I’ve owned the Verite Closed several times, but I’ve actually never heard a Verite Open, so I can’t speak specifically to your question. I’ve owned and enjoyed my OG Auteur for many years now. I actually sold off my last VC after deciding I preferred my Auteur. The tuning and sound of the biocellulose drivers in the Auteur won me over in the end.
I also got to spend a week with the Auteur Classic and compared it to my OG Auteur. There were definitely some objective upgrades in the sound, but subjectively I am content with the unique presentation of the OG, especially since I also currently have an Atrium Closed and Meze Elite if I’m craving more resolution. When I listen to my OG Auteur on my Aegis, I never feel like I’m missing out on any detail-retrieval compared to my two other more expensive headphones, mainly because they just sound so coherent and musical that it never crosses my mind.
All that being said, I think you’ll probably be happy with either the Verite or Auteur. With ZMF’s, I wouldn’t underestimate the importance of the look of the headphones. If you really prefer the Wenge, that is going to add you enjoyment of the headphones. I’ve owned multiple versions of the same ZMF models over the years because a particular wood has really called to me. In my case, it’s Ash.