I've already asked ZMF this before and reddit but I figure I should ask here too.
I listen to a large variety of music most of it not audiophile music. I'm not here to get lost in a single note or artifact of a song but rather to get lost in the entirety of the music. I guess I'm more HiFI than Audiophile. Anyway. I'm come from a long line of Beyerdynamic headphones. Currently the DT 1990 Pros. My source chain is a schiit modius (OG) to a Jotunheim2 and a Lyr3 depending on how I feel.
I've already decided to replace both of the amps with a ZMF Aegis (although I'll be modifying it to match my desk a bit more) during this drop and I'll just hide my modius somewhere off my desk.
Now the final question comes down to headphone choice.
I listen to a lot of EDM most of the day because it helps me get into flow state with work. However, when not working I often switch to metal, rock, and more acoustic country depending on my mood.
- Caldera Closed
- I am emotionally stuck on wanting a pair of these because of all the tuning and the new look. I feel like this is the best thing ZMF has ever made and I should start my relationship with ZMF here.
- Caldera Open
- I've heard nothing but amazing things about these and with their awesome soundstage I'm very curious.
- Atrium Closed
- These are actually what were suggested by ZMF themselves because EDM is often heavy on the bass and they apparently slam quite hard.
- Atrium Open
- This seems the closet move from my 1990s and probably the "safe" bet in terms of does it sound better but the same as my music does now.
What are your thoughts folks?
Edit: Desk in question in case someone is curious why I'd modify something so expensive.