ZMF x Vibro & ZMF Blackwood Discussion Thread.
Jul 25, 2014 at 4:16 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 1,522


My name is grizzlybeast and I'm an audioholic.
Dec 26, 2012




I have thoroughly enjoyed the ZMF x Vibro headphone and felt it needed its own thread so I started this one. While no headphone is perfect this specific set is a very well rounded headphone and has become a favorite closed back of mine for some time. I even preferred it over others like the Pandora Hope VI and Th600(preference is the key word). Now there is the ZMF Blackwood available which has improved my listening experience.

ZMF X VIBRO - A summary of the ZMF x Vibro would describe it as a warm headphone with lush mids, breathable soundstage, an engaging impact, and slightly south of neutral highs that I would consider a sweet spot. The Vibro is an excellent all arounder that can candle everything from jazz - hip hop - rock - classical, yet remains an exceptional amount of musicality without straying far away from linearity. Its not as dark as the Audeze house signature or as bright as the early Hifiman offerings. The midrange is exceptionally well tuned with spot on upper mids, balanced lower mids, great texture and tonality, albeit undeniably forward. The ZMF x Vibro is the t50rp midrange fully tapped in all of its glory. Its bass is pretty strong with a slightly airy impact that is a little north of neutral, but definitely fun.

ZMF BLACKWOOD - So far the Blackwood sounds like a very fluent and evenly balanced headphone. I would only call it gentle(in terms of punch) next to the former flagship.  It's overall improved technicalities in bass focus, imaging, speed, and texture would make it the current ZMF flagship by default. Those who have come to love the super musical, and rich sound of the ZMF x Vibro will find this to be a different flavor of the ice cream - but with better ingredients. While I can predict preferences going either way despite improvements, the both are great all arounders! The midrange seems more even, less lush but still far from sterile or cold. The Blackwood would be the more cohesive sounding headphone with smooth transitions from one end of the spectrum to the other, better bass extension that is a bit more controlled and among the tightest bass reproductions found among closed backs. 


ZMF x VIBRO Impressions/Reviews​
ZMF BLACKWOOD Impressions/Reviews​
  2. [size=inherit]by Maxx134 - general impressions[/size]
  3. by hans030390 - VS OPPO PM-2other comparisons FULL REVIEW with measurements
  5. by WhiskeyJacks - FULL REVIEW
  6. by manbear first impressions
  7. by Psicore - first impressions
  8. by Tasouer - impressions

  1. by Claritas - Meet impressions 
  2. by Levaix - Meet impressions vs Sig pros, review
  3. by DoctaCosmos - general impressions
  4. by ishcabible - brief impressions vs vibro, further impressions
  5. by grizzlybeast - first impressions, second impressions     
  6. by Riddleywalker - general impressions    
  7. by PacoTaco - review                                                                   
Jul 25, 2014 at 9:42 PM Post #2 of 1,522

Jul 26, 2014 at 12:50 AM Post #4 of 1,522
Man, they look like absolutely awesomeness
If I ever get the funds... Le sigh

Jul 26, 2014 at 8:57 AM Post #5 of 1,522
Zach prices his B-Stocks at a really good price! There probably is going to be one up in a month or so after the tour I conducted with one of my loaner pairs is over.

Also, I'll post my impressions once my pair's tuning is finalized.
Jul 26, 2014 at 11:34 AM Post #6 of 1,522
@claritas they do look nice and exactly like that picture. The bronze sliders are just a little lighter in person but I am very happy with them as you can tell.

@ishcabible when is that tour over?! If you wouldn't mind sharing ppls impressions from it that would be great. I don't know what site or what the tour is on.
I can't wait to hear your impressions. Actually I have been waiting for ever. I think last time you told me "patience":p
Jul 26, 2014 at 2:39 PM Post #7 of 1,522
I'll PM you about it because I can't talk about it here I'm guessing. And yeah I'm on my second pair. I don't wanna say much until I have my final tuning because I've been messing with my pair a lot.
Jul 26, 2014 at 6:43 PM Post #9 of 1,522
Interesting that the sliders are actually bronze-toned. It pairs very handsomely with the cherry.
Jul 28, 2014 at 6:23 PM Post #10 of 1,522
I'm certainly interested in these headphones, and gladly subscribing. I'll probably wait until I've seen sufficient reviews before I decide on whether or not I purchase these. Very much leaning towards getting these however.
Jul 30, 2014 at 11:56 PM Post #11 of 1,522
I am hoping to get one soon and compare to the enigmas that a friend has
Plus I have the th600 & ed8 & he560 to compare, but don't have the w3000anv anymore so maybe from memory I might add something.
As far as cans go that's it for me.
Also maybe the AlphaDogs from memory as my friend had three versions I listened. .
But that wouldn't be fair to the Alphas lol
Jul 31, 2014 at 12:00 AM Post #12 of 1,522
^ I know you will post some impressions! Thats also some stiff competition! I have had the th600 as well and prefer the vibro largely for its timbre and its not as boring. More sweet in the mids as well. 
Jul 31, 2014 at 12:07 AM Post #13 of 1,522
Forgot to say I will be running them balanced of my oppo HA-1 so they will have plenty of power to "vibro" lol
Yes I don't care for the th600 much as well because I like a more full sound :wink:
Jul 31, 2014 at 12:28 AM Post #14 of 1,522
Honestly, I have both the Enigma and Vibros here, and I prefer the Vibros in some genres and the Enigma in others. I'll go more in depth for my review
Jul 31, 2014 at 1:00 AM Post #15 of 1,522
I am hoping to get one soon and compare to the enigmas that a friend has

Plus I have the th600 & ed8 & he560 to compare, but don't have the w3000anv anymore so maybe from memory I might add something.
As far as cans go that's it for me.
Also maybe the AlphaDogs from memory as my friend had three versions I listened. .
But that wouldn't be fair to the Alphas lol

the alphas have a distinct sound to me and are imprinted in my memory. I like the alphas a lot. I have a gravitation towards a certain balance though. 
Honestly, I have both the Enigma and Vibros here, and I prefer the Vibros in some genres and the Enigma in others. I'll go more in depth for my review

I wonder if they share the same driver. It has been confirmed that the enigma is an ortho driver. Maybe an he400 driver in there lol and tuned right ? i dont know never heard it. 

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