Jan 2, 2025 at 5:05 PM Post #9,676 of 9,726
Had my Verite open for a month now and loving it. I listen away from home a lot and use an ifi go bar that I had lying around. It gets the job done, doesn't sound close to my home setup and is clearly lacking power but that isn't surprising from the size. Was wondering if anyone had experience with the cayin RU7, since its the only portable amp ZMF sells on their site is it a better pairing? Or is it better to save the money and go for something like a chord mojo
I have the original Mojo and it drives the Verite just fine. But the sound is not as “full” (loss of low end) compared to the OTL desk amp.
Jan 3, 2025 at 12:43 PM Post #9,677 of 9,726
I picked up a VO in November I'm waiting to receive. However I used my Auteur Classic with both my RU7 and Mojo2. Personally I prefer the RU7 as it is warmer while the Mojo2 is still great. Both power them fine and I fully expect to use them with the VO when it arrives

There was a time when I just paired VO with Hugo 2, and they were awesome together. If you prefer something warmer than Mojo 2, Hugo 2 may not become the answer though.
Jan 3, 2025 at 1:34 PM Post #9,678 of 9,726
In recent months my listening time has largely been devoted to the Caldera Open (a wonderfully seductive planar sound) and the loaner Bokeh Open with its very promising dynamic driver.

But now and then I plug my VO into the HP8 and fall in love with that sound all over again. ZMF makes some of the best dynamic driver designs around. IMHO the VO is the best of them.

These days I tend to be more interested in planars than dynamics (3 of my 4 serious headphones are planar), but sometimes I get interested in dynamics. For example, I'm following the new HFA Dahlia. Every time I read someone's praise of this new headphone I wonder how it would do in a head-to-head with my VO. Probably an unfair comparison (the VO costs ~2.5X what the Dahlia costs), but nobody said life was fair.
So, I recently picked up a D8k Pro and also tried it with the Washi paper pads... it's very, very good in terms of its technicalities and presentation -- just like many of the TOTL planars. However, I can't get past this sort of "shimmer" or "tizziness" that every single planar I've tried has imparted on the presentation, including the Caldera. It's probably just a matter of acclimation, but then I go back to the Atrium Closed, Z1R, etc., and it just sounds "right" (frequency response aside).

My hunch that I'm just someone who prefers dynamic drivers is starting to really solidify. As a result, the VO is probably the single best open-back I've heard to date.

A bummer, really, considering all the modern R&D takes place in planar and electrostatics since dynamic drivers are considered a "solved problem" in 2025. I guess that's good news for my wallet, though. lol :P
Jan 3, 2025 at 1:39 PM Post #9,679 of 9,726
So, I recently picked up a D8k Pro and also tried it with the Washi paper pads... it's very, very good in terms of its technicalities and presentation -- just like many of the TOTL planars. However, I can't get past this sort of "shimmer" or "tizziness" that every single planar I've tried has imparted on the presentation, including the Caldera. It's probably just a matter of acclimation, but then I go back to the Atrium Closed, Z1R, etc., and it just sounds "right" (frequency response aside).

My hunch that I'm just someone who prefers dynamic drivers is starting to really solidify. As a result, the VO is probably the single best open-back I've heard to date.

A bummer, really, considering all the modern R&D takes place in planar and electrostatics since dynamic drivers are considered a "solved problem" in 2025. I guess that's good news for my wallet, though. lol :p
i'm eagerly awaiting my November VO, so glad to hear it remains top of your list!
Jan 3, 2025 at 1:40 PM Post #9,680 of 9,726
So, I recently picked up a D8k Pro and also tried it with the Washi paper pads... it's very, very good in terms of its technicalities and presentation -- just like many of the TOTL planars. However, I can't get past this sort of "shimmer" or "tizziness" that every single planar I've tried has imparted on the presentation, including the Caldera. It's probably just a matter of acclimation, but then I go back to the Atrium Closed, Z1R, etc., and it just sounds "right" (frequency response aside).

My hunch that I'm just someone who prefers dynamic drivers is starting to really solidify. As a result, the VO is probably the single best open-back I've heard to date.

A bummer, really, considering all the modern R&D takes place in planar and electrostatics since dynamic drivers are considered a "solved problem" in 2025. I guess that's good news for my wallet, though. lol :p

If you have chance, need to try Meze Elite or Caldera Closed. Both headphones being the "smoothest" upper mid/treble planar I know so far (even though not being the darkest sounding though). I quite like Verite Open and also feel D8K Pro a bit too sharp to my ears.
Jan 3, 2025 at 1:59 PM Post #9,681 of 9,726
So, I recently picked up a D8k Pro and also tried it with the Washi paper pads... it's very, very good in terms of its technicalities and presentation -- just like many of the TOTL planars. However, I can't get past this sort of "shimmer" or "tizziness" that every single planar I've tried has imparted on the presentation, including the Caldera. It's probably just a matter of acclimation, but then I go back to the Atrium Closed, Z1R, etc., and it just sounds "right" (frequency response aside).

My hunch that I'm just someone who prefers dynamic drivers is starting to really solidify. As a result, the VO is probably the single best open-back I've heard to date.

A bummer, really, considering all the modern R&D takes place in planar and electrostatics since dynamic drivers are considered a "solved problem" in 2025. I guess that's good news for my wallet, though. lol :p
Interesting post. Re the D8K Pro, I suspect your problem with "shimmer" or "tizziness" is because the Pro is voiced differently from its predecessor, the D8000, to enhance detail and apparent resolution. I use the Washi paper pads with my D8000 and am getting the best sound ever from it. Not a hint of misbehaving treble (or any other errant frequency) to be heard.

This part intrigues me: "My hunch that I'm just someone who prefers dynamic drivers is starting to really solidify. As a result, the VO is probably the single best open-back I've heard to date." Intrigued because it's the inverse with me: I generally prefer open-back planars (my 3 go-to planars are the CO, D8K & ZMF Ori + had/sold a number of others), but occasionally a dynamic dazzles me and I go crazy for it. That happened (still happens) with the VO, the best dynamic driver headphone I ever heard.
Jan 3, 2025 at 4:26 PM Post #9,682 of 9,726
So, I recently picked up a D8k Pro and also tried it with the Washi paper pads... it's very, very good in terms of its technicalities and presentation -- just like many of the TOTL planars. However, I can't get past this sort of "shimmer" or "tizziness" that every single planar I've tried has imparted on the presentation, including the Caldera. It's probably just a matter of acclimation, but then I go back to the Atrium Closed, Z1R, etc., and it just sounds "right" (frequency response aside).

My hunch that I'm just someone who prefers dynamic drivers is starting to really solidify. As a result, the VO is probably the single best open-back I've heard to date.

A bummer, really, considering all the modern R&D takes place in planar and electrostatics since dynamic drivers are considered a "solved problem" in 2025. I guess that's good news for my wallet, though. lol :p
If you don't mind me asking, which other open back ZMFs have you had/heard? VO is also my favorite open back but I haven't spent much time with ZMF's other dynamic open backs and I remain curious about Auteur Classic, Bokeh Open (and Atrium Closed despite it being closed).
Jan 4, 2025 at 12:38 PM Post #9,683 of 9,726
So, these turned up...


It's early days but some initial observations:
  • Loving the soundstage depth with the universe lamb pads!
  • Was expecting these to be potentially underwhelming in terms of bass response vs my VCs, but I am very pleasantly surprised. Bass hits with serious authority, and (without having AB'd) feels more precise, detailed and no less present than VC bass.
  • Great to experience that beguiling and unique tuning that I loved with my VC but with the benefits of open back, giving mids more room to breathe.
Looking forward to wrapping my head around these. More impressions to come I'm sure.
Jan 4, 2025 at 2:00 PM Post #9,684 of 9,726
  • Loving the soundstage depth with the universe lamb pads!
  • Was expecting these to be potentially underwhelming in terms of bass response vs my VCs, but I am very pleasantly surprised. Bass hits with serious authority, and (without having AB'd) feels more precise, detailed and no less present than VC bass.
  • Great to experience that beguiling and unique tuning that I loved with my VC but with the benefits of open back, giving mids more room to breathe.
Agree with every word. My silkwood VO has seriously good bass--tuneful, resolving, impactful. I generally prefer planar bass to dynamic bass, but that thought never enters my mind while listening to the VO....
Jan 4, 2025 at 6:35 PM Post #9,685 of 9,726
So, these turned up...
Looking forward to wrapping my head around these. More impressions to come I'm sure.
Funny, I tend to wrap my Verites around my head, not the other way around! :beyersmile:
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Jan 7, 2025 at 11:03 PM Post #9,686 of 9,726
So I just tried a solid protein Aeolus pad on my VO and I would not recommend it. The bass was mind jarring and caused me to be nauseated. Definitely putting back my perf lambskin pads now
Jan 8, 2025 at 6:27 AM Post #9,687 of 9,726
Two unexpected things:
  • I thought having the VO would make my VC a bit redundant, but in fact I think there's a decent case for having both. Based on my listening thus far (mostly using universe lamb perf on VO), VC has more mid range euphony and a "cosier" sound, particularly with auteur hybrid pads. VO is a *tad* more technical to me, and a more insightful and complete experience. Basically, they do slightly different things and it's a different experience. Both are fantastic...
  • VO is right up there with the best headphones for metal imo, or at least more technical, fast past stuff. With the universe pads, the soundstage depth + driver speed + bass precision and impact is :sunglasses:. Drums sound incredible and the relaxed upper mids reduces fatigue you can get with other TOTL cans and this genre.
Keen to hear impressions from other new VO owners following ZMF November!
Jan 8, 2025 at 10:45 AM Post #9,688 of 9,726
Two unexpected things:
  • I thought having the VO would make my VC a bit redundant, but in fact I think there's a decent case for having both. Based on my listening thus far (mostly using universe lamb perf on VO), VC has more mid range euphony and a "cosier" sound, particularly with auteur hybrid pads. VO is a *tad* more technical to me, and a more insightful and complete experience. Basically, they do slightly different things and it's a different experience. Both are fantastic...
  • VO is right up there with the best headphones for metal imo, or at least more technical, fast past stuff. With the universe pads, the soundstage depth + driver speed + bass precision and impact is :sunglasses:. Drums sound incredible and the relaxed upper mids reduces fatigue you can get with other TOTL cans and this genre.
Keen to hear impressions from other new VO owners following ZMF November!
I recommend giving the BE2 lambskin pads a try especially since you also like metal! Gives the VO incredible dynamics, imaging, and holography. I've had some death metal like Immolation, Ulcerate, Cryptopsy, Gorguts in rotation lately and it all sounds great with the VO
Jan 8, 2025 at 12:55 PM Post #9,689 of 9,726
I recommend giving the BE2 lambskin pads a try especially since you also like metal! Gives the VO incredible dynamics, imaging, and holography. I've had some death metal like Immolation, Ulcerate, Cryptopsy, Gorguts in rotation lately and it all sounds great with the VO
I actually have those. Tried a couple of times and things sounded a bit “plain” to me with them vs universe - less holography and more flat staging, but it’s v early days and I know from my time with the VC that pad impressions can evolve over time. Also received the verite lambskins today too which I'll have a go on! Will pop some Ulcerate on too :metal:

Edit: OK trying the BE2 again now and they're actually v cool...less of the 3D staging effect but the mids are probably more engaging than with universe so I see the appeal.
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Jan 8, 2025 at 1:57 PM Post #9,690 of 9,726
So I just tried a solid protein Aeolus pad on my VO and I would not recommend it. The bass was mind jarring and caused me to be nauseated. Definitely putting back my perf lambskin pads now
Not surprised it sounded weird.

In general, ZMF uses perforated pads (ie, perforated all over, or to some degree) on all open back headphones; and solid pads (varying materials) on closed back headphones. Other manufacturers seem to follow this method, though I suppose it's posslble to "voice" a closed back headphone for perforated pads, or an open back for solids (though it would be a lot of effort to try).

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