4X, which we will get to later.


Penon Volt with GS849 cable.

ifi hip dac 3:
Really this all is very easy. And while this section of the review followed the full-size headphones, using the HiBy R3 II as a digital source as in comparison to USB TypeA from a computer was no different. The differences in hip dac 3 and Volt IEM volume settings were obviously noticeable, to where I basically turned-off the Power Match feature and left the volume the same for IEMs. Here I’m using the Penon Volt past TOTL IEM and “color free” GS849 cable in 4.4mm.

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While ifi goes ahead to offer a guide to what would be best for your needs….I’m simply relating my experience with four of their portable products.

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ifi hip dac 3 verses GO bar.
While sure the hip dac 3 doesn’t offer four different GO bar filters, I never used the sound filters anyway. While yes there is high gain and low gain in a sense on both, the hip dac 3 doesn’t offer XSpace. XSpace is a style of adding stage, while slightly decreasing point detail inside that stage. Both offer 4.4mm balanced and 3.5mm S-Balanced output, though I have never seen a 3.5mm balanced before? There are 9 different lights on the top of the GO bar which will show 44/48, 88/96176/192, 352/384, DSD 64/128, DSD256, MQA, XSpace and XBass. Now with the hip dac 3 we do have exactly the same iEMatch (which reduces hiss on sensitive IEMs), and XBass. We decode MCA files on both yet the hip dac 3 shows also a purple light to designate original MQB sample rate when decoding MQB. So we end-up with Green for MQA, Blue for MQA Studio and the Purple for MQB studio.

Lol, OK after 4 back and forth tries, I solidified my very first impressions at first listen. Where yes, the GO bar 32bit Cirrus Logic has a thicker sound…….and much of that was found down low………that sound is (to me) slightly more luxurious? Now the crazy part, and don’t let anyone tell you differently……the stages were both very much populated with musical instrumentation in different areas. Meaning the hip dac 3 had the high-hats sounding one way and in their own area in the stage. The GO bar slightly denser high-hats, maybe containing more high-hat information. Lol


The GO bar to the left of the hip dac 3.

Look, this is the very epitome of confusion, as who is to say what the producers had in mind when they recorded the music, yet the GO bar (for all it’s worth) had a thicker darker and different sound, with items staged differently. Where maybe at times the GO bar stage was bigger, then depending on the music, the hip dac 3 stage was still as comparable?

Where maybe it didn’t matter so much with the Volt IEM?
But I did a quick MDR-Z1R test again. To where this hip dac 3 thickness in treble was gone……there was more spatial separation and slightly more openness to the Z1R. Maybe this is due to the GO bar being thicker, but the Z1R is already thick; it is known as one of the thickest sounding headphones? The hip dac 3 Burr-Brown chipset was offering a cleaner, yet less harmonically expanded tone, only just slightly less on the harmonically expanded part.

What that meant to me was that, sure the Volt sounds richer with the GO bar 32bit Cirrus Logic, yet this richness was not really an attribute when listening to the MDR-Z1R.

And if you go back to my GO Bar review, I actually mention the fact that while the GO Bar has plenty of power for the MDR-Z1R, I wasn’t so sure the mid-range was quite vivid enough, always? Sure here the sound is just slightly more stripped down that the GO Bar, yet the stage appears more open, and gone is any of that extra thickness.......that MDR-Z7 or MDR-Z1R doesn’t need in the end. While this sound may in-fact add to the lack of density in the end, still I will truly go with hip dac 3 playback here. $329.00 GO bar, versus the $199.00 hip dac? The operational amplifier of the GO bar puts out 475mW max into 32 ohms, yet only full power when you have USB 3.0 and above. Where the operational amplifier in the hip dac 3 has its own 12 hour 2,200mAh battery, at up to 400mW into 32 ohms. Really while using 1/4 of the volume level, both amplifiers featured enough dampening and got plenty loud enough.


The ifi GO link front and center.

The GO link verses the hip dac 3:
Really I already went over this little guy. But as a product it shares a special application more for IEMs. Due to the power limits of the GO link, full-size headphones can be used, but fail to exhibit enough overall density. Where sure full-size can be used with the GO link (and it is always miles better than the Apple Dongle) with full-size headphones. It just doesn’t come into dramatic style till you join the GO link with IEMs. Remember this dampening thing with full-size headphones is independent of volume levels desired. LOL I can only go 1/4 on the MacBook Air with the Penon Volt IEM. In comparison to the hip dac 3, the GO link sound is not as vibrant. Being held closer to home inside the sound-stage, with less options of detail to fully spread things apart into a perceived density of imaging. Still as far as comparisons go, the Apple Dongle owns a thinner sterile sound offering none of the thickness on hand as the GO link does 24/7………it is just the hip dac 3 for just $140.00 more money, does worlds more in my book.


Go blu third over left to right.

The GO blu verses the hip dac 3:
Where do I start? On a positive note you can place the 9V battery size GO blu in your front shirt pocket and run your best cable to your best TOTL IEM and have insane sound out and about. There is no product that I know of that does this. Yes, you are using Bluetooth to get there, and while Bluetooth is not perfect, this may be one of the closest examples of great usage, at least in my limited history. To where really the GO blu is two different devices, it is a Bluetooth receiver, and a wired Dongle working style of player. Yep, better sound wired. So if you see yourself using Bluetooth part of the time, and having a way smaller device than the hip dac 3 in use, well that may be a way to go? Where the GO link beats the GO blu in Bluetooth mode, the GO blu is a dramatic step forward in sound wired. Yep, all that separation and vividness really in many ways has challenged the hip dac 3! As such this GO blu Cirrus Logic CS43131 DAC Chip puts out the goods. When it gets down to it, the GO blu sound-stage is just slightly closer to home, except that sound in itself (wired) crosses over here at Redcarmoose Labs into great, just not as great as what the hip dac 3 does at exactly the same price……on a daily basis.


Some competition:
The Shanling UA3 Dongle and Simgot Audio DEW4X Dongle:

The Shanling UA3:

Shanling sports dual AKM AK4493SEQ DAC chips and two dedicated Ricore RT6963 amplification chips. Now the wild thing is this Dongle sounds great but is the weakest tested today, all except the GO link. Yes, the GO link is less powerful. Yet remember I have been on hip dac 3 1/4 volume most of the time, so does it matter? I mean this UA3 staging is great, I love it, the way the separation goes, but I have to say the dampening with the MDR-Z1R is questionable. That and the UA3 chip tuning makes the bass even slightly softer, if you can believe that? The combination of results is a more refined almost a royal style of sound, minus the cannons. LOL. All joking aside (but seriously) they left a little cannon sound of the booms, or at least it's not emphasized. Still it is hard not to love this tone, especially if you haven’t heard it for a while! No not near as vivid or holding the separation of the hip dac 3.

The Simgot Audio DEW4X:
I mean Simgot is actually not new at Dongles. This is Simgot's 4th Dongle if my memory serves me correct. Where in contrast to the last UA3 it gets ungodly loud, even with full-size headphones. And you know with the MDR-Z1R this damping may make a difference, as I’m hearing better separation, faster transients, yet with an added dryness that is maybe just the personality of the Dual C43198 chips? Whatever it is, there a wider separation than the UA3? To almost where I would judge this as having slightly better realization into technicalities……I hate to say. Where images are bigger and more vibrant, yet holding that sizzle that comes with being more upfront and apart from the rest of playback. Offering a surprising amount of fun but missing a little of the bass density that is the hallmark sound of the hip dac 3.

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Well there you have it, another ifi review in the books. I have done my very best to locate the quality sectors here for you to read, and tried to put them in a way you could understand. While not perfect, the ifi hip dac 3 remains a value. Not only is that value found in ease of use, but in build demeanor and quality of sound. If you were keeping score it beat out a large portion of the competitors here today, both made by ifi, Shanling and Simgot Audio. Of course usage scenarios means the most probably. Yep, you know how a DAC/Amp would perform in a given set-up. I say this because the market is truly flooded with choices.

Me, on the other hand (being an audiophile) look at sound quality (per dollar) as the number one choice factor…….and there the hip dac 3 (in particular usage scenarios) becomes number one. :hearts:

Number two is probably ease of use, just the fact that it went on (in-place) with-out any MacBook Air keyboard keystrokes the 2nd time I used it. As the hip dac 3 was remembered by the MacBook, and I like that.


If you were worried about how long this thing will last, I can tell you it’s built like a tank at 136 grams! I mean the knob is the first thing you try before you even plug it in, I mean how can you not try it? It’s the main focus of a lot of reviews, only because knobs are very different item to item. I can say this little knob outperformed most knobs on my bigger full-size equipment. It does this offering a click less smooth and robust feeling, really the feeling of value. I know I may sound a little crazy, but this knob is something else, you’ll see. The form factor is way smaller than you think. Even after I got the hip dac 3 in the mail, viewing (other) photos of the hip dac just looks bigger in pictures. After 12 hours or so you can recharge the hip dac 3 by plugging a TypeC USB cable into the rear, yet due to that being separate from the TypeC USB digital signal, you can have both cables plugged in and use the thing simultaneously. This may not seem like a big deal, but it can be, being the fun with this thing never stops. The small LED under the charging port has 4 color codes for battery status, white, green, then red, and lastly flashing red, which means you better get your Schiit together pronto like……as you have only 10% left in the gas tank.

While sure there are other units out there that offer more features, you have to ask yourself if they needed features. I mean this hip dac 3 thing is so simple it does not even have an on-off button. You turn it on by turning on the volume knob. Yep, as you rotate (right at first) the knob you feel the presence of extra friction holding the knob back……..then after 1/9th of a wheel-turn all the lights comes on and it says hello! Well it doesn't actually say hello, but you get my drift.

Really the iMatch feature I never needed, though I did use the XBass and Power Match features..........they were strategically implemented to sound both noticeable and nice.

Really that’s it, oh and ifi have included three USB cables to go with everything, that and a set of little feet, just in case you want to use them. To where other reviewers say this is the best hip dac sound out of the 3 so far, I have not heard the others, so I don’t know? Yet I do know one thing…….I can easily recommend this product as it is simple and effective in use, it does exactly what its intended purpose is, and for that I’m amazed.

The hip dac 3 retails at $199.00 USD.

I want to thank Lawrence at ifi for the hip dac 3 review sample.

These are one person's ideas and concepts, your results may vary.

Equipment Used:
Sony WM1A Walkman DAP MrWalkman Firmware 4.4mm
Sony WM1Z Walkman DAP MrWalkman Firmware 4.4mm
HiBy R3 II DAP in 4.4mm balanced and USB TypeC to the hip dac both digital wired input and supplying Bluetooth
Apple MacBook Air USB TypeA digital output
Go Bar in 4.4mm balanced
GO blu in 4.4 balanced
GO link in 3.5mm

Last edited:
Great review, thanks. Just got my hip dac3 🤩
Enjoy! A prime example how great audio doesn’t necessarily have to cost a boat load of $. Cheers.


Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: The most balanced response I have encountered from the HBB tuning house
A vocal IEM, which despite what you may guess does forward, textured and detailed vocals all day long
One 8mm PU Dynamic Driver and one 11mm LCP Dynamic Driver creating a 'Quasi' Hybrid design
Slightly laidback, yet still offering enough detail to get audio participation
One of the more musical IEMs I’ve reviewed
Holding all the components of natural timbre
A full-size stage with both front to back and up and down adding to the L and R
Wonderfull pace which can be slightly heard forming inside the bass notes
A beautiful two-story 3D TANGZU creation with 1/3 resonate chamber and 1/3 sold 3D printed resin
3 count them 3 sound vents
Correct nozzle length
Comfortable semi-custom 3D printed design
Comes with 6 sets of Tangzu Tang Sancai ear-tips, both balanced and wide-bore models, Yeah!
Slightly quirky
Cons: Only gets medium loud from a regular cellphone
More musical over technical
Slightly quirky
The TANGZU x HBB Xuan Nv Universal IEM
Redcarmoose Labs May 23rd, 2024


Many don’t realize the very first made IEMs were collaborations in a way. As such IEM maker Chris Lindrop in the 1980s made IEMs for Steve Wonder, yet they were not for sale to the public. In 1995 Jerry Harvey’s IEMs were a first multi driver CIEM for Alex Van Halen, who was looking for something to neutralize the SPLs of the band's sound system.

Some of these IEM side benefits for these musicians were being able to customize the mix, hearing protection……..even the artist could (jump around) and hear the mix clearly wherever they were. If the musician was inside or outside, the mix coming through the IEMs was the same. A big thing is use of the IEM on stage reduces the possibility for amplifier feedback.

So nowadays Youtube luminaries get extra pocket change from putting their name and tuning skills to work in the creation of Chinese In Ear Monitors. And if they hit it big with a (popular) model the extra money may become substantial. Of course all this is just a logical guess on my part……..really those guys talk about everything under-the-sun, yet they keep any profits made tight-lipped. In the end it’s none of our business. Though a concern arises if we are paying (too much) extra for this collaboration, and if so are the IEMs still a value?

The value of the actual IEM tune:
Many tuning ideas have been put forth. At Head-Fi intense curiosity over IEM graph curves. Hence the almost over-inflated concern over graph curves. And due to the fact that we are trying to get objective (graph) ideas about a complex and convoluted subject………such as recreation of a live musical event through ear-speakers, it does make sense to try and gain all the information possible. Though often an IEM will get avoided due to the horror of a particular graph.


Now what I wanted to show I was able to show with just three HBB collaborations.

Yep, here is a graph that shows how the BLON X HBB Z300 measures, the QKZ x HBB Hades measures and our IEM in question today, how the TANGZU XUAN NV measures.

In fact there will be a total of 5 other IEMs besides the TANGZU XUAN NV in my IEM comparisons shortly. And sure enough the BLON X HBB Z300 and QKZ x HBB Hades will be a big part of those side-by-sides. Yet I’m posting this graph right-off to kind-of get an idea of what part of town we are driving to. Look at the graph. Really I already knew of this relationship between the three IEMs before the graph, though it is always a little heart warming when you pull-up a graph and it will go to substantiate what you are hearing. There is much sense to having the graph come after the first impressions, if you are so enabled, by having the IEM on hand.

“looky here”

The graph shows the TANGZU XUAN NV to have the least bass of the three, and also a prominent vocal display. Well what do you know? Also will you look at how the XUAN NV drastically runs away from the BAD GUY’s target curve. Really and truly that is the main information that I wanted to get across early in this review. That for once we are meeting-up with a change of pace, in fact an increase in pace. That and no-way are we submitting ourselves to the bass DOMINATRIX of the HBB Hades.

I mean sure the world is full of all types, and I gave the Hades a good score, but at first listen, I didn’t want to. In fact it took me a few days to reset my hearing from the devastating trauma inflicted by her fiery bass whip.

So you may think I find this new TANGZU XUAN NV to be the best thing ever from the HBB camp…….and yes it is. Almost a month ago I did first impressions and that is what came up. Now we are both encountering more vocals and due to the reduction in bass, those vocals become even more clear.



Review prospective summary and side-by-side comparisons:
Really here at Redcarmoose Labs there is no better way to figure out what the personality is of a new IEM, other than side-by-sides. Yep, easy as it is, I will simply use the WM1A with the Tangzu Tang Sancai wide-bores and the OC849 cable with every test vehicle. After that I will do a music review, talking about how the XUAN NV plays back tunes, then show packaging and construction, then wind-up this little review with a conclusion, with purchasing links. You may question why I’m using an aftermarket cable, and the reason is it is in 4.4mm, where the included cable was not. What is nice is at $79.00 they even included the Tangzu Tang Sancai wide-bores and a complete set of Tangzu Tang Sancai balanced-bore ear-tips.


Left to right:
Top row:
TANGZU XUAN NV $79.00 = 2DD 1 8mm PU X 11mm LCP
Kiwi ears Singolo x Crinacle $79.00 = 1X 11mm LCP DD

Middle row:
QKZ x HBB Hades $49.99 = 2X9mm DD
TINHIFI T5S $129.00 = 1X 10mm DOC DD

Third row:

TINHIFI C2 $29.00 = 1X 10mm PU+LCP DD
BLON X HBB Z300 $35.00 = 1X 10mm Silicone diaphragm

Music used:


44.1 - 24bit
Now the thing is, this song seems to enhance all the IEMs. Yet I’m using the song here because I like it, and it is well recorded. It really brings out the best of every IEM in the test. And you know, I’m OK with that, because I have had the TANGZU XUAN NV almost a full month and I have listened to a gambit of musical styles, plus I already did reviews of the competitors with even more music. To narrow this song down, it has well produced cymbals that are easy to itemize in the stage, there is a specific fall-off and reverberations to everything, there are female vocals at the right place, and the vocals are recorded well. There are heavy bass qualities to the keys and heavy drums which if done well are well spaced apart. This song even holds examples of timbre response (as most all songs do) but since I use this song a few times a week I know it like the back of my hand, and that counts for something.

After listening to the TANGZU XUAN NV, I quickly switched to the The Kiwi ears Singolo X Crinacle.

Kiwi ears Singolo x Crinacle:

Really even and complete is how I note the Singolo, free from any off frequency, thus coming across as clean. Clean is the word for what this IEM does 24/7. And while in this review I partake of the TINHIFI C2 and the TINHIFI T5S, really the two and the Singolo could be viewed as riding in the very same automobile. Yep, to where the Singolo takes that midrange luster and profound delineation and runs slightly farther than the C2 (due to technicalities) and the T5S due to a more forward tuning. Yep, to where the Singolo makes the T5S sound almost sleepy and it is far from asleep at all. So you may be wondering why I’m not comparing the TANGZU XUAN NV yet. Well it is easy to get a handle on what the TANGZU XUAN NV is about. Really in so many ways it is the exact opposite of the Singolo. More Singolo forward vocals, less bass action and still holding a giant stage. Stage is a funny thing because I believe it is both from frequency and technicalities, Yep. And the Singolo has the combined effect of the two going on in unison. What makes the music as such become lifted off the ground into the midrange, forgetting the grounding taking place in the XUAN NV at all. Nope, we are flying slightly higher off the ground. Cruising with our buddies in a low-rider 1962 Impala, yet we are Head-Fi geeks too, so it is a midrange car stereo taking place minus the heavy bass kickers of the XUAN NV.

As such these images of midrange, like a few to follow make the Kiwi ears Singolo x Crinacle the perfect complementary IEM to a XUAN NV purchase. I mean there is no denying the Singolo is great, just how great compared to the more sloppy XUAN NV could be a matter of taste, or the time of day, or mood you found yourself in.

QKZ x HBB Hades:

Can you say bass. Even if you open your window and yell B A S S outside your house, listeners may think you’re crazy, but they still won’t be illuminated as to how much bad-as Bass the Hades truly has, Yep it is that much. Where it took me a month to write this XUAN NV review, it took me almost that long to reset my hearing after visiting Hades. OK, all joking aside, the Hades actually got a great review from me, and you know why? Stage, a giant stage, bigger than the TANGZU XUAN NV and maybe one of the biggest here today. Yet a part of that is the bass stage, to where the following T5S is cleaner and more strict as to TINHIFI’s idea of correctness. It is like this Hades represents the bass needy…….those low frequency vagabonds who are jonesing for more than their fair share of bass material. But the truth riddle of Hades is how after listening to it for a while this extra bass becomes almost normal? To where if any IEM could lead you over to the Dark Side then the Hades could. Just like a drug dealer handing out fun free samples to try, only to permanently mess-you-up in the end.

Look, this is my favorite IEM on this list. I chose it for a few reasons, yes it is way more money than the TANGZU XUAN NV, except what I’m attempting to do is show the diminishing returns per dollar spent, but also there was another reason. The T5 came out in May of 2021, almost exactly 3 years ago. It reviewed very badly, the T5 was just too bass light, that and with the treble and midrange that were even amplified more by this whacky balance. So to have this T5S just recently show-up and be my favorite TIN out of everything, well that is sentimental. OK the T5S is better in many ways from the TANGZU XUAN NV, but they are different too…….let me explain why. First off we can start to hear the TINHIFI sound. This sound is a no-playing around totally organized and scheduled intent of sonics. A proposed venture into TINs commander ruthless careful idea of just how they think IEMs should sound. Imagine the little $29.00 IEM to follow in this review and start adding on accessories. Where the C2 is in its underwear, the T5S is in so many ways a mature and complete sound, that while the C2 has less bass, there is a smoother and harmonically rich embellishment into which we interpret the full-throttle approach of the T5S. I know I said I was going to compare the XUAN NV, and I will. Yet hearing the C2 really drove home what TIN is doing here. That really the C2 and the T5S are tuned and technicalities wise are driving in the same direction. Big expanded mids of clarity in proportion to the XUAN NV. Yep, so imagine the C2 as the younger weaker sibling and the T5S going all out. Sure it is more IEM and fighting (the XUAN NV) here is like a bodybuilder taking a slug during a bar fight at a drunk unsuspecting Mesomorph! Yet while yes, there is way more detail held in what the T5S does, and sure it is considerably more change, still just like the C2, this T5S ends being complementary to owning the XUAN NV? Where the XUAN NV is more relaxing and quirky. Yep……there I said it. I was waiting this whole review to drop the word quirky on you. As in relation to back-to-backs the XUAN NV is a little less dressed up-for-a-wedding than the T5S. Sloppier and more casual in technicalities. Maybe a tad blurry even. Where TINHIFI are like a military IEM, the XUAN NV is cutting school and ***-off.

It may be how the T5S does technical bass, but this warmth, a first for TINHIFI that combines with the mid technicalities to create a winner in my book. A 5 out of 5 score. Hooray!

What a $29.00 addition to the battle? HA, the little C2 is exactly $100.00 less dinero than the TINHIFI T5S. And really it was out and around so I saw it, and thought that it would be good to contrast what you get. Showing-up right at the very end of 2022, the C2 wins points for being a cool design, and I really like metal IEMs if they are done right. But the question here is what does less than half the money of the TANGZU XUAN NV get you? God I love this little guy. Look at it as a full hiccup in TINHIFI design. They must have let the junior engineers out for a session in design. Does any IEM in the history of TINHIFI look like a metal robot ear? No, and the song playing is fabulous for the money. None of that brittleness like what is found in the BLON X HBB Z300 to follow. Yet we are working with a very up-front and thinner posture than what the XUAN NV is about. Where what becomes of this is higher relief into how the midrange is spread out into luxurious fashion. No it does not hold the overall micro or macro density of the XUAN NV, yet who is complaining here. I am not complaining! Bigger more vibrant details in the upper midrange and treble. As such those factors are pushed even farther into reality by lesser bass action too. Really this style of playback, believe it or not, becomes complimentary to the XUAN NV. Enough said! Word for today is Windex Spray!

Why did I include this one? Primarily due to it being a HBB collaboration, it also very much defined my point in relation to this new direction in XUAN NV bass curtailment. Very clean, meaning one single 10mm driver in a solid anti-resonance shell will emit a clarity and absorption of off frequencies and lesser harmonic resonances at times. This directness is in contrast to what the TANGZU XUAN NV is about, the XUAN NV is actually a little softer due to the 2X DD fighting. Yet this purity of the HBB Z300 has its merits. Thinner on all counts despite what the added mid-bass does. I hope this makes sense, that there is more mid-bass and lower midrange held in HBB Z300 playback, and a lesser push at 3kHz, yet for whatever reason the forwardness is both more brittle and over-all sounds a hint more sterile? I mean I looked at the graph and while the graph makes sense, this is one IEM that contradicts some of the graph, and makes a reality that 8kHz peak energy oppose from it being just measurement resonances. As such that forward energy combined with the rest makes this IEM way less musical in the end, in comparison to the XUAN NV! Sure it is good for the money, but will ask for less volume levels in playback due to such strict Nurse Ratched character!

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Music Tests:
Yes, I chose the same song to start as in the IEM comparison section. All tests with Sony WM1A in 4.4mm balanced with Tangzu Tang Sancai wide-bore ear-tips and OC849 aftermarket cable.


44.1 - 24bit

Timestamps are only on the digital file, not the included video. Probably the first thing that comes to mind is the sheer size of the drums. That while the drum holds authority, it is also the cymbals that take the cake, this show of clarity and details. At 00:18 this show of bass note emphasis is positioned in a new part of the stage, an area where we didn’t know sound could be placed. At 00:27 we realize that all these instruments are in correct timbre as there are no BAs involved. It is in fact this stage, this big stage that has us stop for a second to realize this is an under $100.00 IEM doing its thing? Where, yes the stage is primarily wide, there is ample front and back plus top to bottom, too. After 160 hours of burn-in the bass is sounding…….really everything is coming off more fluid and effortless? At 00:38 a yangqin (a Chinese hammered dulcimer) shows offing of a higher frequency and positioning out-front. And the thing is this dulcimer instrument has also been fully drawn-out through effects to fall into multi-points of interest upon the stage. There is panning back and forth, and then what sounds like a flute, but it is keyboards. At exactly 01:14 Lisa Gerrard makes her entrance. That while entering we get a good idea of where she will sit in the stage, and frequency wise. See that’s the thing, her voice is neither too forward or too back-set. This idea of vocals has me a believer, and none of that vocal sitting malarky previous from HBB. I don’t mean to make fun of past HBB creations……cuz I haven’t heard them all, but from what I have heard, vocals are not the strong point in the past. Maybe TANGZU said, wait a second, we want some vocals here? And the deal is of course all the components heard from the vocals……….more subtle details than you would guess, the reverberations, the panning from right to left and back again, really the overall vocal textures are better than I was prepared for? Really as far as vocals go, they have gone done it with the correct positioning and frequency to allow exquisite details and realness. With many HBB ideas we have had the female voice seem like an afterthought, but no not here, really not here!

blade-runner-2049-59e53eb4959a4 copy 2.jpg

Hans Zimmer and Benjamin Wallfisch
Blade Runner 2049 OST
44.1kHz - 16bit

Here we are entering the atmosphere, and while the bass is strong it is also fast and tight. At 00:14 to 00:15 there are treble details, which due to high frequency are unidentifiable. Yet being at the very threshold of hearing are just barely there, yet there. These show floating on an ocean of bass ambiance. Same as the backwards which sound like faint singing at 01:54……yet we are in a giant room, a space delineated by the various synths……all deep and all very processed, yet showing the spatial area inwhich they each exist into the stage. This room we are visiting is just that, a separate place into which sonics creates a space. It is the fact that this stage is produced wide, tall and front to back that we are enveloped inside such an effect, that low frequencies are still able to observe changes quickly into new striations.

inception-music-from-the-motion-picture-644940af5132b copy.jpg

Hans Zimmer
Old Souls
44.1kHz - 16bit

Look, I use this song every week to test IEMs. And sure the bass is well done, and the piano placement at 00:23 sounds natural but it is not as forward or separated as encountered by Hybrids. Still the tone is correct, not showing even a hint of off-timbre. As I really start to understand the goals that TANGZU had in regards to both tuning and technicalities. Where the overall mood is very analogue (whatever that means) but that while the attack holds considerable weight at our first 00:54 bass drop. It is this attack which shows a style of quality in that yes, the bass is not terribly forward, yet totally separate found into the stage, inhabiting its own private zone. Such a zone is smooth and round, yet not the very most vibrant I have heard, yet there is no denying it is possibly even more correct here. Meaning this song excels at finding each and every one of the known sound constituents alive and real sounding, but more than that, found in their natural space inside the stage. And I’m sorry to say, that this song sounds like an IEM made it that was exactly like one in the TANGZU XUAN NV supplied graph here. What I’m trying to say is the XUAN NV really holds balance, that it is a form of a correct tune, also even and complete. You see I’m learning that it is the most balanced I have heard HBB involved with. Now sure I knew such things at the start of the review, yet such a confirmation is double confirmed when hearing a song like this in action. It is what it is……that’s all.

Music conclusion:

To summarize the sound, we are basking in this stage, really the stage can’t be over emphasized as it is a value here. And while not holding BA Hybrid pin-point details, the TANGZU XUAN NV makes-up for that with correct timbre and realness. As such there are finite detail examples in playback, those examples are not always pushed forward like what a Hybrid would do. This flatness of relief gets made inconsequential due to the great vocals, both in frequency and stage positioning. This overbearing cohesiveness that is almost always par for the course with DDs, becomes that much more endearing when we realize we are experiencing pace too! That must be one thing that 2X DDs do better than one? We have one 8mm PU DD and one 11mm LCP DD which go about their day offering well defined pace. I mean as I was listening I could almost hear a small section of the music offer better transients than what a single full-range DD would do, and I like that. This small section (of sound) I’m talking about is not the most defined I have ever heard, that it makes points with the use of layers, though even those layers are not separated despite the stage size. There becomes this blending, yet when full-on vocals take place they are created alive, in living color, holding details, textures and transient abilities far above the asking price. It is just this replay character can only do so much to itemize the far up treble details……that we are met with a more compact upper stage, missing that itemization that Hybrids do with their eyes closed. We are offered corrected timbre, in fact uncanny correct timbre.

One of the greatest surprises here is the inclusion of both styles of the Tangzu Tang Sancai ear-tips.









The cable was fine. Though LOL…..look at the photograph. Here I tried to use the photo to really explain the character of this 4 core Litz configuration. I mean Yes, I used it in testing and TANGZU XUAN NV had a warm smooth sound. I truly try not to be a cable snob, because it isn’t everyone's choice to combine a 4.4mm GUCCI cable with a $79.00 IEM, I understand that fact of life. But later in the review you will learn that 3.5mm from a regular phone doesn’t cut the mustard. Nope, the TANGZU XUAN NV needs just slightly more power. I had to check this a few times, because I was surprised how much juice this little sucker drank-up? So you are fine taking this to a Dongle, just realize that only if you are a super low-volume listener, or a medium low volume listener, would a regular phone work-out. It is just not loud enough, that’s all. But in the photos here I’m using a $99.90 dollar cable, just because I feel this is an IEM that at its price-point benefits from 4.4mm balanced out-put, and the TANGZU XUAN NV scales up with a better built cable. Though keep in mind this is not in any way a cable review. As such we as readers can reach a conflict of interest concentrating on aftermarket cables in a review of an IEM. The important part is to find an aftermarket cable that simply does not color the original sound. That lets the soul of the IEM become transferred, let cable enthusiasts pick a colored cable later if they so desire. We are only looking for an increase in stage (maybe pace) and a cleaning-up of sorts compared to the included cable, with the full character of the TANGZU x HBB Xuan Nv coming through.



So the Xuan Nv comes with a generic simple white small ear-tip on the IEM to protect the 3D printed nozzle. Of the 6 other pairs, they are 3 pairs of Tangzu Tang Sancai wide-bores, and 3 pairs of Tangzu Tang Sancai balanced-bore ear-tips. Let me just say, these tips are amazing. They went and put friction grabbing surface design just like car tires, yep to all six pairs. The great part is yes the large balanced-bore gets me better fitment, yet the wide-bores get the best stage and imaging size.


Achieving a new style of design due to sophisticated 3D printing. Yep, they are now making IEMs dual constructed with only about 1/3 of the shell hollow and the other 2/3rds solid. What this all means in the end is a few IEMs have surfaced this year with seated drivers and 3D printed sound tubes. At only 5 grams a piece in weight, we are seeing through to observe 1/3 top half hollow. Yep, the back section of these two drivers exits into a resonant chamber under the faceplate. It is also vented near the 2Pin insertion point. The 2nd vent as seen in photos off the back and a third near the bass of the nozzle. Typically all these vents would mean stage expansion, and that is with-out a doubt happening here. Almost the greatest thing about the design is the form. Yep, here we are met with a medium-size build, yet offering a gambit of fins and curves. You can tell TANGZU went the extra mile in semi-custom form. Number two the nozzles are not too short. Where sure I will probably get a more secure fit with the regular Tangz Tang Sancai ear-tips, but I have done this review with the wide-bore tips. Where really I would call the regular Tangz Tang Sancai tips medium. But I’m a fanatic for wide-bores and always am endeared when there is enough nozzle length to use them. Yet the phenomenon is donut tips naturally have less barrel to join with your ear canal. Thus with less contact, there becomes an easier way for movement of the cable to pull the IEM into a different place. As long as you understand these issues, all is well, but often wide-bores don’t allow for the firm fitment regularly achieved with longer barrel ear-tips.

Phone use:
These draw some juice. In fact, while sounding great from a regular 3.5mm phone output, they really don’t get loud enough. Where unless you were a super low-volume or maybe medium low volume listener there would be cause for concern while using a phone. I mean it is right on that border where you could want a taste of more volume here. This was while using the included 3.5mm cable. One of the best experiences of the day was casually placing the ifi hip dac 3 in-between the phone and the 3.5mm included cable of the TANGZU XUAN NV. This is my first review in a while where the IEM here needs more power to come alive, where a regular phone just borderline doesn’t cut it. Really it is probably slightly less than medium volume for me, but the regular phone stage means I’m looking for more volume to try and gain interaction?


While in no way the most detailed for the money, the TANGZU x HBB Xuan Nv is kind-of looking for other aspects in music replay. Where there is close to perfect balance in the tune, that means really that this makes the TANGZU x HBB Xuan Nv very well rounded going with every source and every genre of music. Sure Symphony Lovers may not get their fair share of separation and string luster, but Rock lovers will truly find pace in regular Rock tracks. The totally unexpected thing was the vocals. That sure you can see from the graph that vocal playback was catered to, yet hearing it in action is another story all together. These vocal textures and details are just right. Right and with correct placement into the stage positioning, and of exquisite timbre. Crazy as it may sound, there are great details found in the vocal area too. That as a player the HBB tuned TANGZU x HBB Xuan Nv doesn’t make vocals an afterthought, and for that I am grateful. While the TANGZU x HBB Xuan Nv only gets medium loud from a cell phone, some types are looking for medium loud as a goal, like for slightly more background at the workplace. I can say (that while missing a little of the DAP separation) the warmth an overall tone from a phone was truly moving, holding all those things you look for as emotional triggers, minus the all the DAP stage.


As far as a looker, hah, just look at this IEM? Construction is very well done, with a new style of two-story build. Yep, Some of the IEM is solid resin with no actual (aquarium style) tubes for sound. Such tubes were formed in place by the 3D construction only. As was the top loft under the faceplate allowing for resonances to form, combined with the 3 sound vents and there is no avoiding the stage taking place.

Holding the TANGZU x HBB Xuan Nv in your hands we are welcomed with completely seamless construction, even the faceplate has somehow been fused to the lower body? And while forming a medium size TANGZU went all out with this one creating a semi-custom form. Each nozzle is truly middle length in creating a nozzle that lets me have my ear-tip freedom, freedom to choose longer ear-tips or donut shaped tips. There is even a lip at the nozzle end allowing secure placement of really any tip you choose.

Yet the most exciting thing to surface was the use of only two different sized DDs. Yep that TANGZU went and found creativity in use of an 8mm PU Dynamic Driver and one 11mm LCP Dynamic Driver. That TANGZU in many small ways is climbing closer to a Hybrid sound, as both of these drivers are made very differently. So we find that separation (to a point) of a Hybrid, with none of the off-timbre associated with Hybrid construction. What this ultimately delivers is a form of clarity for all day listening. There are no bright flood lights beaming, and the treble details are found warm and inviting. Let those other IEMs take hold of the bright intensity, because the TANGZU x HBB Xuan Nv simply doesn’t care……nope, the Xuan Nv is going about its day the very best it knows how, proclaiming vocals with uncanny charm and sophistication and a tight controlled bass that still doesn’t let you forget this is a HBB creation in the end.


I would like to thank Kareena from Linsoul for the love and the TANGZU XUAN NV review sample.

These are one person's ideas and concepts, your results may vary.

Linsoul website:
Linsoul Aliexpress Store:
Linsoul USA Amazon Store link:

Equipment Used:
Sony WM1A Walkman DAP MrWalkman Firmware 4.4mm balanced and 3.5mm
Samsung Phone 3.5mm
HiBy R3 II DAP 4.4mm balanced
ifi hip dac DAC/Amplifier 4.4mm balanced
Last edited:
It may be that the market for cheap IEMs will move towards more DDs (we already have Artti R1 with 3DDs if I remember correctly).

But it made me reflect on PENON's difficulty in producing the QUATTRO, the difficulty in matching the different drivers
(certainly that is not a low end IEM, so they were looking for a certain type of result, which in any case they managed to obtain) .
Very detailed review. A great read and the comparisons are very helpful.
Thank-you, it was funny how clearly the Xuan Nv was different from the others in comparison. More different than previously guessed beforehand? Cheers!


Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: Type 4 Litz Configuration
A progression and continuation of the original OC849 line-up, started in late 2017
8 strands, single strand is 49 cores, a total of 8 × 49, hence its name
6N single crystal copper silver-plated cable
Added warmth from the OC849
Bigger midrange girth and contrasts from the OC849
Slightly more lower midrange from the GS849 coming off more grounded
Goes with a wide-range of IEM choices making all of them (normally) better than the included wire
Well rounded performer
Brighter than the ISN CS02
Brighter than the Renata
Brighter than the new ISN T-OCC
Never harsh or strident, a new style of copper high-resolution audiophile-cable
Insane $99.90 value, all day long!
Included 68% sold copper plug
Comes in your choice of 3.5mm or balanced 4.4mm
Comes in your choice of 2Pin or MMCX
Cons: None, really none
The new Penon OCC849 and family
Redcarmoose Labs May 21st, 2024

Penon is on a new OCC kick. Where they just released a new ISN T-OCC cable, and it WAS a success. Yet this time they went back, way back to (modify) one of the early cable builds……the 849 series. Yep, coming out in late 2017 the first in the series was the Penon OS849 premium aftermarket cable. When I heard they were sending me this OS849 in a 2Pin with 4.4mm fixed plug I was excited, yet I wasn’t 5 feet off the ground. You see, to be honest I’m a tad jaded due to boxes coming every week…… and I mean these are only cables no doubt. Surely this 2017 invention has probably been surpassed by the sands of time, right?


I mean I actually got four cables in this box. $99.90 $99.90 $99.90 $99.90

And to make this simple I will describe what the 849 series is. That each of these different sounding cables all belong to the 849 series due to their structure.

In late 2017 the first of the series, the OS849 cable was released. As such it was 68% Crystal Copper and a 32% silver core. Versatile and thick, really there was nothing like it at the time that came with an IEM. 6N purity with 8% silver in the copper wire plating. 49 stands and 8X49 stands in total so that’s how they got the name.

The original OS849 cable costs $99.90 and provides a grand service becoming in the end noticeably different from this new OCC849 cable. Where the original OS849 creates a more airy demeanor with how it deals with sonics, not being weighed down by the 68% copper plug of this new OCC849.

So the OCC849 has a 68% solid copper plug.

Per Dsnuts

  • Silver for its highest transparency and stage enhancing.
  • Gold for that rich tone and depth.
  • Palladium for that remarkable imaging and detail.
  • Copper for body and warmth.
I’m just going to say that due to the existence of the invention of modular cable plugs I have tested a few, and yes the make-up of the plug itself makes a huge difference. Where typically modular solid copper plugs weigh 7 grams compared to the regular gold plated plug weighting only 4 grams.




Nope not darkness, the new OCC849 brings a clarity to the table too, a thicker meatier clarity!

Maybe you have an IEM that you want to gain stage expansion, really both the OCC849 and the original OS849 do that, but the OCC849 will bring-in a density…….an added slight note weight!

See? :nerd:

The original OS849 in action:

DSC_0189.jpegcwq copy.jpeg

The difference is the OCC849 is more heavy gaining lower midrange details and added heft, not as airy depending on your IEM. Still there is nothing at all wrong with what the original does……unless you don’t want what the original does? In fact I was amazed at just how well rounded of a cable the original OS849 cable was (with the Volt)............... never coloring the sound, but moving forward to add definition and stage over most included cables……remember this was 2017……late 2017. Penon has based the company success on making and selling aftermarket IEM cables, and this OS849 goes to show their expertise at cables in general. Only later did Penon branch out into IEM production, so at their heart Penon is a cable provider.

The real amazing thing here is I have spent years getting to know the Penon House sound.........and of these 4 cables in the review, 3 of them are the ultimate trademark for exhibiting that Penon Sound. The GD849 exhibits a special needs cable, one that will glorify a particular IEM sound, yet typically the GD849 is used on only a brighter IEM, to smooth out the edges so to speak.

OCC849 v OS849:

Later I will go over more details about how these two cables are different. Yet there is a good feeling finding a cable Penon released in late 2017 that still performs a grand OS849 tone, arranging the details and stage to make any modern day IEM shine. Yep, you can order the OS849 today and it is still very much a deal as it was when it came out. Really the OS849 is almost like pure silver in how it adds energy, yet balanced to the fact that it is a copper/silver plated cable really in the end. That simply means we don’t have to worry about the OS849 ever getting too hot or bringing too much energy to our listening, like normally pure silver will do!

The GS849 and the GD849:
Introducing the GS849 and the GD849. These two cables are slightly different once again from the original OS849 and our new OCC849. How? Well first of all the GD849 looks different. Same design structure but they use GOLD!


The GD849:
More 18K Gold! Coming out in September of 2020 it was a few years later than the original OS849. Here we are witnessing a cable with weight and authority, kind-of still vivid, but less on the vivid scale. Like the ISN GC4 there are very specific reasons you may want to included this cable, or if the ESTs in the Penon Volt are too hot for you……..which would make you a different outsider, but it could maybe happen…….then you may want to use the GD849 with the Volt. Because remember the Volt is so well rounded that none of the outcomes today were bad, just that each held a new and different tone slightly which could maybe go in order? So today I will match the GD849 with a brighter IEM, the 7Hz Aurora which due to its 6mm Planar treble driver has a tinge of upper intensity. We are using the rich tone and depth of gold to add weight and density to the Aurora.

The GS849 is still 18K gold plated OCC copper and the other half is silver plated OCC copper making 8 cores of 49 stands each thus 849. So it is simple in playback…… we are offered a denser playback and owning slightly more weight than the original OS849, yet not the total warmth and copper sound of (maybe) the plug……….but whatever is doing it, the OCC849 is just a tad warmer despite the GS849 added note weight and density. Where to really get into this mess, the GS849 has a new and different midrange. A kind of beautifully imaged midrange, which shows a more vibrant color than the original OS849, yet still more airy and flying slightly higher, as not as grounded as the OCC849. Yet this may be my favorite cable of the bunch. I know you were thinking I was going to say this new OCC849 was best, and it may be with other IEMs…….but today with the Volt this takes the cake. And they really are all very different.

If you are wondering about how cables sound they simply add to the mix. Meaning it is like cooking. Say you had a dish that was too bland……..that may mean you need to add something to add pizzaz to what you are eating. So (in opposite) imagine the Aurora as being already sightly too hot mostly in the upper treble area. We are simply adding the performance of gold to kind-of smooth out the Aurora. Now the GD849 was slightly too sleepy for the Penon (Past TOTL) Volt. Where the Volt does have EST drivers, but really the focus of the Volt is a smooth and detailed, separated and big midrange.

In comes the GS849:
HA, this is kinda an introduction to the whole review, and I have saved the best part for near the end of the introduction. Yep, Gold and Silver adding some weight over the OS849……only as mentioned before………..the GS849 is the cat’s meow with the Penon Volt!

You see this stuff is really not that complicated, if scheduled right. I have been listening to all these cables……..the OC849, the OCC849, the GD894 and the GS849 for a week. Sure I made ideas as to performance early on, but the real test here is if the character remains true to form. True to form with multiple listening on multiple days…….that is the only way cable testing makes any real sense. So I drink some coffee or tea then try out the cables, then put down some notes and rinse and repeat. After a week of this nonsense it is time to write a review. Though at times I will also break the rules and throw in a few more tests. In this review I will also compare the SIMGOT AUDIO LC7 modular cable and the permanent 4.4mm HiSenior White Whale cable. As such I need to compare the Penon Cables with two other makers just to add extra cable personalities. So in the photograph they are………..


Top Row:
Left to right:
1) The OS849 in 4.4mm
2) The OCC849 in 4.4mm
3) The White Whale in 4.4mm

Second Row:
Left to right:
The GD849 in 4.4mm
The GS849 in 4.4mm
And finally the SIMGOT AUDIO LC7 in modular 4.4mm plug

Really in so many ways each cable has some size similarity, though the odd two out would be the White Whale and the LC7 due to not having a braiding like the Penon do.

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Where the original OS849 made a name for itself in offering a stage much bigger than what came with the cable your IEM left the IEM factory with. And still maybe in some applications this airiness the OC849 puts out 24/7 will be preferred. See, the thing is stage drama from both the OS849 and GS849 comes color free. Yep, there are cables out there that perform miracles with a stage though like the Penon VOCAL cable there is also a side-effect of color added. We don’t encounter any of those shenanigans with the OS849 or the GS849. What they did to enhance the OS was add to the note weight, and there is this wonderful stage imaging creation with the Volt. The bass finds itself in a nice zone and nothing is ever out-of-whack. Yet it is this midrange…..the midrange the Volt already was performing super well…….just taken up again another impossible notch. And when you consider the price of these cables…….that is where the total value is found. While yes, these are roughly $40 more than the LC7 or White Whale, yet after you compare sound profiles you really don’t care about saving that chump change!

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You see cables are just like employees. Yep, while maybe you have them work, they don’t become valuable until you find the correct job for them to perform. And the GD849 was kind-a like that for me. Meaning with an even, complete and correct player like the Volt no correction was needed. And crazy as it sounds we are also going to roll in the OCC849 and attempt to understand how its personality could be used. Why? Because we are now folding into play the 7Hz Aurora. You see, the Aurora made the perfect match for the GD849. Why? The Volt was too smooth with the GD849…….making the vocals not contrasty enough. But along with that the stage on the Volt with the GD849 in place was less big than with the other OCC849, OS849 and GS849. So what this means is we are trying to achieve balance. Where the odd-man-out the GD849 has a role in life, yet you just need to find that role…….because once found…..yep, it is solid gold. Let me put it this way……..OK……..if you have the 7Hz Aurora just buy the GD849…it is that simple. Why? Any heat or stridency found is gone, the GD849 even helps any off timbre to become gone.

In the Cable World we call this Ultimate Synergy. Look, I could go on and on……describing just how the 7Hz Aurora and GS849 sound together, yet we have a lot of ground to cover today………..the GD849 and 7Hz Aurora were meant to be together.

The OCC849 and 7Hz Aurora:

Using my WM1A and the OCC849 cable with my regular wide-bore tips was and is heaven. Sure this review is supposed to be about the OCC849. And it is……..except I needed the previous set-up (explained) to understand what we were doing. Therefore to comprehend (all this) in a simple logical fashion………I needed to go through all the above so you could fully comprehend what the OCC849 is. First off, it is brighter than the ISN CS02, it is brighter than the Penon Renata…………but……It owns more lower weight than the Penon OS849 and GS849. So what that means for you Aurora owners out there is more (OCC849) brightness than the GD849……….simple. But in my book the GD849 is the safe bet, to where if you really want all the detail and the treble contained with the Aurora, then the OCC849 could maybe work? I say this because the stage is both connected to frequency and technicalities. Yep, that means that while the GD849 makes the Aurora more smooth, we get a decrease in stage due to that smoothness. If I had the Aurora I would simply get both cables, only because they are a deal and you will eventually (if you don’t know) have use for either cable that you don’t want to use with the Aurora. This single paragraph may be the most important in the review?

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The HiSenior White Whale:
HA, sounds like HI Senior! Hello. Time waits for no audiophile! Anyways you would think that with the age joke here that the HiSenior cable would add the upper treble, to kind-of compensate for anyone older than 18 years old…….and their subsequent frequency loss? When in fact the Whale gets points for all that wire put is adding stage, but being slightly lesser in high-treble details. Where probably the very best compliment I could give the Whale is the fact that it is very well rounded. Yet with the Penon Volt it didn’t offer the total endearing air of the OC849. And this smoothness up-top went ahead and found a surprising place in use with the Aurora? Where in the end it turns out to be darker treble wise than even the OCC849? HA! Side-by-sides are funny, because if you do them right, they can tell new tales. Now I actually knew this about the Whale from before with different treble centric IEMs that as such those IEMs would go to delineate the Whale character and personality as far as treble goes.

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Of course after my Aurora and Whale surprise, you have to already know which IEM I’m going to try. Really the LC7 has the fuller midrange and can actually move forward to be used with the Aurora, though let me warn you……the LC7 has the frequency of the OCC849 in use with the Aurora, only it does not have the staging. So we get more of a boost to treble than the Whale, and for most practical purposes like the OCC849, only missing that large stage the OCC (and the whole 849 line) have as their trademark! With the Volt sure that amount of wire adds thickness of stage……..but here we don’t get the added lower thickness of the OCC849, nor the smoothness of the OC849, yet we do become enamored with the basic well-roundedness taking place. I mean that was probably the most shocking thing in this review, that I thought of the OC849 as being the most airy, when keeping everything the same, there was a tinge of upper LC7 treble glare that the OC849 put to sleep. Where in my mid centric WM1A playback the LC7 could have a slight bite with the Volt, to where the OC849 showcased a smoother yet totally detailed treble and midrange. Where (who knows) but I’m starting to hear this provocative midrange imaging in the original OCC849, now that quality of midrange has been improved with the GS849, but both cables are 100% winners in my book. Sure though a $99.90 cable against the LC7 at $69.99…….once again your chump change buys you the world. Lol So finally lets rotate in once more the OCC849 OK!

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The OCC849:
With the Volt here is found once more added girth and density. Penon is exploring what a copper plug will do. Yet still……this is not the same town the Renada lives in, nor the T-OCC or the ISN CS02 lives, nope. We are investigating a higher level of contrasts. Does this more contrast make the cable better? Remember it is both contrasts and lower midrange thrusters, as such this is not found with the OS849. Is it just from the plug being 68% solid copper? That will not be answered as the plug does not come off. But this slightly warmer idea is in no way dark. I mean if you were at a Head-Fi show and simply put the OCC849 on (some unsuspecting guy) the listener would say, wow there is contrast. Of course this is all depending on your IEM as to how smoothly the contrast goes down.

Where if they had the Aurora going and had just listened to the GD849 and made a love connection, well you know how those love connections go. To where normally the OCC849 is never too contrasty or bright, yet it is brighter than the Renada. Yes, more bright than the CS02 and brighter than the T-OCC…..yet I knew all this right when I did my first impressions. It just takes a week to where you keep getting the same impressions, and then you feel you’re not guessing at this, and can give a factual review statement.





The above photograph goes far into relaying the fluid ergonomics of the OCC849. That really all of the Penon 849 family go far as to promote ease of use. Not too heavy or too low-weight. The 2Pins are all solid metal as is the CNC chin-cinch, and plugs.....each embellished with carbon fiber coating for resistance to fingerprints. The actual weave is a work of art, being the perfect balance of tightness and form, always staying in place, while keeping that effective Litz Configuration alive! If by chance you don’t use the chin-cinch, due to inner circumference it stays right in place, never needing to be fooled with.

The OCC849 is a looker isn’t she. HA…….I just tagged that she part on at the last minute, truly I don’t know what the heck that means? Except as I was looking at her though-out the week the copper looked more slightly rose colored, and I like that. Who knows, visually the OCC849 is the exact same size as the older sisters…….Oh great now I’m calling them all females? Anyway I’m just having fun as much of the review was critical listening and very dry to possibly read……..of course still of value if you by chance are into cables and their affect on sound replay.

The sisters all weigh differently too.
OS849 in 4.4mm is 47 grams
GD849 in 4.4mm is 51 grams
GS849 in 4.4mm is 52 grams

OCC849 in 4.4mm is 54 grams

Anyhow, there is my take on the four cables. Each has a specific use and personality, just like sisters do at times, well all the time. Really three of the cables went with the Penon Volt to make it better than most cables and truly special at just $99.90. Of course the GD849 is a special use cable, yet when it was in place with that special IEM, there was a way that it all came together. I mean that’s just the thing. That these cables are a sonic value far outweighing their humble asking price. Sure maybe more expensive cables sound better at times, but that was my whole surprise, that this OS849 was ultimately big staged and had very special mids. It had a tightness in the lower midrange and a firmness in the bass, and it was airy yet smooth in the treble. I wanted to hear it first as it was the genesis for the whole line. Along the way they added the GS849 as a way to add make-up, you know a kind-of once-over to the original OC849 sound, yet kept the price the exact same. Penon released the GD849 in September of 2020……a few years after the OS849. And finally now we meet the OCC849 which goes to another level adding more meat to the OS849 sound. Yes, it is still airy but holding more girth and weight around the midsection. Remember with the Penon Volt none of the three cables were bad, simply another way to intercept the signal coming in from your IEM and DAP. Sure there could be that member that realizes the smoothness yet airiness that the original OS849 does all day long and would stay happy with that. Then there is me who once I got a taste of the GS849 there was no going back with the Volt. That midrange imaging was both more heavy than the original OS849, but was still fully inviting and never harsh or strident. Yet of course the GS849 doesn’t have that 68% copper plug, and it maybe does something same as the modular solid copper plug. Still the revelation here is that the OCC849 cable is brighter than the HiSenor White Whale! That the LC7 has the frequency of the OCC849, but not near the staging. SO see what we learned today is that by direct side-by-side comparisons truth in replay can be found. That each cable is different and holds special properties for those who own them…….showcasing specific tonal properties in union with specific IEMs. Probably the coolest thing I learned today is that Penon was working their midrange magic in cables and IEMs in the past. That to really send this review home……there is a specific tone that somehow Penon are working with. A tone that the White Whale didn’t own, a tone that the LC7 didn’t quite have. Now to be fair the LC7 is a great cable, yet just for the price difference here you get more with the 849 line-up. And that difference will be even more profound once you figure out which of the four cables suits your needs the very best. I have done all I can to describe this character to you, and I can only focus on so many IEMs in a review (like this one) as there were a lot of different cables to look at. :)

What was truly enlightening here today was the differences in sound quality from Pink Floyd Animals in use with the hip dac 3 DAC/Amplifier. That no matter which cable I used the sound quality was only so good, whereas changing to any modern 2024 recording, the dynamics and stage provided simply offered better sound, unarguably better sound. So not only is it important to match your cables to the IEM, but match the file quality and production values………to obtain a modern baseline to judge everything in the signal chain. In this regard it really starts with the recording, then is decoded and amplified by the DAP, or DAC/Amplifier… then be transferred to the headphones via the cable. When you suspect something is off, each component in the signal chain plays a part and can adversely challenge your fidelity in the end. In truth cables are in many ways better purchases than IEMs or even sources. That a cable can withstand the test of time, and finds uses many years later simply due to its performance. That sure Penon is exploring new cable construction methods which allow a broader sonic palate into which we can experience our music, yet that is not to say a cable that came out at the end of 2017 is any less of a cable as the cables that are invented in 2024. That price only means so much, that really the most important thing is to discover a company that is playing your song, a company that is offering sonic value………..bang for the buck, in turn creating listening experiences which become memorable.


I want to thank Penon Audio for the love and the Penon OCC849, OS849, GD849 and GS849 cable review samples.

These are one person's ideas and concepts, your results may vary.

Equipment Used:
Sony WM1A Walkman DAP MrWalkman Firmware 4.4mm balanced
HiBy R3 II DAP 4.4mm balanced
ifi GO bar Dongle in 4.4mm balanced
ifi hip dac 3 Dac/Amplifier 4.4mm balanced
Last edited:
Ultron 5
Ultron 5
Hi Redcarmoose. What's the wait time for this cable? How long have you owned one and how is it holding up thus far? For $99 USD this does not look like a bad deal. Exactly how did you stumble upon this manufacturer? Thank you.l
@Ultron 5,
It is true that for $99.90 it’s a lot of cable. In my review I do stipulate how long I have had the cable. The cable was given to me along with the other three in the 849 series, which is disclosed at the end of the review. I have had the cable for about three weeks I guess now? Hold-up is great. Where everything seems genuine as to quality and build. The one place that can offer issues is at the 2Pin barrel to where (at times) they can screw loosely, to where here there is a firm fitment of screw down, without play or movement. This manufacturer happened to “stumble” upon me. Lol The wait time should be instant as they are already made, in contrast to other builders.
Ultron 5
Ultron 5
Thank you. Chat again tomorrow.


Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: Depending on the stage size of your source, the stage can go from decent like from a phone to otherworldly large, like the largest stage you or I have ever heard from an IEM.
Open-back IEM design due to three large vented ports per IEM
The top of the line for 7Hz
Every bit a flagship sound both in high treble details and bass authority
Ergonomic copper cable with modular 3.5mm/4.4mm quick-switch L-Shaped plug, I have never seen a cable like it ever
1X 12mm Composite Dynamic
2X custom created BA drivers for the midrange
1X 6mm micro Planar driver for highs
3 way crossover network
Smashing set of new 7Hz brand red-core ear-tips, 7 sets of ear-tips in all
Easy to drive from a regular cell phone generating exquisite bass and decent stage imaging
Expected 7Hz value, the very essence a Chinese TOTL IEM purchase
Clean well imaged signature, like an open-back headphone
Gorgeous white hard-shell carrying case
Cons: Only a hist of Planar timbre, yet only at times and with certain music
Expensive at $399.00, yet worth every cent
The 7Hz Aurora Flagship Universal IEM
Redcarmoose Labs May 16, 2024


The angle of incidence, in geometric optics, is the angle between a ray incident on a surface and the line perpendicular (at 90 degree angle) to the surface at the point of incidence, called the normal.

When opening the Aurora case this component of physics is the first thing you notice. The Aurora will look dark until this exact line of light hits it, then it will light-up. Maybe a big deal to you, maybe not, just depending on how susceptible you are to faceplate aesthetics. Yet…….it is the very first clue that we are dealing with an IEM that is unique and very different from any IEM ever made.


This 7Hz Aurora is very special to me. Reason being it kind of showcases this whole Chinese Value learning curve…….for both them, and me. From their humble beginnings 7Hz created a few winners and a few that were never noticed. I’m not going to list all of their out-put, except I will talk about one IEM in particular. You already know which IEM I am referring too, yep. The Timeless Planar IEM. And even though a few good Planar IEMs came before it, the Timeless is unarguably the single IEM that started this Planar Revolution that we are still experiencing at this very moment.

In 2018 a team of music enthusiasts and engineers got together to test their skills. Somewhere along the way they chose 7Hz as the company name. In 2021 7Hz released the 14.2mm Planar magnetic "Timeless" IEM. The Timeless gained a reputation for best technical resolvability under $300.00. The Timeless, priced at $219.00 seemed like the answer to everyone's prayers? The unique CNC shell and double-sided N52 magnet array didn't hurt matters any! Still the Timeless was/is not perfect...........even with its popularity, there was a chance to add tuning sophistication. Timeless II had a false start. Meaning a few Beta samples were sent out to reviewers and the word on the street was the tuning wasn’t totally great. With roughly 16 other ear-monitor creations 7Hz has been around the block, they have a track record. This isn’t their first rodeo here………and I truly commend them for working on the Timeless II and not just releasing another regular IEM……….7Hz is about being an industry leader and there is no better way I can think of to lead than to (instead) come out with the Flagship Aurora at this exact point in time. In fact with the old original Timeless priced at $199.00 now, we are finding the Aurora exactly double that price.



The Aurora:
1DD x 1Panar x 2BA

I always try to listen to hear if a certain company in question is continuing a certain house sound. And from past multi-IEM output from IEM manufacturers there most definitely can be. Some manufactures specialize in midrange ability, others attempt bass character which can be found to inhabit a few releases. Though with 7Hz I’m not so sure? Meaning you can maybe focus on stage and say all of them have a great stage…….but in my history hearing the Salnotes Dioko, the Salnotes Zero and Zero 2, and the Legato…….each is holding very unique signatures. Now the 7Hz Sonus maybe in a wild in-the-outskirts way might sound a little like the Aurora? Sorry I haven’t heard the Timeless so……I can’t say the Aurora is like a fortified Timeless 1?

So the very best posture to hold here is to look at the Aurora as a single individual entity. It deserves that. Also in hearing it reminded me of a few Headphones and IEMs from the past……except really the Aurora is its own deal here. To name a few the first thing that came to mind was the AKG k701 full-size headphone. This was due to the overboard expanded spatial imaging taking place. The other player to remind me of the Aurora was the Noble Audio K-10 Encore. And this was a little from memory, yet became totally similar once I held them in back-to-back listening trials. I have never seen a response graph for the Aurora, yet the Encore holds this big 5kHz to 8kHz shelf that takes precedence to showcase the IEM tone. And it is in fact this big upper midrange imaging that made me understand how both the Encore and Aurora are birds of a feather. Yet the killer feature here is the Aurora has a separated and delineated focused and careful yet prominent bass action that blows away the k701, and the Encore. This sub-bass expenditure is prolific and shows up more provocative than you can ever image……..somehow out of the blue? I mean during the get to know you period I found the Planar driver to showcase this airy treble and I thought it was unique and cool. The 2X custom BAs went with the 3way crossover to blend the midrange into tonal completeness, yet it was the crazy 12mm bass driver that stole my heart.

Look, the Aurora is a Hybrid, it’s three different driver methodologies and yes, it sounds like different drivers in action. No it is not the most cohesive IEM made, as it’s not trying to drive down that street. To love the Aurora, you have to sleep with it on its own terms. You need to embrace the dislocation inside the bass and relish in the uniqueness found there. Sure Hybrids are my favorite way to go, and the separation of the bass is maybe the closest IEM sounding response I have ever come across to actual speakers making bass in a room………….there is that distance found. Heck……there is separation and actual itemization far out into this stage to every component of replay, every instrument, and every set of vocals. It is what the Aurora is good at and it’s running with it. Look at the darn vent holes on the side……look at the size of the vents and count them……..7Hz is not playing around here…..nope!

The included cable:

What the heck, is this real? In short the 7Hz Aurora cable is the nicest cable I have ever received with an IEM, ever. Yep, things are changing. I have other solid single crystal copper cables which I paid $160.00 as an aftermarket add-on for IEMs………and this single cable is way nicer. The way I verify such claims is I get out the past IEMs I purchased those OCC cables for and try them with the Aurora cable. IEM manufactures are often bigger than the small guys who make cables and can access bigger purchases which proclaim significantly larger qualities of raw materials (copper) and pass the quality on to you. Now I’m not saying all cable companies are on the smaller side, but remember this is 7Hz spreading their wings and offering a no-hold-barred example of what they can do. Maybe a make-up for the Timeless stumbling, I try to make-up with my wife the same way.



Crazy nomenclature printed everywhere that’s chrome. The 2Pins are noted with right and left markers, the ear-hooks are of a supple curve, never causing discomfort. The pure size of the cable and weight of 38 grams would normally mean this particular cable acts like a beast. But no, not at all, due to just how friendly and coil-able it is. Some cable manufacturers try to hide the joining spot where the modular plug joins……..7Hz has tried a new thing with raising a bevel to magically hide it. Where common sense says that raise would be a feature which would in-fact give a handle to pull the plug apart, when in use of the design this is not the case? The cable plug stays joined, probably just due to a good friction hold, as it never comes off until asked. If you never use a chin-cinch then you will be happy as it never unexpectedly moves from its home next to the splitter……never……..unless you pull on it. Every once in a while in this whole review process a component of a product package comes along to make you stop and wonder…….this is one of those times. Probably too because this whole cable is drastically new and way different from anything 7Hz has ever made. Sure they included copper cables before, but never this nice……….I guess you get what you pay for? Yet this cable is more than what typically comes with $399.00 IEMs?


The cable change:
The included cable is nice, but in an attempt to align the signature even closer to perfection here at Redcarmoose Labs I decided to challenge the included cable. Now sure, if the included cable was all you have you will be experiencing 80-90% of what the 7Hz Aurora’s full potential is. Yet being that 7Hz included a copper cable got me wondering. Where sure this IEM is airy and speedy…….but what if we could arrange for even more note-weight?

The Renata Cable:

Look I’m just like you in that I realize 7Hz is including a nice cable with a purchase, but they are not including a $269.00 aftermarket cable. Such a cable really brings out the soul of the 7Hz Aurora! And how could it not, with 2 handwoven shares, 35 cores Liquid nitrogen single crystal silver + 196 cores Furukawa silver copper alloy plated silver.

What the cable does is two fold. It increases density of imaging and creates a fluid expansion into the stage that becomes perceived as added realism. So not only is the bass thicker and denser, the treble is holding more note-weight but also brighter somehow and better sculpted. I know that is a confusing description with the brighter expanded treble and midrange, then adding the needed note weight, put that’s what is so fantastic here. Number one this Renata set-up provides density to the Sony WM1A making it fun, but where it really comes into its own is adding the Renata to the WM1Z. Where the WM1Z is more bass heavy anyway, and this reality of simply a more thick and real bass gets made more which and even more real-life! That funny (extra Blue) Cable Adapter goes one step farther too being it adds weight to the tone and spacial vibrance. But what was truly fascinating is that while the above really worked to add density, the very last part of the review has a story to tell. Yep, that after 14 days of play with the Aurora (and lots of burn-in) I then went back to the mid-centric Sony WM1A with the included cable for the time of my life? There seemed to be just the right amount of deep bass, that and (maybe it's mental burn-in) but the bass was even faster and more trim with the rotated-in Sony WM1A?








There is a hidden box under everything. See the difference here is the foam padded case is only for the IEMs, if you wanted to use it for travel you may try and place the cable under the lid in the screen-pocket? Also inside this hidden box is the cable, the plugs, a manual and a velvet like pouch. The Aurora comes with an additional small set of ear-tips already in place. The unboxing experience is just cool, and warrants the asking price.


At a stealthy 6 grams a piece weight they are more superior feeling than all those heavyweights you have tried. The other thing is the exact shape here, where I feel bad saying this but the truth is, this is the very best fitting IEM I have ever got from 7Hz…….and from most other manufactures. Look, I know that is a big statement, so let's back-it-up. The Dioko was a nightmare, the Zero, both one and two were strangely shaped. The Legato didn’t have the weight balance that we have here, and the Sonus fit fine, but didn’t have this exact nozzle feel. To me the Aurora is shaped strangely yet strangely in the very best of ways. :)


Air vents:
What? What is this an open-back IEM?

It darn tootin’ is…………yes!


This Aurora “for all practical purposes” is an open-back IEM. Yep, it sounds and acts like one… is one. Though these are not like open back full-size headphones in that you will not disturb anyone while using them. In this case we get that open and falling out to infinity sound, yet 90% of the sound travels out the nozzle. Those three vents have to do something, as the Aurora is one……..probably the biggest staged IEMs I have heard this year…….don’t believe me, buy a pair! The soundstage is enormous!

This all comes down to planning. Meaning the fitment is very well done, each faceplate is of the most lightweight material sitting close to the ear, being the perfect low-weight addition to your collection. As such 7Hz has continued with the angled 2Pin which means any cable you use will tilt in, instead of outward.

Here I'm showing the red new wide-bore 7Hz tips in comparison to the purple centered clear silicone I regularly use. At the lower right you see the longer wide-bore clear silicone that is secondary for use when the IEM in question has shorter nozzles, or when you need more contact with the inside of the ear-canal for support, like with the Noble Encore. And finally the blue top row far right, the Tangz Tang Sancai wide-bores.....just another tool in the tool-box to achieve great results. Probably the one major thing to learn from this picture is the barrel length of the new 7Hz, that and they also come in really big sizes, a size bigger than is photographed here. This size I can also use as shown at the end of the review is use, this little trick of offering more middle surface area and goes to get better fitment at times. Also I found great results with the yellow medium bore ear-tips included. Those yellows allowed for a closer IEM fitment and a tighter feel. Cheers!


Music tests:


And Love Said No: The Greatest Hits
Solitary Man
44.1kHz - 16bit

Right at 00:00 there are little bells chiming. As such this is a portion of the song I have never heard before. I’m sure they were always there, but now we have a relief and separation from the introduction keyboards. Little producer added embellishments holding both sonic dust…….fairy bells of magic……and they are introductions to the very rhythm of the song, only you don’t know that yet. The thing is this is supposed to be Planar timbre here? Only I don’t hear any, as it is not that I have ever heard these bells before, I more or less never consciously paid much attention to them, yet now that I am, they sound natural and come-to-think-of-it real? Actually I don’t know what this instrument is, it sounds almost like a music box, some 13 year old would have? Oh I just figured it out. These sounds are (I’m sure of it) the sounds of guitar strings being plucked behind the guitar bridge. And it is funny to just recognize things in sight, once you know what you’re hearing they sound that much more to be what they are. At 00:07 the full-on rhythm guitar takes focus. Here we are witness to a both more forward rendition (due to tone) and maybe a slight brighter timbre……from Planar action? Where just like the little bell sounds at the start that turned out to be guitar strings, there is a crystal clear rendition here, and a snare drum in beat. Yet of course the is a buried bass, as it is there providing its job, only not of real precedence. Where sure bass will show up, only that is not what this intro is about. To backtrack here there have been two very important elements showing yet not commented on. The guitar strings strummed right at 00:00 and panned in glorious left to right fashion, that and an ominous set of keys which billows to its very own separated space found in the stage. In fact this is the whole Aurora in a nutshell, even right-off.

Timestamps only for digital file.

The Aurora is showcasing high-pitched sounds you never noticed before, and a separation, and execution of stage that lets you literally choose what to focus on.

Up to 00:12 we have the privilege to hear a few guitar overlays until 00:13 when the vocals start. Yet there is no denying that guitar is forward and clear…….clear is an understatement. Vocals are placed well, very clear and consistent. At around 02:03 the guitar leads start, and sure enough we find them separated far-out escorting our mental focus to the far left and right. I mean such things are the entertainment factor to the Aurora. Also I chose this song because it is the strongest in today's song plays which goes to delineate any Planar timbre, because yes…….with a song like this it is there, inseparable apart from the very guitars it is a hold of. Though I have chosen to befriend such character……..and (like real people’s quirks) learn to accept it as part of the Aurora personality.


Doom Eternal OST
Mick Gordon & Chad Mossholder
Phobos Space

48kHz - 24bit

Ok, now we are going to go another direction in playback. To where the Aurora has many skills and to write about them is a reviewers job, write about them is a reviewers play! At 00:03 we are met with real sub-bass. The way this is mixed into the start we are encountering it coming from many stage originations.

Again timestamps refer to the original digital file here. This isn’t the best bass from the Aurora, as I’m saving that. But what I’m trying to get from this song is an overall appreciation for the Aurora's demeanor. No wait at 00:22 yep, that is the bass we are buying here. The sub-bass rumble the whole gig. And to go back the pure white noise at the start at 00:07 to 00:11………that is what these IEMs do well, where the noise is not scathing but contained and in its own zone found occurring in the stage. At probably 00:27 is where the money is…….in just how the ambient synth washes travel outwards into the stage…….and caress our imagination as to the virtual world we are now entering. Yep those timed sub-bass hits…..I almost forgot about how well they are done…….and consistently showing a flair for the tempo to be fully delineated at 00:22 then 00:32 then 00:42-00:52 etc, etc.

A big part of this testing is actually rolling in different cables and ear-tips to try and understand the total IEM response regardless of ear-tips used or cables tried…….and there is truth found there. At this section of the review I’m using the included cable, and my go to ear-tips the purple wide bore as seen in the close-up tip photograph. These access the biggest stage, but I have enjoyed the red 7Hz ear-tips tremendously and will continue to use them way after the review is written, both large and extra large as seen in the box opening shot.

I’m laughing to myself, as this has become comical………the 03:17 main synth sequences traveling way off to the right and left…..being thrust into pace by the more center driven bass throbs. To where this images could not normally be this big, except they are formed into width, and tallness and depth, and of course traveling forward and back……to make an immersion of sorts…..then grabbing hold of the wicked fast transients which will occur due to the 2BAs holding an edge as well as the Planar drivers fast techniques. Yet due to this song's slight distortion of edges, it is actually like the first song's distortions in guitars…….that the clarity here comes in a wrinkled bag. That bag of wrinkles is maybe the Planar character combined with the music quality…………presented by the drivers to delineate?

In ending this craziness, it is (of course) the full-on stage separation and imaging found within that is the entertainment show, and the Aurora’s ability to take this musical statement apart and to kind-of separate every little tiny aspect. Big round pulsating life forms of washes into the imagination of throbs like the ones at 03:17……those things…..combined with little accents like the ticks…that change fro the first click at 04:05 to the small one at 04:08 to the louder one at 04:10. All these little sounds take place in the center of big… huge sonic life forms which make-up the world we are a part of here. The imaging and complexity has me in awe… when I finally realize that this song was completely made for the Aurora. Now at 04:27 they were not done with us, no………these sliders of tones… now in the song where it was from the start over the top, now it is beyond description? Where to try and phone home………the reason this maybe works so well is the sub bass has Hybrid separation which is unnatural normally a little, but here the seperation is an add, that and the missing lower midrange that the Aurora is known for is helping the upper midrange and treble be that much more separated and imagined. That and the fact the stage from the Aurora is making this song come alive. I could go on……..but the guys in the white coats may come a knocking?


Hans Zimmer & Junkie XL
Batman v Superman OST

Day of the Dead
96kHz - 24bit

Look, when I stumbled across this OST I right away knew it would be one special vehicle to get many points across. I mean I may write a lot about this song, but that is because it holds so much about what the Aurora is about…… me anyway. Even doing my research for this section, this song gave me the chills……..and I mean I know this song, but………well let me start. Though I will say this song is from a very special Head-Fi member. Yep, he was in-charge of all the audio for the movie……everything. I even picked-up a few vinyls from his collection which he sold… time at a Head-Fi meet many many moons ago. And it is really not because of him that I like this OST so much. This album is an amazing accomplishment, actually to me way more successful than the movie itself ever was.

The player, the WM1Z, the included cable and purple center wide-bore tips. So remember the first song by HIM that I expounded held a little Planar timbre? Well that is completely gone now, and really wasn’t present in the last Doom Eternal OST either. You could say that is because of real guitars used in the HIM song and I would not argue. Except here we have real pianos used and typically I can pick-out unrealistic timbre in such an instrument. I think maybe part of the issue with the HIM song was the guitars were also heavily tweaked-up. Because here all is well, actually here we are in a form of audio paradise, yep every part of this experience is emotional and profound.

Remember timestamps are only for the digital file. There are two bursts of bass notes, I use these often for reference and have heard them many ways throughout the years. The first bass drop 00:37 holds a few challenges for IEMs. At times I guess what made the sounds, and then when I hear them again, I’m not sure. But in this regard there are a few ways to hear them replayed. BAs will do a cleaner response, holding even crisper edges, yet the other way is with a controlled DD…..and that’s what we have. You should if all is set-up right hear the initial attack, then the reverberations which form a backwash. When you have to ask yourself is it one timpani strike, with an echo or two? And it is not maybe a timpani and it is lower in tone…….really the sound is a mystery, and I could ask my friend what made the sound, but not knowing it all is at times more fun. You see these tones are answering the piano notes…..they are a response, like to a conversation. And to rewind here, those piano notes come-off perfect with the Aurora, at least in timbre they do. Before the piano shows up the strings are on the very outskirts of the stage, showing us the very environment we have chosen to experience. As such this piano has long reveb tails and we can hear them to the fullest extent.

So while other IEMs may be found more realistic, here I’m guessing because the Aurora is so sub-bass forward that the (sub bass) drop at 00:37 is so clear. While it still has DD character, the defining part as far as resolution goes is to separate the drop from the backwash effect. Now to keep track of all this there is a second drop at 00:50…..then a swoosh at 01:07. Now while all this talk of swooshing and bass drops is important for the mood of the song, there is something way more important in regards to the mood. And that my friends is the actual tone of the piano, the positioning of those piano notes and the clarity of each and every subtle note pressure change. Because the piano is played by a human, there are these subtle variances which are held as details in the Aurora. Maybe…….well I don’t know why? But this is a $399.00 IEM and you are receiving what you paid for.

At 01:15 the main strings approach us. Everything now is louder than before. At 01:18 there becomes a bell sound. Now this sound is ultimately super special, as at 01:23 and at 01:28 it is used again but falls slightly behind the scenes. It may have inhabited space before the 01:18 mark, yet what is important is at 01:18 the Planar treble grabs it and makes it sound metallic, not metallic in a bad way……..but metallic in a good way…..there is separation both in origination of the tone and a frequency separation. At 01:38 this “noise” becomes a projectile and is shot from a sonic gun to fly across the inner mind stage! But, we are wallowing in the details, the muck and murk of audiophile neurosis. The real big news here, you know the news your Mom and Dad could relate to are the giant woody strings. Big, bountiful and aggressive… wait, aggressive is the wrong word, they are way too woody to ever be aggressive. Let’s just call them 3D. 3D because they hold a few characters of their own. At 01:58 another major bass drop hits, and because they are using them sparingly it is dramatic…….not like the DD,DD,DD of EDM! Still at 02:12 it is a climax to the song so they are now going full-throttle. You know once more I’m thinking the Aurora was made for this song, yet it is 100% different from the last………well that’s always a good thing. At 03:21 there was a scraping of strings way to the outside, farther than I knew the stage went to. There is also a lot of effortless breathing going on, I mean not actual breaths, but kinda like that sound……and I like it. I figured out later those tones were formulated to become the very last remnants of audible hearing, they are almost the lows of the lows to where these sounds are not fully formed but show almost an afterthought of sounds………perfect for the ending.


Left to right:
7Hz Aurora, Night Oblivion Butastur and Noble Audio K-10 Encore

These side-by-sides were fun. Sure the Noble Audio K-10 Encore is a lot more money, but they sell used now for $599.00 so in many ways the price is closer to the 7Hz Aurora. Both the Encore and the Night Oblivion Butastur are 10BA IEMs. So why am I choosing to have them reflect off one another? Probably because the three are in many ways birds-of-a-feather. Obviously the Aurora has the most bass…..but the wild thing was how both the Encore and the Aurora shared this pushed-up upper-midrange. Not only was it alive, that upper-midrange was occupying a similar size into where it was found in the soundstage? Where sure the Encore was more intense, as almost nothing out they sports a shelf of a 5kHz boost up to an 8kHz boost. But it wasn’t until I got them side by side that I realized just how remarkably the same they both are in those regards. Where the biggest difference was the Aurora bass power. Yep, where the sub-bass has a level of detail and clarity, though it isn’t the most clear in the $399.00 price point, still it has amazing detail and a formed dislocated entity separated on-its-own in its very own part of the stage. Where the Encore has a neutral bass and flat midrange which gets even more downplayed by the 5kHz to 8khz shelf. Where the Butastur has less stage formation than the Encore or 7Hz Aurora, there can be the illusion of a bigger stage when the music itself contains such treats. Where yes, the Butastur and Encore were the same holding BA sound creation, the Butastur with it’s toned down treble and midrange BAs offered-up a more realistic timbre. The 7Hz Aurora was slightly more dirty, dirty but fun in imaging…… where you could be listening to the 7Hz Aurora and enjoy that giant stage, but never worry as much about stridence or sibilance as the Encore. Where the dirty part was often there was a faint edge dirt to the whole signature. This is hard to explain, but while there was ultimately a big stage and clarity due to stuff being way, way spread out into that stage, there was a slight fizziness which became actually endearing. Yes, at times like with HIM those pushed guitars had a forwardness and a slight off timbre, yet it was never that bad……simply a character of the Aurora. With the Aurora being the quintessential Hybrid it sounded like it. Meaning there were obvious way-off creations of instruments, yet things were not as cohesive as the Butastur. As such the Butastur makes its way through life offering a mature careful tune that never takes too many chances yet nurtures your love through correctness and poise. Where the Encore is more wild throwing out a stage, yet that stage filled with frequencies maybe not digestible for all. Maybe best would be to make a list here?


1) 7Hz Aurora, big stage and fluid separation, deep bass and Hybrid dislocations, plus the most satisfying bass.

2) Night Oblivion Butastur cohesive tune, complete and correct, never bad timbre and careful almost to a fault.

3) Noble K-10 Encore most bright, big stage fun and vibrant to a fault, treble not for everyone.

Now even though I put these each into the same category, I do that because of the midrange. To me they each seem very midrange focused, and I like that. Where the Encore is flat in the midrange the missing bass and 5kHz to 8kHz shelf still makes you think of midrange or upper midrange when you reach for the Encore. The Encore I have had for a while putting over 3000 hours of listening time. Even though the 7Hz Aurora has that sub bass, it is still very much upper midrange centered too, where you think of those aspects when grabbing the 7Hz. Where the Butastur has an incredible midrange, to where all of these three do great vocals, with both vibrancy and polish. Where really all three at only certain times make you long for that heavy lower midrange, which none of them truly have. As such maybe in some ways with the tuning..... each and every one of these could be looked at as a more mature idea, where there is a forward clarity through downplaying the lower midrange and center bass action which enables faster pace and more nimble turnarounds while the music is playing.



There you have it. The 7Hz TOTL Flagship earphone. Who am I to say if you will like it or not? I have done all I can to describe it to you. If you read the above you may have a clue that this is my favorite 7Hz so far. I mean how could it not be? The stage is giant, and not just in width, but in total image size that comes from big forward and back, and big up and down positioning. For many of you I can guarantee it will hold the biggest stage you have ever heard. Now while at times it is not 100% filled in, yet you’re so thrilled by the rest you are fully distracted, and happy. I mean I have been following this IEM ever since it was first introduced. And when I had it in my grubby hands I had this innate feeling that I was satisfied……not while it was in my hands, but in my ears. And sure the Aurora is not perfect, but like love, you love someone for their character flaws not their strong points. And maybe that was the goal of 7Hz, to make an IEM different from any IEM on earth. To be original, because the last thing the Aurora is is boring. The Aurora is everything but boring, in fact it may be the least boring IEM I have heard in a year?


The accessories are all really well done, the ear-tips are special and new. I hope they offer them by themselves so others can at least try the ear-tips, even if they don’t get the Aurora. The case is super nice, and when you open the case you question why every manufacturer doesn’t present their IEMs this way. And finally the cable, I know I already talked a lot about the cable…….but just look at it? I have never seen a cable quite like it and I have seen my fair share of IEM cables. And finally the faceplate, just underneath of it lay three (3) profound breather holes, those must be in constant action to provide the revolutionary stage we gain? The actual faceplate is made of something I’m not familiar with. Though one of the best things is wearability, yep I couldn’t scratch it. It is smooth as anything, yet looks painted onto. Yet that is the illusion here. That in fact there is a thin piece of plastic which is rugged and smooth occupying the very surface. Then you have the bevel of the faceplate edge……that edge (to me) is the Aesthetic trademark to the Aurora. Why? Because no IEM I have ever seen has that faceplate edge, and I look at it all the time. All the time when the Aurora is not in my ears. This review took much longer than expected, as I burned-in the Aurora for 125 hours just to make sure I was not missing anything. It changed a little, but really made only a small amount of added smoothness takes place?

My final words:
The Aurora kinda sucks you in. Meaning there were always times at the first few seconds of songs where I thought the Aurora was only going to be so good. Then something happened? Maybe I would call it musicality for lack of a better word? Whatever was going on, I was transported to the very center of the music…..and that center had me looking around and these sonic fish swimming inside this sonic aquarium. Really I was always surprised as just into the beginning of the song, it was way better than I expected? I don’t know exactly what you call that? But it was all good! The fitment at only 6 grams each is amazing, and you know we favor better fitting IEMs to lesser fitting IEMs. And finally they got the nozzle lengths right. How stupid of a little thing is that? But you know it is the little things that matter, and when all the little things add-up…….well then they make something big. And yes, the Aurora is a big deal…… is the epitome of Chinese Audiophile Value……..the epitome. Don’t belief me, try it on!



I would like to thank Kareena from Linsoul for the love and the 7Hz Aurora review sample.

These are one person's ideas and concepts, your results may vary.

Linsoul website:
Linsoul Aliexpress Store:
Linsoul USA Amazon Store link:

Equipment Used:
Sony WM1Z Walkman DAP MrWalkman Firmware 4.4mm
Sony WM1A Walkman DAP MrWalkman Firmware 4.4mm
Samsung Phone 3.5mm
HiBy R3 II 3.5mm/4.4mm
GO bar Dongle 4.4mm

Phone use:
Oh, one last thing….from a regular phone.

I typically slow down for this. I mean I take this as a really important test. For one many of the IEMs put out today are far different than what used to be placed with phones. Meaning often they sound fuller and have more thickness of character. Taking the included cable and switching to the 3.5mm L-shaped plug was really simple. I always carry around 32GB of phone tunes that I will often hook a Dongle to the phone, or go Bluetooth. Yet here I must say, I’m pretty sure nowadays they make phone use almost a priority for IEM makers. Meaning I can almost hear the engineering bosses tell the staff, if it doesn’t work off a phone, we don’t want it. I say this because while the stage isn’t quite as big as a full-fledged DAP, there are so many nice features to phone playback. You see in many ways the Aurora simply relays what you give it. Meaning I can say that even if the WM1Z bass is big, there is a lot of excess baggage that goes with that weight. Meaning that while the stage was reduced in phone use, the bass was surprisingly deep and tight. It made me almost want this exact bass during the whole review…..because it was cleaner, and even more detailed. So I asked myself, could I be happy with this style of playback when out-and-about? And the answer was definitely yes, as it gave me 75% of the audiophile thrills I wrote about earlier, it was simply very, very good.

More craziness:
You know after I finished this review and pretty much did everything, I got to thinking, maybe I rushed the review? Yep maybe I didn’t give it my all, because an IEM like the 7Hz Aurora deserves the best review possible. And you know what, 7Hz spent a long time making the Aurora and I am truly gifted to be in the presence of such an IEM. And really this isn’t a big deal, but in a way it is. As I continued to use the Aurora I stumbled upon one of my regular test tracks. Normally this completely ambient test track gets respect, but it is not chosen to test IEMs right off as it is just effects and synthesizer? Yet out of all the other test tracks this one had the ability to really showcase what the Aurora was completely about. Yep, all the good and the bad. You see, different from most reviews, after this review was finished I set it back and didn’t publish it……I waited. I postponed and simply listened to music for another day to see if I was missing anything……anything to write that was possibly left out. And this song showed-up.

Shield Emitter (feat. Tineidae)
44.1 kHz - 24 bit

Anyways, this song is often chosen to describe the layers of bass offered by an IEM. It coincidentally has a giant and moving soundstage. Yet here is the thing, after using the song for a while I started to realize it was incredibly useful to broadcast treble information. Yep, sounds that were mixed in right at 15–17 kHz. I would guess the sounds at times go to 20kHz also. This ends a way to understand high frequency output from IEMs………and quantify such behavior. To where for the 7Hz Aurora the song ended supremely entertaining, yet at the same time helped delineate the topic of Hybrids at times not being totally even in output. Meaning they leave small holes in reproduction, yet the aftereffect is so very musical that most of the time I disregard such issues. Now here we are met with big bass, big bass that more careful playback devices may not hold in such an abstract position. Still the separation seems to enhance what they were going for?

Here like the pictures I’m using the Sony WM1A with the included cable, though I switched to the generic purple wide-bores to really get the very best stage possible. Where with some IEMs the purple wide-bores will not work due to stress put on the lesser amount touching sidewall of the tip. Yep, these tips have slightly less contact area inside your ear-canal. I mean look at them, they are what we call donuts. So manufactures progress to offer longer sidewall ear-tip builds to increase fitment due to sidewall contact.

cover_copy copy.png

Shield Emitter:
This song was made for the Aurora, where at the start the bass finds itself politely placed both big yet not so forward……like speakers in a room. This speaker in a room effect will always be one of the single most endearing features of the Aurora, being that as IEM users we are always looking for stage and seem to avoid critical close-up positioning, being the farthest of being like speaker bass. As such this farther away is also not holding the supreme detail of other IEMs……but come-on it’s a 12mm DDs, so as such the performance is what it is. That means it holds a taste of lumbering, which in this style of music adds further ambiance to the thrill.


I do want to point out that during the review I did attempt to change cables and DAPs to try and add physicality at times, yet maybe it is simply getting better brain-burn in, because the mid-centric 1A and included cable have now jumped into position to relay all the bass transients and bass quantity needed here. Plus they are clearer and more tidy offering a both deep and rewarding listen with very little bass fall-off to get in the way of critical pace and texture. Meaning the bass now is perfect, perfect audiophile.

There are pulsations and deep creations going on, yet it is the soaring synth washes, really a lead synth which takes front and center. Yet that’s the magic of this stage……that the stage is so grand this synth stays medium positioning giving that room that comes with offering a world-class stage. While this synth in question actually starts off right at 00:14…….they play with volume and eventually increase the vibrancy which brings it forward even more as the song rolls on. It should be noted that all elements here are drenched in heavy reverb, yet it is this ambient character that makes the song. At 01:08 the bass is clearer and louder… really everything about this song's craftsmanship revolves around the evolution of sound elements and the specific introduction of those elements in time.

At 00:27 the super high pitched sound elements are brought-in. This most likely is a created event which signals profound change about to take place…… birds flying off before an earthquake. Lol. Yep the Planar driver is activated by such events. Now the stories in the front of this review about planar timbre are true. Yet with this song there is none. Where the Aurora offers listeners this double-edged sword at times……where sure, there is a forwardness to the upper midrange and inside of that forwardness lives a little of this off-timbre……but I must confess…….after 14 days of of use my Aurora experience somehow got better and better? Meaning the Aurora is special and unique at any price……and to think they want just $399.00 for this. Of course it’s not perfect, but in its entirety the Aurora does something that I have yet to encounter at any price.

Really at 02:10 we can say we are in the very middle of the sonic statement the performers were attempting. Where sure there are white noise blasts earlier at 01:57 that are somehow in the zone with everything else, meaning that while the Aurora is not the most even skilled player out of all my IEMs… does make everything perfectly digestible and fun. Fun because finding ourselves unexpectedly in the very center of this number relays a critical framework of holding every constituent offered up. Showing that stage size really does matter, and maybe matters even more with this style of music?

It is this very subtle sonic noise at 02:23 that is actually a grouping of expression elements, that with the Aurora are sequestered up above the rest of the music. It is this upper treble display that I know they were going for with this tuning. Yet to try and zero in on this Aurora character, you see they were using a Planer driver……for this…..not a small DD, not a BA and not an EST arrangement. Due to such an application the Aurora holds its own thing, its one one-of-a-kind personality that is truly charming in the end. At 02:33 they are now not holding back the treble items for us…..but letting them come alive. (And this genre is called Ambient Bass) That there are small pieces of paper torn…… I mean it is maybe not paper, but it sounds like it, the same exact rip being performed over and over again. Your mind creates an auditory illusion here, where the first rip becomes of a higher frequency when in fact the two rips are frequency-wise identical. It is from this exact midpoint the song then travels onward till the very end without consequence other than a few (uneventful) ambient noises………till the end at 05:10. End.

Last edited:
MD Rohit
MD Rohit
Nice photos and good writing brother
@MD Rohit,
Actually I'm not always sure if the script is comprehensible, as I have no proof reader? So it is nice to get compliments on that. This reviewing IEMs can be different than writing a letter to your family. Thank-you! The photos are the easy/fun part, I'm glad someone enjoys them. Cheers!


Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: Able to transparently reveal the exact nature of sources, cables........and even ear-tips
A great even/complete and correct tune
Showing BA IEMs are still going strong
A TOTL Flagship at a mid-fi price

Included triple-plug modular cable made from 6N single crystal copper in a Litz configuration

BRAS System
1) Prevents resonance from high frequencies
2) Discharges certain frequencies
3) Eliminates chance of high frequency ear-damage
4) Long-term wear without pressure build-up
5) Enhances lower mids and bass response though air pressure reserve

10 name brand drivers per side:
-Sonion AcuPass Vented Woofer (2BA)
-Knowles HODTEC (2BA)
-Knowles GR31653 x 2 (4BA)
-Knowles TWFK (2BA)

Emotionally involving tune while staying conservative and poised
Beautiful engaging vocals along with fully detailed midrange
Exciting, yet smooth as silk treble along with high-highs fully itemized into the stage
Nice rumble and fully formed bass response worthy of all genres
One of the singularly most well rounded IEMs I have ever encountered
2 fully usable DIP-Switches to adjust tone
A soundtrack lovers dream come true
A symphony lovers last IEM purchase
Cons: It could be argued at times there is not quite enough low-end authority for Rock, yet I love the Butastur for EDM, so go figure?
Night Oblivion Butastur Universal IEM
Redcarmoose Labs May 12th, 2024


10BA per side
-Sonion AcuPass Vented Woofer (2BA)
-Knowles HODTEC (2BA)
-Knowles GR31653 x 2 (4BA)
-Knowles TWFK (2BA)

Basic Spec:
107db 30ohms

10BA per side

Yep it’s 10BAs a side, oh..and they are all name brand. But a few other brands offer 10BA a side IEMs for less money, but they are not all name brand drivers and they haven’t been tuned and orchestrated by a master craftsman. Actually two masters are involved with this project, one Jinny Tan and one Head-fi member AmericanSpirt. Where AmericanSpirt came up with tuning ideas and Jinny Tan made such things a reality. Yet we can’t forget Penon too, as they are the ones who put up the money which in fact brought this whole project to fruition!

You see I have been following the
Night Oblivion Butastur closely since even before it was released. More out of pure curiosity, I never actually thought that I would get a chance to hear it, but here we are!


Results: TOTL Performance at a mid range price!
I hate to say this, but I could be with this single IEM and get give away or sell the rest of my stuff, yep I identify with the sound that much! Plus I have heard my share of IEMs! It is all down to creating evenness, completeness and correctness. Sure there are other TOTL IEMs that may exaggerate some part of the frequency response, but that was not their goal here. Quite simply they wanted to offer something that never existed before in the IEM world, an IEM that was easy to drive and offered Flagship performance at a value price bracket. I mean I would call the frequency response almost exactly perfect. While in technicalities, sure I have heard the stage be a little bigger, but the way the Butastur does imaging far exceeds any need for a larger stage. The stage is medium large.

Now some (other folks) have questioned the bass authority for genres like Rock or EDM? You see this tune is so incredibly careful, but more than that the Butastur is one, if not the most transparent transducer to source personality I have ever heard, ever. Part of this bass personality is in regards to bass creation. Sure DDs put out the physicality of bass well, but they leave out the inner details. BAs will do the opposite, meaning you want to hear the inside realm of the bass notes, the actual inner texture and close-by reverberations, and the BAs will give you that. On the other hand DDs push air and illustrate the outer reverberations, sounds that actually cover-up some details as a trade-off for (maybe) a more real bass texture? Yet, everyone knows this, hence the introduction of 2X isobaric DDs in unison, trying to increase the speed of DD bass response and achieve the power of a 16mm driver with 2X 8mm……holding the added 2X surface area. Regardless of IEM construction BA bass is its own deal, its own style of bass and will never be replicated by DDs in any combo, at least in the foreseeable future.

So what I learned was that due to this Butastur source transparency I could (with-out EQ) control this offered bass character. Yep, from the midrange focused WM1A to the heavy bass physicality of the WM1Z. And you know I waited, and played with the Butastur, only later unleashing the amazing combo of WM1Z and Butastur. You see, the cleanliness and the pace response of the Butastur is really my preferred way to go......the extra BAs and the way those BAs perform treble and midrange itemizations. And finally the correct placement of instruments into the stage. Yep, probably one of the most important things about the response, that with 10 BAs in action and all BAs in action together, we don’t find the segmented or dissociated DD bass wandering outside into the stage. Nope. Here is a facet of replay I never ever talk about, mainly because I overlook it and it is not all that important to me personally. Yet maybe to you it holds an extreme value as in placement of objects in the stage, is a major technicality held by some IEMs. I mean typically I regard Hybrids as my favorite, yet they are (none of them) never as cohesive as the Butastur is on a daily basis.

Yet the initial 10 Butasturs (shipped 07/25/23) had a sonic surprise in-store for listeners. Sure those few early adopters may have read about the theory of low-frequency control, but there is nothing like hearing it in action for the first time.

The Butastur BRAS System is real.
As such it takes up one of the 4 nozzle openings (holes) seen in pictures here. It also adds a level of safety by maintaining a balanced sound level only up to 110dB.


1) Prevents resonance from high frequencies
2) Discharges certain frequencies
3) Eliminates chance of high frequency ear-damage
4) Long-term wear without pressure build-up
5) Enhances lower mids and bass response though air pressure reserve


As such we see the completion of a dream. A dream to offer the masses a TOTL performing IEM that can deliver the goods at 1/2 or 1/4 of the cost. Does this mean the Butastur is close to perfect? Answer, yes and no. No IEM is perfect, also some still feel the Butastur is better at certain music genres than others. Now the bass heavy genres are actually my favorite, so in order to kind-of defend the Butastur, I will go ahead with music demonstrations. Also for some who tried the Butastur I will go so far to say, they may have not found the optimal source or cable, as again it can’t be understated that this Butastur IEM goes forward to delineate exactly what you feed it from file quality, to source……to cable……and finally the exact ear-tip chosen. With each component here holding its own level of character and control over the end tone. You see IEMs come in many forms of well-roundedness and the Butastur is still one of them. The Butastur is well rounded because even if your set-up is close to perfect for you, it is still a wildly entertaining IEM. Then once your set-up is dialed-in the Butastur moves forward to exclaim its dominance over any and all music genres……….it just doesn’t deliver them the best out of every device you have on hand. IMO

Music Tests:
Here I’m using the Sony WM1Z with the Penon OSG cable and Tangzu Tang Sancai Wide Bore ear-tips.

Here I’m not trying to find bass heavy music, it is just the music I know and like, so I’m using it because it’s enjoyable! Now the crazy part is that after 5 days of listening I went through the small task of music to demonstrate the Butastur’s strong points and weaknesses. But in the end, I could really choose any album and it would come-out really good. This one thing, may be the most important sentence in the review? The maybe second most important thing I write could very well be this next paragraph.


The Vanishing Of Peter Strong
48kHz - 24bit

The amazing thing is I could have chosen any Yello song. In fact this review took way, way longer than it should have. I have 13 different Yello albums on my Sony WM1Z…….and all of them sound fresh and new with the Butastur. I want to tell you about many of them………but that would be crazy right? No wrong, that would not be crazy, it would actually be what this whole Head-Fi journey is about. The details……….and the finding of them like seashells on the seashore. So this song will have to do for now, for the sake of saving space. And it is as good as any to do justification and tell the tale about what is before us here. At 00:00 the bass kicks in………only due to BA detail we right away learn of a new form of musicality here. Where if it is fully deep enough our mind then wanders off, learning about song ideas and creative structure. You see this bass is a cyclical rhythm finding the end attached to the beginning. That in fact they are using at least two synths to proclaim an outside circle and a mono inside expression of bass tones. The outside first, then the bass question answered by the inside. At around 00:06 another kind of sample accent is introduced farther outside the stage. The fact that this is all so clear is beautiful and what Yello is about. They are about new sonics and the discovery of sounds. I will disclose my relationship with Yello starting in 1983.

Really the band never went mainstream until “Oh Yeah” which became famous after being showcased in the movie Ferris Buller’s Day Off.

And in so very many ways Yello represents the 1980s audiophile sound. Gone for many were the floor-stander speakers, replaced by faster smaller bookshelf transducers. This fast and accurate treble made its way even into how songs were mixed. Lending this tone to inspire the very first CD pressings. You see, analogue was out of fashion and this new faster digital “tone” was the in-thing. As listeners we can almost figure out what musical era is represented by some tonal mixes. Many of us kept an entry level turntable for years, until we were able to afford a nice turntable, only to discover the Eurythmics sounded no better with our new turntable, being the bass was never there in the first place.

Lucky things have changed for the better and the album Point being Yello’s latest adventure. That said, the album is an audiophile's (wet) dream, full of every tonal idea imagined and many found for the first time.

“Oh Yeah”
And you know I wasn’t going to introduce another Yello album here, except this is a perfect example of why these IEMs are special. Simply to give you a freshly cleaned window into the sonic luxury to be discovered. One reason this review took so long to write is I constantly was side-tracked, just in awe of how well the Butastur did electronic music. And the point is the Butastur does all electronic music well. In fact there are a few folks that only listen to electronic, and after fully realizing what we have here, I can wholeheartedly recommend the Butastur for electronic, just buy it you won’t be sorry……I promise. Just make sure your source is not on the thin side, because again, every part of the signal chain is to be revealed.

A recommendation:
The way this decision to recommend the Butastur happened was I kept going back, like the Butastur kept luring me back to electronic………so you discover old favorites and continue to become enlightened by your old favorites, until you realize, this IEM is really very good! And better than good, great in the end!

So to recommend another Yello song is simply par for the course here.

What is normal or expected in any given circumstances.


Pocket Universe

44.1kHz - 16bit

The timestamps only relevant to the digital file, not the video.

Now you may be questioning why I didn’t go further into the last song? It may be because of the style (of audiophile) many of us are, that you have all this power of immersion in your hands………’s actually scary. So you scan onto another file, a file that will become so entrancing that you listen to the whole file…… know when you get the chills. I’m sorry I get emotional about music, then my dogs come to visit to wonder what is up! Here the deep background synth takes the mood at 00:08. Yet very quickly there is the introduction into the stage of midrange additives. This 00:11 device……….which turns into a flute at 00:13. This whole time there are abstract drums channeled into a festival on both sides of right and left…..panning. Boris Blank is always up to something, recording and reversing normal drum sound then reversing them again to make backwards reverbs. Here it is safe to say Yello is always alert to the sonic canvas they are painting on, making the results never too dark, or too bright. We are at once with what sounds like a juxtaposition of Protestant Choir and something middle eastern? Then the flute makes its main entrance. Right at this point in time (if you asked) I would tell you the Butastur has one of the biggest soundstages I have ever laid hands on?

At 02:11 the Timpani hits, and somehow my dogs are back with me? They don’t hear the drum-hit, they only feel my emotion fall-off here. You see I don’t necessarily have favorite IEMs, what I have are favorite IEM experiences, where it all comes together……….and this is one of them.


The Fifth Element OST (ESCA 6748)
Eric Serra

44.1kHz - 16bit
Look I probably don’t have to tell anyone reading this that BAs do fabulous strings…….right? At 16:00 it is all but a string wonderland into when those woody warm passages of sound take place. Just the fact that all the positioning and those low cello notes that you were not expecting come about like gifts from above. I will say it again…………..if you are into stings and want all that $599.00 can bring you, so far in my journey I have not found better. Just any soundtrack recorded will be a gift here. This happy feeling segues into drums around 20:20. When science fiction takes hold of reality, and distorts it. I’m pretty sure this is the part of the movie when they visit Bruce in his apartment pod.

Anyways the point is you can watch this movie a number of times, but the OST you can listen to for the rest of your life, and especially with the Butastur doing its thing. At 40:21 the Timpani (Kettle Drum) is adding those lows that are just moving, I mean when I say this is the only IEM I need, I’m dead serious, it is. Probably (as you know) it probably does OSTs slightly better than even electronic (and not because of the way the low are) because of how well it does stings and other instruments happened to found alive inside OSTs?

They call this luster I guess, but the OST drums are fast and showing detail left-out by DDs. At 41:08 there is a saxophone and we are encompassed by atmosphere. They are using a Roland R8 “Human Rhythm Composer” which came out in 1989. And the funny thing is I always wonder if some of these drum effects are thought of as real sounding back in 97 when this movie came out……..they are about as synthetic as drums can be, which is actually cool sounding now. Going back there is the part where the “Diva Dance” scene takes place. Where the singing progresses into the dance beat at 35:40. Yet before that we are witness to great female vocals and strings, if you have seen the movie I think most do not expect a beat to be added which takes the whole movie scene to the next level. To describe this beat, it is fast and holding the transient response we have come to know from BAs. That while no it doesn’t contain the pure physicality offered by DDs……..there is this beautiful warm woody character to the strings, and a spacial reverberation which DDs never do, that lets you understand string placement. The lows are still there, and just enough to enable the Butastur to still complete the song in all of its satisfying glory. Though the total charm is the beginning before the drums start…….if that makes any sense. Then the atmosphere and stings to follow inside the next song. The deepness that the cellos bring and the striations of warmth and different levels of detail. Where there is a blossoming which is at its core becomes the soul of the music, those ebbs and flows that only a good BA set-up can do. The Timpani at 39:34 takes the cake here……just the speed and clean transient response, making a show that has you ask yourself……what more would I even want? And of course that was AmericanSprit’s and Jinny Tan’s dream, to offer Flagship level TOTL performance at a mid-price-cost-value. And I must confess hearing is believing, because anyone can brag about their IEMs performance, but to have it really happen, well that’s something to write about, and that is why you’re reading this.


Hans Zimmer and Benjamin Wallfisch
Blade Runner 2049 OST

44.1kHz - 16bit
Look, this is better recorded and more vibrant than the last whole album. Maybe recording technology advanced, but whatever it is I have purposely positioned this album into a sequence of order. It makes a point that while the 5th Element OST was good, and still enjoyable, the stage and instruments inside that stage are like 30% bigger with the song “Wallace” and the Butastur knows this. Part of the magic to this review has been the sequence of events leading up to this final music section. You can play with cables and different DAPs all day long, and the Butastur still entertaining and rewarding………..but get it something (for it) to chew on, and prepare to be literally blown away. Bigger ambiance, bigger synths, broader effects and panning farther out into the stage……….bigger bass drops…….the works.

Wow, chills again…….I don’t think I have ever had three sets of the chills in a review before? I don’t need to explain myself anymore, you get the idea, get the Butastur the file, the source and the cable and be prepared to be entertained……..there is no other word for the experience.

Oh, again……the soundstage is huge right now, bigger than I ever thought was possible from this little IEM?

Wait…… want ROCK? Metal?
OK, one more.

Inter Arma
New Heaven
Endless Grey

48kHz - 24Bit


Reminds you a little of Brian May huh? There is nothing like dueling leads to end a music section. And in ending here this whole album was a treat with the Butastur. The atmosphere that this crazy band puts out. Where they can be almost psychedelic at times, they defy genre pigeonholing. Here we are given a background atmosphere at the very start, in addition to the basic drums. The drums are heavy and full of that………a…….drum sound? :)

The difference here is we are hearing inside of the drum hit, and nothing is ever over blown with DD textures. The drums while holding enough (deepness of) tone, are also fast and imaged well. The added spice is the opening snare hit right at 00:00 seemingly coming out of nowhere and falling off into the outskirts of the stage. At 00:12 the twin guitars take over, after a slight multi note accent. And what is the beautiful thing here? It is the fact that we can easily dissect the fact that way off to the right is one guitar, way off to the left is another………with a clean bass riding out in the middle, just above the drum beats. The realization that in reality the bass transforms into a dirty character…….yep taking us hostage with its filth. But yet, that is OK, we expected to get soiled during this venture. That in fact the very wind-up at the start most likely had bass too? Ahhhhh perfect. At times each instrument is doing its own job, and as the song progresses the bass becomes that of a virtuoso player……..imagine that bass player taking all the attention? But in the end it works, it works for me anyways?


Where the Butastur comes into its own is size. Most 10BA IEMs are not this small. Really I find it to be the perfect balance of weight and size. At only 5 grams a piece the Bustastur sports some of the best IEM feeling to boot. The use of DREVE paint takes the comfort to the next level. Owning a 3-way crossover, you also have the option of activation of the two DIP-Switches. While sporting 3 nozzle holes, the fourth nozzle opening is the BRAS pressure equalization system. As such once or twice I accidentally had the volume way too loud and I fully guesstimate I could hear the BRAS system in action, making the tones not so loud and an overused volume and not so contrasty? The two vents in unison make the air-system performance unique to the Butastur. Such included regular side vent becomes seen as allowing air-pressure to become relived, as well as injunction with the single nozzle vent.


Screen Shot 2024-05-12 at 8.01.21 AM.png

DIP-Swiches and ear-tips:
The Butastur comes with both switches in the off (down) position. This could be looked at as a suggested balanced tone. The number one switch when switched-up adds bass, and the number two switch pushed up adds treble. Where I spent 5 days listening with both switches off, then tried a handful of ear-tip choices with the switches in the sequence of 1 up then 2 up and finally both 1 and 2 up. Somehow this subject leads me to an ear-tip explanation. Meaning yes (just like the graphs read, there were small yet adequate changes) and I tried to dial the changes further in by changing ear-tips. This may sound confusing, yet I had already tried many ear-tips and it was of good results (especially) to try the donut wide-bore tips (my biggest soundstage and least bass) with the extra bass setting. Another super surprising feature were the DIVINUS VELVET ear-tip results. The Velvets seemed to expand the treble in the nicest of ways, and seemed to promote bass authority. In all I tried 9 pairs of ear-tips and surprisingly found none of them needed to put out any fires……same as the DIP-Switches, that in ways the treble was more drastic than what could be accomplished by ear-tips……none of the switches were ever needed to correct any style of off tone…….as every Dip-Switch and every ear-tip were acceptable. Though I returned to one of my regular wide-bore tips and flipped the DIP-Switches back off, as it is a mid-range paradise here, a paradise I didn’t want to mess with. Maybe I used the Butastur too long before going to the switches, maybe not? I can say somehow it looks like AmericanSpirt likes the mids too (by the graph naming) and is offering the switches just for added flexibility? I mean this IEM has addictive treble and (enough) bass, but it is a revelation in midrange, and somehow the switch added bass or added treble seemed unnatural to me?


Typically I will use the generic purple center wide-bore silicone ear-tips. Though the new (red) 7Hz wide-bores are nice. As well as the (blue) Tangzu Tang Sancai Wide Bore! The long silicone wide-bore I will use as back-up for a few IEMs, namely the Encore to help with fitment.



Included Cable:
The cable is truly nice and can be purchased separately for $49.90 here.

Night Oblivion Butastur 2Pin 0.78mm 4 Shares OCC HiFi Audiophile IEMs Cable wth 3-in-1 Modular Plugs

Materials: 6N single crystal copper Litz cable
Core: 4 strands , single strand is 36* 0.05 *7
Wire diameter:1.55mm
Interface: 2Pin 0.78mm with earhook
Plug: 3-in-1 3.5mm audio/2.5mm balanced /4.4mm balanced modular straight plug
Length: 1.20m-1.25m

Probably besides the sound the redeeming factor here was just how stable the 3-in-1 system worked. Where once the plug slides into place, the friction keeps it on forever until ample force is used to release the plug, I liked that. There are also a number of little details which show nice……like a laser engraved symbol on the cable splitter.

The ear hooks are very fluid and never uncomfortable in use. The 2Pins are color coded, and the ergonomics are wonderful, coiling and going where you want it. Another extra feature to the cable is exactly how they sculpted the plug. Whereupon first investigating this feature may seem trivial but it’s not, where the separation point sits at the rear of the plug and remains parallel and almost hidden from touch feeling. This means the plug ends like not a regular 3-in-1 modular plug, but becomes a fixed plug in daily use. That and the fact that it seriously doesn’t come off easily, makes it super nice in daily use.



Cable rolls:
After using my Sony WM1A for the first few days with various cables, I then switched to the Sony WM1Z. As such the 1Z physicality of the bass was unarguable…..and it remained in place for the rest of the review process. Though I did at times go back to other devices, resulting from paranoia to wondering if what I was hearing was truly so good. Mid review I rotated the HiBy R3 II and while even using the Penon OSG cable, it was a world of difference, differences in the wrong direction. Don’t get me wrong, many songs were good with the R3, it was just the Butastur has this uncanny ability to reveal all of your source personality, and after a few days of the 1Z you become used to the tone. Where the R3 was M shaped in response which offered a thinner and less lush midrange and stage expansion, with less bass and less treble stage interplay. There are many ways I parallel the included cable output to the same tone. Meaning while the included cable is great, it offered a brighter but almost tinny sounding replay as in comparison to the lushness of the Penon OSG. Though bass from the included cable was the most profound out of the three cables I tested.

Below Penon OSG Cable


Included cable

1) Included cable in 4.4mm
2) Penon OSG cable in 4.4mm

3) ISN Solar cable in 4.4mm


ISN Solar cable

So you would think the ISN Solar would be the winner here? And while it may be some peoples favorites, I should have probably tested it with the Sony WM1A as I’m sure it would have been a better match. Though you have to realize, this review is convoluted and long enough, I can’t test everything, even though curiosity calls for it. SO to try and keep this simple, the Solar and OSG were both better cables than the included cable. Yet for most there was nothing strange or out of the ordinary in what the included cable did. It was just that the Solar added this lush lower midrange stage expansion, yet the Butastur was transparent enough to also allow the 1Z treble push though…….yep, it was too bright, the Solar was too intense with this combo. And that my friends allowed me to get to the Penon OSG secret sauce! The OSG allowed its inherent Graphene to somehow expand the midrange, it smoothed it out and the mids were found even larger. This smoothing added note-weight to the treble and midrange, counteracting any natural BA character. The bass was left still boosted (due to the 1Z) but this (new) sculpturing was adding detail and 3D dimension, clarity to the low-end. There comes a time when you seem to have it all, and I was not even curious as to the effects of other cables. Of course before I tried numerous cables including the ASOS+ which was great but not as great as the OSG. It is probably this rare density that just seemed to work with the OSG and Butastur, that the OSG was going and including this smoothed out yet dense and separated tone in the end………..more inviting and thicker, bigger staged and better sculpted.


Left to right:
7Hz Aurora, Night Oblivion Butastur and Noble Audio K-10 Encore

Here I’m still using the set-up of OSG, Sony WM1Z and the various other IEMs placed into rotation. The only difference is the longer wide-bore tips which allow better fitment with the Noble Encore. Regular wide-bore donuts are used for the 7Hz Aurora and Butastur. You may be wondering why I chose these three to become side-by-sides? The answer is the three share some of the three tonal characteristics. So much in-fact that they go in memory to remind me of each other. When that happens side-by-sides will further delineate the true differences and contrasting abilities, because the three are both birds-of-a-feather and different. Some folks may ask why I’m using the OSG cable on all three……..and my answer is due to all three having a portion of the same personality…….it works.


Noble Audio K-10 Encore v Butastur:
Look, the Encore is not as easily accessible (to the masses) as the Butastur. Nope, the Encore has extensions starting at 5kHz and ending at 8kHz. This noticeable shelf…….even if the measurements are blurred by the 8kHz testing resonance, confirm a way more intense listen. This combined with the relatively flat Encore midrange and neutral bass, means the balance of mental focus is shifted to focus on the 5kHz to 8kHz treble shelf. Coincidentally both the Encore K-10 and Butastur are 10 BA devices. Yet this Butastur lower bass activity both balances the Butastur better and adds thickness. You could say both the Butastur and the K-10 are upper mid-range masters, and I like that……as that is where a good portion of the musical information lies.


Encore V Butastur:
The Encore is noticeably way way louder at the same volume. This volume increase only goes to emphasize the stage positioning and forward aspects of the tune, even (after) when the volume is equalized. Vocals are more forward, imaging is bigger and little birds are chirping farther out scattering among the many more layers. The vibrancy of the Encore is real and impossible to fight against. Is this fair? Well the Encore was $1850.00 when it was introduced at the end of 2016. On the used market they fetch exactly $599.00. I mean if anything this battle showed me why I keep the Encore around. The OSG does the same imaging magic trick with the Encore as the Butastur, only a bigger stage means farther out Encore fireworks. This is insane….really…the Encore showing its vibrancy in response. But there is a crack in the reality here………….yep, the dimensional clarity has a small fissure……it has to do with BA timbre and tone. This spectacle of Encore imaging has its issues too, mainly because stuff is even clearer and more itemized in the more closely examined for quality!

Number one the Butastur doesn’t ever produce that air of off timbre the Encore seems to capitalize on? And while amazingly bass is very equal.........there is a Butastur lower midrange thickness that is both soft and inviting like a bed blanket…….this character then travels up into the warmer midrange and at that point merges with a more mainstream accessible treble.

Where vocals being airy and vibrant have been a center of the Butastur sound goals from the start. We came face to face with these vocal abilities in the music test section with Diva Plavalaguna singing the Diva Dance!

The issue is the Encore is over the top, it is out-to-lunch crazy…….and not for every set of ears, or every listening run. Sure both IEMs can exist in a collection and offer different ideas into which we interpret sound. Where even though bass is the same between the two, that Encore 5kHz to 8kHz makes that same bass less noticeable. And finally the Butastur comes off softer, more inviting and smoother, enabling longer listens at louder volumes. Sure I will take the Encore to the grave, but that doesn’t mean there is not room for a more accessible and friendly style of entertainment? Oh, and by the way, the Butastur is 2X more comfortable to wear. The Encore has never been exactly friendly in fitment, and the Butastur is the most friendly in how it feels. Nothing was more noticeable than switching between the two, as when the Butastur made it in there was a profound pleasure to fitment.


The 7Hz Aurora v the Butastur:
Look, I get a lot of IEMs in the mail, half the time they are good and some are way better than just good. Yet nothing is perfect, nothing……and some IEMs show that imperfection more than others… being boring or uneven listens.........also the ones missing technicalities.

Here the Aurora is offering a bigger stage and amazingly has some of that vibrancy like the Encore. As such that vibrancy is coated slightly with Planar timbre, yet this is totally lovable and fun.

There is this bigger than life Aurora imaging taking place, yet once again, it is not quite as coherent as what the Butastur does on a daily basis. Farther out imaging and with the slight planar timbre in an airiness........and a tad bit of thinness that the Butastur goes and fills in. Also the Butastur becomes more cohesive with the effect of all BAs at once. Where the 7Hz Aurora is the quintessential Hybrid, and due to such separations and scattering of images becomes slightly both bigger in entertainment and less real……almost surrealistic.

The missing added warmth the Butastur contains, if (that warmth) was added to the 7Hz……well then we would really have something.

The surprising thing was I would have never guessed the Encore and 7Hz Aurora would share the same big stage image positioning? Yet neither the 7Hz Aurora or the Encore provide that down-home and down-to-earth warm-friendly feeling that the Butastur just naturally offers…….all the time. It is this Butastur smoothness and maturity of tone that I always knew existed inside what the Butastur offers, yet during these side-by-sides became even more vivid and pure. I can tell you I will be matching the 7hz with more cables and changing DAPs to continue to find a way in… the 7Hz Aurora is incredible for what it is.




Well there you have it, another one in the books. When I exclaimed that the Butastur could be my only IEM, I meant it. Why? The Night Oblivion Butastur is well-rounded that’s why. Yes, you need to match it to a more bass heavy if you only offer it thinness going in, a slight style of thinness is what (will) come out. Yet again all this is with-in reason. Reasonable is probably the very best word I have to describe the Butastur.

This occurs as a reality due to the Butastur evenness, the completeness and finally the correctness encountered with every DAP, every cable, every ear-tip and every genre of music. With that said maybe, just maybe the The Night Oblivion Butastur does OSTs better than ROCK? I mean really it could go either way……..except those darn violins, those cellos and that stand-up bass replay……oh and the transients and reverbs associated with them!

Call me smitten, but the way the Butastur does OSTs had me rifle though a larger section of my OST collection than any IEM in here at Redcarmoose Labs. And when this review is over, you can bet your sweet behind I will continue the investigation of OSTs……..mainly just because it is so much fun. Fun is a strange word to use, but that’s all we really want here, we like to somehow take this whole process apart like a car, so it can’t run any longer….we do that….to figure out what parts the car is made of. But the reality is when an IEM like the Butastur is in your ears you're more preoccupied by the beautiful hidden bass creations, these sounds which startle you with excitement. That and because the Butastur sounds real...........we are more emotionally involved with the file played. Just ask my dogs, as I was emotional during this review, they will verify such reactions from the legendary Butastur.



"Really all BA IEMs, they still try to make those?"


The Butastur is a classic and one IEM that will never go out of style, as realism never fails to produce reactions. This project is a dream of a few…… AmericanSpirit, one Jinny Tan and the financial support and retail procurement by Penon Audio. There is always a risk that when new IEM ideas are built upon that the results may be just average, that is the laws of chance. Yet here the results are true and real, just as real as the sound playback………the fact that (they did) somehow arrange to make a TOTL Flagship sounding IEM that not only sounds the part but bucks the system already in place. This system is occupied by retail IEMs from old seasoned manufactures that don’t want to see this new invention creep into their profit centers. Yet the Butastur lives and it is not going away anytime soon……..nope it is here to stay. The Night Oblivion is expensive, sure to use all name brand BAs and to include 20 of the suckers in a purchase cost money. And sure anyone can put together an IEM, but few have the understanding of what they want to accomplish...........and the methods at hand to pull-it-off. I know part of AmericanSpirit’s inspiration came from the qdc Anole VX. And in fact I have heard the VX, and even though it was a while ago, I truly think qdc could learn a few things by studying this particular Butastur tune. No disrespect given, it is just that in the IEM business ideas are always improved upon. IEMs made later in production will often move one step further into an area of perfection. There is better timbre than what the qdc VX accomplished, the Butastur is really the opposite of steely. And while both IEMs offer 10 BAs, the Butastur is tuned better than the VX, and a fraction of the price. It is what it is! We are all truly lucky that times change (technology moves forward) thus we get a taste of a world we would normally never get a chance to afford/inhabit.




I want to thank Penon Audio for the love and for the Night Oblivion Butastur review sample.

These are one person's ideas and concepts, your results may vary.

Equipment Used:
Sony WM1A Walkman DAP MrWalkman Firmware 4.4mm balanced
Sony WM1Z Walkman DAP MrWalkman Firmware 4.4mm balanced
Sony TA-ZH1ES DAC/AMP Firmware 1.03 4.4mm balanced
Electra Glide Audio Reference Glide-Reference Standard "Fatboy" Power Cord
Sony Walkman Cradle BCR-NWH10
AudioQuest Carbon USB
HiBy R3 II DAP 4.4mm balanced
ifi GO bar Dongle in 4.4mm balanced
Samsung Phone 3.5mm

Wait hold your horses, the darn review isn’t over yet, as if you thought it wasn't already long enough? :)

Phone use:

Curiosity skinned the cat. No wait, that isn’t how it goes, cursory killed the cat, and there are more ways than one to skin-a-cat. That to me means that maybe you can drive the Butastur due to it being insanely easy to drive in the end?

Phone use:
Hooked-up to the included cable with 3.5mm modular plug I simply attached it to my regular 3.5mm Samsung phone. I always travel with a list of about 32GB of my latest favorite songs to play, though often that means attached to Dongles or Bluetooth. Here we just want to know how well they can sound off the regular phone amplifier.

What a way to end this review. I mean this is way, way better than expected the Butastur to sound? Where right off the guitars holds harmonics and the fullness of the stage. Deep thorough expansions of harmonic details? There are little embellishments of cymbal strikes and nice reverberations. I hate to say this...........but there is a way with the included cable (and a phone) that sounds even more correct. Smooth yet clear woody nature with authority in the bass. In fact.........I’m even hearing the bass better separated and deeper here? Of course the overall size is just slightly smaller, but way less of a difference from DAP playback than I was expecting?

Well, whatever……this is a full and satisfying phone playback that is great! You have to hear it to believe it. All this means is there is way more potential to the Butastur, that to try this IEM with even more source combinations means more chances for success. The deepness of the bass and the sculpturing of bass detail has me amazed, you will see!

Penon Solar Cable use with the Sony WM1A and Butastur!
OK, so I’m obsessive and curious, a combination that warrants research and script to back-up and document that research. Does anyone really care? Sure these results are subjective, and subject to change of opinion, but it is all we really have. So far there are no machines or AI that can quantify these faint results…… it is onward to testing. Does anyone really care? If you have the Solar cable you care as that was a chunk of change, and the WM1A is many a favorite DAP, even all these years later.

The results: :)
Oh Gawd!
I mean of course you knew that if you take good ingredients they often go together. And while pickles and ice-cream don’t always go together, they do go together if your wife is pregnant……something about rare nutrients needed during pregnancy. And that’s the thing…….instincts are real. I had an instinct that even though the treble was too bright with the laser etching of the WM1Z...........the WM1A with its slightly more down to earth treble could be a choice. And the results..........perrrrrrefect. Yep, these lower midrange thrusters I was talking about earlier with the Solar cable became a spectacle of added thickness to the Butastur! Then the stage size, really this is all I need, really all I want. And once again that elusive stage size has me perplexed, as it is really dependent on a number of things? Starting with the way the file was recorded, then transferred to the source, then modified and enhanced or non-enhanced by the cable to the Butastur. I’m supposed to get a grip on reality as to the Butastur, yet as far as stage size……..well it is always big, but at times the Butastur stage size is as big as I have almost ever heard with an IEM, like right now? Go figure?

But man-o-man if you could witness this try out……it’s the bee's knees! The total soul of what the Butastur has on offer………simply amazing!

ISN Solar cable
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finaly Oblivion is getting more and more lovin. i feel less alone.
very detailed review mate.
i remember at the time i was into their review they stole so much time i cant review 64audio U18T fact, i prefer Oblivion musicality (not talkin about skyhigh superior sound value too!)

ps: Oblivion are in my ears right now.
Thank-you, yes they are truly special, I was using them last night not only to listen to music, but to figure out the personality of an amp. They have a microscope quality about them. Value is maybe the word that best describes them, and the bass was more than I remember (last night) than while doing this review? That bass could have been a property of the new amplifier, as that is how the Oblivion is in the end.......revealing of source. Cheers!
@Redcarmoose indeed, very revealing in non offensive way, these exract each sound layers in their full singularity, its not jsut about presence texture and grain which is in fact quite soft here...i mean lush. love female vocal so much with those but piano too and violin and cello so we are well serve in term of versatility (+2switchs) well when switch up their quite a good chunk of bass impact with nice bass line separation tx to 2 BA woofer to permit this. i think about your extra bass it indeed amp part, perhaps impedance output especially if above 1ohm, multi BA seem sensitive to this and it can mean extra mid bass around 80hz, in fact some people measure it so its 100% factual, for better or worst, good coloring....or bass distortion, which Oblivion isnt very prompt for. time to time i use in fact Penon Tail high gain to add this extra bass boom and warmth....but today it was Fiio KA17 (non deskop crazy power mode) what was your amp btw?


Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: Well-rounded goes with every source and every IEM to obtain success
Premium ergonomics due to the prefect size and maneuverability
Solid Oxygen Free Copper Plug and 2Pin, normally a $60 to $80 add by themselves
Unique staging due to three copper alloys used
The balance of warmth and clarity
Copper warmth with great vocal imaging
Zero microphonic proporties
Cons: None, well made......yet not as flashy looking as some cables?
Introducing the ISN T-OCC cable
Redcarmoose Labs May 6th, 2024


The Penon Renata Cable (the T-OCC's older brother)

The Penon Renata Cable and 7Hz Aurora
My gosh! I don’t have time for the regular introductions. If you are reading this you most likely know who Penon/ISN is. We’re going to jump right into the results part of the review. Results are what powers the words and sentences, something worth talking about……resulting in concepts and ideas which need to be heard. This stuff is the very reason you’re reading, and what Head-Fi is truly all about.

Here we are using the Renata cable, with the Totem 4.4mm x 4.4mm adapter. In this particular set-up the IEM is the new 7Hz Aurora, connected to the WM1A. People who know cables may already realize this new ISN T-OCC and Renata cable have many result concepts in common. They are from the same company and in many ways sound the same. Here we are asking the cable for size of imaging……and the Renata does that. Only it is not the regular bright deal that comes with silver cables. Nope, here we are looking for a different part of town…….and guess what......we found pay dirt!

The Renata is in this case bringing note-weight, the Renata is bringing imaging size. Now this size ended-up way better than even guessed………hence the very reason I have pushed these test results forward in the review. Yep, big…..big all over. As such the Aurora was begging for this style of cable, it makes it well rounded even! You see, while exciting and holding a unique style of playback…..The Aurora, with 1DD x 2BA x 1Planar comes across probably better for acoustic guitar and vocals. Sure this is true, but I fail to accept such reduced usability. You see I was it all.........every bit of playback, and that playback with-out compromise. I want the Aurora to become fully capable of everything………….and that is what happened. Deeper more physical bass, a bigger stage which traveled outward and inward, Meaning the images were not just wider they traveled inside (the headspace) to fully exclaim a detailed center image……..what can I say? The Planar driver timbre has also become probably the only slight issue for many with this IEM, yet the Renata fixed that too? What is truly endearing about the SC02, Renata and T-OCC style of cables is they do all these great things to increase realism. Also at the same time holding that extra smooth polish we have come to expect from copper use. The fact that the Aurora has three giant breather-hole-vents off the side making it perform like an open-back, only that “air” has now been replaced with more Renata density and touchable-real life creations. So in this opening story we are letting the character of the Renata do the talking, and if you have the Aurora, I can’t think of a better match-up for daily use. Simply get the Renata cable and be done, no argument about that.

Except one other thing!
The Penon Totem 4.4mm x 4.4mm Adapter Plug:
Here the image density and clarity is taken-up a slot. Yep, a noticeable deeper pond to see into, crisper transients, adding the note-weight of Gold and Palladium into the mix!

Why am I rambling on about the Renata cable when this isn’t even a Renata review? What is taking place is the Renata came before, and yes if you can put-up with her size and price-tag I would suggest a Renata purchase, only if you wanted much of the same effects the ISN T-OCC comes to the rescue. Yep! You see the ISN CS02, the Penon Renata and the ISN T-OCC are all birds-of-a-feather. Penon/ISN is onto something, and they are running-with-it…..even to go ahead and introduce the copper-alloy into an upcoming Penon OCC849 Audiophile Cable. Now you may be wondering about some of the ways the ISN CS02 and ISN T-OCC differ. While showcasing many of the same tonal features resulting from image density and stage, the ISN CS02 holds slightly less note-weight? Now part of that may be the CS02 plug, being the plug has been sculpted from Rhodium, where the unique part of the T-OCC is the solid oxygen-free copper plug.

The T-OCC solid copper plug:

These styles of solid copper plugs are now the latest thing. Adding $60 to $80 dollars onto the retail cable option normally, they are standard with the T-OCC, solid copper 2Pins too. Such a plug modular option normally weighs 4 grams, except the modular solid oxygen free copper weighs 7 grams. Here of course we have a permanent fixed plug, and I can only guess it weights 7 grams.


Left to right 4.4mm plug weight:

1) 5 gram Purple Copper Plug
2) 7 gram (this one) Solid Copper Plug
3) 4 gram Rhodium Plug
4) 4 gram Rhodium ISN CS02 Cable
5) 4 gram regular plug on Penon Renata

6) 7 gram plug on ISN T-OCC Cable

Note how you can tell the two plugs on the #2 and #6 are exactly the same, they look slightly brighter.

Per Dsnuts

  • Silver for its highest transparency and stage enhancing.
  • Gold for that rich tone and depth.
  • Palladium for that remarkable imaging and detail.
  • Copper for body and warmth.
Comparison from Penon Renata to ISN T-OCC:
With the regular plug installed the Renata comes off actually slightly less heavy sounding, not so lumbering. Yet the size, ohh this glorious size saying that if you don’t mind the giant weight and size the Renata sports, the $269.00 Renata is truly the way to go. More filled-in, wider stage and clearer, less ever so slightly less bass laden, which somehow helps to lift this clarity factor to the moon? Sure I could add a solid copper plug to try and nurture more bass weight, but why? The Renata is a force of nature just the way it is, sure I could also add the Totem 4.4mm adapter cable, yet this morning when I have the Renata in place, it doesn’t need anything.

Comparison from the ISN CS02 to the ISN T-OCC:

I have actually done this a few times, yet once more for this very review. As described earlier, the Renata, the CS02 and the T-OCC are all birds-of-a-feather, showcasing much of the same personality in playback. This holds both the stage of silver, and close to the imaging of silver, yet with an extra top-off which you can only get from Copper. A smoothness on-top of this imaging. Because the T-OCC goes one step further to add actually three diameters of copper alloy into which each holds a different make-up of copper, the resulting sound is slightly more separated.

Build of the ISN T-OCC:
98 cores 0.08 Single Crystal Copper
48 cores 0.06 Quenched Single Crystal Copper
35 cores 0.05 Copper-silver Alloy

The T-OCC with the Sony WM1A and Penon Volt:
Here we are basically attempting to add note weight and overall stature to the Penon Volt.


In contrast to many cables the T-OCC makes its noticeability in two major areas of playback. Number one the total separation found resulting in stage size, while adding a little to the bottom-end, it’s this midrange that is uncannily filled with life and size, way overcoming the lows, while still showing respect to them. That we have no form of stridency or too much shimmer, and become left with a fluid vibrancy that just goes with the Volts mid-centric demeanor all day long. While not going for (obviously) the pure vividness of pure silver, here we still gain those qualities, especially in stage size, only what is offered-up is still vivid yet slightly smoother than a pure silver example would be. Where this becomes focussed is in the vocals, where there is no denying the Volt is a vocal showcase, the silver cable would react to push those vocals even more forward, where here (while still separated) they still hold all the luster you could ever ask for in the end.


The T-OCC v The PENON Vocal Cable:
Here the Vocal Cable was rotated-in due to its wild card properties. Yep, I needed something different and unique to go against the T-OCC. And while showcasing more forward vocals as a result, still there is a forwardness of visibility, and of course Pinna Gain, yet with the Volt, it is an unneeded attribute. Why? Well the Volt is forward Vocals anyway……….and this may be a hair too much? If anything, putting the Vocal in the mix, goes one step further to drive home our love affair with the natural vocals the T-OCC does nonchalantly anyways………vocal replay without trying or coming off too intense. Really it is the personality of the T-OCC at this point which holds an honesty in comparison to what shenanigans the Vocal toys to pull off. To write any more would be a waste of words here. But I will say the only reason the Penon Vocal Cable is brought-out again into the light-of-day…….is due to its value and very special sound, on other IEMs! Just here, it was over the top, to say the least!


The ISN T-OCC with the Noble Audio K-10 Encore:
Look, the Encore is a vibrant beast, often a little too spicy, and so many years ago a purchased two pure copper cables to try and align the tone. And sure enough here we are found both a brightness and tolerability that naturally comes with copper. Yet, the case in point here is the T-OCC brings new inventions to the table, a separation and imaging of sorts……..that's both entertaining and hard to argue with. Due to the Encore’s neutral bass and flat midrange this upper focus of 5kHz to 8kHz takes center stage. Yet any of that oxygen-free copper plug and 2Pins seems to not stand a chance here, and that’s OK, as we have still gained listenability and musicality.


The T-OCC with Totem Adapter and Noble Audio K-10 Encore:
Here is the thing, at times we have room to play, meaning there is normally always leeway (of the middle-ground) to where we are going to end-up. Yet in contrast here we are attempting to add warmth, but more than that there is a plethora of added Totem features that we also get, regardless of intent. Still I have to say, with the tune the Encore is parlaying 100% of the time regardless of cables or DAPs, this change is really the least of our consequences today. Really almost a wash as far as results go. Why? Well the T-OCC truly works on its own to smooth-out our Encore vividness, the Totem Adapter didn’t seem to add its normal share of authority and harmonics? Next………


The Penon 10th Anniversary and T-OCC:
Here we are climbing the fence and going into an amusement park after-dark. Trespassing, yet not in-danger of ever getting caught, because of just who we are and what exactly is taking place. You see I have been waiting for this moment since I started writing this review…….this is what I wanted, even desired. Why? Easy street, yep it is just all so very easy…………….

Look, the 10th is fairly easy-going, making friends with most stuff, and here is no different. Big, emotional and wide stage activities, robust bass, and you may wonder if this cable may be too dark, or detailed enough to use on a daily basis. Well guess what……that’s what! That’s what I want here. The 10th Anniversary is my favorite Penon/ISN ever……..and there could be a chance that the T-OCC makes it really fine and all you could ask for from a cable. Really from a consumer standpoint the T-OCC is doing the exact same-same as it does for the following IEM test; the TSMR FEAT. Where both of these IEMs, the 10th and the FEAT could be looked at as warm IEMs…….and that is the question. Why would you add a cable on the warmer side, wouldn’t you want a brighter cable? All I can say is effortless, that and enhanced harmonics. Really this kind of stuff is not all that complicated, where the T-OCC is not tightening the bass up as much as other cables, it does take-away any grain held in the 10th midrange, and add density and harmonic complexity to the treble and midrange. It does this the same as all the others, only because the 10th is special (in-my-book) it becomes even more special. I had three other IEMs to test, but I will try and keep this short, being that yes, the T-OCC does the same tricks across the board and I can pretty much promise you (about 99%) that it will work the same way with the IEMs you have in question.


The Totem Adapter added to the T-OCC and the 10th:

Bigger and more clear. Where sure there is room for improvement, with the 10th it goes with every source with really every cable and player all genres of music. The 10th is the kind of IEM that you could take on a trip where you are not sure of the mood you're going to be in, do you want Rock, or Classical even EDM the 10th has you covered. Hearing the Totem involved (once more) had me ask myself why I don't always go this route, as the Totem added clarity, note weight and increased pace.

DSC_0274.jpegs copy.jpeg

This triple copper in reality does something. Here again we are joining the T-OCC with a noticeable bass laden IEM. I mean the TSMR FEAT has an added lower midrange and more bass than has ever been produced by TSMR. In contrast to the new TSMR-X, the FEAT is actually warmer, and less technical of an IEM, except the bass is clear here, the transient edges are cleaner than the Penon 10th Anniversary, more detailed……….yet again the value and major noticeability is in the full-scale midrange, where all the information is held. Simply bigger in size and shapes than the TSMR FEAR included cable, and not holding us pressed up against the included cables 5kHz to 7kHz shelf. Yep, these cable personalities can take the life out of an IEM they are introduced with. Now while the FEAT cable is not bad, for comparison the T-OCC offers simply more realistic replay, that and a bigger warmer and easy going stage placement. What comes out the other end is simply more emotional engagement, pure and simple.


The reality of the ISN CS02 v the ISN T-OCC:
Really for the price of both cables, the T-OCC at $119.00 and the CS02 at $69.90 together you are approaching the total cost of the Penon Renata at $269.00. And if you want to deal with the size and weight of the Renata, there is really no comparison to it. Meaning while each of these cables share some of the same features, the Renada is bigger is size displacement and just overall clearer than the T-OCC, where the T-OCC is close to the same as the ISN CS02, except it is fuller staged and better images than what the CS02 is trying to do. This difference almost makes me maybe not recommend the T-OCC as an upgrade to the CS02, even though it is, the real difference here is saving your money and going for the gold…….the Renata!

If you’re wondering if the Renada is that big of a jump, sorry to break your heart, but it is. In fact nothing became more apparent in my testing today than that single fact. What can I say, I’m challenging these cables against each other, and the outcomes become even more noticeable with each and every tryout. Look, I have tried my share of cables, and nothing on Earth is like the Renata Cable, for the exact same reasons I have listed, only this clarity through extra wire becomes that much more in-your-face and vivid. Not only vivid, but there is a smoothness too, that engages the vocals to come out and play. Look, I started this review with the Renada Cable, and I will end this review on the Renata cable, what am I supposed to do?



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Top row:
Left to right: Penon Renata and ISN T-OCC
Bottom row:
Left to right:
ISN CS02 and Penon Vocal Cable

For what it costs and for what it does the ISN T-OCC is special. Way more ergonomic than the Renada while still visiting that balanced, yet warm part of town. A perfectly silent gentleman while in operation, never creating unwanted micro-phonics. The T-OCC is really the perfect size and demeanor, resisting tangles and simply going where it is placed. Ahhh............

Screen Shot 2024-05-06 at 12.52.25 PM.png

The T-OCC both puts out fires on that IEM that you felt needed smoothing out and nurturing, and enhances clarity, both at the same time. I know that doesn’t exactly make sense, but that is what the T-OCC does on a regular basis. I have done way more joining of theT-OCC and IEMs in the 14 days since it arrived. I have also done burn-in of the T-OCC for 100 hours. But the most rewarding thing probably was just how each IEM was still itself with the T-OCC, while still promoting vocals and an inviting smooth replay. It is this friendly middle-of-the-road that seems to be the focus Penon/ISN were looking for, because even though this T-OCC has warmth, it is not really colored, probably the CS02 holds more color? And due to such actions, the T-OCC becomes amazingly valuable, because it just seems to enhance (in-the-right-way) every IEM it comes in contact with? Now that may not sound like a big deal, but in reality it is. And it goes forward to exclaim that I can pretty much guarantee you that you will like the results with any IEM you join it to. And that is saying a lot, in this business of subjectivity. So due to the handleability and easygoingness, this cable purchase really becomes a risk free expenditure, unless you want the Renata, then just get the Renata, you won’t be sorry. :)

ISN Audio T-OCC 2 Shares Triple Copper Hybrid 2Pin Audiophile IEM Earphone Cable
Model: T-OCC
3 kinds of copper combination, 3 kinds of diameters
2 shares, 181 cores per share
Outer diameter is 2.5mm, 18AWG wire
98 cores 0.08 frozen single crystal copper
48 cores 0.06 Quenched single crystal copper
35 cores 0.05 Copper-silver alloy
OFC 2-pin 0.78mm connector
3.5mm audio/4.4mm balanced OFC plug
Aluminum CNC alloy cutting integrated slide

The solder joints is silver–contained tin
Secondary oxidation gold foil gold ring
Cable length: 1.2mm



I want to thank Penon Audio for the love and for the ISN T-OCC Cable review sample.

These are one person's ideas and concepts, your results may vary.

Equipment Used:
Sony WM1A Walkman DAP MrWalkman Firmware 4.4mm
Sony WM1Z Walkman DAP MrWalkman Firmware 4.4mm
Sony TA-ZH1ES DAC/AMP Firmware 1.03
Electra Glide Audio Reference Glide-Reference Standard "Fatboy" Power Cord
Sony Walkman Cradle BCR-NWH10
AudioQuest Carbon USB
HiBy R3 II DAP 4.4mm
ifi GO bar Dongle

ISN Audio Cable Products:
1) AG8 Cable
2) C16 Cable
3) C2 Cable
4) C4 Cable
5) CU4 Cable
6) CS02 Cable
7) G4 Cable
8) GC4 Cable
9) GD4 Cable
10) GS4 Cable
11) H16 Cable
12) H2 Cable
13) H8 Cable
14) H8Plus Cable
15) 8 Core Cable
16) S16 Cable
17) S2 Cable
18) S4 Cable
19) S8 Cable
20) SC4 Cable
21) Solar Cable
22) Type C Audio Adapter
23) T-OCC Cable

ISN Audio IEM Products/Earbud products
24) D02 IEM
25) D10 IEM
26) EST50 IEM
27) H30 IEM
28) H40 IEM
29) H50 IEM
30) Neo 5 IEM
31) Neo 3 IEM
32) Neo 1 IEM
33) Rambo Earbuds
34) Rambo II Earbuds

Penon Audio Cable Products
35) Bass Cable
36) CS819 Cable
37) Fiery Cable
38) Flow Cable
39) GD848 Cable
40) HiFi Balanced Adapter
41) Penon Impact Cable
42) Leo Cable
43) Leo Plus Cable
44) Mix Cable
45) Neo Cable
46) Obsidian Cable
47) Orbit Cable
48) OS133 Cable
49) OS133 Adapter
50) OS849 Cable
51) OSG Cable
52) Space Cable
53) Storm Cable
54) Totem Cable
55) Totem Adapter Cable
56) Totem Adapter Type-C DAC/Amp
57) OS133 Type-C DAC/Amp
58) Vocal Cable
59) ASOS Cable
60) ASOS+ Cable
61) Renada Cable
62) Rhodium Plug
63) Purple Plug
64) OFC Copper Plug

Penon Audio IEM Products
65) Penon IEM
66) Impact IEM
67) Legend IEM
68) Globe IEM
69) Serial IEM
70) Sphere IEM
71) Volt IEM
72) Vortex IEM
73) Turbo IEM
75) Quattro IEM

76) Voltage IEM
77) Penon Tail Dongle
77 individual personal audio products.


ISN CS02 (while still great) takes a backseat to the ISN T-OCC.
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it is written with passion and flair. :sweat_smile: But I agree that Reneta is taking over the review. In your experiments, how does it sound with Mirai X, warm+warm , makes me wonder. The question you had raised under Penon 10 "Why would you add a cable on the warmer side, wouldn’t you want a brighter cable?"

Well it is simple and the reason for the emphasis in the review. That yes, the Renata IS the cable choice for the IEMs in question, all though if you wanted the is an alternately a good choice too that provides a section of the included character at a fraction (of the Renata) price and goes with many IEMs. Cheers! At only $119.00!

No.........the TSMR FEAT and TSMR-X goes alive with both the Renata and the T-OCC, but you get what you pay for (as real results) in the end.


Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: Well-rounded yet thick playback
1st no DIP-switch tuning system IEM ever made by TSMR
1 Knowles BA treble x 1 Knowles BA midrange
Utilized Isobaric 2X 8mm DD bass action
Small/medium size at only 4 grams each in weight
Big footprint sound
Deep and sexy bass from a regular phone all day long
Regular hollow style shell build with 3D printed faceplate
One filtered nozzle for the twin Knowles BAs
One tuned micro port nozzle for Isobaric bass action
Perfect for out-and-about
Perfect hard case and accessories
A different fun tuned IEM for the masses
Controlled and fast bass action that will rock your socks off
Cons: Gets just loud enough but not blasting from a regular phone
Nozzles on the edge of too short, easy remedied with longer ear-tips
Old-fashioned audiophiles need not apply here, keep looking.....................


This is probably one of the best turn-arounds found with any IEM I have reviewed this year. Meaning OTB the TSMR FEAT was good, but it wasn’t super-great. What took place after 7 days of burn-in and getting acquainted with the FEAT was nothing short of remarkable! Here are words to document the experience.

So anyway, here we are again smack-dab in the middle of another Redcarmoose Labs adventure. Yep, today we are looking at the TSMR FEAT IEM. Normally I will include a list of all the (other)15 other TSMR IEMs they make and talk a little about TSMR history. But you know at times all that extra stuff is not needed. Yes TSMR has been around since 2016, yes………..they primarily specialize in Hybrid IEMs and all BA IEMs. Every IEM they have ever made has had those DIP-switch tuning adjustment switches……..but this one doesn’t. Also this is a new day in that TSMR are ditching the regular Audiophile Style tune and going for a warmer and more musical adventure. TSMR IEMs normally cost substantially more than the FEAT. Yet while not the end-all end-all in detail………….the tuning works. It works for me anyway.

I’m not sure the exact meaning of the name FEAT, but typically it means an an achievement that requires great courage, skill, or strength. So maybe TSMR are actually showing off that they can build such a device and retail it at this low cost of $239.00?

To me the names means For EATing.
FEAT= For EATing and of course drinking :)


Yep, this little compact and bass laden creature can go on dog walks, or to a restaurant where you would never think of taking expensive gear.

The included cable:
I’m not saying the FEAT with its included cable is bad…….it is just that all of us here……….all of us reading are looking for synergy. And sure Penon just came out with this T-OCC new style of cable, and to be honest the FEAT and T-OCC came to me together in the same envelope. But the ISN T-OCC is miles better than the included cable. Now really there is nothing wrong with the included cable, as TSMR must have ordered two truck loads of this particular cable? Reviewing 5 different TSMR IEMs…..…4 of them came with this exact cable……………and sure I have seen many more inclusions of this cable with TSMR IEMs in reviews.

While polite and proper, the included cable has great balance, only except for this added 5kHz to 7kHz peak. As such this cable kinda makes music a little sterile and almost too correct and thin. With the TSMR Land IEM and the TSMR Sands IEM I had to fully jettison this cable, only because the 5kHz to 7kHz peak was amplifying the already pushed upper midrange and treble.

So both Dsnuts and I agree this included cable is not the very best for many of the TSMR creations, that a warmer/smoother cable seems to help them. Now in a change of pace the two latest IEMs introduced by TSMR actually somewhat work with the included cable. Meaning if you were to buy the TSMR-X or the FEAT, sure use the included cable, but always remember there are better choices even for as little money as the $119.00 ISN T-OCC or the ISN CS02 at $69.90?






The ISN T-OCC or ISN CS02 is changing the FEAT’s stage, they broaden it…….they also add harmonic complexity to playback. Funny too, as you would not think the extra bass resulting from the T-OCC wouldn’t jive with the added bass of the FEAT............especially in relation to past TSMR products. See that’s the thing……..the ISN T-OCC adds fullness and image size/density and greater note-weight. I know I sound like a cable maniac……….because a big part of this hobby is cables for me. :)

The get-to-know-you-period:

On first listen, before 7 days of burn-in ………….the FEAT with the included cable was good but not great. Our relationship was like two ships passing in the night. One ship to go one way, and the other ship (the other way) on a separate journey. I missed that personal connection, where it was just an IEM making sound in my ears?

Now maybe many of you are going to question this burn-in process. And let me tell you the results are not always so dramatic as with the FEAT. But remember the FEAT has two big 8mm DDs for the lows. What that means (in common sense) is burn-in is 2 times more important than a single 8mm Dynamic Driver. So after 7 days of burn-in the magic started to take place, and the additive of the T-OCC combined made the bass a little less technical, but it brought soul and life to the experience.

Oh I almost forgot! A big part of the fun was the Penon Orange Liqueur Ear-tips. 🍊


Model: Feat
Driver: 2 Balanced armature + 2 Dynamic driver
2 x 8mm dynamic driver hollow coaxial carbon element diaphragm for low-frequency
2 x Knowles balanced armature for mid & high frequency
Impedance : 10 ohm
Sensitivity: 104dB
Frequency response range: 10 ~ 20kHz.

Sound, soundstage and bass:

Robert Miles

44.1 kHz - 16bit


The bass is traveling outward between our ears, and making the stage wide, forward and back............and top to bottom. :)

Here we are experiencing the bass traveling about, and really a wash of bass frequencies, thus panning onto the stage……….though what makes it here is not exactly (just) the stage, there is both both the warm and deep renditions of the basic drop, but that the drop is showcased from many angles (and view-points) inside the stage, and with each angle there lives vibrant with an amazing woody warmth.

Now you may guess that this bass replay is somehow overpowering, or even distracting at least……..but no. That is the magic here……….that the piano notes when they come are still showcased (by the BAs) into their very own place on the stage. At 02:20 when the big major beat hits (it’s a climax early on)……… we are grooving fully to this number……and truly there is all we need.

Bass and musicality:

Musicality is a funny subject, as many can’t nail-down all the reasons for it. I will try to guess what it means to me personally with the TSMR FEAT. There is an evenness where there is not an off-tone, or sound sticking out to off-smear the overall frequency.

A correctness of balance, that within the constraints of personality and character, instruments and vocals still sound relatively balanced. And finally the resulting tones own pace and note-weight. There needs to be a dance and play to the rhythm, that this music is not an exact science or a distilled formula. But we know some types of songs instantly have this special magic……this dance of pace………and the FEAT IEM is able to grab onto that pace and reveal its character.

Is it that two Isobaric 8mm DDs are better at a rhythm focus and better than a single bass provider? I’m not sure, except the more surface area of 8mm X 2 means we have the surface area of a 16mm DD. Only the 16mm would be lumbered by size and the results much slower.

Here we are greeted with the deep tone of a 16mm, and the stage size and involvement of a 16mm, only we obtain the pace of an 8mm. That is my only answer to what I’m hearing? Why? Well because there is nothing missing in the lows. I mean sure the FEAT is not everything……….it’s a $239.00 IEM, for crying out loud.

Yet if you don’t know it yet, $239.00 buys a lot of IEM sound nowadays…….the big and controlled sound of 2 Isobaric 8mm DDs……..that is what $239.00 buys.

The rhythm and tone-timbre:

Look, a lot has changed in the IEM marketplace. And included with your purchase are two little silver shinny boxes. These boxes contain Knowles BAs, two of them per side……… 4 all together. These mid and high frequency transducers have faster transients than DDs can do. Now normally there is a trade-off of a questionable timbre to become emitted by these little guys. Using tiny reeds of metal, the reeds are surrounded by magnetic energy which pulsates to the incoming signal. As such this allows the reed to vibrate back-and-forth. This movement is faster than DDs, but does not create air-pressure...........and that’s why we rely on DDs.

But in use the Knowles BAs own a specific rhythm to the beat, faster and more agile than DDs……….but also infinitely faster made transient responses. These treble and midrange responses are pushing the imaging and separation into the visibility. As such our stage is created, but it also owns a rhythm and dance. This dance is acceptable because it has not only great timbre, but it’s never hot or strident. If you could only hear my favorite thing that happens when you place all this together, the hidden bass effect.


Robert Miles

44.1kHz - 16bit
One of the joys of IEMs happens with hidden bass, sure loudspeakers have it too. Really this just means fast bass. What hidden bass is comes around only ever so often. Meaning it is one of those found acts that is rare, but it is repeatable. Meaning if you found it with a set-up before, you can always use that exact same set-up, and find the piece of music then replay it to find this hidden bass again. So in a way it is not exactly hidden, you just need to know where to look for it.


Hidden Bass:
Hidden bass is normally a feature of bass Balanced Armatures, As we are dealing with the transient edge, the transient bass-note-edge in a certain low-end replay…………..this has often been described as..........coming out of nowhere.

Basically it's speed of bass response. At 04:04 (in Children) there is a breakdown where no beat is provided. This quiet-zone is needed for hidden bass to emerge……… drum frequencies to jump into the way………yes, also turning it up adds to the experience. As such this becomes simply another part of the magic of utilized Isobaric 2X 8mm DDs. Now this effect is also at times dependent on stage. Yep, this means the bass needs to be bigger and slightly separated too……….again……..from out of nowhere…….offering a nice surprise when hidden bass pounces.


cover_copy_copy copy.jpg

Kaveh Cohen, Michael Nielsen
Forza Motorsport OST
44.1 kHz - 24 bit

This is the style of music I never would've guessed I would like. While maybe boring it serves a purpose. This is music for a video racing game to provide a mood of traveling inside an imaginary virtual racing world. We are kind-of pushed along with this music pace provider, and while simply background music……… can’t be too distracting. I use this song often as there are a few important features to showcase. What is interesting, I can hear a faint disclosure of BA timbre here. This is the price you pay for the style of instantaneous treble and midrange the BA transducers provide. And sure early on in this review I said it was close to perfect, because I heard zero off-timbre. Yet there is a taste in the keys showing up at 00:08 in. Really not a big deal, yet it is there and heard at times, where if you never heard this song before, you may not even recognize it.

A little BA timbre:
This is just a simply fact of life. Yet, Hybrids are still my favorite way to go. Sonion as a BA manufacture may have a leg up over Knowles with this BA timbre thing? And who knows…… to why they chose Knowles. But in the IEM world there is really Knowles and Sonion as the major providers of BA hardware. But beyond BA timbre, it is really about the overall tune. Meaning you are hearing this onslaught of information, and if only a small section is represented as an off-timbre, and only at certain times, with certain styles of music…….it just is what it is.

What manufacturers are doing now is simply getting a bigger stage footprint with modern IEMs. Newly designed BAs and DDs are allowing a budget IEM to gain the sonic ground previously only reserved for the big-boys of the IEM world. This is why there has been a steady upswing to the popularity of value IEMs in the last few years. Yet, all-of-a-sudden budget DAPs are now making their way into the hobby. Yep, just the right thing to combine with your budget IEM………and our budget cable.

What this means in immersion, immersion into a place never dreamed accessible in 2016. I mean sure nothing is perfect, yet now there is a lot more perfection than you would guess!

Probably (for me) the best part of this song is how the instrumentation is fully sequestered into its own little areas. Sure life is unpredictable, but at least we have music to focus on. Music that has a style of organization, of perfect pace. And…….the songs we remember. Songs like this one never fails to amaze...........with the style of production, especially in the lows. The best way I can describe the FEAT is offering a thickness held inside of the lower midrange and a smoothness held in the midrange and treble areas, that becomes of balance……………while still showcasing a very accessible and fun character.

Where somehow I found the TSMR-X to be incredibly polite, the X showcases more technicalities, and for the price it should go forward to give you those added features, yet I will probably be using the FEAT more? I’m a little stupid that way?

While the two are brothers, they both show as having 2xDDs in action, where the X holds simply more realistic regenerations of past musical events due to two Knowles BAs and the addition of two Sonion BAs. Where we also have a style of 2x8mm DDs, the bass contained in the FEAT is to me bigger, yet not as technical. This bass canister for the FEAT is orange plastic, the X has a metal drum with two 8mm DDs inside.


Cable rolls:
1) Penon OSG: $299.00 High purity single crystal copper silver-plated wire mixed with graphene
2) ISN T-OCC: $119.00 2 Shares Triple Copper Hybrid
3) ISN CS02: $69.90 2 Shares Copper Silver Alloy & OFC
4) Penon Vocal: $69.90 4 Shares 60 Cores OCC Silver-plated Plus Gold Foil
5) Included TSMR Cable: $49.90 2 Strands OCC Silver-plated

6) SMGOT LC7: $69.00 732 cores of pure OFC

Laughingly I disclose, I didn’t start out to review all these cables with the FEAT!

Cable introduction:

See the FEAT is wonderful, but not exactly what you would call a perfectly even tune. Where this review started more simple, only using a few cables and sources, then it blossomed into all the words and photos you see. I take a more organic/results oriented schedule to reviewing.

Sometimes a review is more simple, sometimes not! :) This means that even after a week starting with first impressions, then 7 days of burn-in, then critical listening…….I may come up with new ideas as to a possible final sound. Where cable review examples numbered only two at the start, I found out through experience that more cable examples were needed.

If anything, more cable rolls help us to learn about the TSMR FEAT and its signature. We are looking for new and valuable reactions to new cable change-outs. Reason being you can start out with ideas, then at times more music played will give clues to the total personality to an IEM. So………using cables is a way to get closer to what an IEM ultimately is.

I’m looking deeper and farther for a way in, a way to offer corrections and well-roundedness. Meaning the included cable only goes so far, as it is fine, but didn’t offer the image density of the new ISN T-OCC. So now I’m taking a few hours and rotating in a few more random (cable choices)…………and not so random cable ideas as a way to discover what more is to be found inside the FEAT.

Cable rolls all in 4.4mm balanced:

1) Penon OSG: $299.00
So after a day and a whole night with the T-OCC and TSMR FEAT I started to get curious as to the change-out to the Penon OSG. Sure this is slightly crazy, that the Penon OSG is more money than the TSMR FEAT. But what if, what if it made the FEAT special and subsequently more valuable?

That would be worth a gander right? This instinctual wandering is what makes the audiophile individual play……………………really curiosity is what it is.

End results:
Wait, I’m onto something, my instincts were right. The OSG does the stage expansion of the T-OCC, but it’s cleaner and ultimately more clear. Why? Well…..gone is that woody copper density and replaced with graphene lightness. Where my biggest gripe with the T-OCC was vocal placement and midrange positioning……..the ISN T-OCC enhanced the warmth to almost an overly excessive point. Really at the end of the day the T-OCC is great, and a guilty pleasure, where the OSG is more straight forward and even, more complete while still holding that character that IS the FEAT in the end. Now we are romancing big reverberations and note weight, opening the stage like a new room to walk into……….the vocals now are newly found…………they were both too thin with the TSMR included cable, and too behind the scenes with the T-OCC.

But there is more……..weightlessness hovering outside the sage formations………this is one of the very best results I have had the experience of witnessing with the OSG cable, and the best the FEAT has sounded so far. More well rounded of a performer…….that and just more correct in styles of playback. Now this wouldn’t be such a big deal, except these results are both in tune (frequency response) and technicalities.

Where there is this grey area, where technicalities and tune overlap, and can either promote a better tune, or go against it, the OSG is a total win-win.

I’m using the Sony WM1A and the OSG cable with the FEAT and Penon Orange Liqueur ear-tips.

2) ISN T-OCC: $119.00
In my journey with the FEAT the new ISN T-OCC became a thrill. While really the very idea of a guilty pleasure, the T-OCC was the antithesis of the cable the FEAT came with, yep. Where the included cable was balanced and polite with a 5kHz to 7kHz boost, it was holding back the FEAT note-weight that could be found like gold laying on the ground. Sure, a quick T-OCC change (from stock) and the stage with the T-OCC was bigger and more immersive……more emotional. There is a rhythm and groove that is probably better than the Penon OSG I just gushed over……….and that is why it is a guilty pleasure. The triple copper not only does thickness…….but pace……..and that is where the soul of Rock is found. Only here in the comparisons the vocals were slightly more forward with the OSG……….I mean you get what you pay for here. Really both cables were a blast and made the FEAT that much more special…….I almost can’t choose……..and in reviewing, that is actually a good thing!

I personally believe the difference in sound between these two cables with the FEAT can not ever be approached with simple EQ changes. That in many ways the OSG and the T-OCC have their own value present and work with the FEAT, even having both would end in fabulous playback, with both almost highlighting the opposite?

3) ISN CS02: $69.90

OK, listen, I put this CS02 purposely behind the T-OCC. Why? Well the T-OCC sports an Oxygen Free Solid Copper plug, and OFC 2Pins. As such the modular version of these weigh 7 grams for a 4.4mm plug, opposed to the 4 gram regular plug. But this ISN CS02 is also sporting a Rhodium plug in your choice of 2.5mm, 4.4mm or 3.5mm. Rhodium typically offers a brighter sound than pure copper or the most common, a gold plated plug. I’m rooting for the CS02 underdog!

The CS02 results........

Well this is surprising and took about 3 back and forth side-by-sides to figure out. Where the CS02 and T-OCC are very close to the same. Though when the T-OCC starts to pull away is due to note density. Really both are fine with the FEAT, and even work out better with a mid forward DAP like the SONY WM1A adding to the push-up of mids. But the bottom line is the Rhodium is maybe responsible for making the ISN CS02 just slightly less of a bass heavy cable, where the T-OCC is full-on thickness, and that thickness adding note-weight and stage drama.

When the T-OCC vocals come in they are just more substantial and dense. But really if you just purchased the CS02, I'm not sure unless they were side-by-side............this question of differences would be anything to cry over? Oh and of course I have to say…….this playback with either T-OCC or ISN CS02 was the cat’s meow, I could write another paragraph or two…….but you get the message. The T-OCC solid copper plug and 2Pins is adding density here, and the T-OCC cable is a mix of three Hybrid coppers.

4) Penon Vocal: $69.90
This should be fun. Reason being there is room for the vocals, though what I am worried about is this Vocal cable goes best with IEMs that have a receded vocal positioning. Let’s see? What fun…….I am always reminded why this cable is a phenomena, it is a value for what it does. Just a giant, giant stage……man! Big........and the vocals, well they are more out front and in your face than ever before.

Though there may be a price for this luster of sorts, where all this pushing of tones out and about could be considered color……….but seriously the BA’s didn’t tweek-out on me. Meaning somehow the BAs responded with a purity and composure taking this to the very next level.

Bass is partially set back, as how could perception of it even approach the ISN T-OCC or ISN CS02? But in reality, I would suggest this as a single aftermarket purchase if you like big vocals and want that bigger stage than the included cable…..and value relay of size……like we took a magnifying glass to the whole operation here.

Wow, actually I love this, I have ran through a few songs and this is quite the tone?

What is happening is we have been moved from the outside into this bigger stage with imaging taking place on all sides now! I’m going to stop........stop while I’m ahead. But if you see people joining the Penon Vocal Cable with the FEAT in photos, you will know what they are up to!

5) Included TSMR FEAT Cable: $49.90 or Freeeeeeee!
Well this is a nice match to go right after the Vocal cable. First off, there is nothing wrong with this cable. If you were on a budget you could keep this cable in use and not feel that you were missing that much. But what is wild is the Vocal cable has a rearrangement of the 5kHz to 7kHz tones that is just better. The bass is warmer with the Vocal cable, heck everything is warmer and brighter.........these ultimate Vocal Cable contrasts........if that even makes sense?

6) SMGOT LC7: $69.00
Using the SIMGOT Audio LC7 with the 4.4mm modular plug. In many ways this will be fun as I want to see how this compares to the included cable.

Bigger bass, more lush. Though not as tight, but better and a bass increase. Smoother not showing those 5kHz to 7kHz boosts. Here we are really fine, though very by the books. Meaning this may be how many want it. A clear transfer of signal with added warmth, yet none of the personality of the Vocal, the T-OCC or CS02? Yet there is nothing wrong with this playback. It makes me want to revisit the OSG. Where the OSG is going to be more vocal forward, more bass sculptured, a clearer stage.......even holding more detail………….and on and on…but there is nothing at all wrong with this style of playback, just a little grainy, but look at the price. The LC7 is a workhorse, and I keep it at arms length daily.


IEM side-by-sides:
Top row left to right: TSMR FEAT and TSMR-X
Bottom row: ISN Neo 5

TSMR FEAT (2DDx1BA) $239.00
TSMR-X 10th Anniversary Edition (2DDx4BAx1CFRD) $399.00
ISN Neo 5 (4BAx1DD) $289.00

The choices:

Here I’m choosing two other recent editions to the audiophile community. As such TSMR-X was just released by TSMR showcasing what a new style of semi-solid 3D printing can do. As well as showcasing the Isobaric X2 8mm DDs in a configuration. The addition of 2 BA Knowles mids and 2 BA Sonion treble providers was rounded off by a Custom Film Retarding Driver. As such this test was performed with the standard setting of DIP-switches at 020. The final test subject is the ISN Neo 5. Kind of a phenomenon, the Neo 5 started to somehow gain preference here at Redcarmoose Labs even more after it was reviewed. The start was a change of cable as the original cable included was the ISN S8, only to be switched to the more controlling and clear ISN S4 cable, newly included from Penon. Yet, with more listening a magic started to form, the vocals started to move forward and the stage became larger with try out of included cables, namely the ISN CS02.

Today's set-up will be……The Sony WM1A with MrWalkman’s firmware. No EQ, and the ISN CS02 cable as a tribute to past uses with the Neo 5. On the Neo 5 I’m using my regular wide-bore silicone ear-tips and on the two TSMR IEMs I’m using longer wide-bore clear silicone ear-tips…….as such it helps with fitment due to the TSMR nozzle length.


44.1 - 24bit
Before we start just be informed when comparing these three IEMs here I have already prepared by using the HiBy R3 II as well as the Sony WM1A, and went through a number of tracks to kind-of look for a middle ground, a song that would showcase the intrinsic qualities and become somewhat fair, while at the same time becoming a tool to let the characteristics of each transducer shine through. What was interesting prior to this final test…………….the TSMR-X had a slight personal re-focus on the 2x8mm DDs, and the subsequent rhythm they produce. This quality is talked about in other reviews, yet it was just a given (additional) focus here due their stunts performed with the X.


Revisiting the X gives me confidence in the ear-tip use and a good feeling of placement. Depending on the angle here the nozzles of the FEAT and X can seem confusing. At certain angles both IEM nozzles look longer than (in) other pictures. Yet regardless of 2D photos……….rest assured (that for me at least) fitment with these wide-bore-longer silicone ear-tips produces consistent results. Wow, the X is really showcasing the fact that it does have a few other tricks up its sleeve. Cleaner, more focused affair, and the vocals………..the vocals are more forward holding a style of both texture and detail..........the FEAT could only dream about.

Part of this cleanliness was due to reduced lower midrange lessening levels, just a faster more 3D pace. A pace built on technicalities and clarity. Where in no way is the FEAT sleepy in pace, it is not lumbering, the FEAT just does not have this reality of midrange pushing through into imaging of items............exposing themselves to make clarity……………….To where this set-up is insanely correct for the X.

The ISN CS02 is adding density to playback, in-fact slightly hindering the FEAT at work. And really I’m OK with that. Taking a Penon $299.00 cable to bring the FEAT a little closer to its 10th Anniversary brother totally makes sense here.

Yet obviously the IEM encounter of the X is always going to be more, because while a cable only does so much………we already knew the X would simply be better in every way. Still they are Apples against Oranges here…….were in 020 DIP-switch setting the X is simply bigger in stage and immersion, finding the small gifts of sound recreation spread out farther and holding a more realistic recreation of life. I could go on………but we are going down a rabbit hole. :) If we are not already down it, deep inside?


For the first time, maybe the single DD the Neo 5 is sporting doesn’t sound as clean or consolidated as the 2 DDs of the FEAT. It’s a little less controlled in the bass department, which is surprising, but part of this could be me. I don’t know if you have been reading reports on both the X and FEAT drivers, but you slowly get an improved understanding to their intrinsic bass properties the longer you listen to them, and being this is near the end of the review, I have spent considerable amount of time listening to both the FEAT and the X.

There is this ISN/Penon midrange………as such this is a both smooth and realistic phenomena that’s hard to fight against. Let me just say that these stage drop-offs had me even choosing the Neo 5 over the X when I heard it. And once again the ISN CS02 actualizes the tone too close to perfection here. Yes the Neo 5 bass is slightly less tight and lumbering, but just like is the overall tonal balance that means the most in the end. The FEAT is cleaner and tighter..........even more polite, the Neo 5 is the person who was wild in school who you never really saw that much, because they were skipping class and being adults already.




Do you see that cute little orfi? Yep the tiny hole coming off the nozzle-end? That little tiny (new to the IEM world hole) is a tuned bass port. And the larger opening is equipped with a Knowles filter to tune the BAs. Yep, just like that, only two nozzle openings. As such the faceplate (looking microscopically) close has those 3D striations. Not the fibers, those blue fibers you see from after but somehow around and inside of those fibers is the 3D printing construction? The FEAT is the perfect medium small build size, and as such the FEAT is a traditional build, meaning it is not solid or semi-solid like the X construction. Weighing in at a stealth 4 grams, the air-space inside the FEAT cavity is remarkably large, and surprisingly spacious. This space, vented by a red vent for the left and blue vent for the right, is responsible for the woody full tones we are experiencing in the lower midrange and bass. Only it is clear bass and tighter due to the 2 8mm DDs showing faster cleaner response, yet holding the surface area of a 16mm woofer. That this little chamber is surrounded in orange plastic to only let the major bass frequencies out the top, with the fall-out reverberating from the second DD going through the sides and into the resonant chamber. Lucky for us there are no confusing DIP-switches, a first for TSMR, and at the far end the build are located two unspecified Knowles BAs for midrange and treble. For me to do my due diligence here with construction, I have to reiterate about nozzle positioning and shape. The 2D pictures can have two separate sizes perceived. From one angle the nozzles look short, then from another angle the nozzles look long. Now I do need slightly longer silicone wide-bore ear-tips to get fitment, except the FEAT fits me slightly better than even the X. So if you have “normal” sized ears, whatever that means? With a little moment of tip-rolling you should end-up with a consistent level of fitment……….at least I did. The medium small form-factor and 4 gram weight means the FEAT is perfect for out-and-about.




Cell phone use:
You have gotta be kidding me?

If you have been reading all through this review I don’t want to break your heart, but the FEAT is on the difficult side of the street to drive. Yet, that doesn’t mean exactly what it used to in 2016. Nope, because in the old days IEMs could sound small and thin from a phone. Yep, bass action was held a different way. Nowadays the market is packed with deep bass findings……..only very few are exactly like what we find with the FEAT out of a traditional Samsung phone.

I only have one word for this phone experience PARADISE!

Why? Well many of us don’t want to take a DAP outside, we need the IEM to do all the sonic providing. What that is is harmonic enhancement and stage size. Listen, I spent the good part of time writing this review listening to a phone drive the FEAT. And maybe in some ways TSMR got the idea to name the FEAT due to simple phone use? As it is a feat what the FEAT does with a phone signal! I mean I have not read any review on the FEAT prior, maybe a sentence or two, but if the reviewer didn’t include phone use with this particular IEM, they have left out a big part of the user experience. Why? Remember the hidden bass feature that I was talking about, well it’s not as vibrant from phone use, but the bass quality and dimension into the width inside the stage is still there. Not only that, but the overall tonal balance is just exactly right off your phone. It is this satisfying bass action, mixed with the Hybrid separation (into the stage) of the easy to drive 2X Knowles BAs that clinches this deal. I know this sounds over the top, but this is singularly maybe the best phone sounding IEM I have heard this year………..and I will leave it at that. You don’t need a lot of parts to make a phone sound wonderful, you need correct tuning. The weight, the fitment and the price of the FEAT make it the perfect portable phone IEM in my book, so much better than I have heard TWS sound, ever…….and less complicated than having to charge TWS, have the TWS drop a connection, or fall out (onto the pavement) into infinity………none of those shenanigans here.

Quite simply …………..the FEAT is made for the desktop audiophile experience, the DAP audiophile experience and finally the regular phone audiophile experience.

Due to these phone volume levels being just enough…………….this feature makes the FEAT the perfect choice (to protect hearing)………… a gift for your significant other.

The FEAT comes with a full-size box opening experience, same as the up-line TSMR offerings, no skimping here. Included is a new style of zipper (hard-hard) case, 6 pairs of actually usable ear-tips, the included $49.90 TSMR Cable, and a cleaning tool. Interestingly my FEAT came with a full instruction manual with the build date of 03-17-2024 stamped as date of production. I need to mention this new case…….two zippers on either end, a velvet style interior lining, and a top and bottom made of a hard protective plastic…….a far cry from what is normally included at this price-point. This box opening experience is really TSMR’s way of showing you are are dealing with a first rate company, not really leaving out a thing.






Well there you have it. Another TSMR invention. Really uniquely different from the other 5 TANSIO MIRAI IEMs I have had the opportunity to hear. The difference is the FEAT tune, I can’t help but look into the shell of the FEAT and see how it is constructed……………to be a very different animal. You see this is a mainstream tuning, one that could find the general public arriving in droves to check out. Different from the mainstream audiophile, the general public have been nurtured by car audio and movie houses……this is what they feel is good sound, because it is in a way. For me anyway this construction starts with 2X 8mm drivers. This differs from the TSMR-X in that X is a semi-solid 3D build, and the FEAT is conventional construction. Yep, the X is cleaner because there is less resonant chamber with the DDs and BAs accessing two different height levels inside the X shell……..the BAs in the X are submerged in solid 3D resin, and the DDs vent off the top, under the faceplate. Where the FEAT has regular full-hollow construction, with the 3D printing only making the thin faceplate. Really the TSMR-X and FEAT are complementary, where the X owns the upper hand in technicalities, for the audiophiles in the room. The FEAT goes about its day owning up a more thorough and forward lower midrange…..yes a little more carless…….but that carelessness is where the magic happens……..and the love starts to occur. Sure it’s less technical than the X.

2 less BAs than the X, and one less sound tube out of the FEAT nozzle, that is unless you count the support for the X’s 1 X CFRD (Custom Film Retardation Driver)…………if you even regard that as a driver at all?

Still in the end it is uncanny how much both the FEAT and X’s twin 8mm Isobaric Drivers speak the very same language, how they both offer this hidden bass, that is surprising and simultaneously rewarding! This is one of the single features which separates the FEAT and X from the complete TSMR (TANSIO MIRAI) history. And if you have ever owned or own a TSMR IEM, I can guarantee you the X and the FEAT are completely different sounding than the other past 14 IEMs the company has made. You see this IEM building technology is advancing. Not only is it advancing, it is offering more choices and chances to get involved with the music. Because at the end-of-the-day all we really want is musical involvement. This musical involvement is why I consider the FEAT and the X as equals. Where sure if you want better technicalities the X delivers, but if you were just going out of the house and needed a friend to deliver that low-end that takes your emotion, and makes being outside fun, well for the money this in-fact may be the perfect choice?


Who is Tansio Mirai (TSMR)?
Tansio Mirai is a Chinese manufacturer who currently makes a number of specialized IEMs. TSMR or TANSIO MIRAI was registered as an IEM maker in China by the Beijing Tang Song Bouyan Technology Company in 2016.

The TSMR name is actually a play on words originating from the English language translation of “Tang Song era”. The Tang Dynasty and The Song Dynasty was an era of immense social change, scientific, agricultural and artistic progress. The Chinese invented gunpowder during that time as well as the printing press and the magnetic compass. The first paper money was invented in the Song Dynasty in China during the 11th century. The name TMSR is in remembrance of such eras, ultimately bringing such values and dynamics into the future.

TANSIO MIRAI production as of today
TANSIO MIRAI TSMR 10 - 10BA $1029.00
TANSIO MIRAI Spark - 4EST + 7BA Hybrid $1499.00
TANSIO MIRAI Land - 2EST + 3BA + 1DD Hybrid $599.00
TANSIO MIRAI Akiba - 7BA + 4EST Hybrid $1550.00
TANSIO MIRAI Sands - 1DD + 3 BA Hybrid $319.00
TANISO MIRAI FEAT - 2DD + 2BA Hybrid $239.00
TANISO MIRAI X - 2DD + 2BA + 1 Custom Film Retarding Driver Hybrid $399.00
TANISO MIRAI HALO - 8BA + 4EST Hybrid $1,999,00
TANISO MIRAI RGB EST - 9BA + 8EST Hybrid $2,999.00

I want to thank Penon Audio for the love and for the TSMR FEAT review sample.

These are one person's ideas and concepts, your results may vary.

Equipment Used:
Sony WM1A Walkman DAP MrWalkman Firmware 4.4mm balanced
Sony WM1Z Walkman DAP MrWalkman Firmware 4.4mm balanced
Sony TA-ZH1ES DAC/AMP Firmware 1.03 4.4mm balanced
Electra Glide Audio Reference Glide-Reference Standard "Fatboy" Power Cord
Sony Walkman Cradle BCR-NWH10
AudioQuest Carbon USB
HiBy R3 II DAP 4.4mm balanced
ifi GO bar Dongle in 4.4mm balanced
Samsung Phone 3.5mm

Last edited:
Wow, excellent review!
@alexandros a,
Ya, then after a while, maybe it was just the music, but even a good part of the timbre was fine. That is exactly what it is, it's off timbre sometimes.Cheers!


Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: Maximum clarity from a pure silver AWG22/5N device
Beautiful abundant staging filled with natural image formations
Increases pace and separation from the cable your IEM probably came with
14 different styles of plug choices, along with many other options to choose from
Increased resolution and 3D imaging
Forward vocals formed with IEMs that you didn't know had it in them
Perfect cable middle-size and low-weight gives dexterity and ergonomics
The ear-hooks are lovable
Clarity of bass and bass sculpturing inside the stage
Seems to improve timbre perception in Hybrid IEMs
Special crisp EST additives, bringing about an increase in both definition and clarity especially with the 4 EST Penon Volt
Cons: Expensive
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Redcarmoose Labs April 27th, 2024

"Go Into The Light"

Storms and light...................
There were thunderstorms and rain on the Wednesday the LAVRiCABLES sample arrived. In fact at 2PM returning home…………my Wife said “Why is it so dark out?” You know one of those questions married folks make that don’t need an answer. There it was, the slim box from LAVRiCABLES. As such there is not much to the opening experience, simply a felt carrying-case, the cable inside, a business card and a sticker…….you could put on your car window if desired.


As such LAVRiCABLES are quite the worker-bees, putting together an onslaught of over 100 different silver cable products. Made-to-order, in this area you can truly have it your way. Formed back in 2012, LAVRiCABLES is a group of audiophile-wing-nuts just like you and me, I mean how many manufacturers offer either 100 hour or 150 hour burn-in service with your purchase? Based in Latvia they specialize in silver wires only. You can order your cable with a plethora of build options, which we will get to later. LAVRiCABLES make headphone cables, speaker cables, interconnects and USB cables. As you browse their web-site you will first become aware of the hierarchy here. Meaning there are four levels.

The different levels of pure silver cables offered

1) Reference line. A solid silver core using a teflon jacket for (the possibility) of thwarting radio wave interference, and still 5N purity, along with Mundorf 4% fine silver audio solder.

2) Ultimate line. Different geometry and thickness, offering AWG24 in a Litz configuration along with Mundorf 4% fine silver audio solder.

3) Master line. Mundorf 4% fine silver audio solder, along with a thicker, yep a thicker sonic transport device, more wire and different wire geometry.

4) The TOTL Grand line. The purity of 6N along with the Mundorf 4% fine silver audio solder, and of course more wire and a different wire geometry.

Take note:
LAVRiCABLES never slows down, as the Master line is the Master V4 version we are looking at today........and is the fourth increase in model quality.


6N silver is incredibly expensive in comparison to 5N. While 1N is the lowest quality, 7N is the highest quality. The truth of the matter is the rating system is not fully accurate, as it is an approximation, meaning the term N is generally taken as only an estimate of purity, as the “N” means numbers on either side of the decimal point.

The AWG (American Wire Gage, sometimes called the Brown & Sharpe wire gauge) system is designed to rate wire thickness and has been used since 1857.

A LOWER AWG number indicates a THICKER wire.


Per Dsnuts
  • Silver for its highest transparency and stage enhancing.
  • Gold for that rich tone and depth.
  • Palladium for that remarkable imaging and detail.
  • Copper for body and warmth

This being my first foray into the world of pure silver IEM cables I didn’t exactly know what to expect. Yep, I had read prior about the pure silver not actually being too bright, that the cable somehow creates expanded imaging and detail……..that whatever brightness is there is in-truth smooth and desirable. I mean this speed that pure silver brings enhances the transient response. That pure silver brings with it a transparency second almost to none, that the results are profound levels of detail? This is what I read prior to testing the LAVRiCABLES master IEM cable.

So was that true?
Testing the Penon 10th Anniversary IEM (2ESTx2BAx2DD)

Testing the prior co-partner TOTL Noble Audio K-10 Kaiser Encore Universal (10BA)
Testing the Penon prior TOTL Volt Universal IEM (4ESTx2BAx1DD)

My cable testing preparations:

Cables and the resulting tones produced are much like the effects of IEM tonal judgment. Meaning when it comes down to it synergy is basically subjective, yet on the outskirts of perception we all form very objective ideas about tone. Meaning Head-Fi is based on a number of folks finding parallel ideas to be true, therefore valuable……..especially if you are about to buy something on-line (with your hard-earned money) with-out hearing it first. So we all know this tone is a combination of DAP, ear-tips, IEM and cable. Yet truth starts to form when we (as a Head-Fi group) start to form broad conceptual ideas about a particular product. So to kind-of clean the slate (of tonal perception) I actually take a few days off from listening to any IEMs or headphones……….no loud speaker music and the loudest thing may be my wife reminding me of something. :)

As such there can be sonic memory from the last IEM you reviewed skewing your ideas of what would be middle of the road. The last heavy instance of this occurring happened after reviewing the QKZ X HBB Hades, where the bass stage and bass amount was so large and overpowering that my regular gym TWS sounded thin and scrawny, which is not true in any way, shape or form. Sure there are IEMs which are balanced, which just by their style of tune may in fact recalibrate your ears, but I have found the very best way is to walk away from testing for a few days. Not only do you recalibrate your ears, so you can hear the reality in-front of you, but you also mentally take a break so your enthusiasm sparkles.

This will be written like it was only one session, but keep in mind for readability it is the result of a few days. These different sessions were used to come-up with ideas. As such close back-and-forth trials took place, as well as long extended listening events which solidified my options and messages written here. Where I choose my Sony WM1A and Sony WM1Z with MrWalkman’s aftermarket firmware. I chose one of two ear-tips with primarily the silicone wide-bores on the Penon 10th and Volt…….and the wide-bore longer size silicone on the K-10 to increase with fitment.


The Penon 10th Anniversary model:
Look, of course I wanted to find-out just what the results were. The Penon 10th Anniversary and the Volt are my favorite Penon’s to date out of about 16 models I have heard. Yet I'm almost cheating here, as the 10th and Volt are also some of the most well-rounded I have had the opportunity to hear. Where both go with multiple sources and most cables, even allowing this style of connection with alternative resulting tones which still can come-off as acceptable and normal……………and better than acceptable as they are entrancing and provocatively musical..............almost always. So you may be wondering why I chose them in the first place? They are my favorites and I simply was curious as to the new place they would go. Also I know their signatures like the back of my hand. In fact the Noble Encore I have over 3000 hours of ear-time, so you could say I know it personally.

The 10th:

Ahh……this is not work, it is play. How can something this fun be anything but play? And you know the word fun is also the single best description of the Penon 10th. It was designed to be different for Penon, kind-of like a departure into a new land, a land Penon would (maybe) visit more in the future IEM productions. Yet with all this fun the 10th is not perfect. In fact there are a few that think the Penon 10th Anniversary is not a party? So to those few folks out there, I challenge you to try a silver cable, or better yet, this exact LAVRiCABLES Master IEM cable……….and you tell me if the 10th is now something else. Now there are actually quite a few cables that maximize the 10th stage, and in fact that stage is one of the most endearing factors to keep in mind if you were contemplating a 10th purchase in your life.

2x Sonion EST for ultra-high frequency
1x Knowles BA for high frequency
1x Sonion BA for middle frequency

2x 6mm crystalline plated biofilm dynamic driver for low frequency

As such the 10th showcases a Hybrid idea. But more than that it is one of my favorites ever. And you know how favorites go, at times you don’t know why they are your favorite, they just are. But to showcase features the LAVRiCABLES Master brings to the table, again the stage was the first noted thing, secondly the bass was given plastic surgery. :)

Where the 10th is known for having this slightly lumbering bass, and the silver imaging and tautness goes forward to even add detail in this department. This feature will also be reiterated in the Volt review later, but the only way I can explain it is clarity and separation, that and the edges are slightly cleaner, the bass got a haircut........a trim so to speak. People that have heard pure silver cables before are probably sitting back and laughing as this kind-of stuff is normally par for the course? But since this is my first silver IEM cable, I will carry on regardless of the hecklers. You know who you are! Where before with most cables the 10th bass was a stage foundation, where everything else was added on top, like a Sunday Ice Cream. And there is nothing wrong with loving that style of display, only there are cleaner windows to look through, more stark realities of imaging and pace which is simply an example of the clarity and the transparency of pure 5N silver. Where this enables us to see slightly further down into the stage, to open the drapes to what is taking place in the lower realms, and to gain satisfaction in observation. The end results are a bounce, a groove and a pace that is unarguable and real, real-life. Sure part of this maybe that the 10th is well-rounded, the 10th is not a problem child, no. The 10th acts in a careful respectable way and is friends with many found audio friends in music file form or source form. It’s just the overall demeanor has been both clarified and cleaned-up of any drawbacks to be (one style of) the best it can be.

Where sure, the Sony WM1Z was able to communicate the tiny (possible) box reverberations of a Yangqin hammer dulcimer with flying colors. In actuality both the 1A and 1Z were a treat here, with the Master V4 bringing stage and details never before even guessed could be extracted from the 10th. And not little things either, like big timpani strikes and bright cymbal washes somehow continuing to have reverberations and cymbal fall-off...........due to a forwardness and clarity into stage displacement. I mean let's face it, the longer you live on this earth, the more treble hearing-loss takes place, starting at just 18 years old. The best way I know to combat these effects is to find a set-up that offers clarity without glare, and that is what the 10th and LAVRiCABLES Master V4 brings for the price of a single admission ticket. Sure I have many favorites in the cable field, I’m a cable maniac, but I have never heard anything exactly like what I’m hearing today?

What I have to do is keep picking up the IEMs and trying them out… special as this tone is.

Truth to be said:
I have grown to love the 10th more and more since I wrote my review. And as always finding love is a form of mystery, there are parts that can’t be written about, those parts can’t be written about because they can’t be put into don’t know the words in the first place. So somehow the 10th has continued to amaze me, becoming truly a special affair. The LAVRiCABLES Master brings the 10th into what could only be described as a detail monster. But not detail due to glaring highs, but detail due to musicality and realism. Due to timbre and transients, pace and stage……..but most of all due to this 3D construction into the stage where there is stuff forward, out to the side and up and down……not to mention living on the back-side. Inside of those images live a real breathing existence of recordings long gone. In a way to summarize the LAVRiCABLES Master it could almost be thought of as breath, and air.


The Totem Adapter Cable:
This is crazy but after finding out Dsnuts got the LAVRiCABLES Master with the sold copper plug I was curious. Not that I wasn’t happy with my choices of options. I mean who could ever write the above paragraphs with-out being totally smitten with cable. So for not having a choice of a better word, let’s call this curiosity. And not that I use it all the time, except the Totem 4.4mm to 4.4mm adapter is a way to add authority and density to a mix. Yep, this 2 shares, 334 cores per share cable is like a filter, and it goes between the DAP and the Master V4.

Single crystal copper silver-plated Litz type6 & Palladium-plated pure silver & Single crystal copper plated with pure gold adapter lets you add a taste of pure Totem magic into your playback. And while I have loved the rendition of added thickness to the 10th, what I am really curious about is the Encore.


The Kaiser Encore:
I have a confession to make. When I first heard about the fact that I was getting the LAVRiCABLES Master I knew I had to try it with the WM1Z and Noble Encore. If this silver was truly silky smooth I would know. And sure enough on that rainy afternoon I joined the Encore to the LAVRiCABLES Master and the other end to the Sony WM1Z. And you know what? I could live with it for short amounts of time............but not for long listening runs at a loud volume.

Having over 3000 hours of playback time, I know what the Encore does on a daily basis. And sure, here it was more detailed than I have ever heard it. More detailed than ever and somewhat correct?

The Encore is a double edged sword, where when I first got it I purchased two relatively expensive pure copper cables to try and align the 5kHz to 8kHz peak, or rather shelf. Even if the total energy at 8kHz is a result of coupler resonance, it doesn’t matter…….just look at it. This combined with a relatively flat midrange and neutral bass means the peak is the focus of the tuning outcome. So the LAVRiCABLES Master was simply showing what was there, and because it adds clarity, it was even more there. Kind of like using vodka as a mixer for whiskey, it was too much........for me anyways. Now who knows, a treble head may find a perfect home here, as nothing was out-of-whack, only a little forward, especially at 5kHz. So what was I to do?

You guessed it, the Totem Adapter goes into usage:
Now I have to say I tried it with both the 1Z and 1A, and believe it or not the 1Z was simply more consistent and tuned correctly. Where this additive of midrange boost with the 1A tune, along with the Encore and Master clarity being fed by the Totem adapter made the midrange vocals and instrumentation somehow not natural…….for a lot of music. Though get the combo any electronic music and we were fine.

Using the Totem Adapter and the Sony WM1Z we were really fine all the time. Yet out of roughly possible 110 volume clicks...........I was only 4 clicks back. So yes, volume had to be ever so slightly diminished due to the vividness, but it was honestly a totally working way to go, and did all genres of music. What was cool was the Totem Adaptor cable also being at the very start thickened up the low end and enhanced the spacial qualities and image density. Yet, I am pretty sure, there will not be another IEM in my stable that will make the Totem a necessity?



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The Volt:
While the 1Z was great and the ticket probably for many, I came out liking the more mid-centric Sony WM1A better. Where the 1Z is a hard V shape, it going forward to produce a slower more physical bass and a bigger treble stage encircling you head, still something about the WM1A midrange forwardness, combined with the Master Cable Magic, which brought me home? To a place I would love to describe to you if I could? The first thing I noticed was the stage size, same as Dsnuts first reported. Stage is created (we think) by frequency as well as technicalities, and the separation is formed by the imaging, in truth the transient response. As such it is this finite sculpturing of attack-edges that combined with the broad staging makes musical elements that much more fascinating and quick. Now you’re probably asking me (as you are reading) is this on the thin side or is the whole deal too bright? The trick that’s going on here is balance. A balance of all three, held in the DAP, the IEM and the cable. But more than that it is this brisk note weight that has me brushing-off my household duties and responsibilities and acting like a bum……..a happy bum.

Where the wild thing is the bass (while tight also) is broadcasting its due frequencies.

Maybe tad less slowness and drama from some copper added cables......still the Master V4 is in its own way perfect here, and that’s a word I almost never use, ever in reviews.

But wait…… know where nirvana is……it’s in the vocals. Meaning in my 4 days of trying out the Master Cable, I kept saying to myself…….this is vocal playback. Where just by the fall-out of frequencies there is this itemization where the vocals are both smooth and forward. And the treble? Well, you may be wondering what happens to EST drivers when you feed them right?

I mean for this to work (to perceive this unique spectacle) the sound has to be recorded first, then played back in the DAP, and accentuated by the cable and have the EST working their magic…….to really have this audiophile finite result in your hands……….

Ok, I will quit beating around the bush here. The Volt treble stage takes the cake. Where during my earlier Volt review I seemed to perceive a slight drawback in a place where the mids and treble join. This lower treble diminishment would only take place on certain songs and only with certain instruments. And truly it’s not a big deal, as nothing is perfect. But what is amazing is I can’t seem to find it? And the more songs I put through this DAP IEM configuration, the more I still find a well rounded-ness. This well rounded-ness first comes probably from the Volt, where I have heard a few finite instruments parlayed with slightly more brightness (with other IEMs), but they don’t at the same time offer this grooving midrange pace and bass bump. Meaning even with the LAVRiCABLES Master Cable in place the Volt is well balanced and plays all genres and file types. Just the basic fact of the Volt offering a level of clarity has me smitten.

Why smitten? Well everything is just right, no matter which file of music genre I choose and I don’t have to worry about volume used because there is no glare or stridency........or anything at all off. I mean people rejoice in reporting better timbre? Maybe? I mean timbre is the kinda thing that when it’s correct it can be ignored, and that is what we have. Sure this is a midrange forward tune set-up, the cable in-a-way could be looked at as accentuating the mids, and I have wide-bore tips in use…….but I guess it is the smoothness of the Volt which is pulling-on my heartstrings? It is giving the Volt a bigger presence into imaging and separation, it is quickly cleaning-up pace issues and bringing the music home, home in living color. That means zero coloration. There even seems to found better contrasts, more tones separating the lows and highs?

Summary of Penon Volt and LAVRiCABLES Master Cable V4:
People that know me know I’m a soundstage junky. I can forgive a laundry-list of mediocre results if the IEM just performs soundstage in a big way. Now the thing is there is kind-a a phenomena when you tighten up the low-end details.......and that soundstage is enhanced again. I have to be careful when I write this as some may get the idea that the Volt low-end is compromised by the Master, when in fact it is just another example of clarity here, this fact makes you question why we would ever have anything to do with copper in this specific situation. As such the Volt has and has always had this magical midrange, and the Master makes a new step in a better direction, cleaning up the overall tone and enhancing the already great attributes in separation, imaging, tonal correctness and vocal presence. Personally I feel I have hit the jackpot here, and will be utilizing this exact set-up long after the review is published. I simply can’t walk away from this exact tonality.


I commend LAVRiCABLES for supplying just the bare necessities for shipment. I mean sure it is nice to get a giant box with layers of levels and slowly “find” your cable. Yet all that costs money and normally gets thrown-out. Isn’t the value here construction and sound……maybe looks? And that’s the thing, LAVRiCABLES is busy making sure they have all the parts for every cable imaginable, they are not too worried about the box opening experience. I mean, sure what you get is only a pouch, a business card and a sticker for your car window…….but in a way this is all you need. Also I’m pretty sure the pouch is sized to fit every cable they make. See the thing is if they didn’t deliver in the sonics department then maybe they would need an elaborate box-opening-experience? But they deliver at a lesser cost than many cable brands, plus less shipping costs, as they are not shipping this giant block of useless cardboard to you............. that you’re going to toss the next day.


Here is the deal, I’m not a total cable expert, but I have tested my fair share of cables. Also over the years I have come to learn what are the most important features that you could possibly have in construction. The way my Master V4 was ordered it comes out to 27 grams in weight. I ordered the regular gold plug in 4.4mm balanced, yet there are 13 other termination choices. As an example Dsnuts ordered a solid copper plug, typically believe it or not that will add another 5 grams or so onto the weight. A solid copper plug goes and warms the signal a tad, taking away (slightly) from the total analytical qualities, giving smoothness. Another example there are Rhodium plated copper plugs on offer too. There is even XLR plug option to name another route to go. There are four different cable lengths you can get……and finally (not finally really) there is a choice of 100hrs burn-in service or 150hrs burn-in service. The very basic cable is $294.09 and all the bells and whistles come out to $390.68. Yet it really depends on what you value as nothing changes with your Master order in regards to the AWG 22 wire, in 5N purity of a Litz design.

Typically I don’t copy and paste too much vender script, as if you are here reading there is a good chance you have already read all that. Plus I don’t need review filler text as my reviews are way too long as it is. Still here is the link to the differences among various cable lines on offer.

Now in usage the Master V4 shows well, as it is really not too big and bulky as some cables are, yet not thin and delicate either. This middleweight and middle-size goes very well with your expected ergonomics. But to take these ergonomics a step farther, the way the cable lays around, and the feel when wearing (and listening) is very, very good. As such the 2Pins you can order flush or recessed, and just the simple paint work on the 2Pins goes to show red for right and black for left. There are also perfect ear-hooks that are not too aggressive or too floppy, but just seem to work-out well. Both the splitter and plug are notated with an L for LAVRiCABLES with a tiny drawing of a cable. The chin-cinch is a style of silicone I’m guessing, which is a first here at Redcarmoose Labs. But to go slightly into more detail the plug end to the cable is furnished with a clear shrink-fit material, but more than that it has been cut perfectly even. It is this very small effort in the details which goes to proclaim that you have in your hand a cable of exceptional build quality.

This is how the cable tested was ordered.
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Cable comparisons:
Sorry, this is my one and only first pure IEM silver cable, I don’t even have a $15.00 pure silver (ya-right) example of another brand of silver cable. Yet I still think this comparison section will come of value going forward to showcase the sonic differences between a few cables.


The ASOS+ Cable:
The Penon Vocal Cable:
The SIMGOT LC7 Cable:

The Penon Mix Cable:
The Master Cable V4:

Here I use my Sony WM1A with the Penon Volt IEM to try and generalize about differences. I am using my standard wide-bore silicone ear-tips.

The Penon ASOS+:
Such a cable is one of my all-time favorites. Decked-out with Palladium Purple plug and 2Pins, the ASOS+ is a force to be reckoned with! A regular plug in 4.4mm balanced weighs about 4 grams, yet this Purple Palladium plug weighs 5 grams……in-contrast, amazingly the pure copper (OFC) plug weighs in at 7 grams. It should be noted the regular ASOS has modular plugs. This + has 8 strands, 25 cores alloy copper silver-plated + 99 cores single crystal copper silver-plated wire mixed. The ASOS+ is noticeably more chunky at 53 grams, but I like that feature. Where the Master V4 Cable has less authority in the bass department, the Master V4 Cable projects the vocals way out front. This is interesting as both cables provide an even, correct and complete playback, it is just a slight rearrangement of focus, where neither is better or worse than the other, simply wildly different. If you were slightly sensitive to midrange heat I would choose the ASOS+ as it is delivering more smoothness and warmth, yet if you really want vocals (like in your face) choose the Master V4 Cable.

The Penon Vocal Cable:
Here we have a legendary cable in a way. Where when the Vocal cable came out it was (and still is) a wild market disruption. I know of a few members that leave the Vocal in place on their ISN EST50 IEM, as it is one of the best cables to showcase vocals, the side effect is also bass is a little curtailed and the stage is wonderfully enhanced. The tricky thing though about the Vocal is it is very much a colored cable. Meaning at times it sounds natural and at times not. Now if you are smitten with this off-side-stepping and embrace it, the Vocal is a tremendous value, really it’s a value no matter what. But before my test I’m already kind-of envisioning the left field the Vocal music comes from.

You know and I know, and I know that you know where we will be here. Sure a $69.00 cable against many times more money in cable. Yet we are in this place because really when you get down to brass tacks the Master V4 Cable is a vocal cable……that and of course everything else...........I talked about.

After a few side-by-sides I have to say the vocals emitted by the Vocal Cable are somehow very forward, just like our Master V4 Cable, yet the bass from the Vocal Cable is also bigger. It comes-off like the Vocal Cables is more flashy is the bass department, yet lacking the realness and calmness of the Master V4 Cable. The surprising thing was just how both cables provided a super big stage, and that staging was on equal terms as far as footprint. Though the Master V4 Cable had more inside stage detail and tonal purity.

The SIMGOT LC7 Cable:
Wow, this is a workhouse of a cable. Priced like the Penon Vocal at $69.99 the LC7 is known for tonally a correct and clear balanced transferrer of signals......meaning no off-color. More wire than what is typically included with a $100-$200 IEM cable, the LC7 is wildly easy going with no real issues as far as demeanor. It only goes to provide so much detail and stage, yet what is there is fully appreciated for the money spent. A gift of SPC with 732 cores. It should also be noted this LC7 comes as a modular cable, enacting both 3.5mm and 4.4mm balanced. More bass than what has been viewed so far today. Yet while the vocals are there, there is less dimension into the stage, combined with a small amount of grain that seems to emit a lesser amount of detail. Where the Master V4 cable simply offers a more airy stage filled with more details and faster agility. This agility goes even down to the bass department, offering simply faster Master V4 pace, and a stripped down more in-focus bass response, that while less in quantity, is better in detail, texture and bounce.

The Penon Mix Cable:
Finally the Mix Cable. As this is my only pure silver cable, the pure silver part only makes-up half of the construction, with the addition of pure copper delivering the other half. The other feature about the Mix is it comes with a modular plug. Again more Mix bass action, though very much cleaner than the LC7, and the vocals here? What? I simply wasn’t ready for the Mix to push-on such a great display of vocals……holding both texture and detail……..just gorgeous here…….far from what I remember. Also the Mix is a deal at only $149.00........all day long. Where the Master V4 goes to provide an extended existence of vocals, yep they are far more forward and enveloping. You can touch them and feel the singer's breath almost? The bass is a little more recessed, and not as woody or and standout-ish as the Mix. This bass with the Master V4 is totally adequate and clear, it has just stepped backwards a foot or two. Where what incurs by the Master V4 bass stepping back is the midrange opening up, and allowing the (already) more vibrant little creatures of the forest to be found. Like rabbits crawling out from the woods, only now these little life-forms are in full detail and open for inquisitiveness.

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While the only pure silver cable I ever heard was pure silver interconnects back in 2008. These RCA cables were part of a friend's system which coincidentally was how LAVRiCABLES got their start, making interconnects and speaker cables in 2012. As such these interconnects where part of a bi-amplification system, and the silver cables fed the tweeters. When I put them into use as regular RCA cables the pure silver was too energetic and too busy causing me to think this was just how silver was. Yet I only knew so much back in 2008, and the headphones I was using were the (overly bright) AKG k701 full-size. The interconnects were from a CD player to my full-side headphone amp………and I quickly reverted back to the $15 Monster drugstore cables.

I have never had a chance to hear well made and sensibly priced quality silver IEM cables before. And if you have read the review I have included my thoughts, but to reiterate a few things, LAVRiCABLES is not trying to make this Hollywood showboat of a product. They don’t have cable names of Greek Gods. They don’t pay top dollar for Hollywood Photography or Hollywood Writers to drum-up a fancy cable review. LAVRiCABLES is simply letting the cables do the talking...........sure, silver cables are expensive, except cables have way more longevity than IEMs do……….Yep, you may think this is an expensive purchase now, but you will be using this cable on other IEMs 5 years from now.........on IEMs that haven’t even been invented yet. There is a timeless quality to resolution, stage and detail…….as such......these values never go out of style…….but what we do know is the price of precious metals is on the get yours today.

I would like to thank Konstantin from LAVRiCABLES for the Master Cable V4 review sample.

These are one person's ideas and concepts, your results may vary.

Equipment Used:
Sony WM1Z Walkman DAP MrWalkman Firmware 4.4mm
Sony WM1A Walkman DAP MrWalkman Firmware 4.4mm
HiBy R3 II 4.4mm output


Review encapsulation/summary, so you don’t have to read the whole thing.
LAVRiCABLES Master Cable V4

The different levels of pure silver cables offered

1) Reference line. A solid silver core using a teflon jacket for (the possibility) of thwarting radio wave interference, and still AWG 24 silver with 5N purity, along with Mundorf 4% fine silver audio solder.

2) Ultimate line. Different geometry and thickness, offering AWG24 in a Litz configuration along with Mundorf 4% fine silver audio solder.

3) Master line. Mundorf 4% fine silver audio solder, along with a thicker 5N wire, yep a thicker sonic transport device, more wire at AWG22 and different wire geometry.

4) The TOTL Grand line. The purity of 6N along with the Mundorf 4% fine silver audio solder, and of course more wire and a different wire geometry. There is an enormous difference in cost building with 6N wire in contrast to 5N wire.

The AWG (American Wire Gage, sometimes called the Brown & Sharpe wire gauge) system is designed to rate wire thickness and has been used since 1857.

A LOWER AWG number indicates a THICKER wire.
As in use here the Master Cable V4 with use of 4 cores of 5N purity silver AWG22 multistrand Litz wire finds itself projecting the vocals forward with the ISN EST50 in a way I have never heard before. Combining that with the HiBy R3 II was a literal walk in the park. Big harmonics, you can now hear the sliding fingers on guitar stings, and wonderful full-stage positioning. Though the difference is vocals now are projected into the light. Positioned in the perfect place to gain clarity. Silver also tightened up the bass and went ahead to increase pace. Truly the EST50 is now the best I ever heard it to be. Oh, and if you're wondering how the $179.00 little HiBy R3 II performed, well the M response somehow seems to go with this deeper bass from the EST50? I have roughly 3000 hours on the R3 II as it is one of my burn-in devices. What was surprising was this was all I needed, sure some songs were better than others, yet this style of playback actually due to stage and separation offers a fully involving experience even from poorly recorded music. The reason I’m guessing is not only the stage and separation, but the bass energy and lower midrange going and filling out thinner older recordings. Now the real crazy thing was I liked the Master Cable/EST50 combo better with the HiBy R3 II than the Sony WM1A? Why? I’m not totally sure, except the bass was wonderfully striated and owned-up details such as synth and electric bass combo’s occurring at the same frequency only separated by instrument timbre.

As such we owners of the ISN EST50 have often have had a precarious love/hate relationship with the ISN EST50. And truly it is now a way different IEM than when I reviewed it. Mainly due to cable understanding and ways to fully actualize bass detail. While in use (and a sonic value) was the $69.00 Penon Vocal Cable, the Vocal did many of these same somersaults to focus the bass and extend the vocal positioning, though as many know the Vocal Cable is a colored cable and while lovable in the end, is farther from the encountered reality we are now witnessing with the Master Cable V4.

The Master V4 in this set-up comes in at $346.82, though with inclusion or exclusion of build options prices can range from $293.30 to $389.64. That may sound like a lot, but what if you had only one cable and it fully actualized the EST50? You could leave that particular cable on for life.........that is unless you found another IEM a few years down the road and wanted to do a sonic clean-up.

EST results:
Of the implemented 3 tested EST IEM driver set-ups, each responded with a crispness, clarity and focus rarely encountered, if ever. Especially the Volt 4 ESTs waking-up to dynamic transients due to an increase speed and realism, ending in great imaging. In truth this Volt EST smoothness has been the Achilles heel about the tune in the past. Yet it was simply a different listening experience for all three IEMs. With each showing a vibrant style of contrasts and treble itemizations.

The Penon 10th Anniversary IEM (2ESTx2BAx2DD)
The Penon prior TOTL Volt Universal IEM (4ESTx2BAx1DD)

Last edited:
lavricable master 22awg canle upgrade or downgrade to stock irm-z1r cable? tighten bass? and extend treble?
Hello, be happy to try the Master with 2Pin x MMCX adapters which I already have installed on IER-Z1R. I will try it tomorrow at some point, and get back to you. Though I will not be reinstalling the stock MMCX back in. So? I can go by memory on this stock comparison. Guessing at the moment, would perceive a tighter bass and more forward mids and treble. I will let you know. Cheers!

Though if you do research, the stock cables are pretty good with the IER-Z1R. Yet they are not pure
May 1, 2024 at 3:43 PMPost #100,208 of 100,208

Look I tried it, the Mater and the IER-ZiR and it was the best combo I ever heard with the Z1R. I was using the Sony Silicone ear-tips and the Sony WM1A with MrWalkman's aftermarket firmware. Bass was textured, controlled and deep, the midrange was more forward than I ever heard it. Treble was big and airy.........I could go on but you get the message, it was not too bright or missing low-end at all..........just a big stage, bigger than ever and filed with life and fun! Cheers! Thank-you for the question!


Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: Has an interesting low-end like Cindy Crawford
Full-range 11mm LCP Diaphragm delivers smoothness and full-range accountability
Probably one of the safest, yet still interesting tunes, which still holds character
Smooth treble without any harsh sparkles
Nice forward Pinna Gain which offers imaging and adequate separation
Relaxed attitude allowing for all day or night listening
Cohesive and correct timbre and reverberations
A smooth style of pace resulting in musicality over technicalities
Not the most vivid character, yet offering honest sincerity in tone and realism
Cons: A smooth style pace resulting in musicality over technicalities
IEM nozzles slightly too short, which can be rectified by longer ear-tips
Ear-tips not of functional quality, neither wide-bore white or wide-bore black
Not the biggest stage dispertion
The Kiwi ears Singolo
Redcarmoose Labs April 17th, 2024


A clean tune
What does that mean? It simply means it is an IEM which has been tuned free from nonsense. A stature belonging to both even and correctness……..maybe even completeness. As such this sounds easy, but like riding a bike for the first time, a zig can result in a zag and you can fall-over. As such Kiwi ears has collaborated with the luminary known as Crinacle in order to utilize his tuning ideas and expertise. The results, while not perfect, are a NOOB’s dream. Yep, this Singolo does quite a few things right. This idea of correctness has some leeway in composition, yet this even tailored tune walks a specific line…….where others may fail by not adding enough bass, or thinking they are correct by making a smooth treble, yet still missing something? The masses take and the resulting group opinions can start to become a waterfall of sorts. Yep, everyone has a computer nowadays and they utilize it to voice their take on a specific IEM………where the proof comes out in the wash, so to speak.



Kiwi ears:
I have reviewed a number of Kiwi ear IEMs as of late. My only real off-tune was the Kiwi ears Forteza.

Sadly (and this isn’t just my take) the Forteza was tuned to have this wild arraignment of two 10mm DDs and 1BA. In which one DD was lows, one DD was mids and a single BA for the highs. This in fact looks good on paper, yet the end tuning results were a mess, with that single BA shooting out inside the mix to proclaim this wild forwardness and brash steeliness. Released around the first of the year, it was in-fact my very last Kiwi ears review, gaining all of 3 out of 5 stars.

For as much as the Kiwi ears Forteza does wrong, the Singolo does it right. Yep, and you may think this is all subjective, that maybe it’s just me? Well, keep in mind Hybrids are my favorite methodology to make IEMs………and I absolutely loved the Kiwi ears Quintet. Really though you have to hand it to Kiwi ears for thinking out of the box. Yep, they are renowned for never making the same IEM twice, except for the Orchestra and Orchestra Lite. Yet this Singolo is remarkable, simply due to homing in on the cohesiveness of a single DD, and being in many ways the opposite of the Kiwi ears Quintet. Where the Quintet was four different methodologies of drives. And it kind-a did sound complicated like it had a 10mm DD, 2 BAs, 1 Planar and 1 Piezoelectric running…..because it did. Yet they somehow balanced the whole adventure. To me the Quintet is one of the very best values out there, becoming a high-detail-monster, all for the admission price of only $219.00.

And finally I must talk about the Melody. This was Kiwi ear's idea of what a Planar should be. Again another incredible IEM. I mean in many ways you could purchase the Singolo, the Quintet and the Kiwi ears Melody and have a lot of bases covered. Meaning each IEM is well tuned yet has its very own intrinsic sound personality due to driver types. Where each IEM is special, and has personality, yet at the same time offers a slightly different way to experience your music.........while each still being correct.

Just to get this out there, of all the planar IEMs I’ve tried, the Melody goes in the top 4 ever. This being my 218th review, I have heard my fair share of gear, yet the Singolo was still a welcome surprise. In fact at this point I am slightly jaded, where I see I’m getting another collaboration and in the price-point the Singolo lands and I say, well OK.

Yet Crinacle is my favorite collaborator……….it is just you really start to wonder if you have been there already, and done that already. Well, I can say the Singolo was a welcome surprise. More mature than the Zero 2, and more complete than the Zero MK1, better bass (and more note weight) than the 7Hz x Crinacle: Salnotes Dioko. What can I say? Truly this Kiwi ears Singolo is one IEM that even Crinacle has ended-up topping himself.

This is the best I have heard from Crinacle!



Now you’re probably wondering how it is different from a few IEMs out there, and I will get to comparisons. But first I’m going to talk about ear-tips.

The Singolo is one of the most ear-tip dependent IEMs I have ever heard. And I decided early on to not try and figure out why, because the why is irrelevant, it is what it is…….so lets learn about ear-tips.


Left to right:
Top row: The silicone long wide bores, and the TANGZU Divinus Velvet silicone
Second row: My favorite silicone purple wide-bore ear-tips, then the Singolo wide bores


My ear-tip generalizations:
So if you are like me you have long standing (ear-tip) preferences from years of experience. You see, part of this IEM game is to learn about yourself, and which components work-out to provide the very best results.

In doing so, you still must try and keep an open mind, as new brands of ear-tips are always emerging. But to simplify stuff here, I have a favorite set of ear-tips. In the pictures they are the ones with purple centers. As such they are very shallow-donut, getting the nozzle-end close to your ear-drum, yet also holding the nozzle end near the edge, so that the dispersion of sonics gets the widest stage, never adding too much bass to mess with the pace. I have used these tips for close to 70 different IEMs in use through-out my reviews. Though they are not perfect. As getting the IEM so close physically to the ear, can have issues with the outside of the ear pushing back, creating a lack of air-tight fitment. I also kind a feel due to the outer length being short, it in itself can at times shorten the amount of outer surface area (material contact) with your ear tissue, which in turn can limit fit freedom of movement while an air-tight fitment is still achieved.

2nd most used:

That is where the wide-bore silicone (longer) ear-tips come in handy. They will have a longer length which will make-up for any shortness of the nozzle. So the results are having the IEM sit farther out from your ear, yet still correct as the length is correct and positioning is perfect, with most shorter nozzle IEMs. Thus you don’t hear the outside fighting with the IEM in position to lose air-tight fitment. This was the ear-tip used almost exclusively with the Kiwi ears Singolo.


TANGZU Divinus Velvet silicone ear tips:
It must be stated that in many ways the Divinus Velvet is special. Contrary to what you may guess, one test is to try the ear-tips with no music playing first. This way you can judge the ambient outside noise coming in around the tip-placement. The Divinus have a strange way of making the treble airy, and the best way to compare is obviously changing mid-song with your standard favorite ear-tips. What can I say, much of this has to do with what kind of bedsheets you’re used to. Get a new style of material and it may take a while before your mind lets you perceive the realities in store. But if you note the Divinus Velvet's back portion sound tube opening, it is the smallest circumference in the group. See the small circle? This actually expends out along the nozzle wall to become of a regular size.

While not quite as long as the (above) silicone long wide-bore, they have a nice sound and are my second most used ear-tips with the Singolo. Second most used as they don’t have the mid-length girth like my preferred wide-bore longer tips do, so they feel slightly less secure. As it turns-out (always) the middle structure and pressure pushing outward is key to liking ear-tips and gaining fitment. If the tip in question (regardless of personal size) doesn’t exert quite enough back-pressure from side-wall material and make-up, the resulting air-tight fitment can be marginal…….as (the problem) found with both pairs of included ear-tips.

Included tips:
Laughably the included tips showed their wall-thinness in the pictures, unexpectedly. This is the reality of how they are. Upon first opening the Singolo box, it was refreshing to find two sets of wide-bore ear-tips, yet with further usage, it was determined the build quality was just not substantial enough. I mean sure they will work for the NOOB, only there is a chance that even that owner can substitute the included tip for a different wide-bore.


Left to right:
Top row: The silicone long wide bores, and the TANGZU Divinus Velvet silicone
Second row: My favorite silicone purple wide-bore ear-tips, then the Singolo wide bores

The affecting components:
Ear-tips, cable choices, DAP character choices and EQ all go to dial-in the desired tone. Obviously IEM DIP-switches also add to the change of tone when included with a design.

As such these concepts are on-going and present repeatable results for the enthusiast. The concept of stage resulting from a wider nozzle (ear-tip) end. The bass curtailment is found with a wider nozzle ear-tip, or the opposite………..of deeper bass response with a narrower stage found from narrow opening bore ear-tip. The cable choices, while often questioned by half of Head-fi, also go to add their distinct personalities of bass pace, or stage displacement. The make-up and design construction of cables can change the stage perception and even imaging, which just by its nature can be accented by the ear-tips.

Such changes start obviously with the source file, of it being an older recording, or new, with new stage broadening effects and resolution. But along with the file we find amplifier technology (which can just be their innate properties) bringing the tonality and stage into different proportions. As such…….my reviews of ear-tips become only my singular experience, along with amplification and cables, bringing about a style of synergy in the end, that combined with individual ear-canal anatomy and neurological preferences, becomes of only a suggestion at best. Yet there is Head-fi. Yep, a place where many subjective ideas become quantified into a style of objective reality by many people singularly finding parallel ideas to take place. That is one important reason Head-Fi is hear, to share success stories.


IEM Comparisons:
Here I do side-by-sides to locate the quality differences between a few similarly priced IEMs.

Left to right
Top row: Kiwi ears Singolo, TANGZU FUDU
Bottom row: The 7Hz SONUS and the SIMGOT EA500
LM Edition

The test subjects:
1) Kiwi ears Singolo: 1DD-11mm LCP: $79.00 (comes in black or blue) 4 grams each:

2) TANGZU FUDU: 1 DD-10mm x 2BA: $89.00 4 grams each:

3) The 7Hz SONUS: 1DD-11.3mm x 1BA: $59.99 (choice of black, red or grey) 5 grams each:

4) Simgot EA500 LM Edition: 1DD-10mm Lithium Magnesium: $89.99 11 grams each:

Before I get started, to reiterate themes from a prior comparison, the FUDU was the odd-man-out.......being it needed an audiophile DAP or Dongle to come alive, yet other than that, each of these four choices was cream-of-the-crop as far as sound per dollar goes………being roughly the same price, each is special at what they offer in comparison to the crowded marketplace.

And really before we even get started (it must be said) that a choice of any of the four would be a win for the purchaser. People may question why I chose these three to compare to todays Singolo........... and the answer to that is they came out recently, and go to show the state of the art of under $100.00 IEM construction.

In fact while at times I will choose a more expensive IEM to try and highlight deficiencies in a product, none of that nonsense is needed here. The Kiwi ears Singolo is a perfect example of how to tune an IEM for broad likability. Yes, the Singolo has its own character, yet that character is likable, especially something to come to if you have been burned by too much treble heat or too much lumbering bass tones.........ruining pace. In fact the Singolo is a style of honesty and during these side-by-sides went one step farther to remind me of the sophisticated, and together, yet soft (polite) inviting tune that was the hallmark of the Zero MK1 and Zero MK2. I will do my very best to differentiate between the four. Using the Sony WM1A, SIMGOT LC7 cable in 4.4mm, and the longer wide-bore ear-tips to reduce any dissimilarities from how they are driven.

Starting with the FUDU, this is why there is nothing else like doing these side-besides to try and ascertain a style of reality. Right off the FUDU seems easier to drive? That may end up trouble for the Singolo later in the review as typically the FUDU is hard to drive to maximum qualities. Still the FUDU contrasts are of splendor and offer bigger differences between the treble and bass. In fact the FUDU bass is clearer and of more substantial texture…….simply holding that Hybrid separation, especially in contrast to the actual BAs in FUDU action. While sure, I can go forward and say the Singolo is more coherent, that trait means very little at this point in time. I need to do more IEM changes to now concentrate on stage differences. Really the FUDU stage is bigger holding more detail and what comes with that is possible off-timbre, but to tell you the truth at this point I really don’t hear any……making the FUDU simply the better IEM, holding those extra details that comes with owning extra drivers and the separation that comes forth. I mean, sure the FUDU is famous for this style of bass, in that it is big, detailed to a point and separated…….we maybe (some of us) could have already guessed this…..but the difficulty in driving factor of the Singolo……that was a surprise, I will test it with a phone later in this review. In ending this comparison I can’t help but include the extended nozzle length which the FUDU holds, going deeper and more inline with a regular fit, with a larger selection of ear-tips. I mean I feel bad to use the word sleepy for the Singolo, but that is the very best descriptor when comparing the FUDU to it? Later in the music section we will learn of the Singolo’s good points, yet in this trial, the FUDU comes out ahead.

The 7Hz SONUS:
Here is the very definition of doing a lot with a little. I’m a little scared at this point with how our first test went? While the Singolo bass is pretty much even with the SONUS, it is holding longer fall-off and even more note weight up the line. As such the BA the SONUS sports is holding more separation into lesser perceived reverberations, though standing out in the mix, opposed to the singularity presented by the Singolo.

Here it is learned both the SONUS and Singolo have lesser bass thrusters than the FUDU, making them like closer brothers.

I mean it is almost not fair...........the levels of textures put out by the FUDU in action? Where once again another IEM besides the Singolo is also feeling bigger and better in relation to nozzle length. Where literally everything is closer to home with the Singolo. The vocals are not dislocated into any extra relief inside the stage. While sure there may be a hint of off-timbre that becomes the natural outcome with BA use, I can’t help but hear the tones finding more vividness and contrast when born?

While maybe they lack the realness of the Singolo, they are better heard and become slightly more audiophile. Sorry, I regularly like Hybrids the best, anyway…….for these exact reasons found.

Screen Shot 2024-04-17 at 6.52.09 AM.png

Singolo IEM tested by Crinacle himself

Simgot EA500 LM Edition:
Well, this should be a fun one, as now we are back to a DD, in this fiasco. Well the total first thing noted (maybe as expected) is the bass with the EA is lots like the FUDU.

Yet the vocals now are more pushed-out than the Singolo finding a place somewhere between our BA performers, while not quite as vivid as the 7Hz SONUS or FUDU, holding a more natural timbre………of course you knew that was coming.

So the question is which is better, the EA at $10.99 more or the Singolo?
The most different thing the EA does, besides bass, is it adds a 5kHz peak, which the Singolo does alternatively instead offering a smooth large scale rise from 3 to 4Khz.

Where in reality this Singolo slope starts even at 1kHz then smoothly travels up peaking at 3kHz to 4kHz before continuing further into 6kHz. When you combine the Singolo upper mids with the 68dB bass then you can see this easy going nature.

Where the EA is also there is more mid-bass found at 200Hz being 63dB where the Singolo is at 60 dB. Though I feel the most difference comes from the heard at 5kHz with the EA making a noted 72dB peak.

As such the extra energy from the EA500 LM takes notice and helps delineate aspects found in that critical part of the treble. Where these differences besides technicalities, go to make each IEM response very different. The EA 500 is more vivid and contrasty, the Singolo coming off more relaxed and tame.

What this does (combined with the 2.8 kHz peak) it goes to push EA vocals forward giving an almost style of BA separation and contrast to the EA sound.

What the results of all this mean to you my reader is that the Singolo can be found to be more relaxed and maybe even more cohesive in comparison to the EA500 LM.

The Singolo listen ends less fatiguing, and simply allows higher volume levels. Yes the stage is slightly less filled out with the Singolo, holding fewer levels of itemization.

Yet also somehow I was brought into my memories of the two 7Hz Zero’s both MK1 and MK2, going and showcasing a softer, smoother even organic display of Singolo character.

All this to the point I heard the EA500 LM taking on an overall metallic stance, that while proving better in overall technicalities (by far) those technicalities were flashy and almost to a point garish.

Where the Singolo simply was set back, and offered a humble yet even more true rendition of the tones, leaving the sparkles and fanfare to the showboat EA500 LM to do all the time.



Singolo and EA500 LM conclusion:
Wow, I really didn’t expect this style of altercation. Where sure the EA500 LM is basking in making stuff both more real-life and synthetic both at the same time. Real-life due to simply better imaging and faster transients, yet pushed into existence, where the Singolo was more true to timbre, yet offering a slower and more lazy, yet real rendition of tones. The Singolo was the more mature, older and wiser player, the EA the most brash and hostile provoker of the trebles. As such the treble EA peaks delineate a very different atmosphere, where it is the bar at closing when they have tuned-on every light in the house………..where the Singolo is those few moments after total closing when they energy of the night has died down……..and it is time to go home.


Kiwi ears Singolo:

Driver: 11mm dynamic driver
Frequency response range: 20Hz-20KHz
Impedance: 32 ohms
Cable Interface: 3.5mm
Plug Type: Detachable 0.78mm 2Pin

I would like to thank Kareena from Linsoul for the love and the Kiwi ears Singolo review sample.

These are one person's ideas and concepts, your results may vary.

The Kiwi ears Singolo has been had burn-in for 168 hours.

Linsoul website:
Linsoul Aliexpress Store:
Linsoul USA Amazon Store link:

Equipment Used:
Sony WM1Z Walkman DAP MrWalkman Firmware 4.4mm and 3.5mm
Sony WM1A Walkman DAP MrWalkman Firmware 4.4mm and 3.5mm
Samsung Phone 3.5mm
HiBy R3 II 3.5mm/4.4mm output and 3.1 USB Type-C output
GO bar Dongle 4.4mm/3.5mm

Wait, you really want to read some more?

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What is KARS?
Kiwi Acoustic Resonance System. Basically it's a venting system which allows air into and out of the Singolo also at the same time adding resonances just like the round hole in an acoustic guitar.

As such the 3D printed body utilizes an exact chamber of convoluted tubing which is both connected to the outside and after a number of turns is also connected to the driver membrane area, so that there is no driver flex due to pressure build-up when attached to your ear. The nozzle ends are a metal alloy construction with a lip that holds ear-tips well. I get the impression after studying the Singolo that there is actually a separate chamber which takes up the whole underside of the faceplate. This has not been listed, but the top of the driver sound-tube enters the underside of the faceplate which is hollow. The top of the driver additionally has a sound tube which is a nozzle tube for the IEM sound to travel out of into the nozzle tip. So as of this year we are actually seeing many IEMs which make use of a part resin and resonance chamber combined pressure relief tubing. If you look you can see the start of the KARS system tubing originating from the underside of the driver which is open also to this resonance chamber. As such, what is different from IEMs in the past is very little air-space.


As this is 80% a solid IEM in construction. As such there are good and bad ramifications to an invention, being that in case of a fall, the entire shell can crack with nothing left to repair. The good part is better control of tolerances and more finite control over construction, with less human handywork, being the Singolo is almost entirely 3D printed. In fact what this bass tuning does is offer a smooth and slightly non-paced result. The bass attacks have a rumble, yet inside of that rumble there is a slow swagger of personality, which is not exactly perfect, but lovable. I like to call it a birthmark. :)


Where my best analogy for this style of bass is Cindy Crawford, that I for all-time will designate this bass as Cindy Crawford bass. Why? It is far from perfect, yet it is its lack of technicalities, which give it a sense of originality. Sure maybe the KARS system is performing this sonic act? Maybe it’s simply the 11mm driver size?

Whatever it is, it is the slight lack of strict detail………….is what we get………..yet full-on musicality are the results here. There is a lumbering of sorts………a twist, which is not holding an edge, it is of a softer and more polite demeanor. This KARS bass tone walks the pace through, and takes it homebound in moving swaying style……….becoming one-of-a-kind in bass tone.

While there are no exact specifications as to the cable make-up, the included cable is nice, and a departure from what style of cable that have typically been included with Kiwi ears IEMs. This is noted by the L shaped plug, the 0.78mm 2Pins and the creation of their almost 7Hz design? Actually really strange to find, like 7Hz got in and switched cables on us?



Weighing in at 11 grams the cable is not only ergonomic, it is light-weight. Seemingly going wherever you want, I can almost not imagine a better out and about cable to go with a Dongle or phone output? I hope to see more of this style of cable from other manufacturers in the future, as it is just nice. Note the small L and R demarcations prevalent.


Standard phone use:
One of the biggest changes in IEM design since 2016 has been the basic attitude towards finding bass from a regular phone. I say this because really that has been a contrast to where many IEMs from the 2016 era always had the possibility of sounding thin and sterile from a phone. Well not anymore, and while probably the greatest feature in phone use IS the fact that we can tap into that KARS system bass response. With standard phone use the Singolo doesn’t have that drivability issue of the FUDU in the bass department. Nope, and while yes, the Singolo is hard to drive, we encounter such rebelliousness with having to max out our phone volume, yet are greeted with little or no distortion and a fluid big stage.

I can totally see folks getting the Singolo and being smitten with regular phone use. Second to the bass, it is the lovely midrange separation and textured imaging that make phone use a win-win. Now my testing method here wasn’t just to grab a phone, but I did a cable test with a full-fledged DAP before moving the 3.5mm over to the phone to gain contrast in results.

HiBy R3 II use:
With a blacker background we find enhanced imaging and increased stage from regular phone use. In fact the cost of the HiBy is way less than a regular phone nowadays, which makes it a no-brainer purchase here

The size, and battery life, and simple user interface…………. combined with a Swiss-army knife of options make the R3 II a must have if you ask me. The M signature response of the HiBy simply explodes the Singolo into musicality………I’m sorry but if you could see me moving my head to this sway and groove, you would understand.

Nowadays the price of equipment is secondary…… contrast to exactly what you end-up choosing. Meaning its not how much you spend (to a point) it is just how much musicality you luck into with a new purchase.

So much of our little hobby has grown in sound quality for a value price, when the price of everything else in the world has skyrocketed. Just give me my Singolo and the HiBy R3 II and leave me alone……….I’m listening here. Oh, I almost forgot the SIMGOT LC7 is another add that fully actualizes the Singolo......adding a thickness simply from more wires in action. A medium budget cable which has perfect ear-hooks just like the included cable, though what it does besides more wires is has a modular plug enabling the 4.4mm output of the HiBy R3 II!

The HiBy R3 II with the GO bar Dongle:
While the battery drain of the GO bar is not a treat you want to use for super long listening times. The results of playback due to HiBy 3.1 TypeC USB means you have access to laptop and GO bar power level output results while out on the road. When you get to your location, simply ditch the HiBy and simply plug the GO bar into a laptop for (the identical) next level audiophile experience. Yep, this takes the cake with simply more (GO bar) constructed imaging and a slightly smoother style, a more sophisticated level of playback, only second to my WM1A or WM1Z. And if you're wondering if the Singolo scales up, yes it does. I could go on…….but this is not a review of the GO bar.


All music tests were done with the (4.4mm plug option) LC7 cable, the Sony WM1A with MrWalkman’s firmware, and the slightly longer wide-bore silicone ear-tips.



Phantom Of The Opera (Iron Maiden cover)

48 kHz - 24 bit
Here is a song that is well recorded and showcases pace, timbre and stage. I was never a fan of the original song, but this version shows an ample amount of excitement. The opening showcases both guitar and a bass track which mirrors. While sure the guitar finds itself composed of multiple tracks into formation on the far right and stage left, the bass is dialed into where it should be, right in the center. Probably the most important start off is at 00:00 where there is a bass accent fully formed and clear, holding none of any style of lumbering or lack of pace. In fact the very first thing we key into is just how natural and real sounding our bass guitar work played out. Just the fact that the bass is more compressed here at the start and the wide guitar reverberations take precedence. I mean you want that click-clack of the bass to become centered as the tones are in center focus here. At 00:26 we realize that whoever covers this song it will always be Maiden sounding at the core……as that is who wrote it.

At 00:35 there is the introduction of balance, I mean a balance of so many separated and delineated entities taking each section of the stage as its own. In fact just the clarity found here is both a testament to the Singolo’s ability and the recording quality. But dealing with forward chord statements…….power chord statements no less………we are reassured as to the upper midrange tuning finding a welcome home, while still not critically blasting those tones into finite forwardness…….they are our friends……..we have made total peace with the power chords...........both in tone and placement into the stage. At 00:38 we hear the backing chorus basically doing a regular additive, adding dimension and polish.

At 01:03 the main vocals arrive. Tobias Forge has introduced us to an exquisite use of a cover, that while still sounding like Maiden, there seems to be extra creative room for Tobias Forge to make the song his very own. Basically to me a song that is (still questionably) better than the original. Here we find the Progressive Rock elements that were always in the background of NWOHM........only concentrated on in this Phantom OF The Opera Maiden song. Yep, this could be considered Progressive Rock, still walking that line with the added power chords of Metal………perfect. At 01:28 the Hammond B3 keys go into action to almost Jon Lord-ify the number. I mean what would this song be if they left the Deep Purple vibe out? Nothing……….that is where it would sit. Only at this point, just like the backing chorus, the B3 sounding organ is an embellishment and doesn’t come near taking center stage. At 01:54 we arrive at delight taking in the fast studio pan effect (reverb) put onto Tobias’s vocals. And to reiterate on that reverb, the reverbs here, especially with the guitar are natural and nice, holding a realism with fall-off and note weight, better than any Hybrids with BA noise makers, ever thought of doing. The notes of reverberation are simply longer and drawn-out to their conclusion. That is the Singolo in a nut-shell………provocative reverbs. That and believe it or not correctness both of tone and pace.

At 02:58 an epic lead takes place…….and we are given it all, nothing left out, at least in excitement of emotion anyway. Then more layers of guitar lead…..this is Tobias making a song for the concerts he plays………to keep the vibe of Metal alive and be true to it. And at 03:20 we somehow come face to face with the use of a Wah Pedal. Probably the pedal was in effect throughout, but has now identified itself as its very own instrument for the playing. Yep, seemingly walking out-front and taking control of the song. It is in these virtuoso instances that we find the soul of the moment, swept far away from our daily lives into the world of Rock.

At 04:05 we are greeted with a bass note, and actually this instance shows us the bass personality at hand, that while clean and correct, the bass is not in any way overboard, too much or too little. It is humble, yet correct and at this point (even polite)………..I realize I am at terms with the Singolo sound in total.

Finally we are (starting to be) brought to a style of climax, a climax inside a song that sounds almost like a climax all the way though. Just like the start of the song, there are the same instruments. There is a specific use of repeating themes which brings about a familiarity, yet at this point we are in the middle of a style of wind-up……..yep. The pace of the song seems to be brought into a speedier pace. It’s at 04:44 when all the listeners are now in sync, yep everyone knows the song, even if it was the first time they heard it. Eye contact is made with your partner and air-guitars take creation. You know that imaginary string instrument that somehow shows-up out of no-where.

Everyone rides onward into the power of the power chord, with slight smiles just in the corner of their mouth. This is, and will always (forever) be known as Rocking Out. At 05:02 the lead starts again, and because everyone knows it, the fingers go into action, playing each note….imaginary of course. Though at 05:20 a surprise happens……yep the leads are so good we are spellbound to listen…….they get respect and no more tomfoolery takes place. We stop as the real guitars are in the room……they require concentration……..and honor. At 05:29 another guitar approaches from the right…….a second guitar lead to join in……now they are tag teaming one, then another, then another……….it doesn’t ever get better than this. Finally, finally at 06:24 they are in unison, and filling the stage. Still we are not even finished, it is that over-the-top Progressive Rock Over-The-Top-ness. The excessiveness that too much is never too much…..ever.


Hans Zimmer
Inception OST
Old Souls
44.1 kHz - 16 bit

There is delicateness to the beginning piano notes, that at 00:23 they hold an ambiance of reverb and the Singolo nails it. At 00:54 the bass drop occurs. That while even at this exact price point I have heard a bigger stage, more contrast by other IEMs produce a feeling of detail and get the next level of emotional involvement. Yet that is not the goal of the Singolo performance…….no here we are partaking of a purer performance, holding note-weight and timbre……reverberations and fall-offs. Maybe the name of this is organic? Yet there is an honesty which is un-arguable and consistent where it could be said that more stage gets you more immersion, and I will agree…….except this style of playback is also emotional, but not due to overall size, but more sincerity of life? Like if you needed exact background music while at work and didn’t need the flash, but still wanted a purity when that set of chords went and grabbed your thoughts. You in-fact would not question them, not the timbre, not the decays abound, nor the treble would ever creep into your workspace. Because we all know of the music genres that are distracting, that emit an energy that is too much for concentration to occur. Yet with the Ghost song we found enough detail and correctness, a finite pace that rocked-us-out. Yet here is the same, only the song chose the pace, one of a sleepier and romantic idea of a song. And that is two examples of both sides of the coin, a coin that is illustrating the profound easygoing yet well-rounded demeanor the Singolo can’t help but parley 100% of the time.







The Singolo walks that line, a line of both moderation and poise, of sophistication and temperament…….to become many different sounds by a changing of tips, yet all the ear-tips sound correct, only changing bass effectiveness and stage, midrange imaging and treble placement. Of course the widest and more shallow spread the stage out the farthest, yet the physicality of the nozzle didn’t allow me such freedom in use. So I chose the longer wide-bore silicones……and life went on. I mean this tuning is so (in a way) careful and soft. Soft due to the upper midrange Pinna Gain always being controlled. Even if you have heard as many IEMs as I, there is a place where you shake your head at just how careful this line is that they walked. That while impressive with bass, this still could be considered a vocal IEM, especially for those out there that are sensitive to forward vocals. And while sure, there are better technical IEMs for the same price, the technicalities take a back seat and are replaced by realism, not from wide-spread imaging but by correctness of tuning, that and timbre and ample reverberations. As such the Singolo plays great off a phone, that while maxed out in phone volume, we still have great bass sculpturing and that slightly bouncy roll and sway that makes the KARS system something we will hear again implemented. That for the NOOB the Singolo is really the ticket, as long as you can still find fitment with aftermarket ear-tips. And for the seasoned veteran in this game of acquisitions, the Kiwi ears Singolo brings an unstoppable character that is neither boring or too garish. To me, I kept getting déjà vu reminding me of the 7Hz Zero MK1 and even more MK2. And if you have read even a few of my reviews here, I hold those IEMs at the top of how to tune an IEM. It is through this midrange imaging that they stole my heart, and the Singolo is continuing that specific legacy into the future.


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@Redcarmoose this is the story of my reviewing life. Balancing my wife's wishes and my mindless babble with my reviewing life... Lol. You do an amazing job though
Yes, the balancing act. That you can't let this hobby take control over the important aspects of life and take too much away from those that love you. At least I don't want to find out what it is like to not be pestered, while I'm writing. I may not like the freedom of alone, no matter how much free time it then allows?
Very well said.


Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: Smooth as butter, with enough power to drive full-size headphones or IEMs
Never gets more than a hair above room temperature........ever
Smallest Dongle in existence
GMT (Global Master Timing) femto-precision clock
TDK C0G (Class 1 ceramic) capacitors
All music formats played from MP3 to DSD256, PCM384 and DXD384
muRata control-type, low-ESR high-Q multi-layer capacitors
ESS Technology’s Sabre HiFi series – the ES9219MQ/Q

PCM to 32-bit/384kHz
DSD to 11.2MHz (DSD256)

Polymer cable insulation to reduce electromagnetic interference
Signature ifi tonality in a small form factor and for a budget price
Gorgeous sounding with both bright IEMs or warm IEMs
Cons: USB TypeC not removable
Full-size headphones get loud enough but don't have all the dampening power of some other Dongles
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GO link

This was the easiest review to write so far this year. I mean somehow everything just seemed to flow and come together to actualize this whole write up? Seriously I’m not sure why this was so easy…….accept you know when things go too smoothly you get a little paranoid that something is left out, or that there is a blaring mistake somewhere……..You even end-up double checking yourself to almost add to the work load, or subdue your feelings of “did I just do this whole review….that easy?” Yep, it’s kinda like that at times, when stuff just falls together.

Like when there are old friends in town, yet they didn’t tell you they were on their way over to your house. You know those last minute phone calls that make you rush into a panic.
What do we do now, at such a last minute notice? How will we even feed them? Wait, they're old, old friends and they will be happy with anything. Heck, we can even feed them bar-food and they will be ecstatic and all smiles. But wait, do we have any bar-food here? Then you look in the freezer, and low and behold you have a few bags of those nuggets. Beef, Chicken and another bag of Cheese something whatevers. Then you start to get inspired. This is going to be fun, easy going fun. Wait……..what else do we have on offer here? As it turns out we just bought 4 different styles of barbecue sauce? Wait this is totally working-out well, it all must be meant to be……..sure we are meant to have fun here. Then you find a few of those fast-food condiment packages and a case of beer. When they get here the beer will be ice-cold, the trays of this party food are actually going to show well. We will tell them we don’t eat like this every day, of course they know that. So we pop this stuff into the toaster oven (at least the first wave) and away we go to get dressed………..


The ifi GO link
Redcarmoose Labs April 7th, 2024

You see, fun doesn’t have to be too complicated. Fun can even be low cost. This whole gig…..this experience we are living through is about music, and old relationships we have. It’s also about knowing what steps to take, and knowing ourselves. Yet it is also about living in the moment…..this very moment.

Sure there has been an incredible legacy of Dongles. And in contrast to what you might think, the Dongle didn’t start with the Lighting connector in 2016. But in reality Dongles have been around since 1998. Still they didn’t hit the mainstream until the iPhone 7 eliminated the headphone jack. I mean for many this was the start of Dongle Madness only none-of-us knew it yet.

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You can make jokes, you can get mad, you can even not give a schiit. The past is gone and it is now what it is. There are Dongles in every shape and size, every price point and every flavor of features. You have a choice. But ifi thinks this ifi GO link offers a very special way to go.

Ifi have been around the block a few times. I have always seen ifi around, you know if you are browsing Head-Fi you really can’t miss them. Belonging to the group AMR (Abbingdon Music Research Group) one of the largest if not the largest audio manufacturer in the UK, ifi has made a notch here at Head-fi. Endlessly imaginative they have created one-of-a-kind products like the xDSD, the Nano iOne, the Nano iDSD Black Label, the ifi Blue and most recently the ifi iDSD Diablo II. Yet this style of GO link Dongle also has a sprinkle of their ideas as to tone. It is also purposely simplified and miniaturized to try and go face-to-face with the Apple Dongle. Sure there are differences and if you are reading this review there may be a good chance that you are curious if there will be a sound improvement from the Apple Dongle you are currently using.

Let me just say there is a difference, but as far as differences go it starts relatively little and just like rabbits crawling out from behind the trees in the woods, you start to totally realize just how different the two are.

I start off most reviews by not reading any other reviews about a product I am focused on. I simply don’t want any opinions to seep in between my ears and pollute my thinking, I have beers for that maneuver. What I do is simply pull whatever device I’m learning about out, and use it just like a regular Head-fi member would do. Also I won’t go hog wild as far as equipment goes, right off. I will start small with a product like this and work my way up. You see I’m curious to find out how the sound is with YouTube videos and $150.00 IEMs first. For one because that may be the exact usage scenario in use for some. Let’s face it, not everyone wants to be out of the house with $400.00 to $1000.00 rigs in their hands. Plus remember my story about the food for my unexpected guests? At times we are looking at functionality combined with sonic qualities. I mean, I never leave my house with my DAPs, they are just too big and bulky, no matter how good they sound, plus out and about at times I can’t even focus all the way on their sound quality.

Later in my testing trajectory I will start to gravitate towards more expensive headphones and IEMs as a way to find-out where the sonic limits are inside of a new device. Or if it is just the (better) IEMs, I will then walk my way up the ladder ending with a reference desk-top scenario. This is to grasp what the limits are and understand the scalability present………plus it’s fun. Yep, being surprised at what lower cost equipment does in relation to sound quality is something I am always curious about.

The very first thing I did was combine the GO link with my iPod Touch, playing regular YouTube videos. This is actually what I always use as a system, only because I’m lazy, and it is incredibly convenient. Where I get the YouTube videos off music review blogs that I’m reading, and (as many of you know) even 30 seconds of a new band playback material will go to somehow show what the whole album and even the whole band is about. Funny how that is. So I’m using this system because it is hand held, plus I can move around and do other stuff I’m doing…….call it ADD/Multi-tasking. Anyway here I have the GO link attached to the Lighting connector plugged into the Touch and have the Thieaudio 3.5mm cable that came with my Hype 2 product. The IEMs I am using is the TINHIFI “Mars” the T5S. Such an IEM is both warm and forgiving of any source. In use here the $129.99 T5S seems to work well, yet I’m on the ground floor of this skyscraper…….yep. I want to find out how I can improve matters. So I go and play the same song again, only I switched to the Noble Audio Encore K-10 universal…………I told you I’m curious here, but I also didn’t disclose that I’m of an impatient nature. Sure the details became unfolded and, sure there was a better experience from the iPod,YouTube, GO link combination. Yet I wanted to see where this would go………so I switched to the MacBook Air. Yep, same YouTube song, only now I’m using the MacBook Air as a digital source to the GO link to the Thieaudio cable, to the Noble Audio Encore K-10 universal. And you know what, there were way different results……….and I don’t have an answer as to why, but it was more clear, and a bigger stage. There was actual polish to the instruments and even a blacker background to view better pace occurring? I simply don’t know why. But then I got the idea to go ahead and play a different band in HiRez, and start with that band's YouTube video. So I played the video and listened, then using the MacBook Air I kicked into 192kHz playback using the software Colibri 2.0.2 (1362). And guess what? Now I was witnessing the full monty. Yep, now this singer-songwriter stuff opened-up to showcase beautiful guitars, forward nice vocals and overall a fully natural sound.

I have come to know the ifi sound recently and if I could I will try and describe it. My descriptions of the ifi tone may change a little from place to place in time, as truly I only started to get to know what sonics ifi was on-to in late February of 2024. So my first introduction was the $329.00 GO bar. And sure the GO bar is more, more of everything sound wise. Bigger stage, a deeper pond to look down into to visualize bass and pace embellishments. A more real midrange that creates denser more vivid vocals with added detail and reverberations……yep the full monty. But……but the three ifi products I have tried have all shown exactly that they were made by the same company. And that makes sense, doesn’t it. A company dials in a house sound, then figures out a way to parley it into a whole bunch of price-points and new products. The thing is the moment I put the ifi GO link to use, the first thing I noticed was this buttery smoothness……and that it reminded me instantly of the GO bar, and the GO blu.

Each device (all three) move forward to proclaim a detail that comes from resolution, not brightness, like some manufactures are into. So in practical use you can join the ifi products with wickedly dark signatures and still pull out details and immersion. This has happened when someone was asking me for advice to try the GO bar with an overly smooth and dark IEM. Normally we try to equalize that IEM by at least finding a mid-forward product to kind-of find synergy. But the ifi products seem to be designed to walk this very particular line, to where they are still smooth, yet hold this fantastic detail, even with darker IEMs somehow? The end results you ask? Musicality and relative neutral (whatever that means) with a warmer deep-end and a smooth non-glaring top-end. As such, this results in a passionate information dense midrange that hold imaging well into the stage up and down, right to left and front to back. Also it was noted that each and every product did share a slightly different sound stage. If I was to rate them…… would be.


My list of sound quality best to worse, from left to right GO bar, GO blu and GO link.

GO bar $329.00
GO blu Type C USB $199.00
GO link $59.00
GO blu Bluetooth $199.00

So the GO link won out over the $199.00 GO blu in Bluetooth mode, but was bettered by the GO blu in wired mode.


IEM tests:
In this section I simply pull out IEMs I like and go to town. Here I’m using the MacBook Air, the GO link and Thieaudio cable in 3.5mm, plus Hires music.


The TINHIFI Mars T5S Universal IEM:
Here the song is full-on sounding groovy. He he, I sound like this was my very first review to be written. Can’t you come-up with a more sophisticated terminology for us………..OK. Deep, the sound is deep like? What? You need to go back to school and use better words here, you sound like a 5th grader. Ok, sorry……the sound is full. You see these expressions of the experience are singularly what a review is about, we are looking into a pond of imaginative sound………….and that water can be shallow, or it can take on dimension. The dimension is the essence of the experience because we are not affording full-size speakers…….no. This is all an illusion, and in fact the speakers are also an illusion, only often they are a more convincing illusion. Many try to figure out the ingredients for the illusion to start to take place………it is not always instantaneous. No, at times it takes your brain extra time to buy in……to buy in that this is supposed to be a reenactment of a live event, even though any trace of that live event was gone the moment the electro-magnetic energy hit the tape. That there is nothing left but to try and piece together a proximity of what used to be real.


Robert Miles

44.1 kHz - 16bit
So here’s the thing, this song Children totally works with the Mars T5S and GO link. There is a moody and even holistic tone to the combo, to where it has these faint reverberations, that if you know and understand this Robert Miles song, the reverberations are key. Try to imagine it for a second without the decay, without the effects. Different from acoustic instruments, electronic instruments need a body and a soul to give them life. Otherwise we are listening to a video game OST…….no not a new video game OST, one from 1983. The fact is that the T5S is not the most expensive IEM on the block, in fact it is only $129.99. But they named it “Mars” probably because it is supposed to be warm like the planet Mars? Yet also naming an IEM after a planet name connotes size. And sure enough it is the stage size with the ifi GO link that is providing my ears with (added to Mars) that kind-a fills out the imaging with this song. That it is in-fact more spacious than the Apple Dongle, and more real than the $199.00 Go blu in Bluetooth mode. Now the results of this imaging is that we can follow a synthesizer backing lead and it does its own thing. The listening imaginations find an area into the stage positioning, and place that track in the song……….and it never moves as long as the song progresses......itemized into the stage! The simple results of this are a spectacle, an imaginary space, that is not real, but is perceived to be real, therefore exists as real as anything. And this one element is my favorite part of the ifi sound, that there is a warmth that I can add to warm IEMs, and the results are not too warm or boring. In fact they are quite the opposite. For all the cost added up to gain this simple set-up, and for all the results obtained, I think we are not doing too shabby. The fact that I’m even writing this much (nonsense) shows that we have gone somewhere, away from the sterile Apple Dongle choice, away from the factory sound card implemented inside the Apple MacBook Air, too a slightly more cozy venue, a place to call home for long jaunts of time, and a place to call our very own.

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The Penon 10th Anniversary Universal IEM:
Oh, man……my favorite Penon to date. Really unless there was something upstream that was drastically wrong, like an out of phase amplifier or cable hook-ups……I would almost never aim to change a thing here with playback. This is one of the super powers that the 10th Anniversary brings to the table, it goes with every style of music and plays that style from any source. And when I wrote my 10th review the 10th was highly regarded as a $499.00 value, yet there were still more people to hop-on the party boat.

Yep……as time went on after my review the followers came and started to get a grip on just what style of tone was going down. Then it happened, actually it snow balled into the limelight with more folks spouting-off just like me, that the 10th ruled. And the rest is (as they say) HISTORY. 2BAs x 2DDs x 2ESTs……..and those ESTs aren’t just for looks. This is an IEM phenomenon, and still hasn’t been topped by the new Penon IEMs in my humble opinion. So because the 10th is such a lay down as far as easy going, do you think it is still good as a test subject today?

:) Well it is, because a good thing is always a good thing……….

Finding the bass a little more dramatic compared to the $300 more expensive Volt to follow on this page. But it is the mids and the treble that are so rewarding here. That I can listen to this all day long, and while it is not a audio microscope like the Noble K-10 Encore to follow in a few……….that is not what is attempted here… this is a musical instrument.

One that parlays the soul of the song, one that opens the door to imagination and intrigue. Are those words too big to use here? I don’t know, I wish you could hear what I’m hearing right now, and see the small tear flow out of my left eye socket.

OK, OK I know I’m too much, but even if you tone down this crazy emotion going on, the playback is dead-on gorgeous………just perfect. And the word perfect is almost never used, you can believe me or not, I don’t care. In audiophile circles they simply call this playback synergy…..for no better word known. And truly if you have a laptop and $499.00 + $59.00 you are in, you can tell me about your experiences later. Sure maybe it is not something magical, that is is something that can be explained, you know, like a dish of food where everything came together, not my bar food, but a real meal, where the ingredients were chosen and came together to create synergy, but I’m guessing, if you will allow me to guess, that is is in fact the bass that is full-scale and romantically creating a swagger to follow…………a bounce and groove……that’s all.


The Penon Volt Universal IEM:
Super easy to drive, where I find myself below 1/4 volume here.I mean sure if you want to blow-out your eardrums the reserves are there, where I took the Volts out of my ears just to kind-a hear just how loud they would get at full-volume. Now of course with the MDR-Z1R I could approach full-volume status…….and lucky such power reserves were there. Anyway………


Robert Miles

44.1 kHz - 16bit
What a beautiful way to spend the afternoon. I mean here we are rewarded with so many of the hallmark features of this number. Showcasing balance and careful tuning of both the Volt and GO link. I could see myself anywhere fascinated by this song. At 00:00 the faux thunder takes the intro…….yet right away the multi tracked synth bass and ambient introductions like the sound of rain, birds chirping, and all are washed in a moving Doppler effect. This was made in 1996 and can almost be guaranteed to be MIDI trigger controlled.

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“Four studies illustrate a new auditory illusion associated with the Doppler effect and demonstrate a new influence of dynamic intensity change on perceived pitch. Experiment 1 confirmed the existence of a popular belief that the pitch of a moving sound source rises as the source approaches. Because there is no corresponding rise in frequency, the authors refer to the perceived pitch rise as the Doppler illusion. Experiment 2 confirmed that the effect occurs perceptually, so the belief in a "naive principle" of physics has a perceptual basis. Experiment 3 confirmed the effect does not occur under matched static conditions. Experiment 4 showed that the influence of dynamic intensity change on perceived pitch occurs outside the realm of Doppler stimuli. The findings support a dynamic dimensional interaction of pitch and loudness, with marked differences in the perception of pitch and loudness under static and dynamic conditions. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved)”

Doppler effect in physics is defined as the increase (or decrease) in the frequency of sound, light, or other waves as the source and observer move towards (or away from) each other. Waves emitted by a source traveling towards an observer get compressed.

They understand about 95% of what the Doppler is. But we can create in the studio and process most anything with this effect. Supposedly the Doppler effect even substantiates the Universe is expanding.

Back to the GO link and Dreamland:

Anyways……the song itself “Children” was the very first mainstream introduction of the EDM sub-genre of “Dream” as such this sub-genre was prevalent in the mid 1990s and was popular holding very specific traits which separated it from the other EDM at the time. Mainly these songs were dreamy or at least held that style of atmosphere. As heard the actual beat doesn’t arrive till 00:21 quite the intro for a total song length of 07:06………but that wasn’t enough intro at the time, having DJs often extend the intro for even up to 30 minutes…….making the music even more dreamy. What concerns us is the tone. At the very start of the keyboards we hear layers, this is because the MIDI channel was replicated and supplied the exact same note trigger to a few different instruments. As such the tracks were made by each synthesizer being given its very own mixing board channel and panned accordingly. In fact hearing this song in 1996 this technique was just as endearing as today. At 00:15 we are able to still become charmed by this, and reason being we are up-close and personal via the Volt replay. It can not be underestimated how the GO link goes along to provide correct and better than correct tone here. This is warm, there are reverberations and beyond that this bass note never really goes away…….meaning it’s not a note and a decay, but like an organ key press, it is on-going and sways in and out of oscillation. This effect of lingering bass notes may be part of the charm. Of course these details are secondary to the main piano theme which starts up at 00:43……..and will carry us almost all the way home. Yet just before that this simple previously mentioned bass sequence is only 3 notes, but that’s the magic of simplicity in music. And while these 3 notes will eventually leave us to be forgotten, or better yet distracted from……..we can’t help but find amusement here. That at the very end of 00:36 there is a faint but forward slight sample that holds a wonderful right-to-left reverberation.

And that’s the magic of Robert Miles that this stuff is a lot like using a faint brush-stroke in art to finalize a reflection. That it is the small stuff that is where the magic happens. And the GO link in all of its diminished form factor..............actually produces an adequate stage filled with images and fall-offs. Yet most importantly the GO link is focused on the ifi tone, just another example of finding a window to look through into your music.

While there is no such thing as the perfect IEM, the Penon Volt goes ahead to narrow any ideas of imperfection. Being very mid-range centric, the Volt goes forward with an easy to access tone, fully accessorized from the 4 Sonion EST drivers, 2 Sonion midrange BAs. As such the 10mm bass kicker supplies a careful and provocative rhythm to a song like this, and for the $799.00 price of admission, it should. In fact this Dreamland is a place I never want to leave………..this whole album is a treat and the very reason we are involved with this hobby.


The Noble Audio K10 Encore Universal IEM:
I should mention this now as somewhere someone wrote that the GO link gets warm, and it does nothing of the sort. I don’t care how many hours it is in service, it only rises just above room temperature. Either people writing such nonsense were powering it (wrong or) different, or simply making stuff up as they go along? Here the Encore in notorious for exploiting information inside the 6kHz to 8kHz region. And sure the Encore is old, but it is also unique to me and my most listened to IEM racking-up over 3000 hours of ear-time. Using the same song “Children” we are viewing excessive yet wonderful (almost hidden) examples of the music production art. The head-stage here is giant, almost like a halo of images. There are the same ambient effects from before, only now we are inside the fishbowl of them. And of hyper focus they swim into and out of view, holding extra levels of detail because we tweaked the treble and made the bass neutral, adding an almost flat midrange to kind-of open the drapes to this new musical experience.

I mean of the birds chirping here, we can now almost identify the name of the bird. Oh and the 00:36 sample, I’m about 80% sure it is also a bird sound, like a crow sound. Scary details here.

Yep, when that intro melody is played after the bass…… know the piano theme which starts at 00:43, well that single sound pushed into focus, not to mention it is the loudest and most prominent musical factor now………but it is smooth and not strident or too hot, just on the border, but totally acceptable. And that my friends is the ifi tone in action, because I have heard this song played back in a few way since 2018 when I got these Encore IEMs………..and some are slightly too bright, or glaring or something…..but no, not here no, not ever. It simply sounds correct, and the most crazy part of todays testing is I often come to the Encore thinking that I’m going to have to deal with some off timbre, just because when you throw 10 BAs a side into activation, there should be at least a little…………but no, not here, not ever? Great timbre, and I have to wonder if that is from the ifi signature house sound tone?



Simple phone use:
So this photo shows again what the back of the GO link looks like, we will go over build in a few. But here with the size, I can almost figure a person placing the GO link sideways at the bottom of the back of the phone, to not have the band block the front screen. Yep, that is how creative you can be when the form factor is at this size. Though here is a demonstration of phone use and a comparative quality of the GO bar and GO link. Just remember from this description that the GO blu finds itself somewhere in-between the GO Bar and Go link two in wired mode, and the GO blu is the least of the sound quality when in Bluetooth.

Yet compared to a regular Apple Dongle, the results with this GO link are truly incredible. I mean sure, maybe this is going to be the main usage scenario for most? Where they will find themselves maybe outside or in a coffee shop and pull the GO link out and plug it into their phone with headphones or IEMs. What happens here is we review so much stuff, and we judge sonics on looks or price-point. This particular set-up, with the GO link, the phone and the TINHIFI Mars T5S IEM is nothing short of a miracle. Why? Well at times we forget that this set-up is in many ways just like a DAP. And in-use if this combo was all someone had, both for home or mobile……..they would be fine.


Hans Zimmer
Inception OST
Old Souls

44.1 - 16bit
I mean, really this was a surprise, and remember I’m combining a semi-neutral warm IEM, with a semi-neutral Dongle……….but none of that tone talk even matters at this stage in the review. I’m zoning-in on bigness and stage. I’m zoning-in on completeness and simply the top-to-bottom, the left-to-right and forward-and-back…….yep it is all here.

A Mars T5S morning listen:
I mean the crazy thing is this is also the first listen (of anything) for the day. But this sounds like my ears were just cleaned? The deepness, the naturalness, the fall-off to the way outside of the stage. And to be honest, my choice of IEM, the Mars, was somewhat random as I was simply trying to fill a price point here, and had no idea of the synergy I was about to walk into. This one instance is a crazy mile and a half from the Apple Dongle. And I have to stop myself…….because this style of replay gets my narrative fingers going to work, and I could ramble on and on for at least another paragraph, but you get the point, beautifully correct mixing a warm IEM with the ifi house sound……I am smitten here? So what about the GO bar?

The GO bar:
Really changing Dongles is that easy, as 123. I only pushed play after switching the set-up. Yet before I leave this section I want to say this style of playback has me question the TINHIFI naming of Mars for the T5S…….that they named it due to the warmth, or even named it due to the actual 3D imaging size of the playback constituents……the size of the notes and fact that they live in this total realm of front-to-back and side-to-side, right-to left? That combined with the deepness and physicality (and size) of the warm bass tones here, it is just so very good. Though (speaking of warmth) take note the GO bar gets warm and the GO link does not….almost not at all.


GO bar:
Here the notes have more air around them. Yes, the stage is larger, but in no way the results you would think by looking at the price differences here. Yes, stuff is slightly more forward and back. But due to both GOs having a field day parlaying the exact same sound signature, we are in the same location of town, yep much is the same. And the best part is that both are completely correct with these IEMs. The way you feel the physicality of the bass, the stage reach, the size of the avenue we are in…..10/10 in both usage scenarios here.

Though there is this funny thing about “Old Souls” where the instruments somehow breathe and can offer this phenomena when no sound (near) is playing and that zero sound is slightly holding more air with the GO bar.


Here we are placing this section and the end of the GO bar section for a reason. Yes, the bar has more oomph for full-size. Though if this review has inspired you to give the GO link a try (and I don’t see why not?) and you only use full-size 1/2 the time I can still recommend the GO link. What happens here is it is not about loudness. Maximizing the output on the GO link will get you (I'm guessing) plenty of volume, but there is dampening factor that more powerful amps do. As such this dampening will affect both the imaging and (especially) pace found due to low-end tightness. Where in my tests. With the TINHIFI Mars T5S there was none of that dampening needed so in that regard both devices performed the same. But with really depends on how much this factor bugs you, and of course your budget. But NOOB’s actually tend to mentally not even notice this, they believe that since the Dongle powered a full-size headphone, well that it is simply the quality of the amp. In fact if you have never heard tight pace from your full-size are not even looking for it and accept what you are given. This is (the NOOB) has never being exposed to correct pace and dampening with full-size transducers.

Because control over the diaphragm, and more power engulfing more finite diaphragm movements…………..the start and stop physical character will also allow for better transients to be accomplished. Due to transients being fully dependent on the reaction timing of the driver. As such transients are responsible for imaging. Yep, get faster control over the driver stop and start and find yourself engulfed in clearer imaging with tighter edges. So understanding this, helps a person become informed as to how the two products (GO bar and GO link) vary as to results, and the importance of power. The GO bar Maximum Output Level: 4.4 mm Balanced Headphone: 7.2 V (600-Ohm Load) 3.5 mm Headphone: 3.8 V (600-Ohm Load)The Go link delivers an output power of 70mW into 32 ohms and a maximum output voltage of 2.05V into 600 ohms.

Note the different File decoding from the GO link, GO bar and GO blu:
Go link below with MacBook Air with Colibri 2.0.2 Native Lossless Audio
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GO bar below MacBook Air with Colibri 2.0.2 Native Lossless Audio

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GO blu below MacBook Air with Colibri 2.0.2 Native Lossless Audio

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Go link build:
Normally it would be cause for concern having a non-replaceable cable like the GO link sports. And sure that would be convenient to be able to switch cables if something happened. It is just that the Go link is way smaller than you can imagine, and this size is one of our greatest features. A TypeC receiver built into the GO link would make the GO link an entirely larger size in width, maybe by a third?

So ifi decided (maybe) that this particular device had both audio quality and form factor as its main features.

In fact I normally just leave it connected to the IEMs I use it with, and the size allows the GO link to almost become part of the cable. While weighing only 10 grams, just the IEM cable often weighs more, plus like a section of cable, the GO bar has no buttons to push or sliders to slide, the very embodiment of simplicity. Being formed from 1 single piece of 100% aluminum, really the GO link is a piece of art. Simpler and smarter in design than the GO bar or GO blu, only because they didn’t have to pack so much stuff inside. This results in a more moisture proof and dust proof design…….simpler in the end.


What’s not so simple is how ifi figured out to use silver-plated copper conductors with individual polymer cable insulation to reduce electromagnetic interference picked up from nearby electrical sources.

The single LED changes color to indicate file formats.
  • PCM to 32-bit/384kHz
  • DSD to 11.2MHz (DSD256)
  • MQA
An LED changes color to indicate the incoming audio format – PCM, DSD or MQA – and the PCM/DSD sample rate.

1) Hi-Res True Native® playback of all music formats from MP3 to DSD256, PCM384 and DXD384.

2) GMT (Global Master Timing) femto-precision clock and intelligent memory buffer.

3) Discrete ESS Sabre Hyperstream DAC chipset with time domain jitter eliminator, discrete oscillator and 112dB dynamic range for discerning listeners.

4) iFi’s proprietary technology extends the Dynamic Range by 6 dB or more, for an improved listening experience.

5) iFi’s exclusive S-Balanced® circuit delivers maximum performance from single-ended and balanced headphones alike.

6) TDK C0G (Class 1 ceramic) capacitors offer high stability and low losses for resonant circuit applications.

7) muRata control-type, low-ESR high-Q multi-layer capacitors. The ‘ESR control’ aspect of the Murata is something special.

8) The very center of this sonic pixy dust happens at the core of the unit. Yep, the chip-set. ESS Technology’s Sabre HiFi series – the ES9219MQ/Q – benefiting from 32-bit HyperStream III architecture. As such added is the Quad DAC+ and Time Domain Jitter Eliminator technology with crystal oscillators in the clocking circuitry and DRE (Dynamic Range Enhancement). What comes out the Chip-set's other end is simply better THD (Total Harmonic Distortion) and the ES9219MQ/Q’s control of crosstalk.

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The Head-Fi meet:
As such it is both the choice of chip-set and the chip-sets implementation along with the surrounding set-up, which brings about such advanced sonics described in this review. If you were at a Head-Fi meet-up and wanted to have some fun, blind-folding a friend then having him hear your new full-size DAP would end in smiles all around. Yep, just the look on his face after you removed the blind-fold to reveal this miniature device hooked up to your phone, yet using technology to leapfrog previously held attitudes of what a Dongle can do. I mean probably just due to the buttery smoothness and tone, but the ifi GO link jumps ahead of pretty much all my dongles. Maybe I’m a sucker for the ifi sound, maybe the ifi products are simply more my sound? After experiencing this review my only cause-for-concern would be if I saw someone judging the GO link purely on seeing the price, size and simplicity. You really need to hear this to believe it!!


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Well, there you have it, your own Solid-state Amplifier and Digital to Analogue Converter. On my humble kitchen scale it weighs all of 10 grams. I kinda at this point have to do a reality check. That we are in the year 2024, and devices like this are proliferating. Sure there are a lot to choose from, and I will be the very first to say, I’m no expert in the Dongle field. Yet I own a few devices and I know what I like, meaning I know what sound I like, and so far I’m coming to realize every Dongle does sound different. Yet all the ifi products have a total basic familiarity. In fact when I first opened the ifi GO link box and put it into service, right then a faint smile started to surface on my face. It was there because I knew (right at that first moment) that this little Dongle was related and had enough of that sonic pixie dust in it to sound like its brothers, the GO bar and GO blu. When doing these reviews I may sound like I’m exaggerating a lot, but that is just me, I love this style of micro-audio gear. But most importantly I realize during the whole review process that this single $59.00 purchase may be someone's most expensive audio purchase for six months. So with that honor bestowed upon me, I don’t take it lightly to simply bluff my way through a review, I am not joking here. This product is worth every cent as far as my viewpoint goes, it is well built, well designed and well accessorized for what it is. And truly I don’t see how anyone could end-up disappointed in any way from this purchase. You have my word.


I want to thank Lawrence at ifi for the GO link review sample.

These are one person's ideas and concepts, your results may vary.

Equipment Used:
Sony WM1A Walkman DAP MrWalkman Firmware 3.5mm
Sony WM1Z Walkman DAP MrWalkman Firmware 3.5mm
HiBy R3 II DAP in 4.4mm balanced and 3.1 TypeC USB digital output and 3.5mm analogue output
Samsung Phone 3.5mm analogue output, USB TypeC USB digital output
Apple MacBook Air USB TypeA digital output and 3.5mm analogue output
Apple iPod Touch Lighting digital output, and 3.5mm analogue output
Apple Dongle

Last edited:
Yep, same YouTube song, only now I’m using the MacBook Air as a digital source to the GO link to the Thieaudio cable, to the Noble Audio Encore K-10 universal. And you know what, there were way different results……….and I don’t have an answer as to why, but it was more clear, and a bigger stage.

The USB C of laptop tends to output more current than the lightning port of ipod touch and iPhone. Some of my dongles refuse to work with iPhone, sound quieter, or simply sound a bit worse than from USB C. This might be the cause of your observation.
I realize that, and what’s wild is switching to the regular 44.1 kHz - 16 bit files from an old Samsung phone was miles better, as good to me as only a small percentage difference from even DAPs. So maybe it was the YouTube quality, probably the YouTube quality and Apple Touch power? But yes, USB power MacBook vs USB power from IPod. :)


Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: Shells are 6 grams a piece and on the smaller side of medium
First mainstream tuning here, different from the 3 other TSMR IEM products I have heard
Middle of the road tonality, showcasing a balance of even/complete and correct ideas
Totally detailed bass from 2X 8mm DDs in action
Full-on mids from selected Knowles BAs X2
Careful yet complete treble, due to the choice Sonion BA drivers X2
A seventh CFRD (Custom Film Retardation Driver) adds airflow and resonate abilities
Fun and careful like dating a librarian, yet provocative and sexy (like) when she lets down her hair
Somehow every aspect of BA timbre is addressed, meaning BA timbre is only slight
Tuning DIP-switches add a choice of bass replay
This is TSMR's commemorative 10th Anniversary Edition, won't you join in the fun?
Cons: On the verge of too small a nozzle, which I overcame with a longer ear-tip
Redcarmoose Labs
April 4th, 2024


Who is Tansio Mirai (TSMR)?
Tansio Mirai is a Chinese manufacturer who currently makes a number of specialized IEMs. TSMR or TANSIO MIRAI was registered as an IEM maker in China by the Beijing Tang Song Bouyan Technology Company in 2016.

The TSMR name is actually a play on words originating from the English language translation of “Tang Song era”. The Tang Dynasty and The Song Dynasty was an era of immense social change, scientific, agricultural and artistic progress. The Chinese invented gunpowder during that time as well as the printing press and the magnetic compass. The first paper money was invented in Song Dynasty in China during the 11th century. The name TMSR is in remembrance of such eras, ultimately bringing such values and dynamics into the future.

TANSIO MIRAI production as of today
TANSIO MIRAI TSMR 10 - 10BA $1029.00
TANSIO MIRAI Spark - 4EST + 7BA Hybrid $1499.00
TANSIO MIRAI Land - 2EST + 3BA + 1DD Hybrid $599.00
TANSIO MIRAI Akiba - 7BA + 4EST Hybrid $1550.00
TANSIO MIRAI Sands - 1DD + 3 BA Hybrid $319.00
TANISO MIRAI FEAT - 2DD + 2BA Hybrid $239.00
TANISO MIRAI X - 2DD + 2BA + 1 Custom Film Retarding Driver Hybrid $399.00
TANISO MIRAI HALO - 8BA + 4EST Hybrid $1,999,00
TANISO MIRAI RGB EST - 9BA + 8EST Hybrid $2,999.00

I only have personal experience with 4 TANSIO MIRAI IEMs. The first was the Sands, then the Land and then the TSMR 5 and now this X or 10th Anniversary as its called. Where in hindsight it seems (from my limited brand exposure) that this X is a slight new focus. Much like Penon did with their 10th Anniversary model, TSMR has aimed at the mainstream with this one. Shrugging-off any of that TSMR elitist (hyper) treble detail, to thrill only a fraction of the listeners out there…………….TSMR with this latest tuning is aimed at bringing the mainstream to their factory doorstep. That means it’s a party of sorts, an Anniversary party. In doing so they have adopted new technology in the form of 3D printing the shell. And brought forth a new style of driver which has that big duct you see on-top. As such it uses passive repetitive vibrations which in turn increases vibration amplitude. To celebrate their tenth anniversary they also reduced the price by 43%. Now whether you go along with the 7th driver being called an actual driver or not is questionable? Questionable too is the sale price (for a limited time) of $300.00 off? So the 10th is a limited Edition……..where that could mean that they will make less of them than regular models. Which in a way has me questioning the logic here. If the 10th sells so well, which it has turned out to do………..why would you only make a limited amount? Unless of course advertising………creating buying motivation through implied scarcity.

So whatever the marketing concepts are the TSMR-X or X as I will refer to it, is a small wonder. The X is a phenomenon here at Head-Fi, so much so that I’m not sure this review is even needed for it?

Word got around early on that the X brought something new to the table. That those 2DDs were put into action for a sonic reason, that those 4 BAs were selected carefully, and this CFRD is implemented correctly. The thing is TSMR maybe didn’t invent the CFDR (Custom Film Retarding Driver), yet they have used the theory here in a successful manner. A little on-line research enlightens us that a structure has in-fact been used before with 64 Audio and their APEX system. But sure, that’s the thing……..utilize every tool at your disposal to reach sonic success, and TSMR did.

There are three DIP-switches that alter the bass. Standard tuning is with the middle 020 switch up, and that’s my favorite, so all the music tests in this review will center around that tuning. Then there is 100, which means the left switch is only up, that produces the most bass. Then the opposite with only 003 up, that is full bass attenuation. Then finally there is a setting of 000, which is no bass at all…..I didn’t try it, nope not even curious about that setting. :)



The TSMR-X set-up:
Low frequency: 2 x 8mm strong magnet dynamic, hollow coaxial structure, Carbon mixed diaphragm

Mid frequency: 2 x Knowles balanced armature

High frequency: 2 x Sonion balanced armature

Full frequency effect: 1 x custom film retarding driver (this driver is detachable design, frequent disassembly is not recommended)

Model: X
Driver: 2 x dynamic + 4 x balanced armature + 1 x custom film retarding driver
Material: 3D printing high quality resin shells.
Frequency response: 5-30kHz
Impedance: 10Ω
Sensitivity: 103dB
Connector: 2pin 0.78mm

Cable Length: 1.2m

You may be curious if the 64 Audio APEX driver will slip into the port at the top? OK, maybe you’re not curious about such experiments? The APEX M12 module is slightly smaller so it won’t fit. Yet Penon says CFRDs are removable, except “frequent disassembly is not recommended” I guess they need to tell you in case for whatever reason they move? But truthfully I have no burning desire to take the CFRD modules out, especially out of a perfectly working IEM. And I’m pretty sure they don’t move at all………I’m not going to try, except I have done all kinds of bullying around with the X in the few weeks I’ve had it on hand and no, the APEX module, I mean CFRD module doesn’t move one bit.

2 Knowles middle frequency BAs
2 Sonion high frequency BAs
2 8mm Coaxial Carbon Mixed DDs
1 CFRD “Driver”

7 drivers in all


Cable comparisons:
I'm starting-off with cables as they are a great way to introduce an IEM and its sound signature. Sure many are skeptical of those darn (cable) things doing anything, so if you’re one of those types skip this section.

The review in many ways is the same without the cable descriptions. Except for me cables are maybe the most fun, as it is easy to get excited when a certain cable moves forward to enhance a particular sound response? Now I should probably disclose the most important statement of this review so far?

The X is so well balanced that it works with every cable in use today!

Yep, what that means is we are not trying to change the response to put out any fires or start any fires, so to speak. The TSMR-X is fine the way it is and absolutely great with the included cable. I say this as the TSMR Land and TSMR Sands were not the very best with the included cable. And it just so happens…..I’m almost certain this is the same cable that came with the Land and Sands? All this is because the X is incredibly middle-of-the- road as far as playback goes, also this style of easygoingness was also found with the Penon 10th Anniversary as well. And I will let you in on another secret early on here……..both 10th Anniversary models are both some of my very favorite IEMs to come out recently. While the Penon 10th gets me a little closer to my sound, there is a provocative sexiness in what the X does on a regular basis. Such findings have made this review super easy to write……..much like a simple diary of experiences.

And you may wonder how does the X pull this off? I will slowly get to that, but in short it is even, correct and complete in tuning and has very good technicalities to boot.

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1)The Penon ASOS+ 8 wire, 24 AWG 99 cores Silver Plated Copper with Litz structure and special Purple Plug (Palladium) $215.00

2)The ISN GC4 Single Crystal Copper Gold Plated 4 stand 16 core $179.00

3) The Penon OSG Graphene infused Silver Plated Copper 4 stand 71 core Litz structure $299.00

4) The ISN S4 4 strand 63 cores totaling 252 cores silver plated copper $55.00

5) The ISN G4 Type 6 Litz configuration Graphene silver plated OCC with Graphene Gold paint, 4 shares 180 cores per share $99.50

Here is the thing, each cable offers a slight personality all to itself, and the charming thing is to find out just how the X displays such character. And I might add, some IEMs are in need of correction, yet the X is a kind where each and every cable property was focused in the purest of ways, gaining insight into the very center of each cable's attribute! Meaning in the regular 020 setting the X was behaved and went with every cable used today.

Probably my curiosity got the best of me to test where the included cable lands in comparison to the $55.00 ISN S4? I mean that would be a starting point just to see both if the ISN S4 was something or if the included cable was just that good?


ISN S4 above

The included cable v the ISN S4:

There is a specific reason why I choose the S4 to try out here. Call it curiosity, or maybe I’m simply too into this hobby, but the S4 is a rare bird. My first introduction was to the MMCX version of the cable included with the ISN D10, back in mid April of 2022. Even then I knew this S4 was a specialist cable, allowing for a style of bass control and clarity through diminishment of the lower midrange, clearing the path for vocals to emerge. The S4 also added stage from many cables, maybe very reason it was a mandatory inclusion with the D10. By its nature the D10 is an L shaped jaunt into ISN's idea of the perfect DD driver, and what came out the other end of the review was a capable IEM that actually had a profound midrange and even treble itemization………and was not foggy or really missing pace with the S4.

My next introduction to the S4 was the 2Pin edition which (all of a sudden) was an included cable with the ISN Neo 5. A week after the Neo 5 was released in the wild with the ISN S8, it was determined that the S8 was too sleepy of a combo with the Neo 5. And sure enough the S4 became a stark (vivid) turnaround due to cleaning up the Neo 5 bass fog and adding a wonderful stage, plus doing this magic with the vocals, making the Neo 5 one of the single best deals of the year. As more and more members contact me for advice on the Neo 5, I interface with it more and more, even after the review, to view the Neo 5 as even better at response qualities.

Even using the Neo 5 as a contender to future IEMs showed how the Neo 5 is not pulling any punches, and basically destroying the competition with realness of vocals, stage and vividness of presentation. When doing side-by-sides such completeness of stature ends up being something to remember. Therefore, look for the Neo 5 again later in this review as a comparison to the TSMR-X!

The included cable v the ISN S4:
I have chosen to compare these two as a question of could you upgrade your included cable by simply getting the ISN S4. I will spill the beans right off at the start to give you a heads-up to where we are going. Money spent on the other cables in this grouping would be money well spent. Still, what do we have as a cable included with the TSMR-X and what is the ISN S4 really like as an option?

The included cable is visually incredible, just like the TSMR IEMs are visually profound, and it is true that the included cable with the X is the same one that came with the Sands and TSMR Land IEMs. What this cable does is boost the 5-7kHz range, and was instantly found to be too bright with the Sands and the Land. So other more pure copper based cables are a way into success with the Sands and Land. Before even laying hands on the TSMR-X word on the street said the included cable works out well. That was my first clue that we may have a new and different sound signature with the X.

A more mainstream success story with the X……..and that is the fairy tale this review is about.

In fact you may not want to read any further……………just buy the X and be done with investigating it, and save yourself some time.


The included cable above


Screen Shot 2024-04-04 at 1.11.37 AM.png

Liberace style gold :)

Oh, you’re still here….? The included cable is first of all absolutely (physically) beautiful and I have to say the members who stated that the included cable works out are definitely on to something here. It has nice ear-hooks, and this Liberace style gold hardware with the white wire. The included cable means business here. Only still it is too 5-7kHz boosted with the X and will still make the X little thin sounding. Yes, it will work if it is all you have, and it is incredibly resolving, just it is holding back the bass notes.

The ISN S4:
Surprisingly the ISN S4 has even more bass thrusters going on. And while not as dramatic or as vivid as the other cables in this test today, the S4 was an ounce or two better than the included cable. Still I would save your money and not spring for the $55.00 S4, but wait and add a little to the cable fund before partaking of the winner-cables to come. Still this was a great side-by-side test.



Included cable above


The Penon ASOS+:
Look, this has been a cable that is so balanced, it goes with everything. The stage, the pace, the feel of it. The weight of the ASOS+ is 53 grams in 4.4mm, very close to the 44 grams of the 4.4mm TSMR-X included cable.

Yet somehow the ASOS+ shows better ergonomics, seemingly heavenly………….going into a more pliable and fluid demeanor all the time, in every direction, and on every day of the week. Sure the price for admission to the ASOS+ movie is $215.00, slightly over half the price of the TSMR-X, yet it actualizes it. Yep, it makes the X all it can be, within reason. I mean you don’t have to read any more of this review, simply buy the X and the ASOS+ and be done with it. Walk your dog maybe (give your cat a small fish maybe) as you don’t have to read any more words (in this review) here?


OH, your back? I guess I need to explain myself. Now we are jumping to the next level. Bigger stage, deeper, thicker and wider……so more involving.........and exciting. The vocals are pushed into farther existence forward, the bass (really the whole low-end) is now coming from a blacker background and more separated, holding bass textures. But really the best part is two fold, dynamic imaging and separation inside the midrange.

There are synth embellishments that are flowing into position into their very own separate stage on the outskirts of the stage. I could go on for a few more paragraphs, but this review is already way to long……….

And this isn’t a matter of sound signature preferences here, no...........the TSMR-X is so middle-of-the-road that most everyone has a chance to find happiness, except maybe the extreme bass heads and the treble heads, you know who you are. :)

But to put it into one sentence…….the ASOS+ causes the X to blossom into full actuality into what it has potential to become.


The ISN GC4:
Another wildly different cable here, and creating to its very own character. A very thin cable that performs like a thicker cable..............way above anything you would guess. As at rare times looks can be deceiving in the cable world. Weighing in at only 20 grams, the GC4 becomes not only lightweight but super thin. Yet the optical illusion here is reproduced by gold, yep……the GC4 has a Rhodium plated plug. Simply a build with copper and gold, except there is some silver in the solder. Before in the cable tests we were using the mid-centric WM1A with MrWalkman’s firmware.

Now we are going to jump to the thicker and more bass laden WM1Z. Also I’m doing this to prove a point, that the X goes with pretty much anything I own to parley wonderful results, why? Because it is even, complete and correctly tuned. So here now with the 1Z we are given (besides the bass) a fishbowl of imaging of treble around your head. I mean now we are really reaching a form of involvement. While the imaging is actually more dense in the midrange, the parley of elements sits further outside than maybe even the ASOS+ only because it is of less energy, and of less clutter. Sure maybe most of this is the DAP, as it can be argued that ear-tips and the DAP make more difference than the cable..............I won’t totally disagree with those folks. Yet here there is also the signature bass sculpturing of the GC4, that and a structure of treble and midrange elements. In fact I’m using one of my most treble laden songs, and it is absolutely fantastic.


Theater of Tragedy
Assembly (remastered)

44.1 kHz - 24 bit
Here we are experiencing the GC4 with all of its character intact! Yet that particular character goes to promote a style of listenability and image-density due to gold and copper. This is one of my brightest songs, yet everything is parlayed with style and finesse. And while imagine all the elements being thicker and holding a weight, stuff is still fast moving, and even faster due to the (low-end) tightening effect in the resulting 2X 8mm DD lows.

That in fact we have the bass in the pocket, thumping and yet holding exquisite pace and spacial clues to hear all this stuff.

While no way do we have the treble expansion of the ASOS+, yet this here is a different part of town………you know when you had a shot of the town's best Scotch and took to the streets……..that amber glow and fun makes me want to stop and postpone this review…………and simply listen for the rest of the day. I’m a guitar player and this exact guitar tone is simply great, crunchy and yet not too forward, in places like the bass. This once again cements our ideas of balance and predictability from the X, only there is room for exploration, to where we may never know what we will find with cable rolls, yet it is all good.


The Penon OSG:
Last week I did all these same cable rolls (before) and even wrote about it in the forums. I do this as testing cables on two different days (a week) hands you clarity of results. As we hear IEMs at times, we are not comparing IEMs we think, only subconsciously referencing the last IEM we reviewed, on the day before.

Time is the cleaner of tonal ideas to move and become more objective through spreading your reviews out into longer time-frames. Basically giving your ears and brain a rest.

The OSG was one of my favorites from last round, so let’s see where it lands. Using the WM1Z and the same ear-tips. Remember the Penon Quattro review I did near the last day of January of this year? No? Well that review covered the steps that were needed to be taken to reach audio nirvana. And sure some may be lucky enough to find that happiness on the first Quattro date, yet I found the Quattro had to be courted before she put out.

Here is the opposite really, easy to find access and involvement as the X goes with everything. The OSG once again shows how the X is a cable demonstrator. An IEM that lets the pure character of the cable through. And here with the 1Z the OSG are starting to come-off even more separated than the Sony WM1A from last week. Cleaner and more vibrant. Again less midrange energy than the ASOS+, yet holding its very own special charms to enjoy.

With Graphene we encounter a full sculpturing of bass, a smoother, more white and delineated midrange than the ASOS+, yet not holding as large of sonic footprint. The ASOS+ has its own ideas about size, and the thickness that the Purple Copper Plug and 2Pin plugs bring to the table. Where really they could be thought of as almost opposite. Where sure the ASOS+ is slightly more dense sounding with midrange itemization than the standard ASOS cable, yet there are other qualities to the OSG that make it a keeper. Sure this review will ramble-on with a comparison of the ISN G4 cable, another Graphene experience. Sure both the OSG and the G4 have this Graphene sound, especially in the bass sculpturing and midrange stage positioning, but the $99.50 you pay for the G4 only gets you in the Graphene doorway. The $299.00 OSG goes to proclaim a clearer pool of water, and looking into that pool we can see the depths of imaging, the further sculpturing of bass, and the fine details brought forth into midrange textures. There is this shiny white polish that really looks like the jacket of the OSG encasing the vocals, and separating them from the background stage.

The Penon OSG:
Where here there is a thickness...........thicker than pure silver that the Graphene proclaims.

It is separating and adding its own more detailed crunch to the guitars. The free-flowing and approaching stage elements show us where your extra hard-earned cash went. In fact it is this treble character that I can’t even describe, except it is a slight tone down from pure silver, but goes ahead and has its own style of transparency and energy. It is in-fact this separation that has me fascinated.............endlessly fascinated going along for the ride.


The ISN G4:
Only after the Penon OSG I had to double check (this G4) to see if the IEMs were not out of phase or something. Here we are experiencing a more linear G4 example of vocal playback, the midrange elements are there and spread-out from the vocals, but hold a lack of luster in comparison to the Penon OSG. Thinner of a more congested manor. And in the end, I have to (once more) try the included cable and the S4, just for schiits and giggles.

The palate cleanser:
Not sure if you have seen food testers at work, but they always have a beverage to equalize their tongue chemistry after trying a food sample. They will often use a mouth-full of Coke (as mouth-wash) to somehow reset their perception for the next food sample. At times these people work for large corporations and will help a company align the food or beverage taste to mainstream likes, or have the food item changed with more or less salt, or more or less sweetener. As trying the ISN G4, and ISN S4 (once again) showed more down to earth examples to where I have made a list of the results.

To rate these cables from best to worse on a scale of 5 being best………

Penon ASOS+ - 5 stars
PENON OSG - 5 stars
ISN GC4 - 4 stars
ISN S4 - 3 stars
ISN G4 - 3.5 stars

Included cable - 2.5 stars


IEM comparisons
Now we include a few IEMs as side-by-side tests

The Neo 5 came out recently and has pushed its presence into the limelight, being many a Head-Fi members favorite IEM as of late.

And maybe you already have the Neo 5 and want to know how the X compares? Or you have the X and have become curious as to the inevitability of a Neo 5 in your life?

I can say right off they are complementary and you could possibly get results owning both. Here I’m bringing out the ASOS+ cable and the Sony WM1A, as really together they offer a slightly mid-centric yet correct way to hear all three IEM tests today. The only other difference is a more donut type ear-tip (on the Penon 10th, and Neo 5) as I don’t need the length of the slightly longer wide-bore X ear-tips.

The ISN Neo 5:
Man this style of playback becomes a bigger stage and a wider illustration of the song.

Really the ASOS+ and Neo 5 are a force to be reckoned with. And truly there is better involvement here… me anyway. Just the size of the stage, and the size of how there is a thickness front to back, and even a little top to bottom? Vocals are bigger and more out front, becoming a style of unarguable clarity. Sure there may be a slight timbre tilt to the Neo 5 that travels upwards in comparison to the truly dialed in timbre of the X. But to me with the ASOS+ the Neo 5 is more IEM at a cheaper price. Yet you need the ASOS+ to get here.

The ASOS+:
The Neo 5 is so resolving of cables that you have to spring for the ASOS+ to climb to this particular mountain-top……but the view from the top is real and moving. Yet you can often change to Neo 5 adding a different tone by using the ISN CS02, or the wildly more clear and vivid yet smooth RENATA, really all three give you a window cleaning to delve into the true depths of the Neo 5 experience!


The Penon 10th Anniversary:
The 10th is a literal party between your ears, my favorite Penon ever!

The Neo 5 is now probably my favorite ISN, maybe gaining ground on the ISN EST50? But one thing I know for sure is the Penon 10th is by far the best thing they have ever made. Now keep in mind the 10th is not in any way........ perfect. The 10th is a hybrid and owns a guilty pleasure of not being anywhere near as cohesive as the Quattro, I mean really they are very different. But, but the main thing about the 10th is its well roundedness.

The 10th plays every music genre and goes with every device possible to gain fun. When I say fun, it's probably the most fun you could have legally? Slightly sloppy with the bass, yet even Hybrid dislocated in disbursement of imaging, it is this rolling party!

Here the 10th is even more itemized and clear than the Neo 5. Those EST drivers, they are not for looks here. A little more careful than the Neo 5, and more sophisticated and pure. Actually I take back that trash talk about the sloppy bass, cuz the ASOS+ cleans it almost right up. It’s probably the full lower midrange I was mentally referring to as there is a section where it is more musical than analytical?

This is music playback.............a sway and swagger that pushes through to get you grooving, forgetting about analyzation, or any other of those big words.

Compared to the TSMR-X the Penon 10th is bigger staged, more dramatic, and more fun. Where the X is quieter and more reserved. But to put it clearly, the 10th is the better IEM, simply a bigger and a more involving stage, heck even the vocals are bigger, closer, and holds more detail. What can I say, it is what it is.


Music tests:
Here for the music tests I’m using the SONY WM1Z and X, with the slightly longer wide-bore ear-tips and ASOS+ cable.


Theater of Tragedy
Assembly (remastered)

44.1 kHz - 24 bit

Time stamps only are reference to the digital file not the YouTube video.

As such this song goes about showcasing both treble items, vocals and bass, not to mention the timbre experienced here. This in-fact is one of the brightest songs I own, so it also is a sink or swim test due to any glare shown or stridence preformed. The opening (lol) is a cymbal crash at 00:00. I mean there is no lead-up or introduction here, this song starts out in full-force throwing everything and the kitchen sink at you. With-in that first two seconds we are transported to exactly where the producers what us, engulfed into the mood, rhythm and tone that is unavoidable here. Probably the coolest feature (right-off) is the interplay of both guitars and the bass. And that is the thing, this X replay has some of the very best timbre out there for a Hybrid. The guitars are correct in tone and timbre............showing a multitrack soundstage. Where inside of that soundstage is the first glimpse is the various multitracks tracks, then at 00:07 a cymbal splash way out to the center and right.

Though here the tone is not exactly played down or exaggerated, but correct. Surprisingly I used this same song with the Quattro replay and described it in the recent review. To where the Quattro was responsible for slightly better timbre, cymbals are made of metal………so that metallic quality is talked about when Head-Fi members say they are embracing the BA timbre, and there are no arguments here on that fact.

Typically Hybrids will dislocate the tone, only because much of the time it really is coming from a different driver and not from a full-range DD. So that driver is a small reed of metal and it is vibrating back and forth, it can start and stop faster than most DDs, therefor gaining transient response milliseconds over the DD brothers. This attack is cutting through both in attack, note-edge and tone….......separating itself inside the mix. The keyboards are almost ringing in effect right at 00:20. This decay with spice is made to cut through the mix, and it does with flying colors. Maybe they are using a slight distortion to give it a kick. Whatever they have done this keyboard section is not at the vary start, but is an introduced melody just as the Raymond Rohonyi’s vocals start around 00:20. The bass is also sounding like keyboards, and is given this distortion treatment, either playing though (something like) a Fender Twin Amplifier or directly to the soundboard.........or both. Then you figure out the melody was introduced at the start as a set-up to the full take-off of the song at 00:39. I mean sure everything is both slightly compressed and processed, yet this is the style of this music…….a departure Gothic Heavy Metal into this strange Euro-pop.

There is even remnants of Kraftwerk here, yet with the female vocals that are about to be introduced bring us fully home and into a groove. Theater of Tragedy became one of the best known Gothic bands upon introduction in 1995, but the year now is 2002. This album isn’t always accepted by fans, as how can you change your style to such an extreme?

A change of style:
You are probably goin to alienate your original fan bass, and take on a whole new crowd………that is if you don’t go down in flames first. This is introduced as a (as previously mentioned) dirty sounding Pop with an add of Industrial, yet is neither. To me it is unique and will always be remembered as an attempt at something different, almost like its very own sub-genre of music.

The melody and choruses are really holding the darkness of gothic music, only the lyrics are Pop. And to tell you the truth I’m not sure why I like this so much, I guess because it’s catchy? The TSMR-X is in the zone, but more careful and in-control than the Penon 10th Anniversary or ISN Neo 5 ever thought of being. Polite and careful, technical and correct, but not taking any chances. Slightly more straight-laced, prim and proper, yet holding that realness that gets us involved. Not as much reverberation as the Neo 5, nor as heavy of a lower midrange. Yep, everything is cookie cutter careful and exact. Interesting too that carefulness travels all the way up into the treble, as nothing is overly bright or even forced, and this song is forceful, if it's anything at all.

Female vocals:
Female vocalist/star of the show Liv Kristine Espenæs was the male vocalist's girlfriend at the time, and you can feel the playfulness in this album, as when it is her time to sing…….well she gets the spotlight. At just 00:54 she makes her entrance! Though the male vocals set-up building the house for her to thrive in. And while I have heard Liv Kristine Espenæs at times more forward, I have also heard her more (dull) behind the scenes too? But looking into her further, her voice holds a lot of detail, though not as much as the Neo 5. Still the Neo 5 does other things different too. The sung vibratos the character she creates is herself, and that is super important with BAs, to gain realism to where her voice sounds normal with-out the drama of off timbre.


Hans Zimmer
The Dark Knight Rises OST
Mind If I Cut In?

192 kHz - 24 bit
A long time IEM test favorite here. I mean this is a track that I have used for years and years. It is both well performed, well recorded, and never seems to get old. Plus I know this song like the back of my hand.

The heavy bass holdover at 00:00 is exactly that, a holdover from the last previous song. Yet somehow that impulse is a thrill to have at the start……like it is setting up boundaries right off……what nonsense am I spewing, it is simply gorgeous bass, and a great recording of gorgeous bass, even if it lasts for a mere moment in time.

This dark cello work and strings is also how the previous song “Gotham’s Reckoning” starts off too. Where remember this is a soundtrack, so the songs often segue from one to another. Still that initial bass physicality was a hint here of more drama to come, kind of like a sonic guarantee of performance.

Our listening mind:
That just goes to show you how our mind works. If we are provided......even a beginning appetizer, we are in attention, hoping to get more........actually re-assured more is on the way. Because the TSMR-X can do this, it can jump out of nowhere to provide the bass notes, if they are there in the song. At 00:15 we are immersed in cello work, a violin recording, and the space provided to offer separation, so that each constituent has its place in the recording.

I’m in wait for the piano keys, like a dog waiting for his treat…......he knows is coming. Yet at 00:31 I’m sidetracked here, it is the extra texture of that cello, and a hint of the piano to come! I mean the volume changed on us, and I can feel that volume change with the X. As simple emphasis does in recording energy...........which also corresponds to the playback emphasis by the musicians draw of the Cello bow….....…showing conclusion, or better yet transition in the song.

And yes, there is a faint recorded and processed set of metronome key strokes. These backing rhythmic elements are always used by Zimmer, though they come in as many different ways as pieces of his music exist. As this is the backdrop adding tension and propelling the song forward, as this is the first hint of rhythm, at least this style of rhythm. This simple one note over and over............maybe Zimmer learned (this technique) from previous scores (as a student) to use as a tool, as it is both simple and effective here. As at 00:42 the real piano notes take place. Simply out of nowhere they are our lead now, taking our attention. And with the TSMR-X the notes are very very close to perfect timbre……….I mean this is what you are paying for, and the timbre progress that forces older IEMs like the 2018 Fearless brand, to be placed into bedroom dresser. Really the interplay of the metronome sound and the forward piano here make-up 100% of the song.

At 02:06 it hits and does it ever accomplish the work at hand………glorious bass…......giant bass. But the deal here is that we can here both inside the bass note and hear the details of the texture, but more than that there is super precise volume changes going on with this note. And it is careful and detailed, not sloppy in any way. In fact I think this is what they call audiophile. A far cry from car-audio. None of that bass bleed into the midrange, just clear and precise, actually far better than I was expecting from the little TSMR-X?

So first and foremost this is Hybrid playback and what is gifted with that is that the DDs sound separate, only the bass is so very controlled and tight, that it become a part of the whole here. All the way past 00:21 that bass rolls and the recedes, and the push forward................ to take new alternate positions inside the stage. Remember I have been hearing this for years, and this is some of the cleanest I have heard this prolonged bass drop. 02:28 we are still living with that single prolonged note. Only there is of course the piano and what is becoming into focus, dynamic contrasts………just the fact that the low-end bass note is now large in size and (just by contrast) making the piano seem brighter. Here we are rewarded with an IEM that maybe just because it is a Hybrid, or maybe TSMR chose the drivers well........... yet here is the full deal……and.........the technicalities. The technicalities to pull this number off, and not just do it well, but do it justice.


About 80% solid 3D printing. With looking at it there must be a resonate chamber but it is near the top (guessing 20%) of the structure. I mean there are not just sound tubes (up there) as there is a single vent, that is delineated in a red ring or blue.

The CFRD sound tube:
There is a sound tube for this CFRD, there is a sound tube for the 2X 8mm DDs, and a separate sound tube for the two Sonion 2X tweeters and a sound tube for the 2 midrange Knowles 2X BAs. While the nozzle is slightly short, I was instantly able to remedy the situation with a different ear-tip, and I’m sure you could do the same if it was a slight issue. With the wrong donut ear-tips the X gets in a little to close and the actual ear gets in the way of finding an air-tight fit. The tuning switches are great if you use them, yet even adding the 100 setting for bass simply added more bass and didn’t affect the stage like some DIP-switch set-ups do. The size ends-up finding itself on the smaller side of medium and at only 6 grams a piece in weight they are the very definition of small. Sure the back-side of the X shows a semi-custom curvature, and a-top of that is the only printed nomenclature……the wording “TSMR-X” identical to both sides.

Looking inside with transillumination we can view two sets of crossover circuits on two opposing sides....maybe? Looking down at the nozzle end we can see 4 sound tubes with a small filter set-up on the two bigger tubes. And of course the two woofers are designated to allow for resonance being they are mounted near the top, right under the hollow faceplate area. Where all four of the BA devices are submerged in the solid 3D printed resin section.












Maybe I’m right that the X is totally well rounded… actually I’m sure of it, the X is the very idea of balanced going with many sources and all genres of music. As it turns-out this is TSMR’s entry into the total mainstream tune. The way they did the treble and midrange is much smoother than previous TSMR explorations…….it even allows use of the included cable. This tune could endanger the X into being boring or owning a lack of character which would make it homogenized, sounding like any other run-of-the-mill IEM out there. But no, the X is unique, Jeez, just look at it? Does this look like any IEM you have ever seen before? The X is special and somehow relays the best of every cable attached to it, due to transparency. This transparency allows for your music to come alive, that you are simply closer to the reality of playback, with no off timbre getting in the way. You see when those members say they want to embrace BA timbre, they really don’t mean embrace awful BA timbre, what they mean is they want to use it as a tool to kind-of create dynamics through contrasts……..and that is exactly what the X does. Just the amazing big and spread-out feeling my Batman OST did prove this IEM is more than just six or seven drivers, that they are masterfully placed and each driver, each sound tube being there for a reason. Just like all of us TSMR is still learning and even though this is their 10th Anniversary model, it is also an example of how they are greeting the next 10 years. This is an IEM I hope they springboard off into a new bolder direction, even a chance they will parlay this tune into a TOTL Flagship? Truly there is no reason they can’t pull this off, they are TSMR in the end. There is a level of build imagination here that shows progression in design and IEM ideas……….I mean who ever thought of making an IEM that has the BAs sitting farther down submerged in 3D resin and the woofers X2 8mm sitting on a separate level having access to the venting system? Such arraignments allow TSMR to locate the trim and careful ideas found in playback. This bass is big and full yet the very definition of textured and detailed. It’s way more detailed than the Penon 10th Anniversary and of course more controlled than the Neo 5 puts forth. The TSMR-X is more polite, it is more grounded, it is more even, complete and correct in playback. Call it sanity in replay maybe?

Yet what about the opposite, not everyone can marry a wild exotic dancer like the Neo 5 or Penon 10th claim to be. :)




I want to thank Penon Audio for the love and for the TSMR-X review sample.

These are one person's ideas and concepts, your results may vary.

Equipment Used:
Sony WM1A Walkman DAP MrWalkman Firmware 4.4mm balanced
Sony WM1Z Walkman DAP MrWalkman Firmware 4.4mm balanced
Sony TA-ZH1ES DAC/AMP Firmware 1.03 4.4mm balanced
Electra Glide Audio Reference Glide-Reference Standard "Fatboy" Power Cord
Sony Walkman Cradle BCR-NWH10
AudioQuest Carbon USB
HiBy R3 II DAP 4.4mm balanced
ifi GO bar Dongle in 4.4mm balanced
Samsung Phone 3.5mm
ifi GO blu in 4.4mm balanced with wired Type-C USB
Last edited:
No, @vadinoy, they were some silicone aftermarkets.
David Haworth
You state. Specialist cable, allowing for a style of bass control and clarity through diminishment of the lower midrange, clearing the path for vocals to emerge... Is this the main mechanism that cables can alter the perception of the sound in you opinion? Got a link to any cable comparisons you have done/
@David Haworth,
Well, the cable change can do a number of things.

And not specific to the X....................
We are all looking for either a style of balance with an un-balanced IEM. Or maybe looking for a wider can be so many things, maybe someone wants a diminished bass response. So a more expensive cable doesn’t always work as maybe the two personalities of IEM and Cable don’t mix, or you don’t get what you are after? Changing the vocal placement and texture could be one advantage.

My cable comparisons are throughout most of the reviews I write, I couldn't possibly put them into one place..........I'm too busy writing the next review. Good idea though.


Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: The smallest and most light weight device of its kind in the world
Goes in a shirt pocket to power IEMs or even full-size headphones using the latest Bluetooth codecs
A totally powerful wired Dongle that has its own battery and gains slightly better sound than BT
Simple plug and play (problem free) activation with computers, DAP file serves and phones
Roughly the size of a 9V battery
A 40 minute charge resulting in up to 10 hours of playback
Accepts all the Bluetooth codecs (and firmware updatable to work with future codecs)
Accepts 96kHz - 24bit wired
XBass and XSpace plus XBass/XSpace settings
Built-in microphone for hands-free calls
2 filter settings
Clip-case as a $29.00 option
Comes with carrying pouch
Designed with (large) multifunction rotory control knob/button which does numinous things besides volume changes
Cons: Slight hiss in Bluetooth
Slight missing of last bottom octave in bass when in Bluetooth mode


I have always seen ifi around, you know if you are browsing Head-Fi you really can’t miss them. Belonging to the group AMR (Abbingdon Music Research Group) one of the largest if not the largest audio manufacturer in the UK, ifi has made a notch here at Head-fi. Endlessly imaginative they have created one-of-a-kind products like the xDSD, the Nano iOne, the Nano iDSD Black Label, the ifi Blue and most recently the ifi iDSD Diablo II.

The GO blu
Now what grabbed my attention here was the multifunction knob. Sure it may be the very first thing you see when you lay eyes on the GO blu. The GO blu is a lot of things, but basically it can be two things. One, a Bluetooth receiver and amplifier, and Two, a stand alone DAC hooked to your computer or phone. To get back to this multifunction knob, spinning it (infinitely) allows you to adjust the volume from phone playback or computer audio playback. Plus there is a button inside of this volume wheel that allows for pause/play of music from your computer or phone, plus it allows control of YouTube videos. So….............


Basic operation on the fly!
Volume controls (turn) mirrored confirmation of volume levels with device you’re using
Play/Pause (a short click)
Skip forward (two short clicks)
Skip backwards (three short clicks)
Voice assistant (long press)

This woman is speaking in this wonderful British accent and tells you the style of Bluetooth you’re using. Truthfully I don’t know her that well and in my use she comes on when waking the device to tell me (it's in) LDAC. And the great part is she is totally polite and at a perfect volume level, then goes away to never be heard again………..charming.

So what I’m saying is I have worked with my fair share of devices, though I don’t consider myself an expert. Yet I have number one, never seen a device quite this small, the GO blu is the size of a 9V battery. Oh, and I forgot to mention due to this size the button placement and functionality is really important for the user experience. The user experience? I use the GO blu two ways. One while in the office it sits next to my computer and acts as the perfect little DAC/AMP. The GO blu can power full size headphones and of course IEMs. The next thing I do with it is place it in my shirt pocket (in the pouch) and listen to quality music being played off my phone as I walk home from work. Historically it is the first and only portable device that allows me to use my favorite IEMs and sits in a shirt pocket while on the go. Really it doesn’t get better than this.

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So you may be wondering what the other specifics are?

The GO blu is the first miniature DAC to use the QC5100 chipset which uses 2X the processing power.

The GO blu has a built-in microphone for hands free calls with your smartphone, so really with the battery life, you can use it all day.

This battery life lasts really a regular work day, yep all day. You see the GO blu is self powered so it never drains the battery from your phone. Hello, are you starting to get a clue as to how different of a product this is? Battery life averages about 10 hours but can be less even 4 hours with full-size headphones, IEMs can go 10 hours. The GO blu takes only 40 minutes for a full-recharge.

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The lights and operation:
First things first you may want to hook your Go blu to an android phone and download the latest firmware. As such the updates are done with the Gaia Application 4.2.2.

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Use of effects/filters:
XBass and XSpace are ways of adding audio enhancements to your listening. You can also add them together, yet I seem to like playback with-out. One thing to notice is that the GO blu doesn’t offer iEMatch like the GO bar. There is also a standard mode and minimum digital filter mode. XBass is a bass add to the sub bass and XSpace is a way to add stage imaging, yet the images suffer from slight density.

USB TypeC Mode:
Not just charging, but will allow up to 96kHz - 24bit playback.
Battery status: Green when charging, then out when charged.

Green 100% to 60%
Yellow 10%
Red 10%

Take note one side is the factory reset and the other side the microphone. Lucky there is a faint drawing of a microphone so you don't stick anything in there. :)

The center button turns the GO blu on and off. This button is also used for that woman’s voice to inform you on your BT codec in use. This button also controls the digital filter on or off. Thus 2X press to hear your codec, hold for 3 seconds to power the device on or off.

The smaller button below the knob allows access to the effects and is used to confirm and activate paring with a Bluetooth source.

Now that that’s out of the way let's get to sound:

Comparisons to the GO bar, and GO link:
First off it is safe to say these three devices are related. Meaning at first I only owned the GO bar and after comparing it to various Dongles and DAP felt I understood the sound personality. Same with the GO link and GO blu having a tone that is related. The best way to describe this tone would be various levels of detail arriving at clarity yet not clarity through a bright treble. These devices are magically warm but not dull in any way shape or form.

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My list of sound quality best to worse:
GO bar $329.00
GO blu Type C USB $199.00
GO link $59.00

GO blu Bluetooth $199.00

So you see it is really easy. There is a soundstage that was nice and full decorated with details, but details through resolution and not stridence or glare. While there are specific uses for each ifi device as they each have a slightly different function, form factor and price. Yet the one stand out feature here is the GO blu has two different sounds. Yep. I can not tell you how much I enjoyed the blu from my computer. What is fascinating is just how small the GO is in comparison to many Dongles out there. So what we have is a premium device to use in the office and a Bluetooth device to go out and about……yet both exist with-in the GO blu.


No other device works exactly like the GO blu does.

The usage experience:
You will laugh at this usage scenario. I got the GO link and the GO blu together and my iPod Touch. The IEMs I used were the NiceHCK Himalaya with the included cable which is 4.4mm/3.5mm and 2.5mm modular. I first went to the GO link which instantly lit-up showing a signal. I plugged the 3.5mm plug in (as it only offers 3.5mm) and away I went. YouTube videos and volume is controlled by the iPod going to the GO link. Then I switched to the GO blu noticing a fuller and slightly more authorized GO blu wired sound. Then I quickly switched Bluetooth and the British female showed-up again to say AAC. As noted the sound was holding a slight hiss and missing the last octave in bass, yet it was better than any TWS I have ever tried. I have probably heard 7 TWS up to $165.00. The reason it was better was because I was using my own wired IEMs……and not some cheap TWS IEMs. But before I leave this section just realize the use of two different ways to hear the GO blu. Each transition took seconds to establish a sound connection. Literally maybe this isn't a big deal anymore.............but in my uses the GO blu was simple and easy to use?

Now switching to the Computer with Hires files:
Crazy as switching over to wired with the computer took zero button GO blu pushes? I mean you can’t make this stuff up. I simply turned Bluetooth off on my computer. I had both computer volume control and GO blu volume control. I mean I really have to emphasize the tone here. This is a Dongle in a way, and yes it is lesser in overall sound than the GO bar. But…….the GO bar is the most powerful and expensive regular Dongle. Here the special thing was that the GO blu was better than the Go link, but also smoother and had that provocative ifi house sound. To try and describe that, it is open and well spaced, seemingly having all elements in place. Truly the Himalaya and GO blu was all I needed. I mean sure there was an ounce of quality (maybe realness) that the GO bar did better, yet the differences were truly a percentage here. What fun…….at 06:13 the bass is all you need!


Cinematica VOL1-“Secluded Trails”
Mysterious Murmur through the trees

44.1 kHz - 24bit
While this song doesn’t show the full gambit of what is possible with the GO blu it is a nice starting point. And really this style of both the NiceHCK Himalaya and the overall tone is a match made in heaven here. I’m using my typical wide-bore ear-tips. Let's try another song.....................


96.0 kHz - 24bit

(Time markers are only for the digital file here)

Here we are washed with a singer songwriter vibe. This beginning could be straight out of 1975. Vocal harmonies, multitracking……the works. What makes this special is both the guitar picking and panning as it is traveling from right to left, yet sounds totally natural? At 02:01 the drums take notice, then right after the strings. I love this song. Probably the 1970s sentimentality, up to this point anyway? The strange part is normally I’m grabbing the Dongle to feel warmth in temperature, yet here it is ice cold. At 04:18 the song kicks-in to another level, any of those fond memories of Judy Collins are long gone. At 04:50 a theme, a chorus plays taking the climax to its ultimate end. All the multitracks, the fruition of the songs prior placements……….and a spoken word takes us away……….and the piano plays and Emily Highfield sings with all the skill and authority of pureness……..and the song ends in reverberations.

See here is a balance of ease of use, sound quality and results. While remembering this is all taking place by maximizing the digital file to become both relatively detailed, and have great itemization and authority into the stage. I thought about how this played out and it left me with-out wanting, I didn’t need more, at least in this usage scenario I was fully involved and entertained………as I thought I was maybe experiencing 90% of the songs full potential?

Bluetooth from a computer now?
So here we take the Apple MacBook Air and unplug the wire. I could do this with my phone, and I have already done it, but this is really so simple to set up. I went and unplugged the wire, then clicked on the Bluetooth symbol on the top, pressed the join button below the knob……….you know the gold knob…… could you forget the gold knob? Anyway, I was greeted with that British accent again and it said AAC. While sure there are slight differences, I mean off my phone I used LDAC and yes, there was a slight difference, but this works. To try and describe the Bluetooth sound, it is carrying slightly less density, call it weight, maybe………except when the strings arrive in this song once more it puts everything and every question to rest. This Bluetooth is simply better than any TWS I have tried, of course I’m using the Himalaya and included cable in 4.4mm to get the great imaging and smooth washes of tone-sound here. To best describe this Bluetooth, it was like a pond of water and with wired I could look into it just slightly farther down into the depths, yet this style of air and rhythm taking place at this point is still nothing to throw rocks at……….If you could hear it……..the quality is actually better (perceived) than my week long preliminary testing before writing this little poem up?

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(Go blu above) MacBook Air with Colibri 2.0.2 Native Lossless Audio
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(Go bar above) MacBook Air with Colibri 2.0.2 Native Lossless Audio

Full-size headphones:
I mean sure, anything almost can power IEMs, but what are full-size like? Hilariously here I am going again with the same song, only pulling out the Sony flagship TOTL MDR-Z1R full-size headphone. I mean if there are differences now I should hear more between Bluetooth and wired. Let’s start with Bluetooth. I did this before early on in the week, trying to get an idea as to what I will put into this review. Wow, even AAC is dramatically better when you add headphones for almost exactly 7X the price of the NiceHCK Himalaya. Yet the MDR-Z1R is doing something else too……it is adding thickness to the Bluetooth replay…….like filling it in. The stage is bigger and while playback can get super loud……….so loud that the only way to find out how much power is to take the headphones off my head and use them as a room speaker. :) OK……now for the wired again!

Absolutely beautiful here. There is truly a difference. Where now there is better separation and characterization, really improved textures. Where each element is divided and has an origination point. The MDR-Z1R has never had female vocals be their strongpoint, and here is no different. But truly the rest is just about spot on as far as naturalness…….and that rolling bass in this song…….perfect. Now I have to break out the GO bar.


On a side note:
Looking up at the Bluetooth symbol I just realized that it also gives you the battery level of the GO blu. Cool. I’m at 94% charge……I have never seen a digital read-out of the battery until now.

The GO bar and MDR-Z1R:
Sure this review isn’t even about these two devices, yet it is important to know about if you simply wanted one purchase. And you didn’t want an ease of use going mobile. Because the GO bar is still meant for on the go, it is just noticeable how different the two are.

Where I just weighed them and sure enough the GO blu is 28 grams and the GO bar is 30 grams, yet at this minimal weight, you totally feel the weight difference in your hand, also the GO bar is bigger as seen in the pictures. But to try and differentiate the two, the GO bar has no battery, offers way more flexibility in decoding and offers more filters and iEMatch ability to go with reducing hiss with sensitive IEMs. But as far as sound goes, yes the bass was better actualized and holding separations into the stage, and containing the pace benefits that go along with that, the singing and guitars were slightly more real into the presence they offered. I can’t really quantify the differences but it is probably safe to say the difference from going from Bluetooth to wired with the GO blue......and it is the same extra additive you get going from the wired GO blu to the GO bar. I hold the GO bar as number three in my portables, with the Sony WM1Z DAP number one, Sony WM1A DAP number two, and the ifi GO bar as number three........probably the GO blu goes in forth position?

Other examples of playback:
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Really any IEM placed into the GO blu offered great fidelity. It's that middle of the road style where ifi has been producing this same tuning with a number of products, only to now allow that same technology miniaturized into something that you could place into your shirt pocket and enjoy. Both the Penon Audio 10th Anniversary (top) and the TSMR 10th Anniversary (bottom) go to make the GO blu very thick and luscious sounding. They sound good on a number of playback devices, but here especially in Bluetooth mode, they add an added heaviness that is welcome. And........that is not to say other IEM tunings sound bad in anyway, only the extra density seems to add that quality to Bluetooth playback that makes it sound even more enjoyable?


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The GO blu offers a semi-rubber exterior as to accept BT signals. The top-cap and one side offer a brushed aluminum faceplate. Each and every button holds a full confirmation of pressing, with the knob center holding the most physical back-pressure. As such the only thing to worry about would be pushing in the microphone instead of the factory reset. While really the very smallest DAC/Amp I have encountered thus far, I can promise you the pictures make it seem that much larger.




The GO blu is still just as relevant today as when it was released……..I mean can you think of anything that is like it? While I have not heard every Dongle, in fact I don’t consider myself a Dongle expert at all. Yet I do know what sound I like. The ifi sound is lush and romantic, holding a naturalness far different from all my other gear. This tone may take a moment to identify……as your brain has to make sure it is getting all the info.............yet ifi is not using a boosted treble to get there. You see I understand this because I have used the ifi products to test various IEM replays for folks, and I’m not afraid to join the ifi sound with darker IEMs and headphones. Why? Because ifi has a deal where the tuning offers just the right amount of clarity through resolution, that allows for two things. One the character of smoother IEMs and headphones pushes through, and the brightness of too much forwardness of midrange or treble gets the tone-down polish to work-out just as good. So I am learning more and more about what the ifi sound me anyways. You are receiving that sound with the GO blu and have the freedom to take it with you, or the substantialness to simply stay at home with it. Finding a captivating sound that you may not want to leave the house over.

The GO blu retails at $199.00 USD.

I want to thank Lawrence at ifi for the GO blu review sample.

These are one person's ideas and concepts, your results may vary.

Equipment Used:
Sony WM1A Walkman DAP MrWalkman Firmware 4.4mm
Sony WM1Z Walkman DAP MrWalkman Firmware 4.4mm
HiBy R3 II DAP in 4.4mm balanced and 3.1 TypeC USB digital output and Bluetooth LDAC
Samsung Phone 3.5mm analogue output, USB TypeC USB digital output and Bluetooth LDAC
Apple MacBook Air USB TypeA digital output and Bluetooth AAC
Apple iPod Touch Lighting digital output and Bluetooth AAC

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A clip case is also offered for $26.00 to $29.00.
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As I'm only going to use the 3.5mm output I don't think I'll have any problems with noise.
It's really good to find out about the volume control, because sometimes listening to my IEMs at home, it's very quiet and I can listen to music at very low volumes...
That was my biggest concern, using very sensitive IEMs with the go blu
it is not the smallest and lightest! this goes to the Radsone EarStudio ES100 MK2, which is 2,5 x 5,1 x 1,3 cm / 20 g , including a good clip, while you have to add the mediocre clipcase of the ifi to weight and size of the go blu! The ES100 also has much longer battery life
and before you ask again, f*ck capital letters!
OK, I mean no one knows everything, I’ll take your word on that one. Yet it is very, very small, I used it again today with the ifi hip dac 3 I just reviewed. The GO blu is the size of a 9 volt battery without the clip. Cheers! In a shirt pocket you don’t need the clip.


Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: Great reverberations and pace flowing with lower midrange warmth
A big stage offering clear precise imaging at times
Nice accessory set-up for the price offered
Tremendous all aluminum build
Giant stage with the right music
Cons: Excessive 4.5kHz to 7.8kHz peaks can result in a pushed tone of Heavy Metal guitar
An unbalanced tune, almost experimental
On the smaller side both in IEM size and nozzle length, which may require special ear-tips
A sleepy upper treble (10kHz dive) at times lacking forwardness and detail due to that lack of forwardness
The very definition of fingerprint magnets


Jialai Carat (A sideband of NiceHCK)
Redcarmoose Labs March 27th, 2024

Brand: Jialai
Model: Carat
Product Type: In-ear
Driver Unit: 10mm DD
Diaphragm: Titanium plated DLC
Shell material: 5 Axis CNC Aluminum
Sensitivity: 106dB/mW
Impedance: 32 Ohm
Frequency response 10-28kHz
Cable material: High purity OFC
Connector: 0.78mm 2Pin
Plug type: 3.5mm

Purchase link:!USD!US $125.45!US $63.98!!!125.45!63.98!@2167359c17115963850147034e6645!12000037949091148!sh!US!224701538!&spm=a2g0o.store_pc_allItems_or_groupList.new_all_items_2007598972224.1005006660245454&gatewayAdapt=glo2vnm

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This IEM sees itself being brought to market though a side project of NiceHCK. As such companies will offer different brands as a way to incorporate different house sounds. Where upon hearing a few of a new brands this house sound is found to be a new characteristic. Now because we have only the very first introduction, this nonsense about house sounds could be true, or could be not true. I have heard two other NiceHCK IEMs, and can probably say this Carat is a wonderful slight departure into new territory. Why?

Per o0genesis0o
“Jialai claims that Carat has been tuned according to Harman in-ear 2019 target, with flourishes based on the experience of their engineering team. To me, I found that the adjustments push Carat toward a V-shaped even more so than a “full Harman” IEM.”


I agree with o0genesis0o:
If you study the graph really, the 2019 Harman is maybe a starting point, yet everything I love (to a point) about this tune, may be a departure from the regular Harman. Though it comes through as primarily a bump to the lower midrange. As such there is a smoothing out of the pinna gain area and a boost from 40Hz to 500Hz. This low-end boost is much more pronounced due to the balance of the pinna gain being less than the Harman drastically from 2kHz to 5kHz. So the you combine both sides of the graph we are walking in thicker waters. Now what does this totally mean?

First off it would be dull if it wasn’t for 4.5kHz to 7.8kHz treble peak. When you add the peaks present now you can see why o0genesis0o was hearing and seeing by graphs how the Harman departure was going for more of a V response. The important thing to note is that this exact tune may not work out effectively if we did only the 40Hz to 500Hz. Or we also may find trouble with only the 4.5kHz to 7.8kHz treble adds? Yet together is seen balance, and that’s what the whole tune is based on. Of course it is debatable how this (drastic) bass and (drastic) treble is perceived. This thickness may be the exact route as to why NiceHCK decided to bring forth a new branding? The Jialai Carat probably is attractive to the non-purest younger crowd who gravitate towards this low-end energy adding thrust to Rock music and adding weight to even popular OSTs? I mean on the right file playback and with the right cable there is something here?

Can this weight add fog?
I mean that’s really the center of this entire review? That and at times the treble peaks can also add energy to Modern Rock, where there is an unnatural boost which makes the Carat a little less well-rounded than it could be? The only problem with modern Rock is the off tone guitar boost the Carat does? I mean sure this balance of sorts gets the job done, though at times there is a slight bit of unevenness even with Symphonic Metal………where it doesn’t sound totally natural, and this is a DD were talking about. :)

Yet at the same time the Carat does bring about a wonderful style of its very own musicality.


Over a month ago when I first heard the Carat I keyed into this uniqueness of sound and that separated it from many players in this crowded IEM marketplace. And what this finally adds up to is a dramatic and powerful sounding IEM that requires you to maybe pick and choose your music genres or song files. I say this because it’s easy to like what the Carat is doing half the time, though the other half the time it may be easy to find more credible replay at the same money or even less.

Timbre and tone:
Of all the things which are flexible in IEM analysis there is a good chance small changes can be perceived differently as to tone and timbre. What I’m trying to say is this can be a judgment where Monday’s timbre and tone were slightly more off than today. Of course all reviews are understood as subjective, yet we are looking for a style of consistent results about the characteristics that make-up replay. Let’s just say with the Carat there can be days where the tone and timbre sound more off than others. And of course whatever is found upstream can have an effect on such tonality and perception of timbre. This also goes ahead with the styles of music you choose, to see if there is a chance to promote this off-timbre, or find it respectable.

From a phone:
Here we are maybe in the Carat’s element. As I can see many users finding this style of basic playback to be maybe the main implementation of the Jialai Carat, and sure enough the sound is thick and relatively exciting. Where the Carat still parleys the tone talked about previously, but with phone use everything is smaller……..a smaller pond to fish in. Where really I’m talking about reduced clarity inside of the imaging. Where a Dongle or DAP will simply get you a bigger sense of grandeur and playback scale. Where points gets given for still at least promoting that bass that the Carat is known for, that and the lower midrange thickness which goes ahead and adds size to playback, only after listening with a DAP or Dongle such phone playback shows its faraway-ness. Still due to not sounding thin, I can imagine the Carat taking use straight out of a phone……..walking around, especially due to the little physical size they are, that they do well out of the house, staying in place wherever you go.



This section could offer a style of confusion to some readers. Why? I don’t always pick comparisons which seem like the way to go? Here I’m testing the Carat against the Super TFZ Crown flagship and the NiceHCK F1 Pro Planar. Why? For one because I think the tuning is better with the Crown……yet the Crown is not as memorable as the NiceHCK TOTL Himalaya. Where I’m using the Crown to prove a point about tuning, and the F1 Pro is simply another IEMs that at $99.00 is simply a better buy than the Carat. Now some would say I’m comparing apples to oranges with all three of these side-by-sides……..and I will not argue. It is just that I don't see price as a totally determining factor and that is why I’m not comparing the Carat to other single full-range DDs at the exact same price. Sure some folks have under $100.00 to spend and are in that price bracket, there is no denying that logic. Only when I have been in actual IEM shops I would ask the counter person more about tonality and not really price. Sure price comes up, and they will note the price when pulling out a $1500.00 IEM to demo. Sure there is a range, but I feel the $70.00 dollar buyer could stretch to $200? What we are looking for primarily is sound and an attempt to objectively put a value on that sound. That and to try and describe the sound to the very best of our ability here.

$219.00 TFZ Crown
$99.00 NiceHCK F1 Pro

$70.00 Jialai Carat

I also will do comparisons this way because nothing is perfect, even going up the price scale we are often not greeted with more perfection, only a different sound. Better technicalities? Sometimes where sure there seems to be a common relationship between comparably priced IEMs and their overall sound? And the riddle here is to concentrate on features which enable you the consumer to find the features that are of value. As each IEM does vary in technicalities and tone, where ultimately the Carat has a few great features and some characteristics which are sub-par for the course.

TheTFZ Crown:
Laughably at times I’m not sure why I would what to interface a recent released $219.00 IEM against a $70.00 IEM, but I think beforehand that there are tuning and technical differences which will both delineate the Carat and kind of show what each is about, due to personalities. Also due to me always routing for the underdog, I want to test just where the Carat sits in relationship to the TFZ Crown. The Crown is TFZ’s flagship IEM, the best they know how to make. And the NiceHCK Himalaya at $329.00 is of course the best here today, as NiceHCKs flagship output, yet it will not be compared today.

Let’s find out:
The TFZ Crown:
Using the Sony WM1A and SIMGOT LC7 cable. All tests today will be with the Crown tuning switch in the on-up position which smooths out the tune and ended they only way I could truly enjoy the Crown.


Cinematica VOL1-“Secluded Trails”
Mysterious Murmur through the trees

44.1kHz - 24 bit
Here we are greeted with wonderful Crown separation and sparkles. Where in side-by-sides the tuning and technicalities went ahead to truly itemize the synthesizer images flowing into and out of the stage. Where the Carat still offered a vibe with this style of music, yet the stage was not as separated, nor was the imaging as vivid. Different than you may guess, I have been comparing these two IEMs off-and-on for a few days now, taking short listens of songs. And while at times during those tests the Crown showed a slightly synthetic character (showing the Crown has its own issues) yet with this style of music the Crown is in its element. Reason being the imaging and separation. When the bass drop hits with a prolonged note from 04:27 to 04:30 both IEMs show promise. And while sure the Crown was definitely more separated and vibrant even seeming louder in the same volume level there was still a remarkable cohesiveness that the Carat did, a simple easy going and more fluid take on this style of music. Now the thing is, neither IEM is right or wrong, yet the Carat was the still entertaining yet easy going example of replay. Also I had to ask myself questions personally……as sure the Crown was more technical, yet this technicality resulted from a more brash and pushed character to the point………I truly asked myself if the Carat was acceptable and while offering less detail and separation, offered a relaxed and still focused idea of playback. I mean sure much of the time the added realism of the Crown would take the cake, yet there was a fully entertaining reality off to the side with what character the Carat brought to the table. Even with more late into the night listening here, this more cohesive and really tonally perfect listen of the Carat may be the preferred choice at that time. Maybe it is just this style of music which pulls out the drama here? Meaning this music seems to be made for both IEMs, even working out with additional IEMs, that the music is both well recorded and lacking any style of off timbre, being it is direct to soundboard, synthetically made? Since no real instruments were used, it’s anyone's guess if the timbre and tone are truly correct.

Ending notes:
In many regards this song was just too easy of a job. With this style of music gaining mainstream acceptance in the early 1970s due to bands like Tangerine Dream going forward to introduce a style of music which was ultimately perfect on early headphones. As such this is a continuation (so to speak) of the same ideas yet expanded further by a new (modern day) artist with his own ideas of just how it should go. In the early 1970s this quiet sonic meditation of experiencing the soundscapes provided with this sub-gene became known as Headphone Music and paved the way to really all styles of music heard on headphones later down the road. And surely it can be remembered that audiophiles early on argued that some (orchestral) styles of music were fully incapable of being reproduced by simple headphones……..being the elitist snobs they normally are at times. Truly this next song will be more of a difficult challenge.


Theatre of Tragedy
Assembly (Remastered)
44.1 kHz - 24 bit

Here is still the challenge of the Carat against the Crown. Yep dealing out a treble fiasco for the Crown we will determine if by chance the Carat will be preferred? Note this is one of the brightest songs I know, plus it incorporates the standard recording studio ideas for actual singing with effects of both (recorded) room reverbs and obviously rack mount effects in action.

I’m now switching to the Sony WM1Z, a more V shaped response holding almost infinitely deep low end of a round and physical character contrast with the V shape of a pushed treble creating a treble halo around your head. Here there is simply more information for the taking produced both forward and back, top-to-bottom and side to side. Plus a lot of imaging projected into the stage creating differences in positioning, yep all from the DAP. The talk on the forums is that the images the WM1Z puts out creates a style of IEM ear-candy with many lower-priced monitor examples. Yet here there could be no more of a definitive difference shown by both the music and DAP chosen. While this here can be thought of as showing the true lack of treble details created with the Carat. It is what it is where yes, the Carat plays a better tonality in replay, though it is also projecting a warmer and less separated form of treble. Where the Crown is borderline off timbre, yet going for it with separated and itemized revelations of detail. Really at this point I see this is not in any way a fair match, though through IEM contrasts found here I do hear the differences between the two. Where the Carat is almost dull showing a vastly less detailed rendition, when it was given every opportunity to soar? Probably the 10kHz dip the Carat is known for.

The F1 Pro v the Carat:
inception-music-from-the-motion-picture-644940af5132b copy 2.jpg

Hans Zimmer
Inception OST
Old Souls
44.1 kHz - 16 bit

Here I’m using the Himalaya stock cable and WM1A. Somehow we are finding the perfect song to use. Really making both IEMs shine here. The Carat is moderately easy to drive, but almost maxes out a phone. Yet here it is once again obvious the F1 Pro is harder to drive than the Carat. There is this thing with the lower midrange that the Carat does that it adds a thickness and romance.........that simply adds to this song. Where the F1 Pro has it beat in technicalities all over the place……….I mean still the bass with the Carat is DD bass which just by its nature is going to have its own individual charm, yet slower and almost lumbering yet relatively detailed and cool with a song like this. The bass with the Carat is softer and holding special positioning and even texture detail, yet when the midrange tries to compete, the midrange in a song like this comes off slightly Carat murky? I mean sure the violins are of great timbre and inside of a great stage, yet not really separated and holding their own as far as imaging…….held down with this lower midrange glue. Where physically in size these two IEMs both share a reduced form factor. Incredibly small yet both metal in construction with the Carat made completely out of aluminum. Both IEMs hold their nozzles right at the almost too small place in life, yet can get correct fitment with a slightly longer length ear-tip and really I find the nozzle on the F1 Pro to fit even slightly better allowing for more ear-tip choices. Though both fit great, I mean how can small not fit good? The F1 Pro shows a more normal tuning offering up treble details into slightly more vivid contrasts. And maybe not surprising both the F1 Pro and the Carat did the piano notes with correct timbre, though there was a phenomenon where the Carat notes were slightly buried and of less entertaining consequences. All and all I would say skip the Carat and get the F1 Pro, simply the F1 Pro is the better IEM and holds a better tune and better technicalities in the end.


44.1 kHz - 24 bit

I have a longstanding confession to make……….here in use with Kiko is some of the very best music to test IEMs within in my history. Why? Actually I’m not totally sure why, except it is well recorded and holds a darn big stage, the instruments and vocals are well illustrated into the file, as well as holding a form of dramatic contrasts……..not with 5 or 6 IEM……..but every IEM I have ever tested. The song is so good I almost feel guilty using it as in this one instance of Kiko we are rewarded with an unusual exciting sound regardless of the IEM tested. So we all have challenges for IEMs, well this song is not one…… makes every IEM ear-candy. And just as expected the Carat is no exception to this rule at Redcarmoose Labs. In fact the Carat sounds even better than I thought? I mean with this song keys in on the clarity and bigness brought form from the Carat, and somehow underplays any issues previously spoke about?

The drums are big, when the world guitar comes in at 00:38 it is of totally correct timbre and even positioned into great contrast in the stage. At 01:13 Lisa Gerrard makes here entrance and while it is not the most forward rendition I have heard, it is absolutely fine. The thing that needs to be noted that regardless of the drawbacks to the Carat, the Carat has great reverberations, and just how the Carat follows through with the reverbs here is something of a charm. To sum up the Carat replay here it is totally great and holds both vivid contrasts, correct timbre and seemingly problem free tuning all coming together to promote wild reverberations…….in the end. In contrast to the Carat the F1 Pro was showing a more open and spread out stage……..going forward and while sounding slightly more digital (whatever that means)……..there was simply better imaging and separation into the stage here. Yet I could taste a tinge of Planar timbre which the Carat of course held none. Yet this F1 Pro tuning was better and it held better technicalities throughout. Yet the bass was not as thick or (maybe) even not as emotional here. It is noted that the Carat was really deeper and more illustrative into bass replay. Where the F1 Pro was faster, it didn’t hold whatever magic I heard with the Carat. Strange as I was not expecting this style of outcome. What it does is almost makes the Carat complementary in union with the F1 Pro, offering up a rounded, and smoother, more alive bass, where the F1 Pro is getting in and getting out……as planar IEMs do naturally.

Gorgeous really……..just look at them? As you might guess this is the ultimate fingerprint magnet. That and the nozzle tip ends do hold tips on surprisingly well, only they are maybe on the borderline of too short? Nothing that an extra long ear-tip can't rectify. There are two vents, with one being near the base of the nozzle the other off to the side right under the faceplate. The interesting thing comes from the black screens, as I have never seen such material, maybe even plastic?


There are a nice set of extras, especially the case included at this price point.


Cable and cables:
I used a number of cables, and primarily due to enjoying the refreshed openness found with 4.4mm.


As such the Carat responded well and even transparently with an arrangement of sources.

Sony WW1A
Sony WM1Z
HiBy R3 II

ifi GO bar

The Sony 1A and WM1Z:

Interestingly I used the Sony WM1A for most of this review. As such the 1A has a trim and fast bass, plus an enhanced midrange which just by its nature promotes a wild big stage……….offering a style clarity and romance found with a gambit of IEMs. While the WM1Z you would think could rectify the uneventful (10kHz) treble roll-off at times………it still wasn’t enough to brighten things up?


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HiBy R3 II:
Where of special intrigue was the HiBy R3 II results. The M response of the HiBy R3 II seemed to align the Carat and make it simply more than it was with some styles of music, as a new found big stage and romantic in separation?

Lovely strings:
At times bringing the strings up and out of their hole? The further display of treble separation, it could really make you wonder what kind of synergy was present here with the HiBy R3 II? Of course once again your choice of music was important, where all of a sudden the wrong style of tuning could present a notable departure from a known and understood style of playback. Never was this more apparent than with pushed Metal guitars, making them slightly thinner than wanted or needed……where the tone/timbre was found off too.

ifi GO bar:
Here is the thing, the GO bar is slightly different than anything own. And while the smoothness and analogue tone of the whole made this un-even guitar slightly more down to earth, the 4.5kHz to 7.8kHz peaks were still there and you could not avoid noticing them. Luckily the stage of the GO bar was also introduced with the Carat, showing itself to be my third favorite source in use, right behind the WM1A and WM1Z on a regular use basis.


Discovering what the Carat is and what it is not is fun. While under $100.00 only gets you only so much IEM, that so much has multiplied many times over the last few years. When I started in this IEM hobby buying only budget IEMs, I became smitten with their low cost listenability. This Carat price point is a very competitive arena to jump into……some would even call it a bloodbath. With a new IEM introduction almost every other day we are truly looking to understand where the value lies with something like the Carat? While actually my most favored attributes come from timbre and stage size, there were really good reverberations which took place all time. And while you would think this style of tune would be good with Modern Rock, there were still sonic attributes that were reason for concern, mainly the uneven tuning. Where this style of tune could almost be regarded as experimental, it does two things. One, the Carat doesn’t sound exactly like other IEMs you have heard, and two…….the Carat has both good and bad features. As such there was a romantic bass and reverberations to the bass, also an even texture that allowed me to smile on many tracks. Yet a strange lower treble tune that made tonally of guitars on Symphonic Rock sound off.

So I have to say if you're listening to electronic music late at night and want a totally correct sounding low-cost IEM the Carat is actually a special buy. Just the size of playback allows this style of music to be both dramatic and fun…………it kind of enhances the separation at hand to make the Carat special. The Carat build is great, the fit is superb, and in that specific usage task of electronic music with a smooth top treble, we are fine. Where depending on your source, truly you may find an exquisite home here, regardless of the deficits. But if you were out looking for an IEM that will playback all genres need to look at other IEM choices. Sure the Carat can sound pretty good from a phone, as if you add the style of thickness here, it almost adds the harmonics required to enjoy simple phone use…… it is no way thin sounding.


Final conclusion:
It is what it is. What that means is sure the Carat offers-up maybe half your library in correct tonality? And after-all this trash talk you would probably need to try the Carat to be sure how gorgeous it plays the style of music it goes with. Don’t ask me why, but this style of (good) music seems to be whole albums by a particular artist, and even whole catalogues of music found? It’s just if you cross the railroad tracks off into a music genre the Carat doesn’t favor you will be instantly notified as such. And sure if you only listened to specific genres the Carat liked you would be (unbelievably) smitten with the total outcome, regardless of imperfections.....those imperfections sitting just out of hearing range.

Because when the Carat is good it is really good, and I almost want to say perfectly good, but I won’t! It’s surprisingly good at times none-the less. I have had the Carat on-hand for 5 weeks and spent way more time than needed on this review, yet I did because I care about my readers and I sincerely care about the NiceHCK company.


I want to thank Vivian at NiceHCK for the love and Jialai Carat review sample.

These are one person's ideas and concepts, your results may vary.

Equipment Used:
Sony WM1A Walkman DAP MrWalkman Firmware 4.4mm
Sony WM1Z Walkman DAP MrWalkman Firmware 4.4mm
Sony TA-ZH1ES DAC/AMP Firmware 1.03
Electra Glide Audio Reference Glide-Reference Standard "Fatboy" Power Cord
Sony Walkman Cradle BCR-NWH10
AudioQuest Carbon USB
HiBy R3 II DAP in 4.4mm balanced
ifi GO Bar Dongle in 4,4mm balanced
Samsung Phone 3.5mm output


Last edited:
David Haworth
Interesting that it plays well with the Hiby. Looking forward to trying it with mine :)


Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: An easy switch from the regular 4 gram 3-in-1 modular plug to this 7 gram plug
Enhances depth of imaging into slightly more contrast and density
Solid copper
Works with any 3-in-1 Penon or ISN modular cable system
Enhances warmth
Smooths highs
Adds density
Adds realness
Adds contrasts
Can be used as a smoothing agent to align too much treble into personal acceptance
Unique tone
Cons: None
Though possibly more reactive with more treble laden set-ups?
The Penon Solid Copper Modular Cable Plug

Review summery:
"Sure if response is too spicy we can easily change cables, or choose a different DAP to bring about alignment. But what if we wanted to keep everything in place, only because the set-up works 80% of the time? Yet there may be the possibility of the OFC Copper Plug simply smoothing-out that last 20% of usage scenarios, plus being a great add to the extra 80% that already worked out? "

Would such a sonic accomplishment be worth the asking price of $35.00?

Penon Audio and their history:
Penon got its start around the year 2013, and in many ways that time was the start of a couple concepts, all happening at once. IEMs were just then starting to be taken seriously. Sure there were IEMs taken seriously sooner, Jerry Harvey Audio got its start in 2007, after making monitors for rock stars. And of course people were learning of the sound quality of “inner-ear-monitors”.....even then. But the full-size headphone got a head-start being invented in 1910. Still it could be argued that the idea of IEMs was way sooner than 2007; I mean Knowles was first a maker of BA styled hearing-aids in 1954............that in essence is really the start of “inner-ear-monitors”. But it wasn’t until the popularity of the smartphone that IEMs really started to take off. Before that time, only a few mildly eccentric Head-Fi members were really into it. But around 2013 two things happened. One, the internet as a retail force was becoming a reality and Two, there was all of a sudden all these IEMs from China. So Penon was at the right place at the right time. They invented cables to connect the IEMs newly invented to these cell phones now in common use. Penon then expanded their line of products to include Penon IEMs and ISN IEMs/cables. Penon was addressing the needs of the audiophile community. Penon doesn’t just make IEMs & cables. Besides the Penon brand, they are a retail house that currently represents/sells well over 120 different audio brands. Not only a retailer but a renowned cable builder, making over 50 different cables/adaptors right now. Penon also currently manufactures 12 separate earphones and 11 ISN earphones as of late.

With a history going back to 2013, Penon is the logical result of years in the business. With a Penon product there is no middle-man……as this is a factory direct purchase. Penon are simply more grassroots in demeanor. Such focus of intent expands even to their whole IEM line. With the introduction of ISN; a subdivision of Penon Audio...........ISN got their start making cables, then at end of 2019 ISN introduced their first IEM. Today Penon/ISN are responsible for having almost 75 products in production and for sale!

Currently Penon/ISN manufactures and sells.
ISN Audio Cable Products:
1) AG8 Cable
2) C16 Cable
3) C2 Cable
4) C4 Cable
5) CU4 Cable
6) CS02 Cable
7) G4 Cable
8) GC4 Cable
9) GD4 Cable
10) GS4 Cable
11) H16 Cable
12) H2 Cable
13) H8 Cable
14) H8Plus Cable
15) 8 Core Cable
16) S16 Cable
17) S2 Cable
18) S4 Cable
19) S8 Cable
20) SC4 Cable
21) Solar Cable
22) Type C Audio Adapter

ISN Audio IEM Products/Earbud products
23) D02 IEM
24) D10 IEM
25) EST50 IEM
26) H30 IEM
27) H40 IEM
28) H50 IEM
29) Neo 5 IEM
30) Neo 3 IEM
31) Neo 1 IEM
32) Rambo Earbuds
33) Rambo II Earbuds

Penon Audio Cable Products
34) Bass Cable
35) CS819 Cable
36) Fiery Cable
37) Flow Cable
38) GD848 Cable
39) HiFi Balanced Adapter
40) Penon Impact Cable
41) Leo Cable
42) Leo Plus Cable
43) Mix Cable
44) Neo Cable
45) Obsidian Cable
46) Orbit Cable
47) OS133 Cable
48) OS133 Adapter
49) OS849 Cable
50) OSG Cable
51) Space Cable
52) Storm Cable
53) Totem Cable
54) Totem Adapter Cable
55) Totem Adapter Type-C DAC/Amp
56) OS133 Type-C/Lightening DAC/Amp
57) Vocal Cable
58) ASOS Cable
59) RENATA Cable
60) Rhodium Plug
61) Purple Plug
62) OFC Copper Plug

Penon Audio IEM Products
63) Penon IEM
64) Impact IEM
65) Legend IEM
66) Globe IEM
67) Serial IEM
68) Sphere IEM
69) Volt IEM
70) Vortex IEM
71) Turbo IEM
73) Quattro IEM
Possible new TOTL Voltage
75) Penon Tail Dongle

Almost 75 individual personal audio products.


PENON Oxygen-Free Copper Modular Plug
Redcarmoose Labs March 22nd, 2024

CNC cut shell, carbon fiber protective sleeve.
Gold-plated Solid Oxygen-Free Copper

Compatible models:
PENON 3-in-1 cables Penon OBSIDIAN, Penon Mix, Penon Storm, Penon Impact cable, Penon Space, Penon Totem, Penon Leo Plus, Penon RENATA

ISN 3-in-1 cables: ISN Solar, ISN H2, ISN S2, ISN C2

Ok, so to make this really easy to understand most cable plugs are not pure solid OFC Copper! Most cable plugs weight in the vicinity of 4 grams when weighted on a simple kitchen scale. So what right?


Well the material you choose for every pathway of the signal affects the final outcome to your ears. Yep. So if you have tried any pure copper cables you know the tone. Pure copper in many cable construction ideas has a smoother tone than silver plated copper, gaining weight yet also diminishing the treble energy at times.

4.4mm plug weight:

4 grams the Rhodium Plug in weight
5 grams the Purple Copper Plug in weight
7 grams the OFC Copper Plug in weight
4 grams regular 3-in-1 modular plug that came with modular Penon cable

Per Dsnuts
  • Silver for its highest transparency and stage enhancing.
  • Gold for that rich tone and depth.
  • Palladium for that remarkable imaging and detail.
  • Copper for body and warmth.

Material choices:
So if you have been collecting and using cables for even a short time you have come to realize that make-up the cable will in-fact sway the overall character into a personality. At times this is small, yet at other times it is large. This is all dealing with perception of tone and stage character. Meaning if you use the same output quality of cable in relation to what you have been using you are still in the same part of town, and any differences will be noted but not drastic. So as an example many silver plated cables will perform close to the same. Meaning there are parallel characteristics to where they get stage placement (results) and the cables convey a nice balance of warmth and detail. This is in-fact why silver and copper are used together throughout the industry.

Yet we all are questionable as to how much silver is used, especially with the off-brand $7.00 cable, as they can’t obviously use a bunch of pure silver. And while this is not a cable review as such I don’t really want to list all the properties of each material used, but today we are looking at a Rhodium plated plug, a Palladium plated a regular gold plated plug and a whole plug made from OFC. You see because this plug is at the front it affects everything downstream eventually getting to the IEM used.

The IEM used:

In my testing often I have found various cables to perform the same until I joined them up with a single new IEM. Imagine that? Well it is not that much of a big deal, as the FR response of this new IEM is somehow able to mysteriously actualize the differences found between cables. Now typically this situation is referring to different cables that I just casually place together into a group of performers. Dealing with large groups of cables, it is natural and expected to pigeon-hole groups of like performers in the end. Only to be surprised at the difference in separation one IEM allows you to distinguish. With that said the OFC Copper Plug performs much like any pure copper wire you have been exposed to. Where just like Dsnuts listed at the top Copper as a transfer material goes ahead and transfers body and warmth.

Yet the kicker here is we have the freedom to exchange the regular provided plug on Penon 3-in-1 modular cables into use of this warming device.

Oh…….and if you are wondering if there is a large or small difference here…….again it is the response of the individual IEM in question, and of course the intrinsic tone of the cable you are using. But, yes, often sometimes dramatic and sometimes subtle...............I have experienced differences.

Why would we go forward and change-out the plug they gave us with a $35.00 and twice as heavy plug? To start it makes a cable like the Penon Mix way smoother. But remember it still totally depends on the destination IEM in question. Simple really.

Let’s get started with IEM,Cable and the OFC Plug:
Before we start I just want to make something clear. That it gets to a point to where it is endless. Meaning just like cooking and the cables and plugs being spices, there are understood and practiced values at hand. Sure somebody can go crazy and combine chocolate and steak together for success, yet possibly everyone at the diner table isn’t ready for such caloric overload. Also it starts to become almost endless when you contemplate the various mixes of cables, IEMs and DAPs……………not to mention everyone’s own subjective listening signature wants and demands. So to make this review clear and basic I’m only concentrating on a basic list of three IEMs, and six different cable usage scenarios. Why? Well number one because I can, and two because it is fun.

But truly I’m limiting the tests because I feel these IEMs and cables go to truly designate the use profile of the OFC Plug.

So in some ways I’m enhancing character and other ways I’m correcting tone to more of my liking. Remember it is everything involved which goes forward to designate your end tone. Starting next to your ear with the Ear-tip, then the Cable Material and design, then the Plug…….and finally the DAP. The character of each constituent involved goes to add-up to your final sound.


Top to bottom:
Penon Leo Plus Cable $239.00
Penon Mix Cable $149.00
ISN H2 Cable $79.90
Penon ASOS Cable $169.90
ISN Obsidian Cable $149.00
Penon Renada Cable $269.00

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The Penon Leo Plus Cable:
8 Shares Gold-Silver-Palladium makes this cable a very stand out player. Being finally landed upon out of many to grace the listening final music tests in my Penon Quattro review a little while back.


Why the success?
Probably there is a unique density and fullness that surrounds imaging. Gold alloy adds a deeper tone and depth, the Palladium adds imaging. Here we are trying to add a subtle deeper density to the start of the signal right after it leaves the DAP? For whatever reason here there was not too much of a difference between the regular plug and the OFC plug. Though the more and more I listened, the results came………like small rabbits quietly climbing out from the woods. This was not something drastic and not something totally that much different. Yet there was something there. What I can describe is a subtle separation of notes and an added contrast, though not a crazy new difference found….but none the less. It was as if the background became slightly blacker and notes were in better relief. Vocals were a tad bit forward, yet this was at such a level that it was anyone's guess if it was suggestive (confirmation bias) or real life?

I would like to write that there was in-fact added note density, because I have heard of such results from this Plug, but here maybe just the make-up of the cable made it close to a wash. But after five different back and forth changes, there was noticeable improvement, though it was subtle.

I was using the Sony WM1A and Penon Volt IEM.


The Penon Mix and OFC Plug:
Finally we are getting somewhere here. Yep, the results were real and of a noticeable difference here. Where I should have known prior that the energy of the pure silver wire mixed with the contrasts of pure copper inside the Mix would allow a window into this OFC Plug. Here is in fact maybe the very best definition, I mean really it is everything in the signal chain responsible for noticeability…..and I’m using my favorite Penon, the 10th Anniversary Model to test the cable and plug here. To be truthful the Mix is not something I use all the time with the 10th. The natural fall out of the Mix in place is that it is always using the energy of pure silver to maximize the treble spaciousness inherent to every test IEM. Whereas of late I have been learning to use stuff like the Renada and ISN CS02 to kind of open the stage in a softer yet still profound way. Subtly thicker darker tones of openness and detail. As such when bringing out the Mix it was like…..OH, ya…that is what silver air is like, I almost forgot. Yet this outcome is totally subjective……meaning you may want the extra energy of the Mix with the 10th and not even value the subtle reduction and added note weight of the Penon OFC Plug. Yet typically this understanding of tone is not always instant. It is the prolonged exposure to the brighter side that gives way to a (possible) recoil of wanting a smother darker tone. And while the stage was bigger with the included 3-in-1 plug, the images were not as heavy or warm. I mean this is crazy, coming from the Leo Plus ideas of subtle difference if any, we are now face to face with remarkable change in signal. The silver energy was candidate for remarkable alterations in tone differences to be found.

Is bigger always better?
Normally I will gravitate towards the bigger and more vibrant tone, yet here it is questionable if the standard plug (with its natural vividness) is the way to go in the long run. I mean sure I can go on and on about the added density and possibly inner details arrived by taking out the silver energy of the included plug, but you get the point. The OFC Plug is an alternative route to sound here, and a fun change of events at only $35.00. Here I used the 10th, and Sony WM1A.


ISN H2 and OFC Plug:
The company sister ISN introduced a trio of cables which all looked a little the same. You had the C2, the S2 and the H2. Where the H2 was maybe the most well rounded found, the C2 was copper and the S2 silver mixed with copper. After close inspection (together) each of the three had a distinctive different look from one another, yet apart they looked almost identical. Where this 6N+ OCC, silver plated OCC Hybrid is kinda the best of both C2 and S2 worlds with the right IEM and DAP. Also just to keep things real the original plug is aluminum where the outside barrel of the regular plug is steel, making the included plug weigh just 3 grams opposed to the regular 3-in-1 modular plugs which weigh 4 grams. At only 3 grams you can totally tell the weight difference of the 7 gram OFC Plug in your hand.

The results:
Noticeably more forward and real with the OFC Plug. A simple upgrade to a cable that truly (a cable made by iSN) deserves more love here around Redcarmoose Labs. There was obviously more room for noticeability of change with the Mix as there was more information range in the treble regardless of IEM in place for testing, I think? Where early on in the comparison of these two different plugs I got a clue as to it being bass replay differences. So that is kinda how these investigations go, where at the start side-by-side the differences may start to appear small but after further testing a style of (new) reality is discovered. Sure enough the included ISN H2 cable plug offered a great sound yet it seems there really was a small margin for improvement. First with bass volume and authority then added substance to the whole signal. In fact adding this plug really is a great route to go into continuing to get added life from this midrange cable! I used the H2 with the Penon Volt and Sony WM1A.

Stop and pause for a second.........things are about to get good!

Penon ASOS Cable and OFC Plug:
Laughably I just reviewed the ASOS+ cable and sure enough rolled in the OFC Plug (with the regular ASOS) for a moment just to hear how it differed from the Rhodium Plug and Standard Plug. The ASOS+ is a fixed Palladium plug and 2Pin Palladium pin plug.

In this case there is added soundstage girth offered from both the ASOS and ASOS+.

Yet there is an offered separation and note density apparent in the more expensive ASOS+. Still I don’t care, as the original ASOS and the ASOS Plus both are some of my most favorite cables to ever come out of Penon Cable Works. Yep, they are simply gaining ground from other choices due to almost not coloring the signal at all, but offering a wider fuller soundstage and signal clarity. So the question, which I already know the answer to, is how will the OFC Plug go with the ASOS once more!


OFC Plug and Penon ASOS Cable:
The Penon 10th Anniversary IEM:

You know as far as excitement goes, this is it. Why? Well combining one of my favorite cables ever with the 10th Anniversary is a treat. A treat because the last time I did this it was purely a blast. Only because now we are joining a big stage cable with a big stage IEM…………oh, and the fact that the 10th is my most favorite Penon ever.

Win-win is when you win the high school football game, get your picture in the small town newspaper, and because of what just happened get the girl in class you always wanted. Well...............that might be win-win-win, but you get the message here. And sure it can happen all in one night, in fact with this combo it is instant, the satisfaction and clarity and bigness is instantly happening.

Maybe the stage? Maybe the separation? Maybe the vividness? I mean I’m not alone in loving the 10th. Yet around these parts everyone is using a different cable and DAP. What that means is the 10th is well rounded, and it really is. And cables are funny things as they get respect for the amount of time they have been working-out in place. Call it job stability or kinship, but whatever it is this mental acclamation stuff is real and effective at having you keep a cable dear to heart. Maybe it comes from the trial and error of playing back so many songs from your library? Maybe it has something to do with cable ergonomics..........that you only perceive subconsciously? The results are the only thing that matters…….........that and if you get (the same) results time after time.

The 10th:

A lot of the times when we try to over analyze stuff we go right past the reasons why we like something. I mean the ASOS+ did more note density and was a tad warmer. The ASOS by itself and the OFC Plug is $169.90 + $35.00 = $204.90 and the ASOS+ is $215.00? Yes, the two cables are different in that I would probably choose the ASOS+ if I had to make a choice. Yet both cables are so different that you would be surprised how they were both useful and could almost be looked at as opposite. Yes, the 10th is really better with just the ASOS+ in place, offering thicker imaging and a style of un-cluttered activity that is truly special. It is like there is a forward sculpturing of events holding a warmer tone and a bigger stage still like you are getting the stage size from the silver included............only none of the harsh excitement often included with silver stage size.


Penon 10th and ISN Obsidian Cable:
Here we are utilizing the great Obsidian. Known for its use of gold to add weight as a personality asset, here we are trying to find out if we can make it that much better. Strangely this was actually a fairly big difference, which didn’t totally make sense being normally we would find more noticeability with the upper midrange and treble activities with a brighter cable. I have no answers here, except with the Sony WM1A the differences were truly noticeable and fun……..what was the most fun was just how the 10th was anyways with the Obsidian Cable pushing the low end thickness. More bass heavy than the ASOS and Leo Plus…… the drops were having a field day causing ruckus into maybe even how the midrange was interpreted? Still vocals with the OFC Plug were vibrant and forward, so strong that nothing, not even the bass could mess with them. This truly was a cable and IEM combo I should have given more time to. I mean it is heavier and meatier than most styles of playback I choose, yet today and now there is absolutely nothing to throw rocks at. Nothing! This is a winner through and through. Where the included 3-in-1 was great, it didn’t have the extra authority in places which this OFC offered.

Now I know that really the OFC Plug can work with both brighter and darker cables to add the same form of density, as has an IEM ever been too dense………I don’t think so?

Sure there have been times where playback could be too dull with whatever IEM we were trying, but simply note density (even if a small additive) is always welcomed and appreciated.


Noble Audio K-10 Encore Universal and Penon RENATA cable:
First off, if you forget what IEM is in your ears and try to concentrate on the cable at hand, you will be thrown-for-a-loop. Yep this Encore is one strange bird, really doing much against the rules as far as even, correct and complete playback. Even applied darkness...........any style of subduing, can’t keep-up with the brightness at hand.

The Encore is bright
That’s just the way it is. After trying the Sony WM1A with the Encore I found the Encore upper midrange/treble shelf to be that much more heightened by the midrange push of the WM1A… much so that while at times the RENATA has quieted that issue.........yet not here today. A quick transfer over to the WM1Z and HiBy R3 II showed that there was a way into enjoyment of the RENATA and Encore. And while shifting plugs back and forth there was a slight realness to the OFC Plug in relation to the provided regular 3-in-1 plug that came with the RENATA, there was only a small difference between the two.

Penon Rhodium 3-in-1 Plug $29.00

Other cables other tones:
Here is a photograph of other Penon choices. The Rhodium Plug by itself really does the opposite of the OFC Copper plug enhancing the upper realm and pushing the treble energy and actualizing the stage into a different position from regular included 3-in-1 plugs. Both the Penon OSG and CS02 come with Rhodium plugs permanently.

Photograph top:
Penon Rhodium 3-in-1 Plug $29.00
ISN CS02 with Rhodium Plug $69.90
Penon OSG with Rhodium Plug $299.00


A few in the 3 in 1 Modular Series:
Penon OBSIDIAN $149.00
Penon Leo Plus $249.00
Penon Mix (with 3-in-1 Palladium "Purple" Plug) $149.00 (Cable by itself)
Penon Space $99.90


Here's the thing, the OFC Plug does (at times) add more meaningful changes, and at times the perception of change is small, yet still there. Sure the pure silver and pure copper vivid-contrast of the Penon Mix modular cable showed the most change. In some uses there could possibly be Mix Cable heat.............where changing to the Solid Penon OFC Copper Plug adds smoothness and predictability? All of the time there were noticeable changes; those changes were of a smoother tone and thicker density of overall response.

"Sure if response is too spicy we can easily change cables, or choose a different DAP to bring about alignment. But what if we wanted to keep everything in place, only because the set-up works 80% of the time? Yet there may be the possibility of the OFC Copper Plug simply smoothing-out that last 20% of usage scenarios, plus being a great add to the extra 80% that already worked out? "

Where the OFC Plug may not be always the final solution, but a combination of ear-tips and source changes may let you use a cable and IEM combo that you previously were limited in use on. Simply adding the plug can extend listing times, especially if your set-up is bordering on too hot. Or of course enhancing an already great IEM/DAP combo experience by simply going forward and adding the thickness and note weight realities.


I want to thank Penon Audio for the love and for the Solid OFC Plug review sample.

These are one person's ideas and concepts, your results may vary.

Equipment Used:
Sony WM1A Walkman DAP MrWalkman Firmware 4.4mm
Sony WM1Z Walkman DAP MrWalkman Firmware 4.4mm
Sony TA-ZH1ES DAC/AMP Firmware 1.03
Electra Glide Audio Reference Glide-Reference Standard "Fatboy" Power Cord
Sony Walkman Cradle BCR-NWH10
AudioQuest Carbon USB
HiBy R3 II DAP 4.4mm
ifi GO bar Dongle

The Lotus Flower designates the Penon Purple Plug
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Wow...incredibly comprehensive. 'Me too', as they say. I'm also a Penon 10th devotee. I know from meditation that both concentration and mindfulness meditations enable the mind to 'notice' subtle differences in listening experiences. As I rapidly age I listen more to enjoy, but the 'noticing' always stays to a degree.


Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: Great note-weight and musicality
A crazy style of romantic thickness
Fun with an injection of low-end energy
Instant authority
Makes your thinner files sound musical
Wickedly large stage......that goes on and on
Original, the Hades sounds like nothing you or I have ever heard before
Cons: Missing some technicalities regardless of price point
Could be too bass heavy for some
PRaT is adversely affected by bass quantity
Vocals are not a strong point here
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QKZ x HBB Hades Review
Redcarmoose Labs March 19th, 2024

As such we find a collaboration between HBB and QKZ. The YouTube luminary is sporting his tuning abilities and marketing power to use once again. HBB is a Youtube personality continuing to empower his sound ideas, and build an IEM for his personal library. Maybe much like a guy in the backroom at QKZ, only this HBB is more noticeable and exists as a high-profile entity which puts a name and a face onto the IEM tune. And not only the tune but HBB may have a say on how the Hades was named and/or designed to look. After a few HBB collaboration efforts I do regard them to share a common sound profile, regardless of the builder. Really this collaboration stuff I am “OK” with, meaning sure it is maybe overused, but at times the sound designer brings personality to the table, and brings forth a particular sound that is both understandable and unique.

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So here we find something slightly different, as the Hades is put together with X2 9mm LCP diaphragms, only each driver gets a signal passed through by the crossover. As such this crossover splits the signal into 2 parts and gives 1 9MM the lows and one the highs. Now here’s the thing…….normally I get fairly good ideas as to the playback character straight out of the box. And I did a box opening set of photographs and interpretations. Only this time I thought the Hades was good and did some secret sauce tricks that contained a big stage as well as filled that stage with a ton of sonics. Meaning sure the Hades out-of-the-box was good, but I wasn’t sure about the pace it offered? I actually couldn’t exactly recommend it at first. A few weeks later after a couple other reviews and leaving the Hades on the burn-in bench for a week and what do you know…………what ever that pace issue it wasn’t totally gone but improved fact the Hades was alive………….




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While sure, look at the graph. This is an oddball style of tune none-the-less. But it does two very important things right off…….maybe these are the most important things? The Hades has reverberations and note weight. Yep, these two components when added to the rest of the qualities make an IEM often musical. And that’s what we have. Great timbre too. I mean right off……..studying the graph will alienate 1/2 of Head-Fi. And that’s an accepted part of life. Where many put confidence on reading graphs only and have a set of parameters which delegate where their money gets spent. Even if they have been doing this IEM hobby thing for only 6 months, they think they know themselves and the ropes around here. Sure there is nothing wrong with thinking that way, only you have to realize graphs are only a squiggly line on paper………and don’t make a sound at all. Sure that may be representative of how the Hades graphs out……….but once again I wouldn’t read too much into the graph. Why? Well you may overthink yourself straight out of getting a low-cost and enjoyable IEM. What the Hades is is fun, but more than fun……there is a reason for this fun. Now just so you don’t think I’m part of this conspiracy to talk purely sales talk and somehow make you buy something you are not going to like……………buy something that maybe I don’t even like, but sound like I do......I’m going to list the last five review scores I have done.........

1) 4.5
2) 5.0
3) 3.0
4) 3.0

5) 5.0

Do you see those 3.0 star reviews? That was partially due to lack of note weight and lack of reverberations. And the reason I’m giving the Hades a better score is because I really think burn-in did something…….that or it was just me getting my first impressions off, or incomplete or something? Because in a nutshell the Hades has great timbre, actually fairly OK pace, considering the amount of bass going on. It has an insane stage, with super cool imaging……….and more musicality than two IEMs. Yep, I really like it and think it is a value for the $49.99 asked. In fact this review was one of the easy ones to write. As that is kinda how it goes down when you groove with the style of playback you’re writing about………..the words flow out and onto the paper, and at the end of the day everyone is happy.

Equipment rolls:
Here we investigate how Hades does with different ideas of playback.



The HiBy R3 II in 3.1 TypeC file player mode to the ifi GO bar.
I used four different cables in today's testing yet one I’m not going to talk about the included cable. While not bad if you had to use it, it is one of the most tangly cables I have ever received with an IEM? The other three cables include the 4.4mm NiceHCK Himalaya cable, the SIMGOT AUDIO LC7 in 4.4mm and the Penon ASOS Plus in 4.4mm. To simplify things here is the HiBy R3 II and LC7 hooked up to the Hades out of the GO bar in 4.4mm.

Tested using the Batman v Superman OST:

I’m still learning a lot. As this is not the most treble boosted tone, but gets its definition from pure resolution, opening the stage to glorious imaging and spacial clues. Of course I have the volume pumped as such a relaxed yet authoritative display would get you the personal freedom to do. Yet again the staging is the value here, as I’m not so sure I have ever heard under $50.00 be so grand in size? But while maybe not the most detailed pace, this theme that I’m listening to is fully acceptable and even going the extra mile to proclaim bass details, it is just there is an added furry texture and deep harmonic richness that is really the opposite of what I normally listen to? Yet I’m listening and the highs are still there and separated and playing back representing their desired frequency response though of an amber color and not bright yellow. Still the winning presentation comes from correct timbre and 2 9MM DDs kicking some butt.

The HiBy R3 II by itself:
A fast change out to the HiBy R3 II in less than 0.5 of a second showed slightly less detail yet this style of DAP works. I mean it is not always that you want to walk around with this Frankenstein’s Monster of a set up. At home you are fine, but out and about I would probably take the convenience of just the Hades hooked up to the LC7 in 4.4mm to the HiBy R3 II in great form? Here we are given a slightly less detailed rendition of the events than the GO bar yet still very thick and authoritative. The stage is incredibly eventful and fun, and I truly don’t have a want for more. This M signature HiBy R3 II does just seem to work here?


The WM1A and ASOS Plus Cable with the Hades:
Some may find this set-up ridiculous as the ASOS Plus is $215.00? Yet combined with the mid centric powered WM1A we are now witnessing a grand enhancement of character. Yep, the ASOS Plus is cleaning up the floor and placing everything on shelfs here, there is a faster pace and an all out charm to the music. Even the harmonics of real instruments somehow get closer to real life. This is true, only finally at the end of the tunnel we still capture the deep lower midrange energy the Hades does 24/7………you can’t escape this tone, yet all around it is a cleaner and faster positioning of musical excitement.

Music tests:
Here right off I’m going to get down and dirty into my perception of music playback. No better way to describe an IEM. Also later in the review I’m going to do side-by-side tests against 2 other IEMs, yet don’t you think the music tests should come first? Reason being is you want to get to know the IEM before you start to compare playback character.

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Kaveh Cohen, Michael Nielsen
Forza Motorsport OST
Forza Motorsport 2023
44.1 kHz - 24 bit

This song is the opener of this soundtrack. And while I’m more specialized at using other choices in this OST, the song just happened to come-up when I was writing and by chance I thought it would be a different style of song to use here. First off it is the opener, so a song that seems to have a little more pace than some of the more moody pieces. Laughably nothing is really that moody here. As such this is the style of music meant as a backdrop for the gaming experience, a racing game experience. I mean I have never even played this game, yet I can almost feel the cars traveling across the track when this song is played? Of course that could all be simple suggestion too. Where you think a song is a tool for a racing gaming soundtrack and all-of-a-sudden feel like you’re playing a racing game. Here as with all the music tests I’m using the Sony WM1A with MrWalkman’s firmware, the NiceHCK Himalaya cable and my regular wide-bore ear-tips. As such the WM1A is very mid-centric and has ample bass pace, typically sculpturing the bass and making the midrange be the star of the show. The wide-bore ear-tips also add to such style of clarity and add soundstage into presenting itself the widest it can be. I cheated here, yep I skipped ahead to the song I normally use as I just wanted to make sure that I got this character, the Hades character in full clarity of perception.

And later I will go back to the opening. But here we have a tremendous amount of bass, it is this room response as I like to call it. What happens is sound energy reflects off the inside walls of the speakers, then travels out to the back walls of the listening room, and reflects off the side walls adding to the tone coming from the front of the speakers. This single phenomenon is one of the major differences from speakers to headphones. This room response is also responsible for adding note-weight and authority to everything it touches. Big fluid bass though what counteracts it is the 2.5 kHz to 4.2 kHz peaks. Yep it is the presence of this form of contrast that allows the clarity to form regardless of the lower realm trying to cloud it up. Though a side reaction is in a way you don’t totally hear into the sonics, there is an amount of detail which gets subdued and replaced with this warm inviting musicality and thick imaging. This imaging is so very big into the stage that even the lower midrange is somehow pushed out into this soft but slowly moving authority that never lets up. Drums where this downbeat is heard makes a quite opposite statement in that with other IEMs it can be a slap, yet here that slap is only the iceberg sticking out of this fully low-end submerged aspect that is there, below the water level. Yet due to this sonic repositioning I can almost hear this as complementary to how I normally hear this song, it showing the darker half, and while truly entertaining, it is not something I have to get used to to enjoy………as it sounds strangely correct right off, only I know there are other playbacks which offer a different window into playback.

Forza Motorsport 2023
Here we are supplied really with the same song theme as “Brotherhood” , my regular test song. Yet here the pace seems a little sped-up and saying hello for the introduction. Where there are the regularly used piano notes, yet here we are provided with a deeper tone, holding the underworld of sonics, still correct, yet very very different from how I normally listen to this. There is less fatigue for this listener, and I don’t seem to ever get bass fatigue either? I’m not sure if this makes sense but I seem to like the Hades more with songs I’ve only known for a week. Yep, the newer styles of files that have less stigma attached to how my mind demands they get heard have better luck. Is this a back-handed compliment, it may be?


Expedition Frozen Taiga
When Darkness Comes
44.1 kHz- 24 bit

As such this song somehow totally works here…………to about 95% it works. The drums at the start and the echoes they contain adds to the mood. I mean the whole trick here is to somehow start to fool yourself that this is completely and totally correct, when I’m not so sure that it is…….but it is not bad? I mean this exists because the makers of the Hades know they could never make a thrilling IEM that only did upper-end details and bring it to market for under $50.00. So what they can do (and get away with) is introduce a bass heavy IEM that has thrills from the low-end details, then get HBB to sign off on the thing.

As such this seasoned listener can’t be totally fooled into believing this is 100% of playback………it just can’t be? Now maybe people who have less experience, or bass heads will say this is totally perfect, but the Hades gets 1/2 star less, because how can you ever rate anything like this as 5 star? That’s its role in life, to be controversial and different, I mean they understood this when they were making it, I’m sure. In a way it is marketing, because in a way nothing exactly like the Hades ever existed before now. As such……”When Darkness Comes” has a lot of digital reverb in its creation. The opening drums the keys……….really this style of music would be at least 90% different if reverb was not used. With that said The QKZ x HBB Hades grabs hold of the reverberations and doesn’t let go of them. As such they (the reverbs) are drawn out to the ultimate length here. See that’s the thing, DD drives can have many different sounds, maybe even more than applied characters to BA devices or Planar devices? DDs can be bright and with lesser reverbs, or long and extended in reverb performance. I have to guess these reverbs though are also connected to how this IEM is tuned. Make the diaphragm rigid and watch the reverb times get a cut. But no, here we are going for it, all of it. As such if you do take a walk into the town of Hades make sure you get a few days of burn-in going and play with your brighter sources and cables, maybe looking for a little balance, unless you are from the dark side…………….you know the bass head side. Then I don’t know what to tell you, you are obviously in an under $50.00 paradise. Here after the beat and after the bass drops we are greeting a style of echo which takes position way outside the stage. Why didn’t I talk of the obvious here…….you know the bass and the drums…….? I mean surely those are the front and center statements in music like this? It’s just that yes, when the drums hit they bring about an accent until the bass kicks in at 00:54….then you realize the entire groove of the song. And what’s memorable is the extra reverb continuation…….off to the sides, both sides……that sounds like one of those infinity reverbs, like it will never end…….and it is so far gone we can’t find the original sound that started it. When in reality it must be a sampler Hrrrrrrrr. At 01:20 when the brushes hit we find that finally there is a range going on here and it blends as much as the Hades will allow. That in-fact there are many levels of emphasis to the brush strokes. And sure as each element of the song is introduced we are grateful and entertained. As this style of music is dependent on introductions to push the interest forward and to the next part. That it is the variations that are of interest, not the actual sounds themselves, partially. At 01:48 there is a big splash of treble…….well treble for this song anyway. Though with-in a seconds time we realize this was the departure of the beat. Yes, more intros and exits than previously guessed, could or would even take place here. Where even as soon as the 02:02 mark there is the resulting break-down. Then back to full elements as scheduled, only once more a bright and wavy introduction of treble………this travels from side to side and reassures us to the extent of stage width at 02:16. You see they know just how much new information to add……running from any chance of boredom. In music like this from the 1990s at this point they may even add a spoken word snippet? But possibly we are now way farther away from any taking life forms? At 02:44 the keys are once again added, yet they are not too dark or too anything…….just right. At a place like this in a 06:11 song we are satisfied, satisfied that there is a warm groove below us with additives on-top and no fear of (this song) getting stale, as by now it has earned our respect.

Then maybe it comes some talk, but not really of an understandable language, a vocoder saying something that I can’t make out, this vocoder may have been through-out the song so far, as it is these realizations that add mystery and magic.


Neverending Story
Neverending Story
44.1 kHz - 16 bit

Really slightly more uplifting than the last song, Oh……..those drums? Lucky the mind goes and starts to somehow place those beats into the rear focus, the mental focus. But wait, the use of starting and stopping of the beat keeps it at the forefront. Then we drill into the texture, the message…….the message is there is a heavy, super heavy bass here………I mean this is a bass track. In fact I’m embracing the bass……it’s taking me away. Eventually the song begins to end, but it just started. It is this time machine aspect of good IEMs where you literally lose 4 minutes into the song…….being preoccupied by the pure tone of it all and that’s the value. This phenomenon goes by (and time passes unnoticed) and is therefore pretty much indescribable……..but that is the way of escapism entertainment.

Deep Forrest
Deep Forrest
Sweet Lullaby
44.1 kHz - 16 bit


Here is a song very representative of the new musical culture of the times. A window into musicology and cultural anthropology. Here we can witness a very organic and spellbinding fusion of old dialect from 1970 mixed with samplers of the era. Interwoven we experience the warmness of the Beagu lullaby mixed with a stark vibe of the samplers, drum machines and synthesizers. The bass laden beats push this forward, but more than that the vocal samples make it through……..and while sure I have heard this song played from the opposite end of the spectrum, capturing the airiness and spacial size that comes with a more flagrant midrange……..of course. Yet this still works and better than just work, it is an alternative way to hear the song…….traveling to a different region of emotion and pace. Literally everything is slightly toned down, yet being brought forth due to the 2.5 kHz to 4.2 kHz peaks. I mean sure this take on what is right playback or wrong is truly subjective in the end, yet a song like Sweet Lullaby simply works. At least it works for me with the set-up I’m using currently? This song also uses a plateau of stimulus organization where more and more audio information is added upon each other to introduce a kind of extra effect. Later (after the break) a chorus of singing takes and makes this song go to the next level. It may be simply the texture of the drums and bass in both this song and the last that makes all this work so well. I really don’t think the original samples were stereo……that a background chorus was then recorded to add to the luster of the song. And each sample was panned from right to left to kind of add an amount of energy to such a mix. Though when it comes down to it, it is the warm vibe of the drums and the exquisite deep lower midrange energy (almost analogue) that makes this (somewhat sleepy) song gain the added points to work in replay.


Sheild Emitter (feat. Tineidae)
44.1 kHz - 24 bit

Well, I can’t do this review and not include this song. In fact this kinda means I have to include a few more test songs than I normally do just to go to the deep place (in bass) that we have on offer. Here we are visiting a deep ambient bass track filled with real depth and deep energy. In fact the bass here is almost effortless and holding a physical and visceral charm……that only a source like this one could possibly provide. Now while going for it and getting it here, there are other headphones which provide a better separation and layering especially at the 01:31 mark. But the Hades is more rudimentary here, more primal and even stupid. Yet at the price of admission and for the entertainment it provides, all is forgiven. Where here the bass is actually physical, it is crossing those boundaries and becoming a force to deal with. While other more balanced IEM players will take this song apart into striations of bass, here we are greeted with a cohesive one, with extra deep attachments that pull on our emotion like a new thrill. I mean I have used this song so much (for review) that I know it……….and there are even up-top elements like breathing and chimes that are not even heard…………so they don’t exist in the music with the Hades. It’s truly funny how one IEM can take apart one level of song aspects and other go the opposite route, and neither are really wrong at what they do, only very different. I mean sure this song is almost like only sound effects………so there are many different ways to hear it. With the extra bass it was fun, but probably my favorite way to hear it is more neutral with treble separations to include those chimes…….yet this was a cool and different experience.


Phantom Of The Opera (Iron Maiden cover)
48 kHz - 24 bit

For many readers this will be the only song that holds any value in the group. Reason being it is one that is not based on synthesis. Yep the rest of the songs (except for Sweet Lullaby…..which has vocals) have very little “live” instruments used, and therefore are direct to board recordings, which put a different style of demands and overall sound response in IEMs. And out of necessity I placed this here at the end. And sure many more discoveries resulted, as guessed due to actual real-life timbre and room echoes etc…etc. Also too, this is after spending a full day with the Hades in my ears. So there is a style of acceptability that is brought forth, mainly because it is to the IEM you are reviewing causing listening issues, but the one before and the one before that one. So much of the time it is mental acclimation which decides what is good or bad in reviews. It is the reviewers responsibility not to be sidetracked by such memories. Here really the Hades are the floor standers here. The speakers in the room let the deep harmonics flourish and take form. The opening guitar parts are done with some type of octave multiplier effect that lets the strings play a down-tuned note along with the upper guitar register note. Such an effect is used often in rock to expand the guitar and add harmonics. And here it is to sound like multiple guitars playing and in fact it could be both used? This is called double leads in the music world, and Iron Maiden have made such things their trademark. Note only that but the bass is also going along for the ride here…….mirroring the note events. All I can say is the Hades is somehow unearthing the whole gambit of information here…….every part. The sound is full, harmonically rich……and big……….and we are only 00:10 seconds in!

At 00:20 seconds we are now face to face with these room reverbs and just as guested…….yep, the Hades is going full-tilt to go right along with what is demanded of it. At 00:27 the guitar chords hit and once again we are brought new tones to try and discover if they are correct or not. The best part of the 00:34 segment is the fact that the guitars are dueling it out and taking different images into stage presence. And while an after effect of such density becomes a burden on pace…… started to expect that. It is this giving up of pace as a trade for excitement that becomes the guilty pleasure in the end. The fact that you can’t have this much bass energy and expect the pace to not be affected, it is just a fact of sonic life. Still I can hear the cymbal crashes and while not in any way forward, they are still separated and doing their thing in the outskirts of the stage. The vocals here……..listen I don’t want to make the Hades be any more or less than it is…….except this is not a vocal centric IEM in any form or fashion. As such Tobias Forge is simply there, not too far back but questionable if this is truly a correct way to interpret him. Yes, of course other IEMs push these vocals are forward……yet we can still hear him, just not all of his expression and luster.


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While the cable is nothin to write home about, it works. Though maybe the most tangly I have ever come across?

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While often disregarded as cheaper to make an IEM from 3D printed resin, many may prefer the idea, offering a more comfortable temperature in cold weather. Here we are greeted with a single vent off the bottom with an additive unusual rectangular vent off the back as seen (both) in the above picture. Here the nozzle looks to be shorter than it really is, with no bevel to hold tips on, my favorite ear-tips seemed to work flawlessly, and I don't know why? A inset screen gets out of the way and seems to function without notice.


Here we try the Hades against its contemporaries.

The BLON X HBB Z300 (Middle position)


Sure, ask me how or why I chose these IEMs to compare and I will tell you. For starters the Z300 had a place in being the very first HBB collaboration I was familiar with. Then the C2 was the odd-man-out, meaning there was a chance here that the TINHIFI C2 could show us the differences by contrast of why we may want something else to use. Yep, I’m not all about just glorifying the Hades experience, yet while it does offer thrills, it is not everything. Word on the street says I like Crins collaborations better, and that may be true? Why, well this Hades is so over the top, it exists as a great departure from your regular listens (in my humble opinion)……….though to be using it all the time………well you could be forced into a style Hades?

The BLON X HBB Z300 v The Hades:

Here we are giving the extra benefit of using the ASOS Plus and WM1A as a way to trim the authority and as revealed right before add an extra ounce of pace to our test subjects. Laughably this Z300 is the Hades off the steroids. Yep less density and power, less stage and faster more nimble pace. A pushed up midrange not lurking in the depths, we are now gifted with a less dramatic and less bass powered example of IEM art. Yet somehow (and don’t ask me how) the Z300 is not as involving…..the stage is not as big and I can see the limits of the Z300’s performance. Where we just came from a huge auditorium and now we are witnessing a smaller club with a slight glare that the Hades does away with 100% of the time. Which would I choose here………the Hades confusingly? Where the Hades was like (all-of-a-sudden) a longed for girl that just got on the bus. Yep, a need for just what the Hades did in absence of its twisted charms.

The TINHIFI C2 v The Hades:
So call me a risk taker………..sure this is budget…..but only 1/4 less money. But in hindsight this was the perfect IEM response to end our side by sides. Why? True there could have been other “perfects” but the C2 offers a very straight forward (while still warm) example of balance. The balance is everything the Hades lacks, and we do get benefits of such even Steven. Yet, it isn’t all sunshine and ice-cream cones for the C2. Nope that while there is a more forward vocal rendition, even stuff like vocal reverbs get more notice as they are near the same vocal frequency in generation……..but? The Hades has a bigger footprint, a more dramatic and cinematic vividness regardless of what gets covered-up in the fallout. While TINHIFI has made a truly great IEM with the C2, it is not really boring, but at the same time it is not doing the sinful excesses of the Hades, it is not walking to the dark side of town, and going to those dark bars where after a few drinks what is wrong becomes right. Yep, in my days of listening the Hades it has slowly enticed me over to the darker realm of life.


$49.99 without microphone
$50.99 with microphone

I would like to thank Kareena from Linsoul for the love and the QKZ x HBB Hades review sample.

Linsoul website:
Linsoul Aliexpress Store:
Linsoul USA Amazon Store link:

Equipment Used:
Sony WM1Z Walkman DAP MrWalkman Firmware 4.4mm and 3.5mm
Sony WM1A Walkman DAP MrWalkman Firmware 4.4mm and 3.5mm
Samsung Phone 3.5mm
HiBy R3 II 3.5mm/4.4mm output and 3.1 USB Type-C output
GO bar Dongle

Last edited:
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Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: Nice top air display of details, a price point leader here
Simple medium small shape never fails to get perfect fitment
A 5 driver Hybrid doing the definitive Hybrid sound
Knowles 31736 composite dual balanced armature for highs
Medium frequency 2 Knowles 29689 balanced armature
Polymer PU composite 10mm Dynamic Driver
Can be powered off phone, yet comes alive with better sources
Strangely shows the exact stage personality of each and every source
Offers a subtle U shape tune with all the lows and all the highs vividly
A clean & controlled low-end offering pace and sculptured bass notes
Cons: A forward treble positioning may be just slightly hot for the treble sensitive
Sound Rhyme SR5 "The Underdog"
Redcarmoose Labs March 17th, 2024


Who is Sound Rhyme? Well they are a fairly new manufacture, at least a new one that has come to light in the last few months. You know, the latest big IEM thing..........with many local members getting into the brand and discovering products from the line.

Sound Rhyme as of March 17th offers:

$749.00 Sound Rhyme DTE900 4EST+ 4BA + 1DD Hybrid
$369.00 Sound Rhyme SR7 1DD+6BA Hybrid
$749.00 Sound Rhyme SR8 14BA
$59.00 Sound Rhyme SR1 Bass 9.2mm (single full-range DD)
$459.00 Sound Rhyme DTE500 2EST+ 2BA + 1 Dynamic Driver Hybrid
$149.00 Sound Rhyme SR5 4BA + 1 Dynamic Driver Hybrid
$1,799.00 Sound Rhyme Prado EST 4EST+12BA Hybrid

Sound Rhyme:

So you know the deal, a new manufacturer comes along and gains a following, yet all this just happened, and is happening as we speak. Sound Rhyme is the brand of the moment!

He started a Head-Fi Sound Rhyme thread back in early February of 2023 beginning with (the one IEM we are reviewing today)……the $149.00 4BA/1DD SR5. He called it an “undiscovered hidden gem”….this business moves fast, as now you can choose from seven Sound Rhyme IEMs. Anyway, this is the second Sound Rhyme I have been introduced to, and I have to say the company is doing a number of things right. AmericanSpirit also introduced the SR5 to the Head-Fi community in this single post.

Feb 19, 2023 at 7:18 AM
Post #72,814 of 97,191

Sound Rhyme SR5 4BA + 1 Dynamic Driver Hybrid

  • Model: SR5
  • Driver: 10mm composite diaphragm dynamic + 2 Knowles balanced armature 29689 + Knowles composite dual balanced armature 31736
  • Impedance: 26Ω
  • Frequency response: 20Hz-20kHz
  • Connector: 2pin 0.78mm
  • Plug: 3.5mm/4.4mm straight plug
  • Cable: silver-plated mixed cable
It’s important to note just how fast Head-Fi moves as this single introduction to Sound Rhyme as a company took place with that single Discovery Thread post back in the middle of February 2023. As such AmericanSpirit was onto something.

To quote AmericanSpirit…….
“TLDR; “Hit!”, Highly Recommendable as extremely high cost performing warm-neutral with U-hint. Has extremely wide range from sub-sub-bass to TOTL styled finesse articulation for 8-9khz, 15khz, and 20khz detail highlight, the reverb generation.

Usually vocalist-IEM doesn’t have diffusion field but this SR5 does have both, vocal richness as well as wide diffusions.”

In retrospect:
Maybe this was the perfect way to introduce the IEM brand…........with this single example?

The SR5:

10mm high polymer DD
Knowles ED29689 x2 (Mid)
Knowles 31736 composite tweeter x2 (Mid- High)
4 way crossover

The SR5:
What we have in many ways can be viewed as the underdog. Meaning sure I’ve only heard one other Sound Rhyme, the SR7. And while to be truthful I actually love the SR7 more. Meaning its playback is bigger and more technical, covering more ground yet of course costing more at $369.00. Plus the SR7 has switches. Later I will do side-by-sides with the SR5 and SR7…..but let's just say the sonic value of diminishing returns are wildly apparent upgrading to the SR7…… you don’t go up (a huge percentage) in sound value with way over 2X the price.

And really that is the entire point of this review, that the underdog SR5 is quite the performer, that it has a balance in playback, a character of being a vocal IEM yet with the added class upgrade of a bigger more expensive IEM in regards to technicalities.


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Packaging photos Penon Audio



The case:

Normally I don’t talk too much about the added extras. I mean sure they are important here, except just looking at this screw down case……….in no way would you guess it came with an IEM costing just $149.00?

Sure common sense would suggest that you take out the 2 pieces of foam inside the screw down case and use it with the included cable as a water tight and bullet-proof transport device. But take note that this works like a charm as we still gain the benefits of the lower foam insert permanently glued onto the bottom and under the lid!

In such a set-up we can enjoy a water tight, no-rattle..........super compact traveling case.

It you don’t want to go through the trouble of unscrewing the case lid each time, Sound Rhyme has included a second leather magnetically closed case for alternative use.

Adding a cleaning cloth to the inside of the case:
As such an extra cleaning cloth goes one-step-farther to guarantee safe transport against a single inner bevel (which could be harmful in scratching the IEMs) right at the lip. Of course if you feel like changing cables each time, the IEMs can be transported as they came with the screw down case foam inside, leaving room for the IEMs alone.


As such the stock faceplate is cool in an understated way. If you by chance shine a UV light onto it you will witness a green afterglow that lasts almost 1 second. This style of faceplate has been used by qdc, and EPZ among others. If by chance you want more faceplate choices an extra $45.00 gets you a huge choice of four pages of alternative faceplate ideas.

Screen Shot 2024-03-16 at 11.06.13 AM.png

The Cable:
Normally I don't give the included cables too much emphasis, except here is the exception to the rule. As it turns out the cable is the exact same cable that comes with the SR7. A silver plated copper affair that has great feel in the hands. The ear-hooks are of average pressure and in can come in your choice of 3.5mm or 4.4mm.





Finding itself rather small compared to the the HiSenior Okavango 6 BA + 1DD, and even smaller in comparison to the Sound Rhyme SR7 6 BA + 1 DD Universal IEM......we are gifted with perfect fitment. The metal nozzle end holds ear-tips on perfectly without movement. Take note of the careful semi-custom shape which allows the IEM to form that much closer to your ears. Really as of a few years ago they have dialed this fitment thing to exact standards, allowing basically this exact style of shape to be almost commonly found, especially since we are not trying to put too many parts inside the SR5.


You will note a single air-vent off the side.


The SR5 parts inside:

High frequency: Knowles 31736 composite dual balanced armature.
Medium frequency: 2 Knowles 29689 balanced armature, improve voice resolution, medium frequency density balance.
Low frequency: use of 10mm composite diaphragm dynamic driver with an impedance 16Ω. Uses a Polymer PU composite diaphragm. And a N52 NdFeB shell, gold-plated magnet.

Response to staging:
Here is the deal. When testing often an attribute of an IEM comes to light which is not totally normal. Meaning I test IEMs every week, actually a couple times a week. But once in a while an ability will surprise much so that I have to ask the moment.........does every IEM do this? The ability to relay soundstage correctly is an inherent ability of the SR5. Now I'm not just talking right to left. No, I was able to choose sources which pumped the staging ability into forward and back, top to bottom. It was the SR5's ability to exactly transfer stage size into audible levels of character. As such we can discover what ability your sources have to keep the stage medium, or to go hog wild in stage displacement.



Left to right:
$369.00 Sound Rhyme SR7 6 BA + 1 DD Universal IEM
$149.00 Sound Rhyme SR5 4 BA + 1 DD Universal IEM
$299.00 The HiSenior Okavango 6 BA + 1DD Universal IEM

$239.00 The HiSenior Mega5P 4 BA + 1 DD Universal IEM


The SR7 phenomena:
$369.00 Sound Rhyme SR7 6 BA + 1 DD Universal IEM
One of the later discovered traits of the SR7 was that just by its nature it seemed to add a style of robust authority to whatever DAP I tried it with. Meaning the SR7 would add playback girth and density to whatever was upstream. Use the SR7 with a phone or even an entry level DAP like the HiBy R3 II and find a welcome home owning an ongoing fireplace which seemed to add coziness and even love……….If I can stretch these ideas? This home had the furnishings and full-on comfort of much more expensive IEMs, and as such could be welcomed with open arms.

As such we were immersed in such SR7 character traits which upon first learning became a riddle, a riddle of warmth in question being slightly too much………then later decided upon being exactly right. Yep, the SR7 is like that, especially if you live with it on a daily basis, rotating through as many IEMs as I do. What this means in the end is there is a sizable stage and that stage is filled with lush excesses, though topped off with details, only not all the details……..yet 100% musicality. So that’s the SR7.

Where the SR5 comes off easily more accessible. It is the more strait-laced friend that does not take chances, nor challenge fate with chances with too many ideas of warm wildness. Yep, the SR5 is out to prove that it knows the ropes inside of playback and could in fact be chosen over the more expensive SR7 simply by being more up-front and normal. This normality is simply an attribute I place on sound replay after side-by-sides. This business of comparing IEMs side-by-side is really not that difficult or confusing, especially with two IEMs like the SR7 and SR5 to compare. Where sure there are only 2BAs between the two to make differences……..yet that would be misleading to most. Except of course the differences between the two IEMs is way more than that…….as they are tuned differently and have very different destination ideas from the start. Where sure the SR7 has the tuning switches which offers more ways to go, but I have landed on both switches up getting the biggest stage. And while attempting to create a closer brotherhood by dialing the SR7 switches to the vocal setting or pop music setting further substantiated the fact that one IEM is a cat, and one IEM is a fish. That in-fact going back and forth between the SR7 with switches, and the SR5……one starts to almost hear the SR5 as more filled-in. Yep, even with less drivers, the airiness obtained inside the midrange and treble went to solidify the fact that the SR5 is not messing around here. Even the bass between the two SR7 and SR5 was very close to the same. I mean that is basically what everyone is saying about the SR5…….that its basic demeanor is nice bass, elevated upper midrange/trebles which promotes vocals and a Hybrid separation with added airiness that you never get tired of................or is never too much. You see, this was a hard pill to swallow for this reviewer, only because I love the SR7. Sure I know it is not perfect, but the SR7 baths in personality. It is this personality that becomes endearing. Where we can kind-of make the SR7 become like the SR5…….it never truly is, even with switches changed. The bass always stayed the same but after each flick of a switch the midrange and treble were altered to be closer to the SR5, except at times there was more contrast in the treble and at other times it actually seemed less filled in from midrange/treble character. There are more BAs for the playback, and switches to work wonders, this can’t be a correct summarization? But it is, and that’s the magic the SR5 brings to the table. A switchless model that is dialed in just right, being able and capable to playback many genres and many DAP upstream characters, all with-in acceptable levels. Where is the SR5 missing stuff? Well………it is the harmonics inside those correct tones which (as an example) get found and broadcast by the SR7 better. Fuller, of more detail, and of more realistic tone. There is simply more information combining to create a slightly softer but more filled out stance tonally in the end. And it is partially that stance that goes along to provide the SR7’s total personality, regardless of switch positioning.

None of this should undermine the exotic (rare) yet truthful and mainstream playback performed by the SR5… it is doing a lot with a little. Getting just the right amount of bass to go that step forward to make you realize that you are listening to a Hybrid in action. Boom!

The bass playback is wonderfully separated into the stage, a place all its own, yet owning a smooth and pleasant tone holding details and correct pace. The bass has the frequency range, only it is naturally fast and doesn’t interfere with the midrange. As such the midrange and treble also go the extra mile to guarantee you that Hybrid separation sensation into the stage. There is this character the BAs do that is the very reason why we purchase Hybrids in the first place. Yet the treble and midrange (while holding contrast) are still very blended with the total character of playback, showing an upper-end sophistication far above the SR5’s humble price point. The SR5 has a style where you start to guess the vocals both male and female are better than the SR7, that while sure the stage is larger with what the SR7 does (especially on the stage switch settings). But the SR5 is going forward to proclaim a cleaner and less nonsense form of IEM playback, it is simply not messing around here. I hate to say it but the vocals really are special here and would be perceived as better in most cases, than the SR7. Only while vocals are sitting slightly back farther the SR7 is offering a more filled-in and finer detail of sound design…….....only showing-up less vivid than the SR5?



$299.00 The HiSenior Okavango 6 BA + 1DD Universal IEM
Probably what shows up first is how good but still different the Okavango is. Really surprisingly the bass is heavier (than the SR5) and that is almost the last thing I was expecting? There are more BAs here, and in small ways you can extract such clues. There is finite small extra extensions of treble drum elements out into the stage, only somehow I’m finding the SR5 both slightly less detailed due to less drivers actualized, but the Okavango tuning here is a tad less forward in the upper midrange/treble, that like the SR7 we are simply getting a slightly toned down level of replay in the upper midrange and treble with more bass. Now you would think that would get the Okavango into dark water……..when nothing could be farther from the truth.

Dark water for the Okavango?
That this is all very small differences enabling both IEMs to ride out almost (in-a-way) the same basic tune profile. It is just that the Okavango somehow comes off a more filled out example in stage, with a more robust bass but a softer treble, yet only ever so soft in comparison to the SR5. I mean sure you can hear the extra money and where it went with the Okavango, only this slight brightness could almost be looked at as more resolving as far as the SR5 goes. There is a slight element of more smoothness with the Okavango, but after spending as much time as I have with the SR5…… this point that Okavango smoothness is hard to grasp onto……it would take a few hours to maybe say it was correct. Where yes, more energy into stage realization becomes the SR5’s theme and road to success.


$239.00 The HiSenior Mega5P 4 BA + 1 DD Universal IEM
Just so you know the Mega5P is the closest to our SR5 in size. And while close to the same price with the Mega5P being more money………the sound in many ways has the SR5 gaining ground, as I gave it a half star more in review score.

This Mega5P smoothness this could be a bad thing or a good thing……….but it's a tad warmer/smoother. Yep not holding that forward SR5 energy into both the upper midrange or treble. The next thing is the Mega5P bass is probably at the same level as the SR5, but comes off not as controlled or as precise. :) Not that it is bad in any way, just that is what it is, slower and not as clean of attack or let-go. When you combine that with the tailored back midrange and treble energy……..the vividness and separation get lessened. I say all this and it may give you the idea that the Mega5P has something wrong with it, and it doesn’t, it’s just one is vanilla ice-cream and the other is vanilla with sparkles on-top.

Do you know which one has the sparkles? :)

But besides that, the part here that I don’t want to get misinterpreted is the fact that the Mega5P is of a more cohesive demeanor, that it is almost less having the Hybrid effect. And of course when the treble details emerge out of this sleepier night, those gorgeous Mega5P treble details are still separated and dislocated into view, they just are not as contrasty or vivid………..and if you are susceptible to such extra heat, the Mega5P may be more your cup of tea.



Musical experiences:
Here is the thing, I simply choose my music tests by intuition. Same as the IEMs used for side-by-sides. Sure I think about the IEMs to compare in a logical fashion, only at times I don't exactly know (or I am not conscious) of the total reasons for an IEM comparisons or musical genre choice test subjects? More often than not this results in a great learning thing. Sure the side-by-sides were/are of more expensive IEMs in comparison, yet those exact IEMs turned-out to be the perfect examples of IEMs to use as they delineated (by example) both the strong points and the weak points of the they were close enough to enlighten (us to) the true character of the SR5.

While in the forums the SR5 gets chosen a lot for Orchestral Music, this review can't be written to leave that out.

Reason being is the SR5's true cleanliness of stature and profound airiness. This air should be noted as probably the single thing that separates the SR5 from its contemporaries. Being normally you have to pay a little more, or a lot more for these treble details. Yet they have been done in a sophisticated way where they just push the frequencies to that zone without going farther. In fact when I study my musical choices below I have found some great examples of both opportunity to express what the SR5 does well, and have examples of slight challenges for this little guy. Yet the very last song Episode has an introduction of the brightest treble in my musical collection. Not only that........ but the song is played back with one of the brightest sources I own, or should I say one of the most V sources I own. Typically this would be a recipe for disaster as we are combining a bright song file with a bright source, then combining that with wide-bore ear-tips........providing the clearest replay with the biggest stage.

Still the wide-bore ear-tips get us the fastest bass. The results were reassuring in that (for me anyway) the SR5 performed at the detailed max. What that means is the SR5 had the ability to both show an involved and intricate treble ability......full of cymbals and very separated treble effects.....yet it walks that line of not being too fiery or unpleasant. As such as a listener I have my own treble threshold just like everyone else, yet still I think it is average, as I can at times find IEMs to be too glaring or too pushed out into a forward upper midrange. That’s also realizing that as listeners we will often reduce playback volume at times (just slightly) to compensate for treble energy. In comparison to the SR5 there are examples of the IEM art that allow for vast increases in volume to hear the music, yet the personality of the SR5 we are never finding the need to push the volume for clarity, as clarity is always found at many different volume levels.

Clarity at multiple volume levels:
As such you can still add volume to a treble pushed song and enjoy a balance while still activating the spacial clues and imaging that simply goes along with such (increased) levels of playback. Once more the air here is our friend, and one of the special additives which is typically not found at this price level. Sure there are more IEMs at this price point that do this kind of bass, yet here the details and cleanness of the bass texture goes forward as another introduction to further the overall value in the end.


Expedition Frozen Taiga
When Darkness Comes

44.1 kHz- 24 bit
Here I’m utilizing the Sony WM1A with MrWalkaman’s Firmware, the SR5 of course hooked to the Penon ASOS Plus cable. 80% of the time I use my regular clear wide-bore silicone ear-tips. Here is the thing……..I use this source most all the time. Meaning pretty much all the other Dongles and DAPs don’t get used as much. This creates a relationship with tone that is almost misleading. Why? Well you are so used to the DAP that you may even overlook an IEM character in places. Where there are many ways we are nourishing the midrange attitudes of the SR5 and allowing the bass to become slightly more controlled, offering up an even faster approximation of low-end.

Also the WM1A stage is crazy wide anyways then amplified by the aftermarket software into a kind of palace of sonics.

Due to trying to gain a better well rounded idea as to playback, this set-up will be my first and last time to put such DAP into use. Here we are both bathing in slightly chillier water than what is to follow source/tonal wise. The bass with its extra low-weight gives the feeling of carefully walking that magic line……..being just right, but at the same time we don’t want any less. With this style of music being dependent on bass quality for emphasis of the message it parlays………still all is well. As such the tone is once again a clue as to the balance we have found. Why? Not like this song would ever have any stridence of off-recording tone to it……….except there are bigger fish to fry……we simply never want to get bored. Yep, boredom is a quality of playback that has maybe something to do with what you are used to…… far as sonic stimulus? I have tried to understand the smallest aspects of how and why boredom can happen? But to study a piece of music………, slightly new additives are used to combat this (at times) uncontrollable off-effect. It can be the very reason you push fast forward to the next song……..looking, searching for satisfaction. It may be resulting from the music, it may be resulting from the quality of tone playback…… could be a combination of both?

Yet just like a well vacuumed house, you know it, you can feel it.........and bask in the knowledge that (this) is the best you can do. You have worked and now is time to relax, to get recharged.


You see the opposite of the word boredom could be satisfaction. You are satisfied and are not hungry for any more than what is on your plate at the time. This is the set-up at the moment. Simply the song, the cable, the DAP and the IEM. Why…….? Truly I don’t know. I can put some guesses to work here, but I don’t have all the answers. There is a dose of even and complete playback. There is an amount of correctness……..there is the approximation of tones to where the message was transferred to the listener with the desired amount of stimulus, yet nothing is wrong or out of place. Many “experts” might say no, you can’t have that, because the WM1A is not bass heavy enough to proclaim success with this style of bass heavy music? Well……the proof is in the reception and the validation of completeness here. But with the SR5 (maybe nowhere yet in my testing) am I finding the stage so special……..the fact that the music information is not only thick but wide right to left, it is going down and up……….there is nothing more to ask for. And because the SR5 is slightly more clean than your run-of-the-mill bass provider, it is intrinsically faster. Stuff is getting out-of-the-way right before the next transient takes place. It’s that with a mellow song like this.........there starts to become a timeless feeling, a feeling of euphoria……….and more euphoria. I have to move on to more music tests, yet this playback has me smitten here…………and like that perfect place, I don’t want to move on, I don’t want to move forward in this review…………but more (music) ideas are to be found and maybe more realizations as to the SR5 quality lay uncovered?

Still this is kinda the apex of the review…… at times you simply through experience of listening, or by just chance, you have fully sold your (reviewer) self on the IEM in question.

This may be by chance fully mentally acclimated into the sonic character, that or you just found an album you like and relate to? We all do this, sometimes more often, sometimes less often but it is the magic we are all searching for…… is simply musical involvement. Forgetting the little things in life, and grabbing hold and living in the moment.


Neverending Story
Neverending Story

44.1 kHz - 16 bit
Here we are using the HiBy R3 II and a file player (TypeC USB 3.1) to the GO bar as the source hooked up to the Penon ASOS Plus cable with my regular wide-bore ear-tips. This is grand in that really one of the fortes here is how well the SR5 introduces purely electronic soundscapes. This style of chill-out smoothness takes a totally adequate position into staging, and imaging parleys…….even though this doesn’t go the very widest in my source collection. Still the images are brisk and warm, clear and showing a kind of unarguable coherency? The bass in this set-up is not too much at all, but holds that charm when everything is just right. Probably best of all the SR5 does reverberations and holds note weight here………I mean if that is missing from IEM replay the score may drop by two stars here at Redcarmoose Labs? You see everything can be correct, but if note-weight and reverberations are not there 90% of the time we are in trouble.

And the wild thing is normally note-weight and reverberations go hand in hand…… you normally don’t get one without the other.


Deep Forrest
Deep Forrest
Sweet Lullaby

44.1 kHz - 16 bit
Here we are challenging playback with a different set-up. A stage not as big as the next device to be used, the Sony WM1Z………..yet this set-up holds its own fabulous benefits. Here we are using the HiBy R3 II as only a file server to the ifi GO bar as the Dongle. Due to the HiBy doing USB 3.1 we are able to access 100% of the power potential of the GO bar. Still with the ASOS Plus we are accessing a smooth yet relatively brisk sonic attitude. Here the GO bar actually comes off slightly more rolled-off than the Sony WM1Z……..though this is truly special. And not just special, it is somehow very coherent….maybe due to the Dongle, or just synergy? Such spacial juxtapositions go to showcase a nice but not gigantic stage……….you see the SR5 is going to go along with whatever signal you feed it. Show the SR5 a giant stage like the WM1Z does and reap the rewards, but showcase a cohesive and purely still exciting and natural GO bar style of playback and that is what you get. Rolling through about 5 other recordings……..the proof is in the testing. So it is not the song here, but the playback stream. The SR5 produces the stage it is given to play with.


Theater of Tragedy
Assembly (Remastered)

44.1 kHz - 24 bit
I didn’t go into this (too much) yet, but now it is as good a time as any. Due to the resolve we are able to fully understand the demeanor of our source. Here for this song I used the Penon ASOS Plus cable and the WM1Z DAP. Resulting in a kind of treble test, but the ASOS Plus offers a wide stage and a smoothness of sorts, not the smoothness of a pure Copper cable, but a nice middle ground where we are getting the wide-band effervescence of the silver (additive) and the staging...............but joined with a totally correct smoothness which just works-out in the end. The song Episode turns out to be the brightest song I know of. And while bright it is because of the extra adds of treble and upper midrange elements are used to propel a kind of sonic thrill to the song. Big imaging and itemization of every little thing in the upper ranges. Yet here you would think we would get too much emphasis with the 1Z doing its thing. Yep the 1Z can be spicy being it has more treble emphasis than the mid-centric WM1A, adding a fishbowl effect of treble imaging spacial in size, and spread out forward and back, right and left outside of your head.

I mean this was slightly different than what I have been listening to with the SR5………but so good I had to pull the SR5 out of my ears to make sure there was no testing confusion going on. Yep, it was just that good, reason being (maybe ) natural staging, correct instrument tone and fun inner textures. Everything worked here…….and better than was one of the single best examples of music today. This goes one step further to justify that the overall treble and upper midrange tonal choices (with the SR5) are both correct and forgiving.



So there you have it, my take on the SR5. And it can be your choice too if you think getting a low-cost IEM with a big attitude is what you are after? Sure there are bigger stages for the finding, except maybe not at $149.00…….you see that’s what Hybrids do best. They go about their own fashion ideas of stage size........normally the biggest in IEM land. 2nd to that are the contrasts.........yep there for the finding are tone differences found between the bass and the top-end here. Mainly that single treble detail and sculpturing is what set the SR5 apart from similarly priced offerings. What is on offer is a mild U shape affair with clarity in both the vocal department and bass playbacks…….a structuring of these imaging elements........that through contrasts make-up the overall character. Even if you have purchased above the SR5 price point before, or if this is the most expensive IEM you have taken a chance on, I can promise you the SR5 is very even, complete and correct, yet still holding those charms that makes you want to listen to it all the time.


I want to thank Penon/ISN Audio for the love and for the Sound Rhyme SR5 Universal IEM review sample.

These are one person's ideas and concepts, your results may vary.

Equipment Used:
Sony WM1Z Walkman DAP MrWalkman Firmware 4.4mm
Sony WM1A Walkman DAP MrWalkman Firmware 4.4mm
Sony TA-ZH1ES DAC/AMP Firmware 1.03
Electra Glide Audio Reference Glide-Reference Standard "Fatboy" Power Cord
Sony Walkman Cradle BCR-NWH10
AudioQuest Carbon USB
Samsung Phone 3.5mm
ifi GO bar Dongle

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Incredible and suggestive entry. Although very subjective, as always. Consulting with a trial error master is always convenient. It could be better than the NEO3?🤔 Everything stays at home.😉

With patience and a lot of reading I will have my small and coherent collection of extremely portable digital audio...I love small things.



Headphoneus Supremus
Pros: Same ideas as the original ASOS, only added to with the Palladium ASOS+
Denser note-weight and added separation into imaging as appose to the original ASOS
Enhanced soundstage and midrange girth on every IEM tested
Slightly warmer, yet just a tad
Not the same as just putting a 3-in-1 modular Purple Plug on the original ASOS
Incredibly well rounded performer going with all IEMs and all DAPs
Gains timbre improvements with Hybrids from the original ASOS
Permanent non-removable plug (in your choice of 3.5mm or 4.4mm)
Purple Plug 4.4mm or 3.5mm
Purple Plug 2Pins in action
Supple and on the larger size, but low-weight side of the cable world
Reduced Microphonics
Gold platted hardware
Color coded 2Pins
Palladium Purple Plug and Palladium 2Pins
Slightly different cable wire formula from the original ASOS
Can come with or with-out ear-hooks
Cons: A little expensive at $215.00, yet it may be all you ever need?

The entering of the ASOS Plus Era:
Redcarmoose Labs March 14th, 2024

So when I found out Penon was planning to make a + version of the original ASOS cable I was surprised. At least I was surprised a little, because the best part of winning is to run-with-it. That’s right when you get a window to success, why not find an opportunity to make it one step better? Meaning the groundwork has already been set-up to go to that next level. Now the ASOS and ASOS+ cables look very much the same, but I can promise you the two are very different. I mean first off the sound of the ASOS+ is noticeably thicker and changes how imaging and tone is presented, especially in the midrange. Sure you may think they simply took an ASOS cable and added the different Palladium Purple Plug (on one end) and Palladium 2Pins (on the other) and called it a day. But nope, there was more footwork than that. I know because I received a ASOS+ prototype cable, and I didn’t really spend too much time with it as I was told it was an example of a product not yet finished. In truth Penon changed actual cable material inside the wires into a different make-up for each model: the original ASOS, this ASOS prototype and the final version of the ASOS+. You can physically see that they look of different thickness and color, clearly a different material build process.

One of the differences is the permanent 4.4mm or 3.5mm ASOS Plus plug, in contrast to the regularly offered 3-in-1 modular plug of the regular ASOS Cable.



The other difference from the original ASOS chrome 2Pins is the actual ASOS+ Purple Plug 2Pins to the right here.

The Palladium Purple Plugs and 2Pins:
While you could simply put a Purple Plug onto the end of the original ASOS and arrive at the direction of the ASOS+, yet there are differences. I will go into the differences from the Purple Plug (added) ASOS to the ASOS+.

Basically there was room for this new tonal expansion to take place from the original ASOS. First-off the original ASOS cable was the watershed cable event of 2023. The ASOS cable I have heard bettered an entire collection of 80 (another members) previously purchased cables in the end. Now I would not go quite that far, except the results have started a love affair here at Redcarmoose Labs. So much that the ASOS moved into the reference spot, going with pretty much every IEM that showed-up on the door-step. Why? Well, clarity my friends, the original ASOS had this see-through character which pushed-up imaging and resolve into clearly realized items of focus. Now both the midrange and treble got this slightly airy boost like a smooth style of silver energy which promoted both separation and an airy tone. That was combined with this blackness of background which somehow made a separate window to view the bass tones, they were textured and not blurry, but also itemized and in relief against this black background. As such the original ASOS didn’t really color the sound but politely offered a boost in all those things we always want from our IEMs in the first place.

Yet there was room, there was room for a ASOS 2 to come along and add imaging density and realness. A further separation of the midrange into its own 3D images out into the stage. There is no denying that these images hold a simply darker position in relation to the original ASOS, except remember there was much room to go this direction and still remain evenly balanced in the end. Yep, both cables are what I would call even balanced with an ounce of character, but not a total coloring character. The best part maybe is that both the ASOS+ and the ASOS own this midrange girth that adds stage. Yep, and I don’t want to over emphasize this, except it is one of the star attributes going on here. The ASOS…….a clearer slightly more energetic midrange girth and the ASOS+ a slightly denser and heavier touchable character, touchable and holdable because it is more real. :)

The thing is though both cables end-up complementary. They are almost opposite in some regards here. What that means is having both ends a true way to cover all your bases. Yep, put the original ASOS with your darker IEMs and place the ASOS+ with your brighter IEMs. Still remember there is so much balance (and non-color) going on here that strangely you can also put the ASOS+ with your darker IEMs and the ASOS original with you brighter IEMs and still reach a perfect level of satisfaction. What I just wrote may in fact be the most important sentence in this review, only because it totally explains the usage scenario here. Possibly suggesting the changes described here........resulting from the swift movement roll of the tone knob? Meaning the midrange knob roll back of the ASOS+ and the midrange forwardness (knob turn) of the original ASOS……..yet that only goes to explain a segment of the two cables sonic character. There is an actual presence of formations from tone that take on a definable but difficult to describe new character in your tracks with the ASOS+……………a denser image, holding thicker tonal ideas of reality perceived and heard, yet still with-in moderate boundaries in the end.


The Purple Plug and the ASOS+ cable material change-outs:
I don’t want to make this review longer than it needs to be except with Penon and ISN 3-in-1 modular cables you have a complete choice of different plugs to use with the Purple only offering one example of tone.


The Rhodium Plated Plug in 3.5mm Plug or 4.4mm Plug
The Palladium Purple Plug in 3.5mm Plug or 4.4mm Plug
The Oxygen Free Copper Plug in 3.5mm Plug or 4.4mm Plug
The Totem Adaptor Plug in 3.5mm Plug or 4.4mm Plug
The OS133 Adapter Cable in 3.5 mm Plug or 4.4mm Plug

Each (prior cable material choice) example drives your desired tone signature into a different part of town. At times small and at times a more noticeable improvement or change. Obviously the IEMs used, Ear-tips, Cable and Source personality can affect the end result, being which-way or the other. Because this review is about the ASOS+ and the ASOS differences we will concentrate on what the Purple Plug does to the original ASOS. Remember the included 2Pin connectors are not Purple Palladium when trying the Purple Plug with the original ASOS. :)



The new Penon Pure Oxygen-Free Copper Plug. Pictures from a soon to be published Penon OFC Solid Oxygen-Free Copper Plug review here at Redcarmoose Labs. At 7 grams a piece this is our heaviest plug to date, as well as holding its very own unique sound signature when placed onto the front of a Penon 3-in-1 modular cable system.

The Penon Purple Copper Plug:

The Penon Purple Copper Plug:

Plug verification:
I just want to emphasize that while slightly confusing, it is easy to join the correct different plug and identify it from the plug grouping. As you can see the base of the Purple Plug has a small lotus flower engraved. The OFC Copper Plug has a small zig-zag line, and the Rhodium is Rhodium silver color. But beyond that……

4.4mm plug weight:
4 grams the Rhodium Plug in weight
5 grams the Purple Copper Plug in weight
7 grams the OFC Copper Plug in weight

I mean sure the weight discovery is only representative of the material used, but yes is amazing that the Rhodium Plug is almost twice less the weight of the OFC Copper Plug. And there gets to a place that I’m not privy to the Penon build process. Maybe due to the Rhodium Plating that the regular plug material is the correct way to go underneath? I’m lucky as I just get the living results with-out the confusion of the build process. As the regular 3-in-1 modular plug in 4.4 weighs 4 grams. I mean I’m obsessed with this plug stuff, but I’m not totally insane……….as I haven’t weighed every plug I own. Yet the important difference is the plugs are of a very different make-up and design here.

The Purple Plug and original ASOS Cable in comparison to the ASOS+
This is simply a chance to see if we could cut costs if the ASOS was all you had, or if you wanted to beat the system and simply get the ASOS Cable and Purple Plug and call it a day, with the chance you could reach the ASOS+ levels of changes:

So remember beforehand, the ASOS+ has the Purple Plug also the Purple 2Pins and the different cable wire make-up.


Top the ASOS+ and bottom the regular ASOS cable material:


Penon Volt past flagship:
In my tests we are using the Walkman 1A and Penon Volt past flagship IEM. Changing back and forth between cables at the same volume and using the same piece of music there was a question of added darkness but beyond that it really wasn’t darkness………..more to be described as a slight down-tone……….yet only a feather of such. Maybe like using EQ, I don’t know as I don’t use EQ. But as an example the Walkman 1A uses MrWalkman’s firmware which makes it smoother than stock programing. As such it is still mid-centric with a prominent midrange resulting sound stage. As such the WM1A music gets a push in those same frequencies as the stock ASOS, and the stock ASOS and Purple Plug. Yet resulting in the Purple Plug/ASOS having the frequencies be slightly diminished, but not to the extra luxury profoundness of the ASOS+.

So brightness is top to bottom:
1) Most bright the standard ASOS with Penon 3-in-1 modular plug
2) Second brightness with the Palladium Purple Plug ASOS
3) Warmest with the ASOS+

Meaning the ASOS+ had a smoother sound and was not quite as bright in the end.

This really depends on so many things……as your source may be darker and you want the added clarity of the stock ASOS with regular Penon 3-in-1 Plug. The thing is in use with the WM1A and Volt IEM there was an ongoing connection where sure I could have changed sources, but in that case again it would be adding again a different (whole) personality to playback. What I’m trying to say is I’m getting the very best of all worlds here. Why? I’m simply getting the faster bass response of the 1A with the Volt, plus I’m getting a smoother, more accessible and richer ASOS+ playback in the end. Sure I could have written many more paragraphs on the ASOS+ Cable, the WM1A DAP and the VOLT IEM………..except it may have deluded the point. This is really not that complicated once you get down to it.

And remember too……..all this is subjective and depends on user preferences as to the tone of the DAP, the Ear-tips used, and ultimately the final character of the IEM you are using. Oh……and the character of the cable and plug you are using too. While just for for schiits and giggles I tried the Rhodium plug and found it thinner and brighter in this use with the original ASOS. It would maybe be a wanted effect if you were trying to dial in a sleepy playback or simply had a preference for more treble. Still you all know how these preferences are…….that normally they do align with common thoughts about playback. Some like warm bathwater, and some like only slightly warm bathwater, but only a few take cold baths……and only a select few take insanely hot baths……you know of the few and it is not normal. Here we are basking in the middle ground. I already explained how the ASOS+ is not too warm or too bright, in that it lives in the comfort zone, the place we all go for relaxation. Sure I used the Purple Plug to try and rearrange the tonal output of the Penon Mix Cable. See that’s the thing……..there is nothing like the Penon Mix Cable going on here with either ASOS or ASOS+.

Meaning the Penon Mix is a volatile mixture of pure silver wires and pure copper wires, which go to add vivid contrasts to whatever DAP and IEM you use. Still obviously we all have a sleepy IEM in need of a boost in treble details and air.

Remember every cable has its place and tone, yet it could be said that the Mix Cable is not as well rounded and the ASOS or ASOS+. Sure some are going to gravitate to that enhanced treble push……….where with both the ASOS and ASOS+ we are receiving a smoother yet still well (stage) expanded tone. It is these workable character additives which makes the ASOS and ASOS+ go with pretty much all IEMs and sources…………that that is what this review is about.

The Penon ASOS Plus with music and different IEMs:

Test results:
Here we simply walk through a few interfaces of the ASOS Plus in use. Yep, here is the fun part, all the dirty work we have already gone through. This is simple and easy to do. First off what happens when you take off the testing hat....... what in the musical world becomes anew? Yep, 1/2 of Head-Fi is testing 98% of the time and forgot the real reason we are here. Simply we are here to find out just how close we can get to old favorites or new music. For the music to become real (even though it is an illusion from a time long gone). An emotional experience walking into the light and mind of another’s or a whole group's musical imagination. The producers, the recording room staff, the musicians…….everyone is involved and doing something they enjoy. Getting yourself closer to the music simply means finding a tone that you relate with, finding a stage which has an enjoyable set of music characteristics to befriend.


The Penon 10th Anniversary:
My gosh, as everyone knows this is my favorite product by Penon. And to realize that the ASOS+ takes those final steps as you walk closer into illumination. Illumination bathing in the creativity of the performers. How, why………..really? You ask if I believe what I’m writing? I do and so much so this is not work but fun. The 10th goes and grabs onto the energy of the ASOS Plus stage, finding other cables maybe a tad smoother, but no way am I going to argue with the perfect quality this combination performs. It is like the question of really…………….really………….really is this THAT good? Because it is and it is almost unbelievable. Why? Synergy was the word that came up for this spectacle of performance. To try and climb down from my mountain here……….the reality is a mixture of it all. The bass is trim but holding correct detail, there is a place inside the stage where it has grabbed hold of life, life that is moving us, sometimes gently, sometimes with authority……..but always in balance.

This is my favorite Penon. I can talk this way……..right?

The mids with the 10th are not always the IEMs strongpoint, yet here there is only a memory of such talk. Reminder we are emphasizing midrange girth and stature and this style just blends with the 10th to bring about slightly smoother and thicker vocals enabling us to find s style of well roundedness and clarity. Clarity because playback is vivid yet well roundedness because of no heat or temper………….the 10th is going along for the ride like this particular cable was made for it. Just simply totally correct……….you get the message. It is everything I wrote about in the 10th review, only everything is a hair better……closer, bigger, more width, faster and more fun………most importantly fun!


The ISN Neo 5:
Slightly darker than the 10th, but offering just the same amount of involvement. Sure the ESTs have been changed out and that results in a portion of less electricity…………..and of course we are not basking in candle light here? In fact the two IEMs are from the same company and offer a huge amount of the same magic……….really both are exceptional for what they do. And this review is about the ASOS Plus so what do we have here? Again a bigger stage and from memory a more even balanced style of tone…………though do you know where that comes from? From control over the imaging through separation and pace. Yep, I know this sounds like a sales pitch, and it is in a way, only I am 100% honest in relaying this is some of the best I have ever heard the Neo 5 become. We have been on a journey to the Neo 5 mountain top. It came with the ISN S8 which was changed to the ISN S4 which brought up the pace and imaging, clarifying the signal to the Neo 5. And guess what just happened again………..yep taking no prisoners, the ASOS Plus is now taking the Neo 5 home to a place it truly belongs to a place where the priceless live………………….. a place of giving you the listener satisfaction that you are with-out want or desire. Need I say more?

No? Yes? No?

Ok, there is this thing with the Neo 5. Where separation moves the vocals out and forward, into this movement into the stage. These artifacts of expression are encountered just that much more connected yet bigger and without question bigger? GIANT. All the while the bass is controlled and paced into the end…….an IEM that is without a doubt fully actualized.


The Penon DOME:
I’m not so sure everyone writes DOME when describing the DOME? But I am now…..anyway. And there is a big reason for me putting this test last in the order of appearance. You see, I have already tested all these IEMs beforehand. And that I feel added quality to the review, in that multiple times we have the same playback. Of course many things affect how we perceive an IEM. What you ate for breakfast, how many cups of coffee you had. Even what IEMs you have been listening to the week before. The mind is a funny thing……..It remembers by contrast the IEM in your ear compared to one (in your ear) the day before yesterday……..this I believe. Now there is another change too. Every time we hear an IEM it is a new experience, a new chance to hear it for what it is and (what) the IEM it is not. Meaning nothing is perfect, only sunsets and beautiful women are perfect………….at times. So we have a DOME review done here at Redcarmoose Labs, and it came with opinions about the DOME. Are those opinions set in stone? Nope, they were momentary opinions taking place at the time of the review. Everyone is human and has a right to re-hear the IEM and make additional ideas known. That is a process occurring that I really want to reiterate here. That reviews are accurate at the time of review but are always subject to slight changes in perception. And while I reviewed the DOME as having an in-your-face midrange, it became even more in-your-face as the days passed after the review was written. None of this is bad, and just goes to prove that we know our equipment, except at times an IEMs character can be perceived as just slightly different. Probably the very most change has occurred for me with the ISN EST50 IEM. Through different cables and ear-tips I have learned to change the bass, and accept (through new experiences) that the ISN EST50 is a whole different beast than when I first reviewed it. Also in about 90% of cases the IEMs will get better.

Yet this DOME with the ASOS+ is what this review is about, a slightly new way to enjoy an IEM that before did the basics well and grand, yet now possibly even better. Wait I said possibly even better…… this is most surely a great way to spend an afternoon.

The DOME with ASOS+ Cable:

Here we are taking steps towards a more timbre correct midrange. You see when things are dialed back ever so slightly a midrange and upper midrange like what the DOME does becomes that much more real. I mean sure there is a timbre that a full-range single DD does morning to nite that a Hybrid can’t touch. We all know this and accept this always. Yet there is a displacement of items…………a shuffling around of tonality into imaging and tone into broader images of the stage. These items are as real as sound artifacts can try to be, but because normally (inside the midrange) with the DOME they are big……big and in-your-face. It is this upfront midrange and this spectacular dissection of details that we came to the dinner table for. Only as guessed some cables may be slightly too much? And that is where the ASOS Plus personality comes in. It walks that fine line between separation and clarity, yet there is a place in the treble and upper midrange where it shows politeness and reserve. A smoother clean-up that we could access by using a different DAP, or different ear-tips……….still it wouldn’t quite be the same. And remember there are many ways a cable can be. This ASOS+ almost makes through balance a low end that seems slightly more sculpted, in relation to the original ASOS. Of course that could very well be resulting from complete IEM tonal relationship balance.

Yep, you go and add thickness to the midrange and just due to this new style of midrange existence, we perceive a slightly tighter bass replay in the end.


Top the ASOS+, bottom the standard ASOS

Top the ASOS+, bottom the 3-in-1 modular plug ASOS standard





The regular ASOS 3-in-1 Modular Cable one of my favorite cables of all time!

Per Dsnuts
  • Silver for its highest transparency and stage enhancing.
  • Gold for that rich tone and depth.
  • Palladium for that remarkable imaging and detail.
  • Copper for body and warmth.

As such we are simply trying to align the DAP and IEM characteristics with the Ear-tip to come about a better understanding of the music, to gain something or diminish some character trait somewhere in the chain. Except the special redeeming quality with the ASOS and ASOS+ is that they offer a particular stage size, a noticeable stage expression that goes above and beyond every cable in their respective price point and at times beyond the respective price point. As such these effects are readily noticeable and thoroughly appreciated due to specific separation and imaging always being something we are after.

It is just we are viewing amalgamation of input materials here……..

Brand: PENON
Model: ASOS
Materials: 8 strands, 25 cores alloy copper silver-plated + 99 cores single crystal copper silver-plated wire mixed
High transparent imported PVC wire sheath
Carbon fiber silver shell
3-in-1 modular plugs

Package includes:
Penon ASOS cable
3.5mm audio plug
2.5mm balanced plug
4.4mm balanced plug


Penon ASOS+ 8 Shares Alloy copper Silver-plated & OCC Silver-plated Mixed HiFi Audiophile IEMs Cable wth Purple Copper Plugs


Brand: PENON
Model: ASOS+
Materials: 8 strands, 25 cores alloy copper silver-plated + 99 cores single crystal copper silver-plated wire mixed
2pin 0.78mm purple copper connectors and plugs
High transparent imported PVC wire sheath
Carbon fiber protective sleeve

Penon ASOS+ cable

To quote Dsnuts here:

“Cable manufacturers have experimented with all sorts of tricks like shielding, fancy geometries & alloys to elevate performance over the years, but the most surefire path to greatness seems to be building thick, heavy cables with huge numbers of wires in them.

More wires means more conductivity, which usually translates to better performance.”

Both the ASOS and the ASOS Plus are top notch players, they go one step farther to get you and your listening times one step closer to what you want. I’m not about to say the ASOS Plus will work with every IEM, every DAP or Ear-tip on earth, but that is the way it's going. The direction is simple, add more wires and get a bigger sound, add the Purple plug and both ends of the cable and get a richer thicker sound than what the standard ASOS can do. And it’s not dark, only better separated and denser……….which brings with it a feeling of a less cluttered soundstage with more directness of focus………clarity. If this sounds like something you would like to be a part of, I can assure you the results are real, they are real and repeatable time after time. And I will finish with the fact that (I maybe shouldn’t say this) except the Penon ASOS and the Penon ASOS Plus are my references from here on out and will be found in use with pretty much all my future reviews. I mean because of how balanced they are, and combined with the fact that they pretty much go with everything to drum-up bigger more involving imaging………..they make every IEM different and different in a better way. Order yours today.



I want to thank Penon Audio for the love and for the ASOS+ Cable review sample.

These are one person's ideas and concepts, your results may vary.

Equipment Used:
Sony WM1A Walkman DAP MrWalkman Firmware 4.4mm
Sony WM1Z Walkman DAP MrWalkman Firmware 4.4mm
Sony TA-ZH1ES DAC/AMP Firmware 1.03
Electra Glide Audio Reference Glide-Reference Standard "Fatboy" Power Cord
Sony Walkman Cradle BCR-NWH10
AudioQuest Carbon USB
HiBy R3 II DAP 4.4mm
ifi GO bar Dongle
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@Redcarmoose OS849 is already thick and heavy. Would ASOS be twice as heavy? How do your ears do despite the weight? :thinking:

The ASOS+/ASOS is thick, there is no denying that fact!

Where the RENATA is 60 grams in 4.4mm, the 4.4mm ASOS+ is 53 grams, yet it is more (to me) the flexibility that lands the ASOS+ the winner. As such a flexible cables somehow comes-off more light-weight? It is incredibly ergonomic, I mean I may have even forgot to concentrate on weight in the review, only because it was so easy going. Really it is nothing, though look at my cables, where if you are used to only thin cables there may be adjustment period.........but in the end it should totally work out, I don't see how it could not? Not familiar with the OS849?