Recent content by Kiats
  1. Kiats

    Luxury & Precision E7: Impressions and Discussions

    Agree absolutely! Neither the RS6 nor RS8 did anything for me. I wanted badly for it to work so I would have a LP like DAP with streaming. Alas! It was not to be. But it is what it is. 😆
  2. Kiats

    Luxury & Precision E7: Impressions and Discussions

    Frankly, I am not a fan of Hiby’s rendition of R2R. It sounds like there is too much attempt to sound like a DS. But of course YMMV. Yes, LP is quite unapologetic about its pure R2R sound.
  3. Kiats

    Luxury & Precision E7: Impressions and Discussions

    Not quite sure where you read that. Especially about R2R. Until and unless there is a definitive statement from LP, one should not confuse statements of hope or conjecture with what are facts. ;)
  4. Kiats

    Luxury & Precision E7: Impressions and Discussions

    Running Roon Arc on the iPad Pro and streaming to the E7. Magical how tech has progressed that I can listen to music on my Melco NAS at home in Singapore while I am in London. :)
  5. Kiats

    Luxury & Precision E7: Impressions and Discussions

    After a day out in the usual mercurial London weather, time for some music with the E7. Love the work that the LP team has done with further improving BT streaming. The colour of the leather cover is distorted cos of the yellow light in the hotel room. :)
  6. Kiats

    Luxury & Precision E7: Impressions and Discussions

    Yes. The E7 is meant to be a separate product line and it would not make sense for LP to cannibalise the flagship R2R and the portable R2R product lines. :)
  7. Kiats

    Eletech Cables Official Impressions & Discussions Thread

    No pressure. Good things are worth the wait. :) Yeah.,, the Singapore Girls never notice my state of the art FitEar Titan or DC Ti.., Just the ET cables… 🤭
  8. Kiats

    Luxury & Precision E7: Impressions and Discussions

    Well, that really is driven by the questions from the interviewer. :)
  9. Kiats

    Interesting machine from Luxury n Precision

    [cross post from the the LP E7 thread} Just wanted to share with everyone this new article that Wan and the LP team were asked questions and answers were provided. Very informative stuff. :) In in a series of 12 questions...
  10. Kiats

    Luxury & Precision E7: Impressions and Discussions

    Just wanted to share with everyone this new article that Wan and the LP team were asked questions and answers were provided. Very informative stuff. :) In in a series of 12 questions and answers, Wan provided the answers I...
  11. Kiats

    Luxury & Precision E7: Impressions and Discussions

    Haha! It is the same as yours, my friend. Just that it is in yellow lighting in the hotel room. :)
  12. Kiats

    Eletech Cables Official Impressions & Discussions Thread

    No other way to travel… I already showed uncharacteristic restraint. For a guy who does nothing by half measures. 🙊
  13. Kiats

    Eletech Cables Official Impressions & Discussions Thread

    Hahah! And this is after paring down how much I wanted to bring. You will recall it was 2 android devices and 2 LP DAPs… plus 4 pairs of customs with ET cables… 😆
  14. Kiats

    Luxury & Precision E7: Impressions and Discussions

    Thanks man! I will look into this. :)
  15. Kiats

    RAAL 1995 headphones, Magna and Immanis

    Haha! I look forward to more from @Aleksandar R. ! I already enjoy much joy from my electrostatic stack, my normal HP stack. I look forward to ribbon HP technology being taken further. I think we can only gain in terms of joy and sonic bliss. :)