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    • Vamp898
      My CS43131 should support DSD256, but yhr only jazz I listen to isn't in the list either. But I could life without DSD until now, so...
    • Vamp898
      Vamp898 reacted to joe's post in the thread HiFiMan Susvara with Like Like.
      Mod note: Guys, if you're looking at discussing the science, we have a dedicated forum -- Sound Science.
    • Vamp898
      I checked for all Artists i know, not one single one is on that shop :( Not even Adam Agee & Jon Sousa, or i am not able to find...
    • Vamp898
      Vamp898 replied to the thread HiFiMan Susvara.
      You are not alone. A lot of people like exactly the sound the Susvara have. But saying some product is the best, is an objective...
    • Vamp898
      Vamp898 reacted to whrdy's post in the thread New Member Introductions thread with Like Like.
      Hello everyone! Also new to head-fi but not new to audio. I’ve been only browsing for a bit but it’s been really nice so far! Lots of...
    • Vamp898
      Vamp898 replied to the thread HiFiMan Susvara.
      Several scientific tests have shown that human can hear differences in phase. But maybe we are not talking about the same thing. Listen...
    • Vamp898
      I can't remember ever hearing an DSD file. Never seen one on any audio portal, its always 96/24 (or higher) PCM
    • Vamp898
      Vamp898 replied to the thread HiFiMan Susvara.
      Why? The Susvara is not Flat/Neutral. It has pushed upper mids and treble (very typical Chinese Headphone Tuning), why should it be the...
    • Vamp898
      Vamp898 replied to the thread HiFiMan Susvara.
      Yes, but just because something sounds bad with the Headphone someone likes, doesn't mean its the fault of the song. And this is...
    • Vamp898
      Vamp898 replied to the thread HiFiMan Susvara.
      I have a small playlist to detect various types of things in Headphones but of course, if you do not like that genre, it helps nothing...
    • Vamp898
      Vamp898 reacted to ThanatosVI's post in the thread HiFiMan Susvara with Like Like.
      You're an entertaining fella for sure :D
    • Vamp898
      Vamp898 replied to the thread HiFiMan Susvara.
      I was asked which Headphones i personally think beat the Susvara. But yeah, this got way to off-topic. So off-topic, that i even forgot...
    • Vamp898
      Vamp898 reacted to Majuto's post in the thread HiFiMan Susvara with Like Like.
      When transparency is the goal, the bass has to be adjusted for more prominency in the sub bass I guess. Otherwise the mid- and upper...
    • Vamp898
      Vamp898 replied to the thread HiFiMan Susvara.
      There were times were i thought that too. But if you import the song into Audacity and analyze those parts, there is nothing that stands...
    • Vamp898
      Vamp898 reacted to nc8000's post in the thread Sony Z1R....listening impressions only with Like Like.
      And that is on EVERTHING. We don’t have differentiated VAT
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