Head Gear Reviews by tawmizzzz
  1. Aroma Audio Fei Wan "FEI WAN"

    5.00 star(s)
    Fei Wan, The Golden Goose: (FW for F**king Wondrous) I am grateful to have the opportunity to continuously demo some of the new IEM revelations. After a few recent ones that were impressive, none particularly struck out which really tempted me to jump back into the portable world. But Fei Wan…man, this IEM is a treat! After you become complacent in the audio world, you get really used to your setup and somewhat ingrain this new standard or reference point. It's an essential part of really appreciating and understanding your gear (and obviously, for...
  2. Unique Melody--The Multiverse Mentor Flagship IEMs

    5.00 star(s)
    “Hello, Old Friend”: The Comeback I’d bet (I don’t have a gambling problem, I swear) that most audiophiles (and their wives) have dreamt of the day that they are so pleased with their audio gear that they can just deactivate their HeadFi account with no remorse. But let’s be real-in this universe, it is far more likely that said-audiophile is hopping on to HF to catch up on the 50+ new overnight pages on the Watercooler thread so that they can stimulate their dopamine receptors and salivary glands by indulging into the hype surrounding the newest...
  3. Aroma Audio Jewel

    5.00 star(s)
    The Bird Finds a Rare Jewel: (Blue Tiger camo...COD anyone?) Specifications: 13 Drivers: 6 e-stats, 6 balanced armatures, 1 9.2mm Dynamic Driver MSRP: $5130 at https://shop.musicteck.com/products/aroma-jewel?variant=39716638490686 Impedance: 22Ω@1Khz Sensitivity: 103db SPL@1mW Sound insulation effect 26db(CM) Frequency response: 10-22khz Introduction: The hunt for a TOTL that could replace Traillii for me has been an extensive effort-one that likely is annoying at this point for others who do take the time to reads my impressions and reviews...