ZMF Caldera - New Planar Magnetic from ZMF!

Dec 17, 2024 at 2:57 PM Post #8,431 of 8,602
I can't imagine how it's possible to buy ZMF Caldera, what's more LTD, and wreck them :O
Dec 17, 2024 at 5:26 PM Post #8,432 of 8,602
No. This particular mag chassis was not a stock option on the HOTG summer event. You can’t really see in the photo but it’s a high gloss dark ruby color. It’s almost black. The stock option that was on this unit before was more of a matte ruby and much lighter in color.

As for the wood finish it just came back from the ZMF shop from a full rebuild so I paid for the complete refinish, polish and buff.
I spoke with ZMF team. It seems the Dark Ruby color is offered on their Mag Chassis and the Aluminum chassis has the lighter red color. So its easy to differentiate between the two.
I can't imagine how it's possible to buy ZMF Caldera, what's more LTD, and wreck them :O
Someone people just have money to drop.
Dec 17, 2024 at 6:15 PM Post #8,433 of 8,602
Are they a lacquer finish? They look very glossy compared to my Redheart CC which have a different finish (forget which). Details really seem to pop out with that gloss. Those look so fantastic it's making me want something else in glossy Redheart!
With natural wood builds I think it's just luck of the draw. The redheart sets I've seen irl looked more orange than red, which sort of turned me off. Similarly, I was never really in love with my personal Verite because the ironwood of my particular set just had very little graining. But when you get lucky and hit with a really aesthetic selection of wood, you hit BIG. I'm obsessed with my lava burst ash Caldera and will likely never part with it.
Dec 17, 2024 at 6:25 PM Post #8,434 of 8,602
Gorgeous Amboyna Burl Caldera that was delivered today.
Dec 17, 2024 at 6:28 PM Post #8,435 of 8,602
With natural wood builds I think it's just luck of the draw. The redheart sets I've seen irl looked more orange than red, which sort of turned me off. Similarly, I was never really in love with my personal Verite because the ironwood of my particular set just had very little graining. But when you get lucky and hit with a really aesthetic selection of wood, you hit BIG. I'm obsessed with my lava burst ash Caldera and will likely never part with it.
This is very much part of working with a natural process. Even buying over ZMF November where every picture is attached to each unit might not be exactly what you're looking for because of lighting conditions and post processing. Unfortunately it's the luck of the draw. Second hand units for me are the only way that I can afford to own higher end ZMFs and most have multiple photos so I can see the unit.

If buying direct from ZMF the Canadian customs, taxes and duties are ridiculous. A Caldera costs over $1000 more just in fees.

Buying a unit like the one I have now even after sending it in to ZMF cost $2600 CAD less than if I bought it brand new.
Dec 17, 2024 at 7:08 PM Post #8,436 of 8,602
IMG_1914.jpgIMG_1913.jpgIMG_1916.jpgGorgeous Amboyna Burl Caldera that was delivered today.
Ohhhh nice! I guess the Amboyna and releases of that day are going out to everyone. That Sapwood gives this AO a distinctive and awesome look.👍🏾
Dec 17, 2024 at 8:33 PM Post #8,438 of 8,602
Gorgeous Amboyna Burl Caldera that was delivered today.
If it's not too much trouble I'd love to hear your impressions of the difference that you hear between all three wood variants that you have in the Caldera?
Dec 18, 2024 at 3:13 AM Post #8,440 of 8,602
I'm not sure to be honest. When I bought these second hand they were wrecked and the price I paid was reflected in that. I asked ZMF if they could fix the problems before I even bought them and refinishing was always part of the plan.

What I can say is they looked nothing like what they do now.
Curious if you still have the photos before it got fixed lol.
Dec 18, 2024 at 12:18 PM Post #8,441 of 8,602
If it's not too much trouble I'd love to hear your impressions of the difference that you hear between all three wood variants that you have in the Caldera?
Definitely not too much trouble - that's part of why I'm getting the same models in different woods - partially to share with other people my impressions. Hearing others' impressions on the wood differences was helpful when I was deciding on an Atrium Closed and a Verite set.

I'll do more writing as I plan to do a review on the Caldera since it's my favorite headphone and I'd love to just put more out there as to why this is still the case after having it (well, now three sets!), but, right off the bat - the Amboyna Burl sounds more warm compared to the stabilized Maple set I have. It's not as dark, or smooth, depending on how you look at it though, in the upper mids and treble as the African Blackwood. The Amboyna Burl is my favorite so far.

The two other most noticeable things is that the Amboyna sounds a little more clear yet lush in the midrange versus the stabilized Maple (interestingly, it sounds like there's a little bit of a hollow-ness somewhere in the midrange on the stabilized Maple where the Amboyna is filled in. I've A/B-ed a few times and it's been consistent with what I'm hearing) and the stabilized Maple has more a decay happening so the soundstage sounds a little bigger, but the Amboyna sounds like it has a bit more of a black background.
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Dec 19, 2024 at 7:26 PM Post #8,442 of 8,602
I have two new ZMF earpads around, the full leather and hybrid ultra-perforated pads thanks to the Bokeh open demo unit. (The Bokeh open full suede ultra-perforated pads have denser foam than the original Caldera suede pads, so that is not 'officially' recommended for the Caldera as an alternative pad.)
My ultimate favourites for the Caldera open have been the thick pads since the very beginning. (My CO is over a year old now.) If interested, you can read my take on the other alternative pads (thin lamb skin, thin cow skin, suede, thick and stock) in my original review from 2023.

Now I have two new, officially Caldera compatible pads with me, the full leather and hybrid ultra-perforated pads. I admit, time to time I also get lost in ZMF pad naming and versions. I honestly can't keep up with what is discontinued, what is new, what is renamed and so on. I think, it is best to look at three factors: thickness, material and perforation. There are thin, medium and thick pads; leather (pleather) and suede; partially or fully perforated versions.
These two new pads have the thickness of the standard pads, a.k.a. 'medium' thickness. The difference between the stock (standard) pads and the new leather ultra-perforated pads seems to be only the additional perforation on the inner side of the pads. The 'hybrid' ultra-perforated pads have suede instead of leather in the inner ring, again, fully perforated.

Alright, but how do they sound?
Well, in a nutshell, if you want to stop reading, I still prefer the thick pads.
Expanding a little bit on this; the full leather ultra-perforated pads became my second favourite, taking this place from the stock pads.

After some listening, I still find the stock pads a little aggressive in the upper-mids/lower treble. At the same time, I admit that both the stock pads and the leather ultra-perforated pads are slightly more balanced than the thick pads. These medium thickness pads also represent slightly cleaner dynamics. They are also a little more forward in mid and overall presentation. I like the balance and clean dynamics of the stock or the leather ultra-perforated pads but dislike the slight harshness of upper frequencies on the stock pads. On the new leather ultra-perforated pads this harshness is pretty much gone. I really enjoy the balance and dynamics of these new pads, but compared to the thick pads they do lose a bit of bass weight which I enjoy and got used to. The hybrid UP pads are even worse in this regard; I just can't enjoy bass on those. What the thick pads bring to the picture to me, compared to all other pads is perceived treble smoothness. I love the coherent upper-mid/treble smoothness they offer, even though I sacrifice 10% bass/mid/treble balance compared to the other pads with medium thickness.
Another advantage of the thick pads for me is increased soundstage depth. It is a matter of personal preference, but I don't like vocals in my face. I prefer a bit of a distance, which the thick pads provide.
I actually find bass fully satisfying on the standard stock or new fully perforated leather pads too, but I welcome the slightly increased quantity on the thick pads.

To cut a long post short, after all this pad rolling putting the thick pads back still felt like arriving home to my best and preferred Caldera sound. I need this smoothing effect on the Caldera that the thick pads bring, in fact I think these pads move the Caldera signature a bit closer to its dynamic driver siblings. I don't mind the ever so slightly recessed mids compared to the stock (or UP) pads. Mids are still present, just not quite in your face (ears). I enjoy this additional depth.
While the leather UP pads improve on the treble presentation versus the stock pads, I still prefer the ultimate smoothness that the thick pads provide. That said, I think the new leather UP pads are an improvement on the stock pads, so they became my second favourite for the Caldera open. (Still there is quite a big gap behind my favourite thick pads.)
The hybrid UP pads on the Caldera open IMO are just a worse version of the leather UP pads, so I am not going into many details on that one. Bass loses weight and impact to an unenjoyable level.
Thick pads are still my personal winners due to their treble (upper-mid) smoothness and additional soundstage depth despite the better balance and ever so slightly better dynamics of the leather UP pads (which I slightly prefer over the stock pads.)
Dec 21, 2024 at 12:38 PM Post #8,443 of 8,602
Hello to all present, past and future Caldera owners. I do not post in this thread much but after I swapped my stock suede pads for a thick lamb pads, the outcome on my system was so obvious and welcome I decided to post a short impression post. Here is the list of what ZMF thick lamb pads did to my system (over the stock suede pads):

• ⁠more sub-bass
• more detailed bass
• wider soundstage
• ⁠everything a bit more 3D
• sound is a bit darker which i like
• vocals are recessed a bit to the back, so not so in your face - it is like 1st row experience, which I also like

What an upgrade this is… 👌🏻🎶 It's like I bought me a one tier better DAC, that is how I feel about this upgrade. I am not even tempted trying other pads as for me, this is perfect.
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Dec 21, 2024 at 1:12 PM Post #8,444 of 8,602
Hello to all present, past and future Caldera owners. I do not post in this thread much but after I swapped my stock suede pads for a thick lamb pads, the outcome on my system was so obvious and welcome I decided to post a short impression post. Here is the list of what ZMF thick lamb pads did to my system (over the stock suede pads):

• ⁠more sub-bass
• more detailed bass
• wider soundstage
• ⁠everything a bit more 3D
• sound is a bit darker which i like
• vocals are recessed a bit to the back, so not so in your face - it is like 1st row experience, which I also like

What an upgrade this is… 👌🏻🎶 It's like I bought me a one tier better DAC, that is how I feel about this upgrade. I am not even tempted trying other pads as for me, this is perfect.
I agree with every word.

Those thick pads are never coming off my CO.
Dec 21, 2024 at 1:20 PM Post #8,445 of 8,602
Hello to all present, past and future Caldera owners. I do not post in this thread much but after I swapped my stock suede pads for a thick lamb pads, the outcome on my system was so obvious and welcome I decided to post a short impression post. Here is the list of what ZMF thick lamb pads did to my system (over the stock suede pads):

• ⁠more sub-bass
• more detailed bass
• wider soundstage
• ⁠everything a bit more 3D
• sound is a bit darker which i like
• vocals are recessed a bit to the back, so not so in your face - it is like 1st row experience, which I also like

What an upgrade this is… 👌🏻🎶 It's like I bought me a one tier better DAC, that is how I feel about this upgrade. I am not even tempted trying other pads as for me, this is perfect.
Great feedback from you and @Pharmaboy on this… I went from stock hybrid to stock suede on my CCs after a few weeks, and after a couple more weeks with the suede I’ll move to thicks. (I realize this is a CO comment above, but suspect similar effects will ensue for the closed-back design…).

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