Recent content by ducanh712
  1. ducanh712

    T+A Solitaire P planar magnetostatic

    You should try to upgrade headphone cable. I’ve tried Nordost heimdall cable, silver dragon cable… but now with Enklein Xerxes cable, the sound improve a lot thank to anti-signal interference technology.
  2. ducanh712

    T+A Solitaire P planar magnetostatic

    Having new sol P again. Now driven by LTE Z10e amp, golnote DS-10 DAC/Streaming. And first Enklein ION Headphone cable. Really satisfied !!! Trying to go with 1266 and Susvara, but for Me Sol P is more suitable I’m waiting my Stax X9000 ordered, to compare (both can driven by LTE Z10e)
  3. ducanh712

    T+A Solitaire P planar magnetostatic

    It’s DIY aluminum stand …
  4. ducanh712

    T+A Solitaire P planar magnetostatic

    Sol P with Vinyl source, is something very special. Potential of Sol P is terrific. Super “high resolution”
  5. ducanh712

    T+A Solitaire P planar magnetostatic

    (TC+Sus)/2=P. This is also my feeling
  6. ducanh712

    iFi audio ZEN Stream - Streaming elevated to a higher plane

    Hi, Can you help me how to connect JRIVER MUSIC on Window with IFI Zen Stream. My Audirvana and Roon works great with Ifi Stream, but in my Jriver can not find output to Ifi Thank you
  7. ducanh712

    T+A Solitaire P planar magnetostatic

    Now my plan simply is a High end wireless Headphone + Cellphones :))
  8. ducanh712

    T+A Solitaire P planar magnetostatic

    It's My brother account :))
  9. ducanh712

    T+A Solitaire P planar magnetostatic

    I'm selling all my combo HA200 + P And waiting for my Solitaire T already ordered :)
  10. ducanh712

    T+A Solitaire P planar magnetostatic

    I intend to sell my combo Sol P + HA200. Anyone need to buy 2hand with full box ?
  11. ducanh712

    T+A Solitaire P planar magnetostatic

    One of the first T+A Wireless HP will be mine
  12. ducanh712

    T+A Solitaire P planar magnetostatic

    It’s totally balanced, more detail, deeper bass …
  13. ducanh712

    T+A Solitaire P planar magnetostatic

    Finally… best sounding ever for my taste :))
  14. ducanh712

    T+A Solitaire P planar magnetostatic

    How LCD5 sound compared to Solitaire P :)
  15. ducanh712

    T+A Solitaire P planar magnetostatic

    Just DIY aluminum stand