Recent content by number1sixerfan
  1. number1sixerfan

    NEW HIFIMAN Susvara Unveiled!

    I agree with your sentiment 100% from a personal standpoint. For most experienced hobbyists, an easier drive Susvara is meaningless (unless it decently improves the sound). But I do think it's a smart, intentional choice as a manufacturer due to the bolded part here. Making it easier to drive...
  2. number1sixerfan

    Vintage OG and Present Day TOTL Impressions

    It doesn't bother me at all, but from a philosophical standpoint I get that sentiment to a degree. For me, all that matters at the end of the day is how it sounds (as long as everything seems like a high quality/reliable build).
  3. number1sixerfan

    Vintage OG and Present Day TOTL Impressions

    Thank you! And yea ironically when things get a little down, music and the gear is the best outlet. Probably not helpful though, as I just end up listening to melancholy music lol. And yea if pure resolution, realism and spacing are your thing, the SGL is just unbeatable. And it does have a...
  4. number1sixerfan

    Vintage OG and Present Day TOTL Impressions

    Dealing with a lot of grief right now (more ways than one including traditionally). And I just wanted to mention that during these times, the music and the value and impact of it... is just life changing. Very appreciative of the hobby during times like this. :)
  5. number1sixerfan

    HeadAmp Grand Cayman DHT Electrostatic Amp

    That blue glow is just addictive lol. Great to see progress on this fine amp. :)
  6. number1sixerfan

    The JPS Labs: Abyss AB-1266 Impressions Thread

    I really need to haha Seriously though, the AIC and the Red October are the only two amps I've been interested in for some time. Jealous.. looking forward to impressions if I stick around here long enough for them lol
  7. number1sixerfan

    The JPS Labs: Abyss AB-1266 Impressions Thread

    I swear this app is hell smh lol
  8. number1sixerfan

    NEW HIFIMAN Susvara Unveiled!

    If you're a bit sensitive to treble, they probably aren't for you. But at the same time, I wouldn't really make any definitive conclusions based off show conditions. I was completely underwhelmed with the Shang Sr. at Axpona and I own them. Just completely different than in my chain. Very thin...
  9. number1sixerfan

    Vintage OG and Present Day TOTL Impressions

    The Aperio reminds me of what the CRBN could've been (forget the price difference for a sec lol), or maybe even more importantly, what a CRBN successor could be :). Wish I had both side by side. Good tonal balance, warmth but too aggressively warm (Aperio might be a bit warmer, but I would need...
  10. number1sixerfan

    Spirit Torino Valkyria

    You're probably right, that's the nature of this hobby lol. But for me at least it would depend. If there's a reversible mod to try that to me is more interesting. But an either or proposition is less so as every change comes with tradeoffs and I like otherwise what I heard out of my Valkyria...
  11. number1sixerfan

    HiFiMan Susvara

    Very interesting indeed!
  12. number1sixerfan

    RAAL 1995 Immanis

    I just want to make a distinction based on my prior post. I think anyone genuinely adding impressions, whether positive or not so positive, is totally fair game. And that's even the case for "reviewers", influencers, whoever. Yea, totally nice and courteous to reach out to the manufacturer to...
  13. number1sixerfan

    Vintage OG and Present Day TOTL Impressions

    L3000 through the EC Studio B and Pacific. Just absolutely amazing. I think I tried them before (as shared in this thread) in a very limited timeframe, but have had an entire night with it and the R10. The texture of the instruments and vocals. The bass performance. Incredible. Writing down a...
  14. number1sixerfan

    RAAL 1995 Immanis

    I'm sorry, and it likely gets deleted, but there's a consistent trolling tandem here that pokes holes in every new TOTL product release that isn't from Audeze or Focal. Feedback on the Nutopia or CRBN in early runs, absolutely stellar, insane hyperbole, not an ounce of criticism. But yet in the...
  15. number1sixerfan

    HiFiMan Susvara

    Yup, very much agree. A more open soundstage *could* take away from the intimacy of the midrange/vocals based on how the stage changes, although I would assume most would appreciate more bass (out of any headphone) even if it takes away from overall clarity and the top end. On the former...