Recent content by paradoxper
  1. paradoxper

    RAAL 1995 headphones, Magna and Immanis

    Bah. the supply chain. It costs me a JAR800.
  2. paradoxper

    Dubstep Girl's Massive 5AR4/5R4/5U4G Rectifier Review/Comparison! (Rectifer Tube Rolling thread)

    I've been through quite a few of these and don't really care for any. They're all very dry and edged sounding.
  3. paradoxper

    Headphone Tube Amps - The hunt for all 300B TUBE AMPS

    The 4300E is exceptionally good where as the others are quite poor sounding. Easy enough to buy them both, compare yourself and share your discovery.
  4. paradoxper

    The JPS Labs: Abyss AB-1266 Impressions Thread

    The Rangers are in the playoffs. :thinking: For now.
  5. paradoxper

    RAAL-requisite: The Official VM-1a Discussion Thread

    Yes, that all too familiar feeling. It's only temporary.
  6. paradoxper

    RAAL-requisite: The Official VM-1a Discussion Thread

    You'll be limited with 6LS7 selection and want to roll through the Mullard XF EL34 range as they're by far the best.
  7. paradoxper

    ABYSS Top Of The Line videos

    Oh yea. The Diana TC is every bit good just smaller scale. CA-1a level though.
  8. paradoxper

    ABYSS Top Of The Line videos

    Interesting. Does DZ use the same driver as TC?
  9. paradoxper

    Headphone Tube Amps - The hunt for all 300B TUBE AMPS

    You also have no clue. It's not a rebrand. Audio Note contracts out to PSvane with their specifications.
  10. paradoxper

    Summit-Fi Random Thoughts

    Ha. The poor souls that get sucked into RSA. Sigh.
  11. paradoxper

    Woo's New Flagship WA33

    Cabernet with CFA3 is great. If you find Primavera too reference sounding it can also help warm things. The TM300B is really special as are the Perryman mesh 45's if you go with the dual switch. You will also want to try the MELZ 1578 and metal base GZ34 as some top choices. But I'd recommend...
  12. paradoxper

    The JPS Labs: Abyss AB-1266 Impressions Thread

    Useless posts to read this early in the AM. Thanks.
  13. paradoxper

    Feliks Audio ENVY

    That's more an easy, no-brainer. Elrogs rule. TM are just something else. Something sweeter than. I serve the people.
  14. paradoxper

    Feliks Audio ENVY

    They're akin to an Elrog-lite. Tak are very sterile and soul-less to my ears. WE too warm. AN4300 has a sweetness that works well through the midrange and treble.