Recent content by jude
  1. jude

    CanJam Shanghai 2024 (June 8-9, 2024)

    CanJam Shanghai: A New HIFIMAN Flagship And Much More Being UNVEILED At CanJam! CanJam is finally returning to Shanghai after five years! In this Preview Video, Jude and Brian give you a preview of some of the new gear that will be exhibited at CanJam Shanghai 2024, including the HIFIMAN...
  2. jude


    It seems I neglected to list that (and I always try to be rather meticulous where that's concerned, so sorry about that). For the THD measurement(s), the voltage was set (before the sweep was run) to output 1 kHz at 90 dBSPL.
  3. jude

    Focal Hadenys & Azurys Review & Measurements

    Just for clarification, what I said i the video was this: "In either case, the cable on both has a 3.5mm TRS ear-side connection, so aftermarket cables should be readily available, but I think fully balanced cables may be off the table for these." @oldkid, whether or not the Azurys/Hadenys is...
  4. jude

    Focal Hadenys & Azurys Review & Measurements

    Both of these headphones are made in France.
  5. jude

    Focal Hadenys & Azurys Review & Measurements

    Focal Hadenys & Azurys Review & Measurements The closed-back Focal Azurys and open-back Focal Hadenys bring Focal's flagship made-in-France engineering to a more affordable, more compact platform. We take a close look at the Azurys and Hadenys, including measurements and MDAQS. Focal Hadenys...
  6. jude

    PLANAR IEMs fans thread-Impressions, suggestions, ranking list, techs

    @mobbaddict, check out the video below (time-stamp-linked), which was a video presentation I did back in 2020 for Brüel & Kjær's Product Physics Conference: Back in February 2020, I contacted Sean Olive to discuss this, and to suggest that if they'd had a 5128 back when they did their body of...
  7. jude

    Frequency response at the ear drum

    For the sake of this discussion, I think we can go with a multi-driver IEM and an open-back over-ear headphone if we go with the assumption that the measured frequency response at Person 1's eardrum is exactly the same. Of course, we have to disregard the variables like how they feel on the...
  8. jude

    Frequency response at the ear drum

    Likewise, Griffin! It's always a pleasure to discuss this stuff with people who love these topics as much as I do. I always learn something I didn't previously know in the process. Starting things off with a question (and @Resolve might want to chime in, too): First, assume one could measure...
  9. jude

    Frequency response at the ear drum

    This reminds me of a little discussion I had with Konstantin (@oratory1990) at CanJam New York -- Konstantin being one of my favorite people to talk about these things with, and to debate with -- which we ended up doing a little (debating). As I recall, a nice gentleman asked us both (at the...
  10. jude

    The discovery thread!

    LOL. Hey, @XERO1! Hope you're well. Yeah, I dig the FA19. For anyone who missed the last CanJam Singapore Preview Video, we talk about the FA19 here (the video below should start at the FA19 part):
  11. jude

    The discovery thread!

    So far, I'm loving the FiiO FA19. To my ears, it is, without a doubt, the best IEM FiiO has yet released -- by a margin. And, as I said in the CanJam Singapore Preview Video, this is one that high-end IEM shoppers should listen to, regardless of what price bracket you're shopping in. Even if you...
  12. jude

    The discovery thread!

    At the time of the recording of the CanJam Singapore Preview Video, I'd only heard the Pilgrim, not yet the Pilgrim Noir. At CanJam Singapore, I was able to do a direct comparison, and there's no doubt they sounded different. And there's also no doubt I preferred the Noir, as the treble was...
  13. jude

    The Official 64 Audio Thread | apex & tia Technologies

    I may have been unclear. While I enjoy the SednaEarfit tips on the Volür, I prefer the Final Type E with it. I'm glad you mentioned the Coreir brass tips, as we have those, too, but I haven't yet tried them with the Volür -- I'll look for them now!
  14. jude

    The Official 64 Audio Thread | apex & tia Technologies

    I love the Volür. For my preferences, with the M15, the Volürs bass is phenomenal -- textured, physical, among my favorites there. I've been playing around with eartips, and started with an old standby -- AZLA SednaEarfit (size MS). I've enjoyed the Volür very much with these, so I left them on...
  15. jude

    CanJam Singapore 2024 Impressions Thread (April 6-7, 2024)

    I didn't know about this new IEM from Meze until the show. It's called the Meze Audio Alba, "Alba" being a poetic Romanian word meaning "first light." The Alba comes packaged with a USB dongle DAC (that I think supports up to 32/384), and I think it's expected to retail for around $149 (USD)...